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The effects of liming and Mg fertilization on growth, specific root length (root length per unit of root dry weight; SRL) and nutrient uptake of twelve sorghum genotypes (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) were studied in two pot experiments. Liming increased the pH of the sandy loam from pH 4.3 (unlimed) to 4.7 (with 0.5 g Ca(OH)2 kg-1 soil) and to 6.1 (with 2.5 g Ca(OH)2 kg-1 soil). Liming increased the dry matter yield of the genotypes by factors of 1.2 to 6.0 (between pH 4.3 and 4.7) and by 1.1 to 2.4 (between pH 4.7 and 6.1). In absence of Mg at soil pH of 4.3 and 4.7, all genotypes suffered from Mg deficiency, as indicated by low Mg concentrations in the shoots (26–94 mmol Mg kg-1 DM) and visible Mg deficiency symptoms. At pH 4.7 several of the genotypes responded to Mg application and produced significantly more dry matter. At pH 4.3, however, none of the genotypes responded to Mg, even though the internal Mg concentrations were increased by applied Mg. The relative increase in dry matter yield between pH 4.3 and 4.7 was closely correlated to the relative change in specific root length in the same soil pH interval, especially when the soil was fertilized with Mg (r2=0.91**). The group of genotypes where SRL and dry matter yield were reduced by soil acidity was not the same as the group that responded positively to Mg application at pH 4.7.It is concluded that the growth of sorghum genotypes on acid soils is determined by two independent characteristics: the sensitivity of root development to soil acidity and the efficiency of the uptake and utilization of Mg. The first characteristic is predminant at high soil acidity whilst the latter is dominant at moderate soil acidity.  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of crops to tolerate mineral stresses is a practical approach to improve productivity of tropical acid soils. Both acid soil tolerant (AS-T) and susceptible (AS-S) sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] genotypes were grown in the field on an acid ultisol at Quilichao, Colombia, South America at 60% (60-Al) and 40% (40-Al) Al saturation to evaluate plants for growth and yield traits. Except for days to flowering and root mass scores, AS-T genotypes showed no differences in growth (plant height, head length and width, second internode length and diameter, and acid soil toxicity rating) and yield (total and stover dry matter yields, grain yield, head yield, seeds per head, and 100-seed weight) traits when plants were grown at 60-Al or 40-Al. Plants grown at 60-Al were delayed in flowering and had lower root mass scores. The AS-S genotypes showed improvement for the growth and yield traits when grown at 40-Al compared to 60-Al. The growth and yield traits of the AS-S genotypes were usually less favorable for plants grown at 40-Al than the same traits were for the AS-T genotypes grown at 60-Al. Harvest indices (ratio of grain to total plant yield) were no different for the genotypes grown at 40-Al, and only slightly higher for the AS-T genotypes grown at 60-Al. Sorghum genotypes more tolerant to acid soil conditions showed favorable growth and yield traits when grown under relatively severe acid soil (60-Al, pH 4.1) conditions. Certain sorghum genotypes were able to adapt and effectively produce grain when grown on acid soils with few inputs to reduce acid soil toxicity problems. Published as Paper No. 6690, Journal Series, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Funding received in part from the International Sorghum/Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP) through US Agency for International Development (USAID) grant AID/DAN-1254-G-SS-5065-00 and project Nos. MS-111 (MSU) and NE-114 (UNL).  相似文献   

Two methods for estimating the size of the maize (Zea mays l.) root system from soil cores taken in the field were compared. The spatially weighed block method of estimation accounted for variation in root density by using 18 samples per plant which varied in distance from plant and soil depth. This method was compared to an estimation which averaged all of the 18 samples together. Both methods gave surprisingly similar estimates for total root growth. Increased root growth in the surface soil layers, due to tillage and N fertilization, did not impact on the estimation of total root growth. Total root length remained unchanged or increased with N fertilization, while root weight remained the same or decreased. Root mass per length decreased with N fertilization. The estimated size of the root system was used to calculate root:shoot weight ratios. The largest root:shoot ratio was found in the vegetative stage and decreased throughout the rest of the season. In this field experiment, the estimated size of the root system at 8 weeks after planting was not significantly different from the size at silking or harvest. Nitrogen fertilization significantly decreased the root:shoot weight ratio. However, tillage did not significantly change the ratio.  相似文献   

Mgema  W. G.  Clark  R. B. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):493-496
This study was conducted to define traits to screen sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) genotypes for tolerance to excess Mn. Visual Mn toxicity symptoms, net and total root lengths, shoot and root dry matter yields, and shoot and root Mn concentrations were determined for plants grown in nutrient solutions (pH 4.5) at different levels of Mn (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mM above the initial 18 M) to assess plant responses to excess Mn. Dry matter yields showed greatest variability among genotypes, and was an effective trait to evaluate sorghum for tolerance to excess Mn. Reductions in dry matter yields did not occur until Mn levels were above 3 mM. Levels of Mn between 3 and 6 mM could effectively be used to screen sorghum for genotypic differences to excess Mn. Manganese levels above 6 mM were too severe to allow good genotypic differentiation. Of genotypes tested, NB9040 and Wheatland showed good tolerance and SC283 and ICA-Nataima were sensitive to excess Mn.  相似文献   

The contribution of Mg deficiency to Al stress in twelve different sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) genotypes was investigated in nutrient solution culture under conditions of low Mg supply (between 50 and 1000 M) at two pH values. At pH 4.2, 30 M Al strongly inhibited Mg uptake. When dry matter yield was plotted as a function of the plant Mg concentration, similar response curves were obtained in the absence and the presence of Al with three genotypes. With many other genotypes dry matter yields of the control (without Al treatment) and Al-stressed plants were remarkably different at similar internal Mg concentrations, suggesting that growth had been suppressed not by Mg deficiency but by another factor, i.e. Al-induced root damage. At pH 4.8, 30 M Al hardly induced root damage but reduced Mg uptake and Al-induced Mg deficiency could almost completely account for the growth reaction of all genotypes. Therefore, at this pH the efficiency of uptake or use of Mg in different genotypes was the basis of their respective susceptibility to Al toxicity. When specific root length surpassed a certain critical range below 80–100 m per g dry root, growth control by Al-induced Mg deficiency was nearly abolished. The pH and Al concentration where this range was reached depended on the Al sensitivity of the genotypes.  相似文献   

The role of roots penetrating various undisturbed soil horizons beneath loose layer in water use and shoot growth of maize was evaluated in greenhouse experiment. 18 undisturbed soil columns 20 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height were taken from the depths 30–50 cm and 50–70 cm from a Brown Lowland soil, a Pseudogley and a Brown Andosol (3 columns from each depth and soil). Initial resistance to penetration in undisturbed soil horizons varied from 2.5 to 8.9 MPa while that in the loose layer was 0.01 MPa. The undisturbed horizons had a major effect on vertical arrangement of roots. Root length density in loose layer varied from 96 to 126 km m-3 while in adjacent stronger top layers of undisturbed horizons from 1.6 to 20.0 km m-3 with higher values in upper horizons of each soil. For specific root length, the corresponding ranges were 79.4–107.7 m g-1 (on dry basis) and 38.2–63.7 m g-1, respectively. Ratios of root dry weight per unit volume of soil between loose and adjacent undisturbed layers were much lower than those of root length density indicating that roots in undisturbed horizons were produced with considerably higher partition of assimilates. Root size in undisturbed horizons relative to total roots was from 1.1 to 38.1% while water use from the horizons was from 54.1 to 74.0%. Total water use and shoot growth were positively correlated with root length in undisturbed soil horizons. There was no correlation between shoot growth and water use from the loose layers.  相似文献   

The shoot growth during the vegetation period andshoot morphology at the end of the season wereinvestigated in four monoclonal aquatic reed stands(Phragmites australis) with differentproductivity in Berlin and Brandenburg. Investigationswere conducted over a period of six years (1991–96) toascertain the effects of differences in temperatures.All clones showed significant year-to-year variationin shoot morphology. The mean final shoot length ofthe two clones with highest variation ranged from252 cm (1991) to 388 cm (1993; Templiner See), andfrom 170 cm (1993) to 229 cm (1994; Parsteiner See).In spite of this considerable variation, morphologicalparameters measured at the end of the growing seasonshowed only a slight relation to the average airtemperature either during the main growth phase (Aprilto June) or during the period of bud formation (Augustto October of the previous year). Contrary to meanshoot length at the end of the growing season, shootelongation during the main growth phase (from April toJune) was clearly related to the sum of daily averagetemperatures. Thus, taking into account temperaturemay enhance the accuracy of studies on reed growthwhenever these studies are carried out at localitiesdiffering in temperature or in different years.  相似文献   

A field study tested the hypothesis that modern wheat varieties invest a lesser proportion of the total dry matter (root plus shoot) in the root system compared to old varieties. The study was carried out on a duplex soil (sand over clay) at Merredin, Western Australia in a Mediterranean type environment. We also compared the root:shoot dry matter ratios of near-isogenic lines for Rht dwarfing genes.Root:shoot ratios decreased with crop growth stage and were closely related to the developmental pattern of a variety. All varieties appeared to accumulate more dry matter into shoots after the terminal spikelet stage. For the modern variety Kulin this occurred as early as 55 days after sowing (DAS), but did not occur until 90 DAS in the old variety Purple Straw. For all varieties, root dry matter reached its maximum at anthesis, while shoot dry matter continued to increase till maturity. At anthesis there were no significant differences in shoot dry matter between varieties, but from Purple Straw to Kulin root dry matter and thus root:shoot ratio decreased.The tall and dwarf isogenic lines had similar developmental and root:shoot dry matter accumulation patterns.At anthesis, the old variety Purple Straw had significantly higher root dry matter and root length density in the top 40-cm of the profile than modern variety Kulin. There were no varietal differences in rooting depth, water extraction or water use. At maturity about 30% of the total dry matter was invested in the roots among wheat varieties. Grain yield, harvest index (HI) and water use efficiency of grain (WUEgr) increased from old to modern varieties.The reduced investment of dry matter in the root system and thus the lower root:shoot ratio from early in the growing season may partly explain the increased HI and WUEgr of modern compared to old varieties.  相似文献   

Differences in plant growth arising from differences in aggregate size in the seedbed are normally atributed to limitations in nutrient or water supply during the early growth period. This study was initiated to determine if these were the only mechanisms by which aggregate size influences plant response. Four different aggregate size fractions (less than 1.6 mm, 1.6 to 3.2 mm, 3.2 to 6.4 mm and 6.4 to 12.8 mm diameter) were sieved from a silt loam soil. Nutrients were added to the soil and maize was grown in the aggregates for eighteen days after seedling emergence. Soil matric potential was maintained between — 3 and −20 kPa. Shoot dry weight declined by 18% as aggregate size increased from less than 1.6 mm to 1.6–3.2 mm. There was little further decline as aggregate size increased to 6.4–12.8 mm. Final leaf area showed a similar decline. The availability of nutrients or water were not limiting. Total root length in the coarsest aggregate system was less than 60% of that in the finest system. Main axes of seminal and nodal roots were longer in the coarser aggregate systems, the length of primary laterals was not affected, and length of secondary laterals was lower in the coarser systems. A greater proportion of the roots penetrated the larger aggregates than the smaller aggregates; however, the larger aggregates offered greater resistance to penetration by a rigid micropenetrometer (150 μ diameter probe). Diameter of the main axes roots were greatest in the largest two aggregate fractions. it is speculated that a combination of increased endogenous ethylene in roots in the finest aggregate system due to entrapment by water and increased mechanical resistance in the coarsest aggregate system accounts for the observed effects on root norphology.  相似文献   

The effect of mutual shading on the root/shoot ratio and on the number of nodal roots of maize was studied. Plants of two varieties (Dea and LG2281) were grown in individual pots of 9 L, at three plant densities: 7.5, 11 and 15 plants m–2. A control experiment was carried out in order to study if root growth was affected by the small size of the pots. Maize plants (cv Dea) were grown at a low plant density (7.5 plants m–2) in pots of two different volumes (9 and 25 L respectively). In both experiments plants were watered every two hours with a nutrient solution. Some plants were sampled at five dates in the main experiment and the following data were recorded: foliar stage; root, stem and leaf dry weight; number of root primordia and number of emerged roots per phytomer. The final sampling date occurred at silking.Results of the control experiment showed that the root biomass was lower in small pots but the number of nodal roots per phytomer was not affected.Results of the main experiment showed that the total plant biomass and the root/shoot ratio were lower at high plant density. The number of emerged roots was strongly reduced on the upper phytomer (P8). This reduction was mainly due to a lower percentage of root primordia which elongated. A proposed interpretation is that the number of roots which emerge on upper phytomers is controlled by carbohydrate availability.  相似文献   

Yang  X.  Römheld  V.  Marschner  H. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):441-444
Pot experiments were conducted with a calcareous soil (Inceptisol) to elucidate the effects of bicarbonate (0 and 20 mM) and root zone temperature (15° and 25°C) on the uptake of Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu by "Zn-efficient" and "Zn-inefficient" rice cultivars. Bicarbonate decreased concentrations and total uptake of Zn in shoots of "Zn-inefficient" cultivars, especially of IR 26 at 25°C, but not in Zn-efficient cultivars. Bicarbonate decreased concentrations and uptake of Fe in shoots of Zn inefficient cultivars, particularly in IR 26. Concentrations and total uptake of Mn were lower in bicarbonate treatment in the Zn-inefficient cultivars at 15°C, and in all cultivars at 25°C. However, concentration and uptake of Cu were not affected by bicarbonate in all cultivars. Compared to the 25°C root zone temperature, the concentrations and total uptake of both Zn and Cu in shoots at 15°C were lower in Zn-inefficient than in the Zn-efficient cultivars. The results indicate that Zn-efficiency in rice is causally related to high tolerance of plant to elavated bicarbonate concentrations in soil solution.  相似文献   

Brand  J.D.  Tang  C.T.  Graham  R.D. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):207-215
Two glasshouse experiments were conducted to examine the effects of nutrient supply and rhizobial inoculation on the performance of Lupinus pilosus genotypes differing in tolerance to calcareous soils. In experiment 1, plants were grown for 84 days in a calcareous soil (50% CaCO3; soil water content 90% of field capacity) at four nutrient treatments (no-added nutrients, added nutrients without Fe, added nutrients with soil applied FeEDDHA, added nutrients with foliar applied FeSO4). In experiment 2, plants were grown for 28 days with supply of NH4NO3 without inoculation or inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus). Chlorosis in the youngest leaves was a good indicator of the relative tolerance of the genotypes to the calcareous soil in both experiments, except the treatment with FeEDDHA at 5 mg kg–1 soil which was toxic to all genotypes. Chlorosis scores correlated with chlorophyll meter readings and chlorophyll concentrations. The foliar application of FeSO4 did not fully alleviate chlorotic symptoms despite concentrations of active or total Fe in the youngest leaves being increased. Adding nutrients and chemical nitrogen did not change the severity of chlorosis or improve the growth of the plant. The nutrient supply did not alter the ranking of tolerance of genotypes to the calcareous soil. The results suggest that nutrient deficiency or poor nodulation was not a major cause of poor plant growth on calcareous soils and that bicarbonate may exert a direct effect on chlorophyll synthesis. The mechanism for tolerance is likely to be related to an ability to exclude bicarbonate or prevent its transport to the leaves.  相似文献   

Tang  C.  Buirchell  B. J.  Longnecker  N. E.  Robson  A. D. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):513-516
Commercial lupins grow poorly on alkaline and neutral fine-textured soils. Genotypic variation exists among lupins. The present study compared the growth of 13 lupin genotypes, including introduced cultivars and wild types, in an alkaline loamy soil and an acid loamy soil.Plants grown in the alkaline and acid soils did not show obvious symptoms of iron deficiency at any stage. There was however a large variation of shoot fresh weight among genotypes in response to the alkaline soil with L. atlanticus and L. pilosus being more tolerant than L. luteus, L. cosentinii, L. albus and L. angustifolius. Some variation also existed among genotypes of L. angustifolius. In addition, root growth was retarded on the alkaline soil except for L. atlanticus, L. pilosus P20955 and L. albus Kiev mutant. In the alkaline soil, root growth at week 2 correlated well with the shoot fresh weight at week 12. The results suggest that early root elongation may be useful for screening tolerant genotypes for alkaline soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus effects on root growth and development in two maize genotypes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soil phosphorus (P) availability is critical for the early growth and development of maize (Zea mays L.). Soil P also affects root morphological and physiological characteristics that are important for P uptake. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of P on seedling root growth and development of two maize genotypes differing in root system plasticity. Two maize genotypes, CM37 (high plasticity) and W153R (low plasticity), were selected based on a preliminary study. Maize plants were evaluated at six vegetative stages of development for three soil P treatments (0, 45, and 300 mg kg-1). Seedlings were grown in a controlled environment using a soil with low native P, Maddock sandy loam (sandy, mixed Udorthentic Haploborolls). The addition of P decreased the time to reach a given growth stage and increased the relative growth rate of roots to a greater degree in CM37 than in W153R. The effects of P on shoot dry weight and root surface area during the V4–V6 growth period appeared to be related to the effects of P on development and relative growth rates during the V1–V3 growth period. Evaluation of the time course of phenotypic change is an important consideration when developing adapted genotypes for specific environments.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this Botanical Briefing is to stimulate reappraisal of root growth, root/shoot partitioning, and analysis of other aspects of plant growth under heterogeneous conditions. SCOPE: Until recently, most knowledge of plant growth was based upon experimental studies carried out under homogeneous conditions. Natural environments are heterogeneous at scales relevant to plants and in forms to which they can respond. Responses to environmental heterogeneity are often localized rather than plant-wide, and not always predictable from traditional optimization arguments or from knowledge of the ontogenetic trends of plants growing under homogeneous conditions. These responses can have substantial impacts, both locally and plant-wide, on patterns of resource allocation, and significant effects on whole-plant growth. Results from recent studies are presented to illustrate responses of plants, plant populations and plant communities to nutritionally heterogeneous conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Environmental heterogeneity is a constant presence in the natural world that significantly influences plant behaviour at a variety of levels of complexity. Failure to understand its effects on plants prevents us from fully exploiting aspects of plant behaviour that are only revealed under patchy conditions. More effort should be invested into analysis of the behaviour of plants under heterogeneous conditions.  相似文献   

Liu YM  Zhang XC  Wang DD 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2604-2608
采用盆栽试验,研究了安塞黄绵土不同容重、不同固化剂(路邦EN-1固化剂)掺量对黑麦草生长和根系活力的影响.结果表明:黄绵土容重在1.2~1.4 9·cm-3范围内,随土壤容重的增加,黑麦草叶绿素含量、根系活力、根冠比、根生物量和植株生物量均降低;各土壤容重条件下,黑麦草叶绿素含量、根系活力、根冠比、根生物量和植株生物量均高于对照,且随着固化剂掺量的增加均呈先增加后降低的趋势.土壤容重和固化剂掺量交互作用对根生物量和总生物量的影响均显著(P<0.05).总体来看,土壤容重1.3 g·cm-3、固化剂掺量0.15%处理下,各指标值均最高.  相似文献   

During a seven-month period the effect of different nitrogen (N) availability in soil on growth and nutrient uptake was studied in three-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) trees. The plants were grown in pots on N-poor forest soil supplied with various amounts and forms (inorganic and organic) of N. Increasing supply of inorganic N (as NH4NO3) increased the formation of new shoots and shoot dry weight. The root/shoot dry weight ratio of new growth was drastically decreased from 1.6 in plants without N supply to 0.5 in plants supplied with high levels of NH4NO3. This decrease in root/shoot dry weight ratio was associated with distinct changes in root morphology in favour of shorter and thicker roots. The addition of keratin as organic N source did neither affect growth nor root morphology of the trees. The amount of N taken up by plants was closely related to the supply of inorganic N, and trees supplied with highest levels of NH4NO3 also had the highest N contents in the dry matter of needles and roots. In contrast, N contents in needles of trees grown without additional N, or with keratin supply, were in the deficiency range. Supply of NH4NO3 decreased the contents of phosphate (P) and potassium (K) and therefore markedly increased N/P and N/K ratios in the needles. On the other hand, the contents of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) in the needles were increased in the plants supplied with inorganic N, suggesting high soil availability and promotion of uptake of these divalent cations by high nitrate uptake. The observed effects on root/shoot dry weight ratio, root morphology, and mineral nutrient composition of the needles indicated that high inorganic N supply may increase above-ground productivity but at the same time decrease the tolerance of trees against soil-borne (e.g. deficiency of other mineral nutrients) stress factors. Deceased 21 September 1996 Deceased 21 September 1996  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of cyclic soil wetting and drying on maize (Zea mays L.) root hair growth. Three soils, Chalmers silty clay loam (Typic Haplaquolls), Raub silt loam (Aquic Argiudolls) and Aubbeenaubbee sandy loam (Aric Ochraqualfs) and two soil moisture contents, −175 (M0) and −7.5 kPa (M1), were used to study root hair growth in a controlled-climate chamber. Increasing soil moisture after 7d from M0 and M1 resulted in a cessation of root hair growth behind the root cap while drying the soil after 7d from M1 and M0 promoted root hair growth on new but not old or existing roots. By maintaining liquid continuity under cyclic wetting and drying of a soil, root hairs may be of far greater significance to the nutrition of the plant than originally thought. Journal Paper No. 11023, Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., W. Lafayette, IN 47907. Contribution from the Dep. of Agron.  相似文献   

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