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Lutein is a dietary carotenoid well known for its role as an antioxidant in the macula, and recent reports implicate a role for lutein in cognitive function. Lutein is the dominant carotenoid in both pediatric and geriatric brain tissue. In addition, cognitive function in older adults correlated with macular and postmortem brain lutein concentrations. Furthermore, lutein was found to preferentially accumulate in the infant brain in comparison to other carotenoids that are predominant in diet. While lutein is consistently related to cognitive function, the mechanisms by which lutein may influence cognition are not clear. In an effort to identify potential mechanisms through which lutein might influence neurodevelopment, an exploratory study relating metabolite signatures and lutein was completed. Post-mortem metabolomic analyses were performed on human infant brain tissues in three regions important for learning and memory: the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and occipital cortex. Metabolomic profiles were compared to lutein concentration, and correlations were identified and reported here. A total of 1276 correlations were carried out across all brain regions. Of 427 metabolites analyzed, 257 were metabolites of known identity. Unidentified metabolite correlations (510) were excluded. In addition, moderate correlations with xenobiotic relationships (2) or those driven by single outliers (3) were excluded from further study. Lutein concentrations correlated with lipid pathway metabolites, energy pathway metabolites, brain osmolytes, amino acid neurotransmitters, and the antioxidant homocarnosine. These correlations were often brain region—specific. Revealing relationships between lutein and metabolic pathways may help identify potential candidates on which to complete further analyses and may shed light on important roles of lutein in the human brain during development.  相似文献   

Abstract: Catechol- O -methyltransferase (COMT; E.C. from human frontal cortex occurs in both a soluble and membrane-bound form. Attempts to solubilize the membrane-bound transferase by repeated washing or by extraction into solutions of high ionic strength were unsuccessful. The finding that Triton X-100 was capable of solubilizing membrane-bound COMT suggested that the membrane-bound transferase is an integral membrane protein. The membrane-bound and soluble enzymes did not differ in their requirements for magnesium ions or in their pH-activity profiles; both enzymes showed an optimum near pH 8.0 when assayed in phosphate buffer. In addition, the two enzymes did not differ in the degree of inhibition caused by CaCl2, both enzymes displaying 65% inhibition at 2.5 m M CaCl2. The competitive inhibitors tropolone and nordihydroguaiaretic acid displayed K i values for the membrane-bound transferase five- to 10-fold lower than those observed for the soluble transferase. Solubilization of membrane-bound COMT in Triton X-100 resulted in an increase in the apparent K m value of the membrane-bound transferase for dopamine. The increase in K m appeared to be due to apparent competitive inhibition by Triton X-100 and reached a limiting value of approximately 80 μM. These results confirm that membrane-bound COMT is an integral membrane protein that may be structurally distinct from soluble COMT.  相似文献   

Highlights? Anatomical connections compose a subcortical pathway to the human amygdala ? Destruction of the visual cortex induces anatomical changes along this pathway ? Plasticity in the subcortical pathway is limited to the damaged hemisphere  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition has promise as a therapy for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, therapeutic HDAC inhibitors target many HDAC isoforms, a particularly detrimental approach when HDAC isoforms are known to have different and specialized functions. We have developed a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry assay using stable isotope-labeled QconCATs as internal standards to quantify HDAC isoforms. We further determined a quantitative pattern of specific HDACs expressed in various human and mouse neural tissues. In human AD frontal cortex, HDAC1,2 decreased 32%, HDAC5 increased 47%, and HDAC6 increased 31% in comparison to age-matched controls. Human neural retina concentrations of HDAC1, 2, HDAC5, HDAC6, and HDAC7 decreased in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)-affected donors and exhibited a greater decrease in AD-affected donors in comparison to age-matched control neural retinas. Additionally, HDAC concentrations were measured in whole hemisphere of brain of 5XFAD mice, a model of β-amyloid deposition, to assess similarity to AD in human frontal cortex. HDAC profiles of human frontal cortex and mouse hemisphere had noticeable differences and relatively high concentrations of HDAC3 and HDAC4 in mice, which were undetectable in humans. Our method for quantification of HDAC isoforms is a practical and efficient technique to quantify isoforms in various tissues and diseases. Changes in HDAC concentrations reported herein contribute to the understanding of the pathology of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Both dorsal and ventral cortical visual streams contain neurons sensitive to binocular disparities, but the two streams may underlie different aspects of stereoscopic vision. Here we investigate stereopsis in the neurological patient D.F., whose ventral stream, specifically lateral occipital cortex, has been damaged bilaterally, causing profound visual form agnosia. Despite her severe damage to cortical visual areas, we report that DF''s stereo vision is strikingly unimpaired. She is better than many control observers at using binocular disparity to judge whether an isolated object appears near or far, and to resolve ambiguous structure-from-motion. DF is, however, poor at using relative disparity between features at different locations across the visual field. This may stem from a difficulty in identifying the surface boundaries where relative disparity is available. We suggest that the ventral processing stream may play a critical role in enabling healthy observers to extract fine depth information from relative disparities within one surface or between surfaces located in different parts of the visual field.  相似文献   

Abstract: Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) A and B play important roles in the metabolism of neuroactive, vasoactive amines. Human platelets contain only MAO B, often used as an indicator of brain MAO B. The validity of this model remained to be evaluated. This report describes the molecular cloning of human MAO B from frontal cortex and platelets. Two overlapping PCR-amplified clones of human platelet MAO B and four PCR-amplified clones of human frontal cortex MAO B covering the entire coding region were sequenced using five internal oligomers and M13 reverse and forward primers. The nucleotide sequences of human MAO B cDNA from platelet and frontal cortex were identical to that of human liver MAO B except for three nucleotides that differed in frontal cortex: nucleotides 440 A → G, 794 C → T, and 825 C → T. Whether or not these differences are artifactual, all three represent silent mutations, which would not alter the amino acid of the encoded polypeptides. Thus, the deduced amino acid sequences of MAO B from frontal cortex, platelet, and liver are identical. These findings indicate the validity of using platelet MAO B mRNA as a marker for brain MAO B and provide a new approach to study the role of brain MAO B in humans.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to investigate activation of the multimodal areas in the cerebral cortex–supramarginal and angular gyri, precuneus, and middle temporal visual cortex (MT/V5)–in response to motion of biologically significant sounds (human footsteps). The subjects listened to approaching or receding footstep sounds during 45 s, and such stimulation was supposed to evoke auditory adaptation to biological motion. Listening conditions alternated with stimulation-free control. To reveal activity in the regions of interest, the periods before and during stimulation were compared. Most stable and voluminous activation was detected in the supramarginal and angular gyri, being registered for all footstep sound types–approaching, receding and steps in place. Listening to human approaching steps activated the precuneus area, with the volume of activation clusters varying considerably between subjects. In the MT/V5 area, activation was revealed in 5 of 21 subjects. The involvement of the tested multimodal cortical areas in analyzing biological motion is discussed.  相似文献   



Estimating the historical and demographic parameters that characterize modern human populations is a fundamental part of reconstructing the recent history of our species. In addition, the development of a model of human evolution that can best explain neutral genetic diversity is required to identify confidently regions of the human genome that have been targeted by natural selection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have resequenced 20 independent noncoding autosomal regions dispersed throughout the genome in 213 individuals from different continental populations, corresponding to a total of ∼6 Mb of diploid resequencing data. We used these data to explore and co-estimate an extensive range of historical and demographic parameters with a statistical framework that combines the evaluation of multiple models of human evolution via a best-fit approach, followed by an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) analysis. From a methodological standpoint, evaluating the accuracy of the parameter co-estimation allowed us to identify the most accurate set of statistics to be used for the estimation of each of the different historical and demographic parameters characterizing recent human evolution.


Our results support a model in which modern humans left Africa through a single major dispersal event occurring ∼60,000 years ago, corresponding to a drastic reduction of ∼5 times the effective population size of the ancestral African population of ∼13,800 individuals. Subsequently, the ancestors of modern Europeans and East Asians diverged much later, ∼22,500 years ago, from the population of ancestral migrants. This late diversification of Eurasians after the African exodus points to the occurrence of a long maturation phase in which the ancestral Eurasian population was not yet diversified.  相似文献   

Binding characteristics of the selective dopamine uptake inhibitor [3H]GBR 12935 have been described for the striatum but not for the frontal cortex. We have developed assay conditions for quantifying [3H]GBR 12935 binding in the frontal cortex. In both the rat and human frontal cortex, the assay required four times more tissue (8 mg/ml) than in the striatum (2 mg/ml). [3H]GBR 12935 binding in the frontal is complex, as it involves multiple binding sites. The high-affinity binding site is sodium dependent and is inhibited by sodium. In human but not in rat frontal cortex, addition of K+ reversed the sodium inhibition. The pharmacological profile of the high-affinity [3H]GBR 12935 binding site is consistent with that of the dopamine transporter, because drugs with the most selective dopamine reuptake blocking activities are the most potent displacers of [3H]GBR 12935 binding. There is a positive correlation between the rat and human inhibitory constants, a finding indicating that there are similar pharmacological profiles across at least these two species. Rats with a 6-hydroxydopamine lesion had a 47% decrease in number of [3H]GBR 12935 binding sites, a result indicating that at least a portion of these sites had been on presynaptic dopamine terminals.  相似文献   

Psychiatric patients undergoing the psychosurgical operation of stereotactic subcaudate tractotomy were infused intravenously with either saline or L-tryptophan (15 mg/kg/h). Plasma, lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), ventricular CSF and a specimen of frontal cortex were collected. The relationships of plasma concentrations of substances claimed to influence brain tryptophan concentration (total tryptophan, free tryptophan, large neutral amino acids) with the concentration of tryptophan in the cortex and CSF were investigated. Tryptophan infusion resulted in plasma tryptophan values comparable to those found after oral doses used in treating depression or insomnia, and about sixfold increases of tryptophan in the cerebral cortex. Increased brain 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis was indicated by significant rises of CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. The concentration of plasma free tryptophan was a better predictor than plasma total tryptophan of cortex tryptophan concentration. As all correlation coefficients of plasma versus brain or plasma versus ventricular CSF tryptophan concentrations were decreased when allowance was made for differences of concentration of large neutral amino acids, the results suggest that the role of these substances within their physiological range as inhibitors of tryptophan transport to the brain may previously have been overemphasised.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the early retinotopic cortex (ERC, i.e., V1/V2/V3) is highly associated with the lateral occipital complex (LOC) during visual perception. However, it remains largely unclear how to evaluate their associations in quantitative way. The present study tried to apply a multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) to quantify the neural activity in ERC and its association with that of the LOC when participants saw visual images. To this end, we assessed whether low-level visual features (Gabor features) could predict the neural activity in the ERC and LOC according to a voxel-based encoding model (VBEM), and then quantified the association of the neural activity between these regions by using an analogical VBEM. We found that the Gabor features remarkably predicted the activity of the ERC (e.g., the predicted accuracy was 52.5% for a participant) instead of that of the LOC (4.2%). Moreover, the MVPA approach can also be used to establish corresponding relationships between the activity patterns in the LOC and those in the ERC (64.2%). In particular, we found that the integration of the Gabor features and LOC visual information could dramatically improve the ‘prediction’ of ERC activity (88.3%). Overall, the present study provides new evidences for the possibility of quantifying the association of the neural activity between the regions of ERC and LOC. This approach will help to provide further insights into the neural substrates of the visual processing.  相似文献   

The posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC) is known to be involved in adaptive goal-directed behavior, but its specific function is not yet clear. Most theories have proposed that the pMFC monitors performance in a reactive manner only, but it is possible that the pMFC also contributes to performance monitoring in a proactive manner. To date, the evidence for proactive pMFC activity is equivocal. Here, we investigated pMFC activity before, during and after the performance of a challenging motor task. Participants navigated a cursor through narrow and wide mazes in randomly intermixed trials. On each trial, participants saw previews of the actual maze display prior to gaining control of the cursor. Event-related potentials (ERPs) to the preview displays were compared to ERPs elicited by no-go signals and errors. Compared to the wider maze, the preview display for the more challenging narrow maze elicited a medial-frontal negativity (MFN) similar to the ERP components elicited by no-go signals and errors. Like these known ERP components, the preview-elicited MFN appeared to be generated from a source in pMFC. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the pMFC participates in adaptive behavior whenever there is a need for increased effort to maintain successful task performance.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence has highlighted the significant role of associative brain areas, such as the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in transforming multimodal sensory information into motor plans. However, little is known about how different sensory information, which can have different delays or be absent, combines to produce a motor plan, such as executing a reaching movement. To address these issues, we constructed four biologically plausible network architectures to simulate PPC: 1) feedforward from sensory input to the PPC to a motor output area, 2) feedforward with the addition of an efference copy from the motor area, 3) feedforward with the addition of lateral or recurrent connectivity across PPC neurons, and 4) feedforward plus efference copy, and lateral connections. Using an evolutionary strategy, the connectivity of these network architectures was evolved to execute visually guided movements, where the target stimulus provided visual input for the entirety of each trial. The models were then tested on a memory guided motor task, where the visual target disappeared after a short duration. Sensory input to the neural networks had sensory delays consistent with results from monkey studies. We found that lateral connections within the PPC resulted in smoother movements and were necessary for accurate movements in the absence of visual input. The addition of lateral connections resulted in velocity profiles consistent with those observed in human and non-human primate visually guided studies of reaching, and allowed for smooth, rapid, and accurate movements under all conditions. In contrast, Feedforward or Feedback architectures were insufficient to overcome these challenges. Our results suggest that intrinsic lateral connections are critical for executing accurate, smooth motor plans.  相似文献   

The synchronization of the rhythmical components of evoked potentials (EP) was studied during verbal-task solving. A novel method of the calculation of Wavelet curve correlation was used to reveal synchronization between the evoked rhythmical components in short time intervals. This method was applied to earlier EP records, which were conducted during the search for verbal associations and revealed the successive activation of the frontal and left parietal cortical areas. Two stages of task solving were identified. Independently of the task type, the first stage was characterized by a diffuse synchronization in a broad frequency band below 22 Hz immediately after the stimulus presentation. This stage results in a realization of the verbal stimulus. The second stage was manifested in a localized synchronization between the frontal and left temporal (Wernicke's) areas in the narrow frequency band about 17 Hz only during search for associations. This specific and local synchronization took place earlier than the diffuse activation of the left temporal cortex. This stage appears to reflect the information transmission from the frontal cortex to the left parietotemporal area.  相似文献   

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