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Two starfish oocytes with a 12 min time difference in the maturation phase were fused together with electric pulses to make a heteroplasmic conjugate. The starfish used were Asterina pectinifera. The emergence of the first meiotic spindle and the extrusion of the polar bodies in the conjugate were timed. Under polarization microscopy two meiotic spindles emerged with a time difference of 10-11 min, which is close to the time difference in the maturation phase between the original oocytes before fusion. In contrast, subsequent formation of the first two polar bodies occurred successively with a short time lag of 1-3 min between them. Times for the formation of both polar bodies were midway between the anticipated times for polar body formation in respective non-fused control oocytes. Thus, in one nucleus the meiotic division was delayed, while in another nucleus it was accelerated, in a single heteroplasmic conjugate. These two sets of observations indicate the presence of a certain control system that regulates progression of the cell cycle at a point during the period from the entry into metaphase through to late anaphase of meiosis I in starfish oocytes. This type of cell cycle control in starfish oocytes is obviously distinct from the currently accepted view of the cell cycle control by the spindle assembly checkpoint that monitors unattached kinetochores of mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

In this study we have examined the meiosis-inducing influence of adenosine analogs in mouse oocytes. When a varied group of nucleosides and nucleotides were tested on overnight cultures of hypoxanthine-arrested, cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes (CEO), halogenated adenosine nucleosides, but not native adenosine, exhibited a significant meiosis-inducing capability. When tested under a variety of conditions, meiotic induction by 8-bromo-adenosine (8-Br-Ado) and a second adenosine analog, methylmercaptopurine riboside (MMPR), was especially potent in denuded oocytes (DO) compared to CEO and was not dependent on the type of inhibitor chosen to maintain meiotic arrest. Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) was stimulated with rapid kinetics and was preceded by an increase in AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity. Moreover, compound C, an inhibitor of AMPK, blocked the meiosis-inducing activities of both adenosine analogs. When tested for an effect on meiotic progression to metaphase II (MII) in spontaneously maturing CEO, 8-Br-Ado and the AMPK activator, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1-beta-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), increased the percentage of MII-stage oocytes, but MMPR decreased this number. Adenosine and inhibitors of de novo purine synthesis had no effect on the completion of maturation, while compound C suppressed this process. These results support the proposition that oocyte AMPK mediates the positive influence of AICAR and 8-Br-Ado on both the initiation and completion of meiotic maturation. The role of AMPK in MMPR action is less clear.  相似文献   

The process of mouth and coelom formation in exogastrulae of the starfish, Pisaster ochraceus, induced by LiCl, has been studied with the light microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Bending and segmentation of the exogastrulated archenteron with the formation of either single or double coelomic pouches follows the same schedule as the control. In addition, a region of the exogastrular ectoderm, which corresponds to the area of the mouth in controls, undergoes invagination. Early morphogenesis of the archenteron and invagination of the ectoderm during mouth formation appear to be intrinsic properties of these structures.

At the time of mouth formation in the controls, a discrete region adjacent to the distal end of the exogastrulated archenteron becomes sticky. Examination of this region shows that the surfaces of the archenteron cells are relatively smooth and that processes of the mesenchyme cells extend between them. The evidence suggests that the mesenchyme cells are responsible for the stickiness, and that they may guide the archenteron and ectoderm into contact and maintain the contact during normal mouth formation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of the kinetics of nuclear maturation in bovine oocytes on early embryo development and to examine whether the time of insemination of mature oocytes affects the oocytes' ability to support events of early embryo development. The time required for completion of nuclear maturation was influenced by gonadotropins used to supplement the maturation medium. Luteinizing hormone (LH) enhanced the speed of nuclear maturation when compared to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Oocytes completing their nuclear maturation early (by 16 hours after the initiation of culture) were more likely to complete the first embryonic cell cycle (78% in LH vs. 43% in FSH) and develop to the blastocyst stage (47% in LH vs. 34% in FSH). As the age of the oocytes at the time of MII arrest increased (extrusion of the polar body by 20 or 24 hours), a decrease in their ability to cleave and develop to the blastocyst stage was observed. Differences in the oocyte's ability to decondense chromatin and form pronuclei were also observed. Early maturing oocytes started forming pronuclei earlier than their later maturing counterparts. The time of insemination of mature oocytes played an equally important role. Generally, when insemination of mature oocytes was delayed for 8 hours, higher proportions of fertilized oocytes developed to advanced preimplantation stages than did the oocytes inseminated immediately after metaphase II arrest. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:456–467, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The stimulation of oocyte maturation by 1-methyladenine in starfish, and by a steroid in frogs, has been proposed to involve G-protein-coupled receptors. To examine whether activation of receptors linked to G(i) or G(z) was sufficient to cause oocyte maturation, we expressed mammalian G(i)- and G(z)-linked receptors in starfish and frog oocytes. Application of the corresponding agonists caused meiosis to resume in the starfish but not the frog oocytes. We confirmed that the receptors were effectively expressed in the frog oocytes by using a chimeric G-protein, G(qi), that converts input from G(i)- and G(z)-linked receptors to a G(q) output and results in a contraction of the oocyte's pigment. These results argue against G(i) or G(z) functioning to cause maturation in frog oocytes. Consistently, maturation-inducing steroids did not cause pigment contraction in frog oocytes expressing G(qi), and G(z) protein was not detectable in frog oocytes. For starfish oocytes, however, our results support the conclusion that G(i) functions in 1-methyladenine signaling and suggest the possibility of using frog oocyte pigment contraction as an assay to identify the 1-methyladenine receptor. To test this concept, we coexpressed G(qi) and a starfish adenosine receptor in frog oocytes and showed that applying adenosine caused pigment contraction.  相似文献   

Starfish oocyte meiosis provides a good system for studying the mechanism for prometaphase chromosome movement. Since a protein sharing epitopes with sperm dynein might be a force generator for mitosis, the contribution of such a protein was assessed in this movement. Specific antibodies to heavy chains (HCs) and intermediate chains (ICs) of dynein subunits were affinity-purified from whole antidynein serum. We confirmed that the oocytes contain several polypeptides identical to sperm dynein subunits. The anti-HCs binding to in situ antigen was examined in the oocytes permeabilized with detergent at appropriate stages of maturation with special reference to tubulin and chromosomes, and the meiotic apparatus-establishing process was described in terms of a force generator (oocyte dynein). Before resumption of maturation, dynein HCs were particularly associated with prophase chromosomes within the germinal vesicle (GV). After GV breakdown, there was a striking local accumulation of dynein HCs in the "fading GV" (nuclear matrix). When chromosomes were pulled toward the central area between 2 asters, dynein was accumulated at first at the presumptive equator and then moved to the poles, showing uneven localization on the meiotic spindle.  相似文献   

Immature starfish oocytes, which are arrested at the first meiotic prophase and contain a large nucleus called the germinal vesicle (GV), are known to accept multiple sperm on insemination. We found that if these polyspermic starfish oocytes are induced to mature, they often form small protrusion(s) adjacent to the first polar body emitted shortly earlier. We refer to these protrusion(s) as 'polar-body-like structures (PLS).' Fluorescent staining of PLS indicated that they were not merely cytoplasmic protrusions, but contained some chromatin. Maturing process of these polyspermic oocytes was examined by immnofluorescent staining, which showed that: (i) numerous sperm asters were observed after the onset of GV breakdown; (ii) before the first polar body (PB1) emission, a complex microtubular structure resembling a multipolar spindle was formed; and (iii) several isolated asters were observed after PB1 emission. These results indicate that PLS formation may be induced by interaction of meiosis-I spindle with paternal centrosomes incorporated at GV stage.  相似文献   

Studies performed by the author in the laboratory of Dr Yoshio Masui are reviewed and interpreted in the light of subsequent findings. The first series of studies indicated that that chromosome condensation during meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes is controlled initially by a stable protein that decays during maturation and subsequently by an unstable protein synthesized after germinal vesicle breakdown. Cyclin B is present in immature oocytes, becomes partially degraded near metaphase I and then re-accumulates, suggesting that this may be protein whose activity was inferred from the original results. The second series of experiments indicated that factors which appear in the oocyte cytoplasm during maturation are able to remodel the sperm into metaphase-like chromosomes, and that the supply of these factors is limited. Recent work indicates that these factors are required for the assembly of histones onto the sperm DNA, and has identified two molecular species, mNAP-1 and NPM-3, known to promote replication-independent chromatin assembly in somatic cells, that are expressed in oocytes.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent signaling pathways are thought to be involved in the regulation of mammalian oocyte meiotic maturation. However, the molecular linkages between the calcium signal and the processes driving meiotic maturation are not clearly defined. The present study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the multi-functional calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM KII) functions as one of these key linkers. Mouse oocytes were treated with a pharmacological CaM KII inhibitor, KN-93, or a peptide CaM KII inhibitor, myristoylated AIP, and assessed for the progression of meiosis. Two systems for in vitro oocyte maturation were used: (1) spontaneous gonadotropin-independent maturation and (2) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced reversal of hypoxanthine-mediated meiotic arrest. FSH-induced, but not spontaneous germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) was dose-dependently inhibited by both myristoylated AIP and KN-93, but not its inactive analog, KN-92. However, emission of the first polar body (PB1) was inhibited by myristoylated AIP and KN-93 in both oocyte maturation systems. Oocytes that failed to produce PB1 exhibited normal-appearing metaphase I chromosome congression and spindles indicating that CaM KII inhibitors blocked the metaphase I to anaphase I transition. Similar results were obtained when the oocytes were treated with a calmodulin antagonist, W-7, and matured spontaneously. These results suggest that CaM KII, and hence the calcium signaling pathway, is potentially involved in regulating the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes. This kinase both participates in gonadotropin-induced resumption of meiosis, as well as promoting the metaphase I to anaphase I transition. Further evidence is therefore, provided of the critical role of calcium-dependent pathways in mammalian oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Anti-PM-2 is a monoclonal antibody that has been developed against the ECM of embryo/larvae of the starfish Pisaster ochraceus. Immunofluorescent staining shows that the PM-2 epitope is present in the cortical granules of unfertilized eggs and is released into the perivitelline space on fertilization. At the blastula stage, staining is very faint and limited to the blastocoel and a few granules within the cells. Strong staining appears in the embryonic/larval body cavity shortly after gastrulation and continues to increase in both the embryonic/larval body cavity and lumen of the gut at least until the bipinnaria stage. The presence of PM-2 in the Golgi apparatus, its susceptibility to enzymes that attack carbohydrates, and inhibition of PM-2 synthesis by tunicamycin, a drug that inhibits the linkage of carbohydrate moieties to protein backbone chains, suggest that the PM-2 epitope is or contains carbohydrate. Western blots of the whole embryo homogenates show bands at molecular weights of 130, 122, 100, 70, and 50 kDa. As embryos grow, two other high molecular weight (greater than 200 kDa) bands also appear. This suggests that the epitope is present on a series of molecules and that some of the lower MW molecules are precursors of the higher MW ones. A single 24-h exposure to the antibody just posthatching appears to inhibit normal mesenchymal migration at the gastrula stage, and if development of these treated embryos/larvae is allowed to continue to the bipinnaria stage, the embryos are stunted and have a smaller oral hood and esophagus. Long-term exposure results in stunted animals with distorted shapes. Such animals develop a very small embryonic/larval body cavity or none at all and differentiation of the larval GI tract fails to occur. The results suggest that molecules exhibiting the PM-2 epitope are necessary for the proper formation of the blastocoel, for mesenchyme cell movement and for proper development of the larvae GI tract.  相似文献   

Breakdown of the nuclear envelope (NE) was analyzed in live starfish oocytes using a size series of fluorescently labeled dextrans, membrane dyes, and GFP-tagged proteins of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and the nuclear lamina. Permeabilization of the nucleus occurred in two sequential phases. In phase I the NE became increasingly permeable for molecules up to approximately 40 nm in diameter, concurrent with a loss of peripheral nuclear pore components over a time course of 10 min. The NE remained intact on the ultrastructural level during this time. In phase II the NE was completely permeabilized within 35 s. This rapid permeabilization spread as a wave from one epicenter on the animal half across the nuclear surface and allowed free diffusion of particles up to approximately 100 nm in diameter into the nucleus. While the lamina and nuclear membranes appeared intact at the light microscopic level, a fenestration of the NE was clearly visible by electron microscopy in phase II. We conclude that NE breakdown in starfish oocytes is triggered by slow sequential disassembly of the NPCs followed by a rapidly spreading fenestration of the NE caused by the removal of nuclear pores from nuclear membranes still attached to the lamina.  相似文献   

Meiotic maturation of mammalian oocytes is a complex process during which microfilaments and microtubules provide the framework for chromosomal reorganisation and cell division. The aim of this study was to use fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy to examine changes in the distribution of these important cytoskeletal elements and their relationship to chromatin configuration during the maturation of horse oocytes in vitro. Oocytes were cultured in M199 supplemented with pFSH and eLH and, at 0, 12, 24, and 36 hr after the onset of culture, they were fixed for immunocytochemistry and stained with markers for microtubules (a monoclonal anti-alpha-tubulin antibody), microfilaments (AlexaFluor 488 Phalloidin) and DNA (TO-PRO(3)). At the germinal vesicle stage, oocyte chromatin was amorphous and poorly condensed and the microfilaments and microtubules were distributed relatively evenly throughout the ooplasm. After germinal vesicle breakdown, the microtubules were aggregated around the now condensed chromosomes and the microfilaments had become concentrated within the oocyte cortex. During metaphase I, microtubules were detected only in the meiotic spindle, as elongated asters encompassing the aligned chromosomes, and, as maturation progressed through anaphase-I and telophase-I, the spindle assumed a more eccentric position and gradually rotated to assist in the separation of the homologous chromosomes and in the subsequent formation of the first polar body. During metaphase II, the meiotic spindle was a symmetrical, barrel-shaped structure with two poles and with the chromosomes aligned along its midline. At this stage, microtubules were found intermingled with chromatin within the polar body and, although, the bulk of the microfilaments remained within the oocyte cortex, a rich domain was found overlying the spindle. Thus, during the in vitro maturation of horse oocytes both the microfilament and microtubular elements of the cytoskeleton were seen to reorganise dramatically in a fashion that appeared to enable chromosomal alignment and segregation.  相似文献   

The metaphase I (MI) arrest of starfish oocytes is released after spawning. In this study using starfish Asterina pectinifera , the duration of MI after spawning was ~20 min and ~30 min in fertilized and unfertilized oocytes, respectively. This prolongation of MI in unfertilized oocytes, referred to as the MI pause, was maintained by mitogen-activating protein kinase (MAPK) as well as low intracellular pH (~7.0). Contrary to previous reports, MI arrest was not maintained by MAPK, since it was inactive in the oocytes arrested at MI in the ovary and activated immediately after spawning. Also, cyclin B was not degraded at pH 6.7 in the cell-free preparation without MAPK activity, whereas it was degraded at pH 7.0, suggesting that MI arrest was solely maintained by lower pH (< 7.0). Normal development occurred when the spawned oocytes were fertilized before the first polar body formation, whereas fertilization after the first polar body formation increased the rate of abnormal development. Thus, due to MI pause and MI arrest, the probability for fertilization before the polar body formation might be increased, leading to normal development.  相似文献   

Pre-pubertal pig oocytes display reduced developmental competence compared with adult oocytes following in vitro maturation (IVM). Exposure to dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP) for the first 20 hr IVM improves development of pre-pubertal oocytes, suggesting that their cAMP content may be inadequate. This study examined the effect of 1 mM dbcAMP treatment for the first 22 hr of IVM on the cAMP content, meiotic progression, and embryo development of pre-pubertal and adult oocytes. In control groups, a two-fold increase in cAMP was observed in adult oocytes after 22 hr IVM, with no change in pre-pubertal oocyte cAMP content. At 22 hr IVM, dbcAMP treatment resulted in two- and five-fold increases in pre-pubertal and adult oocyte cAMP, respectively. After 22 hr control IVM, a greater proportion of pre-pubertal oocytes occupied metaphase I (MI) compared with adult oocytes (69% vs. 49%). dbcAMP treatment reduced the proportion of pre-pubertal and adult oocytes in MI stage at 22 hr. Despite dbcAMP treatment, the proportion of pre-pubertal oocytes in the MI stage at 22 hr remained higher than that of adult oocytes. In control groups, adult oocytes displayed a greater ability to form blastocysts compared with pre-pubertal oocytes following either parthenogenetic activation (59% vs. 25%) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) (47% vs. 19%). dbcAMP treatment increased subsequent blastocyst formation rates of pre-pubertal oocytes, whereas blastocyst formation rates of adult oocytes remained unchanged. Our results suggest that the reduced developmental capacity of pre-pubertal oocytes may be a consequence of their reduced ability to accumulate cAMP during IVM.  相似文献   

Ability of ovarian oocytes from the domestic dog to complete nuclear maturation in vitro (IVM) varies markedly among donors and generally is 20% or less of all oocytes cultured. To identify the cause(s) underlying these significant variations in meiotic maturation (to metaphase II; MII), we retrospectively analyzed data from 1,643 oocytes recovered from 90 bitches for which stage of reproduction and season of year were known. Neither stage of reproduction (proestrus/estrus, diestrus, anestrus, or prepuberty) nor season (P > 0.05) influenced the ability of oocytes to achieve nuclear maturation in vitro. A second study was conducted to examine the impact of follicular size on meiotic maturation. Populations of large oocytes were recovered from four categories of follicles (ranging from <0.5 to > 2 mm in diameter) and cultured in TCM 199 for 48 hr. Follicular size influenced (P < 0.05) meiotic competence. Mean percentages of MII oocytes were 16.9 +/- 9.2, 26.1 +/- 7.6, 38.4 +/- 9.2, and 79.5 +/- 10.9 for oocytes recovered from < 0.5 mm, > or = 0.5-< 1 mm, 1-2 mm, and > 2 mm diameter follicles, respectively. In summary, stage of reproduction and season have no impact on the ability of dog oocytes to achieve nuclear maturation in vitro. However, we demonstrated for the first time that dog oocytes acquire meiotic competency during follicular development. IVM success of selected oocytes from large size follicles (almost 80%) is about 60% higher than measured in most previous studies involving randomly collected oocytes.  相似文献   

Hypophysectomy of 15-day-old rats (hypox) markedly reduced the normal development of meiotic competence and abolished the development of antral follicles between days 21 and 31 postpartum (pp). Here the correlation among age of the rats, stage of follicular development, and meiotic competence was examined. Administration of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG-3IU) or insertion of an estradiol-17β (E2) capsule to hypox rats induced the development of meiotic competence provided the treatment started after day 20 pp. Hormonal treatments at an earlier age were not effective in inducing meiotic competence in hypox rats. The induction of meiotic competence by PMSG or E2 was associated with an increase in the number of granulosa cells and formation of follicular antrum. The finding that PMSG and E2 failed to induce meiotic competence when administered prior to day 21 pp suggests that the development of meiotic competence is an age-dependent process. When the hormonal treatments commenced after day 21, both follicular development and meiotic competence were induced.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of immature and mature oocytes of two crabs were analyzed. Growing immature oocytes of Carcinus maenas and fully grown immature oocytes of Maia squinado had essentially K+ dependent resting potentials, Em, of ?61 ? 1 mV, n=19, and ?67.3 ± 0.5 mV, n=68, respectively. Fully grown immature oocytes of Carcinus maenas showed an Em of ?40 ± 1.5 mV, n=19, that was k+ and Cl? dependent. In mature oocytes of both species, the plasma membrane became exclusively permeable to cl? and the Em attained–41 ± 1 mV, n=49 and ?34 ± 1.5 mV, n=27 for Carcinus maenas and Maia squinado, respectively. After in vitro insemination, a dramatic increase in egg membrane permeability to K+ was observed. This instantaneously caused a sustained hyperpolarization constituting, for these crabs, the fertilization potential. We observed that concurrently with this electrical response to fertilization, sperm reinitiated the oocyte meiotic maturation previously arrested at the first metaphase. The triggering mechanism of the fertilization potential as well as the possible occurrence of a physiological polyspermy are discussed.  相似文献   

In a previous study, it was shown that cumulus cell-enclosed germinal vesicle (GV)-stage oocytes, isolated from pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-primed immature (22–24 day old) mice and that underwent spontaneous maturation in vitro, exhibited frequencies of embryonic development similar to oocytes stimulated to mature and ovulate in vivo by administration of gonadotropins [Schroeder AC, Eppig JJ, (1984) Dev Biol 102:493–497]. In the present study, the effect of the hormonal state of the oocyte donor on the capacity of in vitro matured oocytes to be fertilized and undergo pre- and post-implantation development was explored further. Oocytes were isolated at the GV-stage from the following groups of mice: 1) unprimed immature mice; 2) adult cycling mice; 3) unprimed Snell dwarf (dw) mice that have undetectable levels of growth hormone (GH), prolactin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH); and 4) primed and unprimed hypogonadal (hpg) mice that have undetectable levels of circulating gonadotropins. Oocytes maturing in vitro after isolation from normal unprimed immature or adult mice at all stages of the estrous cycle acquired full developmental capacity. GV-stage oocytes isolated from dwarf mice showed embryonic development equivalent to normal ( + /?) littermate controls. Therefore, GH, TSH, or prolactin are not required during oogencsis in vivo to promote the acquisition of competence to complete embryogenesis after maturation in vitro. Oocytes from hypogonadal mice had a much reduced capacity for preimplantation development when compared with normal littermates. Administration of PMSG to the hypogonadal mice significantly increased the developmental capacity of oocytes that underwent maturation in vitro. Gonadotropins, therefore, have a beneficial effect on the oocytc's capacity for embryonic development.  相似文献   

In mammals, the nucleolus of full‐grown oocyte is essential for embryonic development but not for oocyte maturation. In our study, the role of the growing oocyte nucleolus in oocyte maturation was examined by nucleolus removal and/or transfer into previously enucleolated, growing (around 100 µm in diameter) or full‐grown (120 µm) pig oocytes. In the first experiment, the nucleoli were aspirated from growing oocytes whose nucleoli had been compacted by actinomycin D treatment, and the enucleolated oocytes were matured in vitro. Most of non‐treated or actinomycin D‐treated oocytes did not undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD; 13% and 12%, respectively). However, the GVBD rate of enucleolated, growing oocytes significantly increased to 46%. The low GVBD rate of enucleolated, growing oocytes was restored again by the re‐injection of nucleoli from growing oocytes (23%), but not when nucleoli from full‐grown oocytes were re‐injected into enucleolated, growing oocytes (49%). When enucleolated, full‐grown oocytes were injected with nucleoli from growing or full‐grown oocytes, the nucleolus in the germinal vesicle was reassembled (73% and 60%, respectively). After maturation, the enucleolated, full‐grown oocytes injected with nucleoli from full‐grown oocytes matured to metaphase II (56%), whereas injection with growing‐oocyte nucleoli reduced this maturation to 21%. These results suggest that the growing‐oocyte nucleolus is involved in the oocyte's meiotic arrest, and that the full‐grown oocyte nucleolus has lost the ability. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:426–435, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammalian oocytes are arrested at the G(2)/M transition in the meiotic cell cycle. It is well known that a decrease in intraoocyte cAMP concentrations accompanies resumption of meiosis, but the precise trigger of this decrease remains a mystery. Follicular somatic cells are intimately coupled to the oocyte and are thought to transmit maturation signals to the oocyte in response to hormonal stimulation. Here, we investigate the nature of the follicular somatic cell response to hormonal stimulation by identifying and characterizing the adenylate cyclase isoforms present in bovine cumulus cells. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed the presence of multiple adenylyl cyclase isoforms in bovine granulosa and cumulus cells. Pharmacological manipulation of the AC isoforms showed that multiple isoforms were indeed active. Our data indicate that the PKC inhibited adenylate cyclases IV and VI and the calcium-stimulated isoform I predominate in bovine cumulus cells.  相似文献   

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