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SC35 belongs to the family of SR proteins that regulate alternative splicing in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro and in vivo. We previously reported that SC35 is expressed through alternatively spliced mRNAs with differing 3' untranslated sequences and stabilities. Here, we show that overexpression of SC35 in HeLa cells results in a significant decrease of endogenous SC35 mRNA levels along with changes in the relative abundance of SC35 alternatively spliced mRNAs. Remarkably, SC35 leads to both an exon inclusion and an intron excision in the 3' untranslated region of its mRNAs. In vitro splicing experiments performed with recombinant SR proteins demonstrate that SC35, but not ASF/SF2 or 9G8, specifically activates these alternative splicing events. Interestingly, the resulting mRNA is very unstable and we present evidence that mRNA surveillance is likely to be involved in this instability. SC35 therefore constitutes the first example of a splicing factor that controls its own expression through activation of splicing events leading to expression of unstable mRNA.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is regulated in part by variations in the relative concentrations of a variety of factors, including serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins. The SR protein SC35 self-regulates its expression by stimulating unproductive splicing events in the 3′ untranslated region of its own pre-mRNA. Using various minigene constructs containing the terminal retained intron and flanking exons, we identified in the highly conserved last exon a number of exonic splicing enhancer elements responding specifically to SC35, and showed an inverse correlation between affinity of SC35 and enhancer strength. The enhancer region, which is included in a long stem loop, also contains repressor elements, and is recognized by other RNA-binding proteins, notably hnRNP H protein and TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43). Finally, in vitro and in cellulo experiments indicated that hnRNP H and TDP-43 antagonize the binding of SC35 to the terminal exon and specifically repress the use of SC35 terminal 3′ splice site. Our study provides new information about the molecular mechanisms of SC35-mediated splicing activation. It also highlights the existence of a complex network of self- and cross-regulatory mechanisms between splicing regulators, which controls their homeostasis and offers many ways of modulating their concentration in response to the cellular environment.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing factors are enriched in nuclear domains termed interchromatin granule clusters or nuclear speckles. During mitosis, nuclear speckles are disassembled by metaphase and reassembled in telophase in structures termed mitotic interchromatin granules (MIGs). We analysed the dynamics of the splicing factor SC35 in interphase and mitotic cells. In HeLa cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-SC35, this was localized in speckles during interphase and dispersed in metaphase. In telophase, GFP-SC35 was highly enriched within telophase nuclei and also detected in MIGs. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments revealed that the mobility of GFP-SC35 was distinct in different mitotic compartments. Interestingly, the mobility of GFP-SC35 was 3-fold higher in the cytoplasm of metaphase cells compared with interphase speckles, the nucleoplasm or MIGs. Treatment of cells with inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) caused changes in the organization of nuclear compartments such as nuclear speckles and nucleoli, with corresponding changes in the mobility of GFP-SC35 and GFP-fibrillarin. Our results suggest that the dynamics of SC35 are significantly influenced by the organization of the compartment in which it is localized during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Abnormal alternative splicing of tau exon 10 results in imbalance of 3R-tau and 4R-tau expression, which is sufficient to cause neurofibrillary degeneration. Splicing factor SC35, a member of the superfamily of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins, promotes tau exon 10 inclusion. The molecular mechanism by which SC35 participates in tau exon 10 splicing remains elusive. In the present study, we found that tau pre-mRNA was coprecipitated by SC35 tagged with HA. Mutation of the SC35-like exonic splicing enhancer located at exon 10 of tau affected both the binding of SC35 to tau pre-mRNA and promotion of tau exon 10 inclusion, suggesting that SC35 acts on the SC35-like exonic splicing enhancer to promote tau exon 10 inclusion. Dyrk1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphorylated and regulated kinase 1A) phosphorylated SC35 in vitro and interacted with it in cultured cells. Overexpression of Dyrk1A suppressed SC35's ability to promote tau exon 10 inclusion. Downregulation of Dyrk1A promoted 4R-tau expression. Therefore, upregulation of Dyrk1A in Down syndrome brain or Alzheimer's brain may cause dysregulation of tau exon 10 splicing through SC35, and probably together with other splicing factors, leading to the imbalance in 3R-tau and 4R-tau expression, which may initiate or accelerate tau pathology and cause neurofibrillary degeneration in the diseases.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Zhang Y  Zhang J 《Genomics》2005,86(3):329-336
Ab initio prediction of functional exon splicing enhancer (ESE) elements based on RNA sequences present a challenge in the evaluation of the functional impacts of human genetic polymorphisms on splicing. To better understand the behavior of ESEs, we studied their distribution in human exons and introns for four known SR protein-binding motifs: SF2/SAF, SC35, SRp40, and SRp55. ESEs are enriched in regions in exons that are close to the splice sites, especially in the region 80 to 120 bases away from the ends of splice acceptor sites. Significant enrichment of ESEs is associated with weak splice acceptor sites but not weak donor sites. ESE density decreases at the 3 ends of long exons. ESEs are also enriched in introns with weak donor or acceptor sites. These characteristics of ESEs may help to predict functional ESE sites in RNA sequences.  相似文献   

WW domains mediate protein-protein interactions through binding to short proline-rich sequences. Two distinct sequence motifs, PPXY and PPLP, are recognized by different classes of WW domains, and another class binds to phospho-Ser-Pro sequences. We now describe a novel Pro-Arg sequence motif recognized by a different class of WW domains using data from oriented peptide library screening, expression cloning, and in vitro binding experiments. The prototype member of this group is the WW domain of formin-binding protein 30 (FBP30), a p53-regulated molecule whose WW domains bind to Pro-Arg-rich cellular proteins. This new Pro-Arg sequence motif re-classifies the organization of WW domains based on ligand specificity, and the Pro-Arg class now includes the WW domains of FBP21 and FE65. A structural model is presented which rationalizes the distinct motifs selected by the WW domains of YAP, Pin1, and FBP30. The Pro-Arg motif identified for WW domains often overlaps with SH3 domain motifs within protein sequences, suggesting that the same extended proline-rich sequence could form discrete SH3 or WW domain complexes to transduce distinct cellular signals.  相似文献   

R Tacke  J L Manley 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(14):3540-3551
ASF/SF2 and SC35 belong to a highly conserved family of nuclear proteins that are both essential for splicing of pre-mRNA in vitro and are able to influence selection of alternative splice sites. An important question is whether these proteins display distinct RNA binding specificities and, if so, whether this influences their functional interactions with pre-mRNA. To address these issues, we first performed selection/amplification from pools of random RNA sequences (SELEX) with portions of the two proteins comprising the RNA binding domains (RBDs). Although both molecules selected mainly purine-rich sequences, comparison of individual sequences indicated that the motifs recognized are different. Binding assays performed with the full-length proteins confirmed that ASF/SF2 and SC35 indeed have distinct specificities, and at the same time provided evidence that the highly charged arginine-serine region of each protein is not a major determinant of specificity. In the case of ASF/SF2, evidence is presented that binding specificity involves cooperation between the protein's two RBDs. Finally, we demonstrate that an element containing three copies of a high-affinity ASF/SF2 binding site constitutes a powerful splicing enhancer. In contrast, a similar element consisting of three SC35 sites was inactive. The ASF/SF2 enhancer can be activated specifically in splicing-deficient S100 extracts by recombinant ASF/SF2 in conjunction with one or more additional protein factors. These and other results suggest a central role for ASF/SF2 in the function of purine-rich splicing enhancers.  相似文献   

Exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) are discrete sequences within exons that promote both constitutive and regulated splicing. The precise mechanism by which ESEs facilitate the assembly of splicing complexes has been controversial. However, recent studies have provided insights into this question and have led to a new model for ESE function. Other recent work has suggested that ESEs are comprised of diverse sequences and occur frequently within exons. Ominously, these latter studies predict that many human genetic diseases linked to mutations within exons might be caused by the inactivation of ESEs.  相似文献   

AlphaB-Crystallin has for a long time been considered a specific eye lens protein. Later on it appeared that this protein belongs to the family of the small heat shock proteins and that it occurs also extra-lenticularly in many different cell types. AlphaB-Crystallin is mainly present in the cytoplasm, but there are some indications that it might have a function in the nucleus too. However, till now its presence in the nucleus is uncertain. We therefore compared the localization of alphaB-crystallin in nine cell lines cultured under normal conditions using four different antisera. All four antisera gave a diffuse staining for alphaB-crystallin in the cytoplasm, but one of the antibodies consistently showed nuclear staining in eight of the cell types, in the form of distinct speckles. These speckles are equally pronounced in the different cell types, whether or not cytoplasmic alphaB-crystallin is present. Preabsorption of the antiserum with alphaB-crystallin abolished the staining. Furthermore we demonstrate that if only minor amounts of alphaB-crystallin are present, the protein seems to be located exclusively in the nucleus. However, in case of higher amounts of protein, alphaB-crystallin is distributed between cytoplasm and nucleus. The nuclear alphaB-crystallin exists, like the cytoplasmic alphaB-crystallin, in non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated forms, is Triton-insoluble but can be extracted by 2 M NaCl. These data suggest that alphaB-crystallin might be bound to the nuclear matrix per se or to nuclear matrix proteins via other proteins. In agreement with other nuclear matrix proteins, nuclear alphaB-crystallin staining turns diffuse upon mitosis and leaves the chromosomes unstained. Double staining experiments revealed colocalization of alphaB-crystallin with the splicing factor SC35 in nuclear speckles, suggesting a role for alphaB-crystallin in splicing or protection of the splicing machinery.  相似文献   

SC35 plays a role in T cell development and alternative splicing of CD45   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Molecular diversity via alternative splicing is important for cellular function and development. SR proteins are strong candidate regulators of alternative splicing because they can modulate splice site selection. However, endogenous substrates for SR proteins are largely unknown, and their roles as splicing regulators in vertebrate development are unclear. Here we report that Cre-mediated conditional deletion of the prototypical SR protein SC35 in the thymus causes a defect in T cell maturation. Deletion of SC35 alters alternative splicing of CD45, a receptor tyrosine phosphatase known to be regulated by differential splicing during thymocyte development and activation. This study establishes a model to address the function of SR proteins in physiological settings and reveals a critical role of SC35 in a T cell-specific regulated splicing pathway.  相似文献   

Liu W  Zhou Y  Hu Z  Sun T  Denise A  Fu XD  Zhang Y 《FEBS letters》2010,584(21):4401-4407
In this report, we studied the effect of RNA structures on the activity of exonic splicing enhancers on the SMN1 minigene model by engineering known ESEs into different positions of stable hairpins. We found that as short as 7-bp stem is sufficient to abolish the enhancer activity. When placing ESEs in the loop region, AG-rich ESEs are fully active, but a UCG-rich ESE is not because of additional structural constraints. ESEs placed adjacent to the 3′ end of the hairpin structure display high enhancer activity, regardless of their sequence identities. These rules explain the suppression of multiple ESEs by point mutations that result in a stable RNA structure, and provide an additional mechanism for the C6T mutation in SMN2.  相似文献   

The heterotetrameric adaptor complex 1 (AP-1) and the monomeric Golgi-localized, gamma ear-containing, Arf-binding (GGA) proteins are components of clathrin coats associated with the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. The carboxyl-terminal ear domains (or gamma-adaptin ear (GAE) domains) of two gamma-adaptin subunit isoforms of AP-1 and of the GGAs are structurally similar and bind to a common set of accessory proteins. In this study, we have systematically defined a core tetrapeptide motif PsiG(P/D/E)(Psi/L/M) (where Psi is an aromatic residue), which is responsible for the interactions of accessory proteins with GAE domains. The definition of this motif has allowed us to identify novel GAE-binding partners named NECAP and aftiphilin, which also contain clathrin-binding motifs. These findings shed light on the mechanism of accessory protein recruitment to trans-Golgi network and endosomal clathrin coats.  相似文献   

The Drosophila repressor splicing factor 1 (RSF1) comprises an N-terminal RNA-binding region and a C-terminal domain rich in glycine, arginine and serine residues, termed the GRS domain. Recently, RSF1 has been shown to antagonize splicing factors of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) family and it is, therefore, expected to play a role in processing of a subset of Drosophila pre-mRNAs through specific interactions with RNA. To investigate the RNA-binding specificity of RSF1, we isolated RSF1-binding RNAs using an in vitro selection approach. We have identified two RNA target motifs recognized by RSF1, designated A (CAACGACGA)- and B (AAACGCGCG)-type sequences. We show here that the A-type cognate sequence behaves as an SR protein-dependent exonic splicing enhancer. Namely, three copies of the A-type ligand bind SR proteins, stimulate the efficiency of splicing of reporter pre-mRNAs several fold and lead to inclusion of a short internal exon both in vitro and in vivo. However, three copies of a B-type ligand were much less active. The finding that RSF1 acts as a potent repressor of pre-mRNA splicing in vitro led us to propose that the equilibrium between a limited number of structurally-related general splicing activators or repressors, competing for common or promiscuous binding sites, may be a major determinant of the underlying mechanisms controlling many alternative pre-mRNA process-ing events.  相似文献   

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