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Underlying the unique structures and diverse functions of proteins are a vast range of amino-acid sequences and a highly limited number of folds taken up by the polypeptide backbone. By investigating the role of noncovalent connections at the backbone level and at the detailed side-chain level, we show that these unique structures emerge from interplay between random and selected features. Primarily, the protein structure network formed by these connections shows simple (bond) and higher order (clique) percolation behavior distinctly reminiscent of random network models. However, the clique percolation specific to the side-chain interaction network bears signatures unique to proteins characterized by a larger degree of connectivity than in random networks. These studies reflect some salient features of the manner in which amino acid sequences select the unique structure of proteins from the pool of a limited number of available folds.  相似文献   

Geographic patterns of genetic variation within modern populations, produced by complex histories of migration, can be difficult to infer and visually summarize. A general consequence of geographically limited dispersal is that samples from nearby locations tend to be more closely related than samples from distant locations, and so genetic covariance often recapitulates geographic proximity. We use genome-wide polymorphism data to build “geogenetic maps,” which, when applied to stationary populations, produces a map of the geographic positions of the populations, but with distances distorted to reflect historical rates of gene flow. In the underlying model, allele frequency covariance is a decreasing function of geogenetic distance, and nonlocal gene flow such as admixture can be identified as anomalously strong covariance over long distances. This admixture is explicitly co-estimated and depicted as arrows, from the source of admixture to the recipient, on the geogenetic map. We demonstrate the utility of this method on a circum-Tibetan sampling of the greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides), in which we find evidence for gene flow between the adjacent, terminal populations of the ring species. We also analyze a global sampling of human populations, for which we largely recover the geography of the sampling, with support for significant histories of admixture in many samples. This new tool for understanding and visualizing patterns of population structure is implemented in a Bayesian framework in the program SpaceMix.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (METH) abuse/misuse is a worldwide problem, and despite extensive characterization of its neurotoxicity over the last years, many questions remain unanswered. Recently, it was shown that METH compromises the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and causes a disturbance in the water homeostasis leading to brain edema. Importantly, water transport at BBB is regulated by water channels, aquaporins (AQPs), with AQP4 being expressed in astrocytic end-feet surrounding brain endothelium. Thus, the main goal of this work was to unravel the role of AQP4 under conditions of METH consumption. Our results show that METH (4× 10 mg/kg, 2 h apart, i.p.) interferes with AQP4 protein levels causing brain edema and BBB breakdown in both mice striatum and hippocampus, which culminated in locomotor and motivational impairment. Furthermore, these effects were prevented by pharmacological blockade of AQP4 with a specific inhibitor (TGN-020). Moreover, siRNA knockdown of this water channel protected astrocytes from METH-induced swelling and morphologic alterations. Herein, we unraveled AQP4 as a new therapeutic target to prevent the negative impact of METH.  相似文献   

The immunological synapse has been an area of very active scientific interest over the last decade. Surprisingly, much about the synapse remains unknown or is controversial.  Here we review some of these current issues in the field:  how the synapse is defined, its potential role in T-cell function, and our current understanding about how the synapse is formed.T cells are activated when they recognize peptide-MHC complexes on the surface of antigen presenting cells (APC) (Babbitt et al. 1985). But the exact process regarding how antigenic pMHC complexes are recognized and transduced into signals is still incompletely understood. Naïve T cells enter secondary lymphoid organs such as the lymph node and scan dendritic cells for the presence of rare specific pMHC complexes (Miller et al. 2004). After recognizing less than 10 specific pMHC complexes, naïve T cells maintain long contacts (6–18 h) with dendritic cells before being committed to enter cell cycle and differentiate into effector T cells (Iezzi et al. 1998; Irvine et al. 2002; Mempel et al. 2004).The immunological synapse (IS) refers to the organization of membrane proteins that occurs at the interface between the T cell and the APC during these long contacts and also during the effector phase (Grakoui et al. 1999; Monks et al. 1998). Interest in studying the IS stems from ideas that the supramolecular structures that form at the IS underlies the high sensitivity of T cell recognition and that understanding these structures will lead to better insights into how antigen recognition leads to the decision of a T cell to proliferate, differentiate, and function.Springer first put forward the concept that receptors would segregate laterally during cell interactions (Springer 1990). Subsequently, Kupfer was the first to show that proteins in the contact area between a T cell and APC segregate laterally (Monks et al. 1998). Specifically, he noted that the integrin, LFA-1, became concentrated in an outer ring, known as the peripheral supramolecular activation complex (pSMAC) and the TCR became concentrated in the center, in a zone known as the central supramolecular activation complex (cSMAC) (Monks et al. 1998)(Fig. 1). We showed that CD2 could segregate from LFA-1 and concentrate in the center of a hybrid cell-planar bilayer junction and suggested that these patterns and those described by Monks et al. (1998) provided evidence for the previously hypothesized immunological synapse (Dustin et al. 1998; Norcross 1984). The function of this receptor segregation is still not completely understood but it was initially hypothesized that formation of this pattern might be related to T-cell activation and constitute a “molecular machine” that would be formed in response to the presence of antigenic ligand and that this “molecular machine” might function to sustain signaling for long periods of time and direct subsequent T-cell differentiation (Grakoui et al. 1999).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Structure of the immunological synapse. The basic structure of the “organized” immunological synapse with SMACs is shown (left). In the center is the central supramolecular activation complex or cSMAC, which contains receptors like the TCR, CD28, CD4, CD8, and CD2. Newer studies suggest that the cSMAC may be divided into an outer area containing CD28 and an inner area containing the TCR (not shown). The ring that surrounds the cSMAC is called the peripheral supramolecular activation complex or pSMAC. This domain is mainly populated by the integrin molecule LFA-1. Outside of the pSMAC is another domain known as the distal supramolecular activation complex. Originally the dSMAC was thought not be important and contain all of the molecules that are not specifically recruited to the cSMAC or pSMAC but it is increasingly becoming appreciated that the dSMAC is an area of active membrane movement. This suggests that the pSMAC and dSMAC may be analogous to the actin structures known as the lamellae and lamellipodia, respectively (right).  相似文献   

Breastfeeding has immense public health value for mothers, babies, and society. But there is an undesirably large gap between the number of new mothers who undertake and persist in breastfeeding compared to what would be a preferred level of accomplishment. This gap is a reflection of the many obstacles, both physical and psychological, that confront new mothers. Previous research has illuminated many of these concerns, but research on this problem is limited in part by the unavailability of a research instrument that can measure the key differences between first-time mothers and experienced mothers, with regard to the challenges they face when breastfeeding and the instructional advice they require. An instrument was designed to measure motivational complexity associated with sustained breast feeding behaviour; the Breastfeeding Motivational Measurement Scale. It contains 51 self-report items (7 point Likert scale) that cluster into four categories related to perceived value of breast-feeding, confidence to succeed, factors that influence success or failure, and strength of intentions, or goal. However, this scale has not been validated in terms of its sensitivity to profile the motivation of new mothers and experienced mothers. This issue was investigated by having 202 breastfeeding mothers (100 first time mothers) fill out the scale. The analysis reported in this paper is a three factor solution consisting of value, midwife support, and expectancies for success that explained the characteristics of first time mothers as a known group. These results support the validity of the BMM scale as a diagnostic tool for research on first time mothers who are learning to breastfeed. Further research studies are required to further test the validity of the scale in additional subgroups.  相似文献   


The GABAA receptor of mammalian brain is a ligand-gated channel protein with allosteric binding sites for the benzodiazepines and barbiturate drugs. The receptor is an acidic oligomeric membrane glycoprotein and it has been purified to homogeneity from bovine cerebral cortex, bovine cerebellum and rat cerebral cortex by benzodiazepine affinity chromatography. In each case, extraction and purification with the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS and exogenous phospholipid has demonstrated the coexistence of GABA, benzodiazepine and cage convulsant ligand binding sites on a single protein complex; in addition the allosteric interactions between these sites are preserved in the isolated protein. The receptor has a heterologous structure that is conserved at the subunit level between the aforementioned mammalian species and brain regions. SDS-PAGE has shown that the receptor consists of two subunits, α (Mr 53000) and β (Mr 57000) present in equal stoichiometry. A model consistent with the determination of the molecular weight of the native protein, i.e., Mr 230,000, is that of a tetramer α2β2. [3H] Flunitrazepam and [3H]muscimol have been employed as photoaffinity labels to map the benzodiazepine and GABA binding polypeptides respectively. Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies have been raised to the native bovine GABAA receptor and these have been employed for the further characterisation of the receptor protein.  相似文献   

Immune function in higher vertebrates is mediated primarilyby multimeric glycoproteins found in the serum and on the surfacesof lymphoid cells. These molecules possess common structuralfeatures suggesting that they belong to a supergene family whichmay have originated from a common ancestral gene. Some multigenicmembers of the supergene family undergo unique forms of chromosomalrearrangement during somatic development. We have identifiedimmunoglobulin heavy chainvariable region (VH) homologs in speciesrepresenting critical points in the vertebrate radiation, examinedtheir nucleotide sequences and found high degrees of organizationalhomology as well as localized regions of extended nucleotide(and amino acid) sequence identity with mammalian VH genes.The unexpected high degree of nucleotide sequence identity suggeststhat within this multigene family, selection may be operatingat both the DNA and polypeptide levels.Using several differentapproaches, the VH gene families in lower vertebrates have beenshown to be remarkably complex, discounting the possibilitythat a reduced number of germline genes accounts for the apparentlyrestricted natureof lower vertebrate immune responses. The lowervertebrate germline VH genes possess prototypic recombinationsignal sequences, implicated in the somatic reorganization ofmammalian immunoglobulin variable region genes, and segmentalreorganizationresembling that seen in mammals has been observed in an elasmobranch.The detection of a recombination element flanked by short, directrepeats within the intervening sequence of one reptilian VHgene suggests that these sequences may be mobile, perhaps functioningoutside of the immunoglobulin loci in other developmental processes.The complex nature of the variable region gene families andtheir capacity to undergo structural change during somatic developmentsuggest that unique genetic mechanisms may govern their evolutionarystabilization and diversification.  相似文献   

长颚斗蟋的鸣声结构与行为分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过计算机外接话筒对长颚斗蟋(Velarifictorus asperses)在不同条件下的鸣声进行录音,利用软作Cool edit2000对其结构进行了较系统的分析。结果表明:长颚斗蟋的鸣叫声有7种类型,即召唤声,警戒声,挑衅声,胜利声,欢迎声,求爱声和催促声;这7种鸣声在声学特征上有明显的区别,并与行为有关。  相似文献   

Abstract— A hypothesis-independent method of weighting cladistir characters, based on character compatibility, is proposed. The method is used in two fashions, to generate cladograms, and to select from multiple minimum length cladograms. To illustrate the techniques, published data on Hoplinema (Coleoptera) are reanalysed. The method is contrasted with other weighting techniques which arc generally found to be hypothesis dependent.  相似文献   

一种水稻卷叶性状的遗传分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对水稻卷叶品种流岗卷叶粳与4个平展叶品种及1个卷叶标志基因(rl3)系的杂交或回交后代进行了考察。结果表明,流岗卷叶粳的卷叶特性以单基因不完全显性方式遗传; 该基因与rl3基因不等位,当rl3位点处于隐性纯合时两者以累加方式发生互作。这一等位基因可作标志基因使用,暂定名为Rl(t)。 Abstract:Liugangjuanyejing is a rolled leaf mutant of rice.A genetic study on the rolled-leaf character was carried out by crossing it with four flat-leaf cultivars and a genetic marker line (with a rolled-leaf allele rl3).The results showed that this character was controlled by an incomplete dominant gene which was non-allelic to rl3 locus and that there existed additive effect between the two loci when the rl3 locus was homozygous recessiveness.This new rolled-leaf allele was provisionally named as Rl(t) and could be used as a genetic marker of rice.  相似文献   

Metals are naturally opaque for electromagnetic (EM) waves below violet frequency due to the Coulomb screening effect. In this letter, we demonstrate high optical transparency of a seamless continuous metal film by sandwiching it in a hybrid plasmonic-optical structure. The proposed structure consists of a plasmonic array and an optical cavity, which exhibits magnetic plasmon (MP) resonance and optical Fabry-Perot (FP) resonance, respectively. An optical transparency of 84% in the near-IR regime is achieved making use of interaction between the plasmonic and optical modes. Furthermore, spectral tunability of the high transparency is demonstrated and robustness under oblique incidence is examined. This work may give insights into plasmonic-optical interactions and may be a potential candidate for transparent electrodes.  相似文献   

Poa pratensis L. is a forage and turf grass species well adapted to a wide range of mesic to moist habitats. Due to its genome complexity little is known regarding evolution, genome composition and intraspecific phylogenetic relationships of this species. In the present study we investigated the morphological and genetic diversity of 33 P. pratensis accessions from 23 different countries using both nuclear and chloroplast molecular markers as well as flow cytometry of somatic tissues. This with the aim of shedding light on the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of the collection that includes both cultivated and wild materials. Morphological characterization showed that the most relevant traits able to distinguish cultivated from wild forms were spring growth habit and leaf colour. The genome size analysis revealed high variability both within and between accessions in both wild and cultivated materials. The sequence analysis of the trnL-F chloroplast region revealed a low polymorphism level that could be the result of the complex mode of reproduction of this species. In addition, a strong reduction of chloroplast SSR variability was detected in cultivated materials, where only two alleles were conserved out of the four present in wild accessions. Contrarily, at nuclear level, high variability exist in the collection where the analysis of 11 SSR loci allowed the detection of a total of 91 different alleles. A Bayesian analysis performed on nuclear SSR data revealed that studied materials belong to two main clusters. While wild materials are equally represented in both clusters, the domesticated forms are mostly belonging to cluster P2 which is characterized by lower genetic diversity compared to the cluster P1. In the Neighbour Joining tree no clear distinction was found between accessions with the exception of those from China and Mongolia that were clearly separated from all the others.  相似文献   

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