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Molecular dynamics simulations of the tetradecasaccharide XXXGXXXG in complex with the hybrid aspen xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase PttXET16-34 have been performed and analysed with respect to structure, dynamics, flexibility and ligand interactions. Notably, the charge state of the so-called ‘helper residue’ aspartate 87 (Asp87), which lies between the catalytic nucleophile [glutamate 85 (Glu85)] and general acid/base (Glu89) residues on the same beta strand, had a significant effect on PttXET16-34 active site structure. When Asp87 was deprotonated, electrostatic repulsion forced the nucleophile away from C1 of the sugar ring in subsite ? 1 and the proton–donating ability of Glu89 was also weakened due to the formation of a hydrogen bond with Asp87, whereas the protonation of Asp87 resulted in the formation of a hydrogen bond with the catalytic nucleophile and correct positioning of the catalytic machinery. The results suggest that catalysis in glycoside hydrolase family 16, and by extension clan GH-B enzymes, is optimal when the catalytic nucleophile is deprotonated for nucleophilic attack on the substrate, whereas the ‘helper residue’ and general acid/base residue are both in their conjugate acid forms to align the nucleophile and deliver a proton to the departing sugar, respectively.  相似文献   

Plant XETs [XG (xyloglucan) endotransglycosylases] catalyse the transglycosylation from a XG donor to a XG or low-molecular-mass XG fragment as the acceptor, and are thought to be important enzymes in the formation and remodelling of the cellulose-XG three-dimensional network in the primary plant cell wall. Current methods to assay XET activity use the XG polysaccharide as the donor substrate, and present limitations for kinetic and mechanistic studies of XET action due to the polymeric and polydisperse nature of the substrate. A novel activity assay based on HPCE (high performance capillary electrophoresis), in conjunction with a defined low-molecular-mass XGO {XG oligosaccharide; (XXXGXXXG, where G=Glcbeta1,4- and X=[Xylalpha1,6]Glcbeta1,4-)} as the glycosyl donor and a heptasaccharide derivatized with ANTS [8-aminonaphthalene-1,3,6-trisulphonic acid; (XXXG-ANTS)] as the acceptor substrate was developed and validated. The recombinant enzyme PttXET16A from Populus tremula x tremuloides (hybrid aspen) was characterized using the donor/acceptor pair indicated above, for which preparative scale syntheses have been optimized. The low-molecular-mass donor underwent a single transglycosylation reaction to the acceptor substrate under initial-rate conditions, with a pH optimum at 5.0 and maximal activity between 30 and 40 degrees C. Kinetic data are best explained by a ping-pong bi-bi mechanism with substrate inhibition by both donor and acceptor. This is the first assay for XETs using a donor substrate other than polymeric XG, enabling quantitative kinetic analysis of different XGO donors for specificity, and subsite mapping studies of XET enzymes.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endo-transglycosylases (XETs) are key enzymes involved in the restructuring of plant cell walls during morphogenesis. As members of glycoside hydrolase family 16 (GH16), XETs are predicted to employ the canonical retaining mechanism of glycosyl transfer involving a covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. Here, we report the accumulation and direct observation of such intermediates of PttXET16-34 from hybrid aspen by electrospray mass spectrometry in combination with synthetic "blocked" substrates, which function as glycosyl donors but are incapable of acting as glycosyl acceptors. Thus, GalGXXXGGG and GalGXXXGXXXG react with the wild-type enzyme to yield relatively stable, kinetically competent, covalent GalG-enzyme and GalGXXXG-enzyme complexes, respectively (Gal=Galbeta(1-->4), G=Glcbeta(1-->4), and X=Xylalpha(1-->6)Glcbeta(1-->4)). Quantitation of ratios of protein and saccharide species at pseudo-equilibrium allowed us to estimate the free energy change (DeltaG(0)) for the formation of the covalent GalGXXXG-enzyme as 6.3-8.5 kJ/mol (1.5-2.0 kcal/mol). The data indicate that the free energy of the beta(1-->4) glucosidic bond in xyloglucans is preserved in the glycosyl-enzyme intermediate and harnessed for religation of the polysaccharide in vivo.  相似文献   

I N Saab  M M Sachs 《Plant physiology》1996,112(1):385-391
Development of aerenchyma (soft cortical tissue with large intercellular air spaces) in flooded plants results from cell-wall hydrolysis and eventual cell lysis and is promoted by endogenous ethylene. Despite its adaptive significance, the molecular mechanisms behind aerenchyma development remain unknown. We recently isolated a flooding-induced maize (Zea mays L.) gene (wusl1005[gfu]; abbreviated as 1005) encoding a homolog of xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase (XET), a putative cell-wall-loosening enzyme active during germination, expansion, and fruit softening. XET and related enzymes may also be involved in cell-wall metabolism during flooding-induced aerenchyma development. Under flooding, 1005 mRNA accumulated in root and mesocotyl locations that subsequently exhibited aerenchyma development and reached maximum levels within 12 h of treatment. Aerenchyma development was observed in the same locations by 48 h of treatment. Treatment with the ethylene synthesis inhibitor (aminooxy) acetic acid (AOA), which prevented cortical air space formation under flooding, almost completely inhibited 1005 mRNA accumulation in both organs. AOA treatment had little effect on the accumulation of mRNA encoded by adh1, indicating that it did not cause general suppression of flooding-responsive genes. Additionally, ethylene treatment under aerobic conditions resulted in aerenchyma development as well as induction of 1005 in both organs. These results indicate that 1005 is responsive to ethylene. Treatment with anoxia, which suppresses ethylene accumulation and aerenchyma development, also resulted in 1005 induction. However, in contrast to flooding, AOA treatment under anoxia did not affect 1005 mRNA accumulation, indicating that 1005 is induced via different mechanisms under flooding (hypoxia) and anoxia.  相似文献   

J Inglese  J M Smith  S J Benkovic 《Biochemistry》1990,29(28):6678-6687
The affinity reagent N10-(bromoacetyl)-5,8-dideazafolate has previously been shown to inactivate glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase (EC from Escherichia coli in an active-site-directed manner with a 1:1 stoichiometry [Inglese et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 1436-1443]. After a series of mild proteolytic digestions, the dideazafolate label was localized to an active-site peptide attached by an ester linkage to the highly conserved residue Asp 144. Subsequent site-specific mutagenesis of Asp 144 to Asn 144 resulted in a catalytically inactive enzyme that retained the ability to bind substrates and inhibitors. The Asn 144 mutant could be further labeled with the affinity reagent in an active-site-directed stoichiometric fashion; however, the site of modification in this case was His 119. These results imply that Asp 144 may function as a general base within the catalytic center of the transformylase and is in close proximity to His 119 in the folded protein.  相似文献   

GeneView is a newly developed human gene mapping library systemthat works on an X-Window platform. This system is designedfor researchers who routinely utilize gene mapping data in thelaboratory but are unfamiliar with computer technology. GeneViewoffers various features, including friendly user interface,fast operation and visualization facility. Genetic loci aredisplayed graphically with an idiogram. This system can be operatedin multiple languages. A current version supports Japanese andEnglish, and can be easily expanded to include other languages.A prototype of GeneView is now installed on a SPARC (Sun4) workstation.Because of the X-Window platform, GeneView should be compatiblewith various types of workstations.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan oligosaccharides from cotton cell walls and tamarind seeds were derivatized with 2-aminopyridine and subsequently separated by reversed-phase chromatography (r.p.c.) using an octadecylsilyl silica stationary phase and aqueous-organic eluents with 0.01% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid. The chromatographic behavior of the 2-pyridylamino derivatives of xyloglucan oligosaccharides was examined under a wide range of elution conditions, including gradient steepness and shape, initial acetonitrile concentration in the eluent, and pore size of the r.p.c. packings. Relatively steep acetonitrile gradients resulted in poor resolution of the different xyloglucan fragments, which is believed to be the result of acetonitrile-induced conformational changes. Under these circumstances the elution order of the derivatized xyloglucan oligosaccharides was such that the smaller fragments eluted from the column before the larger ones. R.p.c. packing with a 70-A pore size necessitated relatively high acetonitrile concentration in the eluent when compared with 300-A stationary phase. The r.p.c. mapping of 2-pyridylamino derivatives of xyloglucan oligosaccharides was best achieved when both a wide-pore octadecyl-silyl silica stationary phase and a shallow gradient with consecutive linear segments of increasing acetonitrile concentration in the eluent were employed. This combination yielded rapid r.p.c. maps of the xyloglucan fragments from different sources with high separation efficiencies and concomitantly high resolution. The effects of the nature of the sugar residues in the xyloglucan oligomers and their degree of branching on r.p.c. retention and selectivity are also highlighted.  相似文献   

The action on tamarind seed xyloglucan of the pure, xyloglucan-specific endo-(1→4)-β-D-glucanase from nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L.) cotyledons has been compared with that of a pure endo-(1→4)-β-D-glucanase (‘cellulase’) of fungal origin. The fungal enzyme hydrolysed the polysaccharide almost completely to a mixture of the four xyloglucan oligosaccharides: Exhaustive digestion with the nasturtium enzyme gave the same four oligosaccharides plus large amounts of higher oligosaccharides and higher-polymeric material. Five of the product oligosaccharides (D,E,F,G,H) were purified and shown to be dimers of oligosaccharides A to C. D (glc8xyl6) had the structure A→A, H (glc8xyl6gal4) was C→C, whereas E (glc8xyl6gal), F (glc8xyl6gal2) and G (glc8xyl6gal3) were mixtures of structural isomers with the appropriate composition. For example, F contained B2→B2 (30%), A→C (30%), C→A (20%), B2B1 (15%) and others (about 5%). At moderate concentration (about 3 mM) oligosaccharides D to H were not further hydrolysed by the nasturtium enzyme, but underwent transglycosylation to give oligosaccharides from the group A, B, C, plus higher oligomeric structures. At lower substrate concentrations, hydrolysis was observed. Similarly, tamarind seed xyloglucan was hydrolysed to a greater extent at lower concentrations. It is concluded that the xyloglucan-specific nasturtium-seed endo-(1→4)-β-D-glucanase has a powerful xyloglucan-xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase activity in addition to its known xyloglucan-specific hydrolytic action. It would be more appropriately classified as a xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase. The action and specificity of the nasturtium enzyme are discussed in the context of xyloglucan metabolism in the cell walls of seeds and in other plant tissues.  相似文献   

One mechanism for the repair of UV-induced DNA damage is the base excision repair pathway. The initial step in this pathway and the specificity for the type of damage that is to be repaired reside in DNA glycosylase/abasic (AP) lyases. Cleavage of the glycosyl bond of the 5' pyrimidine of a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer is hypothesized to occur through the destabilization of the glycosyl bond by protonation of the base or sugar with a concomitant nucleophilic attack on C1' of the deoxyribose moiety. Based on mechanistic biochemical information from several glycosylase/AP lyases and the structural information on the bacteriophage T4 pyrimidine dimer glycosylase (T4-pdg), the catalytic mechanism has been investigated for the Chlorella virus pyrimidine dimer glycosylase (cv-pdg). As predicted from modeling studies and reaction mechanisms, the primary amine that initiates the nucleophilic displacement reaction could be trapped as a covalent imine intermediate and its identity determined by sequential Edman degradation. The primary amine was identified as the alpha-amino group on the N-terminal Thr2. Site-directed mutagenesis was subsequently used to confirm the conclusions that the alpha-amino group of cv-pdg is the active-site nucleophile.  相似文献   

A new Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Columbia) genomic library has been constructed in Yeast Artificial Chromosomes: the CIC library (for CEPH, INRA and CNRS). Optimization of plant culture conditions and protoplast preparation allowed the recovery of large amounts of viable protoplasts. Mechanical shearing of DNA was minimized by isolation of DNA from protoplasts embedded in agarose. Cloning of large inserts was favored by including two successive size fractionation steps (after partial Eco RI digestion and after ligation with the vector arms), which selected DNA fragments larger than 350 kb. The library consists of 1152 clones with an average insert size of 420 kb. Clones carrying chloroplast DNA and various nuclear repeated sequences have been identified. Twenty-one per cent of the clones are found to contain chloroplast DNA. Therefore, the library represents around four nuclear genome equivalents. The clones containing 5S rDNA genes, 18S-25S rDNA sequences and the 180 bp paracentromeric repeated element account for 3.6%, 8.9% and 5.8%, respectively. Only one clone was found to carry the 160 bp paracentromeric repeated element. Given the smaller size of clones carrying Arabidopsis repeated DNA, the average size of remaining clones is around 480 kb. The library was screened by PCR amplification using pairs of primers corresponding to sequences dispersed in the genome. Seventy out of 76 pairs of primers identified from one to seven YAC clones. Thus at least 92% of the genome is represented in the CIC library. The survey of the library for clones containing unlinked DNA sequences indicates that the proportion of chimeric clones is lower than 10%.  相似文献   

Bovine gene mapping is progressing rapidly using syntenic group mapping based on somatic cell hybrids and linkage, and to a lesser extent on in situ hybridization. Single chromosome DNA libraries are a logical next step, and this was, therefore, the aim of our laboratory. Since we have access to several cattle with t(1;29) and this chromosome is readily distinguishable, we chose this as our first target—recognizing that we would not produce a single chromosome library in the strict sense because two autosomes are represented. We utilized an inverted microscope and a micromanipulator fitted with glass instruments pulled specifically to dissect off approximately 100 t(1:29) chromosomes per microdrop. A glass chamber made to accommodate a hanging drop was used to extract the DNA under a dissecting microscope. The DNA was then cleaved with EcoRI and inserted in gtwes arms. Host cells were then infected with these phage and positive clones obtained. The first clone, isolated from this library by hybridization with a human collagen 6A1 cDNA, was mapped by in situ hybridization to bovine Chromosome (Chr) 1q12–q14, near the centromere. The second clone, an anonymous DNA fragment (D1S11), was mapped to 1q43–q46, near the terminal end.  相似文献   

Genomic libraries of rice,Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare, in yeast artificial chromosomes were prepared for construction of a rice physical map. High-molecular-weight genomic DNA was extracted from cultured suspension cells embedded in agarose plugs. After size fractionation of theEco RI- andNot I-digested DNA fragments, they were ligated with pYAC4 and pYAC55, respectively, and used to transformSaccharomyces cerevisiae AB1380. A total of 6932 clones were obtained containing on average ca. 350 kb DNA. The YAC library was estimated to contain six haploid genome equivalents. The YACs were examined for their chimerism by mapping both ends on an RFLP linkage map. Most YACs withEco RI fragments below 400 kb were intact colinear clones. About 40% of clones were chimeric. Genetic mapping of end clones from large size YACs revealed that the physical distance corresponding to 1 cM genetic distance varies from 120 to 1000 kb, depending on the chromosome region. To select and order YAC clones for making contig maps, high-density colony hybridization using ECL was applied. With several probes, at least one and at most ten YAC clones could be selected in this library. The library size and clone insert size indicate that this YAC library is suitable for physical map construction and map-based cloning.  相似文献   

A chromosome-specific library was developed for Bos taurus autosome 11 by chromosome microdissection and microcloning using a bovine primary fibroblast culture, obtained from a t(X;23) heifer, that spontaneously developed a translocation chromosome involving bovine chromosome 11. The library was screened using (AC)12 oligos, positive clones selected, sequenced and primers developed to generate bovine chromosome 11-specific microsatellite markers. This study suggests that chromosome-specific libraries have great potential for development of microsatellite markers for the construction of marker-saturated linkage maps for each chromosome.  相似文献   

The field of plant cell wall biology is constantly growing and consequently so is the need for more sensitive and specific probes for individual wall components. Xyloglucan is a key polysaccharide widely distributed in the plant kingdom in both structural and storage tissues that exist in both fucosylated and non-fucosylated variants. Presently, the only xyloglucan marker available is the monoclonal antibody CCRC-M1 that is specific to terminal alpha-1,2-linked fucosyl residues on xyloglucan oligo- and polysaccharides. As a viable alternative to searches for natural binding proteins or creation of new monoclonal antibodies, an approach to select xyloglucan-specific binding proteins from a combinatorial library of the carbohydrate-binding module, CBM4-2, from xylanase Xyn10A of Rhodothermus marinus is described. Using phage display technology in combination with a chemoenzymatic method to anchor xyloglucan to solid supports, the selection of xyloglucan-binding modules with no detectable residual wild-type xylan and beta-glucan-binding ability was achieved.  相似文献   

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