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Mitochondrial coupling in vivo in mouse skeletal muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The coupling of mitochondrial ATP synthesis and oxygen consumption (ratio of ATP and oxygen fluxes, P/O) plays a central role in cellular bioenergetics. Reduced P/O values are associated with mitochondrial pathologies that can lead to reduced capacity for ATP synthesis and tissue degeneration. Previous work found a wide range of values for P/O in normal mitochondria. To measure mitochondrial coupling under physiological conditions, we have developed a procedure for determining the P/O of skeletal muscle in vivo. This technique measures ATPase and oxygen consumption rates during ischemia with 31P magnetic resonance and optical spectroscopy, respectively. This novel approach allows the independent quantitative measurement of ATPase and oxygen flux rates in intact tissue. The quantitative measurement of oxygen consumption is made possible by our ability to independently measure the saturations of hemoglobin (Hb) and myoglobin (Mb) from optical spectra. Our results indicate that the P/O in skeletal muscle of the mouse hindlimb measured in vivo is 2.16 ± 0.24. The theoretical P/O for resting muscle is 2.33. Systemic treatment with 2,4-dinitrophenol to partially uncouple mitochondria does not affect the ATPase rate in the mouse hindlimb but nearly doubles the rate of oxygen consumption, reducing in vivo P/O to 1.37 ± 0.22. These results indicate that only a small fraction of the oxygen consumption in resting mouse skeletal muscle is nonphosphorylating under physiological conditions, suggesting that mitochondria are more tightly coupled than previously thought. P/O; oxidative phosphorylation; proton leak; optical spectroscopy  相似文献   

1. Fibres of skeletal muscle in different mammalian species vary more in number and in their rates of growth than in their ultimate breadth, and they grow more slowly in cattle and man than in rats and mice. Cells of large mammalian species probably divide comparatively slowly in pre-natal life but do so for longer, and thus they attain greater numbers than do their counterparts in smaller mammals. Such cells include the precursors of muscle, and common mechanisms may therefore limit rates of growth before and after muscles form. If some metabolic processes are slower in mammals destined to be large, corresponding trends in age-related cellular changes which ultimately suppress mitotic activity may cause differences between species in the overall size of muscles and in that of other tissues. This is probably an oversimplification. 2. It is difficult to decide how far the rate of growth and the final diameters of muscle fibres reflect the number of myoblasts which initially fuse into myotubes and the number of myoblasts which are subsequently incorporated into individual fibres. New nuclei are probably added with age along the length of a fibre, but it is uncertain whether they then synthesize ribosomes which produce contractile protein. It seems likely that fibres elongate to different extents by adding myoblasts terminally. 3. There is some evidence that myofibrils grow throughout the depth of a fibre by adding new myofilaments to their surface, but there is none that is convincing to the effect that myofibrils form de novo at a fibre's periphery. Ribosome-like structures distributed in the sarcoplasm between myofibrils have been described, and their numbers decline in comparison with those of the myofibrils during growth. Thus, fibres possibly attain their maximum breadth when the loss of superficial filaments from myofibrils exceeds the capacity of ribosomes to replace them. The evidence is inconclusive as to whether myofitrillar protein is broken down and replaced at rates which vary within a muscle or between muscles differing in physiological properties. Sarcoplasmic proteins appear to be replaced more rapidly than those in myofibrils. It is also speculated that muscle proteins are synthesized and degraded more slowly in species which take longer to develop. 4. Observations, with the microscope suggest that new ribosomes appear in cells which are becoming myoblasts. Whether the ribosomes subsequently break down is not established. The evidence that I-somes occur in muscle is inconclusive, as is that for the existence of messenger RNA and its selective synthesis when muscle is forming in the embryo. 5. A decline in the synthesis of RNA occurs as myotubes appear and contractile protein begins to accumulate. The significance of this phenomenon is not known, and in more mature muscle some RNA also appears to fluctuate in a fashion which is unrelated to rates of controlling protein synthesis. Such RNA may occur at the periphery of fibres or in satellite cells. In some instances it may be formed by cells of the connective tissue and capillaries. There are indications that the growth of muscle does not require the continued transport of new RNA and ribosomes into the body of a fibre. 6. As regards the existence of polyribosomes in muscle and the activity of muscle ribosomes in zlitro, most relevant phenomena can be explained if the ribosomes are aggregated, inter ah, by newly completed protein and if observed variations in activity are some function of the residual amounts of nascent protein which remain on the ribosomes. The morphological appearance of ribosomes in myoblasts is difficult to reconcile with the notion of ribosomes linked by messenger RNA. There is also some rather inconclusive evidence that the sarcoplasm varies in the effectiveness with which it supports protein synthesis by ribosomes. 7. Muscle fibres differ markedly in the number of mitochondria which they exhibit in histological sections and in the rate at which the homogenized fibres catalyse the processes of aerobic respiration which occur in mitochondria. It is uncertain how far such variation is determined by the properties of myoblasts and myotubes, by the nature of subsequent contractile activity and by dilution of the mitochondria as myofibrillar protein accumulates. In part, the tendency of fibres richest in mitochondria to be comparatively small may reflect the diversion of energy sources and oxidizable precursors of protein into energy-generating pathways. However, such fibres perhaps also possess fewer nuclei and fewer functional ribosomes. 8. Within a given animal, variation between fibres in the activity of sarcoplasmic enzymes becomes most pronounced after the myoblast stage. Assuming that these sarcoplasmic proteins are increasing by dissimilar amounts, genes in different fibres are perhaps varying in activity, but this has not been studied. It may be that the intermittent and increasingly forceful contractions of developing fast-phasic fibres simply cause them to accumulate increased amounts of amino acids in the pool from which protein is synthesized, so that a generalized stimulation of protein synthesis follows. Sarcoplasmic protein should then accumulate more than myofibrillar protein relative to starting quantities. This is a consequence of sarcoplasmic protein turning over faster. However, in addition, one must postulate that sarcoplasmic enzymes vary in stability between fibre types. It also remains to assess whether such differences reflect the presence of different molecular forms of each enzyme and whether the latter possess dissimilarities of amino-acid sequence or of molecular configuration. Similar unsolved problems arise regarding the ATPase activity of myosin in developing muscles and its variation between fibres.  相似文献   

One of many problems to be faced when assessing in vivo human muscle mitochondria respiration by phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) is the definition of the correct reference population and the values of reference range. To take into account most factors that influence muscle activity as age, sex, physical activity; nutritional state etc., an exceedingly high number of different reference groups are needed. To overcome this problem we developed specific tests to assess separately in vivo the activity and the functionality of muscle mitochondria by 31P-MRS in clinical settings. By activity we refer to muscle whole metabolic activity, i.e. the total oxidative capacity of muscle mitochondria which is influenced by many factors (age, sex, physical activity, nutritional state etc.). By functionality we refer to the qualitative aspects of mitochondrial respiration which depends on the integrity of mitochondrial multienzyme systems and on substrate availability. Our tests ha ve been experienced on some 1200 patients and are currently used to detect deficits of mitochondrial respiration and ion transport in patients with suspected primary or secondary muscle mitochondrial malfunctioning. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 11–15, 1997)  相似文献   

Nitric Oxide (NO) plays an important role in iron redistribution during exercise, while its molecular regulatory mechanism is still not clear. Our present studies were to investigate the effects of NO on iron metabolism and to elucidate the regulatory mechanism of iron transport in skeletal muscle both in vivo and in vitro. One group of male Wistar rats (300 ± 10 g) were subjected to an exercise of 30 min on a treadmill for 5 weeks (exercise group, EG, 6 rats) and the other one was placed on the treadmill without running (control group, CG, 6 rats). The cultured L6 rat skeletal muscle cells were treated with either 0.5 mM SNAP (NO donor) or not for 24 h, and their iron release and intake amount were examined by measuring radiolabelled 55Fe. The results showed: (1) The NO content (CG, 1.09 ± 0.18 μmol/g vs. EG, 1.49 ± 0.17 μmol/g) and non-heme iron in gastrocnemius (CG, 118.35 ± 11.41 μg/g vs. EG, 216.65 ± 11.10 μg/g) of EG were significantly increased compared with CG. (2) The expression of DMT1 (IRE) and TfR1 of EG was increased. (3) The iron intake was increased in L6 cells treated with SNAP (P < 0.01). (4) Western blot results showed the protein level of both TfR1 and DMT1 (IRE) in SNAP cells were up-regulated, while the expression of FPN1 was down-regulated (P < 0.05). The data suggested that the induced elevation of NO level by exercise lead to the up-regulation of both TfR1 and DMT1 (IRE), which in turn increasing the iron absorption in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The regulation of cardiac O2 consumption according to energy demand is best studied in the intact organ by non-destructive methods, using probes detectable by their fluorescence or light absorption. However, myoglobin is normally present in high concentrations and swamps the cytochrome spectra, thereby bringing about an oxygen-dependent internal filter effect which quenches the fluorescence of probes. A viable myoglobin-deficient mouse strain (Myo(-/-)) has been generated previously and isolated perfused Myo(-/-) hearts are used here as an ideal model for studying mitochondrial metabolism by non-destructive optical methods. In this model we monitored the redox state of cytochrome aa3 and flavoprotein (Fp) during perturbations of myocardial work output upon changes in extracellular [Ca2+], KCl-induced arrest and pacing. Increased consumption of energy and O2 led to a concomitant reduction of cytochrome aa3 and oxidation of Fp. Administration of a medium chain-length fatty acid caused a marked reduction of Fp, but even then an increase in energy consumption caused Fp oxidation. The results show that cell respiration in the intact myocardium is regulated at the site of the respiratory chain. Our findings do not support the NMR-based hypothesis that O2 consumption is mainly regulated at the level of intermediary metabolism and by the pressure of reducing equivalents to the mitochondrial respiratory chain.  相似文献   

When a sea-level resident ascends to a high altitude, his breathing immediately increases because of hypoxic stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors. In many species the aortic bodies are relatively unimportant in this response compared to the carotid bodies. When the subject stays at that altitude, his breathing increases progressively in the next few hours and days in a process termed ventilatory acclimatization and does not immediately return to control levels when hypoxia is terminated. Evidence is summarized indicating that this chronic process does not depend on the peripheral chemoreceptors or an initial respiratory alkalosis. Historical review indicates that the process of ventilatory acclimatization was initially attributed to renal excretion of plasma bicarbonate with development of a metabolic acidosis; but subsequent measurements indicated this process did not lower the arterial pH sufficiently to account for the ventilatory stimulation. More recently, ventilatory acclimatization has been attributed to accelerated removal of bicarbonate from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), producing a metabolic acidosis in the region of the medullary chemoreceptors; but still more recent observations indicate that this process, contrary to earlier observations, does not lower the CSF pH sufficiently to account for the ventilatory stimulation, either. Some other mechanism should be sought.  相似文献   

K.S. Cheah  J.C. Waring 《BBA》1983,723(1):45-51
The effect of trifluoperazine on the respiration of porcine liver and skeletal muscle mitochondria was investigated by polarographic and spectroscopic techniques. Low concentrations of trifluoperazine (88 nmol/mg protein) inhibited both the ADP- and Ca2+-stimulated oxidation of succinate, and reduced the values of the respiratory control index and the ADPO and Ca2+O ratio. High concentrations inhibited both succinate and ascorbate plus tetramethyl-p-phenylenediame (TMPD) oxidations, and uncoupler (carbonyl cyanide p-trifluromethoxyphenylhydrazone) and Ca2+-stimulated respiration. Porcine liver mitochondria were more sensitive to trifluoperazine than skeletal muscle mitochondria. Trifluoperazine inhibited the electron transport of succinate oxidation of skeletal muscle mitochondria within the cytochrome b-c1 and cytochrome c1-aa3 segments of the respiratory chain system. 233 nmol trifluoperazine/mg protein inhibited the aerobic steady-state reduction of cytochrome c1 by 92% with succinate as substrate, and of cytochrome c and cytochrome aa3 by 50–60% with ascorbate plus TMPD as electron donors. Trifluoperazine can thus inhibit calmodulin-independent reactions particularly when used at high concentrations.  相似文献   

The oxygen dependence of respiration in striated muscle in situ was studied by measuring the rate of decrease of interstitial Po(2) [oxygen disappearance curve (ODC)] following rapid arrest of blood flow by pneumatic tissue compression, which ejected red blood cells from the muscle vessels and made the ODC independent from oxygen bound to hemoglobin. After the contribution of photo-consumption of oxygen by the method was evaluated and accounted for, the corrected ODCs were converted into the Po(2) dependence of oxygen consumption, Vo(2), proportional to the rate of Po(2) decrease. Fitting equations obtained from a model of heterogeneous intracellular Po(2) were applied to recover the parameters describing respiration in muscle fibers, with a predicted sigmoidal shape for the dependence of Vo(2) on Po(2). This curve consists of two regions connected by the point for critical Po(2) of the cell (i.e., Po(2) at the sarcolemma when the center of the cell becomes anoxic). The critical Po(2) was below the Po(2) for half-maximal respiratory rate (P(50)) for the cells. In six muscles at rest, the rate of oxygen consumption was 139 ± 6 nl O(2)/cm(3)·s and mitochondrial P(50) was k = 10.5 ± 0.8 mmHg. The range of Po(2) values inside the muscle fibers was found to be 4-5 mmHg at the critical Po(2). The oxygen dependence of respiration can be studied in thin muscles under different experimental conditions. In resting muscle, the critical Po(2) was substantially lower than the interstitial Po(2) of 53 ± 2 mmHg, a finding that indicates that Vo(2) under this circumstance is independent of oxygen supply and is discordant with the conventional hypothesis of metabolic regulation of the oxygen supply to tissue.  相似文献   

Autophagic response to strenuous exercise in mouse skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Strenuous physical exercise induces necrosis of skeletal muscle fibers and increases lysosomal enzyme activities in surviving muscle fibers. This study examines the ultrastructural basis of the stimulation of the lysosomal system in mouse vastus medialis muscle during the appearance and repair of exercise-induced (9 h of running) injuries. Necrotic fibers appeared the day after exercise and an inflammatory response with the replacement of necrotic fibers by phagocytes was highest 2-3 days after exertion. Ultrastructural study of surviving muscle fibers revealed numerous autophagic vacuoles, residual bodies, and spheromembranous structures at the periphery of myofibers, especially in fibers adjacent to necrotic fibers. The autophagic response was most prominent between 2 and 7 days after exertion. Autophagic vacuoles with double or single limiting membranes contained mitochondria at various stages of degradation. Vacuolar and multilamellar structures were also observed in regenerating muscle fibers. The structure of injured skeletal muscle fibers returned to normal within 2 weeks. It is proposed that increased autophagic activity could be related to the breakdown of cellular constituents of surviving muscle fibers to provide structural elements for regenerating muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle (SKM) requires a large amount of energy, which is produced mainly by mitochondria, for their daily functioning. Of the several mitochondrial complexes, it has been reported that the dysfunction of complex II is associated with several diseases, including myopathy. However, the degree to which complex II contributes to ATP production by mitochondria remains unknown. As complex II is not included in supercomplexes, which are formed to produce ATP efficiently, we hypothesized that complex II-linked respiration was lower than that of complex I. In addition, differences in the characteristics of complex I and II activity suggest that different factors might regulate their function. The isolated mitochondria from gastrocnemius muscle was used for mitochondrial respiration measurement and immunoblotting in male C57BL/6J mice. Student paired t-tests were performed to compare means between two groups. A univariate linear regression model was used to determine the correlation between mitochondrial respiration and proteins. Contrary to our hypothesis, complex II-linked respiration was not significantly less than complex I-linked respiration in SKM mitochondria (complex I vs complex II, 3402 vs 2840 pmol/[s × mg]). Complex I-linked respiration correlated with the amount of complex I incorporated in supercomplexes (r = 0.727, p < 0.05), but not with the total amount of complex I subunits. In contrast, complex II-linked respiration correlated with the total amount of complex II (r = 0.883, p < 0.05), but not with the amount of each complex II subunit. We conclude that both complex I and II play important roles in mitochondrial respiration and that the assembly of both supercomplexes and complex II is essential for the normal functioning of complex I and II in mouse SKM mitochondria.  相似文献   

This study sought to evaluate the effects of a single session of exercise on the expression of Hsp70, of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and insulin receptor substrate 1 serine 612 (IRSser612) phosphorylation in the skeletal muscle of obese and obese insulin-resistant patients. Twenty-seven volunteers were divided into three experimental groups (eutrophic insulin-sensitive, obese insulin-sensitive, and obese insulin-resistant) according to their body mass index and the presence of insulin resistance. The volunteers performed 60 min of aerobic exercise on a cycle ergometer at 60 % of peak oxygen consumption. M. vastus lateralis samples were obtained before and after exercise. The protein expressions were evaluated by Western blot. Our findings show that compared with paired eutrophic controls, obese subjects have higher basal levels of p-JNK (100 ± 23 % vs. 227 ± 67 %, p = 0.03) and p-IRS-1ser612 (100 ± 23 % vs. 340 ± 67 %, p < 0.001) and reduced HSP70 (100 ± 16 % vs. 63 ± 12 %, p < 0.001). The presence of insulin resistance results in a further increase in p-JNK (460 ± 107 %, p < 0.001) and a decrease in Hsp70 (46 ± 5 %, p = 0.006), but p-IRS-1ser612 levels did not differ from obese subjects (312 ± 73 %, p > 0.05). Exercise reduced p-JNK in obese insulin-resistant subjects (328 ± 33 %, p = 0.001), but not in controls or obese subjects. Furthermore, exercise reduced p-IRS-1ser612 for both obese (122 ± 44 %) and obese insulin-resistant (185 ± 36 %) subjects. A main effect of exercise was observed in HSP70 (p = 0.007). We demonstrated that a single session of exercise promotes changes that characterize a reduction in cellular stress that may contribute to exercise-induced increase in insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

TP Tran  H Tu  J Liu  RL Muelleman  YL Li 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43410
Our previous study has reported that superoxide mediates ischemia-reperfusion (IR)-induced necrosis in mouse skeletal muscle. However, it remains poorly understood whether IR induces apoptosis and what factors are involved in IR-induced apoptosis in skeletal muscle. Using a murine model of tourniquet-induced hindlimb IR, we investigated the relationship between mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in skeletal muscle. Hindlimbs of C57/BL6 mice were subjected to 3 h ischemia and 4 h reperfusion via placement and release of a rubber tourniquet at the greater trochanter. Compared to sham treatment, tourniquet-induced IR significantly elevated mitochondria-derived superoxide production, activated opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), and caused apoptosis in the gastrocnemius muscles. Pretreatment with a superoxide dismutase mimetic (tempol, 50 mg/kg) or a mitochondrial antioxidant (co-enzyme Q(10), 50 mg/kg) not only decreased mitochondria-derived superoxide production, but also inhibited mPTP opening and apoptosis in the IR gastrocnemius muscles. Additionally, an inhibitor of mPTP (cyclosporine A, 50 mg/kg) also inhibited both mPTP opening and apoptosis in the IR gastrocnemius muscles. These results suggest that mitochondria-derived superoxide overproduction triggers the mPTP opening and subsequently causes apoptosis in tourniquet-induced hindlimb IR.  相似文献   

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