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The contact of inland and coastal prehistoric groups in Brazil is believed to have been restricted to regions with no geographical barrier, as is the case in the Ribeira de Iguape valley. The inland osteological collection from the riverine shellmound Moraes (5800-4500 BP) represents a unique opportunity to test this assumption for this region. Despite cultural similarities between riverine and coastal shellmounds, important ecological and site distribution differences are expected to impact on lifestyle. The purpose of this study is thus to document and interpret health and lifestyle indicators in Moraes in comparison to coastal shellmound groups. Specifically we test if the rare evidence of fish and mollusc remains in the riverine shellmound led to (a) higher caries rates and (b) lower auditory exostosis frequency and (c) if the small size of the riverine shellmound translates into reduced demographic density and thus rarity of communicable infectious diseases. Of the three hypotheses, (a) was confirmed, (b) was rejected and (c) was partly rejected. Bioanthropological similarities between Moraes and coastal shellmounds include auditory exostoses with equally high frequencies; significantly more frequent osteoarthritis in upper than in lower limbs; cranial and dental morphological affinities and low frequencies of violent trauma. However, there are also important differences: Moraes subsisted on a much broader protein diet and consumed more cariogenic food, but showed a stature even shorter than coastal groups. Thus, despite the contact also suggested by treponematoses in both site types, there was enough time for the people at the riverine site to adapt to local conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report on the incidence of external auditory exostoses among the Proto-NeolithicHomo sapiens population from Shanidar Cave, in northern Iraq. Out of 31 individuals comprising the skeletal collection, seven individuals preserved pertinent temporal bone loci. Of these, four of five adult individuals presented exostoses, yielding an 80% observation ratio of this manifestation. Based on the association of external auditory exostoses with cold aquatic exposures, the observed presence of these growths among cranial remains may provide further insight as to aspects of life conditions among this population.  相似文献   

The wind chill factor has become a standard meteorologic term in cold climates. Meteorologic charts provide wind chill temperatures meant to represent the hypothetical air temperature that would, under conditions of no wind, effect the same heat loss from unclothed human skin as does the actual combination of air temperature and wind velocity. As this wind chill factor has social and economic significance, an investigation was conducted on the development of this factor and its applicability based on modern heat transfer principles. The currently used wind chill factor was found to be based on a primitive study conducted by the U.S. Antarctic Service over 50 years ago. The resultant equation for the wind chill temperature assumes an unrealistic constant skin temperature and utilizes heat transfer coefficients that differ markedly from those obtained from equations of modern convective heat transfer methods. The combined effect of these two factors is to overestimate the effect of a given wind velocity and to predict a wind chill temperature that is too low.  相似文献   

 Afternoon observations in summer comparing shoreline with inland atmospheric conditions were made during onshore winds at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The onshore wind came from a cool water surface. Mean monthly water temperatures near to shore were between 11 and 11.5° C. The onshore wind brought lower air, ground surface radiant and sky radiant temperatures; lower humidity and greater wind speed. All of these combine to produce a cooler human environment at the shoreline than inland. The relative importance of climatic elements in producing the cooler environment was assessed using sensitivity analyses with eight different human thermal exchange models/indices. Air temperature and wind speed had the greatest effect, followed by ground surface radiant temperature, sky radiant temperature and humidity. Wind speed is the most practical element to consider when trying to maximize human comfort along the shoreline. Received: 9 July 1996 / Revised: 31 March 1997 / Accepted: 14 April 1997  相似文献   

We tested three hypotheses of clutch size variation in two subspecies of the swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana georgiana and M. g. nigrescens). Swamp sparrows follow the pattern of other estuarine endemics, where clutch size is smaller among tidal salt marsh populations (M. g. nigrescens) than their closest inland relatives (M. g. georgiana). Our results support predation risk and temperature, but not adult survival, as explanations of this pattern in swamp sparrows. Coastal nests were twice as likely to fail as inland nests, and parental activity around the nest site was positively related to clutch size at both sites. When brood size was controlled for, coastal adults visited nests less often and females vocalized less frequently during visits than inland birds, which may decrease nest detectability to predators. Coastal parents waited longer than inland birds to feed offspring in the presence of a model nest predator, but there was no difference in their response to models of predators of adults, as would be expected if coastal birds possessed increased longevity. Additionally, coastal females laid more eggs than inland females over a single season, following a within-season bet-hedging strategy rather than reducing within-season investment. Coastal territories experienced ambient air temperatures above the physiological zero of egg development more often, and higher temperatures during laying correlated with smaller clutches and increased egg inviability among coastal birds. Similar effects were not seen among inland nests, where laying temperatures were generally below physiological zero. Both subspecies showed an increase in hatching asynchrony and a decrease in apparent incubation length under high temperatures. Coastal individuals, however, showed less hatching asynchrony overall despite higher temperatures. Both air temperatures during laying and predation risk could potentially explain reduced clutch size in not only coastal plain swamp sparrows, but also other tidal marsh endemics.  相似文献   

The frequency of auditory exostoses was examined by latitude. It was found that discrete bony lesions of the external auditory canal were, with very few exceptions, either absent or in very low frequency (less than 3.0%) in 0-30 degrees N and S latitudes and above 45 degrees N. The highest frequencies of auditory exostoses were found in the middle latitudes (30-45 degrees N and S) among populations who exploit either marine or fresh water resources. Clinical and experimental data are discussed, and these data are found to support strongly the hypothesis that there is a causative relationship between the formation of auditory exostoses and exploitation of resources in cold water, particularly through diving. It is therefore suggested that since auditory exostoses are behavioral rather than genetic in etiology, they should not be included in estimates of population distance based on nonmetric variables.  相似文献   

Auditory exostoses are bone anomalies located in the external auditory canal. The bulk of clinical observations and some experimental data support the idea that their development depends on prolonged exposure to cold water. This study was performed in order to analyze the prevalence of auditory exostoses among the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria, comparing it between men and women and between individuals buried in coastal regions and central highlands. We analyzed 323 crania, 41 of which showed auditory exostoses. Marked differences in prevalence were observed between the individuals buried in the central highlands (0.88%) and those buried in coastal regions (40.21%). Among the latter, the prevalence was similar in men (41.67%) and in women (38.89%). These data support the hypothesis that individuals buried in coastal regions performed economic activities related to exploitation of marine resources, whereas those living in the central highlands did not; however, diachronic variation cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Climate change is resulting in rapid poleward shifts in the geographical distribution of tropical and subtropical fish species. We can expect that such range shifts are likely to be limited by species-specific resource requirements, with temperate rocky reefs potentially lacking a range of settlement substrates or specific dietary components important in structuring the settlement and success of tropical and subtropical fish species. We examined the importance of resource use in structuring the distribution patterns of range shifting tropical and subtropical fishes, comparing this with resident temperate fish species within western Japan (Tosa Bay); the abundance, diversity, size class, functional structure and latitudinal range of reef fishes utilizing both coral reef and adjacent rocky reef habitat were quantified over a 2 year period (2008–2010). This region has undergone rapid poleward expansion of reef-building corals in response to increasing coastal water temperatures, and forms one of the global hotspots for rapid coastal changes. Despite the temperate latitude surveyed (33°N, 133°E) the fish assemblage was both numerically, and in terms of richness, dominated by tropical fishes. Such tropical faunal dominance was apparent within both coral, and rocky reef habitats. The size structure of the assemblage suggested that a relatively large number of tropical species are overwintering within both coral and rocky habitats, with a subset of these species being potentially reproductively active. The relatively high abundance and richness of tropical species with obligate associations with live coral resources (i.e., obligate corallivores) shows that this region holds the most well developed temperate-located tropical fish fauna globally. We argue that future tropicalisation of the fish fauna in western Japan, associated with increasing coral habitat development and reported increasing shifts in coastal water temperatures, may have considerable positive economic impacts to the local tourism industry and bring qualitative changes to both local and regional fisheries resources.  相似文献   

J. A. Teeri 《Oecologia》1978,37(1):29-39
Summary Two populations of Potentilla glandulosa (Rosaceae) have strongly contrasting abilities to seasonally modify their phenotypic sensitivity to drought by low temperature-induced changes in leaf morphology. One population is native to an inland continental climate with unpredictable droughts occurring at any time during the year. The second population is native to a coastal mediterranean climate with a highly predictable annual cycle of winter rain and summer drought. In response to low temperatures in the autumn, the inland plants produce a compact rosette of small leaves and shed their large summer leaves, thereby reducing the total plant leaf area. The inland plants begin growth in the spring in the compact rosette phenotype and are much less sensitive to drought, maintaining higher values of stomatal conductance and leaf water potential, than when in the largeleaved summer phenotype. The coastal plants do not exhibit the low temperature-induced change in leaf morphology and are relatively sensitive to drought when grown at high or low temperatures. The F1 hybrids of a coastal x inland cross exhibit an intermediate response to low temperature and drought. In the F2 generation the inland parental class of individuals fully responding to low temperature segregates in a 1:63 ratio.  相似文献   

By now, most marine and inland fishery resources have been fully exploited or overexploited. To keep up with the growing demand for fish, only a few avenues for increasing fish production remain open. One of these is the intensification of fisheries in inland waters, such as reservoirs, lakes and small water bodies. Fish species transfer and culture-enhanced fisheries based largely on exotic species, mainly tilapias and cyprinids, is the current common strategy for increasing fishery benefits from tropical and subtropical inland water bodies. The growing human population and rising expectations require a steady growth in the number of reservoirs, both large and small. The development of cage and pen culture, especially in Asia, has substantially increased the reservoir fish production there. In Latin America, tilapias are the mainstay of many reservoir fisheries. By the year 2025, an additional 62 million tonnes of aquatic products will be required to maintain the present consumption of 19.1 kg/person. Much of it will have to come from inland waters, including reservoirs and small water bodies.  相似文献   

Torpor, the most effective means of energy conservation available to endotherms, is still widely viewed as a specific adaptation in a few high-latitude, cold-climate endotherms with no adaptive function in warm regions. Nevertheless, a growing number of diverse terrestrial mammals and birds from low latitudes (0-30°), including species from tropical and subtropical regions, are heterothermic and employ torpor. Use of torpor is especially important for bats because they are small, expend large amounts of energy when active, rely on a fluctuating food supply, and have only a limited capacity for storage of fat. Patterns of torpor in tropical/subtropical bats are highly variable, but short bouts of torpor with relatively high body temperatures (T(b)) are most common. Hibernation (a sequence of multiday bouts of torpor) has been reported for free-ranging subtropical tree-dwelling vespertilionids, cave-dwelling hipposiderids, and house-dwelling molossids. The observed range of minimum T(b) is ~6-30 °C, and the reduction of energy expenditure through the use of torpor, in comparison to normothermic values, ranges from 50 to 99%. Overall, torpor in the tropics/subtropics has been reported for 10 out of the currently recognized 18 bat families, which contain 1079 species, or 96.7% of all bats. Although it is unlikely that all of these are heterothermic, the large majority probably will be. Frequent use of torpor, including hibernation in diverse groups of tropical/subtropical bats, suggests that heterothermy is an ancestral chiropteran trait. Although data especially from the field are still scarce, it is likely that torpor, highly effective in reducing requirements for energy and water even under warm conditions, plays a crucial role in the long-term survival of the majority of small tropical and subtropical bats. Discovering how bats achieve this provides numerous opportunities for exiting new research.  相似文献   

Climate factors influencing bacterial count in background air samples   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Total (as opposed to culturable) bacterial number counts are reported for four sites in the United Kingdom measured during campaigns over four separate seasons. These are interpreted in relation to simple climatic factors, i.e. temperature, wind speed and wind direction. Temperature has a marked effect at all four sites with data for a rural coastal site conforming best to a simple exponential model. Data for the other rural and urban locations show a baseline similar to that determined at the coastal rural location, but with some very significant positive excursions. The temperature dependence of bacterial number is found to conform to that typical of bacterial growth rates. At the coastal rural location, bacterial numbers normalised for temperature show no dependence on wind speed whilst at the inland sites there is a decrease with increasing wind speed of the form expected for a large area source. Only one site appeared to show a systematic relationship of bacterial concentrations to wind direction that being a site in the suburbs of Birmingham with highest number concentrations observed on a wind sector approaching from the city centre. PCR techniques have been used to identify predominant types of bacteria and results are presented which show that Bacillus was the dominant genus observed at the three inland sites during the winter and summer seasons. Pseudomonas appeared with comparable frequency at certain sites and seasons. There was in general a greater diversity of bacteria at the coastal site than at the inland sites.  相似文献   

Presence and features of auditory exostoses were investigated in two cranial samples of Roman imperial age (1st-3rd century A.D.). The skeletal material comes from the necropolises of Portus (Isola Sacra) and Lucus Feroniae (Via Capenate), two towns along the Tevere River, in close relation with the social and economic life of Rome. Deep-rooted differences between the human communities represented by the skeletal samples (83 and 71 individuals, respectively, in this study) are documented both historically and archaeologically. The results show lack of exostoses in the female sex, a negligible incidence among the males of Lucus Feroniae, but a high frequency in the male sample from Isola Sacra (31.3%). Auditory exostoses are commonly recognised as localized hyperplastic growths of predominantly acquired origin. Features of the exostoses found in the male crania from Isola Sacra (particularly in relation to the age at death of the affected individuals) support this view. Furthermore, several clinical and anthropological studies have pointed out close links between the occurrence of auditory exostoses and prolonged cold water exposure, generally due to the practice of aquatic sports, or to working activities involving water contact or diving. In this perspective, the differences observed between the two Roman populations and between the sexes (in Isola Sacra) appear to result from different social habits: the middle class population of Portus habitually used thermal baths, whereas it is probable that thermae were seldom frequented (if at all) by the Lucus Feroniae population represented in the necropolis (mostly composed by slaves or freedmen farm laborers).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tropical estuarine areas comprise small systems of a few km, larger estuaries, coastal lakes of hundreds of km 2 and vast shallow coastal waters that are contiguous with estuaries and have similar reduced salinities. Many of the world's great estuaries are in the tropics, e.g. the Amazon, Orinoco, Congo, Zambezi, Niger, Ganges and Mekong. The distribution of tropical and subtropical estuaries approximately follows that of mangroves. Like estuaries everywhere, they are a focus of human activity and are among the most exploited of ecosystems. In few other places do the activities of fishers, industrialists, shippers, farmers, conservationists, sports enthusiasts and biologists overlap to such an extent. Quite apart from the possible eects of all these activities, the fishes of subtropical and tropical estuaries already face one of the most rigorous of aquatic environments; but despite this, species diversity and productivity are high. Only in tropical estuaries are animals from such a wide range of taxa so closely associated, annelid worms, prawns, crocodiles, birds, ' hippos ', dolphins and of course fishes, all may form part of the overall community, often with functional ecological links. Unfortunately, the diculties of working in these often inhospitable environments, has meant that biologists have favoured projects in more appealing areas, such as coral reefs. While it is still true that most estuarine research is conducted in industrialized developed countries, nearly all of which are in cold or temperate regions, there has been a recent upsurge in tropical estuarine fish research. This is being driven by two imperatives, food security and the conservation and maintenance of biodiversity. Both these problems require knowledge of the ecology of tropical estuarine fishes, particularly their relationships with the environment and the extent to which they are dependent on estuaries or adjacent habitats for survival.  相似文献   

1. The thermal adaptation hypothesis proposes that because thermoregulation involves a high metabolic cost, thermal limits of organisms must be locally adapted to temperatures experienced in their environments. There is evidence that tolerance to high temperatures decreases in insects inhabiting colder habitats and microclimates. However, it is not clear if thermal limits of ectotherms with contrasting temporal regimes, such as diurnal and nocturnal insects, are also adapted to temperatures associated with their circadian activities. 2. This study explores differences in heat tolerance among diurnal and nocturnal ant species in four ecosystems in Mexico: tropical montane, tropical rainforest, subtropical dry forests, and high‐elevation semi‐desert. 3. The critical thermal maximum (CTmax), i.e. the temperature at which ants lost motor control, was estimated for diurnal and nocturnal species. CTmax for 19 diurnal and 12 nocturnal ant species distributed among 45 populations was also estimated. 4. Semi‐desert and subtropical dry forest ants displayed higher tolerances to high temperatures than did ants in tropical rainforest. The lowest tolerance to high temperatures was recorded in tropical montane forest ants. In general, among all habitats, the CTmax of nocturnal ants was lower than that of diurnal ants. 5. An increase in nocturnal temperatures, combined with lower tolerance to high temperatures, may represent a substantial challenge for nocturnal ectotherms in a warming world.  相似文献   

Aquatic hyphomycetes are microbial decomposers in freshwater environments that, together with detritivores, play an essential role in the functioning of low-order streams. Here, we evaluated aquatic hyphomycetes communities associated with decomposing leaves of Nectandra megapotamica, a common Neotropical riparian tree, along a subtropical-tropical latitudinal gradient. Two forest streams located in subtropical regions and 3 in tropical regions were selected. We identified 29 species of aquatic hyphomycetes, 22 (75.8%) in subtropical streams and 15 (51.7%) in tropical streams. We also found a higher fungal biomass in subtropical streams. However, the amounts of leaf mass loss did not differ between regions, but the values were higher in summer than in winter. High temperature, pH and electrical conductivity values, as well as low dissolved oxygen levels, negatively affected spore production. These results suggest that the subtropical-tropical gradient is an important predictor of aquatic hyphomycete diversity; however, the observed species had different sensitivities to local environmental factors.  相似文献   

Information on fish trophic levels is important to assess fishing impacts and to better understand the bioaccumulation of pollutants within aquatic food chains. The local ecological knowledge held by small-scale fishers can fill knowledge gaps in fish trophic ecology. We estimated the trophic levels of 69 tropical and subtropical fish species (33 coastal and 36 freshwater species) using data on fish diets from the literature and obtained from interviews with Brazilian fishers. The fish trophic levels estimated from fishers’ knowledge were positively correlated with the trophic levels estimated using data from biological studies for both coastal and freshwater fish. The fishers’ knowledge also indicated bioaccumulation patterns, as the fish trophic levels estimated from fishers’ knowledge were positively related to the mercury (Hg) content in fish muscle (wet weight, from literature data) in 41 fish species (15 coastal and 26 freshwater). These findings reveal the potential for new applications of fishers’ knowledge to ecotoxicology, which could improve management of aquatic ecosystems and strengthen fishers’ political status.  相似文献   

The role that temperature plays in excluding large daphnid species from subtropical and tropical ponds, and competitive relationships between Daphnia laevis and Daphnia magna, are explored. D. magna, a large temperate species is probably not excluded from subtropical or tropical systems by elevated temperatures. However, D. magna was a poorer competitor, under a restricted set of laboratory conditions, than D. laevis, the only pond dwelling daphnid in subtropical Florida. Competition is proposed as one mechanism that may limit the number of daphnid species in subtropical and tropical ponds and lakes. Reduced environmental fluctuations in subtropical and tropical systems (compared with temperate systems) may allow zooplankton populations to reach an environmental carrying capacity where competition limits the number of similar, coexisting species in a habitat.  相似文献   

The agarophyte Gracilaria cornea, collected over 2.5 y in the Florida Keys, shows adaptations to oceanic salinities and subtropical to tropical water temperatures in its photosynthetic and respiratory responses as measured with a respirometer. No seasonal pattern in responses to irradiance, temperature, and salinity were evident between five collections over a 20-month period, indicating the tropical nature of the populations from Bahia Honda and Pigeon Keys. Concentrations of chlorophyll a (0.09 to 0.41 mg g d wt-1) and phycoerythrin (0.06 to 0.36 mg g d wt- 1) were low and reflect the low nutrient regime of the habitats, especially when compared to laboratory cultured plants. Compensation and saturation irradiances were also low (11–38 and 90–127 μmol photon m-2 s-1), indicating acclimation to lower irradiances in their shallow (1–2 m depth) habitats where turbidity can be high. In comparison with other subtropical and warm temperate species of Gracilaria, G. cornea had lower levels of pigment, but similarly high photosynthetic efficiency, demonstrating shade adaptation; it had only limited tolerance to salinities below 20‰ and temperatures below 15 °C. Thus, G. cornea from the Florida Keys in mariculture would require subtropical to tropical temperatures and stable oceanic salinities. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Increasing air temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels may affect the distribution of invasive species. Whereas there is wide knowledge on the effect of global change on temperate species, responses of tropical invasive species to these two global change drivers are largely unknown. We conducted a greenhouse experiment on Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae), an invasive tree species on Brazilian coastal areas, to evaluate the effects of increased air temperature and CO2 concentration on seed germination and seedling growth on the island of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil). Seeds of the invasive tree were subjected to two temperature levels (ambient and +1.6 °C) and two CO2 levels (ambient and ~650 ppmv) with a factorial design. Increased temperature enhanced germination rate and shortened germination time of T. catappa seeds. It also increased plant height, number of leaves and above‐ground biomass. By contrast, increased atmospheric CO2 concentration had no significant effects, and the interaction between temperature and CO2 concentration did not affect any of the measured traits. Terminalia catappa adapts to a relatively broad range of environmental conditions, being able to tolerate cooler temperatures in its invasive range. As T. catappa is native to tropical areas, global warming might favour its establishment along the coast of subtropical South America, while increased CO2 levels seem not to have significant effects on seed germination or seedling growth.  相似文献   

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