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Na+, K(+)-ATPase--a protein complex of plasmatic membrane, which performs the dual function: firstly, it supports the Na+ and K+ homeostasis, and also transmembrane potential gradient, secondly, it serves as the transducer of signals and as the regulator of the expression of many key genes. Endogenous cardiotonic steroids, which are synthesized in the adrenal glands and hypothalamus, serve as the signal molecules. New concepts about the mechanisms of the realization of the Na+, K(+)-ATPase signal function and their connection with cellular functions, apoptosis, and with pathologies of cardiovascular system and water-salt homeostasis are described in the survey.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase (EC is an important membrane-bound enzyme. In this paper, kinetic studies on Na+/K+-ATPase were carried out under mimetic physiological conditions. By using microcalorimeter, a thermokinetic method was employed for the first time. Compared with other methods, it provided accurate measurements of not only thermodynamic data (deltarHm) but also the kinetic data (Km and Vmax). At 310.15K and pH 7.4, the molar reaction enthalpy (deltarHm) was measured as -40.514 +/- 0.9kJmol(-1). The Michaelis constant (Km) was determined to be 0.479 +/- 0.020 mM and consistent with literature data. The reliability of the thermokinetic method was further confirmed by colorimetric studies. Furthermore, a simple and reliable kinetic procedure was presented for ascertaining the true substrate for Na+/K+-ATPase and determining the effect of free ATP. Results showed that the MgATP complex was the real substrate with a Km value of about 0.5mM and free ATP was a competitive inhibitor with a Ki value of 0.253 mM.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase activity from human erythrocyte membranes and commercial porcine cerebral cortex by in vitro single and simultaneous exposure to digoxin and gitoxin was investigated to elucidate the difference in the mechanism of the enzyme inhibition by structurally different cardiac glycosides. The drugs exerted a biphasic dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the enzyme activity in both tissues, supporting the existence of two sensitive Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms. The IC50 values for the low and high affinity isoforms were calculated from the inhibition curves using mathematical analysis. The Hill coefficient (n) fulfilled the relationship 1 < n < 3, suggesting cooperative binding of inhibitors to the enzyme. Kinetic analysis showed that digoxin and gitoxin inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase by reducing the maximum enzymatic velocity (Vmax) and Km, implying an uncompetitive mode of interaction. Both the isoforms were always more sensitive to gitoxin. The erythrocyte enzyme was more sensitive to the inhibitors in the range of low concentrations but the commercial cerebral cortex enzyme exerted a higher sensitivity in high inhibitors affinity concentration range. By simultaneous exposure of the enzyme to digoxin and gitoxin in combinations a synergistic effect was achieved by low inhibitor concentrations. An antagonistic effect was obtained with erythrocyte membrane enzyme at high inhibitors concentration.  相似文献   

Ethanol disorders biological membranes causing perturbations in the bilayer and also by altering the physicochemical properties of membrane lipids. But, chronic alcohol consumption also increases nitric oxide (NO) production. There was no systemic study was done related to alcohol-induced production of NO and consequent formation of peroxynitrite mediated changes in biophysical and biochemical properties, structure, composition, integrity and function of erythrocyte membranes in chronic alcoholics. Hence, keeping all these conditions in mind the present study was undertaken to investigate the role of over produced nitric oxide on red cell membrane physicochemical properties in chronic alcoholics. Human male volunteers aged 44 ± 6 years with similar dietary habits were divided into two groups, namely nonalcoholic controls and chronic alcoholics (~125 g of alcohol at least five times per week for the past 10–12 years). Elevated nitrite and nitrate levels in plasma and lysate, changes in erythrocyte membrane individual phospholipid composition, increased lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls, cholesterol and phospholipids ratio (C/P ratio) and anisotropic value (γ) with decreased sulfhydryl groups and Na+/K+-ATPase activity in alcoholics was evident from this study. RBC lysate NO was positively correlated with C/P ratio (r = 0.547) and anisotropic (γ) value (r = 0.428), Na+/K+-ATPase activity was negatively correlated with RBC lysate NO (r = ?0.372) and anisotropic (γ) value (r = ?0.624) in alcoholics. Alcohol-induced overproduction of nitric oxide reacts with superoxide radicals to produce peroxynitrite, which appears to be responsible for changes in erythrocyte membrane lipids and the activity of Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Experiments with the reconstituted (Na+ + K+)-ATPase show that besides the ATP-dependent cytoplasmic Na(+)-K+ competition for Na+ activation there is a high affinity inhibitory effect of cytoplasmic K+. In contrast to the high affinity K+ inhibition seen with the unsided preparation at a low ATP especially at a low temperature, the high affinity inhibition by cytoplasmic K+ does not disappear when the ATP concentration an-or the temperature is increased. The high affinity inhibition by cytoplasmic K+ is also observed with Cs+, Li+ or K+ as the extracellular cation, but the fractional inhibition is much less pronounced than with Na+ as the extracellular cation. The results suggest that either there are two populations of enzyme, one with the normal ATP dependent cytoplasmic Na(+)-K+ competition, and another which due to the preparative procedure has lost this ATP sensitivity. Or that the normal enzyme has two pathways for the transition from E2-P to E1ATP. One on which the enzyme with the translocated ion binds cytoplasmic K+ with a high affinity but not ATP, and another on which ATP is bound but not K+. A kinetic model which can accommodate this is suggested.  相似文献   

Oxidized metabolites of polyunsaturated fatty acids produced by lipoxygenase are among the endogenous regulators of Na+/K+-ATPase. The direct effect of lipoxygenase on Na+/K+-ATPase activity was assessed in vitro using soybean lipoxygenase. Treatment of 4.2 microg/mL Na+/K+-ATPase (from dog kidneys) with 4.2 microg/mL of soybean lipoxygenase caused 20+/-2% inhibition of ATPase activity. A 10-fold increase in lipoxygenase concentration (41.6 microg/mL) led to 30+/-0.3% inhibition. In the presence of 12 microg/mL phenidone (a lipoxygenase inhibitor) and 15.4 microg/mL glutathione (a tripeptide containing a cysteine residue) inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase activity was blocked and an increase in ATPase activity was observed. The presence of lipoxygenase enhanced the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase activity caused by 20 ng/mL ouabain (31+/-2 vs. 19+/-2) but had little or no effect with higher concentrations of ouabain. These findings suggest that lipoxygenase may regulate Na+/K+-ATPase by acting directly on the enzyme.  相似文献   

The enzymatic differentiation of various tissues is under hormonal control in the perinatal period. Since the regulation of Na+/K+-ATPase has not been explored prenatally, the aim of this study was to determine the corticosteroid sensitivity of sodium pump maturation in the fetal period. Na+/K+-ATPase activity was both measured in kidney homogenates of fetal rats and localized by in-situ histochemistry. Sodium pump activity was first quantifiable on day 18 of fetal development as 1.4 +/- 0.17 mumol Pi/h per mg protein, and was increased 3.4-times by day 22 of gestation. While the Na+/K+-ATPase activity was the most intense in cortical tubules at an earlier fetal age (18th and 19th day), the reaction product in the medullary tubules increased with fetal age, becoming highly intense on the 21st and 22nd day of gestation. From the 18th to 21st day of fetal development homogenate Na+/K+-ATPase activity increased as a function of chronologic age. While mineralocorticoids were without any effect on Na+/K+-ATPase activity, on the last day of the fetal development, the glucocorticoid dexamethasone proved to be successful in stimulating enzyme activity in corticosteroid-suppressed animals. According to our results, glucocorticoid hormones seem to be operating as an endogenous driving force for sodium pump maturation at the end of fetal development.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is known to affect the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, including Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. To gain insight into the mechanism of cholesterol's effect, we have used various hydrophobic fluorescent probes which insert into different regions of the membrane bilayer and report on the degree of hydration of their environment. Specifially, we have measured the generalized polarization of Laurdan and the lifetime of DPH and derivatives of DPH inserted into membranes from pig kidneys enriched in Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Spectral measurements were also carried out on these membranes after modification of their cholesterol content. The generalized polarization of Laurdan increased with increasing cholesterol, showing an abrupt modification at the native cholesterol content. The fluorescence lifetimes of DPH and the DPH derivatives were analyzed using a distribution model. The center value of these lifetime distributions and their widths also changed with increasing cholesterol. One DPH derivative, DPH-PC, showed a minimum value for the lifetime center at the native cholesterol concentration, whereas the other derivatives showed a maximum value for the lifetime center at that cholesterol concentration. DPH-PC is known to sense the protein-lipid interface, whereas the other derivatives sense the bulk lipid phase. These data suggest that hydration at the protein-lipid interface is maximal at the native cholesterol concentration as is the enzymatic activity. Hydration at the protein-lipid interface is therefore proposed to be required for activity. These results are in agreement with current models of membrane dynamics and thermodynamics of protein function.  相似文献   

Isozymes of the Na+/K+-ATPase   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  

Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium, potassium adenosine triphosphatase, EC activity has been studied in whole erythrocytes from rats over time of total food deprivation for 1, 3, 5, 7–8, and 10–12 days with free access to water. Changes in Na+/K+-ATPase activity have been found to be phase-specific, i.e., associated with periods of certain metabolism level. After the hunger state and accommodation to endogenous nutrition (phases 0-I), from the 3rd to the 7th–8th day a period of compensated accommodation begins (phase II characterized by a stable euglycemic state, while the level of plateau of protein losses and hormonal stimulation are achieved). The Na+/K+-ATPase activity changes during the phase II were insignificant (p > 0.05), but potassium loss was observed in erythrocytes and blood plasma from the 5th day of starvation onwards. The phase III (the 10th–12th days) is an onset of the terminal period characterized by the lower activities of Na+/K+-ATPase (ouabain-sensitive activity) and Mg2+-ATPase (ouabain-independent activity) and by reduced sodium plasma levels that previously had remained virtually unchanged. There are considered possible causes of the observed decrease in the Na+/K+-ATPase activity during prolonged starvation, such as aging of the circulating erythrocyte population (the absence of reticulocytes and young erythrocytes), depletion of cell energy resources (hypoglycemia and glycopenia), effect of endogenous ouabain, and endotoxemia.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase activity was determined in striated muscles with different aerobic capacities. The underlying hypothesis was that different aerobic capacities are reflective of different contractile activity which imposes greater demands on sarcolemmal ion translocation and may thus set Na pumping capacity. The added ion translocation demands required during exercise-training on Na+/K+-ATPase activity in different muscle fiber types may require an adaptation of this enzyme. The highest and lowest Na+/K+-ATPase activity was in the heart and white gastrocnemius muscle (WG), respectively. A high linear correlation existed between Na+/K+-ATPase activity and succinate dehydrogenase activity in the six muscles studied. Exercise-training did not increase Na+/K+-ATPase activity in any of the muscles, but did increase the aerobic capacity, except in the heart and WG. It was concluded that Na+/K+-ATPase activity has a high positive correlation with the aerobic capacity of striated muscles in the rat and that the Na pump capacity does not adapt to exercise-training of 1 hr X day-1 as does aerobic capacity.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol and several other phospholipids were tested for their ability to influence the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity of the cortical synaptic membrane from rats at various levels of free Ca2+. Phosphatidylinositol, but not phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine nor phosphatidylserine, markedly inhibited this enzyme activity, when the free Ca2+ concentration in the incubation media was less than 2.5 X 10(-6) M. This result suggests that phosphatidylinositol may play a role in the depolarization and/or the release of neurotransmitters or intracellular substances in the brain.  相似文献   

To evaluate previously proposed functions of renal caveolar Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, we modified the standard procedures for the preparation of the purified membrane-bound kidney enzyme, separated the caveolar and noncaveolar pools, and compared their properties. While the subunits of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase (α,β,γ) constituted most of the protein content of the noncaveolar pool, the caveolar pool also contained caveolins and major caveolar proteins annexin-2 tetramer and E-cadherin. Ouabain-sensitive Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activities of the two pools had similar properties and equal molar activities, indicating that the caveolar enzyme retains its ion transport function and does not contain nonpumping enzyme. As minor constituents, both caveolar and noncaveolar pools also contained Src, EGFR, PI3K, and several other proteins known to be involved in stimulous-induced signaling by Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, indicating that signaling function is not limited to the caveolar pool. Endogenous Src was active in both pools but was not further activated by ouabain, calling into question direct interaction of Src with native Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Chemical cross-linking, co-immunoprecipitation, and immunodetection studies showed that in the caveolar pool, caveolin-1 oligomers, annexin-2 tetramers, and oligomers of the α,β,γ-protomers of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase form a large multiprotein complex. In conjunction with known roles of E-cadherin and the β-subunit of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase in cell adhesion and noted intercellular β,β-contacts within the structure of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, our findings suggest that interacting caveolar Na(+)/K(+)-ATPases located at renal adherens junctions maintain contact of two adjacent cells, conduct essential ion pumping, and are capable of locus-specific signaling in junctional cells.  相似文献   

A method is described for studying the coupling ratio of the Na+/K+ pump, i.e., the ratio of pump-mediated fluxes of Na+ and K+, in a reconstituted system. The method is based on the comparison of the pump-generated current with the rate of K+ transport. Na+/K+-ATPase from kidney is incorporated into the membrane of artificial lipid vesicles; ATPase molecules with outward-oriented ATP-binding site are activated by addition of ATP to the medium. Using oxonol VI as a potential-sensitive dye for measuring transmembrane voltage, the pump current is determined from the change of voltage with time t. In a second set of experiments, the membrane is made selectively K+-permeable by addition of valinomycin, so that the membrane voltage U is equal to the Nernst potential of K+. Under this condition, dU/dt reflects the change of intravesicular K+ concentration and thus the flux of K+. Values of the Na+/K+ coupling ratio determined in this way are close to 1.5 in the experimental range (10-75 mM) of extravesicular (cytoplasmic) Na+ concentrations.  相似文献   

Microsomal preparations with Na+/K+-dependent ATPase activity from the outer medulla of rabbit and pig kidney were obtained. Purifications were assaied by centrifugation on sucrose discontinuous gradients and gel-filtration on Sepharose 6B, after detergent incubation. Sodium dodecylsulfate, with ATP as protecting agent, can remove a maximal amount of non specific proteins from the membranes and allows the recovery of a fraction with very high specific activity. The approach to purification by affinity chromatography techniques leads to interesting results, which induce us to pursue the present researchs to applicate an affinity method to Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The Na+,K+-ATPase belongs to the P-ATPase family, whose characteristic property is the formation of a phosphorylated intermediate. The enzyme is also a defined target for cardiotonic steroids which inhibit its functional activity and initiate intracellular signaling. Here we describe the 4.6 ? resolution crystal structure of the pig kidney Na+,K+-ATPase in its phosphorylated form stabilized by high affinity binding of the cardiotonic steroid ouabain. The steroid binds to a site formed at transmembrane segments αM1-αM6, plugging the ion pathway from the extracellular side. This structure differs from the previously reported low affinity complex with potassium. Most importantly, the A domain has rotated in response to phosphorylation and αM1-2 move towards the ouabain molecule, providing for high affinity interactions and closing the ion pathway from the extracellular side. The observed re-arrangements of the Na+,K+-ATPase stabilized by cardiotonic steroids may affect protein-protein interactions within the intracellular signal transduction networks.  相似文献   

The human placenta plays an essential role in embryo development, in particular regulating the transport of ions, nutrients and immunoglobulins from the maternal to the fetal circulation. Trophoblast organization into a syncytial layer involves structural and functional steps that may be monitored and elucidated by in vitro studies. The structural stages by which the syncytial trophoblast is formed are not yet understood. In order to clarify the mechanism of trophoblast development, we studied the morphological characteristics of the syncytial trophoblast formation in culture and the functional changes (transport properties and membrane microviscosity) accompanying the structural modifications. By using both 5-nitroxystearate and 16-nitroxystearate as spin labels, we observed an initial increase in membrane order over 0-24 h of culture, which can be associated with two events: recovery of cell membranes from trypsin and initial aggregation of cytotrophoblasts. The similar behaviour of the order parameters determined with both probes indicates that membrane order changes both inside and in the outer part of the lipid bilayer. The subsequent decrease in membrane order observed at 36-48 h might be related to the process of cellular fusion. The increase in sodium/potassium pump activity in the first 24 h of culture might be an expression of cell recovery following trypsin treatment. The subsequent decrease might represent an adaptive mechanism by which metabolic energy is mainly used for morphogenetic changes.  相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis, the renal Na+/K+-dependent ATPase is a very important enzyme involved in osmoregulatory processes and active transport. The enzyme was obtained from a microsome fraction purified by sucrose discontinuous gradient (10%, 15%, 29.4%) ultracentrifugation after SDS treatment, and concentrated in the denser layer. The assayed biochemical parameters and their values are: 1) Km (ATP): 0.24 mM; 2) K1/2 (Na+): 20.6 mM; 3) K1/2 (K+) 1.6 mM; 4) Ki (ouabain): 0.025 micrometer; 5) optimum pH: 7.2; 6) optimum temperature:" two peaks at 37 degrees C and 45 degrees C.  相似文献   

Two K+ ATP channel blockers, 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) and glyburide, are often used to study cross-talk between Na+/K+-ATPase and these channels. The aim of this work was to characterize the effects of these blockers on purified Na+/K+-ATPase as an aid to appropriate use of these drugs in studies on this cross-talk. In contrast to known dual effects (activating and inhibitory) of other fatty acids on Na+/K+-ATPase, 5-HD only inhibited the enzyme at concentrations exceeding those that block mitochondrial K+ ATP channels. 5-HD did not affect the ouabain sensitivity of Na+/K+-ATPase. Glyburide had both activating and inhibitory effects on Na+/K+-ATPase at concentrations used to block plasma membrane K+ ATP channels. The findings justify the use of 5-HD as specific mitochondrial channel blocker in studies on the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase, but question the use of glyburide as a specific blocker of plasma membrane K+ ATP channels, when the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase is being studied.  相似文献   

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