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Bradford C. Lister 《Oikos》2014,123(12):1431-1438
Animals must make decisions such as where and when to forage based on imperfect information about their variable world. A growing number of authors have addressed the information problem and its relation to behaviour, learning, cognition and evolution. Few studies, however, have analyzed how the quality of information available for decision making affects population growth and dynamics. Here I utilize stochastic dynamic models, statistical decision theory, and projection matrices to show how information affects patch choice and how these choices in turn affect fitness and population growth. The value of information, in terms of its impact on ?tness, depends on an organism's state and changes during the organism's life span. The relationship between a population's rate of increase and uncertainty about optimal patch choice amongst its members is concave with the positive effects of reduced uncertainty diminishing rapidly as individuals become more knowledgeable about their environment. The implications of these results for understanding populations and communities of interacting species are discussed.  相似文献   

In the fall of 2003, Lynndie England gave thumbs-up with one hand and lock-and-load with the other to a group of naked Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, when facing a camera. Soon after the Abu Ghraib tortures became public knowledge, and Lynndie England became an iconic “Hillbilly” who tortures for fun, hundreds of people around the world, prompted by a British blog named Bad Gas, took up Lynndie's gesture and transformed it into a humorous everyday practice. This article attempts to illuminate the processes that transform iconic images into embodied commonsense cultural practices by tracing the life of Lynndie's gesture across a varied and complex media landscape. It poses questions about the role that popular media played in providing mainstream discursive frameworks about the Abu Ghraib tortures and about the role of social media in transforming these discourses into humorous practices.  相似文献   

This article interrogates the relationship between the Italian island of Lampedusa and trans-Mediterranean migration. It explores how the construction of Lampedusa as a border zone has been implicated in the rise and fall in numbers of migrants reaching the island's shores over the last two decades. It proceeds to consider the appropriateness of interpreting death and detention on Lampedusa in terms of ‘bare life’. While acknowledging how Giorgio Agamben's formulation of bare life has been problematized in relation to irregular migration and taking into account the frequent acts of migrants' political agency on the island itself, it is argued that the transformation of Lampedusa by the media and political establishment into a spectacle of bare life is not only instrumental to the functioning of migration management at Europe's southern border but is also constitutive of the subordinate position of migrants in Italian society and its labour market.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the 2011 March of Return in Lebanon and explores the epistemic gap between image and event, examining how nationalist iconography of the Israel–Palestine conflict informs and distorts popular understanding of the political concerns of refugees. News outlets and social media distilled the march’s political symbolism into one of determination and resolve, with refugee claims directed exclusively at Israel. Camp discussions meanwhile revealed fractured and equivocal motives, including sharp if variously veiled critiques of the Palestinian factions, the Shia political party Hezbollah, and the Lebanese State. Local debates about representation—about the production, dissemination, and interpretation of political images—are significant in their skepticism about the democratizing effects of social media, and in their suggestiveness about emergent forms of political life and aspiration for which no visual grammar yet exists.  相似文献   

David Bromham''s editorial on contraceptive implants ignores the wider issues to voice concern that trial by media could limit contraceptive choice by jeopardising research into new methods. However, it is more beneficial to the public for points of conflict to be debated openly. Furthermore, the impetus for research into new contraceptive technology is driven by profit and political motives and is only marginally affected by the media. Implanted contraceptives may increase the choice of contraceptive methods, but they put control of fertility increasingly into the hands of the medical profession. Herein lies their greatest problem: their potential to increase providers'' control over clients'' choice. There is the danger that certain groups of women may be targeted for their use: in the United States the coercive use of Norplant for mothers receiving welfare benefit has been suggested. Long acting contraceptives are a contraceptive of choice only when they are available without pressure, as part of a wider menu; when instant removal on request is guaranteed; and when there is an open and free flow of information and opinions between users, health professionals, and special interest groups.  相似文献   

Using the case of endocrine disrupter effects on male fertility, we explored how communicating uncertainty influences the credibility of the information that laypeople receive from scientists and how laypeople form judgments about the relationship between uncertainty and credibility. We found that laypeople assess the credibility of scientific information—whether or not it is accompanied by uncertainty—by referencing their “science model” and using non-scientific references (i.e., situations encountered in one's daily life, information received from other sources, one's own observations of the world, and one's education or professional experience). Scientific credibility is a mixture of (sometimes contradictory) considerations along these different axes. Previous studies have found that some scientists assume that communicating uncertainty will lower public credibility of science. Our results contradict this assumption for situations in which academic scientists communicate uncertainty, which is perceived as additional knowledge bringing a new perspective on certain information. People expect scientists to provide practical solutions and feel disillusionment when scientists lack straight answers. However, they accepted uncertainty as an intrinsic characteristic of science and a consequence of the limits to human beings’ capacity to understand the world. Further, the low credibility of industry scientists is further reinforced when they communicate uncertainty.  相似文献   

Recent authors have reported a relationship between women''s fertility status, as indexed by menstrual cycle phase, and conservatism in moral, social and political values. We conducted a survey to test for the existence of a relationship between menstrual cycle day and conservatism.2213 women reporting regular menstrual cycles provided data about their political views. Of these women, 2208 provided information about their cycle date, 1260 provided additional evidence of reliability in self-reported cycle date, and of these, 750 also indicated an absence of hormonal disruptors such as recent hormonal contraception use, breastfeeding or pregnancy. Cycle day was used to estimate day-specific fertility rate (probability of conception); political conservatism was measured via direct self-report and via responses to the "Moral Foundations” questionnaire. We also recorded relationship status, which has been reported to interact with menstrual cycle phase in determining political preferences.We found no evidence of a relationship between estimated cyclical fertility changes and conservatism, and no evidence of an interaction between relationship status and cyclical fertility in determining political attitudes. Our findings were robust to multiple inclusion/exclusion criteria and to different methods of estimating fertility and measuring conservatism. In summary, the relationship between cycle-linked reproductive parameters and conservatism may be weaker or less reliable than previously thought.  相似文献   

Psychology studies people's cognitive awareness of one another as a multilevel reflexive process of social psychological interaction among people. The essential features of this interaction are determined by the ensemble of people's relations in their work and in their social and political activity. Study of people's direct and indirect reflection in each other's minds in a production setting is one of the most important scientific and specifically psychological preconditions for improving the management and organization of modern production. As the subject matter of social psychology, the laws of people's cognitive awareness of one another and of themselves are an organic part of processes of group formation; they mediate all forms of practical and emotional communication in a production brigade, and they are regularly manifested in both the group-related and individually oriented mental states of workers and the dynamic patterns displayed by their moods. Cognitive awareness of others, of course, also exerts an influence on the effectiveness of work.  相似文献   

After John Gardner''s presentation on “Self-Renewal” to THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Editors'' Meeting, * Joseph Murphy, MD, Special Editor for Wyoming, asked the former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, “Where are you in your life''s cycle?” Dr Gardner, who is 80 years old, answered, “When Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, was in his 90s, he was asked a similar question and said, `I''m like a race horse cantering along after the race is over, cooling down.'' Well, I''m nowhere near cantering! I''m still in the race, pushing the world.” race, pushing the world.”John Gardner, who received his undergraduate degree from Stanford and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, taught at the college level for several years before he joined the Carnegie Foundation. As president of Carnegie Corporation and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, he began to “push the world” toward education and in 1964 received the country''s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He has also pushed it toward political reform by founding Common Cause, toward grass-roots political action by founding the Urban Coalition, toward leadership training by founding the White House Fellows program, and toward volunteerism by founding the Independent Sector (a coalition of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and foundations). His books, including Excellence, Self-Renewal, No Easy Victories, and On Leadership, have pushed readers to new understanding of themselves and of organizations to higher levels of creativity and energy to get important work done. His current research focuses on discovering and defining the characteristics of healthy, vital communities. His call to “keep on keeping on,” indeed, to push the world, leads to constructive change. Active people become effective people, infused with the energy and optimism that good hard work inspires. I think you will find this paper as invigorating to read as it was to hear.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(4):177-178
Scientific advance is driven more by technological advance than by any other factor. But there is a lack of opportunities to publish ideas about new technology that could advance understanding of science. In part this is because technological speculation can be unlimited, and so is worthless, without physical proof that the idea can work. But new technological ideas rarely arise in a single mind, or discipline, so communication of incomplete technological ideas has a valuable place in their development. This Journal embraces not just scientific hypotheses but technological ones as well, to help spread half-formed technological ideas into the community where they can be finished as concepts and turned into prototypes.  相似文献   

In the Sepik, names feature centrally in political and religious contexts. Esoteric knowledge about totemic names enables Nyaura men to achieve status and power and can set them in contact with spirits. A recently arrived Pentecostal/evangelical movement—Operation Joshua—claims to have found the true name of God, whom it presents as being radically different to the beings people's ancestors have known. At Lake Chambri, however, the Nyaura (West Iatmul) community Timbunmeli had accommodated Catholicism to their culture long before Operation Joshua came to their village. While Operation Joshua demonizes Nyaura spirits, the Catholic community understands God to be an ancestral being for whom different clans know different names. Taking a political ontology perspective, I analyze the encounter of Operation Joshua and Nyaura Catholicism in Timbunmeli in relation to cosmo‐ontological politics pursued by ambitious Nyaura men and different denominations. I suggest that denominational pluralism creates ontological pluralism in Timbunmeli, where different actors engage different truth claims concerning the being and reality of central Christian figures in their world‐making practices.  相似文献   

The origins, early history, captive populations, spread and habitat preferences of Reeves' Muntjac in Britain are reviewed. It is suggested that much of the published information on the history of Muntjac in Britain is based on misconceptions, and that each subsequent report has continued to promulgate a false impression on the origins, time-scale and pattern of spread of the species in Britain. Indian and Reeves' Muntjac were introduced to Woburn Park in Bedfordshire within a year of each other, and it appears that the Indian Muntjac did not thrive, at least in the decade following their introduction. How long they survived as a free-living species in Britain is unclear, but it was probably only a few years. However, there is some evidence to suggest that they might have persisted within the Park at Woburn until 1930. Following the first releases from Woburn in 1901, the numbers of free-living Reeves' Muntjac in Britain remained low until the 1920s, when populations were largely confined to the woods around Woburn, and possibly also around Tring in Hertfordshire. However, in the 1930s and 1940s there were further deliberate introductions in selected areas some distance from Woburn. As a consequence, the subsequent spread of Reeves' Muntjac was from several main foci, i.e. from the vicinity of Woburn, the Norfolk/Suffolk border, three sites in Northamptonshire, two sites in Oxfordshire and two in Warwickshire. The spread in the second half of this century has been aided by further deliberate and accidental releases, and by these means new populations continue to be established outside the main range. Thus the natural spread has been much less impressive than previously assumed; even in areas with established populations it takes a long time for Muntjac to colonize all the available habitat. Data from a number of areas in Britain suggest that the natural rate of spread is about 1 km a year, which is comparable to other species of deer in Britain. The many introductions have complicated an analysis of the habitat preferences of Reeves' Muntjac, and no clear trends could be found. It would appear that Reeves' Muntjac are less dependent on specific types of habitat than previously believed. Examination of the land-class preferences using resource selection indices showed that arable land classes were predominantly selected for, and that marginal upland land classes tended to be avoided. Subsequent logistic regression models based on the land classes selected (and to a lesser extent avoided) by Muntjac were able to predict accurately the current distribution of Reeves' Muntjac in Britain, and one of these, together with our knowledge of their history and spread, was used to infer those areas most likely to be colonized by Muntjac in the near future. The greatest potential for range expansion is in Kent and Sussex, and to a lesser extent north into Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and south Yorkshire, and west into Cheshire and north Shropshire. However, long-established populations in areas such as Betws-y-Coed in Wales show that Muntjac may persist in low numbers in atypical habitats. Future habitat changes, such as the planting of new woodlands, and continued deliberate and accidental releases, are likely to lead to population changes in addition to those predicted by the logistic regression model.  相似文献   

Objective This study explores refugees'' perspectives regarding the nature of communication barriers that impede the exploration of trauma histories in primary care.Method Brief interviews were conducted with 53 refugee patients in a suburban primary care clinic in the Midwest USA. Participants were asked if they or their doctors had initiated conversations about the impact of political conflict in their home countries. Qualitative data analysis was guided by grounded theory. Peer debriefings of refugee healthcare professionals were incorporated into the analysis.Results Two-thirds of refugee patients reported that they never shared how they were affected by political conflict with their doctors and that their doctors never asked them about it. Most refugees stated that they would like to learn more about the impact of trauma on their health and to discuss their experiences with their doctors.Conclusion Refugees are hesitant to initiate conversations with physicians due to cultural norms requiring deference to the doctor''s authority. They also lack knowledge about how trauma affects health. Physicians should be educated to inquire directly about trauma histories with refugee patients. Refugees can benefit from education about the effects of trauma on health and about the collaborative nature of the doctor–patient relationship.  相似文献   

This article intervenes in an ongoing debate as to whether or not Christianity introduces individualism into the lives of its converts. Drawing on an ethnographic account of Emmanuel, a French Catholic Charismatic community, it demonstrates that, counter to the argument that in social cases where Christianity is central, individualism emerges as a prominent value, in some cases it is relationalism that shapes Christian ethical aspirations. I argue that differences observed across contexts in expressions of value and configuration of personhood may be the result of the varied manners in which divine presence is experienced and understood to inhabit the world across Christian communities. Bringing God into the centre of ethnographic analysis in accounting for these differences broadens the debate's comparative reach, while underscoring the manner in which divine agency shapes the ethical aspirations of religious persons and their orientations to social others. Considering the ethical and political implications that one's orientation to the social can have, further investigation is called for into the manner in which the divine is experienced and invoked in social and ritual life.  相似文献   

A new millennium offers an opportunity to think about possible future directions in ocean policy. But such an effort must take account of the considerable changes in the world political and economic system since 1989 - globalization with its rapid transportation, communication, economic interdependence; population increase, increased pressure on the stock of the world's natural resources and spaces, the end of the Cold War but with diffusion of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and a rise in world environmental consciousness. In this context we must develop patterns of sustainable use, and learn how to implement forward look principles for ocean management such as those propounded by the Luso-American Foundation. However, we have not calculated the political and economic costs or understood how we will achieve outcomes consistent with the principles. These are critical to successful global ocean governance. We understand what must be achieved but not by whom or how.  相似文献   

The study of 632 teenagers has revealed that young people are the main group of risk with respect to the spread of virus hepatitides B and C, HIV infection. In accordance with risk factors, the teenagers have been divided into 4 groups: using drugs by injection; leading sexual life; using drugs and leading sexual life; having no risk factor indicated. The presence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection has been established in 1.42 and 1.27% of cases respectively. This is due to the frequent change of partners, the use of narcotic drugs since school age, the absence of necessary information and contacts with parents. When considering this problem, mass media have been found to play an important role. The presence of reliable information breaking old stereotypes may help parents pay greater and better attention to the upbringing and health of their children.  相似文献   

… I got into media studies, as an anthropologist, because I believed the media were the belly of the beast, and because I thought television was central to the creation of the extraordinary contradictions that plagued the contemporary world. [Michaels 1983]

It would seem that Malinowski's stricture that the function of the ethnographer was to see the native's culture from the native's own point of view could at last be achieved—literally, and not metaphorically.

What would such a world be like, and more importantly, what problems have we to set before our students now that will, at the least, not hinder them from coming to an understanding of an age in which man presents himself not in person but through the mediation of visual symbolic forms… It is now no longer possible for the student of culture to ignore the fact that people all over the world have learned, and will continue in great numbers to learn, how to use the visual symbolic mode. Anthropologists must begin to articulate the problems that will face us in trying to understand others when their point of view is known to us primarily through movies distributed by broadcast television and cable. [Worth 1981: 94–95]  相似文献   

The article is centred on a concern with limitations in our knowledge of youth's life experiences. I pose questions about the nature and implications of accounts of childhood by tracing ideas in early ethnographies and comparing these with my own attempts to frame youth differently. Using ideas of heroism and narrative, I examine the life histories of two young activists in order to comment on methodological approaches to exploring the world of youths, to ask how far we have come in catching their voices and experiences, and to comment on how far we have still to go.  相似文献   

We conducted a telephone survey of parents in the National Capital Region to assess their intention to donate their child''s organs and to provide physicians with information that could help alleviate their concerns about approaching parents for consent. Of 339 parents who agreed to answer questions after being given details of their child''s "death" 288 (85%) said that they would be willing to donate their child''s organs. The degree of willingness was associated with the certainty of death, altruism and empathy toward children in need of an organ, previous discussion of organ donation with a family member and knowledge of an adolescent or adult child''s attitude toward donation. Factors that inhibited the intention to donate included uncertainty of death, insufficient information from medical professionals and fear of multilation. The child''s age was not significantly associated with intention to donate. Concordance between the results and actual donation rates in Canada and the United States supports the generalizability of the survey findings.  相似文献   

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