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Human DNA ligase I (hLigI) joins Okazaki fragments during DNA replication and completes excision repair via interactions with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and replication factor C (RFC). Unlike proliferating cell nuclear antigen, the interaction with RFC is regulated by hLigI phosphorylation. To identity of the site(s) involved in this regulation, we analyzed phosphorylated hLigI purified from insect cells by mass spectrometry. These results suggested that serine 51 phosphorylation negatively regulates the interaction with RFC. Therefore, we constructed versions of hLigI in which serine 51 was replaced with either alanine (hLigI51A) to prevent phosphorylation or aspartic acid (hLigI51D) to mimic phosphorylation. hLigI51D but not hLigI51A was defective in binding to purified RFC and in associating with RFC in cell extracts. Although DNA synthesis and proliferation of hLigI-deficient cells expressing either hLig51A or hLig51 was reduced compared with cells expressing wild-type hLigI, cellular senescence was only observed in the cells expressing hLigI51D. Notably, these cells had increased levels of spontaneous DNA damage and phosphorylated CHK2. In addition, although expression of hLigI51A complemented the sensitivity of hLigI-deficient cells to a poly (ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor, expression of hLig151D did not, presumably because these cells are more dependent upon PARP-dependent repair pathways to repair the damage resulting from the abnormal DNA replication. Finally, neither expression of hLigI51D nor hLigI51A fully complemented the sensitivity of hLigI-deficient cells to DNA alkylation. Thus, phosphorylation of serine 51 on hLigI plays a critical role in regulating the interaction between hLigI and RFC, which is required for efficient DNA replication and repair.  相似文献   

Mechanisms controlling DNA replication and replication checkpoint are critical for the maintenance of genome stability and the prevention or treatment of human cancers. Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) is a key effector protein kinase that regulates the DNA damage response and replication checkpoint. The heterohexameric minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex is the core component of mammalian DNA helicase and has been implicated in replication checkpoint activation. Here we report that Chk1 phosphorylates the MCM3 subunit of the MCM complex at Ser-205 under normal growth conditions. Mutating the Ser-205 of MCM3 to Ala increased the length of DNA replication track and shortened the S phase duration, indicating that Ser-205 phosphorylation negatively controls normal DNA replication. Upon replicative stress treatment, the inhibitory phosphorylation of MCM3 at Ser-205 was reduced, and this reduction was accompanied with the generation of single strand DNA, the key platform for ataxia telangiectasia mutated and Rad3-related (ATR) activation. As a result, the replication checkpoint is activated. Together, these data provide significant insights into the regulation of both normal DNA replication and replication checkpoint activation through the novel phosphorylation of MCM3 by Chk1.  相似文献   

In metazoans, the highly conserved MAPK signaling pathway regulates cell fate decision. Aberrant activation of this pathway has been implicated in multiple human cancers and some developmental disorders. KSR1 functions as an essential scaffold that binds the individual components of the cascade and coordinates their assembly into multiprotein signaling platforms. The mechanism of KSR1 regulation is highly complex and not completely understood. In this study, we identified Tyr728 as a novel regulatory phosphorylation site in KSR1. We show that Tyr728 is phosphorylated by LCK, uncovering an additional and unexpected link between Src kinases and MAPK signaling. To understand how phosphorylation of Tyr728 may regulate the role of KSR1 in signal transduction, we integrated structural modeling and biochemical studies. We demonstrate that Tyr728 is involved in maintaining the conformation of the KSR1 kinase domain required for binding to MEK. It also affects phosphorylation and activation of MEK by RAF kinases and consequently influences cell proliferation. Moreover, our studies suggest that phosphorylation of Tyr728 may affect the intrinsic kinase activity of KSR1. Together, we propose that phosphorylation of Tyr728 may regulate the transition between the scaffolding and the catalytic function of KSR1 serving as a control point used to fine-tune cellular responses.  相似文献   

The recognition and signaling of DNA double strand breaks involves the participation of multiple proteins, including the protein kinase ATM (mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia). ATM kinase is activated in the vicinity of the break and is recruited to the break site by the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex, where it is fully activated. In human cells, the activation process involves autophosphorylation on three sites (Ser(367), Ser(1893), and Ser(1981)) and acetylation on Lys(3016). We now describe the identification of a new ATM phosphorylation site, Thr(P)(1885) and an additional autophosphorylation site, Ser(P)(2996), that is highly DNA damage-inducible. We also confirm that human and murine ATM share five identical phosphorylation sites. We targeted the ATM phosphorylation sites, Ser(367) and Ser(2996), for further study by generating phosphospecific antibodies against these sites and demonstrated that phosphorylation of both was rapidly induced by radiation. These phosphorylations were abolished by a specific inhibitor of ATM and were dependent on ATM and the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex. As found for Ser(P)(1981), ATM phosphorylated at Ser(367) and Ser(2996) localized to sites of DNA damage induced by radiation, but ATM recruitment was not dependent on phosphorylation at these sites. Phosphorylation at Ser(367) and Ser(2996) was functionally important because mutant forms of ATM were defective in correcting the S phase checkpoint defect and restoring radioresistance in ataxia-telangiectasia cells. These data provide further support for the importance of autophosphorylation in the activation and function of ATM in vivo.  相似文献   

The continuous assembly and disassembly of focal adhesions is required for efficient cell spreading and migration. The G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein 1 (GIT1) is a multidomain protein whose dynamic localization to sites of cytoskeletal remodeling is critically involved in the regulation of these processes. Here we provide evidence that the subcellular localization of GIT1 is regulated by protein kinase D3 (PKD3) through direct phosphorylation on serine 46. GIT1 phosphorylation on serine 46 was abrograted by PKD3 depletion, thereby identifying GIT1 as the first specific substrate for this kinase. A GIT1 S46D phosphomimetic mutant localized to motile, paxillin-positive cytoplasmic complexes, whereas the phosphorylation-deficient GIT1 S46A was enriched in focal adhesions. We propose that phosphorylation of GIT1 on serine 46 by PKD3 represents a molecular switch by which GIT1 localization, paxillin trafficking, and cellular protrusive activity are regulated.  相似文献   

Dynamic microtubule changes after a cell stress challenge are required for cell survival and adaptation. Stathmin (STMN), a cytoplasmic microtubule-destabilizing phosphoprotein, regulates interphase microtubules during cell stress, but the signaling mechanisms involved are poorly defined. In this study ectopic expression of single alanine-substituted phospho-resistant mutants demonstrated that STMN Ser-38 and Ser-63 phosphorylation were specifically required to maintain interphase microtubules during hyperosmotic stress. STMN was phosphorylated on Ser-38 and Ser-63 in response to hyperosmolarity, heat shock, and arsenite treatment but rapidly dephosphorylated after oxidative stress treatment. Two-dimensional PAGE and Phos-tag gel analysis of stress-stimulated STMN phospho-isoforms revealed rapid STMN Ser-38 phosphorylation followed by subsequent Ser-25 and Ser-63 phosphorylation. Previously, we delineated stress-stimulated JNK targeting of STMN. Here, we identified cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) signaling as responsible for stress-induced STMN Ser-63 phosphorylation. Increased cAMP levels induced by cholera toxin triggered potent STMN Ser-63 phosphorylation. Osmotic stress stimulated an increase in PKA activity and elevated STMN Ser-63 and CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) Ser-133 phosphorylation that was substantially attenuated by pretreatment with H-89, a PKA inhibitor. Interestingly, PKA activity and subsequent phosphorylation of STMN were augmented in the absence of JNK activation, indicating JNK and PKA pathway cross-talk during stress regulation of STMN. Taken together our study indicates that JNK- and PKA-mediated STMN Ser-38 and Ser-63 phosphorylation are required to preserve interphase microtubules in response to hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a physiological regulator of glucose homeostasis and adiposity and is a drug target for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Here we identify pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) as a novel PTP1B substrate in adipocytes. PTP1B deficiency leads to increased PKM2 total tyrosine and Tyr105 phosphorylation in cultured adipocytes and in vivo. Substrate trapping and mutagenesis studies identify PKM2 Tyr-105 and Tyr-148 as key sites that mediate PTP1B-PKM2 interaction. In addition, in vitro analyses illustrate a direct effect of Tyr-105 phosphorylation on PKM2 activity in adipocytes. Importantly, PTP1B pharmacological inhibition increased PKM2 Tyr-105 phosphorylation and decreased PKM2 activity. Moreover, PKM2 Tyr-105 phosphorylation is regulated nutritionally, decreasing in adipose tissue depots after high-fat feeding. Further, decreased PKM2 Tyr-105 phosphorylation correlates with the development of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in rodents, non-human primates, and humans. Together, these findings identify PKM2 as a novel substrate of PTP1B and provide new insights into the regulation of adipose PKM2 activity.  相似文献   

DDB2 exhibits a high affinity toward UV-damaged DNA, and it is involved in the initial steps of global genome nucleotide excision repair. Mutations in the DDB2 gene cause the genetic complementation group E of xeroderma pigmentosum, an autosomal recessive disease manifested clinically by hypersensitivity to sunlight exposure and an increased predisposition to skin cancer. Here we found that, in human cells, the initiating methionine residue in DDB2 was removed and that the N-terminal alanine could be methylated on its α-amino group in human cells, with trimethylation being the major form. We also demonstrated that the α-N-methylation of DDB2 is catalyzed by the N-terminal RCC1 methyltransferase. In addition, a methylation-defective mutant of DDB2 displayed diminished nuclear localization and was recruited at a reduced efficiency to UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer foci. Moreover, loss of this methylation conferred compromised ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) activation, decreased efficiency in cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer repair, and elevated sensitivity of cells toward UV light exposure. Our study provides new knowledge about the posttranslational regulation of DDB2 and expands the biological functions of protein α-N-methylation to DNA repair.  相似文献   

In the TLR4 signaling pathways, we previously characterized a signal regulator, LRRFIP2, that modulates the time course-dependent changes in NF-κB activity through its dynamic interaction with the TLR adaptor protein, MyD88. However, little is known about the driving force behind the LPS-inducible dynamics between LRRFIP2 and MyD88. We have therefore designed a multiplex label-free quantitative proteomics method to investigate dynamic changes of LRRFIP2 phosphorylation upon LPS stimulation. Given our observation that LRRFIP2 binds to MyD88 through its serine-rich domain in which most of serine residues have the propensity to be phosphorylated, we used collision-activated dissociation- and electron transfer dissociation-based methods in a complementary manner to unambiguously localize phosphorylation sites in the peptides constituting the serine-rich domain. Among 23 phosphorylation sites identified and first quantified by the label-free approach and then verified by the AACT/SILAC (amino acid-coded tagging/stable isotope labeling in cell culture)-based quantitation method, phosphorylation at serine 202 showed a significant LPS-induced dynamic change during the full-course cellular response to LPS stimulation. The substitution of serine 202 with nonphosphorylated residues by site-directed mutagenesis resulted in a weakened LRRFIP2-MyD88 interaction and a concurrently reduced activity in downstream NF-κB. Taking these results together, phosphorylation at serine 202 was found to regulate the dynamics of the LRRFIP2-MyD88 interaction, which in turn modulated the strength and duration of TLR4 signaling. Strategically, we have demonstrated the importance of precise identification of the biologically relevant phosphorylation site(s) using comprehensive mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics approaches in guiding downstream biological characterization experiments, which could otherwise be both time- and cost-consuming for a large number of phosphorylation possibilities.  相似文献   

Mammalian Timeless is a multifunctional protein that performs essential roles in the circadian clock, chromosome cohesion, DNA replication fork protection, and DNA replication/DNA damage checkpoint pathways. The human Timeless exists in a tight complex with a smaller protein called Tipin (Timeless-interacting protein). Here we investigated the mechanism by which the Timeless-Tipin complex functions as a mediator in the ATR-Chk1 DNA damage checkpoint pathway. We find that the Timeless-Tipin complex specifically mediates Chk1 phosphorylation by ATR in response to DNA damage and replication stress through interaction of Tipin with the 34-kDa subunit of replication protein A (RPA). The Tipin-RPA interaction stabilizes Timeless-Tipin and Tipin-Claspin complexes on RPA-coated ssDNA and in doing so promotes Claspin-mediated phosphorylation of Chk1 by ATR. Our results therefore indicate that RPA-covered ssDNA not only supports recruitment and activation of ATR but also, through Tipin and Claspin, it plays an important role in the action of ATR on its critical downstream target Chk1.  相似文献   

Structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain containing 1 (SMCHD1) has been shown to be involved in gene silencing and DNA damage. However, the exact mechanisms of how SMCHD1 participates in DNA damage remains largely unknown. Here we present evidence that SMCHD1 recruitment to DNA damage foci is regulated by 53BP1. Knocking out SMCHD1 led to aberrant γH2AX foci accumulation and compromised cell survival upon DNA damage, demonstrating the critical role of SMCHD1 in DNA damage repair. Following DNA damage induction, SMCHD1 depletion resulted in reduced 53BP1 foci and increased BRCA1 foci, as well as less efficient non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and elevated levels of homologous recombination (HR). Taken together, these results suggest an important function of SMCHD1 in promoting NHEJ and repressing HR repair in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Cytidine triphosphate synthetase (CTPS) is the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo CTP synthesis and is required for the formation of RNA, DNA, and phospholipids. This study determined the kinetic properties of the individual human CTPS isozymes (hCTPS1 and hCTPS2) and regulation through substrate concentration, oligomerization, and phosphorylation. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that both hCTPS1 and hCTPS2 were maximally active at physiological concentrations of ATP, GTP, and glutamine, whereas the Km and IC50 values for the substrate UTP and the product CTP, respectively, were close to their physiological concentrations, indicating that the intracellular concentrations of UTP and CTP may precisely regulate hCTPS activity. Low serum treatment increased hCTPS2 phosphorylation, and five probable phosphorylation sites were identified in the hCTPS2 C-terminal domain. Metabolic labeling of hCTPS2 with [32P]H3PO4 demonstrated that Ser568 and Ser571 were two major phosphorylation sites, and additional studies demonstrated that Ser568 was phosphorylated by casein kinase 1 both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, mutation of Ser568 (S568A) but not Ser571 significantly increased hCTPS2 activity, demonstrating that Ser568 is a major inhibitory phosphorylation site. The S568A mutation had a greater effect on the glutamine than ammonia-dependent activity, indicating that phosphorylation of this site may influence the glutaminase domain of hCTPS2. Deletion of the C-terminal regulatory domain of hCTPS1 also greatly increased the Vmax of this enzyme. In summary, this is the first study to characterize the kinetic properties of hCTPS1 and hCTPS2 and to identify Ser568 as a major site of CTPS2 regulation by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Expression of the VACM-1/cul5 gene in endothelial and in cancer cell lines in vitro inhibits cellular proliferation and decreases phosphorylation of MAPK. Structure-function analysis of the VACM-1 protein sequence identified consensus sites specific for phosphorylation by protein kinases A and C (PKA and PKC) and a Nedd8 protein modification site. Mutations at the PKA-specific site in VACM-1/Cul5 (S730AVACM-1) sequence resulted in increased cellular growth and the appearance of a Nedd8-modified VACM-1/Cul5. The aim of this study was to examine if PKA-dependent phosphorylation of VACM-1/Cul5 controls its neddylation status, phosphorylation by PKC, and ultimately growth. Our results indicate that in vitro transfection of rat adrenal medullary endothelial cells with anti-VACM-1-specific small interfering RNA oligonucleotides decreases endogenous VACM-1 protein concentration and increases cell growth. Western blot analysis of cell lysates immunoprecipitated with an antibody directed against a PKA-specific phosphorylation site and probed with anti-VACM-1-specific antibody showed that PKA-dependent phosphorylation of VACM-1 protein was decreased in cells transfected with S730AVACM-1 cDNA when compared with the cytomegalovirus-transfected cells. This change was associated with increased modification of VACM-1 protein by Nedd8. Induction of PKA activity with forskolin reduced modification of VACM-1 protein by Nedd8. Finally, rat adrenal medullary endothelial cells transfected with S730AVACM-1/cul5 cDNA and treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (10 and 100 nm) to induce PKC activity grew significantly faster than the control cells. These results suggest that the antiproliferative effect of VACM-1/Cul5 is dependent on its posttranslational modifications and will help in the design of new anticancer therapeutics that target the Nedd8 pathway.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the APP-like proteins 1 and 2 (APLP1 and APLP2) are a family of multidomain transmembrane proteins possessing homo- and heterotypic contact sites in their ectodomains. We previously reported that divalent metal ions dictate the conformation of the extracellular APP E2 domain (Dahms, S. O., Könnig, I., Roeser, D., Gührs, K.-H., Mayer, M. C., Kaden, D., Multhaup, G., and Than, M. E. (2012) J. Mol. Biol. 416, 438–452), but unresolved is the nature and functional importance of metal ion binding to APLP1 and APLP2. We found here that zinc ions bound to APP and APLP1 E2 domains and mediated their oligomerization, whereas the APLP2 E2 domain interacted more weakly with zinc possessing a less surface-exposed zinc-binding site, and stayed monomeric. Copper ions bound to E2 domains of all three proteins. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analyses examined the effect of metal ion binding to APP and APLPs in the cellular context in real time. Zinc ions specifically induced APP and APLP1 oligomerization and forced APLP1 into multimeric clusters at the plasma membrane consistent with zinc concentrations in the blood and brain. The observed effects were mediated by a novel zinc-binding site within the APLP1 E2 domain as APLP1 deletion mutants revealed. Based upon its cellular localization and its dominant response to zinc ions, APLP1 is mainly affected by extracellular zinc among the APP family proteins. We conclude that zinc binding and APP/APLP oligomerization are intimately linked, and we propose that this represents a novel mechanism for regulating APP/APLP protein function at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The Hippo pathway controls organ size and tumorigenesis by inhibiting cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis. KIBRA was recently identified as a novel regulator of the Hippo pathway. Several of the components of the Hippo pathway are important regulators of mitosis-related cell cycle events. We recently reported that KIBRA is phosphorylated by the mitotic kinases Aurora-A and -B. However, the role KIBRA plays in mitosis has not been established. Here, we show that KIBRA activates the Aurora kinases and is required for full activation of Aurora kinases during mitosis. KIBRA also promotes the phosphorylation of large tumor suppressor 2 (Lats2) on Ser83 by activating Aurora-A, which controls Lats2 centrosome localization. However, Aurora-A is not required for KIBRA to associate with Lats2. We also found that Lats2 inhibits the Aurora-mediated phosphorylation of KIBRA on Ser539, probably via regulating protein phosphatase 1. Consistent with playing a role in mitosis, siRNA-mediated knockdown of KIBRA causes mitotic abnormalities, including defects of spindle and centrosome formation and chromosome misalignment. We propose that the KIBRA-Aurora-Lats2 protein complexes form a novel axis that regulates precise mitosis.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory RNAs frequently dysregulated in disease and following cellular stress. Investigators have described changes in miR-15b expression following exposure to several stress-inducing anticancer agents, including ionizing radiation (IR), etoposide, and hydrogen peroxide. However, the role for miR-15b as a mediator of cellular injury in organs such as the lung has yet to be explored. In this study, we examined miR-15b expression patterns as well as its potential role in DNA damage and repair in the setting of IR exposure. We showed that miR-15b is up-regulated in a dose- and time-dependent manner in human bronchial epithelial cells following IR. miR-15b expression was highest after 2 h of IR and decreased gradually. Survival rates following IR were also higher in miR-15b/16-2-overexpressing cells. Cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase and an increased DNA repair response were observed in IR-exposed miR-15b/16-2 stable cells. We observed an up-regulation of components of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)/Chek1/p53 pathway in miR-15b/16-2-overexpressing cells after IR. Moreover, a pathway-based PCR expression array of genes demonstrated that miR-15b/16-2 overexpression significantly induced the expression of genes involved in ATM/ataxia telangiectasia and Rad-3-related (ATR) signaling, apoptosis, the cell cycle, and DNA repair pathways. Here we demonstrated a novel biological link between miR-15b and DNA damage and cellular protection in lung cells. We identified Wip1 (PPM1D) as a functional target for miR-15b and determined that miR-15b induction of the DNA damage response is partially dependent upon suppression of Wip1. Our study suggests that miR-15b/Wip1 could be a potential therapeutic target in radiation-induced lung disease.  相似文献   

In vivo phosphorylation sites of the tobacco calcium-dependent protein kinases NtCDPK2 and NtCDPK3 were determined in response to biotic or abiotic stress. Stress-inducible phosphorylation was exclusively located in the variable N termini, where both kinases were phosphorylated differentially despite 91% overall sequence identity. In NtCDPK2, serine 40 and threonine 65 were phosphorylated within 2 min after stress. Whereas Thr65 is subjected to intra-molecular in vivo autophosphorylation, Ser40 represents a target for a regulatory upstream protein kinase, and correct NtCDPK2 membrane localization is required for Ser40 phosphorylation. NtCDPK3 is phosphorylated at least at two sites in the N terminus by upstream kinase(s) upon stress stimulus, first at Ser54, a site not present in NtCDPK2, and also at a second undetermined site not identical to Ser40. Domain swap experiments established that differential phosphorylation of both kinases is exclusively determined by the respective N termini. A cell death-inducing response was only observed upon expression of a truncated variant lacking the junction and calcium-binding domain of NtCDPK2 (VK2). This response required protein kinase activity and was reduced when subcellular membrane localization was disturbed by a mutation in the myristoylation and palmitoylation site. Our data indicate that CDPKs are integrated in stress-dependent protein kinase signaling cascades, and regulation of CDPK function in response to in vivo stimulation is dependent on its membrane localization.  相似文献   

p21(Waf1/Cip1) protein levels respond to DNA damage; p21 is induced after ionizing radiation, but degraded after UV. p21 degradation after UV is necessary for optimal DNA repair, presumably because p21 inhibits nucleotide excision repair by blocking proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Because p21 also inhibits DNA mismatch repair (MMR), we investigated how p21 levels respond to DNA alkylation by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), which triggers the MMR system. We show that MNNG caused rapid degradation of p21, and this involved the ubiquitin ligase Cdt2 and the proteasome. p21 degradation further required MSH2 but not MLH1. p21 mutants that cannot bind PCNA or cannot be ubiquitinated were resistant to MNNG. MNNG induced the formation of PCNA complexes with MSH6 and Cdt2. Finally, when p21 degradation was blocked, MNNG treatment resulted in reduced recruitment of MMR proteins to chromatin. This study describes a novel pathway that removes p21 to allow cells to efficiently activate the MMR system.  相似文献   

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