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Laboratory studies suggest that animals may be capable of compensatory growth after periods of food shortage. There is, however, a lack of field experiments investigating the incidence and consequences of compensatory growth in the wild, and the relevance of compensatory responses in natural populations has recently been questioned. Here we addressed the hypotheses that (1) food restriction during critical growth periods can induce compensatory growth, and (2) that compensatory growth is associated with delayed costs in natural populations. These hypotheses were addressed by (1) manipulating the food intake of brown trout in spring, (2) measuring growth rate responses over the first month following release, and (3) measuring growth and mortality (i.e. recapture rate) over the subsequent fall and winter. We found that brown trout restored lost body weight and condition within a month, providing the first experimental demonstration of compensatory growth in the wild. However, no delayed costs of the compensatory response could be detected within the timespan of the experiment. We suggest that wild brown trout have an adapted "buffer capacity" to withstand fluctuations in food supply, allowing restoration of lost lipid reserves when feeding conditions improve. However, when prolonged food deprivation affect structural components, compensation may not be possible without compromising long-term performance.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses including avoidance behaviour of brown trout, Salmo trutta, juveniles were tested in waters of different pH (4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 7.0) without Al additions, and with and without Al (< 10, 70 and 190 g labile Al l-1) at pH 5.0. Single fish were tested in a tank where control (pH 7.0, < 10 g labile Al l-1) and the various acid water qualities could be separated, and where the fish could swim freely. Each test lasted for one hour and included a five-min acclimation period in control water, a 15-min mixing period, and an additional 40-min test period after the chemical gradient was established. When Al was added at pH 5.0, the fish showed significant avoidance at the highest Al concentration, and spent on average 32% of the time in the acid, Al-rich side versus 68% in the control side. This avoidance response increased with time during the test period. Brown trout juveniles showed significant attraction to low pH water at pH 4.0 (p < 0.05), pH 4.5 (p < 0.001) and pH 5.0 (p < 0.05) (67, 74 and 68% of the time spent in the acid side, respectively), whereas no attraction/avoidance was demonstrated at pH 5.5. The lack of avoidance in the low pH treatments was associated with reduced activity in the acid side, and may have been caused by a slight elevation of free CO2 within the test apparatus.  相似文献   

The temporal stability of trace element concentrations in fertilized, artificially incubated anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta eggs and newly hatched fry was investigated. The anadromous status of the parental fish was confirmed using strontium isotopic analysis of otoliths. Whilst manganese concentrations in eggs varied over time, concentrations of aluminium, potassium, magnesium, strontium, barium and calcium were all unchanged 1 week and 6 weeks post‐fertilization as well as in recently hatched larvae. The results clearly suggest that the distinctive trace element signature present in the eggs and newly hatched larvae of anadromous S. trutta (typically characterized by high strontium, low barium) is stable over time. Therefore analysis of the trace element composition of eggs is concluded to be a cost‐effective and reliable method for determining the spatial and temporal extent of upstream spawning migration by anadromous salmonids. The temporal variability of at least one element in this study suggests the stability of untested multi‐element signatures cannot automatically be assumed.  相似文献   

The population biology of the fish acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus clavula was described from 161 wild brown trout, Salmo trutta sampled over a two-year period in Clogher Lake in the west of Ireland. Overall prevalence of the parasite was 86% and the mean abundance was 53 worms per fish. Despite the presence of large numbers of worms in the trout very few females (2%) attained full reproductive maturity. This suggests that trout is an accidental host. A sample of yellow eels, Anguilla anguilla was examined at a different time from the same lake. The prevalence of A. clavula was 97% and the average abundance was 8 worms per fish. In contrast to the situation in trout, the proportion of female worms attaining full reproductive maturity was 61% fulfilling the expected characteristic of a preferred definitive host. The possible explanations for the very high abundance of A. clavula in trout are discussed and include the influence of fluctuations in host populations, host diet and the absence of a potential competitor.  相似文献   

Effects of intraspecific competition intensities on the relative performance (growth and movement) of juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta originating from nine different families were tested in tank experiments and in semi-natural streams. Both growth and movement differed consistently among families, indicating genetic variation in these traits. There were no significant interaction effects, however, between the intensity of competition and family origin on performance in either of the two experimental systems. Thus, genetic variation in response to competition intensity appeared to be limited in the population from which the juveniles used in this experiment originate.  相似文献   

We examined specimens of the macrostigma trout Salmo macrostigma, which refers to big black spots on the flanks, to assess whether it is an example of taxonomic inflation within the brown trout Salmo trutta complex. Using new specimens, publicly available data and a mitogenomic protocol to amplify the control and cytochrome b regions of the mitochondrial genome from degraded museum samples, including one syntype specimen, the present study shows that the macrostigma trout is not a valid species. Our results suggest the occurrence of a distinct evolutionary lineage of S. trutta in North Africa and Sicily. The name of the North African lineage is proposed for this lineage, which was found to be sister to the Atlantic lineage of brown trout, S. trutta.  相似文献   

This study examines seasonal and spatial patterns in the diet composition, stomach fullness and condition of a landlocked population of brown trout (2.5–61.3 cm) in the lake-fed River Laxá in NE-Iceland. The stomach contents consisted predominantly of benthic invertebrates, such as blackfly larvae Simulium vittatum (58%), chironomids (24%) and the freshwater snail Radix peregra (7%). The seasonal and spatial patterns of S. vittatum in the stomach contents were consistent with published studies on the life cycle and production of S. vittatum in the River Laxá. Close to the Lake Myvatn outlet (0–16 km), S. vittatum constituted 63% of the stomach content volume, and exhibited two peaks (i.e., generations) in its seasonal contribution to the stomach contents, whereas further downstream (16–35 km) S. vittatum constituted 45% of the volume and showed only clear evidence of one generation. Seasonal fluctuations in S. vittatum availability appear to affect the stomach fullness and the condition factor of the trout, especially close to the lake outlet where the fluctuations are pronounced.  相似文献   

We examined polymorphism at seven microsatellite loci among sea trout (Salmo trutta) (n = 846) collected from three areas in the Limfjord (Denmark). We then assessed their potential population source by comparing, using a mixed stock analysis (MSA) Bayesian framework, their genetic composition to that of brown trout collected from 32 tributaries pooled into nine geographical regions (n = 3801) and two hatcheries (n = 222) used for stocking. For each of the three regional sea trout groups (western, central and eastern Limfjord, n = 91, n = 426, n = 329, respectively), MSA was conducted with (i) all individuals in the group, (ii) with the subset of spawning sea trout only and (iii) with the subset of foraging, nonspawning individuals only, a subset that consisted primarily of sea trout caught during their first year at sea. For all three regional sea trout groups, a higher proportion of individuals (regardless of whether they were foraging or spawning) appear to have originated from the rivers that drain locally, than from the rivers that drain in other parts of the Limfjord. This suggests (1) that sea trout, at least during their first year at sea, undertake limited migrations within the Limfjord system and (2) that sea trout on their spawning run were caught close to their natal rivers. The proportion of sea trout of hatchery origin varied widely among all three Limfjord areas and broadly reflected regional stocking histories, with high proportions of sea trout of domestic origin in the east (39.3%), where stocking with domestic trout was practised intensely at the time of sampling, and in the west (57.2%), where a programme of coastal stocking of post smolts took place over several years in the early 1990s. In contrast, in the central Limfjord, where stocking with domestic trout was largely abandoned in the early 1990s, the proportion of sea trout of domestic origin was only 8.5%. Interestingly, for all three regional sea trout groups, virtually no sea trout of hatchery origin were found among the spawning individuals, which were on average larger than the nonspawning sea trout. These results suggest that stocked domestic brown trout that become anadromous experience high mortality at sea and are therefore largely absent among the larger, spawning individuals. We conclude that sea trout of domestic origin exhibit much reduced ability to reproduce and are unlikely to contribute significantly to the local gene pool largely because of a relatively high mortality at sea before the onset of maturity.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta is a potent global invader and its establishments have progressively altered physiologies, life-histories and niche-availabilities for native fish species. River impoundments further escalate its invasion potential. The Himalayan rivers however, stay uncharted for the effects of brown trout interactions with the native fish fauna. Snow trout Schizothorax richardsonii a Himalayan cold-water native, concerningly overlaps its range with brown trout. To understand its responses to invasion pressures, we investigated brown trout effects on the age and growth of snow trout populations in three rivers with varying levels of perturbation: (a) a dammed and (b) an undammed river with the invasive brown trout in comparison to (c) an undammed river without invasion pressures. We found sympatric snow trout in the undammed river to respond to brown trout invasion with fast life history responses, showing an early age-at-maturity (A50 = 1.2 years) and fast growth with a higher growth constant (K = 0.40 yr−1) and specific rate of linear growth across life. On the contrary, sympatric snow trout in the dammed river showed an explicitly slow life-history by maturing at a higher age (A50 = 2.9 years) and a slow growth, with a lower growth constant (K = 0.26 yr−1) and specific linear growth rates. Our findings suggest that, the snow trout appear to present stronger response to brown trout invasions when the river is unaltered and free from hydropower operations and damming. Further research is strongly warranted from other high-altitude Himalayan basins to delineate the variation in growth strategies exhibited by snow trout in sympatry with the invasives.  相似文献   

Intensive forestry and other activities that alter riparian vegetation may disrupt the connectivity and the flux of energy between terrestrial and aquatic habitats and have large effects on biota, especially in small streams. We manipulated the amount of in-stream wood and the flux of terrestrial invertebrate subsidies to determine how these factors affected potential food resources for drift-feeding brown trout (Salmo trutta ) in a boreal Swedish forest stream. Specifically, we followed the effects on the abundance of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate fauna from June to August 2007. The treatments were 1) addition of wood, unmanipulated terrestrial invertebrate inputs, 2) reduction of terrestrial invertebrate inputs (using canopy covers), no addition of wood, 3) unmanipulated ambient conditions, 4) simultaneous addition of wood and reduction of terrestrial invertebrate inputs. Added wood resulted in greater biomass of aquatic invertebrate biomass, and both input and drift of terrestrial invertebrates were reduced by canopy covers. In terms of total potential prey biomass, the addition of wood with ambient levels of terrestrial invertebrate inputs had the highest standing crop of benthic, wood-living and terrestrial invertebrates combined, whereas the treatment with reduced terrestrial input and no wood added had the lowest standing crop. Our study indicates that forest practices that both reduce the recruitment of wood and the input of terrestrial invertebrates to small streams have negative effects on prey availability for drift-feeding brown trout. The positive effects of wood addition on biomass of aquatic macroinvertebrates may partly compensate for the negative effects of reduced terrestrial invertebrate subsidies.  相似文献   

A negative correlation between female gonadal maturation kinetics and size variations of hepatic peroxisomes was earlier documented in brown trout, as a probable impact of serum estrogen changes during the reproductive cycle. Herein, we investigated whether the organelle volume/surface dynamics seen in female brown trout liver peroxisomes – without numerical changes within each hepatocyte – is followed by variations in the expression of the membrane peroxisome protein Pex11α gene. For comparison, we also studied males. We find in females a seasonal variation with the highest Pex11α expression in February, which was statistically different from all other tested periods. Overall, the expression of PEX11α had over a fivefold decrease from February to September. This period coincides with the reproductive transition between the earlier post-spawning gonadal remodeling and preparatory staging and the pre-spawning period. Males did not show changes. Our approach allowed the first characterization of a peroxin gene in a teleost, the Pex11α, while offering a correlation scenario were, as we hypothesized, the peroxisomal size kinetics is paralleled by membrane-related gene alterations (measured herein as proxy of Pex11α gene expression). Our data support and expand previous results on the regulation, function and morphology of peroxisome dynamics in brown trout, with a broader interest.  相似文献   

The ratio of strontium to calcium concentration in the otolith of four species of Tribolodon (Cyprinidae) was examined to reveal their migratory histories. The ratio was relatively stable from the core to the edge of the otolith in fluvial Tribolodon ezoe and T. hakonensis, whereas it changed from a low level to a higher level in anadromous T. brandtii and T. hakonensis. Four specimens of T. nakamurai from the Mogami River, Yamagata Prefecture, northern Japan, showed relatively stable ratios, indicating a fluvial life mode. On the other hand, the ratio increased once in only one specimen of T. nakamurai from the Koyoshi River of Akita Prefecture, suggesting the possibility that it was born in the Mogami River, the nearest major habitat of this species, and accidentally migrated to the Koyoshi River through the sea.  相似文献   

We have studied levels and distribution of genetic variation in nine isolated populations of Brown trout in NW Spain. In the present study, we have tried to test the importance of preservation of genetic variability for the survival of a set of isolated Brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from the same river drainage. We screened genetic variation in three different markers, mitochondrial, microsatellites and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), presumed to be under different selective pressures. Overall, genetic diversity varied considerably across populations and the distribution of genetic variation was similar at MHC and microsatellites; highly polymorphic populations at the microsatellite loci were also highly polymorphic at the MHC. We also observed high levels of differentiation among populations. Although we found evidence suggesting that balancing selection has influenced the long term evolution of the MHC, genetic drift seems to have eroded the effect of selection, becoming the predominant evolutionary force shaping genetic variation in some of the smaller populations. Despite current lack of variation at the MHC, these small populations seem to have remained viable for a long time.  相似文献   

The migratory history of Sakhalin taimen, Hucho perryi, was examined in terms of strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) uptake in the otolith by using wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry on an electron microprobe. Otolioth Sr:Ca ratios of freshwater-reared samples remained consistently at low levels throughout the otolith. The Sr:Ca ratios of samples from Lake Aynskoye of Sakhalin Island showed a low value from the core up to a point of 700–2140µm. Thereafter, the ratios increased sharply and remained at higher levels up to the outermost regions. The difference in Sr:Ca ratio might be the result of the presence of individuals that underwent seawater and freshwater life history phases, probably reflecting the ambient salinity or the seawater–freshwater gradient in Sr concentration. Otolith Sr:Ca ratio analysis revealed downstream migration history in H. perryi.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial haplotype diversity in 27 populations of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in Austria was investigated by sequencing the 5' end of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Although all populations are within the Danube drainage, 44% of all individuals carried Atlantic basin haplotypes. It is argued that the presence of these haplotypes in Austria primarily reflects introgression stemming from the stocking of hatchery-reared fish. However, several lines of evidence suggest that some natural colonization from Atlantic lineages may have contributed to the present haplotype diversity. Nonetheless, the more diverse Danubian clade is represented by regionally distinct haplotype diversity that should be protected from the continued introduction of domesticated strains of exogenous fish  相似文献   

To reveal the mechanisms of sedimental H2S accumulation, annual investigations on sedimental environments were conducted in two temperate estuarine lagoons. The lagoons, Gamo and Idoura (Japan), have similar shapes, locations, and topographical properties but different degrees of H2S accumulation. Water stagnation causes a high phytoplankton biomass (Chl. a; 26–52 g l–1) in the inner Gamo Lagoon. Gamo Lagoon sediment was characterized by high bounded sulfides (bounded Smainly FeS) and H2S contents, and low C/N ratios (mean = 10.4) and iron (reactive Fe2+ and total Fe) contents. H2S was not detected in Idoura Lagoon where phytoplankton biomass was much lower (Chl. a; 0.6–4 g l–1). Idoura Lagoon sediment had high C/N ratios (mean=17.9) and high iron contents. The C/N ratio difference implies that organic matter in Gamo Lagoon originates mainly from more decomposable phytoplankton, while organic matter in Idoura Lagoon derives mainly from terrestrial vascular plants with lower decomposability. The excess loading of phytoplanktonic detritus in Gamo accelerates sedimentary microbial activity, including sulfate reduction (i.e., H2S production). High Fe2+and low bounded S contents in Idoura sediment indicate a high chemical buffering capacity toward H2S. In contrast, almost all Fe2+ in Gamo Lagoon had already reacted with H2S as FeS. H2S accumulation in Gamo Lagoon is caused by low sedimentary chemical buffering capacity toward H2S, as well as higher microbial H2S production, caused by the excess loading of phytoplanktonic detritus.  相似文献   

In this study, 34 anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta were equipped with acoustic transmitters in order to examine whether they performed avoidance behaviour in response to a CFT Legumin (rotenone) treatment in the Norwegian River Vefsna. Migratory behaviour of the S. trutta was monitored by use of 15 automatic listening stations and manual tracking in the lower part of the river, in the estuary and in the fjord. None of the studied S. trutta survived the rotenone treatment and no indications of successful avoidance behaviour were observed.  相似文献   

The stocking of hatchery-origin fish into rivers and lakes has long been used in fisheries management to try to enhance catches, especially for trout and salmon species. Frequently, however, the long-term impacts of stocking programmes have not been evaluated. In this study, the authors investigate the contribution of a stocking programme undertaken to support the rod catch of sea trout in the Shetland Islands, UK. Once a highly productive recreational fishery, Shetland sea trout catches crashed in the mid-1990s. Around the time that stocking began, increases in rod catches were also reported, with advocates of the stocking highlighting the apparent success of the programme. Using a suite of genetic markers (microsatellites), this study explores the contribution of the stocking programme to the Shetland sea trout population. The authors found that the domesticated broodstock and wild spawned brown trout from seven streams were genetically distinct. Despite extensive stocking, wild spawned brown trout dominated, even in those streams with a long history of supplementation. The majority of sea trout caught and analysed were of wild origin – only a single individual was of pure stocked origin, with a small number of fish being of wild × stocked origins. This study suggests that stocking with a domesticated strain of brown trout has made only a very limited contribution to the Shetland Islands rod catch, and that the revival of sea trout numbers appears to be driven almost exclusively by recovery of trout spawned in the wild.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization may occur in situations of recent contact between a colonizer and a resident species, being more intense in the colonization front. Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout S. trutta have been sympatric species since their origin and they share spatial and temporal spawning niches, exhibiting low levels of bidirectional interspecific hybridization and introgression throughout their distribution range. Different causes have been identified for increased hybridization, from escapes or deliberate releases of domesticated fish to sneaking male behavior. We have examined hybridization rates and direction in different situations of advance of one of these species into a territory formerly inhabited by the other (247 samples were analyzed in northern Spain and 487 in Kerguelen Islands). In all cases, hybrids found in the colonization front were offspring of colonizer females and resident males. We hypothesize that these findings are the result of adaptive relaxed mate choice of colonizing females, regardless of the relative abundance of each species.  相似文献   

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