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The potential for biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at low temperature and under anaerobic conditions is not well understood, but such biodegradation would be very useful for remediation of polluted sites. Biodegradation of a mixture of 11 different PAHs with two to five aromatic rings, each at a concentration of 10 μg/ml, was studied in enrichment cultures inoculated with samples of four northern soils. Under aerobic conditions, low temperature severely limited PAH biodegradation. After 90 days, aerobic cultures at 20°C removed 52 to 88% of the PAHs. The most extensive PAH degradation under aerobic conditions at 7°C, 53% removal, occurred in a culture from creosote-contaminated soil. Low temperature did not substantially limit PAH biodegradation under nitrate-reducing conditions. Under nitrate-reducing conditions, naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, fluorene, and phenanthrene were degraded. The most extensive PAH degradation under nitrate-reducing conditions at 7°C, 39% removal, occurred in a culture from fuel-contaminated Arctic soil. In separate transfer cultures from the above Arctic soil, incubated anaerobically at 7°C, removal of 2-methylnaphthalene and fluorene was stoichiometrically coupled to nitrate removal. Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis suggested that enrichment resulted in a few predominant bacterial populations, including members of the genera Acidovorax, Bordetella, Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas, and Variovorax. Predominant populations from different soils often included phylotypes with nearly identical partial 16S rRNA gene sequences (i.e., same genus) but never included phylotypes with identical ribosomal intergenic spacers (i.e., different species or subspecies). The composition of the enriched communities appeared to be more affected by presence of oxygen, than by temperature or source of the inoculum.  相似文献   

Pyrene is a regulated pollutant at sites contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). It is mineralized by some bacteria but is also transformed to nonmineral products by a variety of other PAH-degrading bacteria. We examined the formation of such products by four bacterial strains and identified and further characterized the most apparently significant of these metabolites. Pseudomonas stutzeri strain P16 and Bacillus cereus strain P21 transformed pyrene primarily to cis-4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxypyrene (PYRdHD), the first intermediate in the known pathway for aerobic bacterial mineralization of pyrene. Sphingomonas yanoikuyae strain R1 transformed pyrene to PYRdHD and pyrene-4,5-dione (PYRQ). Both strain R1 and Pseudomonas saccharophila strain P15 transform PYRdHD to PYRQ nearly stoichiometrically, suggesting that PYRQ is formed by oxidation of PYRdHD to 4,5-dihydroxypyrene and subsequent autoxidation of this metabolite. A pyrene-mineralizing organism, Mycobacterium strain PYR-1, also transforms PYRdHD to PYRQ at high initial concentrations of PYRdHD. However, strain PYR-1 is able to use both PYRdHD and PYRQ as growth substrates. PYRdHD strongly inhibited phenanthrene degradation by strains P15 and R1 but had only a minor effect on strains P16 and P21. At their aqueous saturation concentrations, both PYRdHD and PYRQ severely inhibited benzo[a]pyrene mineralization by strains P15 and R1. Collectively, these findings suggest that products derived from pyrene transformation have the potential to accumulate in PAH-contaminated systems and that such products can significantly influence the removal of other PAH. However, these products may be susceptible to subsequent degradation by organisms able to metabolize pyrene more extensively if such organisms are present in the system.  相似文献   

Ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (RHDs) play a crucial role in the biodegradation of a range of aromatic hydrocarbons found on polluted sites, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Current knowledge on RHDs comes essentially from studies on culturable bacterial strains, while compelling evidence indicates that pollutant removal is mostly achieved by uncultured species. In this study, a combination of DNA-SIP labeling and metagenomic sequence analysis was implemented to investigate the metabolic potential of main PAH degraders on a polluted site. Following in situ labeling using [13C]phenanthrene, the labeled metagenomic DNA was isolated from soil and subjected to shotgun sequencing. Most annotated sequences were predicted to belong to Betaproteobacteria, especially Rhodocyclaceae and Burkholderiales, which is consistent with previous findings showing that main PAH degraders on this site were affiliated to these taxa. Based on metagenomic data, four RHD gene sets were amplified and cloned from soil DNA. For each set, PCR yielded multiple amplicons with sequences differing by up to 321 nucleotides (17%), reflecting the great genetic diversity prevailing in soil. RHDs were successfully overexpressed in Escherichia coli, but full activity required the coexpression of two electron carrier genes, also cloned from soil DNA. Remarkably, two RHDs exhibited much higher activity when associated with electron carriers from a sphingomonad. The four RHDs showed markedly different preferences for two- and three-ring PAHs but were poorly active on four-ring PAHs. Three RHDs preferentially hydroxylated phenanthrene on the C-1 and C-2 positions rather than on the C-3 and C-4 positions, suggesting that degradation occurred through an alternate pathway.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to be toxic to living organisms and have been identified as carcinogenic. In this study, a pathway of surfactant flushing, chemical oxidation, and biological treatment is proposed to remediate the soils polluted with the hydrophobic PAHs. Different surfactants such as Tween 80, Brij 35, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 were tested in order to increase the PAH solubilization from the soil matrix. The maximum desorption efficiency of naphthalene and anthracene were found to be 56.5% and 59%, respectively, when Brij and SDS were used. The soluble PAH in the aqueous phase was amended with sodium thiosulfate (3%) to oxidize the PAH into a more bioavailable form. The chemical oxidation with subsequent biodegradation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibited the relatively high PAH degradation rate (1.24 times higher) when compared with chemical oxidation alone. These results display the efficiency of chemical pretreatment of PAH-contaminated soil for improved bioremediation.  相似文献   

Soil contaminated with C5+, which contained benzene (45%, wt/wt), dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) plus cyclopentadiene (together 20%), toluene (6%), styrene (3%), xylenes (2%), naphthalene (2%), and smaller quantities of other compounds, served as the source for isolation of 55 genomically distinct bacteria (standards). Use of benzene as a substrate by these bacteria was most widespread (31 of 44 standards tested), followed by toluene (23 of 44), xylenes (14 of 44), styrene (10 of 44), and naphthalene (10 of 44). Master filters containing denatured genomic DNAs of all 55 standards were used to analyze the community compositions of C5+ enrichment cultures by reverse sample genome probing (RSGP). The communities enriched from three contaminated soils were similar to those enriched from three uncontaminated soils from the same site. The compositions of these communities were time dependent and showed a succession of Pseudomonas and Rhodococcus spp. before convergence on a composition dominated by Alcaligenes spp. The dominant community members detected by RSGP were capable of benzene degradation at all stages of succession. The enrichments effectively degraded all C5+ components except DCPD. Overall, degradation of individual C5+ hydrocarbons followed first-order kinetics, with the highest rates of removal for benzene.  相似文献   

Anthracene, phenanthrene, and pyrene are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) that display both mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. They are recalcitrant to microbial degradation in soil and water due to their complex molecular structure and low solubility in water. This study presents the characterization of an efficient PAH (anthracene, phenanthrene, and pyrene)-degrading microbial consortium, isolated from a petrochemical sludge landfarming site. Soil samples collected at the landfarming area were used as inoculum in Warburg flasks containing soil spiked with 250 mg kg-1 of anthracene. The soil sample with the highest production of CO2-C in 176 days was used in liquid mineral medium for further enrichment of anthracene degraders. The microbial consortium degraded 48%, 67%, and 22% of the anthracene, phenanthrene, and pyrene in the mineral medium, respectively, after 30 days of incubation. Six bacteria, identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as Mycobacterium fortuitum, Bacillus cereus, Microbacterium sp., Gordonia polyisoprenivorans, two Microbacteriaceae bacteria, and a fungus identified as Fusarium oxysporum were isolated from the enrichment culture. The consortium and its monoculture isolates utilized a variety of hydrocarbons including PAHs (pyrene, anthracene, phenanthrene, and naftalene), monoaromatics hydrocarbons (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene), aliphatic hydrocarbons (1-decene, 1-octene, and hexane), hydrocarbon mixtures (gasoline and diesel oil), intermediary metabolites of PAHs degradation (catechol, gentisic acid, salicylic acid, and dihydroxybenzoic acid) and ethanol for growth. Biosurfactant production by the isolates was assessed by an emulsification index and reduction of the surface tension in the mineral medium. Significant emulsification was observed with the isolates, indicating production of high-molecular-weigh surfactants. The high PAH degradation rates, the wide spectrum of hydrocarbons utilization, and emulsification capacities of the microbial consortium and its member microbes indicate that they can be used for biotreatment and bioaugumentation of soils contaminated with PAHs.  相似文献   

The high carcinogenic potency of polycyclic aromatic compounds often results in the dermal pathway indicating significant risk to human health at sites with contaminated soils, resulting in the establishment of conservative, risk-based remediation goals. The sorptive properties of soil sequester chemical contaminants, making them less available for uptake by receptors. Recent studies of desorption from soil indicate that PAHs follow a nonlinear desorption pattern that can be estimated by two phases: a rapid, followed by a slow, desorbing fraction. In this work, we adapt a fugacity-based model to evaluate the availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil to human skin. Incorporating two-site desorption kinetics into the fugacity model renders a less available fraction of chemical in soil for absorption, decreasing predicted dermal uptake. We explore the impacts to dermal bioavailability of removing the “fast-desorbing” fraction of chemical from the soil. The model predicts uptake within a factor of two when compared with experimental data on dermal uptake. Soil moisture and soil loading rates emerge as potential limiting variables; however, the model is most sensitive to the size of the fast desorbing fraction of chemical in soil  相似文献   

Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343 has been grown in continuous cultures with glucose as growth-limiting factor. At pH 7.0 and at a dilution rate of 0.07 per h, glucose limited growth in concentrations up to 0.6%. Maximal cell yield and productivity were obtained with 0.87% glucose in the inflowing medium. A pH of 7.0 was optimal for growth. With 0.6% glucose in the fresh medium and at pH 7.0, cell yield and productivity were highest at a dilution rate of 0.07 per h and 0.11 per h, respectively. At dilution rates higher than 0.07 per h, glucose was no longer growth limiting, and at dilution rates above 0.11 per h, another compound seemed to have replaced glucose also as energy source. When grown in batch cultures at pH 7.0, the best yields of B. fragilis was achieved with 0.6% glucose in the fresh medium. The highest specific growth rate (mum) determined from viable counts was 0.45, corresponding to a mean generation time of 92 min.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of heavy metals from contaminated soil was examined using a facultative anaerobic bacterium Shewanella sp. HN-41. The experiments were carried out to assess the influence of glucose at various pH on the transformation of heavy metals from soil thorough solubilization. A preliminary study on the transformation of heavy metals from soil was first performed using a defined medium supplemented with glucose at 10, 20, and 30 mM to select the effective concentration. Among the three concentrations examined, glucose at 30 mM leached a highest level of metal ions. Therefore, 30 mM glucose was used as the representative carbon source for the subsequent experiments in a defined medium at various pH (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). The organism HN-41 was not influenced by pH ranging from acidic to neutral and was able to metabolize all the metal elements from contaminated soil. The level of Fe, Cr, As, Mn, Pb, and Al solubilization ranged from 3 to 7664 mg kg?1 at various initial pH. The rate of metal solubilization was found to be low at neutral pH compared with acidic and alkaline. These results are expected to assist in the development of heavy metal transformation processes for the decontamination of heavy metal-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

We isolated an acid-tolerant sulfate-reducing bacterium, GBSRB4.2, from coal mine-derived acidic mine drainage (AMD)-derived sediments. Sequence analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene of GBSRB4.2 revealed that it was affiliated with the genus Desulfosporosinus. GBSRB4.2 reduced sulfate, Fe(III) (hydr)oxide, Mn(IV) oxide, and U(VI) in acidic solutions (pH 4.2). Sulfate, Fe(III), and Mn(IV) but not U(VI) bioreduction led to an increase in the pH of acidic solutions and concurrent hydrolysis and precipitation of dissolved Al3+. Reduction of Fe(III), Mn(IV), and U(VI) in sulfate-free solutions revealed that these metals are enzymatically reduced by GBSRB4.2. GBSRB4.2 reduced U(VI) in groundwater from a radionuclide-contaminated aquifer more rapidly at pH 4.4 than at pH 7.1, possibly due to the formation of poorly bioreducible Ca-U(VI)-CO3 complexes in the pH 7.1 groundwater.  相似文献   

Several heterotrophic bacteria grew in nutrient broth medium containing high concentrations (10−5 M) of the potent carcinogenic compounds, benz[a]pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene or N-2–fluorenylacetamide. They were capable of metabolizing the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to smaller molecules and utilized these compounds as the sole source of carbon and energy. Identification of the metabolites formed from benz[a]pyrene revealed that the major metabolite (3-hydroxybenz[a]pyrene) of mammalian systems did not accumulate in any of these cultures when the standard fluorometric assay was used. Benz[a]pyrene metabolism profiles with high-pressure liquid chromatography also exhibited no accumulation of any metabolites (hydroxy, quinone and diol derivatives).  相似文献   

Cycloclasticus sp. strain A5 is able to grow with petroleum polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), including unsubstituted and substituted naphthalenes, dibenzothiophenes, phenanthrenes, and fluorenes. A set of genes responsible for the degradation of petroleum PAHs was isolated by using the ability of the organism to oxidize indole to indigo. This 10.5-kb DNA fragment was sequenced and found to contain 10 open reading frames (ORFs). Seven ORFs showed homology to previously characterized genes for PAH degradation and were designated phn genes, although the sequence and order of these phn genes were significantly different from the sequence and order of the known PAH-degrading genes. The phnA1, phnA2, phnA3, and phnA4 genes, which encode the α and β subunits of an iron-sulfur protein, a ferredoxin, and a ferredoxin reductase, respectively, were identified as the genes coding for PAH dioxygenase. The phnA4A3 gene cluster was located 3.7 kb downstream of the phnA2 gene. PhnA1 and PhnA2 exhibited moderate (less than 62%) sequence identity to the α and β subunits of other aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases, but motifs such as the Fe(II)-binding site and the [2Fe-2S] cluster ligands were conserved. Escherichia coli cells possessing the phnA1A2A3A4 genes were able to convert phenanthrene, naphthalene, and methylnaphthalene in addition to the tricyclic heterocycles dibenzofuran and dibenzothiophene to their hydroxylated forms. Significantly, the E. coli cells also transformed biphenyl and diphenylmethane, which are ordinarily the substrates of biphenyl dioxygenases.  相似文献   

Engineering of Phytase for Improved Activity at Low pH   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
For industrial applications in animal feed, a phytase of interest must be optimally active in the pH range prevalent in the digestive tract. Therefore, the present investigation describes approaches to rationally engineer the pH activity profiles of Aspergillus fumigatus and consensus phytases. Decreasing the negative surface charge of the A. fumigatus Q27L phytase mutant by glycinamidylation of the surface carboxy groups (of Asp and Glu residues) lowered the pH optimum by ca. 0.5 unit but also resulted in 70 to 75% inactivation of the enzyme. Alternatively, detailed inspection of amino acid sequence alignments and of experimentally determined or homology modeled three-dimensional structures led to the identification of active-site amino acids that were considered to correlate with the activity maxima at low pH of A. niger NRRL 3135 phytase, A. niger pH 2.5 acid phosphatase, and Peniophora lycii phytase. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that, in A. fumigatus wild-type phytase, replacement of Gly-277 and Tyr-282 with the corresponding residues of A. niger phytase (Lys and His, respectively) gives rise to a second pH optimum at 2.8 to 3.4. In addition, the K68A single mutation (in both A. fumigatus and consensus phytase backbones), as well as the S140Y D141G double mutation (in A. fumigatus phytase backbones), decreased the pH optima with phytic acid as substrate by 0.5 to 1.0 unit, with either no change or even a slight increase in maximum specific activity. These findings significantly extend our tools for rationally designing an optimal phytase for a given purpose.  相似文献   

Nitrate and total nitrogen contents, and nitrate reductase (NR) activity of the excised maize roots in buffered or unbuffered nitrate solution (at pH 6.5 or 4.5) as affected by putrescine (PUT), abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA) were investigated. In unbufferred solution, the NR activity was lower at pH 4.5 as compared to that at pH 6.5, but in bufferred solution the activity was higher at lower pH. Supply of 100 µM PUT or 500 µM SA, promoted NR activity and 50 µM ABA inhibited the activity at pH 6.5. However, at pH 4.5, PUT and SA inhibited NR activity and ABA had no effect. In most cases, the increase in NR activity was positively correlated with total organic nitrogen and a negatively with nitrate content. A reverse situation was found when NR activity was inhibited by the growth regulators.  相似文献   

Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and survival of bacteria in soil was investigated by applying different inoculation protocols. The soil was inoculated with Sphingomonas paucimobilis BA 2 and strain BP 9, which are able to degrade anthracene and pyrene, respectively. CFU of soil bacteria and of the introduced bacteria were monitored in native and sterilized soil at different pHs. Introduction with mineral medium inhibited PAH degradation by the autochthonous microflora and by the strains tested. After introduction with water (without increase of the pore water salinity), no inhibition of the autochthonous microflora was observed and both strains exhibited PAH degradation.  相似文献   

酸性土壤中嗜酸稀有放线菌的多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
从江西、云南、北京采集的10份酸性土样中分离出嗜酸放线菌252株,其绝大部分为链霉菌。通过形态观察、pH梯度生长实验和细胞壁化学组分分析筛选出稀有放线菌代表菌株20株。ARDRA分析表明,它们呈11种不同的图谱类型,其中9株的图谱相同,另外4株的图谱与之差异不大,而其余7株的图谱与之差异很大且各不相同。16S rDNA序列分析表明,20株稀有放线菌中的18株分别属于6个已知属,其中13株属于诺卡氏菌属(Nocordia),它们在系统发育树上处于多个进化分枝;各有1株分别属于壤球菌属(Agrococcus)、节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)、北里孢菌属(Kitasatospora)、考克斯菌属(Kocuria)和嗜酸链霉菌属(Streptacidiphilus);其余2株是迄今尚未定名的一个新科(“Ellin5034 group”)中的成员。实验结果显示,酸性土壤中的嗜酸稀有放线菌具有较丰富的种属多样性,其中诺卡氏菌属(Nocardia)是一优势菌群。  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis CRL264 is a natural strain isolated from cheese (F. Sesma, D. Gardiol, A. P. de Ruiz Holgado, and D. de Mendoza, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:2099-2103, 1990). The effect of citrate on the growth parameters at a very acidic pH value was studied with this strain and with derivatives whose citrate uptake capacity was genetically manipulated. The culture pH was maintained at 4.5 to prevent alkalinization of the medium, a well-known effect of citrate metabolism. In the presence of citrate, the maximum specific growth rate and the specific glucose consumption rate were stimulated. Moreover, a more efficient energy metabolism was revealed by analysis of the biomass yields relative to glucose consumption or ATP production. Thus, it was shown that the beneficial effect of citrate on growth under acid stress conditions is not primarily due to the concomitant alkalinization of the medium but stems from less expenditure of ATP, derived from glucose catabolism, to achieve pH homeostasis. After citrate depletion, a deleterious effect on the final biomass was apparent due to organic acid accumulation, particularly acetic acid. On the other hand, citrate metabolism endowed cells with extra ability to counteract lactic and acetic acid toxicity. In vivo 13C nuclear magnetic resonance provided strong evidence for the operation of a citrate/lactate exchanger. Interestingly, the greater capacity for citrate transport correlated positively with the final biomass and growth rates of the citrate-utilizing strains. We propose that increasing the citrate transport capacity of CRL264 could be a useful strategy to improve further the ability of this strain to cope with strongly acidic conditions.  相似文献   

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