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Earlier reports suggested that seasonal variation in food-caching behavior (caching intensity and cache retrieval accuracy) might correlate with morphological changes in the hippocampal formation, a brain structure thought to play a role in remembering cache locations. We demonstrated that changes in cache retrieval accuracy can also be triggered by experimental variation in food supply: captive mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) maintained on limited and unpredictable food supply were more accurate at recovering their caches and performed better on spatial memory tests than birds maintained on ad libitum food. In this study, we investigated whether these two treatment groups also differed in the volume and neuron number of the hippocampal formation. If variation in memory for food caches correlates with hippocampal size, then our birds with enhanced cache recovery and spatial memory performance should have larger hippocampal volumes and total neuron numbers. Contrary to this prediction we found no significant differences in volume or total neuron number of the hippocampal formation between the two treatment groups. Our results therefore indicate that changes in food-caching behavior and spatial memory performance, as mediated by experimental variations in food supply, are not necessarily accompanied by morphological changes in volume or neuron number of the hippocampal formation in fully developed, experienced food-caching birds.  相似文献   

Brain plasticity and adult neurogenesis may play a role in many ecologically important processes including mate recognition, song learning and production, and spatial memory processing. In a number of species, both physical and social environments appear to influence attributes (e.g., volume, neuron number, and neurogenesis) of particular brain regions. The hippocampus in particular is well known to be especially sensitive to such changes. Although social grouping in many taxa includes the formation of male and female pairs, most studies of the relationship between social environment and the hippocampus have typically considered only solitary animals and those living in same‐sex groups. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the volume of the hippocampal formation, the total number of hippocampal neurons, and the number of immature neurons in the hippocampus (as determined by doublecortin expression) in mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) housed in groups of males and females, male–female pairs, same sex pairs of either males or females, and as solitary individuals. The different groups were visually and physically, but not acoustically, isolated from each other. We found no significant differences between any of our groups in hippocampal volume, the total number of hippocampal neurons, or the number of immature neurons. Our results thus provided no support to the hypothesis that social group composition and/or size have an effect on hippocampal morphology and neurogenesis. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70:538–547, 2010  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that in avian social groups subordinate individuals should maintain more energy reserves than dominants, as an insurance against increased perceived risk of starvation. Subordinates might also have elevated baseline corticosterone levels because corticosterone is known to facilitate fattening in birds. Recent experiments showed that moderately elevated corticosterone levels resulting from unpredictable food supply are correlated with enhanced cache retrieval efficiency and more accurate performance on a spatial memory task. Given the correlation between corticosterone and memory, a further prediction is that subordinates might be more efficient at cache retrieval and show more accurate performance on spatial memory tasks. We tested these predictions in dominant-subordinate pairs of mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli). Each pair was housed in the same cage but caching behavior was tested individually in an adjacent aviary to avoid the confounding effects of small spaces in which birds could unnaturally and directly influence each other's behavior. In sharp contrast to our hypothesis, we found that subordinate chickadees cached less food, showed less efficient cache retrieval, and performed significantly worse on the spatial memory task than dominants. Although the behavioral differences could have resulted from social stress of subordination, and dominant birds reached significantly higher levels of corticosterone during their response to acute stress compared to subordinates, there were no significant differences between dominants and subordinates in baseline levels or in the pattern of adrenocortical stress response. We find no evidence, therefore, to support the hypothesis that subordinate mountain chickadees maintain elevated baseline corticosterone levels whereas lower caching rates and inferior cache retrieval efficiency might contribute to reduced survival of subordinates commonly found in food-caching parids.  相似文献   

Environmental perturbations increase adrenal activity in several vertebrates. Increases in corticosterone may serve as a proximate trigger whereby organisms can rapidly adapt their behavior to survive environmental fluctuations. In food-caching songbirds, inclement weather may present the need to alter caching and/or retrieval behaviors to ensure food supplies. We hypothesized that corticosterone may increase the rate of caching and/or retrieval behaviors in the mountain chickadee, a food-storing songbird, and tested if these potential effects were mediated by alterations in appetite, activity, or memory for cache sites. Corticosterone or vehicle was administered to subjects 5 min prior to either caching or recovery in a naturalistic laboratory paradigm during which we recorded the number of caching events, sites visited, and seeds eaten (caching) or caches recovered, total sites visited, cache-related visits, and non-cache-related visits (recovery). Data were analyzed using nested ANOVA for treatment within sequential trial. There was no effect on any caching behaviors following treatment. However, birds treated with corticosterone during retrieval recovered more seeds and tended to visit more cache-related sites than did controls. Since groups did not differ in the number of seeds eaten or the total number of sites visited, it seems unlikely that corticosterone affected appetite or activity. Rapid surges in corticosterone may increase the efficacy of an underlying memory process for cache sites which is reflected in higher cache recovery in corticosterone-treated birds than in controls. Thus, rapid alterations in plasma corticosterone following environmental change may alter memory-reliant behaviors which promote survival in the food-caching mountain chickadee.  相似文献   

Birds rely, at least in part, on spatial memory for recovering previously hidden caches but accurate cache recovery may be more critical for birds that forage in harsh conditions where the food supply is limited and unpredictable. Failure to find caches in these conditions may potentially result in death from starvation. In order to test this hypothesis we compared the cache recovery behaviour of 24 wild-caught mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli), half of which were maintained on a limited and unpredictable food supply while the rest were maintained on an ad libitum food supply for 60 days. We then tested their cache retrieval accuracy by allowing birds from both groups to cache seeds in the experimental room and recover them 5 hours later. Our results showed that birds maintained on a limited and unpredictable food supply made significantly fewer visits to non-cache sites when recovering their caches compared to birds maintained on ad libitum food. We found the same difference in performance in two versions of a one-trial associative learning task in which the birds had to rely on memory to find previously encountered hidden food. In a non-spatial memory version of the task, in which the baited feeder was clearly marked, there were no significant differences between the two groups. We therefore concluded that the two groups differed in their efficiency at cache retrieval. We suggest that this difference is more likely to be attributable to a difference in memory (encoding or recall) than to a difference in their motivation to search for hidden food, although the possibility of some motivational differences still exists. Overall, our results suggest that demanding foraging conditions favour more accurate cache retrieval in food-caching birds.  相似文献   

Shayna Whitaker  Jeanne Fair 《Oikos》2002,99(1):161-165
The tradeoff between immunocompetence and development in avian species could have long-term consequences relating to fitness. This study investigated the developmental cost of mounting a humoral immune response in growing mountain chickadees, Poecile gambeli . We immunologically challenged nestling chickadees using nonpathogenic antigens of either Newcastle disease virus vaccine or sheep red blood cells. Body mass, tarsal length, haematocrit, total plasma protein, and survival did not vary significantly between antigen treatment groups and control groups. Developmental stability was assessed using fluctuating asymmetry (FA) between the right and left ninth primary feather length. FA was increased significantly in the antigen-challenged birds. This result indicates that the up-regulation of the humoral immune response was developmentally costly to the nestlings by causing an increase in FA.  相似文献   

It is well established that spatial memory is dependent on the hippocampus in both mammals and birds. As memory capacity can fluctuate on a temporal basis, it is important to understand the mechanisms mediating such changes. It is known that early memory-dependent experiences in young animals result in hippocampal enlargement and in increased neurogenesis, including cell proliferation and neuron survival. It is less clear, however, whether temporal changes in spatial memory are also associated with changes in hippocampal anatomy and cell proliferation in fully grown and experienced adult animals. In a previous study, we experimentally demonstrated that socially subordinate mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) showed inferior spatial memory performance compared to their dominant group mates, in the absence of significant differences in baseline corticosterone levels. Here we investigated whether these differences in memory between dominant and subordinate birds were associated with changes in the hippocampus. Following memory tests, chickadees were injected with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine to label dividing cells and sacrificed 2 days after the injections. We found no significant differences in volume or the total number of neurons in the hippocampal formation between dominant and subordinate chickadees, but subordinate birds had significantly lower cell proliferation rates in the ventricular zone adjacent to both the hippocampus and mesopallium compared to the dominants. Individuals, which performed better on spatial memory tests tended to have higher levels of cell proliferation. These results suggest that social status can affect cell proliferation rates in the ventricular zone and support the hypothesis that neurogenesis might be involved in memory function in adult animals.  相似文献   

It is well established that spatial memory is dependent on the hippocampus in both mammals and birds. As memory capacity can fluctuate on a temporal basis, it is important to understand the mechanisms mediating such changes. It is known that early memory‐dependent experiences in young animals result in hippocampal enlargement and in increased neurogenesis, including cell proliferation and neuron survival. It is less clear, however, whether temporal changes in spatial memory are also associated with changes in hippocampal anatomy and cell proliferation in fully grown and experienced adult animals. In a previous study, we experimentally demonstrated that socially subordinate mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) showed inferior spatial memory performance compared to their dominant group mates, in the absence of significant differences in baseline corticosterone levels. Here we investigated whether these differences in memory between dominant and subordinate birds were associated with changes in the hippocampus. Following memory tests, chickadees were injected with 5‐bromo‐2′‐deoxyuridine to label dividing cells and sacrificed 2 days after the injections. We found no significant differences in volume or the total number of neurons in the hippocampal formation between dominant and subordinate chickadees, but subordinate birds had significantly lower cell proliferation rates in the ventricular zone adjacent to both the hippocampus and mesopallium compared to the dominants. Individuals, which performed better on spatial memory tests tended to have higher levels of cell proliferation. These results suggest that social status can affect cell proliferation rates in the ventricular zone and support the hypothesis that neurogenesis might be involved in memory function in adult animals. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

We tested for hormonal and behavioral differences between Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) taken from a disturbed (recently logged) forest, an undisturbed forest, or a residential site. We measured fecal corticosterone and body mass levels in the field, and fecal corticosterone, body mass, and caching behavior in an aviary experiment. In the field, birds from the disturbed forest exhibited significantly higher fecal corticosterone levels than birds from either the undisturbed forest or from the residential site. Birds from the disturbed forest also exhibited lower body mass than those from the undisturbed forest but higher body mass than those from the residential site. Our aviary results suggest that these physiological differences between field sites are the result of short-term responses to ecological factors: neither body mass nor fecal corticosterone levels varied between birds captured at different sites. Aviary sample sizes were sufficient to detect seasonal variation in fecal corticosterone (lowest in summer), body mass (highest in spring), and rate of gain in body mass (highest in winter). Under "closed-economy" aviary conditions (all food available from a feeder in the aviary), there were no site differences in the percent of seeds taken from the feeder that were cached. However, under "open-economy" conditions (food occasionally available ad libitum), significantly fewer seeds were cached by birds from the disturbed forest compared to the undisturbed or residential sites. On average, there was only a two-fold difference in population levels of fecal corticosterone. This difference is about the same as an increase in fecal corticosterone induced by a 2-h increase in food deprivation and cannot be considered to be an acute stress response to disturbance.  相似文献   

Bipolar electrodes were implanted into the CA1 pyramidal cells of the dorsal hippocampus and the effect of electrical stimulation of these cells on corticosterone secretion was investigated in freely moving rats. Histology showed that the electrodes were positioned in close proximity to the CA1 pyramidal cells. Rats that were subjected to high intensity electrical stimulation (1, 10, and 100A) behaved differently when compared to their sham stimulated controls. They were more active and displayed wet dog shakes. Plasma corticosterone levels increased dose-dependently in rats subjected to different electrical stimulation intensities. Although prior treatment (24 hours) of rats with DSP4 (60 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced hippocampal noradrenaline content by 46%, it did not bring about any behavioural changes. DSP4 treatment also had no effect on electrically stimulated corticosterone release. These data suggested that stimulation of CA1 pyramidal cells may lead to increased corticosterone release and that a decrease in hippocampal noradrenaline concentration was unable to alter this corticosterone response.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, molecular techniques have fuelled debate about the role of Pleistocene glacial cycles in structuring contemporary avian diversity in North America. The debate is still heated; however, there is widespread agreement that the Pleistocene glacial cycles forced the repeated contraction, fragmentation, and expansion of the North American biota. These demographic processes should leave genetic 'footprints' in modern descendants, suggesting that detailed population genetic studies of contemporary species provide the key to elucidating the impact of the late Quaternary (late Pleistocene-Holocene). We present an analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in the mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli) in an attempt to examine the genetic evidence of the impact of the late Quaternary glacial cycles. Phylogenetic analyses reveal two strongly supported clades of P. gambeli: an Eastern Clade (Rocky Mountains and Great Basin) and a Western Clade (Sierra Nevada and Cascades). Post-glacial introgression is apparent between these two clades in the Mono Lake region of Central California. Within the Eastern Clade there is evidence of isolation-by-distance in the Rocky Mountain populations, and of limited gene flow into and around the Great Basin. Coalescent analysis of genetic variation in the Western Clade indicates that northern (Sierra Nevada/Cascades) and southern (Transverse/Peninsular Ranges) populations have been isolated and evolving independently for nearly 60,000 years.  相似文献   

Lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) is a proliferative program initiated in response to T cell insufficiency caused by acute or chronic immunodepletion. Studies of lymphopenic mice have demonstrated that the cytokine IL-7 and TCR signaling are critical for LIP. We examined how these two factors impact T cell proliferation following transfer into moderately lymphopenic mice. In this study, we show that moderate lymphopenia (~25% of wild-type lymphocytes) of IL-7Rα knock-in mutant (IL-7Rα(449F)) mice supports T cell proliferation, although with decreased frequency and kinetics compared with cells transferred to severely lymphopenic (5% of wild-type lymphocytes) IL-7Rα(-/-) hosts. Although previous studies have demonstrated that elevated IL-7 levels play an important role in LIP, IL-7 availability was not elevated in IL-7Rα(449F) mice. However, moderate lymphopenia increased access of transferred T cells to self-peptide presented on APCs that can trigger TCR signaling and proliferation. Importantly, we did not detect significant changes in TCR Vβ usage of proliferated T cells recovered from either moderately or severely lymphopenic hosts. Our work demonstrates that polyclonal T cells retain a diverse TCR repertoire following proliferation mediated by either self-peptide-MHC interaction alone or in combination with IL-7, and that T cell reconstitution is most efficient in the presence of increased IL-7 availability.  相似文献   

In temperate forests, small birds avoid the use of forest edges in adverse winter weather suggesting high foraging costs in terms of energetic requirements. Since hoarding species will often retrieve caches during adverse winter weather, they may perceive forest edges, especially exposed ones, as low quality hoarding sites. We tested whether black-capped chickadees ( Poecile atricapillus) inhabiting fragmented forests modify and reduce hoarding activity near forest edges. We also tested whether hoarding behaviour will be most affected in sites with forest edges more exposed to extreme weather. Black-capped chickadees taking food from a feeder 30 m from the nearest forest edges hoarded items mostly towards the forest interior, whereas no preference in hoarding location was observed with birds taking food from a feeder placed >100 m from the edge. Furthermore, birds avoided direct flights towards forest edges and, at sites exposed to prevailing winds, hoarding trips were shorter than at other locations. These results suggest that individuals avoid hoarding near forest edges and there, they lower their investment in terms of hoarding effort. The observed difference in hoarding behaviour was more evident near forest edges delimiting wide unforested areas than in edges delimiting narrower unforested areas. Edge exposure to prevailing winds influenced hoarding behaviour much less. We suggest that hoarding birds may partially overcome the ecological costs of habitat loss and fragmentation due to abiotic edge effects. By hoarding food away from forest edges in good weather, they may use forest interiors as low-cost retrieval sites under adverse weather.  相似文献   

Secretory non-pancreatic phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) has been implicated in inflammation and has been found in human atherosclerotic lesions. To test the effect of sPLA(2) deficiency on atherosclerosis, C57BL/Ks mice (apoE(+/+) and PLA(2)(++) were bred with C57BL/6 apoE knockout mice which are sPLA(2)(--) due to a spontaneous mutation. Sibling pairs of mice (apoE(--)/sPLA(2)(++) and apoE(--)/sPLA(2)(--)) on high fat Western diets were dissected at 22 weeks. In vitro enzyme assays confirmed higher serum sPLA(2) activity in the sPLA(2)(++) compared to sPLA(2)(--) for both sexes, while sPLA(2)(--) males had slightly higher serum cholesterol and phospholipids. Analysis of lipoprotein profiles by FPLC showed no effect of sPLA(2) genotype on any measured parameters. Atherosclerosis was quantitated by assaying cholesterol in aortic extracts. Male sPLA(2) trended slightly higher than sPLA(2)(++) with no statistical significance. Female sPLA(2)(++) and sPLA(2)(--) mice showed no significant differences in any of the measured parameters. These results suggest that the endogenous mouse sPLA(2) gene does not significantly affect HDL or atherosclerosis in mice.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(5):357-363
The black-capped chickadee is a songbird that has been used extensively as a model of animal communication in field and laboratory settings. Although many studies have focused on the complex call and song systems of the black-capped chickadee, relatively fewer studies have focused on chickadee audition. However, we do know from behavioral and molecular work that chickadees (and auditory processing areas in their brains) discriminate between artificially generated tones, between conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations, and among different types of conspecific vocalizations. In this paper we investigate peripheral auditory processing of frequency in the black-capped chickadee and the potential influence of sex on frequency sensitivity using a technique called auditory evoked potentials. We found that male and female black-capped chickadees did not differ in any measure of frequency sensitivity. Both sexes had the greatest sensitivity to frequencies between 2 and 4 kHz. This range of frequencies is well represented in black-capped chickadee song, partially supporting the idea that sender and receiver coevolve. Finally, we suggest that the call and song system of North American parids make them an ideal taxonomic group for comparative work exploring the relationship between call systems and the evolution of auditory processing.  相似文献   

We recently documented an epizootic of beak deformities in more than 2,000 Blackcapped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and other wild bird species in North America. This emerging avian disease, which has been termed avian keratin disorder, results in gross overgrowth of the rhamphotheca, the outer, keratinized layer of the beak. To test the hypothesis that the beak deformities characteristic of this disorder are associated with accelerated keratin production, we measured rates of beak growth and wear in affected Black-capped Chickadees (n=16) and a control sample of unaffected chickadees (n=14) collected from south-central (61°09'-61°38'N, 149°11' -149°48'W) and interior Alaska (64°51' -64°53'N, 147°49' -147°59'W). Rates of absolute growth were 50-100% higher in affected birds than they were in control birds and exceeded records from other passerine species. These results suggest that abnormally rapid epidermal growth is the primary physical mechanism by which beak deformities develop and are maintained in affected chickadees. Although beak overgrowth typically worsened over time, differential patterns of wear influenced the severity and morphology of deformities. In some cases, the effects of accelerated keratin growth were partially mitigated by frequent breakage of rhamphothecal tips. However, mortalities occurred in 9 of 16 birds (56%) with beak deformities during the study, suggesting that avian keratin disorder results in severe health consequences for affected birds. Additional study of factors that control beak keratin production is needed to understand the pathogenesis of this debilitating disease in wild birds.  相似文献   

Nestling begging in passerine birds is a complex behaviour that is shaped by a multitude of ecological factors and could be physiologically mediated by varying levels of steroid hormones. Previous research has shown links between sibling competition and testosterone and corticosterone in several bird species. The spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) is a medium sized passerine in which nestlings compete intensively for resources, often resulting in marked size hierarchies that can have profound effects on their fitness. We tested the hypothesis that an increase in sibling competition levels would result in increases in testosterone and corticosterone in this species. To this end we conducted a brood size manipulation, creating small, medium and large broods. This manipulation had the expected effect on morphology: nestling size and mass decreased with increasing brood size. Androgen levels varied in response to brood size manipulation but, contrary to expectations, the largest concentrations were found in reduced brood sizes. Corticosterone levels increased with increasing brood size, but this effect disappeared when we corrected for the time taken to process nestlings. Cell-mediated immune response was found to decrease with increasing brood size and testosterone levels. The results suggest that the proposed link between testosterone and corticosterone and sibling competition does not hold in this species, and underlines the diversity of species-specific responsiveness to steroids.  相似文献   

The development of highly selective agonists for the two major subforms of the estrogen receptor (ERα and ERβ) has produced new experimental methodologies for delineating the distinct functional role each plays in neurobehavioral biology. It has also been suggested that these compounds might have the potential to treat estrogen influenced behavioral disorders, such as anxiety and depression. Prior work has established that the ERβ agonist, diarylpropionitrile (DPN) is anxiolytic in gonadectomized animals of both sexes, but whether or not this effect persists in gonadally intact individuals is unknown. Isoflavone phytoestrogens, also potent but less selective ERβ agonists, have also been shown to influence anxiety in multiple species and are becoming more readily available to humans as health supplements. Here we determined the effects of 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/kg DPN, 1 mg/kg of the ERα agonist propyl-pyrazole-triol (PPT), 3 or 20 mg/kg of the isoflavone equol (EQ) and 3 or 20 mg/kg of the isoflavone polyphenol resveratrol (RES) on anxiety behavior in the gonadally intact male rat using the light/dark box and the elevated plus maze. We first determined that DPN can be successfully administered either orally or by subcutaneous injection, although plasma DPN levels are significantly lower if given orally. Once injected, plasma levels peak rapidly and then decline to baseline levels within 3 h of administration. For the behavioral studies, all compounds were injected and the animals were tested within 3 h of treatment. None of the compounds, at any of the doses, significantly altered anxiety-related behavior. Plasma testosterone levels were also not significantly altered suggesting that these compounds do not interfere with endogenous androgen levels. The results suggest that the efficacy of ERβ agonists may depend on gonadal status. Therefore the therapeutic potential of ERβ selective agonists to treat mood disorders may be limited.  相似文献   

C(4) photosynthesis in terrestrial plants was thought to require Kranz anatomy because the cell wall between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells restricts leakage of CO(2). Recent work with the central Asian chenopods Borszczowia aralocaspica and Bienertia cycloptera show that C(4) photosynthesis functions efficiently in individual cells containing both the C(4) and C(3) cycles. These discoveries provide new inspiration for efforts to convert C(3) crops into C(4) plants because the anatomical changes required for C(4) photosynthesis might be less stringent than previously thought.  相似文献   

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