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The distribution of aluminium (Al) accumulation in the Ericales is surveyed, based on semi-quantitative tests of 114 species and literature data. Al accumulation mainly characterises the families Diapensiaceae, Pentaphylacaceae, Symplocaceae, Ternstroemiaceae, and Theaceae. Al accumulation is consistently present or absent in most families examined, but the character appears to be more variable in a few taxa (e.g., Lecythidaceae, Myrsinaceae). Although the interfamilial relationships within the Ericales require further research, the ability to accumulate high levels of Al appears to show considerable taxonomic significance. While the majority of Al accumulating Ericales includes woody, tropical plants, the feature is remarkably present in several herbaceous Diapensiaceae, which have a distribution in cold to temperate areas. The association of different mycorrhizae types with plant roots is suggested to play a role in the exclusion of high Al levels from the shoot.  相似文献   

李璐  张梓袁  孔冬瑞  彭华 《植物研究》2017,37(4):508-513
首次报道了刚毛藤山柳(Clematoclethra scandens subsp.scandens)的花药和早期胚珠发育的胚胎学特征:花药4室;发育完整的花药壁6层,为基本型花药壁,由外至内分别为表皮、药室内壁、两层中层和两层绒毡层;腺质型绒毡层为2核或3核,纤维性加厚发生于药室内壁;小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型胞质分裂,小孢子四分体多为四面体型;成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型,3孔沟或稀4孔沟。早期胚珠为近倒生,单珠被,薄珠心,珠孔由单珠被构成。比较胚胎学研究认为藤山柳属和猕猴桃科的其它两个属都具有单珠被胚珠及其他相似的花药发育特征,这些特征和形态分类系统范畴的第伦桃科和山茶科有明显区别。因此,本文支持花粉形态学、细胞学和分子系统学的观点,认为藤山柳属与水东哥属和猕猴桃属构成一个较好的单系,一并放在猕猴桃科。  相似文献   

对旌节花科及其相关类群五桠果科、猕猴桃科、水东哥科、金莲木科、省沽油科和山茶科等7科19属37种花粉进行了光镜(LM)和扫描电镜(SEM)的观察和比较。其中有些种类是第一次观察和报道。研究表明,上述各科花粉多为近球形至球形,少数近扁球形或近长球形。极面观三裂圆形或近三裂圆形。直径20-30(-35μm),但厚皮香亚科和省沽油科银鹊树属Tapiscia的花科特别小,仅12.5-20μm。3孔沟,罕有3沟或4孔沟。外萌发孔(沟)相对地较长而宽,内孔多数较发达。花粉外壁纹饰变化大,从模糊而粗糙的细突起到皱波状纹饰,细孔状纹饰,蜂巢状-穴状纹饰,穴-网状纹饰,网状纹饰和颗粒状纹饰等。从形状、大小、萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰的比较看,虽然上述各科花粉均在不同程度上具有一定的相似性,但其中以旌节花科、省沽油科和山茶科中厚皮香科的花粉具有更多的相似性,尤其表现在外壁纹饰特征上。就孢粉学而言,也许旌节花科与省沽油科和山茶科中的厚皮香亚科的关系相对地较为密切。不过,其孢粉学特征所表现出的亲缘关系似乎不如在分子生物学中所表现出的明显。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the embryological characteristics of Delavaya toxocarpa Franch. and provide a basis for further understanding the phylogeny within Sapindaceae s.l., we studied the sporogenesis and gametogenesis of D. toxocarpa using the conventional paraffin section method. The results were as follows: anthers are tetrasporangium; tapetum is typically secretory type; cytokinesis in the microsporecyte meiosis is of the simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are tetrahedral; mature pollen contains two cells; the ovary is bilocular with two ovules per locule; placentation is axial; the ovule is amphitropous, bitegmic, and crassinucellate; the chalazal megaspore in a linear tetrad becomes functional; and the development of megaspore is of the polygonum type. Most similarities shared by the species observed suggest that the species and genera of Sapindaceae s.l. have phylogenetic consistency. The distinctive trait, lacking hypostase, indicatesDelavaya (and Handeliodendron) might be more primitive than other genera in Sapindaceae. Moreover, some characters, such as opposite palmate compound leaf, apical thyrse, rounded seed without wing, 2 hemitropous ovules per locule, and lacking aril, indicate the close relationship between Delavaya, Aceraceae, and Hippocastanaceae. The preliminary data about the embryological and morphological characteristics in Delavaya might justify the basic systematic position of this genus in the family Sapindaceae s.s.  相似文献   

对栎属青冈亚属17个种及炭栎花粉形态进行扫描电镜观察。结果表明:青冈亚属和炭栎花粉均为三拟孔沟,球形至长球形,(15~28.0)μm×(15.0~25.6)μm。花粉外壁纹饰可划分为3种:(1)蠕虫状(包括皱波状)、(2)聚合颗粒状、(3)棒状或小刺状。各纹饰在组间镶嵌分布。棒状及小刺状纹饰为栎属花粉较为原始式样,并为青冈亚属与高山栎组及部分巴东组(sect.Cerris)共有,推测其间具有较其它栎类更为接近的亲缘关系,可能为广义栎属中较为基础的类群,而与栎亚属sect.Quercuss.s.,Lobatae和Protobalanus关系较远。花粉形态对广义栎属系统分类价值仅适用于较高分类阶元。  相似文献   

Abstract: The embryology and seed structure of Paepalanthus sect. Actinocephalus species were studied. The embryological and structural seed characters fit well with those of the other commelinaceous families. Within the Commelinales sensu Dahlgren, Eriocaulaceae and Xyridaceae represent two embryologically close families. In Paepalanthus sect. Actinocephalus the ovule is orthotropus, bitegmic, and tenuicellate with a micropyle formed by the inner integument. The seeds are endotestal. The outer cell layer of the testa and the outer periclinal wall of the endotesta disintegrate during development. The endotegmen is tanniniferous. The outer layer of the tegmen becomes compressed and is no longer recognizable in the mature seed. The seeds are operculate.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis and embryology of the monotypic Zippelia (Z. begoniaefolia) Blume (Piperaceae) is described for the first time to assess its systematic relationships. The formation of the anther wall is of Basic Type such that the anther wall, consisting of an endothecium with fibrous thickenings, two middle layers, and a glandular septum with 2‐nucleate cells, is derived from a primary parietal layer. Simultaneous cytokinesis follows meiosis of the microspore mother cell thence forming a tetrahedral tetrad of microspores. The single basal ovule is orthotropous, crassinucellate and bitegmic but only the inner integument forms the micropyle. The sporogenous cell of the nucellus functions directly as a megaspore mother cell. A coenocyte with four nuclei forms after meiosis of the megaspore mother cell. The formation of the embryo sac is tetrasporic ab initio and is of, or similar to, the Drusa Type of embryo sac in which the nuclei of the coenocyte undergo two successive mitoses and forms a 16‐celled or 16‐nucleate embryo sac that is ovoid in shape. The embryo sac has an egg apparatus consisting of an egg cell and two synergids (but one of the latter is less discernable). Two polar cells occur just beneath the egg apparatus and 11 antipodal cells or nuclei are arranged along the lower part of the inner wall of the embryo sac. They are linked by threads of cytoplasm. The two polar cells are separated or fused before fertilization. A large primary endosperm nucleus with many nucleoli, which resulted from the fertilized polar cells and with the participation of antipodal cells, divides into a free nuclei stage. The free nuclei are arranged along the lower part of the inner wall of the embryo sac or rarely assemble at the central part. The development of endosperm is thus of the Nuclear Type. The zygote remains undivided and fails to develop even when the seed is nearly mature. Frequently, the zygote and the endosperm abort later and leave an empty chamber in the top part of the seed. Most of the seed content is starchy perisperm. Only the inner integument forms the seed coat and the pericarp develops glochidiate hairs (anchor‐like hairs) when the endosperm begins to develop. By comparison with the other piperaceous taxa using embryological and botanical features, Zippelia is referred to as a basal taxon and a more isolated evolutionary line or a blind branch in the Piperaceae. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 140 , 49–64.  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡切片技术,对石蒜科葱兰的花药壁发育、大小孢子的发生和雌雄配子体的发生过程进行了研究,并对葱兰属、石蒜科、百合科以及葱科的胚胎学特征进行比较讨论。结果表明:(1)葱兰花药四室,药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层组成;药壁发育类型为单子叶型,绒毡层的类型为分泌型;花粉成熟时药室内壁径向加长并纤维状加厚,表皮宿存;小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为连续型,小孢子四分体排列方式主要为四面体型,还有少数一些为左右对称型,成熟花粉为2-细胞型。(2)葱兰的雌蕊3心皮合生,子房下位,中轴胎座,3室,每室具2列倒生胚珠;胚珠双珠被,厚珠心,具蓼型胚囊。(3)葱兰属的胚胎学特征与石蒜科的其他种类存在较大的差异,如葱兰属花药壁发育为单子叶型,而石蒜科花药壁发育主要为双子叶型,但葱兰属的这些胚胎学特征却和百合科较为相似。  相似文献   

敖成齐 《广西植物》2007,27(6):836-839
含笑的花药具4个小孢子囊,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、3~6层中层和绒毡层组成。绒毡层细胞在发育后期由单核分裂为2核,原位解体,为腺质型;小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为同时型,小孢子四分体为四面体型,也有左右对称型的;成熟花粉为3细胞型。在前人对含笑小孢子发生和雄配子体发育的观察描述基础上,丰富了含笑的胚胎学资料,并对其系统学意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Zona S 《Annals of botany》2004,93(4):415-421
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Raphides are ubiquitous in the palms (Arecaceae), where they are found in roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Their occasional presence in embryos, first noticed over 100 years ago, has gone largely unexamined. METHODS: Embryos from 148 taxa of palms, the largest survey of palm embryos to date, were examined using light microscopy of squashed preparations under non-polarized and crossed polarized light. RESULTS: Raphides were found in embryos of species from the three subfamilies Coryphoideae, Ceroxyloideae and Arecoideae. Raphides were not observed in the embryos of species of Calamoideae or Phytelephantoideae. The remaining subfamily, the monospecific Nypoideae, was not available for study. CONCLUSIONS: Within the Coryphoideae and Ceroxyloideae, embryos with raphides were rare, but within the Arecoideae, they were a common feature of the tribes Areceae and Caryoteae.  相似文献   

Phytolacca is the biggest and most original genus in Phytolaccaceae and an important genus in plant systematic studies. Light microscopy results show that the Phytolacca americana L. ovule arises from the caulis (floral receptacle). The perisperm and hypostase are simultaneously initiated from the top several layers of cells of chalaza after fertilization, and the perisperm is located between the nucellus and hypostase. In the early stages of development, the hypostase cells are thin-walled with dense cytoplasm, clear nuclei, and some reserve granules.Later, at the heart-shaped embryo stage, the hypostase cells are dead and thick-walled. The main functions of the hypostase may be to maintain cellular division and perisperm growth without delivering nutrient materials to the perisperm. An evolutionary picture of placentation in Caryophyllales is also presented.  相似文献   

Phytolacca is the most original and biggest genus in Phytolaccaceae and one special genus in plant systematic studies as well. The light microscopy observation results show that Ph. americana L. ovule arises from caulis (floral receptacle). The perisperm and hypostase are initiated from the top several layers cells of chalaza simultaneously after fertilizing, and the perisperm is located between nucellus and hypostase. The hypostase cells are thin-walled with dense cytoplasm, clear nuclear, and some reserve granules in earlier stage, and change to thick-walled and dead cells at heart-shaped embryo stage. Its main function may maintain the cellular division and perisperm growth without delivering nutrient materials to perisperm. Furthermore, an evolutionary picture of placentation in Caryophyllales is presented by authors in the paper.  相似文献   

艾静  李璐  王艳萍  郭辉军 《广西植物》2021,41(12):2014-2023
近年来的分子系统学把狭义萝藦科和狭义夹竹桃科合并为广义夹竹桃科,包括5个亚科和25个族,但亚科和族间的亲缘关系较为复杂,亟待多学科证据澄清。本文利用常规石蜡切片技术观察了马利筋亚科南山藤属中的中国特有植物苦绳(Dregea sinensis var. sinensis)的孢子发生和配子体发育,结合已有资料比较了5个亚科的胚胎学特征。结果表明:(1)苦绳的花药由一对侧生并列药室组成,各有一个花粉团。(2)花药壁有6层,由外至内分别为表皮、2层药室内壁、中层和2层绒毡层,花药壁发育模式属于多层型。(3)绒毡层细胞单核,排成2列,为腺质型; 在小孢子四分体形成时期,药室内壁发生明显纤维状加厚; 花药成熟时,位于药室远轴最外侧处的花药壁发生断裂,准备散粉。(4)小孢子母细胞减数分裂中,胞质分裂方式为连续型,小孢子四分体排列方式为左右对称; 成熟花粉粒为3-细胞型,排列紧密,形成花粉团。(5)雌蕊含有两枚离生心皮,具边缘胎座,胚珠倒生,单珠被,薄珠心,蓼型胚囊。本文观察到的这些胚胎学特征为牛奶菜族提供了新资料。同时,胚胎学特征在5个亚科间的区别和联系,支持广义夹竹桃科的成立。  相似文献   

Based on observations of the development of pedate leaves in Araceae, including new observations onPinellia pedatisecta andTyphonium larsenii, two patterns were recognized. One pattern was found to be restricted toArisaema (Arisaematinae) andPinellia (Atherurinae), which may suggest monophyly between these two genera (subtribes).  相似文献   

The contents of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellins (GAs), abscisic acid (ABA), and cytokinins were determined in ovules of normal cotton (Tm-1) and a kind of fiber differentiation mutant (Xin) before and after flowering by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. It was found that 24 h before flowering, a peak of IAA content was observed in ovules of Tm-1, whereas in ovules of Xin, a low level of IAA was determined. From –1 day (1 day before flowering) to +3 days (3 days after flowering), GA1+3 levels in ovules of Xin were 40–70% lower than those of Tm-1; GA4+7 levels were very low, and there was no visible difference in GA4+7 content between normal and mutant cotton. The ABA content in ovule of Tm-1 decreased by 70% 3 days after flowering, whereas that of Xin only decreased by 20%. The levels of cytokinins in ovules of Tm-1 decreased after flowering, and those of Xin kept up a steady increase.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - GA gibberellin - ABA abscisic acid - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FW fresh weight - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - iPA isopentenyladenosine - ZR zeatin riboside - DHZR dihydrozeatin riboside - CTK cytokinin  相似文献   

The type materials of Paecilomyces sinensis, including herbarium specimen and ex-type strain, were re-examined to clarify its relationships with other species. Morphological observations on the strain grown in various culture media revealed that the fungus was morphologically related to Polycephalomyces, since it produced conidial mass and lanceolate or narrowly lageniform phialides. Six genes, including ITS, nrSSU, nrLSU, tef1, rpb1 and rpb2, were amplified from the type materials and used in phylogenetic analyses to determine the systematic position of the fungus in the framework of clavicipitaceous fungi. The results place P. sinensis with Polycephalomyces formosus, the type species of Polycephalomyces, and Cordyceps ramosopulvinata forming a clade unaffiliated with the known families of clavicipitaceous fungi. Based on both morphological and molecular data, a new combination, Polycephalomyces sinensis, is proposed for Paecilomyces sinensis. The new clade found in this study is designated as Polycephalomyces clade and expands the phylogenetic diversity for clavicipitaceous fungi. The teleomorph–anamorph connection between Berkelella and Polycephalomyces previously conceived cannot be retained as the type species of Polycephalomyces, P. formosus, is closely linked to species of Cordyceps s.l. in the new clade.  相似文献   

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