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We studied development of prey capture, under captive conditions, on five newly weaned Indian false vampire bats Megaderma lyra. We tested the hypothesis that the young bats are able to improve the ability of hunting by trial and error. An additional hypothesis was that their rate of prey consumption and method of handling prey improve with age. We separated the juveniles from their mothers and observed them individually at different ages. At 58 d of age, M. lyra roosted 2 m above floor level, flew down only towards moving frogs, landed >1 m away from them and returned to roosts without showing attempt to capture. At day 60, bats roosted at 50‐cm heights, landed approx. 1 m away from frogs and moved towards them. Although bats intercepted frogs, their attempts to capture were still unsuccessful. At day 62, bats landed <1 m from frogs, made similar attempts and most of them were successful. Bats carried frogs, roosted at heights of 100 cm and started consuming. Numbers of jumps made by frogs and attempts made by bats during successful captures decreased with increase in age of bats. Furthermore, the distance between landing sites of bats and places where frogs stayed during landings decreased with advancement of age. Until 75 d of age, M. lyra devoured frogs with legs‐first on significantly more occasions. After 75 d, most of the consumptions started with heads of frogs, similar to adults. Duration of feeding on single frogs was significantly longer compared with that of mothers until young were 75‐d old. The study revealed that juveniles were inefficient on localization, rate of consumption, and handling prey at earlier ages (e.g. 60 d). They became efficient on these behavioural components at later age, i.e. after 75 d. Thus, the results were in accordance with both the hypotheses. Bats did not respond to stationary frogs.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity was examined in two species of bat, Hipposideros armiger and Rousettus leschenaultia, which have similar body mass and lifespan but differ in use of hibernation. We found that telomerase activity was present in all tissues sampled, but it was greater in metabolically active tissues such as liver, spleen, and kidney. Of special interest is the raised activity found in the heterothermic bat H. armiger, and the hibernating bats having raised values for spleen, heart, and kidney. These findings show that maintenance of high levels of telomerase is an essential part of the regulation of cellular activities during hibernation.  相似文献   

During roosting in summer, reproductive female bats appear to use torpor less frequently and at higher body temperatures (T b) than male bats, ostensibly to maximise offspring growth. To test whether field observations result from differences in thermal physiology or behavioural thermoregulation during roosting, we measured the thermoregulatory response and energetics of captive pregnant and lactating female and male long-eared bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi 8.9 g and N. gouldi 11.5 g) during overnight exposure to a constant ambient temperature (T a) of 15°C. Bats were captured 1–1.5 h after sunset and measurements began at 21:22±0:36 h. All N. geoffroyi entered torpor commencing at 23:47±01:01 h. For N. gouldi, 10/10 males, 9/10 pregnant females and 7/8 lactating females entered torpor commencing at 01:10±01:40 h. The minimum T b of torpid bats was 15.6±1.1°C and torpid metabolic rate (TMR) was reduced to 0.05±0.02 ml O2 g−1 h−1. Sex or reproductive condition of either species did not affect the timing of entry into torpor (F=1.5, df=2, 19, P=0.24), minimum TMR (F=0.21, df=4, 40, P=0.93) or minimum T b (F=0.76, df=5, 41, P=0.58). Moreover, sex or reproductive condition did not affect the allometric relationship between minimum resting metabolic rate and body mass (F=1.1, df=4, 37, P=0.37). Our study shows that under identical thermal conditions, thermal physiology of pregnant and lactating female and male bats are indistinguishable. This suggests that the observed reluctance by reproductive females to enter torpor in the field is predominantly because of ecological rather than physiological differences, which reflect the fact that females roost gregariously whereas male bats typically roost solitarily.  相似文献   

Bats are the natural host reservoir for range of emerging and re-emerging viruses, many of which cause significant morbidity and mortality in other mammals, yet appear to result in no clinical consequences for bats. The ability of bats to coexist with a variety of viruses presents an interesting immunological problem that has not been examined in any detail but which could provide significant insights into the evolution of antiviral mechanisms in mammals. Towards a better understanding of the bat immune system, we analysed the expressed heavy chain variable (VH) regions of antibodies from the black flying fox, Pteropus alecto. The germline repertoire of the closely related Pteropid bat, Pteropus vampyrus, whose genome has been sequenced was also examined for comparative purposes. Representative VH genes were found in all three mammalian VH clans (I, II and III) in both the expressed P. alecto VH repertoire and the germline P. vampyrus VH repertoire. Evidence for the use of multiple heavy chain diversity (DH) and joining (JH) segments for the generation of diverse VDJ rearrangements was also present in the expressed antibody repertoire of P. alecto. The long period of co-evolutionary history of bats with viruses may have resulted in a variety of highly specific VH segments being hardwired into the genomes of bats and may have implications for their ability to successfully cope with a diversity of viral antigens.  相似文献   

We studied activity patterns of long‐legged bats, Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae), in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panamá, using radio‐telemetry. Activity of four males and five females equipped with radio‐transmitters were monitored for 4–7 entire nights each between April and July 2002. Bats exhibited maximum activity around dusk and high activity during the night. Males and females foraged for equal amounts of time in continuous flight (mean: 7 min, maximum 1 h) with interspersed resting phases (mean: 15 min, maximum 3 h). Activity of M. macrophyllum was sensitive to several factors. Time of emergence and return to day roost were correlated with time of sunset and sunrise, respectively. Maximum bat activity coincided with high abundance of aerial insects. Finally, heavy rain caused bats to reduce or cease flight activity. Direct observations and field video recordings support the assumption that M. macrophyllum employs two distinct foraging modes: trawling of insects from and capture of aerial insects at low heights above water. Combination of foraging modes gives M. macrophyllum high flexibility and efficiency in prey search. Activity, foraging mode, and morphology, which are similar to trawling bats from other families, distinguish M. macrophyllum from all other phyllostomid species and grant it access to open habitat above water, a habitat no other phyllostomid bat has conquered.  相似文献   

The east‐coast free‐tailed bat Mormopterus norfolkensis Gray, 1839 is a threatened insectivorous bat that is poorly known and as such conservation management strategies are only broadly prescribed. Insectivorous bats that use human‐modified landscapes are often adapted to foraging in open microhabitats. However, few studies have explored whether open‐adapted bats select landscapes with more of these microhabitat features. We compared three morphologically similar and sympatric, molossid bats (genus Mormopterus) with different conservation status in terms of their association with vegetation, climate, landform and land‐use attributes at landscape and local habitat element scales. We predicted that these species would use similar landscape types, with semi‐cleared and low density urban landscapes used more than forested and heavily cleared landscapes. Additionally, we explored which environmental variables best explained the occurrence of each species by constructing post‐hoc models and habitat suitability maps. Contrary to predictions, we found that the three species varied in their habitat use with no one landscape type used more extensively than other types. Overall, M. norfolkensis was more likely to occur in low‐lying, non‐urban, riparian habitats with little vegetation cover. Mormopterus species 2 occupied similar habitats, but was more tolerant of urban landscapes. In contrast, Mormopterus species 4 occurred more often in cleared than forested landscapes, particularly dry landscapes with little vegetation cover. The extensive use of coastal floodplains by the threatened M. norfolkensis is significant because these habitats are under increasing pressure from human land‐uses and the predicted increase in urbanization is likely to further reduce the amount of suitable habitat.  相似文献   

It is well known that Corynebacterium parvum activates macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF). It is suspected that the activation of macrophages by C. parvum requires T-cell participation. The purpose of this study was to confirm that T cells participate in the activation of macrophages by C. parvum. TNF production in vitro from the spleen cells of BALB/c- + / + mice was abrogated completely by the pre-treatment of spleen cells with anti-Ia antiserum and complement, indicating that Ia+ cells are the source of TNF. TNF production was not elicited at all in BALB/c-nu/nu mice. However, there was an increase in the number of Ia+ cells as well as an increase in the weight of spleen and liver. Supernatant from a culture of spleen cells stimulated with phytohemagglutinin-P (a PHA-induced lymphokine) made it possible for BALB/c-nu/nu mice to produce TNF, associated with an induction of Lyt-1+ cells and Lyt-2+ cells. However, treatment with the lymphokine did not augment the increases of Ia+ cells or liver and spleen weights. These results suggest that increasing the number of Ia+ cells is not sufficient to bring about TNF production; Ia+ cells must also be stimulated by T cells or T-cell lymphokines in order to produce TNF. These results suggest that T cells play an essential role in the activation of Ia+ cells against C. parvum.  相似文献   

Peripheral serum cortisol levels were measured throughout gestation in 5 intact pregnant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and 3 hypophysectomized-fetectomized monkeys, leaving the placentas in situ and viable. These monkeys, as well as 4 other groups used to separately control for effects of pregnancy, hypophysectomy, or fetectomy, were unilaterally (left) adrenalectomized to permit comparisons of adrenal gland weights. Circulating cortisol levels of intact pregnant monkeys tended to rise slightly with advancing gestation. However, hypophysectomy at 70 to 73 days after fertilization caused a marked decline (p < 0.01) in serum cortisol concentrations to about 1/2 the preoperative level. These monkeys were fetectomized at 107 to 114 days without further reduction in circulating cortisol levels. In hypophysectomized-fetectomized monkeys, either surgical removal of the placentas near term or abortion was followed by a rapid decrease in peripheral cortisol to undetectable concentrations. Their cortisol levels were 5 to 12 times higher in left adrenal venous effluent than in peripheral circulation on the day of placental delivery. The presence of a viable placenta protected against the extensive adrenocortical involution seen in nonpregnant hypophysectomized monkeys (p < 0.01). Fetectomy, alone or in combination with hypophysectomy, did not alter left adrenal gland weights from those of intact pregnant monkeys. Thus, continued cortisol secretion and maintenance of adrenal weight in hypophysectomized-fetectomized monkeys, in the presence of a functional placenta, supports the existence of a placental adrenocorticotropin in this primate.  相似文献   

Bats utilize forests as roosting sites and feeding areas. However, it has not been documented how bats utilize these habitats in the boreal zone with methods afforded by recent technological advances. Forest structure and management practices can create a variety of three‐dimensional habitats for organisms capable of flight, such as bats. Here, we study the presence of boreal bats in a forest forming a mosaic of different age classes, dominant tree species, canopy cover, soil fertility, and other environmental variables, throughout their active season in the summer using passive ultrasound detectors. Our results indicate a preference for mature forest by Eptesicus nilssonii and a pooled set of Myotis bats. Both groups of bats also showed temporal changes in their habitat use regarding forest age. In June and July, both groups occurred more often in mature than young forests, but from August onwards, the difference in occurrence became less evident in Myotis and disappeared completely in E. nilssonii. In addition, E. nilssonii was more often present in forests with low canopy cover, and its occurrence shifted from coniferous forests to deciduous forests during the season. The results reflect the within‐season dynamics of bat communities and their ability to utilize different types of forest as environmental conditions change. Yet, the results most importantly emphasize the importance of mature forests to bat diversity and the need to conserve such environments in the boreal zone.  相似文献   

The effects of naloxone, an opiate receptor antagonist, on the maturation of female mice chronically pretreated with ACTH from weaning, were examined. Naloxone treatment, begun at 40 days of age, blocked ACTH-induced delay of puberty. Naloxone also reversed decreases in weights of the reproductive organs produced by ACTH. Naloxone treatment also resulted in estrous cycling and increased the number of ACTH-treated mice with ovarian corpora lutea. These changes are reflected in increased LH levels in ACTH-naloxone treated vs. ACTH-saline treated animals. Naloxone alone may increase reproductive function. Effects of ACTH on spleen and thymus weights, presumably via the adrenals, were partially reversed by naloxone. ACTH may have a different mechanism in adrenal function as compared to reproductive function.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of plants increase linearly from ground to canopy. Accordingly, I used δ13C for estimating strata use of fig-eating bats. Data suggest that, overall, bats commuted at lower but fed at higher forest strata, and that small bats foraged at lower forest strata than large bats.  相似文献   

Among species of the Chiroptera, spermatogenesis and the fully differentiated spermatozoa differ in morphological and ultrastructural detail. This study therefore aimed to ultrastructurally characterize the spermatogenesis and the spermatozoa of Carollia perspicillata (Phyllostomidae) and compare the process with other species of bats and mammals. The differentiation of spermatogonia is similar to other bats and to Primates, with three main spermatogonia types: Ad, Ap, and B. Meiotic divisions proceed similarly to those of most mammals and spermiogenesis is clearly divided into 12 steps, in the middle of the range of developmental steps for bats (9–16 steps). The process of acrosome formation is similar to that found in Platyrrhinus lineatus, with the acrosome formed by two different types of proacrosomal vesicles. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoon is similar to other bats already described and resembles the typical mammalian sperm model; however, its morphology differs from other mammals such as marsupials and rodents, on account of a simpler spermatozoon head morphology, which indicates a pattern that is more closely related to the sperm cells of humans and other primates. Our data demonstrated that spermatogenesis in C. perspicillata presents great ultrastructural similarities to P. lineatus. This pattern is not surprising, because both species belong to the same family (Phyllostomidae); however, it is observed that C. perspicillata presents some characteristics that are more closely related to phylogenetically distant species, such as Myotis nigricans (Vespertilionidae), which is a fact that deserves attention. J. Morphol. 275:111–123, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Krieger  Kenneth J.  Wing  Bruce L. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,489(1-3):83-90
Our study showed that one species of water strider (Aquarius najas) dominated the insect fauna (>90% of the biomass) on and near the surface of a small stream in southern Sweden, but the diet of Daubenton's bats (Myotis daubentonii), regularly feeding over the same stream, contained <1% of these insects. To explain why the bats did not eat water striders in proportion to the apparent abundance of these insects, we tested three hypotheses, with the following results: (1) The water striders did not respond to artificial bat calls and therefore their defence against bats is not based on ultrasonic hearing. (2) Water striders hand-fed to the bats were eaten with similar frequency as palatable controls (caddis flies), so there is no evidence that water striders are unpalatable to bats. (3) Attempted prey-captures by the bats occurred less often than expected within 1 m of the bank of the stream (the bank consisted of a stone wall), indicating that the bats' flight or, alternatively, their detection or capture of insects, was difficult within that area, possibly constrained by clutter. At dusk and just before the bats emerged to feed, the water striders moved away from the open water. They remained motionless close to the bank for as long as the bats were active.  相似文献   

Pituitary–adrenocortical and gonadal endocrine activity was investigated in a captive colony of Pteropus vampyrus, a highly social Old World fruit bat. Both cortisol and corticosterone were present in plasma, at a ratio of approximately 5:1, respectively. Glucocorticoid but not testosterone levels significantly increased prior to and concomitant with the evening active period. Restraint stress for 15–60 min resulted in a significant and rapid increase in plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and glucocorticoids. ACTH levels quickly returned to baseline following restraint whereas glucocorticoid levels remained elevated for at least 30 min after restraint ended. Plasma ACTH levels after stress were similar to levels reported after stress in other mammals. Stress-induced glucocorticoid levels were several-fold greater than those reported for most mammals. Restraint for 15 min significantly inhibited testosterone levels. Restraint stress did not affect hormone levels on the morning following restraint. Brief capture, handling, and release of the animals did not elicit increases in these hormones. The physiological responsiveness of the pituitary and adrenal glands, along with P. vampyrus’s documented seasonality and range of social behaviors, makes these bats an excellent model for exploring the general physiology of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal and hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axes, as well as social influences on these axes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new large trypanosome was found in the blood of 19 Artibeus lituratus and 2 Phyllostomus hastatus bats. The monomorphic trypanosome resembles Trypanosoma megadermae in some respects, but differs from it in that it is larger and has a short flagellum, both extremities are very tapered, the kinetoplast is very close to a small nucleus and there is a greater distance between the kinetoplast and the posterior extremity of the body. In diphasic blood-agar cultures there is a great variety of odd multiplication forms not described from other trypanosome cultures, but some simulate T. cruzi. This trypanosome is not capable of infecting mice, tissue culture cells, Carollia perspicillata bats, or triatomids, but is able to infect A. lituratus bats. Culture forms of the trypanosome inoculated intra-coelomically are pathogenic for several species of triatomids, and multiply in the hemolymph of Rhodnius prolizus, often producing forms similar to crithidiae of T. rangeli. Culture forms of the trypanosome seem to have common antigens with T. cruzi. This new species is described as Trypanosoma pifanoi.  相似文献   

White‐nose syndrome (WNS) is a fungal disease caused by Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) that affects bats during hibernation. Although millions of bats have died from WNS in North America, mass mortality has not been observed among European bats infected by the fungus, leading to the suggestion that bats in Europe are immune. We tested the hypothesis that an antibody‐mediated immune response can provide protection against WNS by quantifying antibodies reactive to Pd in blood samples from seven species of free‐ranging bats in North America and two free‐ranging species in Europe. We also quantified antibodies in blood samples from little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) that were part of a captive colony that we injected with live Pd spores mixed with adjuvant, as well as individuals surviving a captive Pd infection trial. Seroprevalence of antibodies against Pd, as well as antibody titers, was greater among little brown myotis than among four other species of cave‐hibernating bats in North America, including species with markedly lower WNS mortality rates. Among little brown myotis, the greatest titers occurred in populations occupying regions with longer histories of WNS, where bats lacked secondary symptoms of WNS. We detected antibodies cross‐reactive with Pd among little brown myotis naïve to the fungus. We observed high titers among captive little brown myotis injected with Pd. We did not detect antibodies against Pd in Pd‐infected European bats during winter, and titers during the active season were lower than among little brown myotis. These results show that antibody‐mediated immunity cannot explain survival of European bats infected with Pd and that little brown myotis respond differently to Pd than species with higher WNS survival rates. Although it appears that some species of bats in North America may be developing resistance to WNS, an antibody‐mediated immune response does not provide an explanation for these remnant populations.  相似文献   

Most studies of hibernation physiology sample individuals from populations within a single geographic area, yet some species have large ranges meaning populations likely experience area-specific levels of energetic challenges. As well, few studies have assessed within-season variation. Since physiological adjustments often are influenced by environmental factors, and the types of environments vary with geography, we expected variance in hibernation patterns among geographically separated populations. Our specific goal was to measure intraspecific variation in torpid metabolic rate (TMR) and body temperature (T b) as a function of ambient temperature (T a) for a non-migratory and migratory species to determine whether there is a continuum in physiological responses based on latitude. We chose big brown (Eptesicus fuscus) and eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) as model species and sampled individuals from populations throughout each species’ winter range. In both species, individuals from southern populations maintained higher TMR at cooler T as and lower TMR at warmer T as than those from northern populations. Big brown bats from southern populations regulated T b during torpor at higher levels and there was no significant difference in T b between populations of eastern red bats. Although metabolic responses were similar across the gradient between species, the effect was more dramatic in big brown bats. Our data demonstrate a continuum in thermoregulatory response, ranging from classic hibernation in northern populations to a pattern more akin to daily torpor in southern populations. Our research highlights the potential usefulness of bats as model organisms to address questions about within-species physiological variation in wild populations.  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1971,113(2):173-185
Between March 1966 and May 1968 Palaearctic passerines were mist-netted in thick bush and lightly wooded savannah habitats near Kampala, on the northern shore of Lake Victoria. This paper reports weights of the seven principal species involved. Most migrants appeared to be in a lean condition during the winter months, when weights were relatively low and varied little in each species. Birds were not particularly light on arrival. In fact, autumn Garden Warblers Sylvia borin and Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus were sometimes markedly heavy, and for the former species there was some evidence that the individuals concerned were passage migrants. Autumn weights of Swallows Hirundo rustica, Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava were similar to those recorded in winter. The mean weight of all species rose during late March or early April. Although most Garden Warblers and Willow Warblers trapped at the time of spring migration were within the normal winter weight range, many Acrocephalus warblers and the majority of Sand Martins Riparia riparia and Yellow Wagtails were rather heavy. Spring weights 40% or more above mean winter weight were not uncommon in the Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, but were recorded only occasionally in other species. Although most passerine migrants evidently left Kampala with substantial fat reserves, it was concluded that a considerable number of warblers departed at rather low weight. High spring weights were mainly confined to a period of two or three weeks in each of the warbler species. Locally wintering Acrocephalus warblers must have attained full premigratory weights within three weeks, and a number of spring retraps showed substantial gains at minimum mean rates of between 0–1 and 0–35 g per day. Most heavy Garden Warblers were probably on passage. Significant correlations between weight and wing-length were obtained for all species investigated, regressions of weight on wing-length being in the range 011-0-25 g/mm. Spring weights are briefly compared with data from Nigeria, and the northward migration of passerines from Lake Victoria is discussed.  相似文献   

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