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We report on two field experiments that were conducted in 1991 and 1992 at the South Coast Extension and Research Center, Irvine, CA, to study the incidence of multiple paternity in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Hypocotyl color and shikimate dehydrogenase (Skdh) isozymes were used as genetic markers. The white-seeded cultivar ‘Ferry Morse 53’ (FM 53) was used as the female parent. This cultivar is homozygous recessive (pp) for hypocotyl color. The pollen source parents were three homozygous dominant (PP) purple-hypocotyled, black-seeded cultivars. Three cultivars, ‘ICA Pijao,’ G4459, and the maternal parent FM 53, are of Mesoamerican origin and homozygous for the fast (F) allele at the Skdh locus. The other cultivar, Black Valentine, is of Andean origin and is homozygous for the slow (S) allele at the Skdh locus. Overall, 6 125 pods were obtained from 57 and 111 plants harvested individually in 1991 and 1992, respectively. All progeny, 28938 seeds, were scored for hypocotyl color at the seedling stage. The purple-hypocotyled seedlings were genotyped for the Skdh locus to identify their pollen parents. Multiple paternity was identified in all the pods with hybrid seeds (i.e., those of intercultivar crosses) at 5.8% and 8.1% in 1991 and 1992, respectively. All multiply sired pods produced both nonhybrid and hybrid seeds. As many as three successful fathers per pod were identified, but the number of markers limited measuring higher levels of multiple paternity. Most multiply sired pods (≈70%) were filled by nonhybrid seeds plus a single hybrid seed. Ovule position effect within multiply sired pods was inferred from the nonrandom distribution of hybrid seeds within a pod. On average, hybrid seeds occurred more frequently in ovules in position 7 (most basal) and in position 1 (most stylar) than in ovules in the middle positions of the pod.  相似文献   

The typical presentation of potato leafhopper injury in beans includes necrosis at the leaf margins (leaf burn or hopperburn), and downward curling or “cupping” of the leaves. To evaluate potato leafhopper damage a visual score that combines the overall severity of leaf burn, leaf curling and stunting symptoms is usually used. Nonetheless, it may be useful to evaluate these symptoms separately since they may be the result of separate mechanisms of damage, controlled by separate genes. A population of 108 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between a leafhopper‐susceptible Ontario cultivar (Berna) and a resistant line (EMP 419) were scored for injury after natural infestation with Empoasca fabae in Canada and Empoasca kraemeri in Colombia. Leaf burn and leaf curl were significantly rank‐correlated (0.37–0.74, P<0.001) in all environments. However, several RILs consistently exhibited high scores for leaf curl but low values for leaf burn, which suggests that genetic dissection of these characters may be possible. Indeterminate growth habit was associated with slightly lower damage scores in Colombia and Ontario, Canada (P<0.05) while white‐seeded lines had lower damage scores in Colombia (P<0.05). The resistant parental line had significantly lower nymph counts than did the susceptible parent. A positive relationship between damage scores and nymph counts was also observed in the F3 families and the F5:6 RILs.  相似文献   

Fifteen populations of wild bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), located in three provinces in Argentina, were analysed for their polymorphism for a complex resistance gene candidate (RGC) family clustered on the genome and for resistance phenotypes to strains of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Results indicate that RGC polymorphism is high. Population structure obtained for markers related to resistance was compared to population structure obtained for RAPD markers in order to infer the evolutionary forces driving polymorphism for resistance in wild populations at both molecular and phenotypic levels. Hierarchical analysis of differentiation showed that, within provinces, populations were differentiated for RAPD as well as for molecular and phenotypic markers of resistance. In contrast, provinces were differentiated only for RAPD and RGC markers and not for resistance phenotypes. The discrepancies found between diversity structures for molecular markers (RAPD and RGCs) and for resistance phenotypes suggest an effect of selection and indicate that diversity for resistance may not be driven by the same selective forces at the molecular and phenotypic levels. We further discuss whether specific selective forces are exerted on RGC markers and underline the importance of spatial scale of analysis for demonstrating an impact of selection.  相似文献   

A field experiment under rainfed conditions was conducted in Durango, México, to assess N2-fixation of three cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using 15N-methodology. In addition, diversity of rhizobial isolates obtained from nodules of the different plant genotypes was evaluated by intrinsic antibiotic resistance (IAR), PCR using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) primers, PCR-RFLP analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). Selected isolates were used to determine acetylene reduction and competitive ability under greenhouse conditions. The three cultivars tested did not show high variation in N2-fixation, the %Ndfa values ranged from 19 to 26%. Variability in N2-fixation efficiency among various native rhizobial isolates was very high and our results indicate that differences in competitive abilitiy exist also. PCR-RFLP of the 16S rRNA gene and MLEE revealed that most of the isolates belong to the species Rhizobium etli. Intrinsic antibiotic resistance analysis and ERIC-PCR showed high diversity among isolates. In contrast, our results using MLEE show low genetic diversity (H = 0.105).  相似文献   

Drought is a major yield constraint in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Pulse-chase (14)C-labelling experiments were performed using Pinto Villa (drought resistant) and Canario 60 (drought sensitive) cultivars, grown under optimal irrigation and water-deficit conditions. Starch and the radioactive label incorporated into starch were measured in leaves and pods at different time points, between the initiation of pod development and the production of mature pods. The water-stress treatment induced a higher starch accumulation in the drought-resistant cultivar pods than in those of the drought-sensitive cultivar. This effect was more noticeable during the early stages of pod development. Consistently, a reduction of starch content occurred in the leaves of the drought-resistant cultivar during the grain-filling stage. Furthermore, a synchronized accumulation of sucrose was observed in immature pods of this cultivar. These data indicate that carbohydrate partitioning is affected by drought in common bean, and that the modulation of this partitioning towards seed filling has been a successful strategy in the development of drought-resistant cultivars. In addition, our results suggest that, in the drought-resistant cultivar, the efficient carbon mobilization towards the seeds in response to water limitation is favoured by a mechanism that implies a more effective sucrose transport.  相似文献   

The physiological response to drought was measured in two common bean varieties with contrastive susceptibility to drought stress. A subtractive cDNA library was constructed from the two cultivars, Phaseolus vulgaris'Pinto Villa' (tolerant) and 'Carioca' (susceptible). 18 cDNAs displayed protein-coding genes associated with drought, cold and oxidative stress, signal transduction, plant defense, chloroplast function and unknown function. A cDNA coding for an aquaporin (AQP) was selected for further analyses. The open reading frames (ORFs) of AQPs from 'Pinto Villa' and 'Carioca' were compared and despite their similarity, accumulated differentially in the plant organs, as demonstrated by Northern blot and in situ hybridization. A phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence with other AQPs suggested a tonoplast-located protein. Under drought conditions, the levels of AQP mRNA from the susceptible cultivar decreased to undetectable levels; by contrast, 'Pinto Villa' mRNA was present and restricted the phloem tissue. This would allow 'Pinto Villa' to maintain vascular tissue functions under drought stress.  相似文献   

The inheritance of partial resistance within eight bean cultivars to a single-pustule isolate of bean rust was studied by means of a F1 diallel test. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were very highly significant over two seasons and in interaction with seasons. The partitioning of the sums of squares indicated the greater importance of GCA in the inheritance of the resistance. Reciprocal effects were not significant. The estimates of narrow-sense heritability in the two seasons were 0.899 ± 0.056 and 0.603 ± 0.065.  相似文献   

The influence of chromium concentration on ethylene production in bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) was investigated. A Cr ion-induced inhibition of ethylene synthesis from endogenous 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) was observed within both leaf discs floated on 2 m M CrO2−4 or Cr3+ and leaf discs from plants cultured in nutrient solutions containing 10, 20 or 40 μ M CrO2−4. However, Cr ions supplied either to plants with the nutrient solution or to discs with the incubation medium rather increased the conversion of exogenous ACC to ethylene. Primary leaves of plants exposed to CrO2−4-containing nutrient solutions showed a statistically insignificant decrease of ACC-synthase activity. In the trifoliolate leaves of plants exposed to 10 μ M CrO2−4, in which a significant decrease of ethylene production from endogenous ACC was observed, a substantial increase of ACC synthase was found. These results indicate that Cr ion-induced inhibition of ethylene production is not due to a breakdown of membrane integrity, which is necessary for ethylene forming enzyme activity, but caused by metabolic alterations leading to decreased ACC availability. Chromium ions may act by inhibiting ACC synthase activity or by diverting a metabolic step prior to the ACC synthase catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   


Eight varieties of Ligurian common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were analysed using molecular approaches. Results were compared with two commercial cultivars (‘Cannellino’ and ‘Borlotto’). Data suggest that all Ligurian bean varieties have a low genetic variability and are very close to the commercial varieties. In particular, the three ‘Bianco’ varieties showed a molecular affinity, probably due to their common genomic origin.  相似文献   

 Molecular markers offer new opportunities for breeding for disease resistance. Resistance gene pyramiding in a single cultivar, as a strategy for durable resistance, can be facilitated by marker-assisted selection (MAS). A RAPD marker, ROH20450, linked to the Mesoamerican Co-2 anthracnose resistance gene, was previously transformed into a SCAR marker, SCH20. In the present paper we have further characterized the relevance of the SCH20 SCAR marker in different genetic backgrounds. Since this SCAR marker was found to be useful mainly in the Andean gene pool, we identified a new PCR-based marker (SCAreoli) for indirect scoring of the presence of the Co-2 gene. The SCAreoli SCAR marker is polymorphic in the Mesoamerican as well as in the Andean gene pool and should be useful in MAS. We also report that PvH20, the cloned sequence corresponding to the 450-bp RAPD marker ROH20450, contains six imperfect leucine-rich repeats, and reveals a family of related sequences in the vicinity of the Co-2 locus. These results are discussed in the context of the recent cloning of some plant resistance genes. Received: 26 June 1997 / Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

To analyse nodular antioxidant enzyme expression in response to salt stress, Phaseolus vulgaris genotype BAT477 was inoculated with reference strain CIAT899, and treated with 50 mM NaCl. Plant growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixing activity were analysed. Results showed that: (1) all parameters, particularly in nodules, were affected by salt treatments, and (2) confirmed preferential growth allocation to roots. The ARA was significantly decreased by salt treatments. Protein dosage confirmed that nodules were more affected by salt treatment than were roots. We analysed superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and peroxidase in nodules, roots and a free rhizobial strain. Our results indicated that SOD and CAT nodular isozymes had bacterial and root origins. The SOD expressed the same CuZn, Fe and Mn SOD isoforms in nodules and roots, whereas in free rhizobia we found only one Fe and Mn SOD. APX and POX nodule and root profiles had only root origins, as no rhizobial band was detected. Under salt stress, plant growth, nitrogen fixation and activities of antioxidant defense enzymes in nodules were affected. Thus, these enzymes appear to preserve symbiosis from stress turned out that NaCl salinity lead to a differential regulation of distinct SOD and POX isoenzyme. So their levels in nodules appeared to be consistent with a symbiotic nitrogen fixing efficiency hypothesis, and they seem to function as the molecular mechanisms underlying the nodule response to salinity.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were done to test whether N fixation is more sensitive to high soil temperatures in common bean than in cowpea or soybean. Greenhouse experiments compared nodulation, nitrogenase activity, growth and nitrogen accumulation of several host/strain combinations of common bean with the other grain legumes and with N-fertilization, at various root temperatures. Field experiments compared relative N-accumulation (in symbiotic relative to N-fertilized plants) of common bean with cowpea under different soil thermal regimes. N-fertilized beans were unaffected by the higher temperatures, but nitrogen accumulation by symbiotic beans was always more sensitive to high root temperatures (33°C, 33/28°C, 34/28°C compared with 28°C) than were cowpea and soybean symbiosis. Healthy bean nodules that had developed at low temperatures functioned normally in acetylene reduction tests done at 35°C. High temperatures caused little or no suppression of nodule number. However, bean nodules produced at high temperatures were small and had low specific activity. ForP. vulgaris some tolerance to high temperature was observed among rhizobium strains (e.g., CIAT 899 was tolerant) but not among host cultivars. Heat tolerance ofP. acutifolius andP. lunatus symbioses was similar to that of cowpea and soybean. In the field, high surface soil temperatures did not reduce N accumulation in symbiotic beans more than in cowpea, probably because of compensatory nodulation in the deeper and cooler parts of the soil.  相似文献   

Low phosphorus availability is often a primary constraint to plant productivity in native soils. Here we test the hypothesis that root carbon costs are a primary limitation to plant growth in low P soils by assessing the effect of P availability and mycorrhizal infection on whole plant C budgets in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plants were grown in solid-phase-buffered silica sand providing a constant supply of low (1 μ m ) or moderate (10 μ m ) P. Carbon budgets were determined weekly during the vegetative growth phase. Mycorrhizal infection in low-P plants increased the root specific P absorption rate, but a concurrent increase in root respiration consumed the increased net C gain resulting from greater P uptake. The energy content of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots was similar. We propose that the increase in root respiration in mycorrhizal roots was mainly due to increased maintenance and growth respiration of the fungal tissue. Plants grown with low P availability expended a significantly larger fraction of their total daily C budget on below-ground respiration at days 21, 28 and 35 after planting (29–40%) compared with plants grown with moderate P supply (18–25%). Relatively greater below-ground respiration in low P plants was mainly a result of their increased root:shoot ratio, although specific assimilation rate was reduced significantly at days 21 and 28 after planting. Specific root respiration was reduced over time by low P availability, by up to 40%. This reduction in specific root respiration was due to a reduction in ion uptake respiration and growth respiration, whereas maintenance respiration was increased in low-P plants. Our results support the hypothesis that root C costs are a primary limitation to plant growth in low-P soils.  相似文献   

The characterization of a cDNA clone encoding non-specific lipid transfer protein (PvLTP, formerly named PVR3) in the roots of bean seedlings has been previously reported. In this study, we examined the temporal and spatial accumulation of PvLTP mRNA and the effect of the auxin naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) on the accumulation of PvLTP mRNA during root development. In situ hybridization showed that accumulation of PvLTP mRNA is highly tissue-specific. Accumulation was detected in the cortical tissue, but not in other tissues of root, including the quiescent center and root cap. Within the cortical tissue, accumulation of PvLTP mRNA was developmentally regulated; accumulation of PvLTP mRNA was high in the cortical tissue of the proximal and ground meristem and declined as cortical tissue developed further. Since the appropriate distribution of auxin is an important factor responsible for the maintenance of root meristem organization. We examined effect of auxin on the accumulation of PvLTP mRNA in relation to the development of cortical tissue. In bean seedlings grown on medium supplemented with 5 M NAA, morphological alternations, including radial root expansion and abnormal tissue organization in the root apical meristem, were observed. Only faint accumulation signals of PvLTP mRNA were observed in the cortical tissue of proximal meristem region, indicating that cortical tissue development was repressed by exogenous NAA. However, our results suggest that the change in accumulation of PvLTP mRNA is not direct regulatory effect but reflective effect of altered development of cortical tissue that was induced by exogenous NAA. The temporal and spatial accumulation of PvLTP mRNA indicates that PvLTP is a useful marker for the development of cortical tissue in the root tip in bean seedlings.  相似文献   

The protochlorophyll(ide) forms and plastid ultrastructure were investigated in hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings of kidney bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Brede zonder draad). By deconvolution of the fluorescence emission spectra into Gaussian components three protochlorophyll(ide) forms were found with maxima at 633, 642 and 657 nm, respectively. The ratio of protochlorophyll(ide) emitting at 657 nm to protochlorophyll(ide) emitting at 633 nm decreased downwards the hypocotyl. The gradient was established already after 4 days in dark-grown Phaseolus and was also seen in hypocotyls of 7-day-old dark-grown plants of 8 other species. Ultrastructural observations revealed a plastid developmental sequence along the hypocotyl. Plastids in the upper parts of the hypocotyl contained prolamellar bodies typical of etiolated leaves while those in the lower parts contained only stroma lamellae. Immunological detection of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (EC on nitrocellulose membranes after sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE) indicated the occurrence of the enzyme in upper, middle and lower sections of hypocotyls and in the root tips.  相似文献   

In field trials at eight sites throughout the UK the mean thermal time requirement for navy beans from sowing to harvest for a standard cultivar, Marcus, was 2069 Ontario Heat Units (OHU). Low level plastic covers increased the range of warm environments at one site and gave a mean thermal time required of 2098 OHU. Analysis of daily air temperatures from six weather stations throughout the UK over a 29 year period, showed a 14 day possible planting period on the south coast of England, but gave a high probability of crop failure in Scotland. Maps of England and Wales indicating the probability of achieving 2000 OHU were produced from 5 km grid point temperatures. Less than 2% of the land had more than a 60% chance of receiving 2000 OHU under the present climate, however this area increased to 70% with a mean temperature rise of 1.5°C. Although 2000 OHU is often used as the thermal time requirement of navy beans, these trials showed that it may be more accurate to use the higher figure of 2087 OHU from sowing to harvest, and restrict the use of 2000 OHU to the period between emergence and harvest. When the map was redrawn using 2087 OHU and current climate, no parts of England and Wales showed a reasonable chance of growing the present cultivars of navy beans.  相似文献   

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