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A phylogenetic analysis of Euphorbiaceae sensu stricto is presented using sequences from rbcL, atpB, matK and 18S rDNA from 85 species and 83 genera. The combined analysis of four molecular markers resulted in only one most parsimonious tree and also generated new supported clades, which include Euphorbioideae + Acalyphoideae s.s., subclades A2 + A3, subclades A5 + A6 and a clade uniting subclades A2–A8 within Acalyphoideae s.s. A palisadal exotegmen is a possible synapomorphy for all the Euphorbiaceae, except for the subfamily Peroideae. The presence of vascular bundles in the inner integument and a thick inner integument were shown to be synapomorphies for the clade of inaperturate and articulated crotonoids and for the large clade of Euphorbioideae, Acalyphoideae s.s., inaperturate and articulated crotonoids, respectively. Characters of the aril and vascular bundles in the outer integument are discussed. The selected embryological characters were seen to be highly correlated with the molecular phylogeny. When the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis of a previous study and this study were adjusted along with the selected embryological characters, all clades within Euphorbiaceae were supported except for a clade comprising Euphorbioideae + Acalyphoideae s.s. + inaperturate crotonoids + articulated crotonoids + Adenoclineae s.l. and a clade uniting subclades A4–A8 within Acalyphoideae s.s. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Acalyphoideae, the largest subfamily of Euphorbiaceae, are investigated with respect to ovule and seed structure on the basis of 172 species of 80 genera in all 20 tribes of Acalyphoideae sensu Webster. All species of Acalyphoideae examined have bitegmic ovules with a non-vascularized inner integument. However, noticeable differences exist among and sometimes within the genera in the thickness of the inner and outer integument, the presence or absence of vascular bundles in the outer integument, whether ovules are pachychalazal or not, the presence or absence of an aril, seed coat structure (in terms of the best-developed mechanical cell-layer), and the shape of cells constituting the exotegmen. For the latter two characters, two different types of seed coat (i.e., "exotegmic" and "exotestal") and three different types of exotegmic cell (i.e., palisadal, tracheoidal and ribbon-like) were distinguished. Comparisons showed that three tribes Clutieae, Chaetocarpeae and Pereae are distinct from the other Acalyphoideae as well as from the other Euphorbiaceae in having an exotestal seed coat with a tracheoidal exotegmen. The tribe Dicoelieae is also distinct from the other Acalyphoideae in having an exotegmic seed that is composed of ribbon-like cells of exotegmen (i.e., cells both longitudinally and radially elongated, sclerotic and pitted). The tribe Galearieae, which should be treated as a distinct family Pandaceae, is also distinct from the other Acalyphoideae in having an exotegmic seed with a tracheoidal exotegmen (i.e., cells longitudinally elongated, sclerotic and pitted). The remaining genera of Acalyphoideae always have an exotegmic seed with a palisadal exotegmen (i.e., cells radially elongated, sclerotic and pitted). The shared palisadal exotegmen supports the close affinity of Acalyphoideae (excluding five tribes) with Crotonoideae and Euphorbioideae. Within the remaining genera of Acalyphoideae, a significant diversity is found in ovule and seed morphology with respect to the thickness of the inner and outer integument, the size of chalaza, vascularization of an outer integument and an aril.  相似文献   

Ovule and seed structure in Euphorbioideae, one of the five euphorbiaceous subfamilies, is surveyed to evaluate its systematic implications on the basis of 79 species representing four of five tribes. All Euphorbioideae, like two other "uniovulate" subfamilies Acalyphoideae and Crotonoideae, but unlike most of two "biovulate" subfamilies Oldfieldioideae and Phyllanthoideae, consistently have a persistent and palisadal exotegmen composed of radially elongate, sclerotic, and pitted cells. Within Euphorbioideae, the tribe Stomatocalyceae (also with the palisadal exotegmen) is unusual in having vascular bundles in outer integument and clearly distinct from the remaining Euphorbioideae and the other "uniovulate" subfamilies. With the exclusion of Stomatocalyceae, Euphorbioideae are not anatomically divided into major groups such as a pseudanthial and a non-pseudanthial clade, but instead have some remarkable diversity within a tribe, a subtribe, and even a genus in the three ovule and seed characters: (1) the thickness of the inner integument, (2) the thickness of the outer integument, and (3) the presence or absence of an aril. Groups of genera and species wrapped by different combinations of their characteristics, however, are not necessarily harmonized with tribal or subtribal classifications available. Anatomical similarities and dissimilarities presented in this paper, as well as relationships among taxa presented in the classifications available, will be critically evaluated in the light of results of ongoing molecular phylogenetic analyses. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study dealt with six species of Acalyphoideae and 18 species of Euphorbioideae occurring in the Caatinga ecoregion, with emphasis on endemic species. Pollen samples were obtained from herbarium specimens and were acetolysed and analysed via light and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen of three genera of Acalyphoideae was medium to large, 3-colporate or 3-colpate, with an echinate-perforate exine that was reticulate, bireticulate, and microreticulate. The six genera of Euphorbioideae studied exhibited pollen grains that were small, medium and large; 3-colporate with margines; and an exine with microreticulate, microreticulate-rugulate, microreticulate-caveate, and reticulate ornamentation. The pollen characteristics were more variable in the Acalyphoideae compared to the relatively homogeneous Euphorbioideae. This study provides new data and interpretations of the pollen morphology of two subfamilies of the Euphorbiaceae of the Caatinga ecoregion in Brazil.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic analyses of Malpighiales, which are poorly understood with respect to relationships within the order, using sequences from rbcL, atpB, matK and 18SrDNA from 103 genera in 23 families. From several independent and variously combined analyses, a four-gene analysis using all sequence data provided the best resolution, resulting in the single most parsimonious tree. In the Malpighiales [bootstrap support (BS) 100%], more than eight major clades comprising a family or group of families successively diverged, but no clade containing more than six families received over 50% BS. Instead, ten terminal clades that supported close relationships between and among families (>50% BS) were obtained, between, for example, Balanopaceae and Chrysobalanaceae; Lacistemataceae and Salicaceae; and Phyllanthaceae and Picrodendraceae. The monophyly of Euphorbiaceae sens. str. were strongly supported (BS 100%), but its sister group was unclear. Euphorbiaceae sens. str. comprised two basally diverging clades (BS 100%): one leading to the Clutia group (Chaetocarpus, Clutia, Pera and Trigonopleura), and the other leading to the rest of the family. The latter shared a palisadal, instead of a tracheoidal exotegmen as a morphological synapomorphy. While both Acalyphoideae (excluding Dicoelia and the Clutia group) and Euphorbioideae are monophyletic, Crotonoideae were paraphyletic, requiring more comprehensive analyses.  相似文献   

The wood anatomy of 15 representative species belonging to 12 genera of nine tribes of the subfamily Crotonoideae (Euphorbiaceae) are comprehensively described with focus on systematic implications. In addition, ecological and evolutionary aspects are evaluated. An identification key to the species based on wood anatomical features is presented. The wood microstructure of the tribes was found to be considerably heterogeneous reflecting an unnatural classification of the subfamily. However, the results confirm the generic relationship within subtribe Aleuritinae and tribe Ricinodendreae. Vernicia and Givotia may be recognized based on wood anatomical and morphological characters. The tribes Micrandreae and Adenoclineae have considerable similarity in wood anatomy. The wood structure of the monogeneric tribes Trigonostemoneae and Geloneae idicate a close relationship with the tribe Crotoneae.  相似文献   

Inflorescences from the Claiborne Formation of western Tennessee are remarkably similar to those of the tribe Hippomaneae, subfamily Euphorbioideae, of the Euphorbiaceae. The fossil inflorescences are spikes of bract-subtended cymules of at least three florets each. Florets are composed of at least three stamens. Palynological features of the fossils are also shared by the Hippomaneae. Fossil pollen is tricolporate, prolate (26.9 × 20.6 μm; P/E = 1.3), with lalongate pores. Exine structure is tectate columellate with a perforate tectum. The exine is reticulate and the muri are conspicuously striate. These specimens represent the first fossil floral evidence of the Euphorbiaceae. It is surprising that inflorescences of the Hippomaneae so modern in aspect existed in the Middle Eocene, since the tribe is universally considered to be one of the most advanced in the family.  相似文献   

A comprehensive higher‐level phylogeny of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) based on larval characters is presented. Larval morphology and chaetotaxy of a broad range of genera and species was studied, covering all currently recognized subfamilies and tribes except for the small and geographically restricted Hydrodytinae, where the larva is unknown. The results suggest several significant conclusions with respect to the systematics of Dytiscidae including the following: monophyly of all currently recognized subfamilies, although Dytiscinae when considered in a broad context is rendered paraphyletic by Cybistrinae; currently recognized tribes are monophyletic except for Agabini, Hydroporini and Laccornellini; inter‐subfamily and inter‐tribe relationships generally show weak support, except for a few well supported clades; three distinct clades are recognized within Dytiscinae [Dytiscini sensu lato (i.e. including the genera Dytiscus Linnaeus and Hyderodes Hope), Hydaticini sensu lato, and Cybistrini]; and recognition of Pachydrini as a distinct tribe. Other less robust results include: Methlini sister to the rest of Hydroporinae; relative basal position of Laccornini, Hydrovatini and Laccornellini within Hydroporinae; close relationship of Agabinae and Copelatinae; Matinae nested deep within Dytiscidae, as sister to a large clade including Colymbetinae, Coptotominae, Lancetinae and Dytiscinae sensu lato; the sister‐group relationship of Agabetini and Laccophilini is confirmed. The results presented here are discussed and compared with previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on different datasets, and the evolution of some significant morphological features is discussed in light of the proposed phylogeny. All suprageneric taxa are diagnosed, including illustrations of all relevant synapomorphies, and a key to separate subfamilies and tribes is presented, both in traditional (paper) format and as an online Lucid interactive identification key.  相似文献   

Euphorbiaceae s.s. is one of the largest angiosperm families, comprising nine major lineages. Molecular analysis indicated a polyphyletic condition in the subfamily Crotonoideae s.l., with four lineages identified, including one termed inaperturate crotonoids, which encompasses the tribe Crotoneae. Anatomical data were obtained from 15 species of Croton sect. Cyclostigma (Griseb.) Müll. Arg., Brasiliocroton P. Berry & I. Cordeiro and Astraea Klotzsch, which belongs to this lineage. The presence and protodermal origin of the idioblasts with lipophilic content and the interruption of the palisade by collenchyma layers on the adaxial side of the mid vein are common to the Croton L. species analysed and Brasiliocroton. The presence of dorsiventrality, paracytic stomata, collateral vascular bundles, branched non-articulated laticifers and crystal idioblasts in the species studied indicates morphological similarities among the three genera. The interpretation of the stipite of the complex trichomes as emergences is a structural novelty for the group. Leaf anatomy provided an excellent source of characters for future studies of the tribe Crotoneae (Euphorbiaceae s.s., Malpighiales).  相似文献   

As part of an extensive study of pollen of Euphorbiaceae that combines transmission electron microscopy with scanning electron microscopy, distinctive exines are reported and documented for certain Acalyphoideae. Cheilosa and Neoscortechinia, which comprise the tribe Cheiloseae, are the only Acalyphoideae with an echinate tectum, but their apertures and exine structure do not support a relationship to Oldfieldioideae. In Ditaxis, one of the three mesocolpia is much smaller than the other two and the pollen can be easily distinguished from all other Euphorbiaceae. In SEM, the tectum of Pycnocoma appears almost complete, but in TEM the exine consists of irregular, mostly discrete tectal elements that narrow to points (=columellae) at the interface with the threadlike footlayer. The operculate grains of Alchornea and Boquillonia have exines with a poorly differentiated double layer of columellae in the mesocolpium, but nearer the endoaperture the lower tier becomes greatly elongated and appears to rest directly on the endexine. Plukenetia polyadenia has a complete tectum and a thick exine with a predominant infratectum of large, occasionally branched columellae that nearer the tectum are combined with densely spaced granules. Plukenetia penninervia has a reticulate tectum of crenate muri and short, sparse columellae. The pollen diversity in Acalyphoideae suggests that the subfamily, many tribes and even genera may not be monophyletic.  相似文献   

大戟科现代植物花粉形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大戟科21属33种植物的现代花粉形态进行了系统的形态学研究。选取的33种大戟科植物基本涵盖了该科绝大部分花粉形态类型。根据花粉的大小、形状、外壁表面纹饰, 结合大戟科亚科分类, 对该科花粉形态特征进行详细对比和分析。结果表明, 每个亚科都有其独特的花粉形态, 各亚科可以根据花粉形态来鉴别。此外, 大戟科多个属(如野桐属、山麻杆属、叶下珠属等)的植物花粉形态特征较明显, 可以鉴定到属甚至种一级水平。研究结果不仅为大戟科花粉形态分类学提供了依据, 同时为地层孢粉分析中花粉的鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

We used the chloroplast gene ndhF to reconstruct the phylogeny of the moonseed family (Menispermaceae), a morphologically diverse and poorly known cosmopolitan family of dioecious, primarily climbing plants. This study includes a worldwide sample of DNA sequences for 88 species representing 49 of the 70 genera of all eight traditionally recognized tribes. Phylogenetic relationships were estimated, and the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test was used to compare the likelihood of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses and to evaluate the monophyly of tribes currently in use. The monospecific Indo-Malesian Tinomiscium is sister to the remaining members of the family, within which are two major clades. Within these two clades, well-supported clades correspond to four of the eight traditionally recognized tribes, while others, such as Menispermeae, are polyphyletic. Mapping of major morphological characters on the phylogeny indicates that the crescent-shaped seed is derived from a straight seed, the tree habit has arisen multiple times, endosperm has been lost many times, but unicarpellate flowers evolved only once. Morphological synapomorphies for Menispermaceae include the presence of a condyle, a large embryo, and druplets. The phylogeny provides for the first time a detailed molecular-based assessment of relationships in Menispermaceae and clarifies our understanding of morphological diversification within the family.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies in Asteraceae have divided tribe Mutisieae (sensu Cabrera) into 13 tribes and eight subfamilies. Each of the major clades is well supported but the relationships among them are not always clear. Some of the new taxa are easily characterized by morphological data but others are not, chief among the latter being three subfamilies (Stifftioideae, Wunderlichioideae and Gochnatioideae) and the tribe Hyalideae. To understand evolution in the family it is critical to investigate potential morphological characters that can help to evaluate the basal lineages of the Asteraceae. The data for this study were taken from 52 species in 24 genera representing the basal groups in the family. Many characters were examined but most of the useful ones were from reproductive structures. Several apomorphies supported a few of the clades. For instance, members of subfamily Wunderlichioideae (Hyalideae and Wunderlichieae) share predominantly ten‐ribbed achenes and members of Wunderlichioideae + Stifftioideae share two synapomorphies: 100–150 (200) pappus elements, arranged in (three) four or five series. These apomorphies can be viewed as an indication of a sister‐group relationship between the two subfamilies as the placement of Stifftieae was not well resolved by the molecular data. Members of Wunderlichieae are characterized by having a paleaceous receptacle, style branches that are strongly papillose above and below the bifurcation, and a pappus of scales. Hyalis and Ianthopappus (Hyalideae) share venation type and an apiculate anther appendage but these are also found in Gochnatieae. Other clades have fewer supporting characters. These characters are just a beginning. Cladograms with morphology characters plotted, illustrations and a key to the basal grade of Asteraceae are provided. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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