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Simian virus 40 (SV40) infection of human diploid cells failed to cause an enhanced production of thymidine kinase during the first 10 days after infection. Thymidine kinase activities from extracts of SV40-transformed cultures (human or simian) were considerably higher than the activity levels in extracts from the normal cells of origin. In addition, whereas the kinase activities obtained for human diploid cultures decreased as the cell sheet became confluent, the kinase activities for SV40-transformed human cells remained high after confluence was reached. Antisera obtained from hamsters bearing SV40 or adeno-7-SV40 hybrid virus tumors selectively inhibited enzyme from transformed sources (human or simian). Also, the antisera selectively inhibited enzyme extracted from SV40-lytically infected monkey cells. Sera from normal animals or from hamsters bearing polyoma tumors failed to inhibit enzymes from normal, SV40-transformed, or SV40-lytically infected cells. The Michaelis constant of partially purified enzyme from SV40-transformed cells was two to five times as high as that obtained for partially purified enzyme from human diploid cell cultures.  相似文献   

Oligomeric forms of simian virus 40 (SV40) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were isolated from monkey kidney cells infected with two plaque morphology mutants of SV40. Recombinant, large clear-plaque-type SV40 was produced in cells productively infected with oligomeric forms of SV40 DNA.  相似文献   

Several independent cell lines transformed by simian virus 40 carry a species of viral RNA of 900,000 to 1,000,000 daltons. A viral RNA species of similar size is found early in the lytic cycle. Late in the viral lytic cycle, two prominent viral RNA species of about 600,000 and 900,000 daltons are seen. The larger late species shares nucleotide sequences with, and is less stable than, the smaller. These RNA species are located in the cytoplasm of the infected cell. The regions of the viral genome coding for these RNA species are mapped by hybridization of lytic RNA species to fragments of the genome produced by cleavage with Haemophilus aegyptius endonuclease.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) was rescued from heterokaryons of transformed mouse and transformed human cells. To determine whether the rescued SV40 was progeny of the SV40 genome resident in the transformed mouse cells, the transformed human cells, or both, rescue experiments were performed with mouse lines transformed by plaque morphology mutants of SV40. The transformed mouse lines that were used yielded fuzzy, small-clear, or large-clear plaques after fusion with CV-1 (African green monkey kidney) cells. The transformed human lines that were used did not release SV40 spontaneously or after fusion with CV-1 cells. From each mouse-human fusion mixture, only the SV40 resident in the transformed mouse cells was recovered. Fusion mixtures of CV-1 and transformed mouse cells yielded much more SV40 than those from transformed human and transformed mouse cells. The rate of SV40 formation was also greater from monkey-mouse than from human-mouse heterokaryons. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from SV40 strains which form fuzzy, largeclear, or small-clear plaques on CV-1 cells was also used to infect monkey (CV-1 and Vero), normal human, and transformed human cell lines. The rate of virion formation and the final SV40 yields were much higher from monkey than from normal or transformed human cells. Only virus with the plaque type of the infecting DNA was found in extracts from the infected cells. Two uncloned sublines of transformed human cells [W18 Va2(P363) and WI38 Va13A] released SV40 spontaneously. Virus yields were not appreciably enhanced by fusion with CV-1 cells. However, clonal lines of W18 Va2(P363) did not release SV40 spontaneously or after fusion with CV-1 cells. In contrast, several clonal lines of WI38 Va13A cells did continue to shed SV40 spontaneously.  相似文献   

The number and molecular weight of the structural polypeptides of highly purified simian virus 40 (SV40) were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Six different polypeptides were found, two of which (VP1 and VP2) comprise the bulk of the viral capsid proteins. The pattern of protein synthesis in productively infected CV-1 cells was studied by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Identification of virus-induced proteins in the infected CV-1 cells was achieved in double-labeling experiments by electrophoresis with purified labeled SV40 capsid proteins. Four of these proteins (VP1 and VP4) could be classified as components of the virion because their synthesis occurred after the onset of viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication and because they were inhibited by arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C). Appearance of two other virus-induced proteins was not prevented by ara-C; one of them did not comigrate in the electrophoresis with purified virion polypeptides, and both could be detected before the onset of viral DNA synthesis. These latter two proteins were classified on the basis of these criteria as nonvirion capsid proteins (NCVP1 and NCVP2).  相似文献   

Evidence that the resistance of simian virus (SV40)-transformed permissive cells to superinfection with SV40 is due to lack of virus uptake is presented. When virus uptake is enhanced, the events of infection proceed as in normal permissive cells, resulting in production of infectious virus.  相似文献   

Nucleoprotein complexes containing viral DNA and cellular histones were extracted from nuclei of permissive cells infected with polyoma virus or simian virus 40 (SV40) and examined by electron microscopy. Polyoma and SV40 nucleoprotein complexes are almost identical. They appear as relaxed circular molecules consisting of 20 to 21 globular particles interconnected by thin filaments. Their contour length in 0.02 M salt is 2.7 times shorter than that of viral DNA form I obtained after dissociation of the proteins in 1 M NaCl. The nucleosomes have an average diameter of 12.5 nm. Each nucleosome contains 175 to 205 DNA base pairs condensed fivefold in length. The nucleosomes are regularly spaced on the circular molecule. The internucleosomal filaments are made of naked DNA, and each filament contains about 55 base pairs. The partial sensitivity of the nucleoprotein complex to cleavage by EcoR1 endonuclease suggests that the nucleosomes are not formed at specific sites on the viral genome. Faster sedimenting nucleoprotein complexes containing replicative intermediates were studied. Isopycnic centrifugation in metrizamide gradients in the absence of aldehyde fixation showed that these molecules conserved the same DNA-to-protein ratio as the form I DNA-containing complexes.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic acids of known specific activities were separately prepared from hamster cells transformed by polyoma, simian virus 40 (SV40), and adenovirus 12. When increasing amounts of these labeled ribonucleic acids were added to nitrocellulose filters containing immobilized (14)C-hamster deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), about 5% of the DNA sites were saturated in each case. An additive saturation-hybridization experiment indicated that a portion of the 5% of the hamster DNA transcribed in SV40-transformed cells was also transcribed in polyoma-transformed cells. In addition, a separate region of the hamster genome was also transcribed in polyoma-transformed cells.  相似文献   

After infection of several permanent monkey cell lines by simian virus 40 (SV40), four additional protein bands can be detected by simple sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell extracts. These bands appear only after the onset of viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, and inhibitors of DNA synthesis prevent their appearance. Three of them correspond to three previously identified capsid components, VP1, VP2, and VP3. The fourth protein band, which does not correspond to a previously identified virion component, is induced by SV40 infection of CV-1 and BSC-1 cultures but not by infection of MA-134 cultures.  相似文献   

Infection of primary or secondary cultures of Chinese hamster embryo cells with simian virus 40 at a multiplicity of 20 to 50 induced synthesis of the virus-specific intranuclear T antigen in 80 to 90% of the cells within 48 to 72 hr. In the infected cultures, 30 to 50% more cells were recruited into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis than in the controls, whether or not the cultures were confluent. The newly synthesized DNA was mostly cellular, since little virus was produced (as shown by various techniques: immunofluorescence for viral antigen, virus growth curves, and isolation of viral DNA from infected cultures). Transformed cells could be detected a few weeks after infection and produced tumors when inoculated into irradiated animals. Chromosomal changes were observed soon after infection (24 hr). Initially, there was a marked increase in the proportion of polyploid cells (8 to 14%), most of which were chromosomally normal. In a few weeks, a large majority of the infected population was polyploid (30 to 50%). Thus, the polyploid cells have the ability to proliferate. Evidence is presented to suggest that polyploid cells arise by stimulation of cells in the G(1), G(2), or S phases to undergo two or more successive periods of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. With a subsequent loss or redistribution of chromosomal material, this may lead eventually to a biologically transformed cell; thus, it is suggested that the initial event(s) relevant to transformation occurs at the level of control of cellular DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40 (SV40) have been classified as those that are blocked prior to viral DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature, "early" mutants, and those harboring a defect later in the replication cycle, "late" mutants. Mutants of the A and D complementation groups are early, those of the B, C, and BC groups are late. Our results confirm earlier reports that A mutants are defective in a function required for the initiation of each round of viral DNA synthesis. D mutants, on the other hand, continue viral DNA replication at the restrictive temperature after preincubation at the permissive temperature. The length of time required for D function to be expressed at the permissive temperature-after which infection proceeds unabated on shifting of the cultures to the restrictive temperature-is 10 to 20 h. The viral DNA synthesized in D mutants under these conditions progresses in normal fashion through replicative intermediate molecules to mature component I and II DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Two discrete simian virus 40 (SV40) RNA species sedimenting at 19 and 16S, respectively, that are present in infected BS-C-1 cells were characterized with respect to the base composition and the ribonuclease T1 fingerprints. The base composition of the 19S SV40 RNA was found to be cytidylic acid (C), 23.0; adenylic acid (A), 28.3; guanylic acid (G), 23.9; and uridylic acid (U), 24.8; that of the 16S SV40 RNA was C, 19.3; A, 34.0; G, 22.0; and U, 24.7 mol%. Analysis of the ribonuclease T1 fingerprints indicated a difference in the base sequence of the 19 and 16S SV40 RNA. The presence of long sequences of adenylic acid residues (poly A) in these viral RNAs was confirmed.  相似文献   

Endonuclease Activity Associated with Purified Simian Virus 40 Virions   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Purified simian virus 40 has associated with it an endonuclease activity which converts form I (double-stranded, circular) simian virus 40 deoxyribonucleic acid to a nicked form that sediments as a homogeneous peak in alkaline sucrose gradients. The enzyme is dependent on magnesium ions for activity and is completely inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (0.02 m) or heat (80 C for 10 min). In tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-hydrochloride buffer it exhibits optimal activity between pH 6.7 and 7.1 at 37 C. Gel electrophoretic analysis of purified, disrupted virus indicates the absence of detectable host cell protein contamination.  相似文献   

Procedures for isolating nucleoprotein complexes containing replicating polyoma DNA from infected mouse cells were used to prepare short-lived nucleoprotein complexes (r-SV40 complexes) containing replicating simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA from infected monkey cells. Like the polyoma complexes, r-SV40 complexes were only partially released from nuclei by cell lysis but could be extracted from nuclei by prolonged treatment with solutions containing Triton X-100. r-SV40 complexes sedimented faster than complexes containing SV40 supercoiled DNA (SV40 complex) in sucrose gradients, and both types of SV40 nucleoprotein complexes sedimented ahead of polyoma complexes containing supercoiled polyoma DNA (py complex). The sedimentation rates of py complex and SV40 complex were 56 and 61S, respectively, based on the sedimentation rate of the mouse large ribosomal subunit as a marker. r-SV40 complexes sedimented as multiple peaks between 56 and 75S. Sedimentation and buoyant density measurements indicated that protein is bound to all forms of SV40 DNA at about the same ratio of protein to DNA (1-2/1) as was reported for polyoma nucleoproteins.  相似文献   

Nucleoprotein Complexes in Simian Virus 40-Infected Cells   总被引:11,自引:15,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
When African green monkey kidney cells (BSC-1) were infected with simian virus 40 (SV40) and extracted with 0.25% Triton X-100 after exposure to (3)H-thymidine, the (3)H-SV40 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was present in a form which had a sedimentation coefficient in sucrose gradients of 44S. The change from the sedimentation coefficient of purified SV40 DNA (21S) was shown to result from the association of the SV40 DNA in the Triton extracts with protein by means of sensitivity to Pronase digestion and labeling with (14)C-amino acids. Short-term labeling experiments with (3)H-thymidine demonstrated that SV40 DNA molecules in the course of replication (25S) were also present as nucleoprotein complexes in Triton-extracted material. Labeled DNA extracted with Triton in the form of nucleoprotein complexes was obtained in amounts which were quantitatively equivalent to the amounts extracted with deoxycholate in parallel experiments. This indicated that the newly synthesized pools of SV40 DNA may not occur as free DNA in the infected cell.  相似文献   

JC polyomavirus (JCV), the causative agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), is ubiquitous in humans, infecting children asymptomatically and then persisting in the kidney. Renal JCV is not latent but replicates to excrete progeny in the urine. The renal-urinary JCV DNAs carry the archetype regulatory region that generates various rearranged regulatory regions occurring in JCVs derived from the brains of PML patients. Tissue cultures that support the efficient growth of archetype JCV have not been reported. We studied whether archetype JCV could replicate in COS-7 cells, simian cells transformed with an origin-defective mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40). Efficient JCV replication, as detected by a hemagglutination assay, was observed in cultures transfected with five of the six archetype DNAs. The progeny JCVs could be passaged to fresh COS-7 cells. However, when the parental cells of COS-7 not expressing T antigen were transfected with archetype JCV DNAs, no viral replication was detected, indicating that SV40 T antigen is essential for the growth of JCV in COS-7 cells. The archetype regulatory region was conserved during viral growth in COS-7 cells, although a small proportion of JCV DNAs underwent rearrangements outside the regulatory region. We then attempted to recover archetype JCV from urine by viral culture in COS-7 cells. Efficient JCV production was observed in COS-7 cells infected with five of the six JCV-positive urine samples examined. Thus, COS-7 cells should be of use not only for the production of archetype JCV on a large scale but also for the isolation of archetype JCV from urine.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of the tumor antigen (T-antigen) of simian virus 40 to simian virus 40 chromatin (minichromosomes). The minichromosomes isolated from infected cells by a modification of standard techniques were relatively free of contaminating RNA and cellular DNA and had a ratio (by weight) of protein to DNA of approximately 1; their DNA was 50 to 60% digestible to an acid-soluble form by staphylococcal nuclease. Cleavage of this chromatin with restriction endonucleases indicated that the nuclease-resistant regions were randomly distributed in the population of minichromosomes, but were not randomly distributed within minichromosomes. Only 20 to 35% of these minichromosomes adsorbed nonspecifically to nitrocellulose filters, permitting binding studies between simian virus 40 T-antigen and chromatin to be performed. Approximately two to three times as much T-antigen was required to bind chromatin as to bind an equivalent amount of free DNA. When T-antigen was present in excess, both chromatin and free DNA were quantitatively retained on the filters. On the other hand, when DNA or chromatin was present in excess, only one-third as much chromatin as DNA was retained. We suggest that T-antigen-chromatin complexes may be formed by the cooperative binding of T-antigen to chromatin, whereas T-antigen-DNA complexes may be formed by simple bimolecular interactions.  相似文献   

A uniform nomenclature has been agreed upon for monoclonal antibodies directed against virus-coded proteins of simian virus 40 and polyoma virus. Blocks of numbers from PAb1 to PAb999 have been allocated to workers involved in the isolation of monoclonal antibodies of this type. The correspondence between PAb numbers and previously used names is given.  相似文献   

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