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Seabirds use several methods to transport food to their chicks; most species carry food in their stomachs or crops, but some terns and auks carry prey in their bills. Terns usually only carry one prey item at a time, limiting the rate at which they can provision their chicks, and restricting their effective foraging range. However, some terns do occasionally carry multiple prey, which should offer a selective advantage, but there are very few studies investigating the factors influencing the occurrence of multi-prey loading. We investigated the occurrence of multi-prey loads in provisioning Greater Crested Terns (Swift Tern) Thalasseus bergii bergii breeding on Robben Island, South Africa. Of 24 173 loads photographed, 1.3% comprised multiple prey items. Up to 11 fish were carried at once, but most multi-prey loads contained two Anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus, the most common prey item for this population of terns. Mixed species prey were recorded for the first time in a tern. Multi-prey loads occurred more frequently during mid- and late-provisioning, presumably because large chicks can cope with multiple prey, and have higher energetic requirements than small chicks. Mean standard length of Anchovies in multi-prey prey loads was less than Anchovies in single loads, possibly suggesting terns compensate for smaller prey sizes by bringing multiple prey back to their chick. The orientation of multiple Anchovies in a tern’s bill tended to be the same, suggesting that they were captured from polarised fish schools. At least some multi-prey loads were caught in a single dive.  相似文献   

Following an oil spill from the Treasure off the coast of South Africa in June 2000, about 19 000 oiled African Penguins Spheniscus demersus, including 14 825 from Robben Island, were caught for rehabilitation and subsequent release. A further 19 500 penguins that were not oiled — mostly birds in adult plumage, including 7 000 from Robben Island — were relocated some 700km to the east, to prevent them becoming oiled. Additionally, 3 350 orphaned chicks, including 2 643 from Robben Island — were collected for rearing in captivity and release to the wild. Some four years later — by the end of December 2004 — 70% of rehabilitated adults, 40% of relocated birds and 34% of captive-reared chicks had been seen back at Robben Island. Another 7% of birds relocated from Robben Island had been sighted at other localities. Rates of resighting rehabilitated birds were similar at Robben and Dassen Islands, but a greater proportion of relocated birds was seen at Dassen Island, where birds collected for relocation were mostly from breeding areas. The lower proportion of relocated birds seen at Robben Island is thought to result from this intervention causing some pre-breeding birds to move to other colonies. All three conservation interventions are considered to have been successful, but it is premature to assess their relative contributions to the conservation of the species. Three relocated birds tracked by satellite took 15–21 days to return to their home colonies. This rapid return may have resulted from breeding attempts being interrupted. After remaining at their home islands for 4–5 days, two of the tracked birds then left these islands for 19–36 days. We surmise that, after they had searched unsuccessfully for their mates, they abandoned breeding for the year 2000.  相似文献   

In recent years, Cape Anchovy Engraulis capensis has been the most important food for four seabirds breeding in South Africa–African Penguin Spheniscus demersus, Cape Gannet Morus capensis, Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis and Swift Tern Sterna bergii. Between 1984 and 1992, biomass of spawning anchovy fluctuated between about 0.5 and 1.75 million tons. Abundance of anchovy was significantly related to numbers of chicks fledged by African Penguins, occurrence of anchovy in the diet of Cape Gannets and numbers of Cape Cormorants and Swift Terns that attempted to breed. Numbers of African Penguins and Cape Gannets that attempted breeding probably also were influenced by abundance of anchovy. African Penguins and Cape Cormorants abandoned nests when anchovy were scarce and deferred breeding until anchovy became more plentiful. Survival of immature African Penguins in a period of anchovy scarcity was enhanced by availability of South African Sardine Sardinops sagax as an alternative food. When anchovy abundance was low, Cape Gannets fed on sardine.  相似文献   

Morphology of Swift Tern Thalasseus bergii bergii eggs was examined on Robben Island, South Africa. A recently formed colony was found abandoned en masse, probably following human disturbance, and 146 freshly laid eggs were collected. The mean±SD nest density was 7±2.5 nests m?2 and 3% of nests contained two eggs. Eggs ranged in shape from oval to pyriform and displayed black markings (blotched, streaked, scrawled or speckled) overlaying the eggs’ colour. The mean length and width of a sample of 105 eggs was 62.2?mm (56.3–66.9?mm) and 42.3?mm (39.8–45.3?mm), respectively. All collected eggs were weighed and the mean mass was 57.9±3.72?g. Estimated volume of eggs was calculated to be 56.3±3.74 cm3. This is the first report of mass measurements obtained from freshly laid eggs Swift Tern eggs and provides insight on egg morphology, for which knowledge is limited for this species.  相似文献   

Crawford, R.J.M., Dyer, B.M. & Brooke, R.K. 1994. Breeding nomadism in southern African seabirds-constraints, causes and conservation. Ostrich 65:231-246.

Fourteen species of seabirds representing three orders and five families breed in southern Africa. Nomadism in the breeding populations of 13 of these seabirds is examined. African Penguins Spheniscus demersus, Cape Gannets Morus capensis. Bank Cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus, Whitebreasted Cormorants P. carbo and White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus show strong fidelity to specific localities. Caspian Terns Sterna caspia change breeding localities at a low frequency; Cape Cormorants P. capensis, Hartlaub's Gulls Larus hartlaubii and Swift S. bergii and Roseate S. dougallii Terns at a higher frequency. At some localities, Bank Cormorants remain at the same breeding sites for extended periods, whereas Crowned Cormorants P. coronatus, Whitebreasted Cormorants, Kelp Gulls L. dominicanus, Hartlaub's Gulls, Damara Terns S. balaenarum, Swift Terns and Roseate Terns all alter breeding sites. Where space is not limiting, African Penguins may also change sites. Constraints on nomadism include strong attachment to traditional breeding localities, unwillingness to roost at non-breeding localities, and lack of suitable alternative nesting localities. Amongst causes of nomadism are excessive disturbance by humans and South African Fur Seals Arctocephalus pusillus and competition for breeding space, which have resulted in even the least nomadic of the species changing their breeding locations. Regularly nomadic species are likely to respond to environmental cues that enable them either to reduce cost of breeding or to increase reproductive output. Therefore, they are potentially useful indicators of ecological health. Nomadic breeders additionally have the ability to establish new breeding colonies. Some species have used artificial structures to expand their breeding range, and probably also to increase their overall populations. However, nomadic tendencies complicate the conservation of breeding activities. By contrast, breeding species with strong fidelity to traditional localities are more easily protected.  相似文献   

Nineteen species of abundant gastropods were collected at Robben Island, including introduced dune snails and European brown garden snails. They were identified using morphology and DNA barcoding. It was expected that the species recorded would be similar to those from the Cape peninsula, South Africa, but we were surprised to find some exceptions: the very abundant invasive mussel species in South Africa, the South American bisexual mussel (Semimytilus algosus), and the beaded topshells (Oxystele impervia) were not found on Robben Island. Possible explanations are presented for these differences.  相似文献   

The bulk ore carrier Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island, South Africa, on 20 June 1994 during a period of winter storms. Approximately 10 000 African (Jackass) Penguins Spheniscus demersus were oiled, collected and transported to the SANCCOB rescue centre; 5213 were released after cleaning, 4076 with flipper bands. We believe that most of the penguins oiled during this incident reached an island or the mainland alive, and that there was no mass mortality in the wild at the time of the oil spill. Birds from all parts of the breeding range were oiled, but most were from Robben and Dassen Islands. The overwhelming majority of released birds made the transition from the rescue centre to the wild successfully; 2652 had been resighted at breeding colonies within two years of their release; the cumulative number of birds was increasing steadily and an asymptote had not been reached by August 1996. There was a wide dispersal of released penguins, with recoveries and resightings over 1800 km of coastline between Algoa Bay and Walvis Bay.  相似文献   

Williams, A. J., Steele, W. K., Cooper, J. & Crawford, R. J. M. 1990. Distribution, population size and conservation of Hartlaub's Gull Lorus hurtlaubii. Ostrich 61: 66–76.

Hartlaub's Gull Larus hartlaubii is endemic to southern Africa, where it breeds between Swakopmund, Namibia and Dyer Island, southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. The species has been re breeding at 48 localities within this range. Between 1984 and 1989 an estimated 12000 pain brered at 31 localities. Twenty-eet percent of the population breeds at Robben Island off the Cape Peninsula, sQuth Africa. Hartlaub's Gull frequently has low breeding success and is considered endangered in Narmbia, where 12% of the poulation occurs. However, the population is increaslng around the urbanmd Cape Peninsula where HartLub's Gull has the potential to become a pest species.  相似文献   

Island species are susceptible to extinction through disturbances such as habitat transformation. Due to the small size and isolation of islands, species have limited options for refuges and recolonization, making their rehabilitation a conservation priority. Robben Island is a continental island, isolated from the mainland ca. 15 000 years ago, and has been degraded by humans and alien species for nearly 400 years. Mainland areas with similar vegetation should be good reference sites for the biological restoration of the island due to historical connectedness. However, very little information exists as to which species were lost. Here we aim to identify the best mainland sites to use as reference sites for Robben Island based on remaining arthropod diversity on the island. Sites found to be most similar in terms of arthropod diversity to Robben Island were sites north of Robben Island (Elandsbaai and Dwarskersbos) rather than the geographically closest locations. These sites therefore represent ideal reference sites for biological restoration of the island. We do not suggest the reintroduction of species from these localities, but rather Robben Island should be restored to match their vegetation height and cover.  相似文献   

Cooper, J., Crawford, R. J. M., Suter, W. & Williams, A. J. 1990. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Swift Tern Sterna bergü in southern Africa. Ostrich 61: 56–65.

The Swift Tern Srerna bergü occurs commonly in coastal southern Africa, with a nonbreeding distribution extending the length of the southern African coast and into southern Angola. The known nonbreeding distribubon of the nominate subspecies S. b. bergü extends from Swakomund, Namibia to Kosi Bay, Natal, South Africa. In Natal its nonbreeding distribution overlaps with that of the subspecies S. b. enigma. The species very rarely occurs inland or far out to sea. The geedin distribution of tre nominate subspecies extends from Swakopmund to Algoa Bay, eastern Cape, South Afcnca.

Twenty-two breeding localities are known in southern Africa, but usually only six to seven are occupied. in any one year. Most breeding localities are marine islands where Swift Terns often breed in muted colonies with Hartlaub's Gulls Lorus hartloubii. In 1984 a complete breeding ansus estimated a breeding population of 4835 pairs. However, 6088 pairs were counted at only three localities in 1988. The size of the annual breeding population varies by a factor of as much as 1,6; although the overall size of the adult population is thought to be reasonably stable with no temporal trends evident. Thirteen breeding localities which are legally proclaimed nature reserves supported 72% of the 1984 breeding population. Existing and perceived threats to the Swift Tern are discussed in detail. To improve further tRe conservation status of the Swift Tern in southern Africa, it is recommended that: unprotected breeding localities be proclaimed reserves, also protecting those not on islands with adequate fences; feral cats be removed from breeding islands where they are present; and fisherman be educated to release entangled terns and not to discard lines and nets.  相似文献   

Crawford, R.J.M., Dyer, B.M. & Upfold, L. 1999. Seasonal pattern of breeding by Cape and Crowned Cormorants off western South Africa. Ostrich 70(3&4): 193–195.

At Bird Island, Lambert's Bay, and Malgas Island, South Africa, small numbers of Cape Cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis may breed at any time of the year, but the main breeding season is from September to February. At Malgas Island, Crowned Cormorants P. coronatus may also breed throughout the year, but mostly from December to March. Counts of the breeding population of Cape Cormorants should be undertaken between October and December, and of Crowned Cormorants in January or February.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates of survival and dispersal are crucial to understanding population dynamics, but for seabirds, in which some individuals spend years away from land, mortality and emigration are often confounded. Multistate mark–recapture methods reduce bias by incorporating movement into the process of estimating survival. We used a multistate model to provide unbiased age‐specific survival and movement probabilities for the Endangered African Penguin Spheniscus demersus based on 5281 nestlings and 31 049 adults flipper‐banded and resighted in the Western Cape, South Africa, between 1994 and 2012. Adult survival was initially high (≥ 0.74) but declined after 2003–2004 coincident with a reduction in the availability of Sardine Sardinops sagax and Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus on the west coast of South Africa. Juvenile survival was poorly estimated, but was lower and more variable than adult survival. Fidelity to the locality of origin varied over time, but was high in adults at Robben and Dassen islands (≥ 0.88) and above 0.55 for juvenile and immature Penguins at all localities. Movement occurred predominantly during 1994–2003 and was indicative of immigration to Robben and Dassen islands. Our results confirm that a prolonged period of adult mortality contributed to the observed decline in the African Penguin population and suggest a need for approaches operating over large spatial scales to ensure food security for marine top predators.  相似文献   

Two kekurs on Cape Delil-de-la-Kroiera (east coast of Sakhalin Island, to the north of Cape Ratmanova) were surveyed on July 16, 2003. Nesting of six species of sea birds was observed: slaty-backed gull (Larus schistisagus), black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), common murre (Uria aalge), spectacled guillemot (Cepphus carbo), horned puffin (Fratercula corniculata), and tufted puffin (Lunda cirrhata).Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Blokhin, Tiunov.  相似文献   

White Terns Gygis alba breed throughout the year on Aride Island but show a marked preference to nest during the northwest monsoon (November–March), when interspecific competition and also marine productivity are considered to be lower. In this study we investigated and compared breeding and foraging parameters of White Terns between the northwest and southeast (May–September) monsoons to assess whether interspecific competition affected foraging activity and explained the timing of breeding of White Terns. Goatfish (Mullidae) dominated the diet of White Terns and no significant differences were found in diet composition between the northwest and southeast monsoons. Similar diets and patterns of food provisioning of White Terns between the two monsoons do not support the hypothesis of strong exploitation competition during the southeast monsoon. On the other hand, foraging behaviour and frequency of capture attempts of White Terns differed between the two monsoons. The percentages of multi‐species flocks with White Terns and of large flocks with more than 25 noddies Anous and terns Onychoprion were significantly higher during the southeast monsoon. Moreover, capture attempt frequencies of White Terns foraging in multi‐species flocks were lower than those of solitary individuals, and both solitary and flocking White Terns had significantly lower capture attempt frequencies during the southeast monsoon in comparison with the northwest monsoon. These results suggest that interference competition depresses foraging activity of flock‐foraging White Terns, particularly during the southeast monsoon, which could potentially explain why White Terns breed preferentially during the northwest monsoon. However, and despite avoiding interference competition, White Terns nesting during the northwest monsoon did not show higher breeding success than those nesting during the southeast monsoon. Other hypotheses that might explain the preference of White Terns for breeding during the northwest monsoon, such as avoidance of agonistic interactions with Lesser Noddies Anous tenuirostris at nest sites, should also be investigated.  相似文献   

The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus (Vulnerable) formed three new colonies during the 1980s, two on the South African mainland (Stony Point and Boulders) and one on Robben Island. One of the mainland colonies, at Boulders, Simon's Town, is in a suburban area, resulting in conflict with humans. Growth of the Boulders colony was initially rapid, largely through immigration, but has since slowed, possibly as a result of density‐dependent effects either on land (where there has been active management to limit the spread of the colony) or at sea. We test the latter hypothesis by comparing the foraging effort of Penguins feeding small chicks at island and mainland sites, and relate this to the foraging area available to birds. Three‐dimensional foraging paths of African Penguins were reconstructed using GPS and time–depth loggers. There were no intercolony differences in the rate at which birds dived during the day (33 dives/h), in diving depths (mean 17 m, max. 69 m) or in travelling speeds. The maximum speed recorded was 2.85 m/s, with birds travelling faster when commuting (average 1.18 m/s) than when foraging (0.93 m/s) or resting at sea (0.66 m/s during the day, 0.41 m/s at night). There were strong correlations between foraging trip duration, foraging range and total distance travelled. Foraging effort was correlated with chick age at Robben Island, but not at Boulders. Contrary to Ashmole's hypothesis, birds from Boulders (c. 1000 pairs) travelled further (46–53 km) and foraged for longer (13.2 h) than did birds from Robben Island (c. 7000 pairs) and Dassen Island (c. 21 000 pairs) (33 km, 10.3 h). The mean foraging range also differed significantly between mainland (18–20 km) and island colonies (9 km). The area available to central‐place‐foraging seabirds breeding on the mainland is typically less than that for seabirds breeding on islands, but the greater foraging range of Boulders birds results in an absolute foraging area roughly twice that of island colonies, and the area per pair is an order of magnitude greater for the relatively small Boulders colony. Ashmole's hypothesis assumes relatively uniform prey availability among colonies, but our results suggest this does not apply in this case. The greater foraging effort of Boulders birds probably reflects reduced prey availability in False Bay, and thus the recent slowing in growth at the colony may be the result of differential immigration rather than management actions to limit the spatial growth of the colony.  相似文献   

Seabirds have suffered dramatic declines in population over recent decades. The most abundant seabirds of tropical oceans are Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscatus and they have an IUCN Red List category of ‘Least Concern’. Ascension Island has the largest colony of Sooty Terns in the Atlantic Ocean and censuses between 1990 and 2013 have shown that its population size is static. In this study we have used historical data and recent censuses to describe the population status of Sooty Terns on Ascension Island over a century. We show that the breeding population contained over 2 million individuals in the 1870s and remained at this level for at least 70 years. However, the population declined from >2 million birds in 1942 to 350,000 birds by 1990. The population trend spanning a period equivalent to three generations of the species (63 years; 1942–2005) showed an approximate 84% decline in population size. Using IUCN criteria this suggests that Sooty Terns on Ascension could be considered ‘Critically Endangered’. We conclude that a re-evaluation of Sooty Tern conservation status is necessary at the local level and possibly globally. Our study highlights that for long-lived species historic demographic data should be considered when determining conservation status.  相似文献   

Austin Roberts 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):49-55
Walter, C. B., Cooper, J. &; Suter, W. 1987. Diet of Swift Tern chicks in the Saldanha Bay region, South Africa. Ostrich 58:49-53.

The diet of the Swift Tern Sterna bergii was investigated over a ten-year period off the west coast of South Africa by collecting regurgitations from chicks during ringing operations. A total of 1311 prey items of 25 identifiable species (20 of which were fish) was collected. Fish formed 86% of all the prey items. Other prey species included cephalopods, crustaceans and insects. 60% by number of prey taken consisted of pelagic shoaling fish, of which Cape Anchovy Engraulis japonicus occurred most frequently and was the most abundant prey species in seven of the nine years in which samples were collected. Weekly collections in 1984 confirmed that pelagic shoaling fish, in particular Cape Anchovy, were the most abundant prey taken during the chick-rearing period. Prey size varied from 7 to 138 mm in length and from 0,l to 30,0 g in mass.  相似文献   

The population of Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscata breeding on Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean was monitored over 17 years (1990–2007). This period spanned the programme of feral Domestic Cat Felis silvestris catus eradication from the island, which commenced in 2001 with the last Cat recorded in 2004. We report on the abundance of Sooty Terns and Black Rats Rattus rattus before and after Cat eradication. The Sooty Tern breeding population in the 1990s averaged 368 000 and Cats were killing Terns at an average rate of 33 adults per night. Following Cat eradication, adult Terns are no longer predated. However, egg predation by both Rats and Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis has continued with Mynas destroying more eggs than Rats. Unexpectedly, we observed a change in Rat predatory behaviour. Following Cat eradication, Rats have become a major predator of Sooty Tern chicks. Despite this change, the Tern population has shown a season-on-season increase since Cat eradication, 48.8% in 2005, 8.2% in 2006 and 6.1% in 2007, and the breeding population increased to 420 000 birds in 2007. Incubation success improved from 66.0 to 84.4% during Cat eradication, before dropping down again to 67.9% after Cats were eradicated and Rat control measures were introduced. Index traplines were set for Rats and Rat numbers fluctuated widely immediately after Cats were eradicated but there were no significant differences that could be attributed to changes in Cat numbers. Ascension Island Sooty Terns breed every 9.6 months and juveniles defer breeding for seven seasons. Hence 2008 is the first year in which an increase in the breeding Sooty Tern population directly attributable to Cat eradication is likely to be detected. We conclude that long-term monitoring is essential to guide conservation practice even in this relatively simple predator–prey system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Populations of many seabirds and other species that nest along coasts are declining due to habitat degradation and loss. An improved understanding of the species‐specific factors that determine nest density across a landscape is therefore critical for conservation efforts. We examined factors that affected the density (number per hectare) and abundance (number at a sampling site) of nests of Little Terns (Sternula albifrons) on the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Terns preferred to nest on islands rather than the mainland, with islands constituting 64% of the area surveyed, but containing 99% of the 439 tern nests we found. Nest densities were highest on islands that were small, located at moderate distances from the mainland, and irregularly shaped or elongated. Most nests (69%) were on islands with areas < 3 ha, although these islands represented < 5% of total island area, and islands with the highest nest densities were 80–300 m from the mainland. Terrestrial predators were more likely to occur on larger islands, visiting three of the largest four islands. Most tern nests were within 1 m of shorelines, causing island perimeter to be a strong influence on nest density. Island shape was the only factor that significantly affected nest abundance, with more nests on islands with relatively long perimeters for their size. Our results suggest that protection or creation of relatively small, slender islands at moderate distances from shore may be an effective means of increasing the number of breeding sites for Little Terns. Although not generally considered a potential determinant of nest site preferences for seabirds, island shape is likely to be important for species that prefer sites adjacent to water, including species that nest on beaches and seaside cliffs.  相似文献   

南极企鹅广泛分布于南极大陆沿岸和南极半岛沿岸,特别是亚南极数目众多的岛屿上其群体数量之大,分布之广,使其在南极海洋生态系中占有极其重要的地位。过去不少生物学家对其形态特征和生态分布进行过观测,但对南设得兰群岛的乔治岛(King George Island),西南部费尔德斯湾(Fildes Bay)沿岸和北部  相似文献   

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