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K. V. Yeargan  L. W. Quate 《Oecologia》1996,106(2):266-271
Large immature and mature female bolas spiders of the genus Mastophora attract certain male moths by aggressive chemical mimicry of those moth species' sex pheromones. These older spiders capture moths by swinging a bolas (i.e., a sticky globule suspended on a thread) at the approaching male moths. Juvenile bolas spiders do not use a bolas, but instead use their first two pairs of legs to grab prey, which our field observations suggested were primarily nematocerous Diptera. Our field experiments over a 2-year period demonstrated that juvenile bolas spiders attract moth flies (Psychodidae), with each species apparently specializing on a particular prey species. In three experiments, sticky traps containing young Mastophora phrynosoma spiderlings consistently captured significantly more male Psychoda phalaenoides than were captured on traps containing spiderlings of other Mastophora species or no spiderlings (control traps). Results from two of the three experiments suggested that Mastophora hutchinsoni spiderlings attract male Psychoda trinodulosa. Only two of our experiments included Mastophora bisaccata and those produced contrasting results. In the first experiment, M. bisaccata appeared to attract P. phalaenoides, albeit in lower numbers than were captured on traps containing M. phrynosoma. However, in a second experiment the following year, M. bisaccata spiderlings attracted Psychoda satchelli, a species that had not been caught on any traps the previous year. As suggested by a systematist four decades ago, the taxon currently called M. bisaccata may consist of two or more sibling species, which could account for the contrasting results obtained from our two experiments involving M. bisaccata. This is the first reported evidence that, during early developmental stadia before these spiders attract moths, juvenile bolas spiders attract their prey.  相似文献   

Summary Bolas spiders are relatively rare members of the large family known as orb weavers. Instead of using a typical web to capture prey, late-stadia and adult female bolas spiders swing a droplet of adhesive on a thread at flying insects. Mastophora hutchinsoni (Araneae: Araneidae) is one of five Mastophora species known from the United States and occurs over much of eastern North America. It is univoltine in Kentucky and overwinters in the egg stage. Spiderling emerged in May, the diminutive males matured in late June and early July, and females matured in early September. Eggs were produced from late September to late October or early November. This report is the first complete documentation of the population phenology of any bolas spider. Newly-emerged M. hutchinsoni spiderlings did not use a bolas, but instead hunted by positioning themselves on the underside of leaf margins where they ambushed small arthropods that crawled along the leaf margins. Subadult and adult female M. hutchinsoni used a bolas to capture moths. Only male moths were captured, specifically three species of Noctuidae (bristly cutworm, bronzed cutworm, and smoky tetanolita) and one species of Pyralidae (bluegrass webworm). Among 492 prey captured by more than twenty spiders at two sites during 1985 and 1986, smoky tetanolita moths and bristly cutworm moths accounted for 93% of the total. The flight behavior of approaching moths, the limited taxa caught from a large available moth fauna, and the fact that only males were caught support the hypothesis that the spider attracts its prey by producing chemicals which mimic the sex pheromones of these moth species. Adult female M. hutchinsoni frequently captured more than one moth species on a given night. The two most common prey species were active at different times of night, the bristly cutworm soon after nightfall and the smoky tetanolita generally between 11:00 p.m. and dawn. This pattern suggests that mating activity of these moth species may be temporally isolated, a common phenomenon when sympatric species have similar pheromones. If so, the spider could capture both species without producing different pheromone-mimicking compounds, simply by hunting during the activity period of each species.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 87-7-76) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

Adult female bolas spiders have a unique hunting tactic that combines aggressive chemical mimicry of the sex pheromone blends of their prey moths with a specialized weapon (the bolas) and behaviors to capture attracted male moths. This report shows that female bolas spiders can release the attractive allomone before they make the bolas and that females detect moth wing vibrations from attracted prey. In response to this detection, females initiate the construction of a bolas. This ability to sample for prey presence may allow this predator to adapt its hunting activity to the temporal and spatial availability of its prey and, thereby, may reduce the constraints associated with extreme prey specialization.  相似文献   

Recent large‐cage studies with codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) reveal that the removal of moths from an apple orchard using pheromone‐releasing traps is more effective at reducing capture in a central monitoring trap than is a mating disruption protocol without kill/capture. The present study uses open orchard 0.2‐ha plots comparing a high‐density trapping scenario with mating disruption to confirm those results. Two tortricid moth pests of tree fruit are studied: codling moth and obliquebanded leafroller Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Codling moth treatments include Isomate CM FLEX (ShinEtsu Ltd, Japan), nonsticky traps baited with Trécé CM lures (Trécé, Inc., Adair, Oklahoma), and sticky traps baited with Trécé CM lures, all at equal application rates of 500 dispensers ha?1, as well as a no pheromone control. These microtraps are of a novel design, small and easy to apply, and potentially inexpensive to produce. Mating disruption using Isomate CM FLEX and nonsticky traps reduces codling moth capture in standard monitoring traps by 58% and 71%, respectively. The attract‐and‐remove treatment with sticky traps reduces capture by 92%. Obliquebanded leafroller treatments include Isomate OBLR/PLR Plus and Pherocon IIB microtraps baited with Trécé OBLR lures, both applied at 500 dispensers ha?1, as well as a no pheromone control. Mating disruption reduces capture in monitoring traps by 69%. The attract‐and‐remove treatment reduces capture by 85%. Both studies suggest that an attract‐and‐remove approach has the potential to provide superior control of moth populations compared with that achieved by mating disruption operating by competitive attraction.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of codling moth,Cydia pomonella (L.) within pheromone-treated and untreated apple and pear orchard canopies was determined using tethered virgin females, unbaited sticky traps, and blacklight observation of released moths. Mating of virgin females tethered at various heights in untreated orchard canopies increased with placement height from 1–4 m. Application of pheromone dispensers for mating disruption at 2 and 4 m above the ground greatly decreased mating. Greatest capture of males and females on unbaited sticky traps occurred at mid- and upper-canopy heights. Total capture of males and females in pheromone-treated plots was not statistically different than in untreated plots. The percentage of mated females captured on sticky traps did not vary with trap height or pheromone treatment. Released moths marked with flourescent powder and observed at dark with a blacklight indicated that moths are primarily distributed high in the canopy. However, males shifted to a position lower in the canopy when pheromone dispensers were placed 2.1 m above the ground. Results suggest that pheromone dispensers be placed in the upper canopy for optimal disruption of codling moth mating.  相似文献   

Sticky traps baited with sex pheromone are the most common trapping devices used in monitoring of moth pests in food warehouses and food processing. However, these traps only capture males, and it is debatable whether captures of male moths can be used as spatio‐temporal indicators of hot spots of conspecific larvae (only larvae are responsible for damage to food products). Water has been documented as highly attractive to stored product moths, and here we present the first performance data on water bottles as monitoring devices. On average, water bottles caught 15 times more Indianmeal moths [Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)] than unbaited sticky traps and 74 times more moths than probe traps. We showed that hole size in water bottles had negligible effect on their trapping performance in a naturally infested peanut warehouse. Experimental evaluation of water loss over time showed that smaller holes dramatically reduced water evaporation (less frequent service required), and detergent can be added to the water to reduce moth decomposition without adversely affecting water attractiveness (trap performance). Trap captures of males and females were linearly correlated, and based on quantitative statistical analysis [Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE)], we showed that weekly captures of the two sexes were spatially correlated. The applied implications of using water bottles in improved IPM of moths in food facilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies in Oregon, California, Pennsylvania and Italy evaluated the relative performance of the Ajar trap compared with several other traps for the capture of Grapholita molesta (Busck), in pome and stone fruit orchards treated with sex pheromone dispensers for mating disruption. The Ajar is a delta‐shaped trap with a screened jar filled with an aqueous terpinyl acetate plus brown sugar bait solution (TAS) that opens inside the trap and is surrounded by a sticky liner. The TAS‐baited Ajar trap was evaluated with and without the addition of a sex pheromone lure and compared with a delta trap baited with a sex pheromone lure and a bucket trap filled with the TAS bait. Although the Ajar trap had a 90% lower evaporation of the TAS bait than the bucket trap, both of them caught similar numbers in the majority of the field tests of both sexes of G. molesta. The addition of the sex pheromone lure did not increase moth catches by the TAS‐baited Ajar trap. The TAS‐baited Ajar trap caught significantly greater numbers of moths than the sex pheromone‐baited delta trap in 18 of the 20 orchards. Few hymenopterans were caught in orange TAS‐baited Ajar traps, but the catch of flies and other moths relative to the target pest remained high. Flight tunnel and field tests evaluated the effect of several screen designs on the catches of G. molesta and non‐target species. All exclusion devices significantly reduced the catch of larger moths. However, designs that did not reduce the catch of male G. molesta did not reduce the catch of muscid flies. Exclusion devices with openings <7.0 mm significantly reduced the catch of female G. molesta. The addition of (E)‐β‐farnesene, (E)‐β‐ocimene or butyl hexanoate septa lures to TAS‐baited Ajar traps significantly increased total moth catch. The addition of (E)‐β‐ocimene also significantly increased female moth catch.  相似文献   

For some Lepidopteran pests, such as the grape berry moth Paralobesia viteana (Clemens), poor correlation between males captured in traps baited with sex pheromone and oviposition activities of female moths has called into question the value of pheromone-based monitoring for these species. As an alternative, we compared the capture of female and male grape berry moth in panel traps baited with synthetic host volatiles with captures of males in pheromone-baited wing traps over two growing seasons in two blocks of grapes in a commercial vineyard in central New York. Lures formulated in hexane to release either 7-component or 13-component host volatile blends captured significantly more male and female grape berry moth on panel traps compared with the numbers captured on panel traps with hexane-only lures. For both sexes over both years, the same or more moths were captured in panel traps along the forest edge compared with the vineyard edge early in the season but this pattern was reversed by mid-season. Male moths captured in pheromone-baited wing traps also displayed this temporal shift in location. There was a significant positive correlation between captured males and females on panel traps although not between females captured on panel traps and males captured in pheromone-baited traps for both years suggesting pheromone traps do not accurately reflect either female or male activity. Male moths captured in pheromone traps indicated a large peak early in each season corresponding to first flight followed by lower and variable numbers that did not clearly indicate second and third flights. Panel trap data, combining males and females, indicated three distinct flights, with some overlap between the second and third flights. Peak numbers of moths captured on panel traps matched well with predictions of a temperature-based phenology model, especially in 2008. Although effective, panel traps baited with synthetic host lures were time consuming to deploy and maintain and captured relatively few moths making them impractical, in the current design, for commercial purposes.  相似文献   

We tested different pheromone-baited traps for surveying winter moth, Operophtera brumata (L.) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), populations in eastern North America. We compared male catch at Pherocon 1C sticky traps with various large capacity traps and showed that Universal Moth traps with white bottoms caught more winter moths than any other trap type. We ran the experiment on Cape Cod, MA, where we caught only winter moth, and in western Massachusetts, where we caught only Bruce spanworm, Operophtera bruceata (Hulst) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), a congener of winter moth native to North America that uses the same pheromone compound [(Z,Z,Z)-1,3,6,9-nonadecatetraene] and is difficult to distinguish from adult male winter moths. With Bruce spanworm, the Pherocon 1C sticky traps caught by far the most moths. We tested an isomer of the pheromone [(E,Z,Z)-1,3,6,9-nonadecatetraene] that previous work had suggested would inhibit captures of Bruce spanworm but not winter moths. We found that the different doses and placements of the isomer suppressed captures of both species to a similar degree. We are thus doubtful that we can use the isomer to trap winter moths without also catching Bruce spanworm. Pheromone-baited survey traps will catch both species.  相似文献   

Male and female noctuid moths were collected from plastic bucket traps that were baited with different synthetic floral chemicals and placed in peanut fields. Traps baited with phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl acetate, and a blend of phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl acetate, and benzaldehyde collected more soybean looper moths, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), than benzaldehyde-baited or unbaited traps. Females comprised over 67% of the moths captured and most were mated. At peak capture, over 90 male and female moths per night were collected. In another experiment, phenylacetaldehyde delivered in plastic stoppers attracted more P. includens moths than traps baited using other substrates, but this chemical delivered in wax attracted more velvetbean caterpillar moths (Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner). Other noctuid male and female moths collected included Agrotis subterranea (F.), Argyrogramma verruca (F.), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and several Spodoptera species. Aculeate Hymenoptera were collected in large numbers, especially in traps baited with phenylacetaldehyde delivered from stoppers.  相似文献   

The nun moth, Lymantria monacha L., is one of the most important defoliators of Eurasian coniferous forests. Outbreaks during 2011–2015 in the natural/planted larch, and larch‐birch mixed forests of the Greater Khingan Range in Inner Mongolia, China, caused tremendous timber losses from severe defoliation and tree mortality. A series of trapping experiments were conducted in these outbreak areas to evaluate the efficacy of a synthetic species‐specific pheromone lure based on the female pheromone blend of European nun moth populations. Our results clearly show that the nun moth in Inner Mongolia is highly and specifically attracted to this synthetic pheromone, with few gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) captured. Flight activity monitoring of L. monacha male moths using pheromone‐baited Unitraps at 2 locations during the summer of 2015 indicated that the flight period started in mid‐July, peaking in early August at both locations. Based on male moth captures, there was a strong diurnal rhythm of flight activity throughout the entire scotophase, peaking between 22:00 and 24:00. Unitraps and wing traps had significantly and surprisingly higher catches than the gypsy moth traps. Unitraps fastened to tree trunks 2 m above ground caught significantly more male moths than those at the ground level or at 5 m height. Male L. monacha moths can be attracted to pheromone‐baited traps in open areas 150–200 m distant from the infested forest edge. Our data should allow improvement on the performance of pheromone‐baited traps for monitoring or mass‐trapping to combat outbreaks of this pest in northeastern China.  相似文献   

Nineteen host plant volatiles (HPVs) were screened for attractivity to adult codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) as a fourth component of core blends (3K) including (E,Z)-2,4-ethyl decadienoate, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene and acetic acid. Each new quaternary combination was compared with a previously reported attractive bisexual lure (4K), consisting of the 3K blend plus 6-ethenyl-2,2,6-trimethyloxan-3-ol (pyranoid linalool oxide, pyrLOX). All lure evaluations were conducted in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen). Several compounds were found to significantly lower total and/or female catches when added to the 3K blend, including (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-2-hexanal and hexyl butanoate (female and total moths), and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and linalool (female moths). Other compounds when added to the 3K blend did not increase or decrease moth catches, including methyl salicylate, (E)-β-ocimene, limonene, β-caryophyllene, butyl hexanoate, farnesol, terpineol, terpinen-4-ol and α-pinene. A few added compounds significantly increased moth catches compared with the 3K blend, including β-pinene (male moths), (Z)-jasmone (male and total moths), (E)-β-farnesene and β-myrcene (female and total moths), and (E,E)-α-farnesene (male, female, and total moths). In addition, each of these five compounds when added to the 3K core blend performed similarly to the 4K lure (male, females, and total moths). Further studies should expand these results through tests of these and other new blends with a range of component ratios and total loading amounts. Field trials should also be replicated within all host crops of codling moth and across major geographical production regions.  相似文献   

An attracticide formulation, LastCall?OFM, was tested against the Oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in replicated small plot field trials in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen), orchards in South‐eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Attracticide treatments were applied using a calibrated hand pump, and treated plots were compared to similar untreated plots. Male moth activity was monitored using virgin female‐baited traps, and the potential for reduction in mating activity was assessed using sentinel virgin females. A comparison of application rates showed that 1500 droplets per ha of the attracticide formulation was as effective as 3000 droplets per ha, and both application rates reduced captures in synthetic pheromone‐baited traps for prolonged periods. Droplets placed either at high or low positions within the canopy significantly reduced trap capture and mating with sentinel females. In addition, the only sentinel females that mated in the treated plots were located in the untreated portion of the tree canopy. Mate finding behaviour was equally disrupted by formulations with and without insecticide. Therefore, under the test conditions, the mechanism by which the attracticide formulation worked was by disruption of male orientation, and not by the removal of males due to insecticide poisoning. Two field cage experiments tested the impact of population density on the competitiveness of the attracticide formulation compared to virgin females. A significant proportion of males were captured in female‐baited traps at the highest female‐to‐droplet ratio tested. Equal proportions of males were captured in attracticide‐baited traps at male moth densities of 10, 20, 40, and 80 males per cage. These results clarify some of the factors influencing the effectiveness and possible mechanisms of an attracticide management tactic against the Oriental fruit moth.  相似文献   



In the course of evolution butterflies and moths developed two different reproductive behaviors. Whereas butterflies rely on visual stimuli for mate location, moths use the ‘female calling plus male seduction’ system, in which females release long-range sex pheromones to attract conspecific males. There are few exceptions from this pattern but in all cases known female moths possess sex pheromone glands which apparently have been lost in female butterflies. In the day-flying moth family Castniidae (“butterfly-moths”), which includes some important crop pests, no pheromones have been found so far.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a multidisciplinary approach we described the steps involved in the courtship of P. archon, showing that visual cues are the only ones used for mate location; showed that the morphology and fine structure of the antennae of this moth are strikingly similar to those of butterflies, with male sensilla apparently not suited to detect female-released long range pheromones; showed that its females lack pheromone-producing glands, and identified three compounds as putative male sex pheromone (MSP) components of P. archon, released from the proximal halves of male forewings and hindwings.


This study provides evidence for the first time in Lepidoptera that females of a moth do not produce any pheromone to attract males, and that mate location is achieved only visually by patrolling males, which may release a pheromone at short distance, putatively a mixture of Z,E-farnesal, E,E-farnesal, and (E,Z)-2,13-octadecadienol. The outlined behavior, long thought to be unique to butterflies, is likely to be widespread in Castniidae implying a novel, unparalleled butterfly-like reproductive behavior in moths. This will also have practical implications in applied entomology since it signifies that the monitoring/control of castniid pests should not be based on the use of female-produced pheromones, as it is usually done in many moths.  相似文献   

Monitoring adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), is a crucial component in implementing effective integrated management programmes in apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen. Use of sex pheromone lures to track male populations has been the traditional approach, but their use in orchards treated with sex pheromone for mating disruption (MD) has been problematic. Development of kairomone and kairomone–pheromone combination lures has allowed the catch of female moths and has benefited several aspects of codling moth management through improved spray timings and action thresholds. Recently, a new four‐component volatile blend (4‐K) comprised of pear ester, (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl decadienoate (PE), (E)‐11 4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene, all isomers of pyranoid linalool oxide and acetic acid (AA) has been characterized that has increased female moth catch threefold versus any previous blend. Field trapping studies were conducted to compare moth catches in traps baited with 4‐K versus the use of sex pheromone, (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol (PH) in combination with PE and AA. Trials were conducted in orchards left either untreated, or treated with PH or PH + PE. Traps baited with 4‐K and 4‐K + PH lures caught significantly more females than traps baited with PH + PE + AA lures. Traps baited with 4‐K + PH lures caught significantly more total moths than traps baited with PH + PE + AA lures in all three orchards. Adding a PH lure to traps with the 4‐K lure did not affect female catch, but significantly increased male and total moth catches. These studies demonstrate that codling moth can be trapped effectively in apple under MD without the use of sex pheromone lures. The significant increase in female codling moth catch with the 4‐K lure suggests that efforts to improve spray timings and action threshold determinations as well as mass trapping might be enhanced with this new lure.  相似文献   

The flight and mating behaviour of the pea moth (Cydia nigricana) was studied at overwintering sites and in pea fields to see whether it could be exploited to provide early warning of adult immigration into pea crops. The field threshold temperature for take-off is 18 CC. Most flight activity-occurred in June and July between 16.00 and 18.00 B.S.T. with peak activity at 17.04 h. Moths were not caught in suction traps at heights above 0–4 m, but they can probably travel several km by fluttering above vegetation in winds of up to 10 km/h. Female moths produce a sex pheromone(s) highly attractive to males; ‘calling’ by females and mating occur during the period of maximum flight activity. Suction traps and egg counts detected the presence of moths in crops at about the same time. On average, sticky and water traps containing live virgin females as a lure caught respectively 17 and 130 times more males than suction traps and, on occasions, 25 and 300 times more; these attractive traps should detect the arrival of immigrants sooner than suction traps or egg counts. Extracts of virgin females dispensed from filter paper at doses of one and five female-equivalents (FE) attracted males rapidly but temporarily. Rubber dispensers with extracts of twenty FE remained attractive for 6 days. Several synthetic attractants were screened using doses of o-i mg on rubber dispensers in sticky traps. CYs-8-dodecenyl acetate and erans-8, frans-io-dodeca-dienol at doses of o-i mg were slightly attractive; the latter at doses of 1 -o mg was more attractive than twenty FE doses of extract and could be used for experimental monitoring of pea moth until its own synthetic sex pheromone(s) is available.  相似文献   

Detailed examination of abdominal tip extracts from adult female Heliothis armigera revealed the presence of two components which elicit electroantennographic responses from the male moth. These olfactory stimulants have been fully identified as (Z)-11-hexadecenal (I) and (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol(II), and detected in airborne volatiles from a ‘calling’ female moth. A third olfactory stimulant was detected only in female tip extracts from some moths of Malawi origin, and this was tentatively identified as (Z)-9-hexadecenal (III). No other olfactory stimulants could be found, although hexadecenal (IV) and 1-hexadecan-1-ol (V) were detected by gas chromatography. In field tests in Malawi, (Z)-11-hexadecenal (I) attracted a few male H. armigera moths to traps but was very much less attractive than the virgin female moth. The attractiveness of (I) was not consistently affected by addition of alcohol (II), aldehydes (III) and (IV), or (E)-11-hexadecenal. Significant numbers of male Earias biplaga moths were found to be attracted to (Z)-11-hexadecenal (I).  相似文献   

Abstract. Mark–release–recapture is used to quantify displacement by adults of the North American grape berry moth, Endopiza viteana Clemens (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) under field conditions. Moths marked with fluorescent dust are released eight times in the centre of a vineyard over 2 years, and recaptured using pheromone traps and interception traps. In vineyards, male moths are recaptured an average of 13.8 ± 0.8 m from the release site (maximum 58.2 m), whereas female displacement is similar with average flight distances of 11.4 ± 6.7 m (maximum 41.2 m). Increasing wind speed during moth flight activity periods suppresses displacement by both sexes, and females are less likely than males to fly in winds above 0.6 m s?1. The majority of males are recaptured upwind from the release site or at a tangent to the overall mean wind direction when responding to pheromone traps, whereas female moths trapped in interception traps exhibit a large variability in direction from the release point. Releases of marked moths in woods adjacent to a vineyard demonstrates interhabitat movement by E. viteana males and by a single female. The average maximum displacement by males during interhabitat movement is 105.4 ± 3.9 m, significantly greater than the average maximum of 39.7 ± 6.7 m inside the vineyard habitat.  相似文献   

We analyzed the spatial distribution and dispersal of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), adults within two heterogeneous agroecosystems typical of central Chile: commercial apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, orchards surrounded by various unmanaged host plants. Both a geostatistical analysis of catches of adult males with a grid of sex pheromone-baited traps and an immunological self-marking technique combined with traps baited with a male and female attractant were used. The spatial analyses identified the key sources of moths within these diverse landscapes. Codling moth catches in traps were spatially associated within distances of ≈ 150-300 m. Similarly, the mean distance from the immunological self-marking plots within the commercial apple orchard to the traps that captured marked adults was 282 m. In contrast, the mean distance in the capture of marked moths from unmanaged self-marking plots to a commercial orchard was 828 m. These data suggest that the success of any future area-wide management programs for codling moth in Chilean pome fruit must include a component for managing or removing noncommercial hosts that surround orchards. This analysis also suggests that the selection pressure for resistance imposed by insecticide sprays within managed orchards is likely dampened by the influx of susceptible moths from unmanaged sites common in central Chile.  相似文献   

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