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Comparative effects of ammonia and related compounds on poliovirus.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The abilities of ammonia and related compounds to inactivate poliovirus were compared. Compounds virucidal at pH 9.5 had the following order of activities: ethylamine greater than propylamine, dimethylamine, methylamine greater than ammonia greater than 2-methoxyethylamine.  相似文献   

Mechanism of poliovirus inactivation by ammonia.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Poliovirus inactivation by ammonia causes a slight reduction in the sedimentation coefficients of viral particles, but has no detectable effect on either the electrophoretic pattern of viral capsid proteins or the isoelectric points of inactivated particles. These virions still attach to cells, but are unable to repress host translation or stimulate the synthesis of detectable amounts of viral RNA. Although ammonia has no detectable effect on naked poliovirus RNA, it causes cleavage of this RNA when still within viral particles. Therefore, the RNA genome appears to be the only component of poliovirus significantly affected by ammonia.  相似文献   

The antioxidant and free radical scavenging effects of dopamine, noradrenaline, tyramine, and tyrosine were investigated and compared with alpha-tocopherol. The antioxidant effect of dopamine and its related compounds on peroxidation of linoleic acid were in the order of dopamine > alpha-tocopherol = tyramine > tyrosine > noradrenaline as measured by the thiocyanate method. These amine compounds had reducing power, and a scavenging effect on reactive oxygen species, i.e., superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical. The results for reducing power and scavenging effect of these amine compounds had a similar trend as their inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation. The antioxidant activity of these amine compounds in soybean oil was also evaluated by the Rancimat method. The induction time to reach 100 meq/kg peroxide value (POV) of soybean oil for dopamine, alpha-tocopherol, tyramine, tyrosine, noradrenaline, and control were 9.0, 8.2, 8.0, 6.4, 4.6, and 4.3 h, respectively. The antioxidant efficacy of amine compounds seems to be correlated with the numbers of hydroxy groups and their position on the phenolic ring.  相似文献   

This paper describes the antinociceptive effects of tetrahydrophthalimides and related compounds in mice. Twenty compounds were obtained by the reaction of cis-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalic anhydride with appropriate amines, dehydration, and addition to the imidic double bond. They were analyzed in the writhing test at 10 mg/kg given intraperitoneally. The most active compound 2-benzyl-5-morpholin-4-yl-hexahydroisoindole-1,3-dione (19) was studied on formalin, capsaicin, glutamate and hot plate models. The antinociceptive activity demonstrated by some studied compounds is promising, and some of them were more active than acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol used as reference drugs in writhing tests in mice. Compound 19 was about 5-fold more potent than the reference drugs, being also effective by oral route and against the inflammatory response in the formalin test. The results suggest that compound 19 could be used as a model to obtain new and more potent antinociceptive agents. It exhibits an interesting antinociceptive profile, and does not interact with opioid systems.  相似文献   

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is implicated in the development of numerous disorders of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the data regarding the efficacy of different magnesium compounds in the correction of impaired functions due to low magnesium intake are often fragmentary and inconsistent. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the most bioavailable Mg compounds (Mg l-aspartate, Mg N-acetyltaurate, Mg chloride, Mg sulphate and Mg oxybutyrate) on systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in rats fed a low Mg diet for 74 days. A low Mg diet decreased the Mg concentration in the plasma and erythrocytes, which was accompanied by a reduced concentration of eNOs and increased levels of endothelin-1 level in the serum and impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatation. These effects increased the concentration of proinflammatory molecules, such as VCAM-1, TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP, indicating the development of systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. The increased total NO level, which estimated from the sum of the nitrate and nitrite concentrations in the serum, may also be considered to be a proinflammatory marker. Two weeks of Mg supplementation partially or fully normalised the ability of the vascular wall to effect adequate endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and reversed the levels of most endothelial dysfunction and inflammatory markers (except CRP) to the mean values of the control group. Mg sulphate had the smallest effect on the endothelin-1, TNF-α and VCAM-1 levels. Mg N-acetyltaurate was significantly more effective in restoring the level of eNOS compared to all other studied compounds, except for Mg oxybutyrate. Taken together, the present findings demonstrate that all Mg compounds equally alleviate endothelial dysfunction and inflammation caused by Mg deficiency. Mg sulphate tended to be the least effective compound.  相似文献   

We showed how eugenol blocks the synaptic transmission and gave a possible interpretation how it inhibits the excitation-contraction coupling that several authors described previously. Eugenol acts both in the pre- and postsynaptic side of the neurons. It blocks the Ca2+-currents, decreases the membrane potential of the neurons, increases the inward resistance and decreases the GABA, ACh and glutamate evoked excitatory responses in submillimolar concentration.  相似文献   

The antifeedant activity of azadirachtin, azadirachtin-derivatives and related limonoids was assessed in choice and no-choice bioassays against four species of Lepidoptera: Spodoptera littoralis, Spodoptera frugiperda, Heliothis virescens and Heliothis armigera. The choice bioassay showed that the feeding behaviour of S. littoralis was affected by more of the compounds than that of either S. frugiperda or H. virescens. H. armigera was the least affected. Azadirachtin and dihydroazadirachtin were the most potent of the 40 compounds tested. The results showed that hydrogenation of the C-22,23 double bond did not decrease antifeedant activity and the nature of the substitutes at C-1, C-3 and C-11 were important. Molecules with bulky substitutes at either C-22 or C-23 were usually ineffective antifeedants as were compounds lacking an epoxide. Compounds recorded as active antifeedants in the choice bioassay were not always as active in the no-choice test. The value of the bioassays in assessing the mode of action of the compounds is discussed.
Résumé L'activité phagodissuadante de l'azadirachtine, de ses dérivés et des limonoïdes voisins sur 4 espèces de lépidoptères: Spodoptera littoralis, S. frugiperda, Heliothis virescens et H. armigera a été évaluée par des expériences avec et sans choix. Les expériences de choix ont montré que le comportement alimentaire de S. littoralis était modifié par plus de substances que celui de S. frugiperda ou H. virescens. Celui de H. armigera était le moins modifié. Les 2 substances les plus puissantes parmi les 40 examinées, ont été l'azadirachtine et le dihydroazadirachtine. Ces résultats montrent que l'hydrogénation de la double liaison C-22,23 ne réduit pas l'activité phagodissuadante et que la nature des substitutions en C-1, C-3 et C-11 sont importantes. Les molécules avec des substitutions volumineuses en C-22 ou C-23 sont généralement des phagodissuadants aussi inefficaces que ceux ayant perdu un époxide. Les substances notées comme phagodissuadants actifs dans les expériences de choix ne sont pas toujours aussi actives en absence de choix. La valeur des tests dans l'évaluation du mode d'action des substances est discuté.

1. Effects of the molluscan neuropeptide APGW-amide and related compounds (the crustacean hormone RPCH, FAPGW-amide, PGW-amide, GW-amide and W-amide) were examined in several kinds of molluscan muscles. 2. All the compounds, except W-amide, showed qualitatively similar modulatory effects on contraction or relaxation of the muscles. The potency order of the compounds was found to be GW-amide greater than or equal to APGW-amide greater than FAPGW-amide greater than RPCH greater than PGW-amide. W-amide showed little or no effect even at 10(-4) M. 3. In the ABRM of Mytilus and the radula retractor muscle of Rapana, the active peptides were suggested to exhibit their modulatory effects by acting on the presynaptic sites in the muscles. 4. Nineteen GW-amide analogues, such as Gly-Trp-OH, Gly-Phe-NH2, D-Ala-Trp-NH2 and N-Gly-tryptamine, were also tested on some of the muscles, but all of them showed little or no effect.  相似文献   

Gastrol (1), together with 10 known phenolic compounds, has been isolated from the MeOH extract of the rhizomes of Gastrodia elata Blume (Orchidaceae), and their structures were elucidated by detailed spectral analyses including by 2D NMR spectroscopic analyses. The relaxant effects of these constituents on smooth muscle preparations isolated from guinea-pig ileum were also studied in order to reveal their characteristic pharmacological activities.  相似文献   

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