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Assembly of the cytochrome bo3 complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An understanding of the mechanisms that govern the assembly of macromolecular protein complexes is fundamental for studying their function and regulation. With this in mind, we have determined the assembly pathway for the membrane-embedded cytochrome bo(3) of Escherichia coli. We show that there is a preferred order of assembly, where subunits III and IV assemble first, followed by subunit I and finally subunit II. We also show that cofactor insertion catalyses assembly. These findings provide novel insights into the biogenesis of this model membrane protein complex.  相似文献   

Subunit II (CyoA) of cytochrome bo3 oxidase, which spans the inner membrane twice in bacteria, has several unusual features in membrane biogenesis. It is synthesized with an amino-terminal cleavable signal peptide. In addition, distinct pathways are used to insert the two ends of the protein. The amino-terminal domain is inserted by the YidC pathway whereas the large carboxyl-terminal domain is translocated by the SecYEG pathway. Insertion of the protein is also proton motive force (pmf)-independent. Here we examined the topogenic sequence requirements and mechanism of insertion of CyoA in bacteria. We find that both the signal peptide and the first membrane-spanning region are required for insertion of the amino-terminal periplasmic loop. The pmf-independence of insertion of the first periplasmic loop is due to the loop's neutral net charge. We observe also that the introduction of negatively charged residues into the periplasmic loop makes insertion pmf dependent, whereas the addition of positively charged residues prevents insertion unless the pmf is abolished. Insertion of the carboxyl-terminal domain in the full-length CyoA occurs by a sequential mechanism even when the CyoA amino and carboxyl-terminal domains are swapped with other domains. However, when a long spacer peptide is added to increase the distance between the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal domains, insertion no longer occurs by a sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

We have examined the temperature dependence of the intramolecular electron transfer (ET) between heme b and heme o(3) in CO-mixed valence cytochrome bo(3) (Cbo) from Escherichia coli. Upon photolysis of CO-mixed valence Cbo rapid ET occurs between heme o(3) and heme b with a rate constant of 2.2 x 10(5) s(-1) at room temperature. The corresponding rate of CO recombination is found to be 86 s(-1). From Eyring plots the activation energies for these two processes are found to be 3.4 kcal/mol and 6.7 kcal/mol for the ligand binding and ET reactions, respectively. Using variants of the Marcus equation the reorganization energy (lambda), electronic coupling factor (H(AB)), and the ET distance were found to be 1.4 +/- 0.2 eV, (2 +/- 1) x 10(-3) eV, and 9 +/- 1 A, respectively. These values are quite distinct from the analogous values previously obtained for bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) (0.76 eV, 9.9 x 10(-5) eV, 13.2 A). The differences in mechanisms/pathways for heme b/heme o(3) and heme a/heme a(3) ET suggested by the Marcus parameters can be attributed to structural changes at the Cu(B) site upon change in oxidation state as well as differences in electronic coupling pathways between Heme b and heme o(3).  相似文献   

Microplates for use in resource-limited laboratories should ideally not require processes that involve substantial large-scale production in order to be viable. We describe and demonstrate here an approach of using a silicone sheet with holes, conveniently cut out precisely using an inexpensive cutting plotter to correspond with regions where liquid is to be dispensed, and attaching it to a transparency to create very thin well arrays. With this, the contact angle hysteresis behavior of liquid could be harnessed to produce taller drop shapes so that the fiber probe used could read in the emitted light more effectively. Experimentation conducted revealed fluorescence measurements that were significantly more sensitive than standard microplates, notwithstanding that smaller volumes of liquid were needed. This was achieved using both the fiber optic and imaging evaluation modes. The two methods investigated, one with a lid placed and one without, showed the latter to produce marginally more sensitive readings as opposed to improved immunity from the environment with the former. These favorable measurement characteristics were found to be achievable with an estimated production cost of AU $0.40 and fabrication times of 3.5 min (96 wells) and 6.5 min (384 wells) per plate.  相似文献   

Two-subunit SoxB-type cytochrome c oxidase in Bacillus stearothermophilus was over-produced, purified, and examined for its active site structures by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopies. This is cytochrome bo3 oxidase containing heme B at the low-spin heme site and heme O at the high-spin heme site of the binuclear center. EPR spectra of the enzyme in the oxidized form indicated that structures of the high-spin heme O and the low-spin heme B were similar to those of SoxM-type oxidases based on the signals at g=6.1, and g=3.04. However, the EPR signals from the CuA center and the integer spin system at the binuclear center showed slight differences. RR spectra of the oxidized form showed that heme O was in a 6-coordinated high-spin (nu3 = 1472 cm(-1)), and heme B was in a 6-coordinated low-spin (nu3 = 1500 cm(-1)) state. The Fe2+-His stretching mode was observed at 211 cm(-1), indicating that the Fe2+-His bond strength is not so much different from those of SoxM-type oxidases. On the contrary, both the Fe2+-CO stretching and Fe2+-C-O bending modes differed distinctly from those of SoxM-type enzymes, suggesting some differences in the coordination geometry and the protein structure in the proximity of bound CO in cytochrome bo3 from those of SoxM-type enzymes.  相似文献   

In order to probe the reaction chemistry of respiratory quinol-oxidizing enzymes on a rapid time scale, a photoreleasable quinol substrate was synthesized by coupling decylubiquinol with the water-soluble protecting group 3',5'-bis(carboxymethoxy)benzoin (BCMB) through a carbonate linkage. The resulting compound, DQ-BCMB, was highly soluble in aqueous detergent solution, and showed no reactivity with quinol-oxidizing enzymes prior to photolysis. Upon photolysis in acetonitrile, 5, 7-bis(carboxymethoxy)-2-phenylbenzofuran, carbon dioxide, and decylubiquinol were formed. In aqueous media, free 3', 5'-bis(carboxymethoxy)benzoin was also produced. Photolysis of DQ-BCMB with a 308 nm excimer laser led to the release of the BCMB group in less than 10(-6) s. Decylubiquinol was released in the form of a carbonate monoester, which decarboxylated with an observed first-order rate constant of 195-990 s(-1), depending on the reaction medium. Yields of decylubiquinol as high as 35 microM per laser pulse were attained readily. In the presence of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo(3), photolysis of DQ-BCMB led to the oxidation of quinol by the enzyme with a rate that was limited by the rate of the decylubiquinol release. Mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1) reacted with photoreleased decylubiquinol with distinct kinetic phases corresponding to rapid b heme reduction and somewhat slower c heme reduction. Oxidation of photoreleased ubiquinol by this enzyme showed saturation kinetics with a K(m) of 3.6 microM and a k(cat) of 210 s(-1). The saturation behavior was a result of decylubiquinol being released as a carbonate monoester during the photolysis of DQ-BCMB and interacting with cytochrome bc(1) before decarboxylation of this intermediate yielded free decylubiquinol. The reaction of cytochrome bc(1) and photoreleased decylubiquinol in the presence of antimycin A led to monophasic b heme reduction, but also yielded slower quinol oxidation kinetics. The discrimination of kinetic phases in the reaction of cytochrome bc(1) with ubiquinol substrates has provided a means of exploring the bifurcation of electron transfer that is central to the operation of the Q-cycle in this enzyme.  相似文献   

Miksovská J  Gennis RB  Larsen RW 《FEBS letters》2005,579(14):3014-3018
Here, we report the volume and enthalpy changes accompanying CO photodissociation from the mixed valence form of cytochrome bo3 oxidase from Escherichia coli. The results of photoacoustic calorimetry indicate two kinetic phases with distinct volume and enthalpy changes accompanying CO photodissociation from heme o3 and its transfer to CuB. The first phase occurring on a timescale of <50 ns is characterized by a volume decrease of -1.3+/-0.3 mL mol-1 and enthalpy change of 32+/-1.6 kcal mol-1. Subsequently, a volume increase of 2.9 mL mol-1 with an enthalpy change of -5.3+/-2.5 kcal mol-1 is observed with the lifetime of approximately 250 ns (this phase has not been detected in previous optical studies). These volume and enthalpy changes differ from the volume and enthalpy changes observed for CO dissociation from fully reduced cytochrome bo3 oxidase indicating that the heme o3/CuB active site dynamics are affected by the redox state of heme b.  相似文献   

Lübben M  Prutsch A  Mamat B  Gerwert K 《Biochemistry》1999,38(7):2048-2056
Heme-copper oxidases have two putative proton channels, the so-called K-channel and the membrane-spanning D-channel. The latter contains a number of polar groups with glutamate-286 located in its center, which could-together with bound water-contribute to a transmembrane hydrogen-bonded network. Protonation states of carboxyl groups from cytochrome bo3 of Escherichia coli were studied by redox Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy. A net absorbance increase in the carboxyl region was observed upon reduction. The band signature typically found in heme-copper oxidases comprises an absorbance decrease (reduced-minus-oxidized difference spectra) at 1745 cm-1 and increase at 1735 cm-1. No significant changes in the carboxyl region were found in the site-specific mutants D135E and D407N. The difference bands were lacking in redox spectra of mutants at position 286; they could clearly be related to Glu-286. In wild-type oxidase, the pK of Glu-286 appears to be higher than 9.8. Upon solvent isotope exchange from H2O to D2O, the band at 1745 cm-1 shifts more readily than the one at 1735 cm-1, indicating dissimilar accessibility of the carboxyl side chain to the hydrogen-bonded network in both redox states. The data are consistent with a redox-triggered conformational change of Glu-286, which attributes to the carboxyl group an orientation toward the interior of the D-channel for the oxidized form. The change of Glu-286 is retained in cyanide complexes of cytochrome bo3 and of cytochrome c oxidase; therefore it should be related to oxidoreduction of the heme b and/or CuB metal centers.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bo3 is the major respiratory oxidase located in the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli when grown under high oxygen tension. The enzyme catalyzes the 2-electron oxidation of ubiquinol-8 and the 4-electron reduction of dioxygen to water. When solubilized and isolated using dodecylmaltoside, the enzyme contains one equivalent of ubiquinone-8, bound at a high affinity site (QH). The quinone bound at the QH site can form a stable semiquinone, and the amino acid residues which hydrogen bond to the semiquinone have been identified. In the current work, it is shown that the tightly bound ubiquinone-8 at the QH site is not displaced by ubiquinol-1 even during enzyme turnover. Furthermore, the presence of high affinity inhibitors, HQNO and aurachin C1–10, does not displace ubiquinone-8 from the QH site. The data clearly support the existence of a second binding site for ubiquinone, the QL site, which can rapidly exchange with the substrate pool. HQNO is shown to bind to a single site on the enzyme and to prevent formation of the stable ubisemiquinone, though without displacing the bound quinone. Inhibition of the steady state kinetics of the enzyme indicates that aurachin C1–10 may compete for binding with quinol at the QL site while, at the same time, preventing formation of the ubisemiquinone at the QH site. It is suggested that the two quinone binding sites may be adjacent to each other or partially overlap.  相似文献   

Ching E  Gennis R  Larsen R 《FEBS letters》2002,527(1-3):81-85
In this report we describe the activation volumes associated with the heme-heme electron transfer (ET) and CO rebinding to the binuclear center subsequent to photolysis of the CO-mixed-valence derivative of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo(3) (Cbo). The activation volumes associated with the heme-heme ET (k=1.2 x 10(5) s(-1)), and CO rebinding (k=57 s(-1)) are found to be +27.4 ml/mol and -2.6 ml/mol, respectively. The activation volume associated with the rebinding of CO is consistent with previous Cu X-ray absorption studies of Cbo where a structural change was observed at the Cu(B) site (loss of a histidine ligand) due to a change in the redox state of the binuclear center. In addition, the volume of activation for the heme-heme ET was found to be quite distinct from the activation volumes obtained for heme-heme ET in bovine heart Cytochrome c oxidase. Differences in mechanisms/pathways for heme b/heme o(3) and heme a/heme a(3) ET are suggested based on the associated activation volumes and previously obtained Marcus parameters.  相似文献   

Copper X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has been used to examine the structures of the Cu(II) and Cu(I) forms of the cytochrome bo3 quinol oxidase from Escherichia coli. Cytochrome bo3 is a member of the superfamily of heme-copper respiratory oxidases. Of particular interest is the fact that these enzymes function as redox-linked proton pumps, resulting in the net translocation of one H+ per electron across the membrane. The molecular mechanism of how this pump operates and the manner by which it is linked to the oxygen chemistry at the active site of the enzyme are unknown. Several proposals have featured changes in the coordination of CuB during enzyme turnover that would result in sequential protonation or deprotonation events that are key to the functioning proton pump. This would imply lability of the ligands to CuB. In this work, the structure of the protein in the immediate vicinity of CuB, in both the fully oxidized and fully reduced forms of the enzyme, has been examined by Cu XAS, a technique that is particularly sensitive to changes in metal coordination. The results show that in the oxidized enzyme, CuB(II) is four-coordinate, consistent with three imidazoles and one hydroxyl (or water). Upon reduction of the enzyme, the coordination of CuB(I) is significantly altered, consistent with the loss of one of the histidine imidazole ligands in at least a substantial fraction of the population. These data add to the credibility that changes in the ligation of CuB might occur during catalytic turnover of the enzyme and, therefore, could, in principle, be part of the mechanism of proton pumping.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bo3 ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli resides in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane and catalyzes the two-electron oxidation of ubiquinol-8 and four-electron reduction of O2 to water. The one-electron reduced semiquinone forms transiently during the reaction, and the enzyme has been demonstrated to stabilize the semiquinone. Two-dimensional electron spin echo envelope modulation has been applied to explore the exchangeable protons involved in hydrogen bonding to the semiquinone by substitution of 1H2O by 2H2O. Three exchangeable protons possessing different isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine couplings were identified. The strength of the hyperfine interaction with one proton suggests a significant covalent O-H binding of carbonyl oxygen O1 that is a characteristic of a neutral radical, an assignment that is also supported by the unusually large hyperfine coupling to the methyl protons. The second proton with a large anisotropic coupling also forms a strong hydrogen bond with a carbonyl oxygen. This second hydrogen bond, which has a significant out-of-plane character, is from an NH2 or NH nitrogen, probably from an arginine (Arg-71) known to be in the quinone binding site. Assignment of the third exchangeable proton with smaller anisotropic coupling is more ambiguous, but it is clearly not involved in a direct hydrogen bond with either of the carbonyl oxygens. The results support a model that the semiquinone is bound to the protein in a very asymmetric manner by two strong hydrogen bonds from Asp-75 and Arg-71 to the O1 carbonyl, while the O4 carbonyl is not hydrogen-bonded to the protein.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bo3 ubiquinol oxidase catalyzes the two-electron oxidation of ubiquinol in the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli, and reduces O2 to water. This enzyme has a high affinity quinone binding site (QH), and the quinone bound to this site acts as a cofactor, necessary for rapid electron transfer from substrate ubiquinol, which binds at a separate site (QL), to heme b. Previous pulsed EPR studies have shown that a semiquinone at the QH site formed during the catalytic cycle is a neutral species, with two strong hydrogen bonds to Asp-75 and either Arg-71 or Gln-101. In the current work, pulsed EPR studies have been extended to two mutants at the QH site. The D75E mutation has little influence on the catalytic activity, and the pattern of hydrogen bonding is similar to the wild type. In contrast, the D75H mutant is virtually inactive. Pulsed EPR revealed significant structural changes in this mutant. The hydrogen bond to Arg-71 or Gln-101 that is present in both the wild type and D75E mutant oxidases is missing in the D75H mutant. Instead, the D75H has a single, strong hydrogen bond to a histidine, likely His-75. The D75H mutant stabilizes an anionic form of the semiquinone as a result of the altered hydrogen bond network. Either the redistribution of charge density in the semiquinone species, or the altered hydrogen bonding network is responsible for the loss of catalytic function.  相似文献   

The bacterium, Vitreoscilla, produces a delta mu(Na+) across its membrane during respiration. A key enzyme for this function is the cytochrome bo terminal oxidase which, when incorporated into synthetic proteoliposomes, pumps Na(+) across the membrane upon the addition of a substrate. A Vitreoscilla cytochrome bo knock out (cyo(-)) mutant was isolated by transposon mutagenesis using pUT-mini-Tn5Cm. The membranes of this mutant lacked the characteristic 416 nm peak and 432 nm trough in CO difference spectra, which are clearly visible in spectra of the Vitreoscilla wild-type, but peaks at 627, 560, and 530 nm in reduced minus oxidized difference spectra indicate that cytochrome bd is still present. The specific NADH oxidase and ubiquinol-1 oxidase activities of the cyo(-) mutant membranes were less than those of Vitreoscilla wild-type and Escherichia coli membranes, and the stimulation of these activities of the mutant and E. coli membranes by 75 mM NaCl was approximately 50% less than that of Vitreoscilla wild-type membranes. The ubiquinol-1 oxidase activity of the cyo(-) mutant membranes was inhibited by 10 mM KCN to a lesser degree than that of the Vitreoscilla wild-type and E. coli membranes (50, 80, and 85%, respectively). This result is also consistent with the cyo(-) mutant membrane fragments containing only the cytochrome bd terminal oxidase, which is known to be less sensitive to KCN. Although the maximum respiration and growth of the cyo(-) mutant were less than those of the wild-type, this mutant is still capable of growing with cytochrome bd alone.  相似文献   

The bacterium, Vitreoscilla, can induce the synthesis of a homodimeric hemoglobin under hypoxic conditions. Expression of VHb in heterologous bacteria often enhances growth and increases yields of recombinant proteins and production of antibiotics, especially under oxygen-limiting conditions. There is evidence that VHb interacts with bacterial respiratory membranes and cytochrome bo proteoliposomes. We have examined whether there are binding sites for VHb on the cytochrome, using the yeast two-hybrid system with VHb as the bait and testing every Vitreoscilla cytochrome bo subunit as well as the soluble domains of subunits I and II. A significant interaction was observed only between VHb and intact subunit I. We further examined whether there are binding sites for VHb on cytochrome bo from Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two organisms in which stimulatory effects of VHb have been observed. Again, in both cases a significant interaction was observed only between VHb and subunit I. Because subunit I contains the binuclear center where oxygen is reduced to water, these data support the function proposed for VHb of providing oxygen directly to the terminal oxidase; it may also explain its positive effects in Vitreoscilla as well as in heterologous organisms.  相似文献   

Prutsch A  Lohaus C  Green B  Meyer HE  Lübben M 《Biochemistry》2000,39(21):6554-6563
The heme-copper cytochrome oxidase of Escherichia coli (cytochrome bo(3)) was tagged with oligohistidine at the C-terminus of the small noncatalytic subunit IV. After detergent solubilization, the enzyme was purified by a one-step procedure with immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Using different cytochrome bo(3) constructs as reference, the products were investigated by mass spectroscopical and immunological methods. Several posttranslational modifications of subunits II, III, and IV were observed: (1) N-terminal methionines of subunits III and IV are split off. (2) Fifty percent of subunit III polypeptides are acetylated, presumably at the N-terminal alanine. (3) Lipoprotein processing of subunit II involves cleavage of the signal peptide. (4) Maturation of subunit II [Ma, J., Katsonouri, A., and Gennis, R. B. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 11298-11303] alters the structure of the N-terminal cysteine by N-palmitoylation and S-glyceryldipalmitoylation. (5) A hexapeptide is split off from the C-terminus of subunit II. This happens subsequently to the N-terminal lipoprotein processing step and is dependent on the growth state of cells.  相似文献   

In order to identify inhibitors of various drug-resistant forms of the human immunodeficiency virus protease (HIV PR), we have designed and synthesized pseudopeptide libraries with a general structure Z-mimetic-Aa1-Aa2-NH2. Five different chemistries for peptide bond replacement have been employed and the resulting five individual sublibraries tested with the HIV PR and its drug-resistant mutants. Each mutant contains amino acid substitutions that have previously been shown to be associated with resistance to protease inhibitors, including Ritonavir, Indinavir, and Saquinavir. We have mapped the subsite preferences of resistant HIV PR species with the aim of selecting a pluripotent pharmaceutical lead. All of the enzyme species in this study manifest clear preference for an L-Glu residue in the P2' position. Slight, but significant, differences in P3' subsite specificity among individual resistant PR species have been documented. We have identified three compounds, combining the most favorable features of the inhibitor array, that exhibit low-nanomolar or picomolar Ki values for all three mutant PR species tested.  相似文献   

In a spontaneous mutant (PYM1) of Bacillus cereus impaired in the synthesis of haem A, no haem-A-containing cytochromes were detected spectroscopically. The haem A deficiency was compensated by high levels of haem O and a CO-reactive cytochrome o in membranes; no other oxidases were detected. In contrast, the wild-type strain had considerable amounts of haem A and negligible levels of haem O. The mutant PYM1 exhibited normal colony morphology, growth, and sporulation in nonfermentable media, whereas on fermentable media, the mutant overproduced acid, which led to poor growth and inhibition of sporulation. External control of the pH of the medium in fermentable media allowed close-to-normal growth and massive sporulation of the mutant. The presence of membrane-bound cytochrome caa 3 -OII and aa 3 -II subunits in strain PYM1 was confirmed by Western blots and haem C staining (COII subunit). Western blotting also revealed that in contrast to the wild-type – strain PYM1 contained the membrane-bound subunits caa 3 -COI and aa 3 -I, but in low amounts. The effect of several respiratory inhibitors on the respiratory system of strain PYM1 suggested that the terminal oxidase is highly resistant to KCN and CO and that a c-type cytochrome might be involved in the electron transfer sequence to the putative cytochrome bo. Received: 21 June 1996 / Accepted: 9 October 1996  相似文献   

The putative oxidation of ubiquinol by the cytochrome bo3 terminal oxidase of Escherichia coli in sequential one-electron steps requires stabilization of the semiquinone. ENDOR spectroscopy has recently been used to study the native ubisemiquinone radical formed in the cytochrome bo3 quinone-binding site [Veselov, A.V., Osborne, J.P., Gennis, R.B. & Scholes, C.P. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 3169-3175]. Comparison of these spectra with those from the decyl-ubisemiquinone radical in vitro indicated that the protein induced large changes in the electronic structure of the ubisemiquinone radical. We have used quinone-substitution experiments to obtain ENDOR spectra of ubisemiquinone, phyllosemiquinone and plastosemiquinone anion radicals bound at the cytochrome bo3 quinone-binding site. Large changes in the electronic structures of these semiquinone anion radicals are induced on binding to the cytochrome bo3 oxidase. The changes in electronic structure are, however, independent of the electronic structures of these semiquinones in vitro. Thus it is shown to be the structure of this binding site in the protein, not the covalent structure of the bound quinone, that determines the electronic structure of the protein-bound semiquinone.  相似文献   

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