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Induction and secretion of acid phosphatases (APases) is thought to be an adaptive mechanism that helps plants survive and grow under phosphate (Pi) deprivation, in Arabidopsis, there are 29 purple acid phosphatase (AtPAP) genes. To systematically investigate the roles of different AtPAPs, we first identified knockout or knock-down T-DNA lines for all 29 AtPAP genes. Using these atpap mutants combined with in-gel and quantitative APase enzyme assays, we demonstrated that AtPAP12 and AtPAP26 are two major intracellular and secreted APases in Arabidopsis while AtPAPlo is mainly a secreted APase. On Pi-deficient (P-) medium or P- medium supplemented with the organophosphates ADP and fructose-6-phosphate (Fru-6-P), growth of atpaplo was significantly reduced whereas growth of atpap12 was only moderately reduced, and growth of atpap26 was nearly equal to that of the wild type (WT). Overexpression of the AtPAP12 or AtPAP26 gene, however, caused plants to grow better on P- or P- medium supplemented with ADP or Fru-6-P. Interest-ingly, Pi levels are essentially the same for the WT and overexpressing lines, although these two types of plants have significantly different growth phenotypes. These results suggest that the APases may have other roles besides enhancing internal Pi recycling or releasing Pi from external organophosphates for plant uptake.  相似文献   

Induction and secretion of acid phosphatases(APases) is thought to be an adaptive mechanism that helps plants survive and grow under phosphate(Pi) deprivation. In Arabidopsis, there are 29 purple acid phosphatase(AtPAP)genes. To systematically investigate the roles of different AtPAPs, we first identified knockout or knock‐down T‐DNA lines for all 29 AtPAP genes. Using these atpap mutants combined with in‐gel and quantitative APase enzyme assays,we demonstrated that AtPAP12 and AtPAP26 are two major intracellular and secreted APases in Arabidopsis while AtPAP10is mainly a secreted APase. On Pi‐deficient(P) medium or Pmedium supplemented with the organophosphates ADP and fructose‐6‐phosphate(Fru‐6‐P), growth of atpap10 was significantly reduced whereas growth of atpap12 was only moderately reduced, and growth of atpap26 was nearly equal to that of the wild type(WT). Overexpression of the AtPAP12 or AtPAP26 gene, however, caused plants to grow better on Por P medium supplemented with ADP or Fru‐6‐P. Interestingly, Pi levels are essentially the same for the WT and overexpressing lines, although these two types of plants have significantly different growth phenotypes. These results suggest that the APases may have other roles besides enhancing internal Pi recycling or releasing Pi from external organophosphates for plant uptake.  相似文献   

When grown with inadequate quantities of inorganic phosphate (Pi), plants synthesize and secret acid phosphatases into the rhizosphere. These secreted acid phosphatases are thought to release the Pi group from organophosphates present in the surrounding environment and to thereby increase Pi availability to plants. So far, however, the genetic evidence to support this hypothesis is still lacking. Previously, we showed that overexpression of Arabidopsis purple acid phosphatase 10 (AtPAP10) improved the growth of plants on Pi-deficient medium (P- medium) supplemented with the organophosphate compound ADP; in contrast, the growth of atpap10 mutant lines was reduced on the same medium. In the current research, we determined the growth performance of these lines on P- medium supplemented with four other organophosphates. The results showed that AtPAP10 could utilize rhizosphere organophosphates other than ADP for plant growth but with different utilization efficiencies. This work provides further genetic evidence that AtPAP10 phosphatase is a component of plant adaptive mechanism to Pi limitation.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid adenosine triphosphatase activity at pH 6.5, using a lead-salt method, was localized at light and electron microscopic levels in cartilage and bone matrices, osteoclasts, and chondroclasts. Cartilage matrix staining occurred after vascular invasion of the growth plate. In osteoclasts, activity was present in lysosomes, extracellular ruffled border channels, and the underlying cartilage and bone matrices. Staining artifacts occurred at lower pH levels (pH 5.4, 5.0). Adenosine diphosphate, p-nitrophenylphosphate, thiamine pyrophosphate, and alpha-naphthylphosphate also acted as substrates; but no activity was observed when adenosine monophosphate, adenylate-(beta, gamma-methylene) diphosphate, and beta-glycerophosphate were used. The activity was inhibited by NaF, dithionite, and a high concentration of p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, and activated by simultaneous addition of FeCl2 and ascorbic acid, as has been shown in biochemical studies. These histochemical results support the view that the adenosine triphosphate hydrolyzing activity at pH 6.5 is due to tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). There were some differences in ultrastructural localization between TRAP and tartrate-sensitive acid phosphatase (TSAP) activities in osteoclasts: TSAP activity was more intense in lysosomes and Golgi complexes and TRAP was stronger in the cartilage and bone matrices. It is suggested, therefore, that most of TRAP is in an inactive form in cells and is activated when secreted.  相似文献   

通过PCR扩增从拟南芥cDNA文库中得到VSP2蛋白的编码序列,将其构建到原核表达载体pET-22b上,并在大肠杆菌BL21菌株中实现高效可溶表达。经过Ni-NTA亲和层析一步纯化,获得电泳纯的重组VSP2蛋白。以pNPP为底物检测,该蛋白具有酸性磷酸酶活性,反应的最适pH值4.5,最适温度为45oC,Km值为26.2mM。重组VSP2蛋白表达量高,纯化后均一性好,适于蛋白晶体生长。  相似文献   

Intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)) increases rapidly after heat shock (HS) in the Ca(2+)/calmodulin (Ca(2+)/CaM) HS signal transduction pathway: a hypothesis proposed based on our previous findings. However, evidence for the increase in Ca(2+) after HS was obtained only through physiological and pharmacological experiments; thus, direct molecular genetic evidence is needed. The role of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is poorly understood in the plant response to HS. In this work, atplc9 mutant plants displayed a serious thermosensitive phenotype compared with wild-type (WT) plants after HS. Complementation of atplc9 with AtPLC9 rescued both the basal and acquired thermotolerance phenotype of the WT plants. In addition, thermotolerance was even improved in overexpressed lines. The GUS staining of AtPLC9 promoter:GUS transgenic seedlings showed that AtPLC9 expression was ubiquitous. The fluorescence distribution of the fusion protein AtPLC9 promoter:AtPLC9:GFP revealed that the subcellular localization of AtPLC9 was restricted to the plasma membrane. The results of a PLC activity assay showed a reduction in the accumulation of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) in atplc9 during HS and improved IP(3) generation in the overexpressed lines. Furthermore, the heat-induced increase in intracellular Ca(2+) was decreased in atplc9. Accumulation of the small HS proteins HSP18.2 and HSP25.3 was downregulated in atplc9 and upregulated in the overexpressed lines after HS. Together, these results provide molecular genetic evidence showing that AtPLC9 plays a role in thermotolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The effect of a low-molecular weight, water-extractable fraction of humic substances (WEHS) derived from sphagnum peat on post-embryonic plant development has been studied using Arabidopsis roots. Application of humic substances caused an array of changes in root morphology, such as an increase in root hair length and density, formation of ectopic root hairs, and an increase in cell proliferation in the root ground tissue. Application of WEHS affected genes involved in epidermal cell fate specification, suggesting that humic substances can alter developmental programs at an early stage of root cell differentiation. The WEREWOLF and GLABRA2 genes, encoding negative regulators of the root hair cell fate, were significantly down-regulated in the presence of WEHS. Thus, the presence of humic substances caused an ordered remodeling of the root morphology, leading to an increased absorptive surface of the root. Growth in the presence of WEHS did not rescue the phenotype of the root hair defective rhd6 mutant. Analyzing BA3:uidA and DR5:uidA transgenic plants, carrying auxin response elements, and monitoring the expression of the auxin-responsive GH3 gene by real-time RT-PCR did not provide evidence for a WEHS-induced expression of auxin-related genes. It is concluded that WEHS do not exert their effects in an auxin-like manner.  相似文献   

Purple acid phosphatase (PAP), also known as tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase or uteroferrin, contains two potential consensus N-glycosylation sites at Asn(97) and Asn(128). In this study, endogenous rat bone PAP was found to possess similar N-glycan structures as rat recombinant PAP heterologously expressed in baculovirus-infected Sf9 insect cells. PAP from Sf9 cells was shown to contain two N-linked oligosaccharides, whereas PAP expressed by mammalian CHO-K1 cells was less extensively glycosylated. The extent of N-glycosylation affected the catalytic properties of the enzyme, as N97Q and N128Q mutants, containing a single oligosaccharide chain, exhibited a lower substrate affinity and catalytic activity compared to those of the fully glycosylated PAP in the native, monomeric state. The differences in substrate affinity and catalytic activity were abolished and partially restored, respectively, by proteolytic cleavage in the loop domain, indicating that the extent of N-glycosylation influences the interaction of the repressive loop domain with catalytically important residues.  相似文献   

The gene for a testicular cell adhesion protein called Tpx-1, which mediates the binding of spermatogenic cells to Sertoli cells of the rat in primary culture, was previously cloned. Here the characterization of Tpx-1 is reported. Tpx-1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) became detectable in pachytene spermatocytes and continued to be present throughout development into elongated spermatids, while the amount of Tpx-1 protein seemed to increase some time after the increment of mRNA. Tpx-1 protein was also present, although less abundantly, in spermatozoa prepared from the epididymis. Tpx-1 contains a cluster of hydrophobic amino acid residues near the amino terminus and a cysteine-rich region in the carboxyl-terminal half. Tpx-1 fused with green fluorescence protein was secreted into the medium when expressed in a cultured cell line, depending on the presence of the amino-terminal hydrophobic region. Moreover, Tpx-1 was present in the medium of testicular cell primary culture. Structure-function analysis revealed that the amino-terminal 101 amino acid residues were sufficient for cell adhesion activity, whereas the carboxyl-terminal cysteine-rich region was dispensable. In conclusion, Tpx-1 is produced and secreted from spermatogenic cells at various differentiation stages, and mediates the interaction of those cells with Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)油菜素内酯受体BRI1为目的基因,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术定向编辑拟南芥BRI1,以期获得更多BRI1的突变体,为后续BRI1功能的进一步深入研究奠定基础。通过筛选转基因植株,对编辑后的BRI1进行测序分析,结果显示该突变体中BRI1基因序列由于新碱基的插入导致提前终止。同BRI1强突变体bri1-710一样,相比于野生型对照均对BL处理不敏感,但相比于bri1-710,该突变体植株较大,暗示BRI1 N端可能在BR信号途径中有重要作用。因此该研究可为后续进一步研究拟南芥及其他同源物种的BRI1功能提供可靠的参考依据。  相似文献   

Directional cell-to-cell movement of auxin is mediated by asymmetrically localized PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux transporters. The polar localization of PINs has been reported to be modulated by phosphorylation. In this study, the function of the phosphorylation sites of the PIN3 central hydrophilic loop (HL) was characterized. The phosphorylation sites were located in two conserved neighboring motifs, RKSNASRRSF(/L) and TPRPSNL, where the former played a more decisive role than the latter. Mutations of these phosphorylatable residues disrupted in planta phosphorylation of PIN3 and its subcellular trafficking, and caused defects in PIN3-mediated biological processes such as auxin efflux activity, auxin maxima formation, root growth, and root gravitropism. Because the defective intracellular trafficking behaviors of phospho-mutated PIN3 varied according to cell type, phosphorylation codes in PIN3-HL are likely to operate in a cell-type-specific manner.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant purple acid phosphatase (TRAP) of osteoclasts and certain cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage belongs to the family of purple acid phosphatases (PAPs). We provide here evidence for TRAP/PAP expression in the central and peripheral nervous systems in the rat. TRAP/PAP protein was partially purified and characterized from the trigeminal ganglion, brain, and spinal cord. The TRAP activity (U/mg tissue) in these tissues was about 10-20 times lower than in bone. Reducing agents, e.g. ascorbate and ferric iron, increased the TRAP activity from the neural tissues (nTRAP) and addition of oxidizing agents completely inactivated both bone and nTRAP. The IC(50) for three known oxyanion inhibitors of TRAP/PAP was similar for bone and nTRAP with the same rank order of potency (molybdate > tungstate > phosphate). This indicates that the redox-sensitive binuclear iron center characteristic of mammalian PAPs is present also in nTRAP. Western blots of partially purified nTRAP revealed a band with the expected size of 35 kD. The expression of TRAP in the trigeminal ganglion, brain, and spinal cord was confirmed at the mRNA level by RT-PCR. In situ hybridization histochemistry demonstrated TRAP mRNA expression in small ganglion cells of the trigeminal ganglion, in alpha-motor neurons of the ventral spinal cord, and in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. TRAP-like immunoreactivity was encountered in the cytoplasm of neuronal cell bodies in specific areas of both the central and the peripheral nervous system. Together, the data demonstrate that active TRAP/PAP is expressed in certain parts of the rat nervous system.  相似文献   

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