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As clinical academic medical departments strive to improve the quality of their research, clinicians and scientists are forced into closer liaison. In many cases, clinical departments now have research laboratories directed by "basic scientists" but often staffed, in part at least, by doctors. To someone who has not worked in one, these laboratories may seem uncompromising and forbidding work environments. This article presents a "case report" written from the viewpoints of the doctor, the scientist, and the professor.  相似文献   

Species differences in life span have been attributed to cellular survival during various stressors, designated here as ‘cell resilience’. In primary fibroblast cultures, cell resilience during exposure to free radicals, hypoglycemia, hyperthermia, and various toxins has shown generally consistent correlations with the species characteristic life spans of birds and mammals. However, the mechanistic links of cell resilience in fibroblast cultures to different species life spans are poorly understood. We propose that certain experimental stressors are relevant to somatic damage in vivo during inflammatory responses of innate immunity, particularly, resistance to reactive oxygen species (ROS), low glucose, and hyperthermia. According to this hypothesis, somatic cell resilience determines species differences in longevity during repeated infections and traumatic injuries in the natural environment. Infections and injury expose local fibroblasts and other cells to ROS generated by macrophages and to local temperature elevations. Systemically, acute phase immune reactions cause hypoglycemia and hyperthermia. We propose that cell resilience to somatic stressors incurred in inflammation is important in the evolution of longevity and that longer‐lived species are specifically more resistant to immune‐related stressors. This hypothesis further specifies Kirkwood’s disposable soma theory. We suggest expanding the battery of stressors and markers used for comparative studies to additional cell types and additional parameters relevant to host defense and to their ecological specificities.  相似文献   

Regrettably, 140 years after the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, we face the grotesque situation that we still do not know what is a species whose origin Darwin wanted to explain. A generally applicable species definition is not available. Is there a basic unit of biodiversity above the level of individuals? Do we try to define something that does not exist in reality? The strong potential for the evolution of genetic variability in parasites together with the importance of species diagnosis for applied fields of parasite research make biodiversity research a key role in parasitology. Frequent occurrence of sympatric speciation, clonal reproduction, selfing, sib mating or parthenogenesis imply exceptional conditions for the evolution of gene pool diversities in parasites.  相似文献   

Alona brandorffi sp. n, related to A. verrucosa Sars, 1901 is described from Boa Vista, Brazil. Parthenogenetic females and males of A. brandorffi were studied. Examination of trunk limbs of A. brandorffi reveals several unusual modifications in structure, unique for the genus, such as very short setae on endites 2 and 3 of limb I, peculiar IDL setae, limb II with scrapers 7–8 with reduced distal part and only six, instead of seven setae in the filter plate, limb IV with only three, instead of four, setae on the inner lobe. The relationships and place of A. brandorffi within the genus Alona are discussed.  相似文献   

During a 6-year period, we isolated three Abiotrophia defectiva, six Granulicatella adiacens and two G. 'para-adiacens' strains from clinical specimens. All A. defectiva strains were isolated from immunocompetent patients with endovascular infections, whereas the Granulicatella spp. strains were isolated from immunosuppressed patients with primary bacteremia. As the capacity of bacteria to adhere to the host extracellular matrix (ECM) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endovascular infection, we investigated the ability of A. defectiva and Granulicatella spp. isolates to bind different ECM components immobilized in microtiter plates. Adherence tests showed a strong attachment of A. defectiva strains to fibronectin, whereas Granulicatella spp. strains were not adherent. The poor adherence of Granulicatella spp. strains to the ECM could be correlated with a lower propensity to induce endocarditis.  相似文献   

Gibbs KE  Currie DJ 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e35730
It is critical to assess the effectiveness of the tools used to protect endangered species. The main tools enabled under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) to promote species recovery are funding, recovery plan development and critical habitat designation. Earlier studies sometimes found that statistically significant effects of these tools could be detected, but they have not answered the question of whether the effects were large enough to be biologically meaningful. Here, we ask: how much does the recovery status of ESA-listed species improve with the application of these tools? We used species' staus reports to Congress from 1988 to 2006 to quantify two measures of recovery for 1179 species. We related these to the amount of federal funding, years with a recovery plan, years with critical habitat designation, the amount of peer-reviewed scientific information, and time listed. We found that change in recovery status of listed species was, at best, only very weakly related to any of these tools. Recovery was positively related to the number of years listed, years with a recovery plan, and funding, however, these tools combined explain <13% of the variation in recovery status among species. Earlier studies that reported significant effects of these tools did not focus on effect sizes; however, they are in fact similarly small. One must conclude either that these tools are not very effective in promoting species' recovery, or (as we suspect) that species recovery data are so poor that it is impossible to tell whether the tools are effective or not. It is critically important to assess the effectiveness of tools used to promote species recovery; it is therefore also critically important to obtain population status data that are adequate to that task.  相似文献   

Community persistence, or the ability of a community to maintain species composition and diversity through time, is a component of stability that is important to restoration. We ran a biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiment for three years, and then stopped weeding it for 5–6 years, which allowed us to test whether increased plant species diversity and dissimilarity in height would lead to increased community persistence in the face of high invasion pressure by non-native species. Our approach was unique in that the experiment varied richness (one or four species) and evenness (three levels plus monocultures of the dominant species) using two separate dissimilarity types (having all tall species or having tall and short species combined) in six spatiotemporal blocks. Persistence was quantified as to how well positive productivity–diversity relationships, proportion of planted native species, and species richness remained unchanged over time. Thus, high persistence values indicate low levels of invasion and local extinction. We found that the positive relationship between diversity measures and productivity persisted after cessation of weeding. The proportion of planted species was 32% higher in mixture than in monoculture plots, indicating that monocultures were more heavily invaded by non-native species. Reduced evenness did not affect persistence measures in plots with dissimilar heights, but measures declined linearly with decreased evenness in plots with all tall species. Our results suggest that (1) persistence–diversity relationships are likely to vary with the traits of species becoming rare and going extinct, and (2) it is important to restore higher species diversity in restoration projects to favor the long-term persistence of planted species.  相似文献   

Algal blooms are increasing worldwide, driven by elevated nutrient inputs. However, it is still unknown how tropical benthic algae will respond to heatwaves, which are expected to be more frequent under global warming. In the present study, a multifactorial experiment was carried out to investigate the potential synergistic effects of increased ammonium inputs (25 μM, control at 2.5 μM) and a heatwave (31°C, control at 25°C) on the growth and physiology (e.g., ammonium uptake, nutrient assimilation, photosynthetic performance, and pigment concentrations) of two bloom-forming algal species, Cladophoropsis sp. and Laurencia sp. Both algae positively responded to elevated ammonium concentrations with higher growth and chlorophyll a and lutein concentrations. Increased temperature was generally a less important driver, interacting with elevated ammonium by decreasing the algaes' %N content and N:P ratios. Interestingly, this stress response was not captured by the photosynthetic yield (Fv/Fm) nor by the carbon assimilation (%C), which increased for both algae at higher temperatures. The negative effects of higher temperature were, however, buffered by nutrient inputs, showing an antagonistic response in the combined treatment for the concentration of VAZ (violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin) and thalli growth. Ammonium uptake was initially higher for Cladophoropsis sp. and increased for Laurencia sp. over experimental time, showing an acclimation capacity even in a short time interval. This experiment shows that both algae benefited from increased ammonium pulses and were able to overcome the otherwise detrimental stress of increasingly emerging temperature anomalies, which provide them a strong competitive advantage and might support their further expansions in tropical marine systems.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the frequency of coinfection with multiple strains in sporadic cases of human Campylobacter infection. Method and RESULTS: During 1999 10 single colonies of Campylobacter were cultured from each of 53 positive faecal samples. Five isolates were taken from nonselective agar after passive filtration of faecal suspensions and five isolates were taken from selective agar plates. All isolates were sero- and phage typed and their antibiotic resistance determined. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and flagellin gene typing were performed on selected isolates. One patient was infected with Camp. coli, the remainder with strains of Camp. jejuni. The majority of patients was infected with a single strain of Campylobacter, but from each of four samples, 7.5%, two strains of Camp. jejuni, confirmed by molecular typing, were identified. CONCLUSION: Coinfection occurs in sporadic cases of campylobacteriosis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study has implications in outbreak investigation when distinct strains have been isolated from epidemiologically related patients and/or the suspected source or vehicle.  相似文献   

 A novel thermophilic Gram-positive bacillus, “Bacillus thermoantarcticus”, isolated from geothermal soil near the crater of Mount Melbourne, is described. The organism grows at an optimal temperature of 63°C at pH 6.0, is oxidase-positive, catalase-negative and produces an exopolysaccharide, an exocellular xylanase, an intracellular alcohol dehydrogenase and exo- and endocellular α-glucosidase(s). The sequence of 16S rDNA is very similar to that of “Bacillus thermoglucosidasius”; however, the guanine-plus-cytosine (G+C) content is 8 mol% higher. The type strain is “Bacillus thermoantarcticus” (DSM 9572). Received : 3 February 1995/Accepted : 12 May 1995  相似文献   

Population density is a fundamental property of a species and yet it varies among populations of the same species. The variation comes from the interplay between intrinsic features of a species that tend to produce repeatable density values across all populations of the same species and extrinsic environmental factors that differ among localities and thus tend to produce spatial variation in density. Is inter-population variation in density too large for density to be considered a true species character? We addressed this question using data on abundance (number of parasites per individual host, i.e. equivalent to density) of fleas ectoparasitic on small mammals. The data included samples of 548 flea populations, representing 145 flea species and obtained from 48 different geographical regions. Abundances of the same flea species on the same host species, but in different regions, were more similar to each other than expected by chance, and varied significantly among flea species, with 46% of the variation among samples accounted by differences between flea species. Thus, estimates of abundance are repeatable within the same flea species. The same repeatability was also observed, but to a lesser extent, across flea genera, tribes and subfamilies. Independently of the identity of the flea species, abundance values recorded on the same host species, or in the same geographical region, also showed significant statistical repeatability, though not nearly as strong as that associated with abundance values from the same flea species. There were also no strong indications that regional differences in abiotic variables were an important determinant of variation in abundance of a given flea species on a given host species. Abundance thus appears to be a true species trait in fleas, although it varies somewhat within bounds set by species-specific life history traits.  相似文献   



Social parasitism is an important selective pressure for social insect species. It is particularly the case for the hosts of dulotic (so called slave-making) ants, which pillage the brood of host colonies to increase the worker force of their own colony. Such raids can have an important impact on the fitness of the host nest. An arms race which can lead to geographic variation in host defenses is thus expected between hosts and parasites. In this study we tested whether the presence of a social parasite (the dulotic ant Myrmoxenus ravouxi) within an ant community correlated with a specific behavioral defense strategy of local host or non-host populations of Temnothorax ants. Social recognition often leads to more or less pronounced agonistic interactions between non-nestmates ants. Here, we monitored agonistic behaviors to assess whether ants discriminate social parasites from other ants. It is now well-known that ants essentially rely on cuticular hydrocarbons to discriminate nestmates from aliens. If host species have evolved a specific recognition mechanism for their parasite, we hypothesize that the differences in behavioral responses would not be fully explained simply by quantitative dissimilarity in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, but should also involve a qualitative response due to the detection of particular compounds. We scaled the behavioral results according to the quantitative chemical distance between host and parasite colonies to test this hypothesis.


Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles were distinct between species, but host species did not show a clearly higher aggression rate towards the parasite than toward non-parasite intruders, unless the degree of response was scaled by the chemical distance between intruders and recipient colonies. By doing so, we show that workers of the host and of a non-host species in the parasitized site displayed more agonistic behaviors (bites and ejections) towards parasite than toward non-parasite intruders.


We used two different analyses of our behavioral data (standardized with the chemical distance between colonies or not) to test our hypothesis. Standardized data show behavioral differences which could indicate qualitative and specific parasite recognition. We finally stress the importance of considering the whole set of potentially interacting species to understand the coevolution between social parasites and their hosts.

Is it a species?     
KEVIN WINKER 《Ibis》2010,152(4):679-682

Older species: a rejuvenation on coral reefs?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Aim To discuss the theory that the present high species diversity and apomorphic character of the coral reef ecosystem is because of the historic accumulation of basal species from marginal habitats. Location The Indo‐West Pacific Ocean. Methods The examination of biogeographical patterns from the standpoint of paleontology, phylogeny, genetics, and empirical data. Results Fossil patterns from several clades indicate a gradient of increasing average generic age that extends outward from the high diversity reefs. Successful species that give rise to new species, genera, and families apparently originate from high diversity locations. The tropics have been a major source of evolutionary novelty, not simply a refuge that has accumulated diversity. Many plesiomorphic clades, that once dominated the shallow tropics, are now limited to the deep sea and other safe places. Recent research on several tropical fish families indicates that more apomorphic species inhabit the high diversity reefs. Genetic studies suggest that a decrease in genetic variation extends from the diversity centre toward the outer reaches of the Indo‐West Pacific. Empirical data show that it is extremely difficult for species from low diversity areas to invade places of higher diversity. Main conclusions There is no convincing evidence to indicate that basal species from marginal habitats have been able to accumulate on the coral reefs. Once such species have been displaced from a high diversity environment, there is apparently no return. The evolutionary innovations that contribute to the origination of new phyletic lines take place under conditions of high diversity and maximum competition.  相似文献   

Anton Brancelj 《Hydrobiologia》2000,436(1-3):73-80
The genus Morariopsishas a disjunct distribution. It has been found in south-eastern Europe and in the Baikal region in Russia. In Europe two species are known, both from the Dinaric region. They have been found in three caves only, but always in puddles filled with percolating water. This indicates that they inhabit an unsaturated karstic environment. A third species, Morariopsis dumontin.sp has now been found, in the same type of habitat, on several dates, in a small cave in central Slovenia. Males were recorded for the first time in this genus.The new species is related to Morariospsis kieferiPetkovski, 1959 from Dalmatia. The main differences are in the ornamentation of the furca and of the abdominal segments. P5 and particularly endopodite of P4 in males suggest a close relation between Morariaand Morariopsis.  相似文献   

Mythimna unipuncta is a species with low susceptibility to the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin, and this insect occasionally causes devastating damage to maize. In the study region, M. unipuncta‐developed larvae were observed moving from a non‐Bt crop to a nearby Bt crop. Although the first response of many caterpillars to xenobiotics, such as the Bt toxin, is to reduce food intake and prolong development, few studies have focused on the causes and consequences of this response in terms of resistance evolution. To clarify the causes of this response, this work compared changes in the feeding behaviour, cytochrome P450 expression and juvenile hormone titre during the last larval instar of M. unipuncta after Bt ingestion. Four P450 enzymes related to the xenobiotic metabolism of the CYP9 and CYP6 families were identified. Developed larvae fed the Bt diet reduced their food intake and CYP9 expression, experienced prolonged development and presented an altered juvenile hormone balance. The CYP9s were not increased in the larvae that consumed Bt, as previously expected, although their highest expression was observed when larval feeding increased. The high recovery capacity of the larvae contributed to their development when they were fed a non‐Bt diet. The efficiency of responses that act jointly as a defence mechanism against Bt might favour the development of field resistance to the toxin. Therefore, these responses should be further investigated for resistance management programmes.  相似文献   

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