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在运动过程中,时距知觉的能力非常重要,能帮助个体对时长进行判断及对事件的发生做出预测和准备.近年来,越来越多的研究发现运动本身会直接影响个体的时距知觉.本文分别从运动参数、运动阶段、视觉运动刺激和运动有关的个体因素四个方面梳理了运动对时距知觉产生影响的行为学证据.目前已经有大量研究从不同角度证明,大脑运动系统组成了支持...  相似文献   

This study examined effects of hand movement on visual perception of 3-D movement. I used an apparatus in which a cursor position in a simulated 3-D space and the position of a stylus on a haptic device could coincide using a mirror. In three experiments, participants touched the center of a rectangle in the visual display with the stylus of the force-feedback device. Then the rectangle''s surface stereoscopically either protruded toward a participant or indented away from the participant. Simultaneously, the stylus either pushed back participant''s hand, pulled away, or remained static. Visual and haptic information were independently manipulated. Participants judged whether the rectangle visually protruded or dented. Results showed that when the hand was pulled away, subjects were biased to perceive rectangles indented; however, when the hand was pushed back, no effect of haptic information was observed (Experiment 1). This effect persisted even when the cursor position was spatially separated from the hand position (Experiment 2). But, when participants touched an object different from the visual stimulus, this effect disappeared (Experiment 3). These results suggest that the visual system tried to integrate the dynamic visual and haptic information when they coincided cognitively, and the effect of haptic information on visually perceived depth was direction-dependent.  相似文献   

Animal coordinated movement interactions are commonly explained by assuming unspecified social forces of attraction, repulsion and alignment with parameters drawn from observed movement data. Here we propose and test a biologically realistic and quantifiable biosonar movement interaction mechanism for echolocating bats based on spatial perceptual bias, i.e. actual sound field, a reaction delay, and observed motor constraints in speed and acceleration. We found that foraging pairs of bats flying over a water surface swapped leader-follower roles and performed chases or coordinated manoeuvres by copying the heading a nearby individual has had up to 500 ms earlier. Our proposed mechanism based on the interplay between sensory-motor constraints and delayed alignment was able to recreate the observed spatial actor-reactor patterns. Remarkably, when we varied model parameters (response delay, hearing threshold and echolocation directionality) beyond those observed in nature, the spatio-temporal interaction patterns created by the model only recreated the observed interactions, i.e. chases, and best matched the observed spatial patterns for just those response delays, hearing thresholds and echolocation directionalities found to be used by bats. This supports the validity of our sensory ecology approach of movement coordination, where interacting bats localise each other by active echolocation rather than eavesdropping.  相似文献   

The present eye-movement study assessed the effect of expertise on eye-movement behaviour during image perception in the medical domain. To this end, radiologists, computed-tomography radiographers and psychology students were exposed to nine volumes of multi-slice, stack-view, axial computed-tomography images from the upper to the lower part of the abdomen with or without abnormality. The images were presented in succession at low, medium or high speed, while the participants had to detect enlarged lymph nodes or other visually more salient abnormalities. The radiologists outperformed both other groups in the detection of enlarged lymph nodes and their eye-movement behaviour also differed from the other groups. Their general strategy was to use saccades of shorter amplitude than the two other participant groups. In the presence of enlarged lymph nodes, they increased the number of fixations on the relevant areas and reverted to even shorter saccades. In volumes containing enlarged lymph nodes, radiologists’ fixation durations were longer in comparison to their fixation durations in volumes without enlarged lymph nodes. More salient abnormalities were detected equally well by radiologists and radiographers, with both groups outperforming psychology students. However, to accomplish this, radiologists actually needed fewer fixations on the relevant areas than the radiographers. On the basis of these results, we argue that expert behaviour is manifested in distinct eye-movement patterns of proactivity, reactivity and suppression, depending on the nature of the task and the presence of abnormalities at any given moment.  相似文献   

The polarity of radioactive IAA transport in segments of theleaf sheath base of Avena fatua L. is reversed upon their inversionthrough 180° transport towards the apex being greater thantowards the base. Changes in rates of transport leading to thisreversal can be detected within 10–20 min, correlatingwith the timing of statolith movements from the base to theapex of statocyte cells and conforming to a proposed model forthe gravity control of auxin transport. Transport of H3-trytophan-derived H3-IAA was found to undergosimilar changes in polarity upon re-orientation as did exogenouslyapplied H3 or C14 IAA. It is concluded that the proposed modelalso relates to the movement of endogenously produced IAA.  相似文献   

Body movement influences the structure of multiple forms of ambient energy, including optics and gravito-inertial force. Some researchers have argued that egocentric distance is derived from inferential integration of visual and non-visual stimulation. We suggest that accurate information about egocentric distance exists in perceptual stimulation as higher-order patterns that extend across optics and inertia. We formalize a pattern that specifies the egocentric distance of a stationary object across higher-order relations between optics and inertia. This higher-order parameter is created by self-generated movement of the perceiver in inertial space relative to the illuminated environment. For this reason, we placed minimal restrictions on the exploratory movements of our participants. We asked whether humans can detect and use the information available in this higher-order pattern. Participants judged whether a virtual object was within reach. We manipulated relations between body movement and the ambient structure of optics and inertia. Judgments were precise and accurate when the higher-order optical-inertial parameter was available. When only optic flow was available, judgments were poor. Our results reveal that participants perceived egocentric distance from the higher-order, optical-inertial consequences of their own exploratory activity. Analysis of participants’ movement trajectories revealed that self-selected movements were complex, and tended to optimize availability of the optical-inertial pattern that specifies egocentric distance. We argue that accurate information about egocentric distance exists in higher-order patterns of ambient energy, that self-generated movement can generate these higher-order patterns, and that these patterns can be detected and used to support perception of egocentric distance that is precise and accurate.  相似文献   

利用128道高分辨率脑电测量技术及脑电相干处理技术,通过测量大脑对图形形状知觉(任务1)、图形形状和空间位置知觉(任务2)两种任务的事件相关电位,并基于电极数大致相同的原则,从枕叶至额叶把头表分成7个区,然后分析了枕叶与其它各区在不同频段的相干性.结果发现:在γ1频段(28~39Hz),任务2时的平均相干系数值显著大于任务1时的相应值;同时还发现在枕叶与额叶间,任务2的相干系数更显著地大于任务1的相干系数.结合视觉的两条通路的理论,这一结果从相干性角度表明,背侧通道的参与强化了枕叶与额叶之间的信息沟通,而这种沟通主要在γ1频段.  相似文献   

The microstructural characteristics of the capture thread production from silk glands in the orb web spiders were analyzed using scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Sticky and gluey capture threads of the web are originated from the silks of two flagelliform glands and four aggregate glands. They supply precursors of the secretory silks to a pair of characteristic “triad” spinning units on the posterior spinnerets. The aggregate gland is composed of large and multi‐lobed secretory region and thick excretory duct surrounded by large irregular nodules. The excretory duct of this gland basically consists of three superposed types of cells which are inner columnar epithelium, nodule forming cells and outer connectives. The nodules contain numerous mitochondria and glycogen particles within their cytoplasm and they are surrounded by the same sheath of thin connective tissues. Secretory region of the aggregate gland which produce water‐soluble components of the capture thread comprises discrete secretory vesicles and extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum. Characteristically, secretory droplets are formed without involvement of the Golgi complexes, suggesting that they do not play an important role in the processing of the capture threads. However the electron densities and internal textures of the granules are observed with diverse according to their maturation level. Finally, the secretory products are released by the mechanism of apocrine secretion losing part of their cytoplasm during this process.  相似文献   

Performance on different psychophysical tasks measuring the sense of time indicates a large amount of individual variation in the accuracy and precision of timing in the hundredths of milliseconds-to-minutes range. Quantifying factors with an influence on timing is essential to isolating a biological (genetic) contribution to the perception and estimation of time. In the largest timing study to date, 647 participants completed a duration-discrimination task in the sub-second range and a time-production task in the supra-second range. We confirm the stability of a participant’s time sense across multiple sessions and substantiate a modest sex difference on time production. Moreover, we demonstrate a strong correlation between performance on a standardized cognitive battery and performance in both duration-discrimination and time-production tasks; we further show that performance is uncorrelated with age after controlling for general intelligence. Additionally, we find an effect of ethnicity on time sense, with African Americans and possibly Hispanics in our cohort differing in accuracy and precision from other ethnic groups. Finally, a preliminary genome-wide association and exome chip study was performed on 148 of the participants, ruling out the possibility for a single common variant or groups of low-frequency coding variants within a single gene to explain more than ~18% of the variation in the sense of time.  相似文献   

目的 调查日间手术病人术后安全性及患者的价值感知、风险感知。方法 问卷调查和电话调查。结果 609例患者调查结果显示:日间手术患者对医疗服务的满意度96.2%,对医疗质量的满意度为95.9%;日间手术患者出院后再住院率为0.05%,再就诊率2.9%;64.9%的患者意识到日间手术模式较住院手术具有更高的便利价值,49.1%的患者意识到日间手术模式的货币价值, 57.0 %的患者意识到日间手术的社会价值;风险感知方面,50.4%的患者担心如果出现不适后,不能得到及时的处理;22.0%的患者对没有医护人员照护下的康复,在心理上的准备不足。结论 日间手术模式是一种安全有效的医疗模式,对这种模式患者具有较高的价值感知,同时也存在较高的风险感知。  相似文献   

Movement plays a role in structuring the interactions between individuals, their environment, and other species. Although movement models coupled with empirical data are widely used to study animal distribution, they have seldom been used to study search time. This paper proposes first passage time as a novel approach for understanding the effect of the landscape on animal movement and search time. In the context of animal movement, first passage time is the time taken for an animal to reach a specified site for the first time. We synthesize current first passage time theory and derive a general first passage time equation for animal movement. This equation is related to the Fokker–Planck equation, which is used to describe the distribution of animals in the landscape. We illustrate the first passage time method by analyzing the effect of territorial behavior on the time required for a red fox to locate prey throughout its home range. Using first passage time to compute search times, we consider the effect of two different searching modes on a functional response. We show that random searching leads to a Holling type III functional response. First passage time analysis provides a new tool for studying how animal movement may influence ecological processes.  相似文献   

The psychology of time perception, which is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers, finds its explanation in Lenin's theory of reflection and in the Pavlovian concept of higher nervous activity, which is a confirmation in natural science of the Marxist theory of knowledge. Time exists objectively, and is represented to man — by means of time perception — as one of the fundamental forms of being. The essential features and laws of such perception are determined by the interaction of excitatory and inhibitory cortical processes. However, a number of mechanisms involved in carrying out this process of representation have, as yet, been little investigated. The feedback principle would appear to offer a fruitful approach in this regard. This principle, along with comparison theory, makes possible a new interpretation and generalization of the large amount of experimental data that has already been accumulated on the psychology of temporal perceptions.  相似文献   

Reaction patterns of 90 cortical neurons to acetylcholine approximated by two parabolas have been divided on simple and complex. The participation of different types of cholinoreceptors in complex reactions to transmitter is proposed.  相似文献   

For the first time in human history, the majority of the world''s population resides in urban areas. Therefore, city managers are faced with new challenges related to the efficiency, equity and quality of the supply of resources, such as water, food and energy. Infrastructure in a city can be viewed as service points providing resources. These service points function together as a spatially collaborative system to serve an increasing population. To study the spatial collaboration among service points, we propose a shared network according to human''s collective movement and resource usage based on data usage detail records (UDRs) from the cellular network in a city in western China. This network is shown to be not scale-free, but exhibits an interesting triangular property governed by two types of nodes with very different link patterns. Surprisingly, this feature is consistent with the urban-rural dualistic context of the city. Another feature of the shared network is that it consists of several spatially separated communities that characterize local people''s active zones but do not completely overlap with administrative areas. According to these features, we propose the incorporation of human movement into infrastructure classification. The presence of well-defined spatially separated clusters confirms the effectiveness of this approach. In this paper, our findings reveal the spatial structure inside a city, and the proposed approach provides a new perspective on integrating human movement into the study of a spatially distributed system.  相似文献   

Human coalitions frequently persist through multiple, overlapping membership generations, requiring new members to cooperate and coordinate with veteran members. Does the mind contain psychological adaptations for interacting within these intergenerational coalitions? In this paper, we examine whether the mind spontaneously treats newcomers as a motivationally privileged category. Newcomers—though capable of benefiting coalitions—may also impose considerable costs (e.g., they may free ride on other members, they may be poor at completing group tasks). In three experiments we show (1) that the mind categorizes coalition members by tenure, including newcomers; (2) that tenure categorization persists in the presence of orthogonal and salient social dimensions; and (3) that newcomers elicit a pattern of impressions consistent with their probable ancestral costs. These results provide preliminary evidence for a specialized component of human coalitional psychology: an evolved concept of newcomer.  相似文献   

An equation describing a two-dimensional random walk with non-uniform step length is derived and applied to a cinephotomicrographic analysis of human granulocyte movement. The method is also applied to a generally recognized chemotactic movement.  相似文献   

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