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Demand Sharing: Reciprocity and the Pressure for Generosity among Foragers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the prevalence of an ethic of generosity among foragers, much sharing is by demand rather than by unsolicited giving. Although a behavioristic model of demand sharing can be seen as matching sociobiological expectations, the emphasis here is on the social and symbolic significance of the practice. It is argued that demand sharing involves testing, assertive, and/or substantiating behavior and is important in the constitution of social relations in egalitarian societies.  相似文献   

Supplying peak energy demand in a cost effective, reliable manner is a critical focus for utilities internationally. Successfully addressing peak energy concerns requires understanding of all the factors that affect electricity demand especially at peak times. This paper is based on past attempts of proposing models designed to aid our understanding of the influences on residential peak energy demand in a systematic and comprehensive way. Our model has been developed through a group model building process as a systems framework of the problem situation to model the complexity within and between systems and indicate how changes in one element might flow on to others. It is comprised of themes (social, technical and change management options) networked together in a way that captures their influence and association with each other and also their influence, association and impact on appliance usage and residential peak energy demand. The real value of the model is in creating awareness, understanding and insight into the complexity of residential peak energy demand and in working with this complexity to identify and integrate the social, technical and change management option themes and their impact on appliance usage and residential energy demand at peak times.  相似文献   

Despite recent interest, ecosystem services are not yet fully incorporated into private and public decisions about natural resource management. Cultural ecosystem services (CES) are among the most challenging of services to include because they comprise complex ecological and social properties and processes that make them difficult to measure, map or monetize. Like others, CES are vulnerable to landscape changes and unsustainable use. To date, the sustainability of services has not been adequately addressed and few studies have considered measures of service capacity and demand simultaneously. To facilitate sustainability assessments and management of CES, our study objectives were to (1) develop a spatially explicit framework for mapping the capacity of ecosystems to provide freshwater recreational fishing, an important cultural service, (2) map societal demand for freshwater recreational fishing based on license data and identify areas of potential overuse, and (3) demonstrate how maps of relative capacity and relative demand could be interfaced to estimate sustainability of a CES. We mapped freshwater recreational fishing capacity at the 12-digit hydrologic unit-scale in North Carolina and Virginia using a multi-indicator service framework incorporating biophysical and social landscape metrics and mapped demand based on fishing license data. Mapping of capacity revealed a gradual decrease in capacity eastward from the mountains to the coastal plain and that fishing demand was greatest in urban areas. When comparing standardized relative measures of capacity and demand for freshwater recreational fishing, we found that ranks of capacity exceeded ranks of demand in most hydrologic units, except in 17% of North Carolina and 5% of Virginia. Our GIS-based approach to view freshwater recreational fishing through an ecosystem service lens will enable scientists and managers to examine (1) biophysical and social factors that foster or diminish cultural ecosystem services delivery, (2) demand for cultural ecosystem services relative to their capacity, and (3) ecological pressures like potential overuse that affect service sustainability. Ultimately, we expect such analyses to inform decision-making for freshwater recreational fisheries and other cultural ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The demand for doctors has increased despite improved community health, because the prevalence of chronic disease has increased, and because affluence, better education, and the growth of specialization have all stimulated demand.Most authorities have recommended an increase in the supply of doctors to meet the increasing demand. Nevertheless, a supply which preserves the present ratio of doctors to population might be adequate if medical productivity were raised. Moreover, an increase of the supply stimulates further demand; perhaps demand would fall if the supply were reduced, and community health might not deteriorate as a result of this.Other social institutions besides medicine have a claim on the available pool of talent from which doctors are recruited. It is possible that medicine already receives its fair share.  相似文献   

绿色基础设施(GI)供需均衡对维护城市或区域生态系统稳定,提升国土空间治理体系和治理能力现代化水平,推动城市高质量发展具有重要意义。从绿色基础设施供需适配关系的视角出发,运用生态系统服务价值法对GI服务供给进行测度,从社会、经济、生态和环境四方面综合评价GI需求,研究南京市GI供需适配关系的演进情势,揭示其时空配置的差异性。结果表明:(1)2000-2020年,南京市GI供给呈主城低、郊区高的分布格局,总供给、人均供给和单项供给均先减后增。(2)GI总需求逐年减少,形成从中心城区向郊区递减的三个圈层。(3)南京市共划出9个供需适配类型,对应11个辖区划出99个供需适配类型组合区,供需适配较好区与较差区分别占全市国土面积的26%和44%,呈不均衡分布。(4)主城区较适应的匹配类型是低供给-中需求,郊区维持低供给-低需求较符合区域发展实际,并针对不同类型区优化提升提出对策建议。  相似文献   

One of the central questions in physiological ecology is how energetic constraints affect organismal performance and the dynamics of ecological systems. Social insect colonies integrate the balance of supply and demand across levels of biological organization such that the individual components are simultaneously serving as the supply transport network and also the source of energetic demand. An increasing number of studies have demonstrated that the per‐capita metabolic rates of individuals within social insect colonies decrease with increasing colony size, a metabolic hypometry much like the pattern exhibited by individual organisms. An important question is thus, whether this scaling pattern is a result of an energetic supply constraint or evidence for an emergent economy of scale. This review synthesizes theoretical models and results from empirical studies on the scaling of resource supply and demand in social insect colonies. Scaling in biology is a powerful tool to unify the study of diverse concepts and organisms; increased integration of mechanistic realism into metabolic models will improve our understanding of the evolution of complex biological systems.  相似文献   

The term “social niche” is rapidly increasing in usage, particularly in the context of “social niche construction.” But what (if anything) is a social niche? Here, we survey papers that have used the term to uncover commonalities and discrepancies in its definition. We aim to alert researchers to the need for more consistency in how the term is used in the literature, and we provide a working definition of “social niche:” the set of social environments in which the focal individual has non-zero inclusive fitness. We consider the extent to which a social niche is analogous to an ecological niche, discuss whether a population-level social niche can be meaningfully identified, and describe conceptual insights about the properties of social niches, focusing on social niche construction. We highlight questions about social niches that demand more theoretical and empirical attention.  相似文献   

The implementation of sustainable management plans for protected areas is one of the main challenges for public institutions. These plans involve public participation and the assessment of social benefits provided by these open spaces. This work proposes the use of choice experiments methodology for the evaluation of management alternatives for a protected area. The case study within this work is El Valle and Carrascoy Natural Park, which is included in the Natura 2000 Network. This Protected Natural Area (PNA) is located in a peri-urban area; thus, it combines high natural values and high anthropic pressure. A Choice Experiment (CE) was designed through consultation with the Park managers and technicians, and it was applied to a representative sample of the population within the Region of Murcia (South-Eastern Spain). CE allowed an estimation of the value of different management alternatives, classified according to the three main sustainability areas: social; economic; and, environmental. The results show population's demand for environmental management alternatives, such as protection of flora and fauna and promotion of ecotourism, as well as a rejection of quarrying in the PNA. The economic values estimated allow the proposal of a distribution of the annual budget of the PNA according to the social demand.  相似文献   

The development of the total amount of blood donations in the period from 1972-1980 was organized according to demand. With the percentage of blood from red cross donors increasing, blood donation attained a new quality which became evident in an increasing social recognition of donors coming from the red cross organization and which, above all, was characterized by its ethical-moral aspects. Further improvements could be achieved in organizing the preparation and establishment of fixed dates for blood donation. The demand for stored blood containing erythrocytes was ensured by an amount which lay below the international value of comparison. This, however, is taken as a basis for the future development of plasma demand. The increase of required plasma is effected by means of a plasmapheresis programme which still further is to be intensified.  相似文献   

Current and proposed reforms of the regulatory schema for protecting human subjects of research have focused attention on Institutional Review Board (IRB) responsibilities. Consensus on the need for strengthening the oversight of these boards is all but certain--with the exception of research in the social and behavioral sciences, where an argument for less oversight is being made. The thesis in this article is that respecting the salient features of research in the social and behavioral sciences will ameliorate the tensions leading to this demand and offer better protection to the subjects of social and behavior studies.  相似文献   

卫生服务需求是制定区域卫生规划和卫生资源配置标准的基础。文章从社会经济、人口、健康状况、文化等方面,选取反映居民卫生服务需求的相关指标进行主成分分析,探索影响各地区居民卫生服务需求扩大和制约的因素,并根据主成分分析的评价结果对不同区域进行分类。对于统筹规划区域间卫生资源,使卫生资源能够满足居民的基本卫生服务需求,并适应多层次、多元化的卫生服务需求,从而实现“十二五”卫生规划阶段性目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper studies the incentives for vertical demand information sharing in a two-echelon supply chain formed by many downstream retailers and one upstream manufacturer with a limited production capacity. The retailers are engaged in a Cournot competition, and endowed with some private information about the demand. The total order of all the retailers may exceed the manufacturer’s capacity, and in that case, an allocation strategy is required. We show that a discriminated allocation strategy will encourage the retailers to share their demand information. We also find the condition under which full information sharing can be reached. Furthermore, we prove that when the manufacturer cannot satisfy the total order of all the retailers, social welfare and consumer surplus will be locked by the capacity.  相似文献   

全球持续扩张的野生动物消费需求和相关非法贸易是生物多样性保护的重要威胁之一。近期新冠肺炎疫情暴发, 野生动物贸易和食用的公共卫生安全风险也引起了社会各界的关注。本文从社会学、心理学、行为科学等多学科的视角分析和理解我国野生动物消费的需求动因, 提出科学的行为改变对策。从我国野生动物消费现状来看, 功能性、社会性和体验性等非生活必需性需求凸显, 并受复杂因素影响。基于对需求动因的理解, 运用合适的行为改变框架, 以及宣传教育、社会影响、法律规范和行为助推等多种行为改变方法, 通过科学系统的阶段和步骤, 可有效地影响和改变野生动物消费行为。行为改变对策的实施需在具体情境下加强合作, 重视多学科运用、多主体合作和多尺度考虑。  相似文献   

桂昆鹏  徐建刚  张翔 《生态学杂志》2013,24(5):1215-1223
城市绿地具有生态服务和社会服务两种主要功能,这两种服务水平的高低取决于供需关系.而绿地的供给和需求不仅指数量上,还包括空间分布,因此单纯的绿化指标或可达性水平都不能完全体现城市绿地的真实服务水平.本文从供需分析的角度,在ArcGIS平台下,利用均匀度指数和可达范围内人均享有公共绿地达标率考察了南京城市绿地的生态服务和社会服务在空间上的需求和供给,最终得出了南京市各区绿地系统的生态和社会服务水平.结果表明:东部地区绿地数量上富余,但缺乏高可达性公共绿地,社会服务水平中等;老城地区绿地缺乏,特征绿地分布不均匀,绿地生态和社会服务水平低;河西地区绿地社会服务水平高,但生态绿地较少且分布不均,生态服务水平低;南部、北部均存在绿地不足、分布不均、高可达性公共绿地少的问题.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion on integrating societal considerations, stakeholders' perceptions and laymen knowledge into ecosystem services (ES) assessments. The paper illustrates how social mapping of perceived ES supply (or alternatively demand) can contribute to integrated ES assessment. Based on sketched locations of the, according to 38 respondents, most important ES at the local scale, we describe the perceived ES distribution with social landscape metrics (abundance, diversity, richness, risk, rarity) based on traditional landscape ecology indicators. We illustrate how social landscape metrics can inform ES management and planning and describe how synergies between ES as stated by the respondents differ from calculated synergies (the latter based on correlation coefficients between perceived ES abundance). We present indicators pointing to locations where (multiple) ES synergies are perceived by stakeholders (stated synergy index), and to conflicting ES and ES perceived to be at risk (risk index). Overlapping social ES hotspots based on the social landscape metrics with ES hotspots based on more traditional biophysical modelling (biophysical hotspots) and ecological inventories (ecological hotspots) results in social–ecological or social–biophysical hotspots, coldspots and warmspots relevant for nature and landscape planning, management and governance. Based on an analysis of the overlaps between social, biophysical and ecological hotspots on the one hand, and the contribution of ecological quality, land zoning categories and conservation statuses on the other hand, we discuss the added value of integrating social ES mapping in integrated ES assessment, above ES assessments based on biophysical or ecological attributes. Given the limited overlap between social hotspots and ecological or biophysical hotspots, we conclude that integrating stakeholders' mapping of perceived ES supply (or demand) into ES assessments is necessary to reflect the societal aspects of ES in ES assessments. However, with a limited sample of respondents, there is a risk of collectivisation of respondents' viewpoints as a common, societal stance. Moreover, the social landscape metrics are not suitable for describing the distribution of ES with low perceived abundance. Finally, we explain how social ES assessment can result in mainstreaming ES in planning, policy and practice.  相似文献   

Invasive species typically establish in areas outside their natural distribution through accidental introduction and accidental release or escape. Some species are introduced legally for economic and social benefits such as recreational hunting, the pet trade and research through established permitting processes driven by appropriate laws and regulations. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a trend in demand for regulated alien taxa based on permit requests and to ascertain the activities for which permits requested in order to infer the drivers of alien taxa demand in South Africa. We examined the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) species permitting application database records from October 2015 to February 2018. From the total of 1,390 permit applications during this period, 79.2% of the permits were issued for various economic and social activities associated with the following species: Red lechwe (Kobus leche leche, Gray), fallow deer (Dama dama Linnaeus), Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) and rose-ring parakeet (Psittacula krameri Scopoli). Our results suggest that economic activities such as hunting and sport fishing are driving the demand for some regulated species. We suggest reinforced monitoring and inspection for permit compliance for species sought to minimise potential escape.  相似文献   

In recent literature, the concept of criticality aspires to provide a multifaceted risk assessment of resource supply shortage. However, most existing methodologies for the criticality assessment of raw materials are restricted to a fixed temporal and spatial reference system. They provide a snapshot in time of the equilibrium between supply and demand/economic importance and do not account for temporal changes of their indicators. The static character of criticality assessments limits the use of criticality methodologies to short‐term policy making of raw materials. In the current paper, we argue for an enhancement of the criticality framework to account for three key dynamic characteristics, namely changes of social, technical, and economic features; consideration of the spatial dimension in site‐specific assessments; and impact of changing governance frameworks. We illustrate how these issues were addressed in studies outside of the field of criticality and identify the dynamic parameters that influence resource supply and demand based on a review of studies that belong to the general field of resource supply and demand. The parameters are grouped in seven categories: extraction, social, economic, technical, policy, market dynamics, and environmental. We explore how these parameters were considered in the reviewed studies and propose ways and specific examples of addressing the dynamic effects in the criticality indicators. Furthermore, we discuss the current work on future scenarios to provide reference points for indicator benchmarks. The insights and guidelines derived from the review and our recommendations for future research set the foundations for an enhanced dynamic and site‐specific criticality assessment framework.  相似文献   

Flexibility in task performance is essential for a robust system of division of labour. We investigated what factors determine which social insect workers respond to colony-level changes in task demand. We used radio-frequency identification technology to compare the roles of corpulence, age, spatial location and previous activity (intra-nest/extra-nest) in determining whether worker ants (Temnothorax albipennis) respond to an increase in demand for foraging or brood care. The less corpulent ants took on the extra foraging, irrespective of their age, previous activity or location in the nest, supporting a physiological threshold model. We found no relationship between ants that tended the extra brood and corpulence, age, spatial location or previous activity, but ants that transported the extra brood to the main brood pile were less corpulent and had high previous intra-nest activity. This supports spatial task-encounter and physiological threshold models for brood transport. Our data suggest a flexible task-allocation system allowing the colony to respond rapidly to changing needs, using a simple task-encounter system for generalized tasks, combined with physiologically based response thresholds for more specialized tasks. This could provide a social insect colony with a robust division of labour, flexibly allocating the workforce in response to current needs.  相似文献   

In order to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement for 1.5 °C global warming, per capita emissions need to come down to 2.9 tonnes by 2030. Food systems are known to be a significant source of an individual's carbon footprint and demand attention in sustainability management. The objective of this research is to conceptualise and define an intersection between contagion theory and socio-ecological systems models. This is achieved using a population dynamics model between two groups characterised by a distinct food regime: omnivores and vegans. The greenhouse gas emissions of each food regime is used to estimate the city's changing carbon foodprint as the food regimes shift by social contagion. Social contagion is identified as a catalyst for social tipping points, and emission pathways are explored with a variety of different contagion variables to test sensitivity towards a tipping point. The main finding is that the urban carbon foodprint can be reduced significantly with widespread adoption of veganism, but that the foodprint reaches a minimum at 1.97 tonnes CO2-equivalent per capita. This demonstrates the need to embed food demand in urban climate governance such as nudging towards plant-based food alternatives. Nudging is discussed as a lever of ecological importance to social contagion. Lastly, socio-ecological contagion is defined as the interactions between social contagion and damage done to ecological systems to measure peer-to-peer spread of environmental stewardship agendas, such as the journey to Veganville.  相似文献   

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