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The rapidly moving frontiers of neuroscience, molecular biology, and epigenetics—combined with extensive research in the behavioral and social sciences—are dramatically expanding our understanding of how children develop, how that process can be disrupted, how to get it back on track when it does get derailed, and how to keep it from going off track in the first place. The challenge for educators, other practitioners, policymakers, and change agents across sectors lies in our collective ability to transform cutting-edge knowledge into design principles and concepts that can inform an actionable game plan. The first step in addressing this challenge is the need to identify the most important factors that affect individual variation in learning and behavior—a task that demands recognition of the inextricable interaction between environmental influences and genetic predispositions. Building on this foundational understanding, progress toward substantially better life outcomes for all children will require attention to three objectives: (1) making complex science understandable and accessible for strategically targeted audiences; (2) making credible knowledge usable for educators, other practitioners, parents, policymakers, and civic leaders; and (3) leveraging continuing advances in science to build an R&D platform that drives innovation across multiple sectors within a dynamic ecosystem. The opportunities to leverage scientific insights to catalyze fresh thinking and test new ideas in practice and in policy are plentiful and growing, while the barriers to progress remain formidable. The time to seize the opportunities and overcome the barriers is now.  相似文献   

The search for ‘ecological insights’ in venerable Asian traditions of thought prompts questions about how such traditions understood humans in relation to nature. Answers which focus on philosophical and religious ideas may overlook culturally important understandings of people and places articulated within scientific and medical thinking. The paper tentatively explores the prospects for gleaning a form of ethics of place from the study of traditional Hindu and Chinese medical sources. Although there are serious problems with the idea that any unadulterated assimilation from other traditions can take place, these sources can be thought of as incorporating a place-centred (topocentric) ethic. By looking closely at Francis Zimmerman’s study of Hindu medicine, it is argued that a poetics of place can be ascribed to Ayurvedic discourses on health and disease. It may be possible to associate a similar poetics with classical Chinese medical worldviews, these being reconcilable with—though not the same as—contemporary ecological understandings of humans in relation to the world. Although no pristine reconstruction of Asian traditions of medical thought can be made, the conclusion of the present paper is that it would be wrong to dismiss these traditions as ‘antienvironmental’, based purely on the study of philosophical and religious texts.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市非环境专业大学生环境保护意识调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现时在大学接受教育的少数民族青年作为新世纪的创业者和决策者其环境意识将对环境保护与可持续发展战略的顺利实施具有重要影响。从环境保护知识、环境保护态度和环境保护行为等三个方面对新疆大学非环境专业少数民族大学生的环境意识水平进行了初步调查及分析。结果表明,非环境专业少数民族大学生的环境基本知识,环境态度方面的认识比较好,但环境行为方面还存在有些问题,与生态环保的总体目标要求还有较大差距。建议学校应该加强大学生的生态与环保方面的教育,引导大学生树立科学的生态环保意识,开展环保实践活动,养成良好的生态环保习惯。  相似文献   

The IPCC is the world’s leading scientific body addressing climate change, but there is growing dissatisfaction with its heavily economic and econometric approach to analyzing the climate-relevant aspects of human thought and behavior. This article documents and discusses the problem before sketching two examples of how other cultural domains besides the economic—the political and cosmological—might be incorporated into modeling the human dimensions of climate change. In conclusion, the article deploys these examples to explore why the IPCC has been reluctant to model non-economic realms of culture. The results underscore the importance of Victor’s (Nature 520:27–29, 2015) call for a parallel global mechanism to address the IPCC’s evasion of controversial policy-relevant questions.  相似文献   

Hartmann  Ernest 《Dreaming》2010,20(3):149
Is a dream a meteorite—a bit of material arriving from a distant place that needs to be carefully analyzed to give us knowledge about that place (outside or inside us)? Is it a strange text which has come to us in a foreign language, that needs to be translated into our own? This “meteorite view” is held by some religious and spiritual persons, by many orthodox psychoanalysts and other therapists, and implicitly by many researchers. They all see the dream as something alien, something totally different from our ordinary mental functioning. This paper presents a great deal of research favoring an alternate view—that the dream is an earth-stone, not an alien stone. It may be impressive and beautiful (gemstone), but it's still an earth-stone. The dream is part of our mental functioning. It is one end of a continuum, running from focused waking thought, through looser thought, fantasy, daydreaming, reverie and dreaming. We review reasons why dreams are often considered “totally different”: they're perceptual, not conceptual; they're bizarre; they are “so real”; they're so easily forgotten; they're involuntary; they occur in REM sleep—a totally different state. We demonstrate that none of these reasons are persuasive. In each sense, there is overlap between dreams and other forms of functioning. The continuum view leads to different kinds of research and a different style of dreamwork. It also helps answer questions the field has long struggled with including: Should we study “a dream” or “dreaming”? Are dreams meaningful or meaningless? (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that, contrary to common scientific “belief”, larva digeneans have profound effects on various components at various levels of the littoral marine ecosystem. Their ecological capacity includes: —Reduction of the breeding potential of host populations by “parasitic castration”; —Structural modification of host populations by generation of erratic growth patterns, size-class differential mortality and “negative growth”; —Induction of host-population mortality and control by increased susceptibility to environmental stress; —Induction of changes in community structure by removal of hosts from their normal trophic levels; —Interference with major energy-flow pathways by precocious removal of hosts from their normal food-web position; —Interference with host-biomass, production and turnover-rate estimations by by-passing of hostassimilated energy; —Interference with predator-prey systems by affecting either component(s) of such systems.The notorious neglect of these factors by marine ecologists and, even more, their total unawareness of the effects these factors produce, raise serious doubts about the validity of marine ecological data and concepts. For the parasitologist, on the other hand, the study of ecological aspects of marine parasite (digenean) biology may open new avenues of research. With a true synthesis of both scientific disciplines, we may eventually arrive at a point where “more complete knowledge of life cycles will permit more intelligent and more effective regulatory methods, the reduction of morbidity, the advancement of health, and the conservation of natural resources.”The latter statement has not been cited from a recent issue of a scientific journal; it has been written down as long as 46 (!) years ago by one of the most outstanding investigators of marine digenean life cycles—Horace W. Stunkard (1940, p 15), but has lost nothing of its actuality. It is hoped that Stunkard's far-sighted words might encourage parasitologists to devote some of their scientific power and skill to the study of marine ecoparasitological problems—for the sake of a better understanding of ecological processes and to the benefit of the endangered marine life.  相似文献   

Practical experiments drive important scientific discoveries in biology, but theory-based research studies also contribute novel—sometimes paradigm-changing—findings. Here, we appraise the roles of theory-based approaches focusing on the experiment-dominated wet-biology research areas of microbial growth and survival, cell physiology, host–pathogen interactions, and competitive or symbiotic interactions. Additional examples relate to analyses of genome-sequence data, climate change and planetary health, habitability, and astrobiology. We assess the importance of thought at each step of the research process; the roles of natural philosophy, and inconsistencies in logic and language, as drivers of scientific progress; the value of thought experiments; the use and limitations of artificial intelligence technologies, including their potential for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research; and other instances when theory is the most-direct and most-scientifically robust route to scientific novelty including the development of techniques for practical experimentation or fieldwork. We highlight the intrinsic need for human engagement in scientific innovation, an issue pertinent to the ongoing controversy over papers authored using/authored by artificial intelligence (such as the large language model/chatbot ChatGPT). Other issues discussed are the way in which aspects of language can bias thinking towards the spatial rather than the temporal (and how this biased thinking can lead to skewed scientific terminology); receptivity to research that is non-mainstream; and the importance of theory-based science in education and epistemology. Whereas we briefly highlight classic works (those by Oakes Ames, Francis H.C. Crick and James D. Watson, Charles R. Darwin, Albert Einstein, James E. Lovelock, Lynn Margulis, Gilbert Ryle, Erwin R.J.A. Schrödinger, Alan M. Turing, and others), the focus is on microbiology studies that are more-recent, discussing these in the context of the scientific process and the types of scientific novelty that they represent. These include several studies carried out during the 2020 to 2022 lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic when access to research laboratories was disallowed (or limited). We interviewed the authors of some of the featured microbiology-related papers and—although we ourselves are involved in laboratory experiments and practical fieldwork—also drew from our own research experiences showing that such studies can not only produce new scientific findings but can also transcend barriers between disciplines, act counter to scientific reductionism, integrate biological data across different timescales and levels of complexity, and circumvent constraints imposed by practical techniques. In relation to urgent research needs, we believe that climate change and other global challenges may require approaches beyond the experiment.  相似文献   

It is possible for folk inquiry to become a source for the modification of anthropological thought. This paper discusses two alternative knowledge systems: traditional divination and syncretic prophecy in Central Africa. The processes of scientific discovery, causal reasoning, and the evaluation of evidence are compared with oracular reasoning and prophetic prediction. The oracular aspects of scientific reasoning are delineated along with the problems of reformulating and presenting basic data. Part of this presentational process is the "translation" of events from the context of their occurrence into a theoretical framework. The modifications generated by data analysis affect the explanatory adequacy of the method of inquiry. A rapprochement between folk inquiry and Western scientific assumptions diminishes the forms of theoretical reductionism that inhibit the possibility for describing and analyzing contrasting belief systems within an anthropological framework . [folk inquiry, prophecy, divination, scientific reasoning, Africa]  相似文献   

Emotions are fundamental to human life; they define its quality and motivate action. In the past, social scientists who have studied emotions have treated them as biological, cultural or social phenomena. These approaches have tended to fall on either side of the culturally recognised division between nature and culture, and so have failed to recognise that emotions bridge this division, that they are thought of as both biological and cultural, as consisting of both physical feeling and cultural meaning. In this article, an alternative approach is presented in which emotions are treated as ecological mechanisms that operate in the relationship between an individual human being and their environment. In this approach, which draws on models of emotion proposed by William James and Antonio Damasio, emotions connect individual human beings to their surroundings and play an important role in learning. A focus on the individual as the centre of analytical attention—often referred to as ‘methodological individualism’—is a logical consequence of the ecological approach to emotion, which also has significant implications for the relationships between ecological anthropology and other branches of the discipline, and between anthropology and other disciplines. In the face of an ecological understanding of emotion, all relations, including social relations, become ecological and social anthropology melts into and is subsumed by ecological anthropology. At the same time, anthropology tends to lose its distinctiveness from biology, psychology and other disciplines by focusing on a phenomenon that is of common interest to all the human sciences.  相似文献   

Advanced scientific knowledge on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses recently enhanced potential for implementation of mycorrhizal biotechnology in horticulture and agriculture plant production, landscaping, phytoremediation and other segments of the plant market. The advances consist in significant findings regarding:—new molecular detection tools for tracing inoculated fungi in the field;—the coexistence mechanisms of various fungi in the single root system;—new knowledge on in vitro physiology of the AM fungi grown in root organ cultures;—mechanisms of synergistic interactions with other microbes like PGPR or saprotrophic fungi; discovery of mycorrhiza supportive compounds such as strigolactones. Scientific knowledge has been followed by technological developments like novel formulations for liquid applications or seed coating, mycorrhiza stimulating compounds or new application modes. Still the missing components of biotechnology are appropriate, cheap, highly reproducible and effective methods for inocula purity testing and quality control. Also there is a weak traceability of the origin of the mycorrhizal fungi strains used in commercial inocula. Numerous poor quality products can still be found on the markets claiming effective formation mycorrhiza which have very low capacity to do so. These products usually rely in their effects on plant growth not on support of host plants via formation of effective mycorrhizal symbiosis but on fertilizing compounds added to products. There is growing number of enterprises producing mycorrhiza based inocula recently not only in developed world but increasingly in emerging markets. Also collaboration between private sector and scientific community has an improving trend as the development of private sector can fuel further research activities. Last but not least there is apparent growing pull of the market and increasing tendency of reduction of agrochemical inputs and employment of alternative strategies in planting and plant production. These circumstances support further developments of mycorrhizal inocula production and applications and maturation of the industry.  相似文献   

One of Ludwik Fleck’s ideas about the development of scientific knowledge is that—once a system of interpretation is in place—the process that follows can be characterised as one of inertia: any new evidence comes under a strong pressure to be incorporated into the established frame. This can result in what Fleck called a harmony of illusions (Harmonie der Täuschungen) when contradictory evidence becomes almost invisible or is incorporated into the established frame only by huge efforts.The paper analyses early explanations of the tuberculin reaction as a case study of Fleck’s argument. For Robert Koch, who had presented tuberculin in 1890, the compound was supposed to be a diagnostic tool and a cure for tuberculosis. His conception of its effect was rather peculiar, but strictly in line with ideas on the pathogenesis of infectious diseases he had developed much earlier. After tuberculin was released in late 1890, whether Koch’s conception was convincing depended on the place that a given observer had in the medical world in late-nineteenth-century Germany. Inside Koch’s group, the status of the tuberculin reaction remained stable and tuberculin retained its value as a diagnostic and curative tool. On the other hand, observers from outside that thought collective, and in particular from clinical medicine, soon pointed to flaws in its conception. These critics developed a rather different picture of tuberculin as a mysterious and dangerous drug. No reconciliation followed and what we find instead in German medicine around the year 1900 is the presence of rather contradictory concepts and practices surrounding Koch’s wonder cure.  相似文献   

Harnessing community intelligence in knowledge curation bears significant promise in dealing with communication and education in the flood of scientific knowledge. As knowledge is accumulated at ever-faster rates, scientific nomenclature, a particular kind of knowledge, is concurrently generated in all kinds of fields. Since nomenclature is a system of terms used to name things in a particular discipline, accurate translation of scientific nomenclature in different languages is of critical importance, not only for communications and collaborations with English-speaking people, but also for knowledge dissemination among people in the non-English-speaking world, particularly young students and researchers. However, it lacks of accuracy and standardization when translating scientific nomenclature from English to other languages, especially for those languages that do not belong to the same language family as English. To address this issue, here we propose for the first time the application of community intelligence in scientific nomenclature management, namely, harnessing collective intelligence for translation of scientific nomenclature from English to other languages. As community intelligence applied to knowledge curation is primarily aided by wiki and Chinese is the native language for about one-fifth of the world’s population, we put the proposed application into practice, by developing a wiki-based English-to-Chinese Scientific Nomenclature Dictionary (ESND; http://esnd.big.ac.cn). ESND is a wiki-based, publicly editable and open-content platform, exploiting the whole power of the scientific community in collectively and collaboratively managing scientific nomenclature. Based on community curation, ESND is capable of achieving accurate, standard, and comprehensive scientific nomenclature, demonstrating a valuable application of community intelligence in knowledge curation.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2009,15(6):573-579
ObjectiveTo evaluate the benefits and limitations of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), and clinical judgment in the management of osteoporosis.MethodsA review was conducted of the English-language literature on the origins and applications of RCTs, CPGs, evidence-based medicine, and clinical judgment in the management of osteoporosis.ResultsEvidence-based medicine is use of the currently available best evidence in making clinical decisions for individual patients. CPGs are recommendations for making clinical decisions based on research evidence, sometimes with consideration of expert opinion, health care policy, and costs of care. The highest levels of medical evidence are usually thought to be RCTs and meta-analyses of high-quality RCTs. Although it is desirable and appropriate for clinicians to consider research evidence from RCTs and recommendations presented in CPGs in making clinical decisions, other factors—such as patient preference, comorbidities, affordability, and availability of care—are important for the actual implementation of evidence-based medicine.ConclusionDecisions about who to treat, which drug to use, how best to monitor, and how long to treat require clinical skills in addition to knowledge of medical research. The necessity of integrating common sense and clinical judgment is highlighted by the fact that many patients treated for osteoporosis in clinical practice would not qualify for participation in the pivotal clinical trials that demonstrated efficacy and safety of the drugs used to treat them. (Endocr Pract. 2009;15:573-579)  相似文献   

What is debated in this article is vision itself as a locus of knowledge, which is particularly challenging to comprehend as it cannot be compared to the discursive form of thought. What underlies the relation between thought and observation, the production of discourse and the production of images, the expository style and the narrative one, writing and filming, being a researcher and being a director? I will sketch a provisional and partial answer, comparing two examples of urban action-research. These gave rise to two different “video-researches” grounded in two different research epistemologies. In one case the audiovisual is programmed, employed (and thought) as a means (or device) for urban anthropological investigation. In the other one, conversely, the audiovideo is systematically anticipated as the final end of the research, that is, as a representation of knowledge in itself. The video-research format in fact raises a fundamental ambivalence between the function of the research and that of the direction in the production of “scientific” knowledge.  相似文献   

Research in genomics is an example of changes induced by information and communication technologies (ICT). The emergence of interconnected ICT support for scientific work and the handling of information have changed the challenges in genomics as well as other scientific fields. The promises are significant but a large degree of uncertainty remains. While the information space is opened up, R&D cooperation essential to reaping the benefits for companies is still difficult. Moreover, in order to benefit in full from the possibility to combine knowledge on a larger scale, knowledge repositories and places of knowledge creation need to be combined. This paper discusses the new strategies of information networking between companies that emerges in response to this challenge. It concludes with an outline of a research agenda for genomics and society.  相似文献   

The notion of the phase structure of the speech act—or to be more precise—the special structure of the "inner speech" stage in utterance production, belongs to L. S. Vygotsky. Vygotsky conceptualized the process of speech production, the progress from thought to word to external speech, as follows: "from the motive that engenders a thought, to the formulation of that thought, its mediation by the inner word, and then by the meanings of external words, and finally, by words themselves"1 Elsewhere he said, "Thought is an internally mediated process. It moves from a vague desire to the mediated formulation of meaning, or rather, not the formulation, but the fulfillment of the thought in the word." And finally, "Thought is not something ready-made that needs to be expressed. Thought strives to fulfill some function or goal. This is achieved by moving from the sensation of a task—through construction of meaning—to the elaboration of the thought itself."2  相似文献   

In Nigeria as in other African countries, population growth negatively affects economic development, and high parity affects maternal health. Breastfeeding, a common practice traditionally, is declining in some situations. This study was carried out in Ilorin, Nigeria. A sample population of 932 households stratified to represent different socioeconomic groups was used. 913 currently married women aged 15-35, who were in their prime childbearing ages, were interviewed on their contraceptive knowledge and on their attitudes towards modern contraception. In a bivariate statistical analysis, of 8 variables examined (i.e. ownership of a television, radio, religion, and other) only the woman's education, age, and area of residence within the city have significant independent effects on contraceptive knowledge. A linear logistic regression technic was also applied. 90% of the women interviewed thought that women should be free to practise family planning. Also, 95% of all the women believed that too frequent births could endanger the health of the mother and her children. Only the women with previous contraceptive knowledge overwhelmingly (80%) thought that the best way to prevent too frequent births is by family planning. 66.5% of those without previous contraceptive knowledge before this study suggested that traditional abstinence should be used and only 28.9% suggested family planning. Adequate awareness of the availability and usefulness of family planning methods can influence attitudes of women towards contraception and may also enhance contraceptive use. Better use can be made of broadcasting media, and efforts should be made to target younger, more fecund women, since there was evidence that more knowledge of family planning existed among women 30+ years old.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to document relationships between knowledge of plant use and indicators of modernization in Mexico. The model we are testing envisions increasing loss of plant use knowledge with increasing modernization indicated by loss of indigenous language and acquisition of nontraditional community services such as literacy and quality of housing. As predicted, we demonstrate that empirical knowledge about plant use is both more diverse and more evenly shared by people speaking an indigenous language—the Huastec—than by mestizo and Spanish-speaking indigenous populations in the Sierra de Manantlan. Our analyses also indicate that the adoption of modern community services by eight rural communities in the Sierra de Manantlan of western Mexico has had notable effects eroding traditional knowledge about useful plants in some but not all communities. From this we suggest that even though traditional knowledge about plants probably suffered a decline that accompanied loss of the indigenous language in Manantlan, traditional knowledge may be able to survive the modernization process today where such knowledge has an important role in subsistence.  相似文献   

Today, scientific biography is primarily thought of as a way of writing contextual history of science. But the genre has other functions as well. This article discusses seven kinds of ideal–typical subgenres of scientific biography. In addition to its mainstream function as an ancilla historiae, it is also frequently used to enrich the understanding of the individual construction of scientific knowledge, to promote the public engagement with science, and as a substitute for belles-lettres. Currently less acknowledged kinds of scientific biography include its use as a medium for public and private, respectively, commemoration. Finally, the use of scientific biography as a research (virtue) ethical genre, providing examples of ‘the good life in science’, is emphasized.  相似文献   

Cities are thought to be associated with most of humanity's consumption of natural resources and impacts on the environment. Cities not only constitute major centers of economic activity, knowledge, innovation, and governance—they are also said to be linked to approximately 70% to 80% of global carbon dioxide emissions. This makes cities primary agents of change in a resource‐ and carbon‐constraint world. In order to set meaningful targets, design successful policies, and implement effective mitigation strategies, it is important that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting for cities is accurate, comparable, comprehensive, and complete. Despite recent developments in the standardization of city GHG accounting, there is still a lack of consistent guidelines regarding out‐of‐boundary emissions, thus hampering efforts to identify mitigation priorities and responsibilities. We introduce a new conceptual framework—based on environmental input‐output analysis—that allows for a consistent and complete reconciliation of direct and indirect GHG emissions from a city. The “city carbon map” shows local, regional, national, and global origins and destinations of flows of embodied emissions. We test the carbon map concept by applying it to the greater metropolitan area of Melbourne, Australia. We discuss the results and limitations of the approach in the light of possible mitigation strategies and policies by different urban stakeholders.  相似文献   

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