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Many generations of psychologists have been concerned with the problem of how we see things as they are in reality. The science of vision has accumulated extensive material on this subject; and many more or less correct hypotheses have been proposed, formulated in the various conceptual terms of philosophy, art, psychology, physiology, biophysics, mathematics, and technology. Investigation into the working of the visual system has not developed equally in these fields. One instructive fact will not go unnoticed in the future history of the science of vision: in psychology, interest in image phenomena has fallen sharply, first because of behaviorism, then because of too broad an interpretation of the classic teachings on conditioned reflexes, and later because of cybernetic ideas. It has been maintained probably in a single area, psychiatry, in which investigative and medical material has not permitted image and hallucinatory phenomena to be ignored. In the early 1960s representatives of various psychological and physiological schools and disciplines returned anew to the long-for gotten topic of image phenomena. As Holt has aptly remarked (15), images are returning from exile. As generally happens in science, the rekindling of interest in a traditional topic occurred through the internal logic of studying the problems of perception in the light of the relatively new fields in science and technology. If we trace the development of only some of them — design theory, engineering psychology, and the theory of creative activity (as a separate subdivision of art, science, and the psychology of creativity) — it becomes clear that the return to image phenomena is due to the inability of behaviorism and associated physiological conditioning theories to explain complex forms of behavior and mental activity.  相似文献   

Human brain function is mediated by biochemical processes, many of which can be visualized and quantified by positron emission tomography (PET). PET brain imaging of monoamine oxidase A (MAO A)—an enzyme metabolizing neurotransmitters—revealed that MAO A levels vary widely between healthy men and this variability was not explained by the common MAOA genotype (VNTR genotype), suggesting that environmental factors, through epigenetic modifications, may mediate it. Here, we analyzed MAOA methylation in white blood cells (by bisulphite conversion of genomic DNA and subsequent sequencing of cloned DNA products) and measured brain MAO A levels (using PET and [11C]clorgyline, a radiotracer with specificity for MAO A) in 34 healthy non-smoking male volunteers. We found significant interindividual differences in methylation status and methylation patterns of the core MAOA promoter. The VNTR genotype did not influence the methylation status of the gene or brain MAO A activity. In contrast, we found a robust association of the regional and CpG site-specific methylation of the core MAOA promoter with brain MAO A levels. These results suggest that the methylation status of the MAOA promoter (detected in white blood cells) can reliably predict the brain endophenotype. Therefore, the status of MAOA methylation observed in healthy males merits consideration as a variable contributing to interindividual differences in behavior.  相似文献   

1. Attitude to the Discussion: A discussion of social psychology was opened in the pages of Voprosy psikhologii. [Translated in this journal, 1963, 1 (3), 32-38. — Ed.] This event has both a good and bad side. The good side is that, finally, the central organ of Soviet psychology has begun to speak about social psychology. Soviet psychologists will at last state their positive word about social psychology. The discussion will permit a more profound definition of the content of social psychology and will attract the attention of the Soviet public to the phenomena of social psychology. The bad side is that while much is said about the content of social psychology, the most urgent problems for Soviet social psychology is not so much one of its content as of the development of concrete methods and concrete investigations. A. V. Baranov's article [5] presents an incorrect understanding of the history and contemporary state of social psychology in the USSR.  相似文献   

The levels and its interindividual and intraindividual variations of selenium (Se) and mercury (Hg) in erythrocytes and plasma were investigated in seven healthy young men during a period of 10 wk, with emphasis on the relationship to the dietary intake of several defined food items. The intraindividual variation, estimated by coefficients of variation (CVs), was 9.9% for plasma Se (PSe), 9.5% for erythrocyte Se (ESe), 42.4% for PHg, and 11.7% for EHg on the average. Significant correlations were found for mean ESe levels in each subject and his fish-eating frequency during this study (r=0.752, p<0.01). Weekly PHg levels were also correlated with average fish-eating frequency in the corresponding week of blood collection (r=0.367, p<0.05). Fish intake within 24 h before blood collection influenced PHg levels significantly.  相似文献   

Using information theory, courtship posturing in the moths Ephestia elutella(Hübner) and Cadra figulilella(Gregson) was analyzed for information transmission, which was partitioned into autocovariability (intraindividual transmission) and cross-covariability (interindividual transmission). This two-factor analysis was sufficient to account for more than 60% of the behavioral variance in males of E. elutellaand in both sexes of C. figulilelladuring intraspecific courtships; however, there were large residual variances in the behavior of male and female C. figulilelladuring interspecific courtships and in E. elutellafemales during both inter- and intraspecific courtships. In E. elutella,significant levels of transmission were attributable to both inter- and intraindividual effects, whereas in C. figulilella,only autocovariability was high and no interindividual communication could be assigned to courtship postures. Although courtship in these two species was qualitatively very similar and males readily courted nonconspecific females, high levels of reproductive isolation resulted from courtship. Male C. figulilellahad 94% fewer copulations with E. elutellafemales than with conspecific females and E. elutellamales had 78% fewer copulations with C. figulilellafemales than with conspecifics. These reductions were due to a differential response in both females and males, causing inter-specific courtships to be terminated much earlier than intraspecific courtships. This discrimination indicates that interindividual communication was indeed occurring during courtship and was only partially measured by analysis of postures. Thus, communication took place largely in some other modality, most likely the chemical modality, where species specificity is suggested for both male and female pheromones.  相似文献   

Short-term memory in the brain cannot in general be explained the way long-term memory can – as a gradual modification of synaptic weights – since it takes place too quickly. Theories based on some form of cellular bistability, however, do not seem able to account for the fact that noisy neurons can collectively store information in a robust manner. We show how a sufficiently clustered network of simple model neurons can be instantly induced into metastable states capable of retaining information for a short time (a few seconds). The mechanism is robust to different network topologies and kinds of neural model. This could constitute a viable means available to the brain for sensory and/or short-term memory with no need of synaptic learning. Relevant phenomena described by neurobiology and psychology, such as local synchronization of synaptic inputs and power-law statistics of forgetting avalanches, emerge naturally from this mechanism, and we suggest possible experiments to test its viability in more biological settings.  相似文献   

Somatic DNA variation represents one of the most interesting but also one of the least investigated genetic phenomena. In addition to the classical case of DNA hypermutability at the V(D)J region, there is an increasing body of experimental evidence suggesting that genes other than immunoglobulin in tissues other than lymphocytes also exhibit nonuniformity of DNA sequence, which opens new opportunities for explaining various features of multicellular organisms. Identification of somatic DNA mutability, however, is not a trivial task and numerous confounding factors have to be taken into account. In this work we investigated putative DNA variation in the serotonin 2A receptor gene (HTR2A). A series of real-time PCR-based experiments was performed on DNA samples (n = 8) from human brain and peripheral leukocytes. Amplification of the target DNA sequences was carefully matched to that of the control plasmid containing the insert of HTR2A. Sequencing of nearly 500 clones containing a total of 150,000 nucleotides did not show any evidence for somatic DNA variation in the brain and peripheral leukocytes. It is argued in this article that although intraindividual DNA mutability may be a more common phenomenon than is generally accepted, some of the earlier claims of genetic nonidentity on the brain cells may be premature.  相似文献   

L. Fedi 《PSN》2007,5(1):36-47
Pierre Janet’s doctoral dissertation (1889), often narrowly discussed from a uniquely psychopathological perspective, is presented here within its context and intellectual framework. For Pierre Janet (1859–1947) automatism phenomena are due to a weakness in psychological synthesis, which leads to mental deterioration and a narrowing of the field of consciousness. Uncontrolled spontaneous acts pertain to previous psychic constructs that are stored on a subconscious level and expressed in various circumstances: somnambulism, distraction, suggestibility, catalepsy, etc. Instead of a hidden mechanism, Pierre Janet unfolds a dynamic function, assessing a Kantian theme-the unifying function of “I”—using experimental psychology, from which Emile Boutroux had drawn a theory of the qualitative and creative power of the mind, which partly inspired Bergson. The dynamic psychology of Pierre Janet served as a reference during the XXth century for a French psychiatric movement led by Jean Delay, Henri Ey and Henri Baruk in the context of resistance to psychoanalysis. Here, we trace the reasoning behind this continuum, by detailing the meaning of the subconscious and questioning the epistemological notions of the young Pierre Janet.  相似文献   

Prometaphase lymphocyte chromosomes from eight adult argentinian Alouatta caraya females were characterized using sequential G-C banding techniques, Ag-NOR bands and bands obtained with the restriction enzymes Hae III, Eco RI, Alu I and Sau 3A. The cytogenetic analysis showed 2n = 52, with four, five, or six NOR chromosomes. Digestion with Hae III and Eco RI produced G-like-bands. Centromere regions and two interstitial C-bands (in chromosomes number 16 and 21) showed intraindividual or interindividual heterochromatic polymorphisms. Alu I digestion produced C-like bands with gaps in the centromere regions, and Sau 3A produced C-like bands. The karyotypes and banding patterns of A. caraya, A. palliata, A. belzebul, and A. seniculus are compared, based on whole chromosome and whole arm homeologies. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Research on the structure of an individual's mental lexicon has shown that, among the set of concepts belonging to a single semantic field, there is typically one particular concept that stands out. The processes of storage, identification, and retrieval of this concept are faster and more successful than they are for the others. For example, in the vertical hierarchy of the concept fruit—apple—antonovka [McIntosh to give a familiar U. S. example—Trans.], apple plays this type of lead role and also occupies the most prominent position in the horizontal series apple—pear—plum—cherries—orange. Concepts with such characteristics are referred to as basic, source, or primary concepts. What is the reason for their special status?  相似文献   

—The normal developmental rise of tryptophan hydroxylase levels in neonatal rat brain was blocked by adrenalectomy. Similarly, adrenalectomy prevented the rescrpine-induced elevation of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in brain stem of adult mice. In both cases, the effects of adrenalectomy could be reversed by replacement injections of corticosterone. Repeated injections of corticosterone (5 mg/kg daily) in fact induced a rise of brain tryptophan hydroxylase levels in neonatal brain. However, neither adrenalectomy nor repeated injections of large doses of the hormone (20 mg/kg, daily) was found to be effective in affecting the normal enzyme levels in adult brain. Apparent Km of the enzyme for substrate was unchanged by corticosterone in vivo or in vitro. These results indicate that glucocorticoids have a significant role in the regulation of brain tryptophan hydroxylase: possibly as an inducing signal during neonatal development and as a permissive factor at adult age.  相似文献   

Two aspects are discussed: first, the mechanism of learning, and second, the generation of culture and morality. Both aspects are analyzed in relation to the evolution of the mind-brain system. As to the first aspect, I suggest that the use of the concept of innatism requires a re-examination of the genome-dependent effects on the mind-brain system particularly for what concerns the time scale of these effects. The reason is that the information in the genome of the parents is transmitted to the embryo during fertilization of the egg and then into the structures of neuronal cells at the very early stage of ontogenesis, whereas organization of the mind-brain system occurs at a much later time and after an extensive reorganization of the brain structure. The problem is, then, that while during the early stages of the ontogenetic development the neuronal cells maintain their genome determined properties, the full expression of these genome properties within the mind-brain organization undergo fundamental changes which depend not on the properties of the genomic information but rather on the evolution of the operational conditions which are generated in the brain organization and which determine the expression of the genomic potentialities. These operational conditions may become markedly different because of a number of on-going processes due to the formation of new synapses, axons, dendrites and neuronal networks; these phenomena are, to a large extent due to interaction with the environment. Using the Fodor’s language, the effect of the innate properties over the horizontal neuronal networks (the innatism that operates during the whole ontogenesis) assumes a much more important role in the mind-brain than in all other physiological systems. As to the second aspect, I suggest that the development of cultural andmoral worlds are products of the histories of human minds and societies, and depend on the evolutionary nature of these histories.To explain the generation of these worlds I shall discuss a basic problem. How can the neuronal networks of the mind-brain system — usually dealing with phenomena of the natural world and being themselves natural structures obeying the principles and rules of the natural phenomena, where no transition from is to ought or from facts to values is allowed — be able to generate cultural and moral concepts and generate moral behaviours? The solution here proposed is that some sort of modularitydominates in the whole structure of the mind-brain system and that the effect of this modularity is that the neurophysiological processes dealing with the processes of human cultural, moral and social life are structurally associated with emotions, intentions and values. In brief, it is suggested that the mind-brain systems contain, in addition to the division introduced by Fodor, other innate types of neurophysiological processes: some types of processes and of neuronal networks deal with the problems of the natural world and provide answers which are right or wrong, wheras other types of processes and neuronal networks deal with problems of human cultural and social life and provide answers which are adapt on non-adapt.The latter types of neuronal networks are suited to generate the cultural and moral worlds in the course of development and evolution of the Homo sapiens sapiens species and of the single individual. Finally, in view of recent findings on the patterns of mental diseases and the relations of these patterns with alterations of the frontal lobes of the mind brain system, I suggest that the particular types of processes responsible for the moral behaviour of human beings are localized in the frontal lobes. The consequence is that alterations of this type of neurophysiological processes lead to the development of various types of mental diseases.   相似文献   

Assessing behavioural consistency is crucial to understand the evolution of personality traits. In the present study, we examined the short‐ and long‐term repeatability and stability of two unrelated personality traits – exploratory tendencies and struggling rate – using captive female zebra finches ( Taeniopygia guttata). We performed two experimental sessions of behavioural tests with a 7‐mo interval, which represents up to one quarter of a zebra finch's life expectancy. We showed that, overall, exploratory tendencies and struggling rate were significantly repeatable in the short term. However, only exploratory tendencies were repeatable in the long term. We found interindividual differences in short‐term stability of exploratory tendencies, but not struggling rate, providing evidence for differences in intraindividual variability. In the long term, struggling rate significantly decreased between the two experimental sessions, whereas exploratory tendencies remained stable. Finally, the amount of interindividual variation measured at both sessions did not differ. Our results suggest that short‐ and long‐term repeatability and stability of personality may vary between individuals, depending on the behavioural trait under scrutiny. As a consequence, deducing personality from measures realized earlier in a subject's life should be performed with caution. We discuss the implications of inter‐ and intraindividual variation in personality consistency on individual fitness.  相似文献   

Fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a prebiotic well known for its health-promoting properties, can improve the human gut ecosystem most likely through changes in its microbial composition. However, the detailed mechanism(s) of action of FOS in the modulation of the gut ecosystem remain(s) obscure. Traditional methods of profiling microbes and metabolites could barely show any significant features due to the existence of large interindividual differences, but our novel microbe–metabolite correlation approach, combined with faecal immunoglobulin A (IgA) measurements, has revealed that the induction of mucosal IgA by FOS supplementation correlated with the presence of specific bacteria. Furthermore, the metabolic dynamics of butyrate, l-phenylalanine, l-lysine and tyramine were positively correlated with that of these bacteria and IgA production, whereas p-cresol was negatively correlated. Taken together, our focused intraindividual analysis with omics approaches is a powerful strategy for uncovering the gut molecular network and could provide a new vista for understanding the human gut ecosystem.  相似文献   

The effects of the presence of large amounts of 5-HT and of its precursor 5-HTP in brain on cerebral utilization of glucose were studied. [U-14C]Glucose was injected to fed rats that had previously been treated with L-5-HTP, L-5-HTP and an inhibitor—N-[β-(2-chlorophenoxy)-ethyl]-cyclopropylamine hydrochloride (Lilly-51641)-of MAO, or Lilly-51641 alone. Such treatment increased the concentrations of 5-HTP and 5-HT in the brain. After treatment with 5-HTP and Lilly-51641, and to a lesser extent with Lilly-51641 alone, the concentration of glucose in plasma was increased. However, the uptake of glucose by the brain did not appear to be proportionately increased, and this suggested an impairment in this mechanism. After the administration of Lilly-51641 alone and more especially of Lilly-51641 plus 5-HTP, the concentration of glucose in the brain was increased. This increase was thought to be due to an impairment of glucose utilization, because the flux of 14C from glucose to amino acids in the brain was reduced. The concentrations of most major amino acids in the brain were not greatly affected by these treatments. GABA and alanine concentrations in the brain were modestly increased after treatment with 5-HTP alone or in combination with Lilly-51641. The present results suggest that the metabolism of glucose to amino acids in the brain is altered when the concentration of 5-HTP, or more especially that of 5-HT, in the brain is increased.  相似文献   

Recent results demonstrated that S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and nitric oxide (·NO) protect brain dopamine neurons from hydroxyl radical (·OH)-induced oxidative stress in vivo because they are potent antioxidants. GSNO and ·NO terminate oxidant stress in the brain by (i) inhibiting iron-stimulated hydroxyl radicals formation or the Fenton reaction, (ii) terminating lipid peroxidation, (iii) augmenting the antioxidative potency of glutathione (GSH), (iv) mediating neuroprotective action of brain-derived neurotrophin (BDNF), and (v) inhibiting cysteinyl proteases. In fact, GSNO — S-nitrosylated GSH — is approximately 100 times more potent than the classical antioxidant GSH. In addition, S-nitrosylation of cysteine residues by GSNO inactivates caspase-3 and HIV-1 protease, and prevents apoptosis and neurotoxicity. GSNO-induced antiplatelet aggregation is also mediated by S-nitrosylation of clotting factor XIII. Thus the elucidation of chemical reactions involved in this GSNO pathway (GSH → GS· + ·NO → [GSNO] → GSSG + ·NO → GSH) is necessary for understanding the biology of ·NO, especially its beneficial antioxidative and neuroprotective effects in the CNS. GSNO is most likely generated in the endothelial and astroglial cells during oxidative stress because these cells contain mM GSH and nitric oxide synthase. Furthermore, the transfer of GSH and ·NO to neurons via this GSNO pathway may facilitate cell to neuron communications, including not only the activation of guanylyl cyclase, but also the nitrosylation of iron complexes, iron containing enzymes, and cysteinyl proteases. GSNO annihilates free radicals and promotes neuroprotection via its c-GMP-independent nitrosylation actions. This putative pathway of GSNO/GSH/·NO may provide new molecular insights for the redox cycling of GSH and GSSG in the CNS.  相似文献   

Large deletions in Xq21 often are associated with contiguous gene syndromes consisting of X-linked deafness type 3 (DFN3), mental retardation (MRX), and choroideremia (CHM). The identification of deletions associated with classic CHM or DFN3 facilitated the positional cloning of the underlying genes, REP-1 and POU3F4, respectively, and enabled the positioning of the MRX gene in between these genes. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of a novel gene, ribosomal S6-kinase 4 (RSK4; HGMW-approved symbol RPS6KA6), which maps in the MRX critical region. RSK4 is completely deleted in eight patients with the contiguous gene syndrome including MRX, partially deleted in a patient with DFN3 and present in patients with an Xq21 deletion and normal intellectual abilities. RSK4 is most abundantly expressed in brain and kidney. The predicted protein of 746 amino acids shows a high level of homology to three previously isolated members of the human RSK family. RSK2 is involved in Coffin–Lowry syndrome and nonspecific MRX. The localization of RSK4 in the interval that is commonly deleted in mentally retarded males together with the high degree of amino acid identity with RSK2 suggests that RSK4 plays a role in normal neuronal development. Further mutation analyses in males with X-linked mental retardation must prove that RSK4 is indeed a novel MRX gene.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine biosynthesis in rat brain   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
—Studies on the incorporation of [14C]NaHCO3 into both orotic acid and RNA in tissue slices reveal the occurrence of the complete orotate pathway for the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines in the rat brain. A comparison of the rates of incorporation of bicarbonate into orotic acid and RNA in tissue slices of brain and liver indicate the brain to be one-fourth to one-half as active as the liver in the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines. The results of this study favor the proposal that the adult rat brain can meet its needs for pyrimidines through de novo synthesis and is not dependent upon salvage activity and an extraneural supply of pyrimidines.  相似文献   

The achievements of modern psychology in analyzing the structure of human mental activity, as well as the achievements of modern neurophysiology, paved the way for the investigation of the cerebral mechanisms of various mental processes and led to the creation of a new branch of psychological science — neuropsychology [neyropsikhologiya]. This branch of psychology has begun to grow in the past few decades in diverse countries, but has had an especially flourishing development in the USSR.  相似文献   

Mysore AR  Aras MA 《Gerodontology》2012,29(2):e23-e27
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00496.x Understanding the psychology of geriatric edentulous patients Objective: This article focuses on understanding our older patients who require complete prosthodontic care. By breaking down the patient psychology to its component parts, it is easier to obtain a clear picture of this special cohort of patients. Considering the increase in number of geriatric edentulous patients, this knowledge will help the dentist serve the geriatric population better. Background: The role of psychology and personality in complete denture treatment is well documented. The geriatric patient who needs complete dentures has a psychological aspect that needs consideration. Although significant, these aspects may sometimes be ignored or considered irrelevant. Materials and methods: A review of relevant literature was carried out to obtain data on the psychology and personality of geriatric, complete denture patients and their behavioural changes. The obtained data was filtered and condensed to provide a short but comprehensive look at the geriatric edentulous patient’s psychology. Conclusion: When handling geriatric edentulous patients, the dentist must be confident of addressing and managing the psychology of these patients. A thorough understanding of the geriatric mental state thus becomes important and significant for the clinician.  相似文献   

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