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The taxonomy of clupeiforms has been extensively studied, yet phylogenetic relationships among component taxa remain controversial or unresolved. Here we test current and new hypotheses of relationships among clupeiforms using mitochondrial rRNA genes (12S and 16S) and nuclear RAG1 and RAG2 sequences (total of 4749bp) for 37 clupeiform taxa representing all five extant families and all subfamilies of Clupeiformes, except Pristigasterinae, plus seven outgroups. Our results, based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of these data, show that some traditional hypotheses are supported. These include the monophyly of the families Engraulidae, consisting of two monophyletic subfamilies, Engraulinae (Engraulis and Anchoa) and Coilinae (Coilia and Setipinna), and Pristigasteridae (here represented only by Ilisha and Pellona). The basal position of Denticeps among clupeiforms is consistent with the molecular data when base compositional biases are accounted for. However, the monophyly of Clupeidae was not supported. Some clupeids were more closely related to taxa assigned to Pristigasteridae and Chirocentridae (Chirocentrus). These results suggest that a major revision in the classification of clupeiform fishes may be necessary, but should await a more complete taxonomic sampling and additional data.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the Poaceae subfamily, Pooideae, were estimated from the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The entire ITS region of 25 species belonging to 19 genera representing seven tribes was directly sequenced from polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA fragments. The published sequence of rice, Oryza saliva, was used as the outgroup. Sequences of these taxa were analyzed with maximum parsimony (PAUP) and the neighbor-joining distance method (NJ). Among the tribes, the Stipeae, Meliceae and Brachypodieae, all with small chromosomes and a basic number more than x=7, diverged in succession. The Poeae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae, with large chromosomes and a basic number of x=7, form a monophyletic clade. The Poeae and Aveneae are the sister group of the Bromeae and Triticeae. On the ITS tree, the Brachypodieae is distantly related to the Triticeae and Bromeae, which differs from the phylogenies based on restriction-site variation of cpDNA and morphological characters. The phylogenetic relationships of the seven pooid tribes inferred from the ITS sequences are highly concordant with the cytogenetic evidence that the reduction in chromosome number and the increase in chromosome size evolved only once in the pooids and pre-dated the divergence of the Poeae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae.This paper reports factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitableThis paper is a cooperative investigation of USDA-ARS and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Logan, Utah 84322. Journal Paper No. 4581  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan family Porellaceae includes about 60 species in two or three genera: the large genus Porella and the monospecific Ascidiota and Macvicaria (alternatively Porella subg. Macvicaria). Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference of phylogeny of a dataset including three markers (rbcL, trnL-trnF region of cp DNA, nrITS region) of 96 accessions resulted in similar topologies supporting the generic status of Ascidiota. Macvicaria is nested in a subclade of Porella. Relationships among species of Porella are in general well resolved and many terminal nodes achieve good statistical support whereas basal relationships are at best moderately supported. Multiple accessions of single species are usually placed in monophyletic lineages. Accessions of P. platyphylla split into a European and a North American clade with one accession from North America embedded within the European samples. The Macaronesian endemic P. inaequalis is closely related to the Asian species P. grandiloba. Porella obtusata and P. canariensis cannot be separated on the basis of the sequence data presented in this study. The molecular topologies indicate a range extension of the Asian P. gracillima subsp. urogea to Eastern North America and of the Neotropical P. swartziana to South Africa. Current supraspecific classifications of Porella are not reflected in the molecular topologies with a correlation between genetic variation and the geographical distribution of the related accessions rather than a correlation between genetic variation and morphology.  相似文献   

Both nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast trnL-F sequences were acquired for 57 species (accessions) of Lysimachia and its close relatives, and were analyzed together with sequences retrieved from databases. The results of phylogenetic analyses based on these data (separately or combined) show that Lysimachia is paraphyletic, with the monotypic genus Glaux nested deeply inside. Previous suggestions that Anagallis and Trientalis could be ingroups of Lysimachia were not corroborated by our results. The molecular phylogenies do not support the current infrageneric divisions of Lysimachia. Subgenus Lysimachia contains at least five independent lineages. The Hawaii endemic subgenus Lysimachiopsis was shown to group with subgenera Palladia and Heterostylandra, instead of subgenus Idiophyton as previously suggested. The two North American representatives of Lysimachia, subgenus Seleucia and section Verticillatae of subgenus Lysimachia are group together as the most basal clade of the genus. Parallel and independent evolutions were inferred for morphological characters that were previously used as diagnostic criteria. Molecular phylogenies do not offer clear inferences on the overall historical biogeography of Lysimachia, but Southeast Asia origins of several clades, including the Hawaiian endemic clade and the Iberian Lysimachia ephemerum are strongly supported.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of representative species of Chinese ranids was reconstructed using two nuclear (tyrosinase and rhodopsin) and two mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) DNA fragments. Maximum parsimony, Bayesian, and maximum likelihood analyses were employed. In comparison with the results from nuclear and mitochondrial data, we used nuclear gene data as our preferred phylogenetic hypothesis. We proposed two families (Ranidae, Dicroglossidae) for Chinese ranids, with the exception of genus Ingerana. Within Dicroglossidae, four tribes were supported including Dicroglossini, Paini, Limnonectini, and Occidozygini. A broader sampling strategy and evidence from additional molecular markers are required to decisively evaluate the evolutionary history of Chinese ranids.  相似文献   

Cotoneaster Medik. (Rosaceae, Maloideae) is distributed in Europe, North Africa, and temperate areas of Asia except Japan. Members of the genus exhibit considerable morphological variation. The infrageneric classification is also obscured by polyploidy, hybridization, and apomixis. In this study, phylogenetic analyses were conducted to test infrageneric classifications of this genus using DNA sequence data from the nuclear ITS (nrITS) region and three chloroplast intergenic spacer regions. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of both datasets agreed with the two sections/subgenera of Koehne’s classification system, and suggested that four subsections (Microphylli, Chaenopetalum, Adpressi, and Cotoneaster) and the series of Koehne’s classification system were non-monophyletic. The incongruence length difference test indicated that the nrITS and cpDNA datasets were significantly incongruent (P = 0.001), and the placement of 14 species was discordant in phylogenetic trees derived from the two datasets. Within Cotoneaster, hybridization was indicated to be an important factor contributing to the incongruence between the nrITS and cpDNA data. By mapping nine morphological characters onto the combined nrITS–cpDNA phylogenetic tree, we inferred that a deciduous habit, glabrous fruit, white anthers, erect and light pink petals, and white filaments are plesiomorphic character states in Cotoneaster.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among medaka fishes of 2 genera, Oryzias and Xenopoecilus, were studied using the nuclear tyrosinase and mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Of the 23 species currently described for these genera, 13 species of Oryzias and 2 species of Xenopoecilus were examined. The tree topologies obtained from the nuclear and mitochondrial data were consistent, indicating that Xenopoecilus is a polyphyletic genus nested within Oryzias. This result suggested the necessity for a systematic study and taxonomic revision of Xenopoecilus. The combined data analysis of all data partitions resulted in a well-resolved tree, with most internal branches supported by high statistical values. Based on our combined data phylogeny, we divided the Oryzias species into three major species groups, namely the latipes, javanicus, and celebensis groups. These three groups corresponded to the three chromosomal groups (biarmed, monoarmed, and fused chromosome groups) previously proposed from karyological analyses. The phylogeographic pattern suggests historical vicariance between Sulawesi Island and the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both Mirza coquereli and Allocebus trichotis are still unclear. The taxonomic status of the recently discovered Microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of Microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. A approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial DNA sequence including part of the COIII gene, complete ND3, ND4L, and ND4 genes, and 5 tRNAs was used to clarify relationships among cheirogaleids. Mirza and Microcebus form a clade representing the sister group of Allocebus, with a clade containing Cheirogaleus major and Cheirogaleus medius diverging first. M. ravelobensis and Microcebus rufus form a subclade within Microcebus, with M. murinus as its sister group. The molecular data support the generic status of Mirza coquereli and species-level divergence of M. ravelobensis. Furthermore, "M. rufus" may well represent more than one species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of ten wild species and several cultivars ofForsythia were reconstructed based on the chloroplast (cp) DNA variation. A total of 216 cpDNA variants, 44 of which were potentially phylogenetically informative, was detected using 24 restriction endonucleases. Phylogenetic analysis usingFontanesia andAbeliophyllum as outgroups revealed four well defined species groups in the genus: 1)F. suspensa, 2)F. europaea — F. giraldiana, 3)F. ovata — F. japonica — F. viridissima, and 4)F. koreana — F. manshurica — F. saxatilis. The amount of support for each monophyletic group was evaluated by various methods including character number, decay analysis, parsimony bootstrapping, Neighbour-Joining (NJ) — bootstrapping, NJ-jackknifing, and the topology-dependent permutation tail probability (T-PTP) test. The data do not support the hybrid origin ofF. intermedia fromF. suspensa andF. viridissima. The disjunctly distributed European species,F. europaea, was identified as a sister species of the ChineseF. giraldiana and it was probably derived through recent long distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Ge S  Li A  Lu BR  Zhang SZ  Hong DY 《American journal of botany》2002,89(12):1967-1972
Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene matK for 26 species representing 11 genera of the tribe Oryzeae and three outgroup species. The sequenced fragments varied from 1522 base pairs (bp) to 1534 bp in length with 15.4% variable and 7.9% phylogenetically informative sites when the outgroups were excluded. The aligned sequences were analyzed by maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining methods. Analyses of the sequence data indicated that species of Oryzeae form a strongly supported monophyletic group, concordant with previous morphological and anatomical evidence. The tribe Oryzeae can be divided into two monophyletic lineages, corresponding to the traditionally recognized subtribes Oryzinae and Zizaniinae. The first subtribe consists of Oryza and Leersia, while the subtribe Zizaniinae includes the remaining genera. The matK sequence data did not support the close affinities of the monoecious genera in Oryzeae, implying the possibility of multiple origins of the floral structures in the tribe. It is noteworthy that Porteresia coarctata is closely related to Oryza species, suggesting that it should be treated as a member in the genus Oryza rather than a separate monotypic genus.  相似文献   

Moenkhausia is one of the most speciose genera in Characidae, currently composed of 75 nominal species of small fishes distributed across South American hydrographic basins, primarily the Amazon and Guyanas. Despite the large number of described species, studies involving a substantial number of its species designed to better understand their relationships and putative monophyly are still lacking. In this study, we analysed a large number of species of Moenkhausia to test the monophyly of the genus based on the phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. The in‐group included 29 species of Moenkhausia, and the out‐group was composed of representatives of Characidae and other members of Characiformes. All species of Moenkhausia belong to the same clade (Clade C); however, they appear distributed in five monophyletic groups along with other different genera, which means that Moenkhausia is polyphyletic and indicates the necessity of an extensive revision of the group.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Pedetidae, represented by a single species Pedetes capensis, is controversial, reflecting in part the retention of both Hystricomorphous and Sciurognathous characteristics in this rodent. In an attempt to clarify the species evolutionary relationships, mtDNA gene sequences from 10 rodent species (representing seven families) were analyzed using phenetic, parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods of phylogenetic inference; the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (Order Lagomorpha), and cow, Bos taurus (Order Artiodactyla), were used as outgroups. Investigation of 714 base pairs of the protein-coding cytochrome b gene indicate strong base bias at the third codon position with significant rate heterogeneity evident between the three structural domains of this gene. Similar analyses conducted on 816 base pairs of the 12S rRNA gene revealed a transversion bias in the loop sections of all taxa. The cytochrome b gene sequences proved useful in resolving associations between closely related species but failed to produce consistent tree topologies at the family level. In contrast, phylogenetic analysis of the 12S rRNA gene resulted in strong support for the clustering of Pedetidae/Heteromyidae/Geomyidae and Muridae in one clade to the exclusion of the Hystricidae/Thryonomyidae and Sciuridae, a finding which is concordant with studies of rodent fetal membranes as well as reproductive and other anatomical features.   相似文献   

DNA sequences from the first intron of the nuclear gene rhodopsin (RDP1) and from the mitochondrial gene ND2 were used to construct a phylogeny of the avian family Megapodiidae. RDP1 sequences evolved about six times more slowly than ND2 and showed less homoplasy, substitution bias, and rate heterogeneity across sites. Analysis of RDP1 produced a phylogeny that was well resolved at the genus level, but RDP1 did not evolve rapidly enough for intrageneric comparisons. The ND2 phylogeny resolved intrageneric relationships and was congruent with the RDP1 phylogeny except for a single node: this node was the only aspect of tree topology sensitive to weighting in parsimony analyses. Despite differences in sequence evolution, RDP1 and ND2 contained congruent phylogenetic signal and were combined to produce a phylogeny that reflects the resolving power of both genes. This phylogeny shows an early split within the megapodes, leading to two major clades: (1) Macrocephalon and the mound-building genera Talegalla, Leipoa, Aepypodius, and Alectura, and (2) Eulipoa and Megapodius. It differs significantly from previous hypotheses based on morphology but is consistent with affiliations suggested by a recent study of parasitic chewing lice.  相似文献   

Caryophyllaceae is a principally holarctic family including around 2200 species often classified into the three subfamilies Alsinoideae, Caryophylloideae, and Paronychioideae. Complex and possibly homoplasious morphological characters within the family make taxa difficult to delimit and diagnose. To explore part of the morphological evolution within the family, we investigated the phylogeny of the Caryophyllaceae by means of analyzing plastid and nuclear sequence data with parsimony and Bayesian methods. We describe a mode of tracing a stable phylogenetic signal in ITS sequences, and a significant common signal is shared with the plastid data. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yield some differences in tree resolution. None of the subfamilies appear monophyletic, but the monophyly of the Caryophylloideae is not contradicted. Alsinoideae are paraphyletic, with Arenaria subg. Eremogone and Minuartia subg. Spergella more closely related to the Caryophylloideae. There is strong support for the inclusion of Spergula-Spergularia in an Alsinoideae-Caryophylloideae clade. Putative synapomorphies for these groupings are twice as many stamens as number of sepals and a caryophyllad-type of embryogeny. Paronychioideae form a basal grade, where tribe Corrigioleae are sister to the rest of the family. Free styles and capsules with simple teeth are possibly plesiomorphic for the family.  相似文献   

More than 10 species within the freshwater fish genus Sinoncyclocheilus adapt to caves and show different degrees of degeneration of eyes and pigmentation. Therefore, this genus can be useful for studying evolutionary developmental mechanisms, role of natural selection and adaptation in cave animals. To better understand these processes, it is indispensable to have background knowledge about phylogenetic relationships of surface and cave species within this genus. To investigate phylogenetic relationships among species within this genus, we determined nucleotide sequences of complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) and partial ND4 gene (1032 bp) of 31 recognized ingroup species and one outgroup species Barbodes laticeps. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using maximum parsimony, Bayesian, and maximum likelihood analyses. Our phylogenetic results showed that all species except for two surface species S. jii and S. macrolepis clustered as five major monophyletic clades (I, II, III, IV, and V) with strong supports. S. jii was the most basal species in all analyses, but the position of S. macrolepis was not resolved. The cave species were polyphyletic and occurred in these five major clades. Our results indicate that adaptation to cave environments has occurred multiple times during the evolutionary history of Sinocyclocheilus. The branching orders among the clades I, II, III, and IV were not resolved, and this might be due to early rapid radiation in Sinocyclocheilus. All species distributed in Yunnan except for S. rhinocerous and S. hyalinus formed a strongly supported monophyletic group (clade V), probably reflecting their common origins. This result suggested that the diversification of Sinocyclocheilus in Yunnan may correlate with the uplifting of Yunnan Plateau.  相似文献   

The genusCheirolophus has an interesting western Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution. Here we investigate the delimitation of the genus and its exclusion from the large genusCentaurea, the systematic position of the related genusPaleocyanus, the delimitation of some species and the phylogeny of the group. We have carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the PCR-generated sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results suggest that the genus, includingPaleocyanus crassifolius is monophyletic; thus, a new combination of this species underCheirolophus is proposed. The Macaronesian group of species is also monophyletic, indicating a single colonization of the archipelago. The poor resolution of microspecies in the Macaronesian group reinforces the hypothesis of a very recent differentiation of the group.  相似文献   

This study investigates the molecular phylogeny of seven lionfishes of the genera Dendrochirus and Pterois. MP, ML, and NJ phylogenetic analysis based on 964 bp of partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and 16S rDNA) revealed two main clades: (1) "Pterois" clade (Pterois miles and Pterois volitans), and (2) "Pteropterus-Dendrochirus" clade (remainder of the sampled species). The position of Dendrochirus brachypterus either basal to the main clades or in the "Pteropterus-Dendrochirus" clade cannot be resolved. However, the molecular phylogeny did not support the current separation of the genera Pterois and Dendrochirus. The siblings P. miles and P. volitans are clearly separated and our results support the proposed allopatric or parapatric distribution in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. However, the present analysis cannot reveal if P. miles and P. volitans are separate species or two populations of a single species, because the observed separation in different clades can be either explained by speciation or lineage sorting. Molecular clock estimates for the siblings P. miles and P. volitans suggest a divergence time of 2.4-8.3 mya, which coincide with geological events that created vicariance between populations of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

We analyzed sequence data of the 18S rDNA gene from representatives of nine mycoparasitic or zooparasitic genera to infer the phylogenetic relationships of these fungi within the Zygomycota. Phylogenetic analyses identified a novel monophyletic clade consisting of the Zoopagales, Kickxellales, Spiromyces, and Harpellales. Analyses also identified a monophyletic mycoparasitic-zooparasitic Zoopagales clade in which Syncephalis, Thamnocephalis, and Rhopalomyces form a sister group to a Piptocephalis-Kuzuhaea clade. Although monophyly of the mycoparasitic Dimargaritales received strong bootstrap and decay index support, phylogenetic relationships of this order could not be resolved because of the unusually high rate of base substitutions within the 18S rDNA gene. Overall, the 18S gene tree topology is weak, as reflected by low bootstrap and decay index support for virtually all internal nodes uniting ordinal and superordinal taxa. Nevertheless, the 18S rDNA phylogeny is mostly consistent with traditional phenotypic-based classification schemes of the Fungi.  相似文献   

Regardless of the well-documented virilis species group, most groups of the Drosophila virilis section have not been completely studied at molecular level since it was suggested. Therefore, phylogenetic relationships among and within species groups of the virilis section are generally unknown. In present paper, the complete mitochondrial ND2 gene and fragment of COI gene in combination with a nuclear gene, Adh coding region, were used to derive the most extensive molecular phylogeny to date for the Drosophila virilis section. A total of 111 individuals covering 61 species were sampled in this study. Novel phylogenetic findings included (1) support for the paraphyly of the melanica and robusta species group and at least two subgroups of the robusta species group, the lacertosa and okadai subgroups, were distinguished as paraphyletic taxa. In addition, (2) present results revealed the sister relationship between D. moriwakii and the robusta subgroup, conflicting with current taxonomy regarding D. moriwakii, which was shifted from the robusta species group to the melanica group. (3) In contrast to the robusta and melanica species groups, monophyly of the polychaeta species group, the angor group and the virilis group was confirmed, respectively. However, the monophyletic quadrisetata species group was resolved with uncertainty. (4) Our analyses of combined data set suggested close relationship between the quadrisetata species group and the unpublished clefta group, and the okadai subgroup is sister to the clade comprising of the quadrisetata and clefta species groups. Within the virilis section, D. fluvialis and three tropical species groups, the polychaeta group, the angor group and the repleta group, are found to branch off earlier than other ingroup taxa. This suggests that the virilis section might have originated in the Old World tropics. Besides, the derived status of the close affinities of the quadrisetata group, the clefta group, and the melanica and robusta groups is probably the result of their adaptation to forests between subtropical and cool-temperate climate. Based on the consideration of the phylogenetic placement of the species of the virilis section, we suggest that at least five independent migrations occurred from the Old World to the New World.  相似文献   

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