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R. Porto 《Andrologie》1992,2(2):84-87
Considered as the most common male sexual problem, premature ejaculation is characterized by the absence of control over the ejaculatory reflex with a correspondingly poor perception of sexual arousal and pleasure. After first considering the nature of the problems underlying premature ejaculation, this article emphasizes the relevance of pathophysiological aspects and considers the main treatments available according to the various contributory factors identifiable during investigation in relation to whether the problem is structural or psychological. Successful treatments is dependent upon modifying and correcting the mental and sensory processes of the premature ejaculator during his sexual activity. When premature ejaculation is an isolated symptom without a concomitant psychological problem, it may be considered a sexual learning disability and has excellent prognosis with sex therapy using behavioural methods (“squeeze technique”, “start-stop technique”). In other cases, the symptom of premature ejaculation is associated with deeper psychological problems and treatment requires a more complex psychodynamic approach, but one which does not exclude behavioural measures when appropriate.  相似文献   

One of the problems that has contributed to a refinement of the "functional procedure of double stimulation" in experiments is the problem of concept formation in children. To form an idea of the significance of this experimental method for the study of children's concepts, it must be viewed against the background of other methods that have been used to deal with the same problem. The psychology of children's concepts not only is of tremendous theoretical interest but also undoubtedly has applied psychological importance since the accumulation of concepts, their nature, and the way they are used are unquestionably correlated with a child's level of intellectual development and are, to some extent, indicators of that level.  相似文献   

The problem of the reliability of a psychological experiment has assumed considerable significance in contemporary experimental psychology. This problem has been posed especially and studied in detail in bourgeois psychological techniques and testing. For this reason, theories on the criteria of the reliability of an investigation are usually connected with these areas of study. Furthermore, the approach to this problem, typical of bourgeois psychology, is also linked to these areas of psychology.  相似文献   

I examine the relationship between evolutionary definitions of altruism that are based on fitness effects and psychological definitions that are based on the motives of the actor. I show that evolutionary altruism can be motivated by proximate mechanisms that are psychologically either altruistic or selfish. I also show that evolutionary definitions do rely upon motives as a metaphor in which the outcome of natural selection is compared to the decisions of a psychologically selfish (or altruistic) individual. Ignoring the precise nature of both psychological and evolutionary definitions has obscured many important issues, including the biological roots of psychological altruism.  相似文献   

Social epidemiology has increasingly looked to psychological factors as both risk factors for physical health and mechanisms behind disparities. Yet, there has been little resolution to the question of whether psychological factors explain disparities, and skepticism has begun to mount about whether psychological factors are causally linked to health. Furthermore, some have questioned the nature of the relationship: most research suggests that psychological factors mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health, but recent research suggests that they moderate the relationship. The present paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive appraisal of the current debate. It uses four popular psychological factors (i.e., self-esteem, mastery, neuroticism, and depressive symptoms), three health outcomes, and a nationally representative, three-panel longitudinal survey. The results illustrate the promise and limitations of psychological mechanisms. In the cross-section, the results provide evidence for substantial moderating effects, but these effects disappear entirely when estimated prospectively. The results also provide some evidence for mediating effects, but these effects are very weak and the prospective effects of psychological factors diminish over time and with controls for baseline health. Implications for theories of socioeconomic status and health are discussed and a more social psychologically sophisticated approach is encouraged.  相似文献   

The psychological nature of the Uznadze effect (J. Piaget) cannot be examined as one of the special questions having to do with the psychology of perceptual illusions. The study of the psychological nature of the Uznadze effect is linked to the resolution of a number of fundamental problems in the psychological theory of activity and consciousness. This is borne out by the development of the theory of set by the Georgian school of Soviet psychology, founded by D. N. Uznadze. The Uznadze effect in set theory is seen as a manifestation of the general psychological law stating that reactions do not take place at random, but are determined by the internal psychological organization of the individual and by incoming stimuli, and that the constituent factor in this internal organization of the individual is set — a prior orientation, a predisposition of the individual to respond in a specific way [20].  相似文献   

The question of the organization of the learning process in educational facilities equipped with microcomputers remains the main component of a set of recommendations of a didactic, educational, psychological, health, and ergonomic nature on the problem of computer learning. The posing and the resolution of this question require a special grounding in methods of organizing learning activity and developing effective organizational models that include the use of computers. The purpose of the present article is to analyze a group learning system as an organizational unit of learning activity and to define a set of conditions for using computers to organize learning activity.  相似文献   

Psychological benefits of greenspace increase with biodiversity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The world's human population is becoming concentrated into cities, giving rise to concerns that it is becoming increasingly isolated from nature. Urban public greenspaces form the arena of many people's daily contact with nature and such contact has measurable physical and psychological benefits. Here we show that these psychological benefits increase with the species richness of urban greenspaces. Moreover, we demonstrate that greenspace users can more or less accurately perceive species richness depending on the taxonomic group in question. These results indicate that successful management of urban greenspaces should emphasize biological complexity to enhance human well-being in addition to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Neural mechanisms are considered of such unconscious psychic phenomena as subliminal perception of semantic stimuli, psychological defence, unaccountable emotions. The results are given of many years studies conducted by means of conditioned, electrophysiological and psychophysiological methods. The possibility is proved of semantic analysis of perception on unconscious level and formation of association with the help of unrealized emotionally significant words. At present it is possible to describe only few neural mechanisms of consciousness and unconsciousness; however, the development of contemporary psychophysiology allows to state that the analysis of this problem from scientific positions is the most correct way to learn the nature of the brain processes which are the basis of these complicated psychic phenomena.  相似文献   


In contemporary discussions of animal mind the difficulty of studying the nature of private, subjective awareness in animals is often seen as a barrier to a fuller understanding of animal experience. Relatively little work has focused on more recent psychological accounts of mind that emphasize its extended, embodied and social aspects. We examine some of the main conceptual difficulties in this area, and then consider a number of more embodied approaches. We suggest that a consideration of the nature of the animal-human relationship is crucial to a consideration of animal awareness.  相似文献   

The causes of non-acceptance of evolution are groupable into five categories: inadequate understanding of the empirical evidence and the content of modern evolutionary theory, inadequate understanding of the nature of science, religion, various psychological factors, and political and social factors. This multiplicity of causes is not sufficiently appreciated by many scientists, educators, and journalists, and the widespread rejection of evolution is a much more complicated problem than many of these front-line practitioners think it is. Solutions to the widespread non-acceptance of evolution must therefore involve not just further resolution of the “religion vs. science” controversy. They must also involve better communication of empirical evidence for evolution, more effective explication of the nature of science, and explicitly addressing the numerous significant psychological obstacles that evolution presents to many (perhaps most) people. There is no clear roadmap to how to do all of this, but some practical recommendations include (1) more research on why and when different people accept or do not accept evolution when they are exposed to it, especially the role of “scientific” vs. “affective” causes for non-acceptance, and also on apparently deeply rooted psychological obstacles to acceptance. (2) A more explicit approach to explication and understanding of the causes for non-acceptance of evolution should support the often-stated goal of understanding “where students are” prior to implementing the kind of approaches frequently advocated for teaching evolution. (3) Integration of multiple educational perspectives and academic disciplines to support application of pedagogical strategies in actual educational settings. (4) Increased development and application of approaches to evolution education in settings beyond the K–16 classroom, such as museums, nature centers, zoos, parks, and aquaria.  相似文献   

Conscious mental states are states we are in some way aware of. I compare higher-order theories of consciousness, which explain consciousness by appeal to such higher-order awareness (HOA), and first-order theories, which do not, and I argue that higher-order theories have substantial explanatory advantages. The higher-order nature of our awareness of our conscious states suggests an analogy with the metacognition that figures?in the regulation of psychological processes and behaviour. I argue that, although both consciousness and metacognition involve higher-order psychological states, they have little more in common. One thing they do share is the possibility of misrepresentation; just as metacognitive processing can misrepresent one's cognitive states and abilities, so the HOA in virtue of which one's mental states are conscious can, and sometimes does, misdescribe those states. A striking difference between the two, however, has to do with utility for psychological processing. Metacognition has considerable benefit for psychological processing; in contrast, it is unlikely that there is much, if any, utility to mental states' being conscious over and above the utility those states have when they are not conscious.  相似文献   

目的:探讨患者初始沙盘在临床心理中的诊断鉴别作用。方法:选择4名在临床中被误诊的患者。其中A例患者诊断一般心理问题;B、C、D例患者诊断为精神分裂症;使用沙盘对该4例患者重新进行临床分析与诊断。结果:根据患者初始沙盘中是否给玩具赋予特殊意义、使用玩具的多少、玩具之间是否有联系、使用栅栏情况、沙盘主题以及患者对沙盘的解释等对4名被误诊的患者进行重新诊断;A例患者重新诊断应为精神分裂症;B例患者应为强迫症(强迫思维);C例患者应为边缘型人格障碍;D例患者应为人际关系障碍。结论:在临床心理工作中,患者的初始沙盘可以起到高效、准确的诊断鉴别作用。  相似文献   

In the pages of the three-volume anthology The unconscious: Its nature, function, and methods of investigation (Tbilisi, 1978), the following incorrect positions are presented concerning the relationship between the concept of set and the problem of the unconscious: (1) the unconscious is real only as a form of existence of physiological processes; (2) the unconscious is a category whose use is incompatible with dialectical materialist methodology in psychology; and (3) the identity of the concept of set (in D. N. Uznadze's conception) with the psychological concept of the unconscious makes the concept of set superfluous for psychology as an explanatory science (see [3. Vol. 1, p. 74]). Let us examine some aspects of these postulates.  相似文献   

A model has been devised that provides at a glance, a summary of the relative importance of the physical, psychological, and social aspects of a patient''s problem as assessed at the consultation. Its presence in the notes, alongside a medical diagnosis, allows treatment to be planned along recognised lines, while still keeping other aspects of the problem in perspective. It is suggested that this may lead to more appropriate management.  相似文献   

Modern automated production processes have made it necessary for engineering psychology to deal with the problem of the capacity of the operator. The task of solving this problem has given rise to a special field of psychological research, called variously psychological information theory by Berlyne (8) and Infor mationspsychologie by Frank. (11)  相似文献   


Pets are immensely popular in this country. However, the complex nature of human-animal interactions and the importance of these animals in everyday lives are not yet thoroughly understood. The human psychological needs that pet birds fulfill are even less understood than the role of other pets, such as dogs and cats. To compile a list of psychological needs filled by avian companions, 80 bird owners were asked to complete a survey that explored the nature of their relationships with their birds in everyday situations. Results revealed that avian companions most often filled human social needs, followed to a lesser degree by esteem and cognitive needs. The profile of human psychological needs filled by pet birds provides additional rationale and criteria for the use of pet birds in animal-assisted therapy and pet visitation programs.  相似文献   

Triangulating to human nature generally is accomplished by finding analogies with nonhuman primates, by searching for overt behaviors that are universal, by identification of emotions that can be correlated with physiological responses or brain rewards, or by use of appropriate selection scenarios. An additional method is proposed, which focuses on universally occurring psychological ambivalences as manifestations of competing tendencies in human nature. Ethnographic exemplification concentrates on subsistence crises relevant to reproductive success, and dilemmas associated with feuding assassinations. It is argued that universal psychological ambivalences and the universal decision dilemmas these produce may be a better key to human nature than are universal patterns of observed behavior. It is suggested also that an ambivalence approach can assist us in arriving at a more specific treatment of human behavioral lability, one that can be usefully tied to the decision approaches employed by anthropologists.  相似文献   

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