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F. Madioni 《PSN》2007,5(1):41-46
The mixing of psychoanalysis and phenomenology fosters the development of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis drawing on phenomenology to offer a method of studying and understanding the human being; this creates a genuine form of “anthropology”. Phenomenology’s contributions to psychoanalysis revolve around the three notions of épochè, the understanding of others and transference. On the one hand, épochè (a suspension of natural states of mind, obviousness and knowledge; an eidetic reduction; and an opening to the world and others) ensures better comprehension (“to take with yourself”) of others and their existential projects. On the other hand, épochè prevents falling into the transference and countertransference traps and sets the distance necessary for the hermeneutic act, that is, the interpretation of what is no longer there, what is absent, yet said and indicated by language in psychoanalytic therapy. Through its humanist, anthropological perspective and its overall understanding of the human being, phenomenology leads the way to rethinking clinical psychotherapy to create a more unified discipline.  相似文献   


L'Isopode profond Cirolana borealis présente en milieu expérimental un rythme circadien endogène net d'émergence du sédiment, de géonégativité, et d'activité natatoire. Le rythme a pu être enregistré durant plus de 60 jours consécutifs en obscurité constante. Il se manifeste chez les animaux conditionnés à un éclairement de surface (100 à 10‐5 μW.cm‐2), chez ceux conditionnés à éclairement très réduit (10‐4 à 10‐11 μW.cm‐2), et chez ceux prélevés à ‐ 400 m, et immédiatement expérimentés. La phase d'activité, de durée variable selon les individus, est centrée sur le crépuscule. La période et l'amplitude sont sujettes à de fortes variations individuelles. Généralement inférieure à 24 h chez les animaux conditionnés au laboratoire, la période est le plus souvent supérieure à 25 h chez les animaux provenant directement du milieu naturel. La synchronisation semble essentiellement assurée par les variations lumineuses nycthémérales: un éclairement de valeur diurne provoque une géopositivité permanente et, le plus souvent, un enfouissement au moins partiel des individus, même durant la phase d'activité.  相似文献   

ALTHOUGH the results of therapy of Parkinson's disease with L-dopa have been encouraging, about 20% of treated patients have responded poorly and for a further 20% results have been only moderate. Since L-dopa therapy can have serious side effects and because treatment should continue for at least 6 months before any final assessment is made, it is useful to be able to predict the results of therapy in advance-the probenecid test offers such an opportunity for this. Probenecid (p-(di-n-propylsulphamyl)-benzoic acid) (‘Benemid’; Merck, Sharp and Dohme) administered, reduces the outflow of acid monoamine metabolites from the human brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the blood1. Determination of homo-vanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) after administration of probenecid provides an index of the degree of turnover of the parent amines, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)2. Central dopamine deficiency is considered to be a factor responsible for the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. The rate of accumulation of HVA under thé influence of probenecid may reflect the metabolism of dopamine in the brain. We have tested the hypothesis that there is a correlation between the degree of improvement of motor impairment in Parkinson's disease treated with L-dopa and the concentration of HVA in CSF after administration of probenecid3.  相似文献   

F. W. Lundell  Alan M. Mann 《CMAJ》1966,94(11):542-546
Many traditional concepts are being challenged in contemporary psychiatric practice, including the classical “one-to-one” relationship of individual psychotherapy. Where the patient''s presenting difficulties include significant inability to function or feel happy in the marital role, the technique of conjoint psychotherapy (having both partners treated simultaneously by the same doctor) may be indicated. Conjoint therapy is envisaged as a continuum, embracing a considerable range of situations where it is sound practice to see husband and wife together. The treatment plan has three stages: complaint, clarification, and compromise, each of which presents specific features and pitfalls. Emphasis is placed on dealing with individual psychopathology of each partner, both per se and in relation to the marital situation. Results to date suggest that conjoint treatment represents a promising therapeutic modality. Even in cases where individual psychopathology cannot fully be resolved, certain plateaus of satisfaction may be attained as communication improves.  相似文献   

Mobility, growth patterns and substrate in some fossil and Recent corals   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The article analyses the relationships between mobile corals, the associated benthic fauna and the physical character of their substrates. Different types of coral mobility are here classified under three headings: (1) Passive rotation by water movement or by intervention of infaunal, benthic or nektic organisms. (2) Lifelong towing by a symbiotic sipunculid worm. (3) Auto-mobility, defined as self-induced movement which allows unburial, righting and lateral migration. In each case the morphology of the skeleton reflects the type of mobility, which can therefore be traced in the fossil record. Two examples of auto-mobile corals, Cycloseris (Recent) and Chomatoseris (= Anabacia) (Jurassic) are reviewed in detail; their main common architectural features are concentric growth and lack of epitheca. Both genera prefer loose, muddy sands. Mobility in corals allows them to flourish under circumstances unfavourable for sedentary forms. They are good indicators of loose, soft, sand substrates ranging from lagoonal through peri-reefal to deeper water environments. Though relatively few in species at any given time, mobile corals are geographically widespread and may be locally extremely abundant (>1500 per m2). World distribution maps are given for the Recent Cycloseris cyclolites, Diaseris distorta, Heteropsammia, Heterocyathus and Manicina areolata and for the Jurassic Chomatoseris. Cet article analyse Ies relations entre les coraux mobiles, la faune benthique associée et les propriétés physiques de leur substrat. On peut classer les différents types de mobilité chez les coraux selon trois catégories: (1) Rotation passive due aux mouvements de l'eau, à l'intervention de l'endofaune, d'organismes benthoniques ou nectoniques. (2) Remorquage par un ver Sipunculide symbiotique. (3) Auto-mobilité, définie comme mouvements propres, permettant au polypier de s'extraire du sédiment, de se retourner et de se déplacer latéralement. Dans tous les cas la morphologie du squelette est liée au type de mobilité qui peut done être reconnu chez les fossiles. Deux exemples de coraux auto-mobiles sont ici revus en détail: Cycloseris (actuel) et Chomatoseris (=Anabacia) (Jurassique); les traits communs entre ces deux formes sont la croissance concentrique et l'absence d'épithèque. Les deux genres préfèrent les sables boueux meubles. La mobilité chez les coraux permet leur épanouissement dans des circonstances défavorables aux formes sédentaires. Ce sont de bons indicateurs de fond meuble (sable ou sable vaseux). On les trouve dans les lagons, les zones péri-récifales et jusque dans des eaux plus profondes. Les genres mobiles, dont le nombre connu est encore faible, ont cependant une large distribution géographique et peuvent localement être représentés par de nombreux individus (>1500 par m2). Des cartes de répartition mondiale sont établies pour les coraux actuels Cycloseris cyclolites, Diaseris distorta, Heteropsammia, Heterocyathus, Manicina areolata et pour le genre jurassique Chomatoseris.  相似文献   

The relationships between total (TL) and standard (SL) lengths for 50 fish species and between TL and wet weight for 52 fish species caught in the Ouémé River are presented. Relationships between TL and SL are linear. Between TL and weight, the relationships are of the form TW = aTLb. The b values range from 2.3307 to 3.5185. Student's t‐test revealed that 38.5% of the species have b values significantly different from 3.  相似文献   

M. Beauge 《Andrologie》1997,7(2):241-246
Intra-cavernous injection of vasoactive substances has dramatically modified the medical approach of erectile dysfunction. There are psychological and ethical difficulties to this therapeutic procedure, and it is likely that they do contribute to the high drop out rate encountered with this method. According to our clinical experience, we suggest several attitudes in order to facilitate patient's and partner's acceptance:
  • ? There is no opposition between psychotherapy and intra-cavernous injection, they may be regarded as complementary.
  • ? It is advisable to find means to reduce the fear induced by self injection, by reassuring the patient, and making the act easier by choosing the most simple injection material. The pharmacological action must be explained, as well as the side effects.
  • ? Pharmacologically induced erection is often described as artificial, although intra-cavernous injection of vasoactive substances is a symptomatic treatment just as many other symptomatic treatments. It compensates a functional insufficiency, restoring a physiological state very close to normal as far as erection is concerned, but has no effect on sexual excitation, glans intumescence and the development of the ejaculatory climax reflex. The sexuel relation's erotization lays only within the couple, and remains entirely apart from any iatrogenic effect.
  • ? Should the treatment remain secret? Inta-cavernous injection must not systematically be performed withtout the partner knowing about it, although the act should remain discrete and intimate.
  • One should not encounter psychic or ethical difficulties in erectile dysfunction treatment with intra-cavernous injection of vasoactive substances, provided that it has been properly prescribed, well explained, and that it is part of a psychotherapy. It is doubtless that many refusals or therapy withdrawals are caused by poor or lack of technical initiation, on one hand, and by not taking into account the psychic and ethical aspects of the method, on the other hand.  相似文献   

    Animal-assisted therapies (AATs) are not widely promoted in routine mental healthcare but represent a viable treatment option given positive perceptions of pets and growing evidence that animals provide meaningful contribution to psychological wellbeing. Relatively little is known about the general public's attitude toward AATs, especially in relation to more commonly used alternatives. This study compared the acceptability of four different treatment options (AAT, medication, psychotherapy, and no active treatment) for common externalizing behaviors in children. Parents from a community sample (N = 189) were presented with vignettes describing a child with symptoms of an externalizing behavior disorder and were asked to rate the acceptability of the four different treatment options. Participants rated AAT as a highly acceptable form of treatment and more acceptable than no active treatment and medication. However, AAT was rated as less acceptable than psychotherapy. Experiences with animals (both positive and negative) were unrelated to the acceptability of AAT. These findings suggest that AAT is viewed as a highly acceptable form of treatment for common externalizing behaviors and should be more systematically investigated as a treatment for children's mental health problems.  相似文献   

    La localisation des ?ufs et des larves dePsyllaephagus euphyllurae SILV. endoparasite du psylle de l'olivier (Euphyllura olivina COSTA) ainsi que le régime alimentaire de la phase post-embryonnaire sont identifiés par examen microscopique des coupes histologiques de larves de 5c stade parasitèes. L'entomophage dépose les 2/3 de ses ?ufs dans le thorax et son régime alimentaire comprend 2 phases bien distinctes:
  • - une première phase stéatophage de 7 à 7,5 jours pendant laquelle la larve ingère le tissu adipeux de l'hôte,
  • - une deuxième phase sarcophage de 1 à 1,5 jours au cours de laquelle la larve dePsyllaephagus euphyllurae fortement mandibulée consomme tous les organes de l'hôte à l'exception des téguments qui sont alors momifiés.
  • Pendant la 1ère période, la digestion commence à être visible chez une larve âgée de 3 jours, et durant la 2ème période, elle suit l'ingestion des organes de l'hôte qui sont sous forme de fragments non reconnaissables dans le tube digestif moyen.  相似文献   

    《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(4):287-289
    Iodine-131 (131I, radioiodine) has been used for over eight decades for the treatment of Graves’ disease, either as initial therapy or following failure of thionamides, as well as for the treatment of autonomous thyroid nodules. 131I treatment is simple to administer, effective, and relatively inexpensive. Recently, there has been some turmoil after a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reported an increased risk of cancer from 131I treatment. The impact was of short duration however, as the paper received severe criticisms from many nuclear medicine physicians as well as from endocrinologists. Here we explain why that paper's conclusions are doubtful. We also review the major data on the topic of 131I therapy of hyperthyroidism and the risk of cancer.  相似文献   

    Light-scattering measurements show that poly(α,L -glutamic acid) (PGA) is strongly aggregated at the low pH's (4.0–4.3) usually used to measure the mean residue rotation at the trough, [R′]233, and that [R′]233 becomes more negative with aggregation. Concurrent weight-average molecular weight measurements by light-scattering and [R′]233 measurements by optical rotatory dispersion as a function of pH show that a maximum negative value for [R′]233 (unaffected by aggregation) is obtained at higher pH's (4.53–4.82). Precautions should be taken to insure that the Na-PGA sample used as standard does not aggregate at the low pH's required for its complete conversion to the helical form. An Na-PGA sample meeting the above requirements gives [R′]233 of ?14,600° ± 1.5% over the pH range 4.53–4.82 in 0.05M NaCl.  相似文献   

    Human societies utilize mollusks for myriad material and spiritual ends. An example of their use in a religious context is found in Brazil's African-derived belief systems. Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion introduced during the 18th-19th centuries by enslaved Yoruba, includes various magical and liturgical uses of mollusks. This work inventoried the species utilized by adherents and to analyzed their symbolic and magical context. Data were obtained from Candomblé temples in two cities in the northeast of Brazil-Caruaru, in the state of Pernambuco, and Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba. Questionnaires administered to eleven adepts revealed that at least nineteen mollusk species are being used. Shells from Monetaria moneta, M. annulus and Erosaria caputserpentis were cited by all of the interviewees. Three uses stood out: divination (jogo de búzios); utilization as ritual objects; and employment as sacrificial offerings (Igbin or Boi-de-Oxalá). The jogo de búzios (shell toss), employed in West Africa, Brazil and Cuba, is of fundamental importance to the cult, representing the means by which the faithful enter in contact with the divinities (Orixás) and consult people's futures (Odu). The utilization of mollusks in Candomblé is strongly influenced by ancient Yoruba myths (Itãs) which, having survived enslavement and generations of captive labor, continue to guide the lives of Brazil's African Diaspora.  相似文献   

    Résumé L'étude de la sensibilité des chenilles deSpodoptera littoralis Boisd. à des doses croissantes de spores deNomuraea rileyi (F.)Samson, montre que le 6e et dernier stade est plus résistant que le 1er et surtout les 4e et 5e stades larvaires. La virulence du pathotypeN. rileyi no 5 à l'égard des larves de cette noctuelle est élevée puisque le temps léthal 50 % (TL 50) est de 6 j en moyenne. Pendant l'incubation de la maladie les chenilles continuent de s'alimenter mais l'infection peut réduire jusqu'à 60 % la prise alimentaire par rapport à la consommation des larves des lots témoins. Toutes conditions égales par ailleurs, la mortalité provoquée parN. rileyi no 5 après traitement des larves nouvelles-nées est supérieure lorsque les insectes sont maintenus à 25°C par rapport à celle constatée à 20°C. Cependant pour une dose d'inoculum élevée, les conditions thermiques (20°, 25° ou 28°C), ne modifient pas sensiblement la réponse à l'infection parN. rileyi no 5 alors qu'elles limitent l'efficacité d'un pathotype moins virulent:Paecilomyces fumoso-roseus Wize noo 39.
    Summary Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the susceptibility of various larval instars of the cotton leafworm,Spodoptera littoralis Boisd. to different spore doses ofNomuraea rileyi (F.)Samson to investigate the influence of temperature on the infection by this fungus and byPaecilomyces fumosoroseus Wize. Contaminations were obtained by direct spraying on larvae in tower apparatus or by feeding of larvae on treated pieces of leaf during 48 h or 72 h. The influence of cryptogamic infection on food consumption was studied by measuring surfaces of standard cabbage leaf disces submitted to treated and control larvae. Angular values mortality rates were submitted to the 2- or 3-way analysis of variance and comparisons of means were made by theDuncan's test. In some cases we have also considered the time-mortality and the dose-mortality curves. The 6th instar was more resistant than all other tested instars. TL50 were found to be 6 days in most cases. During incubation of the disease, larvae continued to feed, but food consumption could be reduced at 40 % of controls. Larval mortality due toN. rileyi No 5, recorded after 8 days of incubation, was higher at 25°C than at 20°C. Nevertheless, at high dosage, efficiency ofN. rileyi No 5 was not affected by temperature at 20°, 25° and 28°C. The other pathotype,P. fumoso-roseus No 39 was more effective at 20°C than at 25° and 28°. At 32°C, the temperature, unfavourable to fungal growth, limited mortality at non significant rates.

    Avec la collaboration technique deH. Vermeil de Conchard.  相似文献   

    The author redefines three major concepts used in the social sciences: tribe, society, and community. He begins with his discovery that the Baruya, a tribe in New Guinea with whom he lived and worked, were not a society a few centuries ago. This made him wonder: How is a new society made? The author shows that neither kinship relations nor economic relations are sufficient to forge a new society. What welded a certain number of Baruya kin groups into a society were their political‐religious relations, which enabled them to establish a form of sovereignty over a territory, its inhabitants, and its resources. He goes on to compare other examples of more or less recently formed societies, among which is Saudi Arabia, whose beginnings date from the end of the eighteenth century; and he then clarifies the difference between tribe, society, ethnic group, and community, showing that a tribe is a society, but an ethnic group is a community. His analysis elucidates some contemporary situations, since tribes still play an important role in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, and so on.


    L'auteur redéfinit trois grands concepts utilisés dans les sciences sociales : tribu, société et communauté. Son point de départ est le fait que les Baruya, une tribu de Nouvelle‐Guinée avec laquelle il a vécu et travaillé, ne formaient pas une société il y a quelques siècles. Cette découverte l'a conduit à se demander comment une société voyait le jour. L'auteur montre que ni les liens de parenté ni les relations économiques ne sont suffisants pour donner naissance à une nouvelle société. Ce qui a soudé un certain nombre de groupes de parenté baruya en une société, ce sont leurs relations politiques et religieuses, qui leur ont permis d'établir une forme de souveraineté sur un territoire, ses habitants et ses ressources. L'auteur poursuit en comparant d'autres exemples de sociétés d'apparition plus ou moins récentes, par exemple l'Arabie Saoudite dont les débuts remontent à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Il éclaircit ensuite la différence entre tribu, société, groupe ethnique et communauté, en montrant qu'une tribu est une société mais un groupe ethnique est une communauté. Son analyse fait la lumière sur certaines situations contemporaines, dans la mesure où les tribus jouent encore un rôle important en Irak, en Afghanistan, en Jordanie et ailleurs.  相似文献   



    Neurobiological models of depression posit limbic hyperactivity that should normalize after successful treatment. For psychotherapy, though, brain changes in patients with depression show substantial variability. Two critical issues in relevant studies concern the use of unspecific stimulation experiments and relatively short treatment protocols. Therefore changes in brain reactions to individualized stimuli were studied in patients with depression after eight months of psychodynamic psychotherapy.


    18 unmedicated patients with recurrent major depressive disorder were confronted with individualized and clinically derived content in a functional MRI experiment before (T1) and after eight months (T2) of psychodynamic therapy. A control group of 17 healthy subjects was also tested twice without intervention. The experimental stimuli were sentences describing each participant''s dysfunctional interpersonal relationship patterns derived from clinical interviews based on Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics (OPD).


    At T1 patients showed enhanced activation compared to controls in several limbic and subcortical regions, including amygdala and basal ganglia, when confronted with OPD sentences. At T2 the differences in brain activity between patients and controls were no longer apparent. Concurrently, patients had improved significantly in depression scores.


    Using ecologically valid stimuli, this study supports the model of limbic hyperactivity in depression that normalizes after treatment. Without a control group of untreated patients measured twice, though, changes in patients'' brain activity could also be attributed to other factors than psychodynamic therapy.  相似文献   

    In the past decade, stimulated by public concern with issues of mental health, there has been a new spurt of interest in techniques of brief treatment with circumscribed goals. These are applicable to groups as well as to the single patient. There are still differences of opinion about the effectiveness of brief psychotherapy, particularly the lastingness and depth of the results obtained, yet it is often highly beneficial, especially to previously well-functioning individuals who are involved in a situational crisis. Although probably the best results of brief psychotherapy are with disturbances of moderate severity and recent onset, in practice, it is often tried with a wide spectrum of patients. Brief psychotherapy aims at relief of the patient''s major current conflicts rather than at change of his personality structure, which generally requires long-term treatment. Brief psychotherapy is of special relevance for the general physician because the patients whom he sees in large numbers are precisely those best suited for this form of treatment.  相似文献   

    There was no significant decrease or increase in the activity of conidia ofNomuraea rileyi after 12in vivo serial passages in larvae ofTrichoplusia ni (Hübner) or after 12in vitro serial passages on a semi-synthetic medium. The LC-50 at the start of the serial passage was 16.8±4.0 conidia/mm2; after 12 serial passages the LC-50 for thein vitro- andin vivo-produced conidia was 16.2±2.5 conidia/mm2 and 12.0±1.9 conidia/mm2, respectively.
    Résumé Il n'y a pas d'augmentation ou de réduction significative dans l'activité des conidies deNomuraea rileyi après 12 passages en sériein vivo chez les larves deTrichoplusia ni (Hübner) ou après 12 passages en sériein vitro sur un milieu semi-synthétique. La concentration léthale 50 au début de ces passages était de 16,8±4,0 conidies/mm2, après 12 passages la CL 50 des conidies produitesin vitro etin vivo fut respectivement de 16,2±2,5 conidies/mm2 et de 12,0±1,9 conidies/mm2.

    Mention of a proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation for use by the USDA.  相似文献   


    Los autores analizan los resultados générales obtenidos al estudiar los foraminiferos de 29 muestras bentónicas dragadas en la plataforma continental chilena entre 30o y 42o lat. Sur. Las profundidades van desde 12 m hasta 264 m y se incluyeron adernás, varias muestras dei litoral de las bahías de Valparaiso y Concepción.

    Se registraron un total de 140 especies ‐ 9 de ellas eran planctónicas ‐ pudiéndose subdividir la región estudiada en 2 subprovincias con un límite ubicado entre los 39o y 40o lat. Sur. La fauna es de características ?templadofrías? y el número de especies aumenta con la profundidad; asimismo, él porcentaje de las formas aglutinadas. De las 20 especies descritas por d'Orbigny (1839) en Chile, 12 fueron reencontradas. Las formas planctónicas estan pobremente representadas.  相似文献   

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