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The tasks of universal education in our country and the cultivation of an active, comprehensively developed personality in the young people of communist society call for further studies of the possibilities of mobilizing the "human factor," the reserves of mental development, in schoolchildren. The new tasks confronting contemporary education (not just to increase pupils' knowledge quantitatively but also to teach them ways to acquire that knowledge independently [1]) and the practical problems of classroom instruction (overburdening of pupils in some subjects, diminished interest in school at certain periods, e.g., at the transition from primary to secondary school) necessitate psychological study of ways to stimulate the activity of schoolchildren and to cultivate in them an active, internalized interest in schoolwork.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a time of life marked by emotional turbulence and turmoil, which creates problems for the adolescent, his family and society in general. The psychological development that occurs during this period can be organized into developmental tasks, which emphasize the purposefulness of adolescence. An awareness of the nine essential tasks of development can serve as a basis for assessing the appropriateness and the developmental level of adolescent behavior. The establishment of a realistic self-concept (identity) is the most basic task of adolescence. Behavioral experimentation, the process through which much of the emotional growth of adolescence occurs, also accounts for the majority of the paradoxical and perplexing actions that typify the adolescent.To be in a better position to understand today''s teenagers, the physician should not judge normality or abnormality by adult standards, but should view adolescence in reference to its own processes and purposes.  相似文献   

The development of science has made accessible to man previously unknown areas of reality, has incorporated them into the domain of knowledge, and has attracted the efforts of creative investigators. The problems and tasks occupying the human mind have multiplied. But still man himself remains for us the most challenging object of inquiry. "Know thyself" were the words of the first of the three maxims inscribed by the ancient Greeks on Apollo's shrine in Delphi.  相似文献   

新医院财务制度、会计制度的实施,医改的深入以及医院经济绩效考评工作的开展,对公立医院财务部门提出了更高的要求,公立医院财务部门必须适应新的形势,实现从传统的记账职能到财务管理职能的转变。要加强财务信息系统一体化建设并注重系统的安全;通过预算、成本核算及绩效管理工作,加强财务分析职能;改变原有的工作方式,加强与临床科室的沟通;财务人员需及时更新现有知识,不仅要有专业的财务知识,还要有经济管理的知识和概念,才能胜任现有的财务工作。  相似文献   

Comparative examination of the scientific and philosophical ideas of Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin and Aleksei Alekseevich Ukhtomskii is of interest from the standpoint of both the psychological theory of communication and the practice of psychological counseling, psychotherapy, and upbringing. Development of the applied areas of psychology poses the tasks of understanding the particular person and his individual problems and offering psychological assistance in the process of communication. To deal with these questions it is not sufficient to have scientific psychological training, i.e., knowledge of the general laws of personality development and communication; a capacity for personal communication as an aid to resolving human life problems is also necessary.  相似文献   

In the social and historical plan, the ??body?? is not still a datum of evidence. This formulation with a dualist connotation does not appear in all the human societies, certain do not distinguish the man from his flesh. The body is rather a question than an answer, a misleading evidence which reveals a multitude of different representations which assign to it a position determined within the general symbolism of the society, dependent on a social status, on a vision of the world, and inside this last one on a definition of the person. The body is a changeable reality from a society to an other one?: the images which define it, the systems of knowledge which clarify its nature, the accomplished performances are strickingly diverse, contradictory. The body is a symbolic construction. It seems to be obvious, but nothing is more imperceptible.  相似文献   

根据钱学森提出的知识密集型草产业理论,结合我国草原的发展现状,提出社会主义新牧区建设的关键就是要充分利用草产业将生物链变为效益链和就业链。强调发展草产业是建设社会主义新牧区的重要途径。  相似文献   

民族植物学认识的几个误区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族植物学是研究一定地区的人群与植物界(包括所有在经济上、文化上和其他方面有重要价值的植物)之间的全面关系,同时也研究社会结构、行为和植物之间的相互作用.民族植物学在寻找新资源、探索植物资源可持续利用和保护途径中已经发挥了非常重要的作用.但民族植物学在我国的发展还相对滞后,其中对民族植物学在理解上存在的误区是导致民族植物学不为更多人所了解的主要因素之一.本文对容易导致对民族植物学产生误解的6个方面(包括"民族植物学就是研究少数民族利用植物的科学"、"民族植物学仅仅是文献考证的一门学科"、"民族植物学无定量方法"等)进行了初步分析,以期让更多的人了解民族植物学,参与到民族植物学研究中来.  相似文献   

Anthropologists have long been inclined to view China from the perspective of a state-society dichotomy. In this model, the inevitable consequence of economic reform is that – especially at the local level – the state must yield more and more of its power to entrepreneurs, foreign investors, non-state organizations, and local communities. Not only does this approach distort the role of the state in society, but by placing the state above and outside society it also excludes it from the anthropological gaze. This article proposes an anthropology of the Chinese state which does not merely view the state in society, but also investigates the state itself as society. Drawing on fieldwork in northeastern Yunnan province, I illustrate this general point by investigating the changing role of the local state in economic development. This agenda for an anthropology of the Chinese state resonates both with the recent 'reinvention' of the subfield of political anthropology with its focus on governmentality, policy, and rights, and with recent calls by political scientists for the development of an interdisciplinary anthropology of the developmental state.  相似文献   

There can be no doubt that the individual psychological distinctions among human beings and, in particular, one area of these differences — the psychological manifestations of the intensity, lability, and equilibrium of nervous processes — are manifested in one form or another in work, that activity which most completely expresses the nature of man. Therefore, study of these peculiarities is a matter of pressing importance in labor psychology. "Investigation of the individual differences among men," writes B.M. Teplov, "is one of the most important tasks of psychology. The importance of this undertaking has become particularly obvious since psychology undertook to become a science of practical value (educational and child psychology, labor psychology, pathopsychology)." (19; p. 108)  相似文献   

卢艳芬 《生态科学》2007,26(2):191-192
资源消费量急剧增加,环境压力越来越大,是我国经济社会进一步发展亟待解决的问题。从国家建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的基本要求出发,结合广东省省情,论述了加快建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,发展循环经济和促进经济增长方式根本性转变的重要性,认为这是实现广东省经济和社会持续发展,率先基本实现社会主义现代化的必由之路;提出了普及生态科学知识,共同营造生态文明的未来,是建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会的基础。  相似文献   

医疗卫生事业与人民群众切身利益密切相关,是社会高度关注的热点,也是贯彻落实科学发展、构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容之一。医院面临着新的挑战与机遇,随着医院管理方式的转变,单纯从医疗技术、质量或经济利益等单方面来评价科室工作不仅不能适应现代化管理的需要,而且也不符合社会对公立医院的本质要求。旨在建立一套准确、科学、有效的综合评价指标体系对临床科室进行评价,将评估结果作为科室考评、奖励的重要依据,为加快临床科室建设发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

郭艳华 《生态科学》2001,20(Z1):140-146
道德和道德观念是随着人类社会历史发展以及社会实践活动的深化而不断发展变化的。人们依据不同发展阶段的特征,提出符合时代发展趋势的道德原则、道德规范和道德标准,以推动道德进步。现在人类社会开始进入由工业文明向生态文明迈进的发展新阶段,因而,时代要求转变以往支配人们行动的旧道德观,打破狭隘的视野局限,把原有道德观仅仅局限于人与人之间、人与社会之间扩展到人与自然之间,以人与自然和谐发展作为生态文明时期的道德准则。这种新的道德观要求树立崭新的生态意识,坚持公正和平等的原则。以约束人类行为,提高人的生态道德修养为宗旨。使人类的社会实践活动有利于资源的持续利用和环境保护,倡导过一种适度消费的文明生活。  相似文献   

郭艳华 《生态科学》2001,20(1):140-146
道德和道德观念是随着人类社会历史发展以及社会实践活动的深化而不断发展变化的。人们依据不同发展阶段的特征,提出符合时代发展趋势的道德原则、道德规范和道德标准,以推动道德进步。现在人类社会开始进入由人工业文明向生态文明迈进的发展新阶段,因而,时代要求转变以往支配人们行动的旧道德观,打破狭隘的视野局限,把原有道德观仅仅局限于人与人之间、人与社会之间扩展到人与自然之间,以人与自然和谐发展作为生态文明时期的道德准则。这种新的道德观要求树立崭新的生态意识,坚持公正和平等的原则。以约束人类行为,提高人的生态道德修养为宗旨。使人类的社会实践活动有利于资源的持续利用和环境保护,倡导过一种适度消费的文明生活。  相似文献   

Vygotsky’s The Historical Significance of the Crisis in Psychology (1926–1927) is an important text in the history and philosophy of psychology that has only become available to scholars in 1982 in Russian, and in 1997 in English. The goal of this paper is to introduce Vygotsky’s conception of psychology to a wider audience.I argue that Vygotsky’s argument about the “crisis” in psychology and its resolution can be fully understood only in the context of his social and political thinking. Vygotsky shared the enthusiasm, widespread among Russian leftist intelligentsia in the 1920s, that Soviet society had launched an unprecedented social experiment: The socialist revolution opened the way for establishing social conditions that would let the individual flourish. For Vygotsky, this meant that “a new man” of the future would become “the first and only species in biology that would create itself.” He envisioned psychology as a science that would serve this humanist teleology.I propose that The Crisis is relevant today insofar as it helps us define a fundamental problem: How can we systematically account for the development of knowledge in psychology? I evaluate how Vygotsky addresses this problem as a historian of the crisis.  相似文献   

This article explores the theme of death as a means of illuminating the changing relationship between 'the individual' and 'the state' in the context of post-socialist Bulgaria. Previous research carried out on rituals and socialist society indicates a close connection between state ideology and the socially constructed 'natural' order – an order partly reproduced through engagement in state-sponsored life-cycle rituals, such as funerals. By focusing on the way in which funerals are presently carried out, and more specifically on the way in which villagers talk about death, I suggest that new discourse reveals important changes: a reordering of the relationship between 'the individual' and the socially constructed 'natural' order. The state is no longer such a strong mediating force in this relationship. Post-socialist reform, therefore, involves more than 'just' political and economic change; it represents a more general breakdown in the total set of relations that constituted the socialist world.  相似文献   

医疗卫生是构建和谐社会的重要因素之一,也是关乎百姓切身利益的重大问题之一,近年来,医疗体制的不断改革,医疗卫生的相关政策的不断出台,已经大大地改善了我国广大人民群众的“看病难,看病贵”等问题,增加了医保的覆盖人群,减轻了城市低收入人群及农村的医疗负担,但是,我们仍面临着巨大的挑战,新的问题也不断涌现,医疗卫生政策不适应现在的医疗需求发展、经济发展不均衡、不同层次群众的医疗需求有差异等,都是医疗卫生改革中面临的问题,医疗改革的不断推进势在必行。我国的医疗保障制度覆盖率已经达到95%,但是,现行的医疗保障制度的还不能从根本上解决人民群众的“就医难,治病贵”的问题,其他医疗保险不能与现行的医疗保障制度相适应,从而,影响了我国整体的医疗水平的提高。  相似文献   

课程思政是以“课程”作为“思政”的载体,探索知识传授、能力培养与价值塑造三位融合的有效途径,当前高等教育已步入全面建设课程思政的新时期。微生物学专业面与应用范围均非常广泛,而且与人类社会发展、生产实践、日常生活都息息相关,蕴含着极为丰富的思政元素,是开展课程思政的优秀载体。我们微生物学教学团队一直以来秉承教书育人的教育理念,致力于微生物学创新教学改革,近年来又以此为基础进行了课程思政思考与实践。本文总结了“微生物学”开展课程思政的必要性、融入路径、教学评价、反思与持续改进等,以期为高等院校课程思政教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Interest of human adaptability to city life is one of the most principal topics of physiological anthropology. Especially, cultural adaptation and flowing stresses by itself is the most important viewpoint of human adaptability in the recent modern life. In this paper, the authors reviewed the keywords of physiological anthropology, especially with the focus on techno-adaptability, and presented our experimental trials to study physiological polymorphism of cardio-vascular reactivity to mental stresses. We scoped the psychological stresses by means of mental tasks as an experimental model of techno-stress. Techno-stress was defined as not only from inadequate interface of man-machine system, but also from increased social complexity owing to highly advanced technological social system. In the experimental trial, we observed different types of cardio-vascular responses to several mental tasks. Blood pressure rose significantly during the tasks. However, contribution of change in cardiac output and total peripheral resistance on it was not the same between subgroups of the subjects.  相似文献   

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