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Congresses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union are central events for Soviet society, for they adopt general lines of attack on the problems Soviet leaders view as centrally important. This brief statement concerning psychology makes very clear the role that psychology is asked to play in such areas as increasing labor productivity and improving the techniques of upbringing for the nation's youth.  相似文献   

In late 1949 the former Soviet Union conducted an open trial of eight Japanese physicians and researchers and four other military servicemen in Khabarovsk, a city in eastern Siberia. Despite its strong ideological tone and many obvious shortcomings such as the lack of international participation, the trial established beyond a reasonable doubt that the Japanese army had prepared and deployed bacteriological weapons and that Japanese researchers had conducted cruel experiments on living human beings. However, the trial, together with the evidence presented to the court and its major findings--which have proved remarkably accurate--was dismissed as communist propaganda and totally ignored in the West until the 1980s. This paper reviews the 1949 Khabarovsk trial, examines the West's dismissal of the proceedings as mere propaganda and draws some moral lessons for bioethics today. As an important historical case, set in the unique socio-political context of the Cold War, the West's dismissal of the trial powerfully illustrates some perennial ethical issues such as the ambivalence of evidence and power of ideology in making (or failing to make) cross-national and cross-cultural factual and moral judgments.  相似文献   

In this and the next issue of Soviet Psychology, the international readership will have an opportunity to gain access to the work of Russian developmental psychologist Mikhail Basov, whose relevance for developmental psychology in Russia and, later, the Soviet Union has been profound (see Valsiner, 1988, chap. 5). Basov's intellectual development paralleled that of his contemporary Lev Vygotsky, whose ideas are currently increasingly mentioned in the international discourse of psychologists and educators, and whose synthesis of ideas from various sources in international social sciences continues to command respect (see Kozulin, 1990; van der Veer and Valsiner, 1991).  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
As readers of Soviet Psychology are aware, it has been my policy over the years to present historical materials that are pertinent to understanding contemporary Soviet and world psychology. By and large, I have come upon such materials through discussions with Soviet scholars or by following the lead in relevant articles. When I first read Jaan Valsiner's lucid and informative book Developmental Psychology in the Soviet Union, I was immediately struck by the gold mine of materials to which Professor Valsiner had succeeded in gaining access. First among these was the work of Mikhail Basov, to whom Valsiner devoted an especially illuminating chapter in his monograph.  相似文献   

Military psychology is a branch of psychology, which is in addition included among the military sciences. In it the psychological features of different kinds of military and, above all, of combat activity are studied in relation to social and historical conditions, military technology, personal qualities of the fighting men, and methods of military and political preparation. The general purpose of Soviet military psychology is to discover principles of human mental activity under the conditions of combat and of training for combat, and to use these principles for raising the fighting capacity of the Soviet armed forces.  相似文献   

The distribution of alleles of the hordein-coding loci Hrd A, Hrd B, and Hrd F was investigated in 101 spring barley cutivars grown in 12 regions of Russia in 1999. It was demonstrated that the genetic structure of populations of these cutivars in the regions studied was affected by climatic factors, such as the average June temperature and average annual precipitation. The distribution patterns of the Hrd alleles in 25 agricultural provinces of the former Soviet Union and 12 regions of Russia were compared. The factor structure of genetic variability in the regions of barley cultivation in the former Soviet Union was found to differ from that in Russia. The change of the factor structure is likely to be related to diminishing the barley-production area under study and to the new administrative subdivision.  相似文献   

Soviet psychologists' views of the relationship between psychology and Pavlovian psychophysiology (or the study of higher nervous activity, as it is referred to in the Soviet literature) has long been a matter of curiosity and concern in the United States. Not accidentally, it has also been a matter of concern and dispute within the USSR. The following is an excerpt from a work by one of the Soviet Union's most seminal psychological theorists on this issue. Written in the late 1920s, this essay remains a classic statement of Soviet psychology's commitment to both a historical, materialistic science of the mind and the study of the unique characteristics of human psychological processes.  相似文献   

The distribution of alleles of the hordein-coding loci Hrd A, Hrd B, and Hrd Fwas investigated in 101 spring barley cultivars grown in 12 regions of Russia in 1999. It was demonstrated that the genetic structure of populations of these cultivars in the regions studied was affected by climatic factors, such as the average June temperature and average annual rainfall. The distribution patterns of the Hrdalleles in 25 agricultural provinces of the former Soviet Union and 12 regions of Russia were compared. The factor structure of genetic variability in the regions of barley cultivation in the former Soviet Union was found to differ from that in Russia. The change of the factor structure is likely to be related to diminishing the barley-production area under study and to the new administrative subdivision.  相似文献   

Anniversaries, especially if they involve "round" numbers — and what could be more round than 50? — are apt to stimulate retrospection. The approach of the fiftieth anniversary, in October 1967, of the establishment of Soviet power in Russia brought out a veritable flurry of publications reviewing the development of the various aspects of science in the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

In 1939 N.I. Ermolaeva published the results of an experiment which repeated parts of Mendel's classical experiments. On the basis of her experiment she concluded that Mendel's principle that self-pollination of hybrid plants gave rise to segregation proportions 3:1 was false. The great probability theorist A.N. Kolmogorov reviewed Ermolaeva's data using a test, now referred to as Kolmogorov's, or Kolmogorov-Smirnov, test, which he had proposed in 1933. He found, contrary to Ermolaeva, that her results clearly confirmed Mendel's principle. This paper shows that there were methodological flaws in Kolmogorov's statistical analysis and presents a substantially adjusted approach, which confirms his conclusions. Some historical commentary on the Lysenko-era background is given, to illuminate the relationship of the disciplines of genetics and statistics in the struggle against the prevailing politically-correct pseudoscience in the Soviet Union. There is a Brazilian connection through the person of Th. Dobzhansky.  相似文献   

The Sakha of northeastern Siberia, Russia, are the highest latitude contemporary agropastoralists practicing horse and cattle husbandry. In the last 100 years their rural livelihood has gone from household-level subsistence food production in clan clusters of single-family homesteads scattered across the landscape, to village-level state agribusiness farm production in compact settlements dependent on Soviet socialist infrastructure, to the present-day post-socialist reliance on household-level subsistence food production. This paper explores how Viliui Sakha are adapting in the post-Soviet context. Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the concomitant dissolution of the centralized state farm system, rural inhabitants have developed household and interhousehold food production capacities based on keeping cows and relying on exchange among kin. One of the basic tenets of Robert Netting's smallholder–householder theory is that in times of change, the household system is the most resilient subsistence production unit because of specific qualities including intimate ecological knowledge and implicit labor contracts. This research shows in what ways Netting's householder theory applies for subarctic agropastoralists.  相似文献   

Regime shifts have been observed in marine ecosystems around the world, with climate and fishing suggested as major drivers of such shifts. The global and regional dynamics of the climate system have been studied in this context, and efforts to develop an analogous understanding of fishing activities are developing. Here, we investigate the timing of pelagic marine regime shifts in relation to the emergence of regional and global fishing activities of the Soviet Union. Our investigation of official catch statistics reflects that the Soviet Union was a major fishing actor in all large marine ecosystems where regime shifts have been documented, including in ecosystems where overfishing has been established as a key driver of these changes (in the Baltic and Black Seas and the Scotian Shelf). Globalization of Soviet Union fishing activities pushed exploitation to radically new levels and triggered regional and global governance responses for improved management. Since then, exploitation levels have remained and increased with new actors involved. Based on our exploratory work, we propose that a deeper understanding of the role of global fishing actors is central for improved management of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Russia's indigenous peoples have been struggling with economic, environmental, and socio-cultural dislocation since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. In northern rural areas, the end of the Soviet Union most often meant the end of agro-industrial state farm operations that employed and fed surrounding rural populations. Most communities adapted to this loss by reinstating some form of pre-Soviet household-level food production based on hunting, fishing, and/or herding. However, mass media, globalization, and modernity challenge the intergenerational knowledge exchange that grounds subsistence practices. Parts of the circumpolar north have been relatively successful in valuing and integrating elder knowledge within their communities. This has not been the case in Russia. This article presents results of an elder knowledge project in northeast Siberia, Russia that shows how rural communities can both document and use elder knowledge to bolster local definitions of sustainability and, at the same time, initiate new modes of communication between village youth and elders.  相似文献   

Microalgae have been intensively cultivated and used in the national economy of the Soviet Union in Russia (Moscow, Leningrad, Pushcino, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk), the Ukraine, Byelorussia (Minsk), Azerbaijan (Baku), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Latvia (Riga) and other former Soviet republics. The first studies on the practical use of microalgae started already at the beginning of last century and were connected with treatment of waste water in biological ponds. Ecophysiological studies of marine plankton algae in mono- and mixed cultures as well as in experimental systems with zooplankton organisms started at the end of the 1950s. In the 1960s, started to apply different equipments for cultivation of microalgae in open water basins and closed ecological systems. Research innovations were introduced in agriculture. The productivity of aquatic ecosystems and the distribution of energy within food chains were studied. Intensive research on microalgae continued, paying attention to the chemical composition, physiological and biochemical features. Nutrient supply appeared as one of the main problem for productivity of algal cultures, along with the procession, biochemistry of nutrients and nutrition value of organic matter produced by algae. The most attention was paid to the Chroococcales proteins and possibilities for their use in man-made closed ecological systems. The potential use of microalgae for regeneration of the atmosphere and purification of water in spacecrafts was studied. During the 1970s attention was paid to the role of algae in self-purification processes and biodegradation of surface-active substances in water bodies. Research in microalgae as bioindicators for the assessment of environment quality of aquatic ecosystems and as test objects for biotesting of natural and waste waters was conducted from the 1970s to 1980s.  相似文献   

The term retinitis pigmentosa (RP) indicates a heterogeneous group of genetic rare ocular diseases in which either rods or cones are prevalently damaged. RP represents the most common hereditary cause of blindness in people from 20 to 60 years old. In general, the different RP forms consist of progressive photo-receptorial neuro-degenerations, which are characterized by variable visual disabilities and considerable socio-sanitary burden. Sometimes, RP patients do not become visually impaired or legally blind until their 40-50 years of age and/or maintain a quite acceptable sight for all their life. Other individuals with RP become completely blind very early or in middle childhood. Although there is no treatment that can effectively cure RP, in some case-series the disease's progression seems to be reducible by specific preventive approaches. In the most part of RP patients, the quality of vision can be considerably increased by means of nanometer-controlled filters. In the present review, the main aspects of the routine clinical and rehabilitative managements for RP patients are described, particularly focusing on the importance of specific referral Centers to practice a real multidisciplinary governance of these dramatic diseases.  相似文献   

The WHO Programme for the Prevention of Blindness was established in 1978, reflecting the need for action against the burden of avoidable blindness, which constitutes an increasingly serious socioeconomic problem in many countries. A vast majority of the world's blind live in developing countries, where unoperated cataract, trachoma, xerophthalmia and onchocerciasis are the main causes of visual loss. Thus, more than two-thirds of blindness encountered in such areas is either preventable or curable. The objectives of the WHO Programme for the Prevention of Blindness are to reduce the amount of avoidable blindness in developing countries, and to make essential eye care available to all. In order to achieve this, blindness prevention must form part of primary health care, which is the basic strategy of the World Health Organization to attain the overall goal of "Health for All by the Year 2000". Emphasis is placed on the establishment of national programmes for the prevention of blindness, geared to local needs and resources. This implies a need for a careful programming process, in relation to the general provision of health services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether colour blindness affects batting in professional cricketers. DESIGN--Comparison of batting averages of colour blind cricketers and those with normal vision. SETTING--Players on 18 first class county cricket teams. SUBJECTS--280 of 306 players were tested. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Results of Isihara colour blindness tests. RESULTS--Batting average for the colour blind group (12 players) was slightly lower than for players with normal vision (20.88 v 26.31). There was no difference in the number of batsmen and bowlers affected. Batting averages before and after the introduction of the white ball into Sunday League cricket did not differ significantly. CONCLUSIONS--That batting performance is not significantly impaired by colour blindness suggests that to some extent these players are self selected. Routine testing of cricketers for colour blindness is not recommended.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven children (age 7-17 years) with varying degrees of blindness but with no other known disorder were assessed for physical fitness. Twenty-seven randomly selected children with normal eyesight were also assessed. Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) was measured directly during a progressive exercise test on a treadmill. There was a significant and substantial reduction in VO2max in totally blind children (mean +/- standard deviation 35.0 +/- 7.5 ml X min-1 X kg-1) compared with normal children (45.9 +/- 6.6 ml X min-1 X kg-1). Partially sighted children had a significant but smaller reduction in VO2max. Fitness assessed by a step-test was significantly reduced in the visually impaired children, and skin-fold thickness was also significantly greater in totally blind children. The level of habitual physical activity for each child, as assessed by a questionnaire, correlated with VO2max (r = 0.53, p less than 0.0001). Blind children were significantly less active than normal children, and the difference between mean VO2max for blind and normal children became non-significant when their different activity levels were taken into account. It is concluded that totally blind children are less fit than other children at least partly because of their lower level of habitual activity.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic structure and variation of 21 populations of cattle (Bos taurus) in northern Eurasia and the neighbouring Near Eastern regions of the Balkan, the Caucasus and Ukraine employing 30 microsatellite markers. By analyses of population relationships, as well as by a Bayesian-based clustering approach, we identified a genetic distinctness between populations of modern commercial origin and those of native origin. Our data suggested that northern European Russia represents the most heavily colonized area by modern commercial cattle. Further genetic mixture analyses based on individual assignment tests found that native Red Steppe cattle were also employed in the historical breeding practices in Eastern Europe, most probably for incorporating their strong and extensive adaptability. In analysis of molecular variance, within-population differences accounted for approximately 90% of the genetic variation. Despite some correspondence between geographical proximity and genetic similarity, genetic differentiation was observed to be significantly associated with the difference in breeding purpose among the European populations (percentage of variance among groups and significance: 2.99%, P = 0.02). Our findings give unique genetic insight into the historical patterns of cattle breeding practices in the former Soviet Union. The results identify the neighbouring Near Eastern regions such as the Balkan, the Caucasus and Ukraine, and the isolated Far Eastern Siberia as areas of 'genetic endemism', where cattle populations should be given conservation priority. The results will also be of importance for cost-effective management of their future utilization.  相似文献   

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