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The nucleomorphs associated with secondary plastids of cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes are the sole examples of organelles with eukaryotic nuclear genomes. Although not as widespread as their prokaryotic equivalents in mitochondria and plastids, nucleomorph genomes share similarities in terms of reduction and compaction. They also differ in several aspects, not least in that they encode proteins that target to the plastid, and so function in a different compartment from that in which they are encoded.  相似文献   



Understanding the forces that shaped Neotropical diversity is central issue to explain tropical biodiversity and inform conservation action; yet few studies have examined large, widespread species. Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrrestris, Perissodactyla, Tapiridae) is the largest Neotropical herbivore whose ancestors arrived in South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange. A Pleistocene diversification is inferred for the genus Tapirus from the fossil record, but only two species survived the Pleistocene megafauna extinction. Here, we investigate the history of lowland tapir as revealed by variation at the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome b, compare it to the fossil data, and explore mechanisms that could have shaped the observed structure of current populations.


Separate methodological approaches found mutually exclusive divergence times for lowland tapir, either in the late or in the early Pleistocene, although a late Pleistocene divergence is more in tune with the fossil record. Bayesian analysis favored mountain tapir (T. pinchaque) paraphyly in relation to lowland tapir over reciprocal monophyly, corroborating the inferences from the fossil data these species are sister taxa. A coalescent-based analysis rejected a null hypothesis of allopatric divergence, suggesting a complex history. Based on the geographic distribution of haplotypes we propose (i) a central role for western Amazonia in tapir diversification, with a key role of the ecological gradient along the transition between Andean subcloud forests and Amazon lowland forest, and (ii) that the Amazon river acted as an barrier to gene flow. Finally, the branching patterns and estimates based on nucleotide diversity indicate a population expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum.


This study is the first examining lowland tapir phylogeography. Climatic events at the end of the Pleistocene, parapatric speciation, divergence along the Andean foothill, and role of the Amazon river, have similarly shaped the history of other taxa. Nevertheless further work with additional samples and loci is needed to improve our initial assessment. From a conservation perspective, we did not find a correspondence between genetic structure in lowland tapir and ecogeographic regions proposed to define conservation priorities in the Neotropics. This discrepancy sheds doubt into this scheme's ability to generate effective conservation planning for vagile species.  相似文献   

Ins and outs of plastid genome evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent findings have established cracks in the straight-laced image of the plastid genome as a molecule whose sole function is photosynthesis and whose gene content is highly conserved. Genes for numerous non-photosynthetic functions have been identified. Algal plastid genomes contain many genes with no homologs in angiosperms, and the recent transfer of genes from the plastid to the nuclear genome has been described. Wholesale abandonment of genes encoding photosynthetic and gene-expression functions has occurred in the plastid genomes of a non-green plant and alga. The origins of plastid DNA, its use in phylogenetic studies, and the origins of plastid introns are also reviewed.  相似文献   



The genus Cuscuta L. (Convolvulaceae), commonly known as dodders, are epiphytic vines that invade the stems of their host with haustorial feeding structures at the points of contact. Although they lack expanded leaves, some species are noticeably chlorophyllous, especially as seedlings and in maturing fruits. Some species are reported as crop pests of worldwide distribution, whereas others are extremely rare and have local distributions and apparent niche specificity. A strong phylogenetic framework for this large genus is essential to understand the interesting ecological, morphological and molecular phenomena that occur within these parasites in an evolutionary context.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of the plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana was presented in December of the year 2000. Since then, the 125 Mb sequence has revealed many of its evolutionary secrets. Through comparative analyses with other plant genomes, we know that the genome of A. thaliana, or better that of its ancestors, has undergone at least three whole genome duplications during the last 120 or so million years. The first duplication seems to have occurred at the dawn of dicot evolution, while the later duplications probably occurred <70 million years ago (Ma). One of those younger genome-wide duplications might be linked to the K-T extinction. Following these duplication events, the ancestral A. thaliana genome was hugely rearranged and gene copies have been massively lost. During the last 10 million years of its evolution, almost half of its genome was lost due to hundreds of thousands of small deletions. Here, we reconstruct plant genome evolution from the early angiosperm ancestor to the current A. thaliana genome, covering about 150 million years of evolution characterized by gene and genome duplications, genome rearrangements and genome reduction.  相似文献   

近年来, 随着测序技术的发展, 石松类和蕨类植物的核基因组、质体基因组以及线粒体基因组研究发展迅速, 质体基因组研究工作更是呈爆发式增长。截至2019年3月1日, GenBank公布的石松类和蕨类植物的175个质体基因组中, 约3/4为最近两年新增。研究内容从早期对个别质体基因组结构和序列特征的简单报道, 逐渐发展到综合性的比较基因组学和系统发育基因组学研究。目前已发表的质体基因组覆盖了石松类和蕨类植物的所有目和大部分科, 这两大类群的质体基因组结构变异和系统发育的基本框架已逐渐清晰。这些研究为我们理解维管植物的早期演化提供了重要参考。本文对石松类和蕨类植物的质体基因组结构特征进行了系统梳理, 发现其结构变异主要包括大片段倒位、IR区边界变动、基因或内含子丢失等, 其中一些结构变异可作为较高分类阶元的共衍征。RNA编辑和长片段非编码序列插入普遍存在于石松类和蕨类植物的质体基因组中, 但其起源、演化机制和功能等仍不清楚。我们对质体基因组的应用、系统发育研究中质体和核基因组的优劣性, 以及系统发育基因组学的前景进行了评述。  相似文献   

In silico genome sequence analyses suggested that mycobacteria are devoid of the highly conserved mutLS-based post-replicative mismatch repair system. Here, we present the first biological evidence for the lack of a classical mismatch repair function in mycobacteria. We found that frameshifts, but not general mutation rates are unusually high in Mycobacterium smegmatis. However, despite the absence of mismatch correction, M. smegmatis establishes a strong barrier to recombination between homeologous DNA sequences. We show that 10-12% of DNA sequence heterology restricts initiation of recombination but not extension of heteroduplex DNA intermediates. Together, the lack of mismatch correction and a high stringency of initiation of homologous recombination provide an adequate strategy for mycobacterial genome evolution, which occurs by gene duplication and divergent evolution.  相似文献   



Nucleomorphs are residual nuclei derived from eukaryotic endosymbionts in chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte algae. The endosymbionts that gave rise to nucleomorphs and plastids in these two algal groups were green and red algae, respectively. Despite their independent origin, the chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte nucleomorph genomes share similar genomic features such as extreme size reduction and a three-chromosome architecture. This suggests that similar reductive evolutionary forces have acted to shape the nucleomorph genomes in the two groups. Thus far, however, only a single chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph and plastid genome has been sequenced, making broad evolutionary inferences within the chlorarachniophytes and between chlorarachniophytes and cryptophytes difficult. We have sequenced the nucleomorph and plastid genomes of the chlorarachniophyte Lotharella oceanica in order to gain insight into nucleomorph and plastid genome diversity and evolution.


The L. oceanica nucleomorph genome was found to consist of three linear chromosomes totaling ~610 kilobase pairs (kbp), much larger than the 373 kbp nucleomorph genome of the model chlorarachniophyte Bigelowiella natans. The L. oceanica plastid genome is 71 kbp in size, similar to that of B. natans. Unexpectedly long (~35 kbp) sub-telomeric repeat regions were identified in the L. oceanica nucleomorph genome; internal multi-copy regions were also detected. Gene content analyses revealed that nucleomorph house-keeping genes and spliceosomal intron positions are well conserved between the L. oceanica and B. natans nucleomorph genomes. More broadly, gene retention patterns were found to be similar between nucleomorph genomes in chlorarachniophytes and cryptophytes. Chlorarachniophyte plastid genomes showed near identical protein coding gene complements as well as a high level of synteny.


We have provided insight into the process of nucleomorph genome evolution by elucidating the fine-scale dynamics of sub-telomeric repeat regions. Homologous recombination at the chromosome ends appears to be frequent, serving to expand and contract nucleomorph genome size. The main factor influencing nucleomorph genome size variation between different chlorarachniophyte species appears to be expansion-contraction of these telomere-associated repeats rather than changes in the number of unique protein coding genes. The dynamic nature of chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph genomes lies in stark contrast to their plastid genomes, which appear to be highly stable in terms of gene content and synteny.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-374) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A wide-ranging examination of plastid (pt)DNA sequence homologies within higher plant nuclear genomes (promiscuous DNA) was undertaken. Digestion with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and Southern analysis was used to distinguish plastid and nuclear DNA in order to assess the extent of variability of promiscuous sequences within and between plant species. Some species, such as Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), and Chenopodium quinoa, showed homogenity of these sequences, while intraspecific sequence variation was observed among different cultivars of Pisum sativum (pea), Hordeum vulgare (barley), and Triticum aestivum (wheat). Hypervariability of plastid sequence homologies was identified in the nuclear genomes of Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Beta vulgaris (beet), in which individual plants were shown to possess a unique spectrum of nuclear sequences with ptDNA homology. This hypervariability apparently extended to somatic variation in B. vulgaris. No sequences with ptDNA homology were identified by this method in the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   相似文献   

Covarion structure in plastid genome evolution: a new statistical test   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Covarion models of molecular evolution allow the rate of evolution of a site to vary through time. There are few simple and effective tests for covarion evolution, and consequently, little is known about the presence of covarion processes in molecular evolution. We describe two new tests for covarion evolution and demonstrate with simulations that they perform well under a wide range of conditions. A survey of covarion evolution in sequenced plastid genomes found evidence of covarion drift in at least 26 out of 57 genes. Covarion evolution is most evident in first and second codon positions of the plastid genes, and there is no evidence of covarion evolution in third codon positions. Therefore, the significant covarion tests are likely due to changes in the selective constraints of amino acids. The frequency of covarion evolution within the plastid genome suggests that covarion processes of evolution were important in generating the observed patterns of sequence variation among plastid genomes.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA sequence data are a versatile tool for plant identification or barcoding and establishing genetic relationships among plant species. Different chloroplast loci have been utilized for use at close and distant evolutionary distances in plants, and no single locus has been identified that can distinguish between all plant species. Advances in DNA sequencing technology are providing new cost‐effective options for genome comparisons on a much larger scale. Universal PCR amplification of chloroplast sequences or isolation of pure chloroplast fractions, however, are non‐trivial. We now propose the analysis of chloroplast genome sequences from massively parallel sequencing (MPS) of total DNA as a simple and cost‐effective option for plant barcoding, and analysis of plant relationships to guide gene discovery for biotechnology. We present chloroplast genome sequences of five grass species derived from MPS of total DNA. These data accurately established the phylogenetic relationships between the species, correcting an apparent error in the published rice sequence. The chloroplast genome may be the elusive single‐locus DNA barcode for plants.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - New selection systems are required to extend plastid transformation to a more significant number of plant species. After demonstrating that a...  相似文献   

<正>The plastid is widely present in algae and plants with important functions in the process of photosynthesis,carbon fixation,and stress response (Shi et al.,2022).Despite the consistency between plastid genomes in plants,size variation of the plastid genome,gene loss,structure changes,and pseudogenes have been frequently observed (Ivanova et al.,2017).Plastid genome has currently shown a wide application in research of phylogeny,  相似文献   

植物基因组大小进化的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈建军  王瑛 《遗传》2009,31(5):464
不同的真核生物之间基因组大小差异很大, 并与生物体复杂性不相关, 在基因组中存在大量的非编码DNA序列是造成这种差异的主要原因, 特别是转座子序列。文章综述了植物基因组大小差异以及引起这种差异的主要进化动力的最新研究进展。植物基因组多倍化和转座子积累是导致基因组增大的主要动力, 而同源不平等重组和非正规重组则是驱动基因组DNA丢失的潜在动力, 以制约基因组无限制地增大。文中还讨论了植物基因组大小进化方向, 即总体趋势是朝着增大的方向进化, 某些删除机制主要是削弱这种增大作用但不能逆转。  相似文献   



Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid sub type 1 (TRPV1), commonly known as capsaicin receptor can detect multiple stimuli ranging from noxious compounds, low pH, temperature as well as electromagnetic wave at different ranges. In addition, this receptor is involved in multiple physiological and sensory processes. Therefore, functions of TRPV1 have direct influences on adaptation and further evolution also. Availability of various eukaryotic genomic sequences in public domain facilitates us in studying the molecular evolution of TRPV1 protein and the respective conservation of certain domains, motifs and interacting regions that are functionally important.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Using statistical and bioinformatics tools, our analysis reveals that TRPV1 has evolved about ∼420 million years ago (MYA). Our analysis reveals that specific regions, domains and motifs of TRPV1 has gone through different selection pressure and thus have different levels of conservation. We found that among all, TRP box is the most conserved and thus have functional significance. Our results also indicate that the tubulin binding sequences (TBS) have evolutionary significance as these stretch sequences are more conserved than many other essential regions of TRPV1. The overall distribution of positively charged residues within the TBS motifs is conserved throughout evolution. In silico analysis reveals that the TBS-1 and TBS-2 of TRPV1 can form helical structures and may play important role in TRPV1 function.

Conclusions and Significance

Our analysis identifies the regions of TRPV1, which are important for structure – function relationship. This analysis indicates that tubulin binding sequence-1 (TBS-1) near the TRP-box forms a potential helix and the tubulin interactions with TRPV1 via TBS-1 have evolutionary significance. This interaction may be required for the proper channel function and regulation and may also have significance in the context of Taxol®-induced neuropathy.  相似文献   

P W Holland  N A Williams 《FEBS letters》1990,277(1-2):250-252
The Drosophila melanogaster developmental gene engrailed (en) is a member of a distinct subfamily of homeobox genes with a wide phylogenetic distribution. Here we report the use of reduced stringency polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and clone 8 genes related to en from 5 vertebrate species, including representatives of the most ancient vertebrate lineages. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence comparisons between mouse, toad, zebrafish, lamprey and hagfish genes reveal extensive evolutionary conservation, and suggests that 2 en-like genes have been retained in most vertebrate lineages.  相似文献   

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