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When observing a talking face, it has often been argued that visual speech to the left and right of fixation may produce differences in performance due to divided projections to the two cerebral hemispheres. However, while it seems likely that such a division in hemispheric projections exists for areas away from fixation, the nature and existence of a functional division in visual speech perception at the foveal midline remains to be determined. We investigated this issue by presenting visual speech in matched hemiface displays to the left and right of a central fixation point, either exactly abutting the foveal midline or else located away from the midline in extrafoveal vision. The location of displays relative to the foveal midline was controlled precisely using an automated, gaze-contingent eye-tracking procedure. Visual speech perception showed a clear right hemifield advantage when presented in extrafoveal locations but no hemifield advantage (left or right) when presented abutting the foveal midline. Thus, while visual speech observed in extrafoveal vision appears to benefit from unilateral projections to left-hemisphere processes, no evidence was obtained to indicate that a functional division exists when visual speech is observed around the point of fixation. Implications of these findings for understanding visual speech perception and the nature of functional divisions in hemispheric projection are discussed.  相似文献   

趋化因子(chemokine)通过其G蛋白偶联的受体介导白细胞在各种组织内迁移。最近发现,白细胞介素—8(IL-8)、单核细胞趋化蛋白—1(MCP—1)、调节激活的正常T细胞表达和分泌的蛋白(RANTES)、调节生长的原癌基因α(GRO-α)、粒细胞趋化蛋白—2(GCP—2)等趋化因子在卵泡发育、闭锁、排卵、类固醇激素生成、黄体功能、月经周期、着床、子宫颈成熟、早产和子宫内膜异位症等生殖过程中具有重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

Evidence of visual-auditory cross-modal plasticity in deaf individuals has been widely reported. Superior visual abilities of deaf individuals have been shown to result in enhanced reactivity to visual events and/or enhanced peripheral spatial attention. The goal of this study was to investigate the association between visual-auditory cross-modal plasticity and speech perception in post-lingually deafened, adult cochlear implant (CI) users. Post-lingually deafened adults with CIs (N = 14) and a group of normal hearing, adult controls (N = 12) participated in this study. The CI participants were divided into a good performer group (good CI, N = 7) and a poor performer group (poor CI, N = 7) based on word recognition scores. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) were recorded from the temporal and occipital cortex to assess reactivity. Visual field (VF) testing was used to assess spatial attention and Goldmann perimetry measures were analyzed to identify differences across groups in the VF. The association of the amplitude of the P1 VEP response over the right temporal or occipital cortex among three groups (control, good CI, poor CI) was analyzed. In addition, the association between VF by different stimuli and word perception score was evaluated. The P1 VEP amplitude recorded from the right temporal cortex was larger in the group of poorly performing CI users than the group of good performers. The P1 amplitude recorded from electrodes near the occipital cortex was smaller for the poor performing group. P1 VEP amplitude in right temporal lobe was negatively correlated with speech perception outcomes for the CI participants (r = -0.736, P = 0.003). However, P1 VEP amplitude measures recorded from near the occipital cortex had a positive correlation with speech perception outcome in the CI participants (r = 0.775, P = 0.001). In VF analysis, CI users showed narrowed central VF (VF to low intensity stimuli). However, their far peripheral VF (VF to high intensity stimuli) was not different from the controls. In addition, the extent of their central VF was positively correlated with speech perception outcome (r = 0.669, P = 0.009). Persistent visual activation in right temporal cortex even after CI causes negative effect on outcome in post-lingual deaf adults. We interpret these results to suggest that insufficient intra-modal (visual) compensation by the occipital cortex may cause negative effects on outcome. Based on our results, it appears that a narrowed central VF could help identify CI users with poor outcomes with their device.  相似文献   

Radiologists must classify and interpret medical images on the basis of visual inspection. We examined how the perception of radiological scans might be affected by common processes of adaptation in the visual system. Adaptation selectively adjusts sensitivity to the properties of the stimulus in current view, inducing an aftereffect in the appearance of stimuli viewed subsequently. These perceptual changes have been found to affect many visual attributes, but whether they are relevant to medical image perception is not well understood. To examine this we tested whether aftereffects could be generated by the characteristic spatial structure of radiological scans, and whether this could bias their appearance along dimensions that are routinely used to classify them. Measurements were focused on the effects of adaptation to images of normal mammograms, and were tested in observers who were not radiologists. Tissue density in mammograms is evaluated visually and ranges from "dense" to "fatty." Arrays of images varying in intermediate levels between these categories were created by blending dense and fatty images with different weights. Observers first adapted by viewing image samples of dense or fatty tissue, and then judged the appearance of the intermediate images by using a texture matching task. This revealed pronounced perceptual aftereffects – prior exposure to dense images caused an intermediate image to appear more fatty and vice versa. Moreover, the appearance of the adapting images themselves changed with prolonged viewing, so that they became less distinctive as textures. These aftereffects could not be accounted for by the contrast differences or power spectra of the images, and instead tended to follow from the phase spectrum. Our results suggest that observers can selectively adapt to the properties of radiological images, and that this selectivity could strongly impact the perceived textural characteristics of the images.  相似文献   

The problem of visual and esthetic training has many facets, among which the psychological are obviously not the least important. The results of long years of studying the psychology of the child (2) lead to the conclusion that:

Human consciousness and the mechanisms of conscious control of human actions represe it a hierarchical system, like a building constructed of many superimposed psychophysiological levels, of many floors rising above one another. Somewhere in the basement are the prepsychological instinctive processes of receiving and using unconditioned reflex signals; the lower floors form the elementary sensations and implement the elementary types of individually discovered sensorimotor coordinations; the next floor is where the synthetic perceptions of space and time are formed along with the mechanisms for controlling locomotion and object manipulation; above them is the floor housing visual thinking and the processes for regulating play and productive activities; and, finally, above all these is the floor of symbolic, abstract, logical operations and the most complex instances of control exerted by the most complex information- seeking and labor activities. It should be emphasized that in its developed form this hierarchical system operates as a single entity, and the control of complex operations requires agreement between the operations of the psychophysiological mechanisms located at all these levels or floors. Each age level in the child's development erects the next floor of the overall psychophysiological building, and our task is mainly to build it in the best possible way, without senseless haste and taking heed not to erect the next floor before the one below is finished. (4)  相似文献   

The Role of Juvenile Hormones in Crustacean Reproduction   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
SYNOPSIS. Similar to juvenile hormone production in adult insects,the production of methyl farnesoate (MF) seems to be relatedto reproduction in both sexes in mature crustaceans. The mandibularorgan (MO) synthesizes MF, and its activity corresponds to reproductivestages. High MF levels in the blood are found in vitellogenicfemales and reproductively active males. Conversely, low levelsare found in immature females, non-vitellogenic females, andmales that are in reproductive diapause. The MO is under inhibitorycontrol by neurosecretory factors from the sinus gland locatedin the eyestalks, and may be stimulated by factors from thebrain and/or thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   

雌性动物生殖系统中的一氧化氮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)属于无机自由基气体,作为一种特殊的生物传递信号分子,日益受到生命科学各领域的普遍重视。机体内的NO是由三种一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)合成的。NOS在体内的分布极为广泛,几乎遍布机体的每一个系统。研究表明,生殖系统中的NO参与了卵泡的发育和成熟、胚胎的植入、妊娠的维持、分娩等许多生理过程。现就NO在雌性生殖系统中的作用进行阐述。  相似文献   

Auditory information is processed in a fine-to-crude hierarchical scheme, from low-level acoustic information to high-level abstract representations, such as phonological labels. We now ask whether fine acoustic information, which is not retained at high levels, can still be used to extract speech from noise. Previous theories suggested either full availability of low-level information or availability that is limited by task difficulty. We propose a third alternative, based on the Reverse Hierarchy Theory (RHT), originally derived to describe the relations between the processing hierarchy and visual perception. RHT asserts that only the higher levels of the hierarchy are immediately available for perception. Direct access to low-level information requires specific conditions, and can be achieved only at the cost of concurrent comprehension. We tested the predictions of these three views in a series of experiments in which we measured the benefits from utilizing low-level binaural information for speech perception, and compared it to that predicted from a model of the early auditory system. Only auditory RHT could account for the full pattern of the results, suggesting that similar defaults and tradeoffs underlie the relations between hierarchical processing and perception in the visual and auditory modalities.  相似文献   

研究表明,视觉通路除了经典的视觉皮层通路外,还有一条“古老的”、快速的皮层下通路负责在有意识和无意识状态下快速处理与情绪相关的信息。皮层下视觉通路由上丘、枕核和杏仁核组成,而且不经过初级视觉皮层。我们前期研究表明,初级视觉皮层与拓扑知觉信息加工没有关系,而皮层下视觉通路负责处理视觉拓扑信息。基于这些发现,我们认为,在早期视觉中,大脑检测涉及生命攸关的信号,这些信号告诉大脑:环境中有物体出现或消失,使大脑进入警戒状态,这对物种的生存至关重要。因此,在早期视觉中,需要检测的要素只是物体的“出现”和“消失”,而不是“纹理”、“形状”等。“出现”和“消失”都是拓扑特征的变化。拓扑感知和皮层下视觉通路的存在可能是早期预警的神经基础。在灵长类动物中,视网膜外周区域主要由视杆细胞构成,该区域接收的视觉信息主要通过皮层下视觉通路进行处理;视网膜中心区域(即中央凹)主要由视锥细胞构成,视觉空间分辨率变得非常高,该区域视觉信息处理主要是由视觉皮层负责。研究表明,由视杆细胞构成的视网膜是个“古老”结构,在1亿多年前就出现了;而视锥细胞构成的视网膜类型较为“年轻”,在5 000万年前才出现。所以,我们的视网膜从“古老”结构演化到“年轻”结构至少用了5 000万年的时间,它是由一个古老结构和一个年轻结构共同组成的“嵌合体”。当我们讨论皮层下通路存在的意义时,我们也应该结合皮层通路的功能来统一考虑。  相似文献   

The processing of continuous and complex auditory signals such as speech relies on the ability to use statistical cues (e.g. transitional probabilities). In this study, participants heard short auditory sequences composed either of Italian syllables or bird songs and completed a regularity-rating task. Behaviorally, participants were better at differentiating between levels of regularity in the syllable sequences than in the bird song sequences. Inter-individual differences in sensitivity to regularity for speech stimuli were correlated with variations in surface-based cortical thickness (CT). These correlations were found in several cortical areas including regions previously associated with statistical structure processing (e.g. bilateral superior temporal sulcus, left precentral sulcus and inferior frontal gyrus), as well other regions (e.g. left insula, bilateral superior frontal gyrus/sulcus and supramarginal gyrus). In all regions, this correlation was positive suggesting that thicker cortex is related to higher sensitivity to variations in the statistical structure of auditory sequences. Overall, these results suggest that inter-individual differences in CT within a distributed network of cortical regions involved in statistical structure processing, attention and memory is predictive of the ability to detect structural structure in auditory speech sequences.  相似文献   

Structural, electrophysiological, and behavioral evidence characterizing the specific features of the visual perception at different stages of ontogeny is considered. The main tendency of the formation of the mature type of the brain organization of the visual system is traced from local sensory reactions to active cognitive perception. The formation of the mature type of the organization of the visual perception is largely determined by the involvement of gradually maturing frontal areas. These areas, involved in the processing of sensory-specific information via pathways descending to deep regulatory structures and other cortical areas, provide for a selective dynamic organization of the visual perception system, which functions depending on the specific perceptive task.  相似文献   

Individual differences in second language (L2) phoneme perception (within the normal population) have been related to speech perception abilities, also observed in the native language, in studies assessing the electrophysiological response mismatch negativity (MMN). Here, we investigate the brain oscillatory dynamics in the theta band, the spectral correlate of the MMN, that underpin success in phoneme learning. Using previous data obtained in an MMN paradigm, the dynamics of cortical oscillations while perceiving native and unknown phonemes and nonlinguistic stimuli were studied in two groups of participants classified as good and poor perceivers (GPs and PPs), according to their L2 phoneme discrimination abilities. The results showed that for GPs, as compared to PPs, processing of a native phoneme change produced a significant increase in theta power. Stimulus time-locked analysis event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP) showed differences for the theta band within the MMN time window (between 70 and 240 ms) for the native deviant phoneme. No other significant difference between the two groups was observed for the other phoneme or nonlinguistic stimuli. The dynamic patterns in the theta-band may reflect early automatic change detection for familiar speech sounds in the brain. The behavioral differences between the two groups may reflect individual variations in activating brain circuits at a perceptual level.  相似文献   

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