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Plasmid RP4 was used to mobilize the agrocin 84-encoding plasmid, pAg396, from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain 396 to A. tumefaciens C58 and C58CI as well as Rhizobium meliloti. It was transferred to, but not stably maintained in, R. leguminosarum. It could not be transferred to R. lupini, R. japonicum or R. trifolii. Plasmid pAg396 did not segregate in R. meliloti and produced levels of agrocin comparable to the parental strain A. tumefaciens 396. The potential of agrocin producing R. meliloti in biological control of crown gall is being investigated.  相似文献   

Amongst prokaryotic genomes, those of nitrogen-fixing members of the Rhizobiaceae family are relatively large (6-9 Mb), often include mega-plasmids of 1.5-2 Mb, and contain numerous families of repeated DNA sequences. Although most essential nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes are well characterized, these represent only a small fraction of the DNA content. Little is known about the detailed structure of rhizobial genomes. With the development of sequencing techniques and new bio-informatic tools such studies become possible, however. Using the 2275 shotgun sequences of ANU265 (a derivative of NGR234 cured of pNGR234a), we have identified numerous families of repeats. Amongst these, the 58-bp-long NGRREP-4 represents the third most abundant DNA sequence after the RIME1 and RIME2 repeats, all of which are also found in Sinorhizobium meliloti. Surprisingly, studies on the distribution of these elements showed that in proportion to its size, the chromosome of NGR234 carries many more RIME modules than pNGR234a or pNGR234b. Together with the presence in NGR234 and S. meliloti 1021 of an insertion sequence (IS) element more conserved than essential nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes, these results give new insights into the origin and evolution of rhizobial genomes.  相似文献   

Microbial genomes are thought to be mosaic, making it difficult to decipher how these genomes have evolved. Whole-genome nearest-neighbor analysis was applied to the Sinorhizobium meliloti pSymB replicon to determine its origin, the degree of horizontal transfer, and the conservation of gene order. Prediction of the nearest neighbor based on contextual information, i.e., the nearest phylogenetic neighbor of adjacent genes, provided useful information for genes for which phylogenetic relationships could not be established. A large portion of pSymB genes are most closely related to genes in the Agrobacterium tumefaciens linear chromosome, including the rep and min genes. This suggests a common origin for these replicons. Genes with the nearest neighbor from the same species tend to be grouped in "patches". Gene order within these patches is conserved, but the content of the patches is not limited to operons. These data show that 13% of pSymB genes have nearest neighbors in species that are not members of the Rhizobiaceae family (including two archaea), and that these likely represent genes that have been involved in horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhizobium meliloti carry related genetic loci which have important roles in virulence and symbiosis. Previously, it was shown that two virulence loci of A. tumefaciens, chvA and chvB, are related to two R. meliloti symbiosis loci, ndvA and ndvB, respectively (T. Dylan, L. Ielpi, S. Stanfield, L. Kashyap, C. Douglas, M. Yanofsky, E. Nester, D. R. Helinski, and G. Ditta, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:4403-4407, 1986). Here we show that these two phytobacteria possess additional related virulence/symbiosis genes. Results of genetic complementation and DNA hybridization experiments indicate that the pscA virulence locus of A. tumefaciens is structurally and functionally related to the exoC symbiosis locus of R. meliloti. Thus, A. tumefaciens and R. meliloti bear at least three related genetic loci that have crucial roles in establishing the interactions that each bacterium has with its respective host plants.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirD4 is essential for DNA transfer to plants. VirD4 presumably functions as a coupling factor that facilitates communication between a substrate and the transport pore. To serve as a coupling protein, VirD4 may be required to localize near the transport apparatus. In a previous study, we observed that several constituents of the transport apparatus localize to the cell membranes. In this study, we demonstrate that VirD4 has a unique cellular location. In immunofluorescence microscopy, cells probed with anti-VirD4 antibodies had foci of fluorescence primarily at the cell poles, indicating that VirD4 localizes to the cell pole. Polar location of VirD4 was not dependent on T-DNA processing, the formation of the transport apparatus and the presence of other Vir proteins. VirD4 is an integral membrane protein with one periplasmic domain. The large cytoplasmic region contains a nucleotide-binding domain. To investigate the role of these domains in DNA transfer, we introduced mutations in virD4 and studied the effect of a mutation on substrate transfer. A deletion of most of the periplasmic domain as well as the alterations of glycine 151 to serine and lysine 152 to alanine led to the complete loss of DNA transfer, indicating that both domains are essential for substrate transfer. Subcellular localization of the mutant proteins indicated that both the periplasmic and the nucleotide-binding domains are required for polar localization of VirD4. The periplasmic domain mutant VirD4Delta36-61 was distributed throughout the cell membrane, whereas the nucleotide binding site mutant VirD4G151S localized to sites other than the cell poles. Polar location of VirD4 suggests a role for the cell pole in DNA transfer.  相似文献   

Group II introns are self-splicing catalytic RNAs that act as mobile retroelements. In bacteria, they are thought to be tolerated to some extent because they self-splice and home preferentially to sites outside of functional genes, generally within intergenic regions or in other mobile genetic elements, by mechanisms including the divergence of DNA target specificity to prevent target site saturation. RmInt1 is a mobile group II intron that is widespread in natural populations of Sinorhizobium meliloti and was first described in the GR4 strain. Like other bacterial group II introns, RmInt1 tends to evolve toward an inactive form by fragmentation, with loss of the 3′ terminus. We identified genomic evidence of a fragmented intron closely related to RmInt1 buried in the genome of the extant S. meliloti/S. medicae species. By studying this intron, we obtained evidence for the occurrence of intron insertion before the divergence of ancient rhizobial species. This fragmented group II intron has thus existed for a long time and has provided sequence variation, on which selection can act, contributing to diverse genetic rearrangements, and to generate pan-genome divergence after strain differentiation. The data presented here suggest that fragmented group II introns within intergenic regions closed to functionally important neighboring genes may have been microevolutionary forces driving adaptive evolution of these rhizobial species.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium sp. II CCBAU 21244 isolated from root nodules of Wisteria sinensis was verified as an endophytic bacterium by inoculation and reisolation tests. However, inoculation with a mixture of this strain and a Sinorhizobium meliloti strain could induce root nodules on W. sinensis and two other woody legumes, which do not form a symbiosis with S. meliloti alone. Rod-shaped and irregular nodules were found on the inoculated plants, in which the S. meliloti strain was detected in all of the nodules; while the Agrobacterium strain was inside of the rod-shaped nodules, or occupied only the nodule surface of the irregular globe-shaped nodules. These findings revealed novel interactions among the symbiotic bacteria, endophytic bacteria and the legume plants, although the mechanisms are still unknown.  相似文献   

The pSym megaplasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 2011 mobilized by plasmid RP4, or plasmid pGMI42, an RP4-prime derivative which carries a 290-kilobase pSym fragment including nitrogenase and nod genes, was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The resulting transconjugants induced root deformations specifically on the homologous hosts Medicago sativa and Melilotus alba and not on the heterologous hosts Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens. The root deformations were shown to be genuine nodules by physiological and cytological studies. Thus, host specificity nodulation genes are located on the pSym megaplasmid. Host nodulation specificity did not seem to require recognition at the root hair level since no infection threads could be detected in the root hairs. Cytological observations indicated that bacteria penetrated only the superficial layers of the host root tissue by an atypical infection process. The submeristematic zone and the central tissue of the nodules were bacteria free. Thus, nodule organogenesis was probably triggered from a distance by the bacteria. Agrobacterium transconjugants carrying pSym induced the formation of more numerous and larger nodules than those carrying the RP4-prime plasmid pGMI42, suggesting that some genes influencing nodule organogenesis are located in a pSym region(s) outside that which has been cloned into pGMI42.  相似文献   

Mutants of Rhizobium meliloti have been isolated which are deficient in exopolysaccharide (EPS) production and effective nodulation of alfalfa (J. A. Leigh, E. R. Signer, and G. C. Walker, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:6231-6235, 1985). We isolated approximately 100 analogous EPS-deficient (Exo) mutants of the closely related plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens, including strains whose EPS deficiencies were specifically complemented by each of five cloned R. meliloti exo loci. We also cloned A. tumefaciens genes which complemented EPS defects in three of the R. meliloti Exo mutants. In two of these cases, symbiotic defects were also complemented. All of the A. tumefaciens Exo mutants formed normal crown gall tumors on four different plant hosts, except ExoC mutants, which were nontumorigenic and unable to attach to plant cells in vitro. Like their R. meliloti counterparts, A. tumefaciens Exo mutants were deficient in production of succinoglycan, the major acidic EPS species produced by both genera. A. tumefaciens ExoC mutants also produced extremely low levels of another major EPS, cyclic 1,2-beta-D-glucan. This deficiency has been noted previously in a different set of nontumorigenic, attachment-defective A. tumefaciens mutants.  相似文献   

The Sinorhizobium meliloti megaplasmid pSymA has previously been implicated in gluconate utilization. We report a locus on pSymA encoding a putative tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporter that is required for gluconate utilization. The expression of this locus is negatively regulated by a GntR family regulator encoded adjacent to the transporter operon.  相似文献   

Regions of the Rhizobium meliloti symbiotic plasmid (20 to 40 kilobase pairs long) containing nodulation (nod) genes were transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens or Escherichia coli by conjugation. The A. tumefaciens and E. coli transconjugants elicited root hair curling and the formation of ineffective pseudonodules on inoculated alfalfa plants. A tumefaciens elicited pseudonodules formed at a variable frequency, ranging from 15 to 45%, irrespective of the presence of the Ti plasmid. These pseudonodules developed characteristic nodule meristems, and in some nodules, infection threads were found within the interior of nodules. Infrequently, infection threads penetrated deformed root hairs, but these threads were found only in a minority of nodules. There was no evidence of bacterial release from the infection threads. In addition to being found within threads, agrobacteria were also found in intercellular spaces and within nodule cells that had senesced . In the latter case, the bacteria appeared to invade the nodule cells independently of infection threads and degenerated at the same time as the senescing host cells. No peribacteroid membranes enclosed any agrobacteria , and no bacteroid differentiation was observed. In contrast to the A. tumefaciens-induced pseudonodules , the E. coli-induced pseudonodules were completely devoid of bacteria; infection threads were not found to penetrate root hairs or within nodules. Our results suggest that relatively few Rhizobium genes are involved in the earliest stages of nodulation, and that curling of root hairs and penetration of bacteria via root hair infection threads are not prerequisites for nodule meristem formation in alfalfa.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the same or different T-DNA insertions occur every time Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the octopine type strain pTi 15955 strr, infects genetically identical sunflower plants. Eight newly established crown gall tissue culture lines were analyzed for their T-DNA content. Our data showed that all isogenic crown gall callus DNA produced distinct hybridization patterns. These eight patterns were also different from three standard lines included for comparison. In addition, all the tumor lines analyzed produced octopine, albeit in different quantities, and five produced agropine and mannopine. We concluded, that each A. tumefaciens crown gall tissue line derived from isogenic sunflower plants contained a distinct insertion pattern of T-DNA. Possible causes and reasons for this diversity will be discussed.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of the periplasmic glucan isolated from the root-nodule bacterium S. meliloti CXM1-188 on the symbiosis of another strain (441) of the same root-nodule bacterium with alfalfa plants showed that this effect depends on the treatment procedure. The pretreatment of alfalfa seedlings with the glucan followed by their bacterization with S. meliloti 441 insignificantly influenced the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity) but induced a statistically significant increase in the efficiency of symbiosis (expressed as the masses of the alfalfa overground parts and roots). At the same time, the pretreatment of S. meliloti 441 cells with the glucan brought about a considerable decrease in the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of the root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity decreased by 2.5-11 and 7 times, respectively). These data suggest that the stimulating effect of rhizobia on host plants may be due not only to symbiotrophic nitrogen fixation but also to other factors. Depending on the experimental conditions, the treatment of alfalfa plants with the glucan and their bacterization with rhizobial cells enhanced the activity of peroxidase in the alfalfa roots and leaves by 10-39 and 12-27%, respectively.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of periplasmic glucan isolated from the root-nodule bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti CXM1-188 on the symbiosis of another strain (441) of the same root-nodule bacterium with alfalfa plants showed that this effect depends on the treatment procedure. The pretreatment of alfalfa seedlings with glucan followed by their bacterization with S. meliloti 441 insignificantly influenced the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity) but induced a statistically significant increase in the efficiency of symbiosis (expressed as the masses of the alfalfa overground parts and roots). At the same time, the pretreatment of S. meliloti 441 cells with glucan brought about a considerable decrease in the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity decreased by 2.5–11 and 7 times, respectively). These data suggest that the stimulating effect of rhizobia on host plants may be due not only to symbiotrophic nitrogen fixation but also to other factors. Depending on the experimental conditions, the treatment of alfalfa plants with glucan and their bacterization with rhizobial cells enhanced the activity of peroxidase in the alfalfa roots and leaves by 10–39 and 12–27%, respectively.  相似文献   

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