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4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) catalyzes the conversion of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate (HPP) into homogentisate. HPPD is the molecular target of very effective synthetic herbicides. HPPD inhibitors may also be useful in treating life-threatening tyrosinemia type I and are currently in trials for treatment of Parkinson disease. The reaction mechanism of this key enzyme in both plants and animals has not yet been fully elucidated. In this study, using site-directed mutagenesis supported by quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical theoretical calculations, we investigated the role of catalytic residues potentially interacting with the substrate/intermediates. These results highlight the following: (i) the central role of Gln-272, Gln-286, and Gln-358 in HPP binding and the first nucleophilic attack; (ii) the important movement of the aromatic ring of HPP during the reaction, and (iii) the key role played by Asn-261 and Ser-246 in C1 hydroxylation and the final ortho-rearrangement steps (numbering according to the Arabidopsis HPPD crystal structure 1SQD). Furthermore, this study reveals that the last step of the catalytic reaction, the 1,2 shift of the acetate side chain, which was believed to be unique to the HPPD activity, is also catalyzed by a structurally unrelated enzyme.  相似文献   

Serum transferrin (sTf) transports iron in serum and internalizes in cells via receptor mediated endocytosis. Additionally, sTf has been identified as the predominant aluminum carrier in serum. Some questions remain unclear about the exact mechanism for the metal release or whether the aluminum and iron show the same binding mode during the entire process. In the present work, simulation techniques at quantum and atomic levels have been employed in order to gain access into a molecular level understanding of the metal-bound sTf complex, and to describe the binding of Al(III) and Fe(III) ions to sTf. First, hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out in order to analyze the dynamics of the aluminum-loaded complex, taking into account the different pH conditions in blood and into the cell. Moreover, the complexes formed by transferrin with Al(III) and Fe(III) were optimized with high level density functional theory (DFT)/MM methods. All these results indicate that the interaction mode of Al(III) and Fe(III) with sTf change upon different pH conditions, and that the coordination of Al(III) and Fe(III) is not equivalent during the metal intake, transport and release processes. Our results emphasize the importance of the pH on the metal binding and release mechanism and suggest that Al(III) can follow the iron pathway to get access into cells, although once there, it may show a different binding mode, leading to a different mechanism for its release.  相似文献   

Lau JK  Cheng YK 《Biopolymers》2012,97(11):910-922
Early studies strongly implied that the specificity of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) toward its endogenous substrates can be uniquely determined by the amido orientation of the invariant glutamine locating in the binding pocket of the enzyme. However, recently solved crystal structures of PDE4 (cAMP specific) and PDE10 (dual specific) in the presence of endogenous substrates have revealed that their invariant glutamine orientations are very similar despite exhibiting different substrate specificities proven physiologically. To understand this subtle specificity issue in the PDE family, here several experimentally inaccessible PDE-substrate complex models have been studied computationally, and the results are juxtaposed and compared in detail. Modeling results show that PDE10 in fact favors cAMP energetically but still can bind to cGMP owing to the robust hydrogen-bond network in the vicinity of the invariant glutamine side chain. PDE4 fails to accommodate cGMP is correlated to the weakening of this same hydrogen-bond network but not owing to any steric strain in the binding pocket. An Asn residue in the binding pocket of PDE4 has enhanced the specificity of the binding to cAMP sideway as observed in our computer simulation. Further to the previously studied syn- versus anti-conformational specificity of cAMP in PDE10, the unexpected substrate-binding mode in PDE10 versus PDE4 as reported here strongly suggested that there are remaining uncertainties in the substrate orientation and recognition mechanism in the PDE families. The molecular details of the binding pocket observed in this study provide hints for more optimal PDE4 and PDE10 inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Terpenes comprise the largest class of natural products currently known. These ubiquitous molecules are synthesized by terpene synthases via complex carbocationic reactions, incorporating highly reactive intermediates. In the current study, we present a mechanistic investigation of the biosynthetic pathway for the formation of selina-4(15),7(11)-diene. We employ density functional theory to study a model carbocation system in the gas-phase, and delineate the energetic feasibility of a plausible reaction path. Our results suggests that during formation of selina-4(15),7(11)-diene, the substrate is likely folded in a conformation conducive to sequential cyclizations. We propose that a required proton transfer cannot occur intramolecularly in the gas-phase due to a high free energy barrier, and that enzyme assistance is essential for this step. Hybrid quantum mechanics-molecular mechanics docking studies suggest that enzyme intervention could be realized through electrostatic guidance.  相似文献   

In 2008, a successful computational design procedure was reported that yielded active enzyme catalysts for the Kemp elimination. Here, we studied these proteins together with a set of previously unpublished inactive designs to determine the sources of activity or lack thereof, and to predict which of the designed structures are most likely to be catalytic. Methods that range from quantum mechanics (QM) on truncated model systems to the treatment of the full protein with ONIOM QM/MM and AMBER molecular dynamics (MD) were explored. The most effective procedure involved molecular dynamics, and a general MD protocol was established. Substantial deviations from the ideal catalytic geometries were observed for a number of designs. Penetration of water into the catalytic site and insufficient residue‐packing around the active site are the main factors that can cause enzyme designs to be inactive. Where in the past, computational evaluations of designed enzymes were too time‐extensive for practical considerations, it has now become feasible to rank and refine candidates computationally prior to and in conjunction with experimentation, thus markedly increasing the efficiency of the enzyme design process.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical free-energy simulations were performed to understand the deacylation reaction catalysed by sedolisin (a serine-carboxyl peptidase) and to elucidate the catalytic mechanism and the role of the active-site residues during the process. The results given here demonstrate that Asp170 may act as a general acid/base catalyst for the deacylation reaction. It is also shown that the electrostatic oxyanion hole interactions involving Asp170 may be less effective in transition state stabilisation for the deacylation step in the sedolisin-catalysed reaction compared to the general acid/base mechanism. The proton transfer processes during the enzyme-catalysed process were examined, and their role in the catalysis was discussed.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate processing enzymes are of biocatalytic interest. Glycoside hydrolases and the recently discovered lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase for their use in biomass degradation to obtain biofuels or valued chemical entities. Glycosyltransferases or engineered glycosidases and phosphorylases for the synthesis of carbohydrates and glycosylated products. Quantum mechanics-molecular mechanics (QM/MM) methods are highly contributing to establish their different chemical reaction mechanisms. Other computational methods are also used to study enzyme conformational changes, ligand pathways, and processivity, e.g. for processive glycosidases like cellobiohydrolases. There is still a long road to travel to fully understand the role of conformational dynamics in enzyme activity and also to disclose the variety of reaction mechanisms these enzymes employ. Additionally, computational tools for enzyme engineering are beginning to be applied to evaluate substrate specificity or aid in the design of new biocatalysts with increased thermostability or tailored activity, a growing field where molecular modeling is finding its way.  相似文献   

Biological transmethylation reaction is a key step in the duplication of virus life cycle, in which S-adenosylmethionine plays as the methyl donor. The product of this reactions, S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) inhibits the transmethylation process. AdoHcy is hydrolysed to adenosine and L-homocysteine by the action of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAH). Thus the virus life cycle should be cut off once the action of SAH is inhibited. Our study was focussed on the discovery of potential inhibitor against SAH. We performed a similarity search in Traditional Chinese Medicine Database and retrieved 17 hits with high similarity. After that we virtually docked the 17 compounds as well as the natural substrates to the hydrolase using Autodock 3.0.1 software. Then we discussed about the mechanism of the inhibition reaction, followed by proposing the potential inhibitors by comparing best docked solutions and possible modification for the best inhibitors.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of acetylcholine hydrolysis by acetylcholinesterase, including both acylation and deacylation stages from the enzyme-substrate (ES) to the enzyme-product (EP) molecular complexes, is examined by using an ab initio type quantum mechanical – molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach. The density functional theory PBE0/aug-6–31+G* method for a fairly large quantum part trapped inside the native protein environment, and the AMBER force field parameters in the molecular mechanical part are employed in computations. All reaction steps, including the formation of the first tetrahedral intermediate (TI1), the acylenzyme (EA) complex, the second tetrahedral intermediate (TI2), and the EP complex, are modeled at the same theoretical level. In agreement with the experimental rate constants, the estimated activation energy barrier of the deacylation stage is slightly higher than that for the acylation phase. The critical role of the non-triad Glu202 amino acid residue in orienting lytic water molecule and in stabilizing the second tetrahedral intermediate at the deacylation stage of the enzymatic process is demonstrated. Figure The computed energy diagram for the reaction path from the enzyme – substrate complex (ES) to the enzyme-product complex (EP).  相似文献   

Photolyase uses light energy to split UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in damaged DNA. This photoenzyme encompasses a series of elementary dynamical processes during repair function from early photoinitiation by a photoantenna molecule to enhance repair efficiency, to in vitro photoreduction through aromatic residues to reconvert the cofactor to the active form, and to final photorepair to fix damaged DNA. The corresponding series of dynamics include resonance energy transfer, intraprotein electron transfer, and intermolecular electron transfer, bond breaking-making rearrangements and back electron return, respectively. We review here our recent direct studies of these dynamical processes in real time, which showed that all these elementary reactions in the enzyme occur within subnanosecond timescale. Active-site solvation was observed to play a critical role in the continuous modulation of catalytic reactions. As a model system for enzyme catalysis, we isolated the enzyme–substrate complex in the transition-state region and mapped out the entire evolution of unmasked catalytic reactions of DNA repair. These observed synergistic motions in the active site reveal a perfect correlation of structural integrity and dynamical locality to ensure maximum repair efficiency on the ultrafast time scale.  相似文献   

Shokhen M  Khazanov N  Albeck A 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1578-1587
The pKa of the catalytic His57 N(epsilon)H in the tetrahedral complex (TC) of chymotrypsin with trifluoromethyl ketone inhibitors is 4-5 units higher relative to the free enzyme (FE). Such stable TC's, formed with transition state (TS) analog inhibitors, are topologically similar to the catalytic TS. Thus, analysis of this pKa shift may shed light on the role of water solvation in the general base catalysis by histidine. We applied our QM/SCRF(VS) approach to study this shift. The method enables explicit quantum mechanical DFT calculations of large molecular clusters that simulate chemical reactions at the active site (AS) of water solvated enzymes. We derived an analytical expression for the pKa dependence on the degree of water exposure of the ionizable group, and on the total charge in the enzyme AS, Q(A) and Q(B), when the target ionizable functional group (His57 in this study) is in the acidic (A) and basic (B) forms, respectively. Q2(B) > Q2(A) both in the FE and in the TC of chymotrypsin. Therefore, water solvation decreases the relative stability of the protonated histidine in both. Ligand binding reduces the degree of water solvation of the imidazole ring, and consequently elevates the histidine pKa. Thus, the binding of the ligand plays a triggering role that switches on the cascade of catalytic reactions in serine proteases.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta virus ribozyme is an efficient catalyst of RNA 2′-O-transphosphorylation and has emerged as a key experimental system for identifying and characterizing fundamental features of RNA catalysis. Recent structural and biochemical data have led to a proposed mechanistic model whereby an active site Mg2+ ion facilitates deprotonation of the O2′ nucleophile, and a protonated cytosine residue (C75) acts as an acid to donate a proton to the O5′ leaving group as noted in a previous study. This model assumes that the active site Mg2+ ion forms an inner-sphere coordination with the O2′ nucleophile and a nonbridging oxygen of the scissile phosphate. These contacts, however, are not fully resolved in the crystal structure, and biochemical data are not able to unambiguously exclude other mechanistic models. In order to explore the feasibility of this model, we exhaustively mapped the free energy surfaces with different active site ion occupancies via quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) simulations. We further incorporate a three-dimensional reference interaction site model for the solvated ion atmosphere that allows these calculations to consider not only the rate associated with the chemical steps, but also the probability of observing the system in the presumed active state with the Mg2+ ion bound. The QM/MM results predict that a pathway involving metal-assisted nucleophile activation is feasible based on the rate-controlling transition state barrier departing from the presumed metal-bound active state. However, QM/MM results for a similar pathway in the absence of Mg2+ are not consistent with experimental data, suggesting that a structural model in which the crystallographically determined Mg2+ is simply replaced with Na+ is likely incorrect. It should be emphasized, however, that these results hinge upon the assumption of the validity of the presumed Mg2+-bound starting state, which has not yet been definitively verified experimentally, nor explored in depth computationally. Thus, further experimental and theoretical study is needed such that a consensus view of the catalytic mechanism emerges.  相似文献   

Multistate Bennett acceptance ratio (MBAR) works as a method to analyze molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data after the simulations have been finished. It is widely used to estimate free-energy changes between different states and averaged properties at the states of interest. MBAR allows us to treat a wide range of states from those at different temperature/pressure to those with different model parameters. Due to the broad applicability, the MBAR equations are rather difficult to apply for free-energy calculations using different types of MD simulations including enhanced conformational sampling methods and free-energy perturbation. In this review, we first summarize the basic theory of the MBAR equations and categorize the representative usages into the following four: (i) perturbation, (ii) scaling, (iii) accumulation, and (iv) full potential energy. For each, we explain how to prepare input data using MD simulation trajectories for solving the MBAR equations. MBAR is also useful to estimate reliable free-energy differences using MD trajectories based on a semi-empirical quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) model and ab initio QM/MM energy calculations on the MD snapshots. We also explain how to use the MBAR software in the GENESIS package, which we call mbar_analysis, for the four representative cases. The proposed estimations of free-energy changes and thermodynamic averages are effective and useful for various biomolecular systems.  相似文献   

Chenxiao Zhao  Lihua Dong  Yongjun Liu 《Proteins》2017,85(11):1967-1974
RlmN is a radical S‐adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzyme that catalyzes the C2 methylation of adenosine 2503 (A2503) in 23S rRNA and adenosine 37 (A37) in several Escherichia coli transfer RNAs (tRNA). The catalytic reaction of RlmN is distinctly different from that of typical SAM‐dependent methyltransferases that employs an SN2 mechanism, but follows a ping‐pong mechanism which involves the intermediate methylation of a conserved cysteine residue. Recently, the x‐ray structure of a key intermediate in the RlmN reaction has been reported, allowing us to perform combined quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations to delineate the reaction details of RlmN at atomic level. Starting from the Cross‐Linked RlmN C118A?tRNA complex, the possible mechanisms for both the formation and the resolution of the cross‐linked species (IM2) have been illuminated. On the basis of our calculations, IM2 is formed by the attack of the C355‐based methylene radical on the sp2‐hybridized C2 of the adenosine ring, corresponding to energy barrier of 14.4 kcal/mol, and the resolution of IM2 is confirmed to follow a radical fragmentation mechanism. The cleavage of C′–S′ bond of mC355‐A37 cross‐link is in concert with the deprotonation of C2 by C118 residue, which is the rate‐limiting step with an energy barrier of 17.4 kcal/mol. Moreover, the cleavage of C′–S′ bond of IM2 can occur independently, that is, it does not require the loss of an electron of IM2 and the formation of disulfide bond between C355 and C118 as precondition. These findings would deepen the understanding of the catalysis of RlmN.  相似文献   

The recognition of DNA by small molecules is of special importance in the design of new drugs. Many natural and synthetic compounds have the ability to interact with the minor groove of DNA. In the present study, identification of minor groove binding compounds was attained by the combined approach of pharmacophore modelling, virtual screening and molecular dynamics approach. Experimentally reported 32 minor groove binding compounds were used to develop the pharmacophore model. Based on the fitness score, best three pharmacophore hypotheses were selected and used as template for screening the compounds from drug bank database. This pharmacophore‐based screening provides many compounds with the same pharmacological properties. All these compounds were subjected to four phases of docking protocols with combined Glide‐quantum‐polarized ligand docking approach. Molecular dynamics results indicated that selected compounds are more active and showed good interaction in the binding site of DNA. Based on the scoring parameters and energy values, the best compounds were selected, and antibacterial activity of these compounds was identified using in vitro antimicrobial techniques. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase II catalyzes the nucleotidyl transfer reaction for messenger RNA synthesis in eukaryotes. Two crystal structures of this system have been resolved, each with its own defects in the coordination sphere of Mg2+(A) resulting from chemical modifications. We have used both structures and also a novel hybrid of the two that allows a better exploration of the parts of configuration space that reflect substrate–enzyme interactions. MD and QM/MM calculations have been performed, the latter with the semiempirical AM1/d‐PhoT method, calibrated against density functional theory. Reaction path scans in 1‐D provided insights about the role of Mg2+ (A) which turns out to be more structural than catalytic. In contrast, 1‐D scans of the incorporation of the nucleotidyl group yielded barriers that were much too high, necessitating the use of 2‐D reaction coordinates. Three different proton acceptors for the initial reaction step were examined. For those models based on the two PDB structures the 2‐D scans continued to yield very high barriers, indicating that the reaction is unlikely to proceed from these configurations. On the other hand, two hybrid models, chosen from the early and late parts of a 12ns molecular dynamics simulation yielded greatly reduced barriers in the range of ~17 to ~27 kcal/mol for the three proton acceptors, as compared to the experimental estimate of 18 kcal/mol. The final step, release of pyrophosphate, was found to be facile. Our overall mechanism involves only active site residues or water without the need for external reactive agents such as the hydroxide ion previously proposed. Proteins 2015; 83:268–281. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hydrogen bonding and polar interactions play a key role in identification of protein-inhibitor binding specificity. Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics molecular dynamics (QM/MM MD) simulations combined with DFT and semi-empirical Hamiltonian (AM1d, RM1, PM3, and PM6) methods were performed to study the hydrogen bonding and polar interactions of two inhibitors BEN and BEN1 with trypsin. The results show that the accuracy of treating the hydrogen bonding and polar interactions using QM/MM MD simulation of PM6 can reach the one obtained by the DFT QM/MM MD simulation. Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (QM/MM-GBSA) method was applied to calculate binding affinities of inhibitors to trypsin and the results suggest that the accuracy of binding affinity prediction can be significantly affected by the accurate treatment of the hydrogen bonding and polar interactions. In addition, the calculated results also reveal the binding specificity of trypsin: (1) the amidinium groups of two inhibitors generate favorable salt bridge interaction with Asp189 and form hydrogen bonding interactions with Ser190 and Gly214, (2) the phenyl of inhibitors can produce favorable van der Waals interactions with the residues His58, Cys191, Gln192, Trp211, Gly212, and Cys215. This systematic and comparative study can provide guidance for the choice of QM/MM MD methods and the designs of new potent inhibitors targeting trypsin.  相似文献   

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