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The appearance and distribution of AChE activity in the neural crest cells of the chick embryo were histochemically investigated. Prior to closure of the neural tube, neural crests were not demonstrated and most of the cells constituting the neural plate and the more lateral ectoderm were AChE-negative. With the closure of the neural tube, the neural crests assumed the form of a cell mass in its mid-dorsal portion and AChE activity was demonstrated in some elements of both tube and crests. The neural crest cells beginning to migrate ventrally or laterally were AChE-positive, and some showed intense enzymatic activity. Electron microscopically, the neural crest cells and the cells migrating from the neural crest displayed AChE activity in the cisternae of the nuclear envelope and in a few r-ER profiles, but were morphologically undifferentiated. As assessed by 3H-thymidine autoradiography, these cells possessed the potential to proliferate. These findings indicate that with the formation of the neural tube and neural crest, cells constituting these structures begin to differentiate with respect to AChE activity and that the enzyme appears in the neural crest cells before the onset of neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

In recent studies of chick embryos, the cranial paraxial mesoblast was found to be patterned into segmental units termed somitomeres. Anterior to the first segmental cleft, seven contiguous segments are aligned, with somitomeric interfaces forming grooves at right angles to the midline. In this study, the morphological relationship between the migratory pathways of cranial neural crest cells and patterned primary mesenchyme was analyzed with the scanning electron microscope, utilizing stereo imaging. In addition, the development of neuromeres in the adjacent neural tube was monitored. It was found that cranial neural crest first appears along the dorsal midline as a ridge of cells which loosens from the wall of the neural tube and migrates laterally as discrete populations. The mesencephalic crest appears first, immediately following neural tube fusion at that level, and migrates over the dorsal surface of the adjacent third somitomere and into the grooves formed by its juncture with the second and fourth somitomeres. Later, the addition of prosencephalic and rostral rhombencephalic crest extends the mesencephalic population to form a shelf of crest which spreads over the dorsal surface of the first four somitomeres. Component cells of this most cranial crest shelf become oriented and mimic the metameric pattern of the subjacent somitomeres. Crest cells adjacent to the fifth somitomeres appear along the midline, but do not migrate, creating a gap anterior to the otic crest. By stage 9, a narrow finger-like segment of the otic crest migrates from a specific neuromere into the grooved interface between the fifth and sixth somitomeres, delimiting the rostral border of the otic placode in the ectoderm above. By the end of stage 9, crest cells delimiting the caudal border of the placode have migrated along the interface of the seventh and eighth somitomeres. The crest cells adjacent to the sixth and seventh somitomeres, between the rostral and caudal otic populations, appear but do not migrate, remaining condensed along the midline. Thus, otic crest cells form a ring which circumscribes the invaginating otic placode. This study suggests that the precise distribution of cranial neural crest cells may result from their introduction at specific times, as specific populations from specific brain regions (neuromeres), onto a patterned mesodermal layer.  相似文献   

The development and distribution of the cranial neural crest in the rat embryo   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary The head region of rat embryos was investigated by scanning electron microscopy after removal of the surface ectoderm with adhesive tape. Observations were made in embryos from 6-somite to 11-somite stages of development, in order to determine: (1) the sequence of emigration of neural crest cells from the different regions of the future brain; (2) the appearance of crest cells before, during, and after their conversion from an epithelial to a mesenchymal form; (3) the migration pathways.Emigration occurs first from the midbrain, and next from the rostral hindbrain; crest cells from these two regions migrate into the first visceral arch. Subsequently cells emigrate from the caudal hindbrain, but not in a rostrocaudal sequence. At the time of crest cell emigration, the neural fold morphology varies from a slightly convex, widely open plate (midbrain) to a closed tube (caudal hindbrain). Thus the timing of emigration is related neither to age (as reflected in rostrocaudal levels) nor to morphology of the neural epithelium.  相似文献   

Previous work by our group has demonstrated that mesencephalic neural crest cells at an early stage of migration are able to synthesize acetylcholine (ACh). Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the enzyme responsible for ACh degradation, was examined in neural crest cells of the chick embryo, using cytochemical and biochemical methods. Observations at the light microscope level showed that cholinesterase activity, identified as true AChE, was present at all axial levels in presumptive crest cells of the neural folds, soon after closure of the neural tube. Subsequently, AChE activity was found in cells of the individualized neural crest and in crest cells migrating at cephalic and trunk levels. Cell counts revealed that 88–94% of the total crest population was AChE-positive. Electron microscope observations indicated that the enzyme was confined to perinuclear and endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. The AChE of migrating mesencephalic neural crest cells was identified as the dimeric form (sedimentation coefficient 6.9 S) of the catalytic subunit. These results indicate that the specific AChE is present in the majority of neural crest cells all along the neural axis. Thus the ability to synthesize and degrade ACh is expressed at least in some neural crest cells at an early stage of development.  相似文献   

Summary We have quantitated the distribution of chick neural crest cells after they have completed early migration and are aggregating into ganglia. Variables tested for an influence on the distribution of cells include stage, level of somites, position in each of the primary body axes, and individual embryo. The 11th–15th cervical somites of embryos at stages 30, 35, and 40 somites (s) incubated for 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 days were labeled with antibody to HNK-1 to detect neural crest cells, and doubly labeled with antibody to HNK-1 and to the 150 kD neurofilament subunit to detect neural crest-derived neurons. Significantly more neural crest cells appear at older stages, but cells are uniformly distributed among the 11th–15th somites at any given stage. Significant differences in the total number of neural crest cells among three embryos sampled at the same stage indicate that the number of cells is independent of the staging series used. As early as the 35 s stage about one-third of the neural crest cells throughout the somite exhibit NF staining. At the 40 s stage, doubly labeled NF cells, as well as HNK-1 labeled cells, aggregate in a circumscribed portion of the mediolateral axis to form presumptive sensory ganglia in the dorsal region of the somites. Also at 40 s a wave of cell aggregation into sympathetic ganglia proceeds anteroposteriorly along the ventral border of the somitic mesenchyme. The results show a sequence of phenotypic expression beginning with neurofilament antigen, then ganglionic aggregation, and finally, in the case of sympathetic neurons, catecholamine transmitter.  相似文献   

Morphology and behaviour of neural crest cells of chick embryo in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Neural primordia of chick embryos were cultured for three days and the behaviour of migrating neural crest cells studied. Somite cells were used as a comparison. Crest cells were actively multipolar with narrow projections which extended and retracted rapidly, contrasting to the gradual extension of somite-cell lamellae. On losing cell contact, somite cells were also more directionally persistent. The rate of displacement of isolated crest cells was particularly low when calculated over a long time base. Both crest and somite cells were monolayered; contact paralysis occurred in somite cell collisions but was not ascertained for crest cells. However, crest cells in a population were far more directionally persistent than isolated cells. Contact duration between crest cells increased with time and they formed an open network. Eventually, retraction clumping occurred, initially and chiefly at the periphery of the crest outgrowth. Crest cells did not invade cultured embryonic mesenchymal or epithelial populations but endoderm underlapped them. No effects were observed on crest cells prior to direct contact. Substrate previously occupied by endoderm or ectoderm caused crest cells to flatten while substrate previously occupied by the neural tube caused them to round up and clump prematurely.  相似文献   

The types of mouse parthenogenones obtained in a medium modified with respect to Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ ions were investigated in “spontaneously” activating eggs after culturing cumulus masses in vitro for 5 hr. The second meiotic division was affected in eggs cultured in medium lacking Ca2+ and Mg2+ or Ca2+ alone, resulting in suppression of second polar body extrusion in a high proportion of cases, giving rise to two pronuclear eggs or eggs that underwent immediate cleavage. Extrusion of the second polar body occurred normally when the cumulus mass was cultured in complete medium and, in a high proportion of eggs, when Mg2+ alone was lacking in the medium. The results are discussed with reference to the second meiotic division. The method provides an efficient way for obtaining a large number of different types of parthenogenetic embryos.  相似文献   

Chick embryos carrying transplants labeled with tritiated thymidine demonstrate that the neural crest originates in the anterior epiblast, at the junction of areas destined for epidermis and neural tube. As the neural tube begins to fold and the axis lengthens, cells along this junction are drawn dorsomedially; at the seven-somite stage they begin to separate from the epithelium of the head, and migrate into the angle between the epidermis and the neural tube. The paraxial mesoderm already populating this angle originates in more posterior and medial portions of the epiblast than do the neural crest cells; after invagination at the primitive streak, it migrates anterolaterally, ventral to the ectoderm layer, until it too is folded dorsomedially into the angle between the epidermis and the neural tube.  相似文献   

Clinical observations have demonstrated that isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid; cis-RA) is a human teratogen causing primarily heart and craniofacial malformations. Isotretinoin exposure to the early postimplantation mouse embryo in culture results in specific defects in craniofacial development that may be due to an interference in the early migration of cranial neural crest (CNC) cells [Goulding and Pratt, 1986]. The present study was designed to test this hypothesis by examining the migration of these cells in whole embryo culture. Day 8 CD-1 mouse embryos were cultured for 6-48 hr in the presence or absence of cis-RA at 2 X 10(-6) to 2 X 10(-5) M. Embryos either were fixed for light microscopy using Nichols' method for localization of CNC cells or were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. At the light microscopic level, CNC cells in the mid-brain region of control embryos had migrated to the region of the first and second visceral arches after 6 hr in culture. Cis-RA interfered with this migration; CNC cells in treated embryos either did not leave the neuroepithelium (NE) or were aggregated near the NE. Autoradiographic studies indicated that cis-RA did not affect the overall viability or DNA synthesis of the CNC cells. However, at the TEM level, there was a dramatic increase in the number of cellular blebs in the CNC cells. Our results demonstrate a direct effect of 13-cis-RA on the CNC cells and suggest that this effect is due to alterations in the cell surface.  相似文献   

A series of microsurgical operations was performed in chick embryos to study the factors that control the polarity, position and differentiation of the sympathetic and dorsal root ganglion cells developing from the neural crest. The neural tube, with or without the notochord, was rotated by 180 degrees dorsoventrally to cause the neural crest cells to emerge ventrally. In some embryos, the notochord was ablated, and in others a second notochord was implanted. Sympathetic differentiation was assessed by catecholamine fluorescence after aldehyde fixation. Neural crest cells emerging from an inverted neural tube migrate in a ventral-to-dorsal direction through the sclerotome, where they become segmented by being restricted to the rostral half of each sclerotome. Both motor axons and neural crest cells avoid the notochord and the extracellular matrix that surrounds it, but motor axons appear also to be attracted to the notochord until they reach its immediate vicinity. The dorsal root ganglia always form adjacent to the neural tube and their dorsoventral orientation follows the direction of migration of the neural crest cells. Differentiation of catecholaminergic cells only occurs near the aorta/mesonephros and in addition requires the proximity of either the ventral neural tube (floor plate/ventral root region) or the notochord. Prior migration of presumptive catecholaminergic cells through the sclerotome, however, is neither required nor sufficient for their adrenergic differentiation.  相似文献   

A vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest migration in the chick embryo has provided a positional fate map of greater resolution than has been possible using labelled graft techniques. Focal injections of the fluorescent membrane probe DiI were made into the cranial neural folds at stages between 3 and 16 somites. Groups of neuroepithelial cells, including the premigratory neural crest, were labelled by the vital dye. Analysis of whole-mount embryos after 1-2 days further development, using conventional and intensified video fluorescence microscopy, revealed the pathways of crest cells migrating from mesencephalic and rhombencephalic levels of the neuraxis into the subjacent branchial region. The patterns of crest emergence and emigration correlate with the segmented disposition of the rhombencephalon. Branchial arches 1, 2 and 3 are filled by crest cells migrating from rhombomeres 2, 4 and 6 respectively, in register with the cranial nerve entry/exit points in these segments. The three streams of ventrally migrating cells are separated by alternating regions, rhombomeres 3 and 5, which release no crest cells. Rostrally, rhombomere 1 and the caudal mesencephalon also contribute crest to the first arch, primarily to its upper (maxillary) component. Both r3 and r5 are associated with enhanced levels of cell death amongst cells of the dorsal midline, suggesting that crest may form at these levels but is then eliminated. Organisation of the branchial region is thus related by the dynamic process of neural crest immigration to the intrinsic mechanisms that segment the neuraxis.  相似文献   

Vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The spatial and temporal aspects of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse are poorly understood because of technical limitations. No reliable cell markers are available and vital staining of embryos in culture has had limited success because they develop normally for only 24 hours. Here, we circumvent these problems by combining vital dye labelling with exo utero embryological techniques. To define better the nature of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo, premigratory cranial neural crest cells were labelled by injecting DiI into the amniotic cavity on embryonic day 8. Embryos, allowed to develop an additional 1 to 5 days exo utero in the mother before analysis, showed distinct and characteristic patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration at the different axial levels. Neural crest cells arising at the level of the forebrain migrated ventrally in a contiguous stream through the mesenchyme between the eye and the diencephalon. In the region of the midbrain, the cells migrated ventrolaterally as dispersed cells through the mesenchyme bordered by the lateral surface of the mesencephalon and the ectoderm. At the level of the hindbrain, neural crest cells migrated ventrolaterally in three subectodermal streams that were segmentally distributed. Each stream extended from the dorsal portion of the neural tube into the distal portion of the adjacent branchial arch. The order in which cranial neural crest cells populate their derivatives was determined by labelling embryos at different stages of development. Cranial neural crest cells populated their derivatives in a ventral-to-dorsal order, similar to the pattern observed at trunk levels. In order to confirm and extend the findings obtained with exo utero embryos, DiI (1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate) was applied focally to the neural folds of embryos, which were then cultured for 24 hours. Because the culture technique permitted increased control of the timing and location of the DiI injection, it was possible to determine the duration of cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural tube. Cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural folds was completed by the 11-somite stage in the region of the rostral hindbrain, the 14-somite stage in the regions of the midbrain and caudal hindbrain and not until the 16-somite stage in the region of the forebrain. At each level, the time between the earliest and latest neural crest cells to emigrate from the neural tube appeared to be 9 hours.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

FGF2 promotes skeletogenic differentiation of cranial neural crest cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cranial neural crest gives rise to most of the skeletal tissues of the skull. Matrix-mediated tissue interactions have been implicated in the skeletogenic differentiation of crest cells, but little is known of the role that growth factors might play in this process. The discovery that mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) cause the major craniosynostosis syndromes implicates FGF-mediated signalling in the skeletogenic differentiation of the cranial neural crest. We now show that, in vitro, mesencephalic neural crest cells respond to exogenous FGF2 in a dose-dependent manner, with 0.1 and 1 ng/ml causing enhanced proliferation, and 10 ng/ml inducing cartilage differentiation. In longer-term cultures, both endochondral and membrane bone are formed. FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3 are all detectable by immunohistochemistry in the mesencephalic region, with particularly intense expression at the apices of the neural folds from which the neural crest arises. FGFRs are also expressed by subpopulations of neural crest cells in culture. Collectively, these findings suggest that FGFs are involved in the skeletogenic differentiation of the cranial neural crest.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells in the cranial region of the chick embryo initially migrate into a cell-free space between the head ectoderm and mesoderm. The primary objective of the present study was to define the nature of the matrix in this cell-free space. In ovo administration of various labeled compounds showed that the cell-free space became heavily labeled with glucosamine between stages 9 and 10 with little or no incorporation of fucose or sulfate. The results obtained by autoradiography and biochemical analysis of labeled macromolecules selectively extracted from this cell-free space suggest that hyaluronic acid is a major component. The appearance of hyaluronic acid correlates with an increase in size of the cell-free space and crest cell migration.  相似文献   

《Cell differentiation》1983,12(2):61-66
Changes in hyaluronate concentration and hyaluronidase activity were measured at progressive stages of chick embryo kidney development. Hyaluronate accumulates in the immature metanephros containing undifferentiated mesenchyme and early stages of tubular epithelium formation. Differentiation of the epithelium to mature tubules and renal corpuscles occurs over a period when hyaluronate concentrations are decreasing. The initial decrease in hyaluronate is accompanied by an increase in hyaluronidase activity in the metanephros. A similar peak of hyaluronidase activity was found to occur during mesonephros development. Chondroitin sulfate levels remain almost constant throughout the course of metanephric differentiation.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are a transient stem-like cell population that forms in the dorsal neural tube of vertebrate embryos and then migrates to various locations to differentiate into diverse derivatives such as craniofacial bone, cartilage, and the enteric and peripheral nervous systems. The current dogma of neural crest cell development suggests that there is a specific hierarchical gene regulatory network (GRN) that controls the induction, specification, and differentiation of these cells at specific developmental times. Our lab has identified that a marker of differentiated neurons, Tubulin Beta-III (TUBB3), is expressed in premigratory neural crest cells. TUBB3 has previously been identified as a major constituent of microtubules and is required for the proper guidance and maintenance of axons during development. Using the model organism, Gallus gallus, we have characterized the spatiotemporal localization of TUBB3 in early stages of development. Here we show TUBB3 is expressed in the developing neural plate, is upregulated in the pre-migratory cranial neural crest prior to cell delamination and migration, and it is maintained or upregulated in neurons in later developmental stages. We believe that TUBB3 likely has a role in early neural crest formation and migration separate from its role in neurogenesis.  相似文献   

With the aim to test the hypothesis that cells derived from the mesencephalic portion of the neural crest, are involved in the process of differentiation of various upper facial bones, in 41 chick embryos of the 6-somite stage (approx. 26 hours of incubation) the anterior and middle thirds of this part of the neural crest were partially eliminated by micro-laser irradiation, either unilaterally or bilaterally. Of the 14 embryos sacrificed at the age of 12 days, a number of 6 proved to have developed harelip and/or cleft palate conditions. In these embryos, in addition a reduction or absence of the maxillary, palatal, jugale and quadrato-jugale was observed. On the contrary, other facial bones as well as the first and second branchial arch cartilages proved to have developed normally. From these results the conclusion may be drawn that (a sufficient number of) cells from the anterior and middle thirds of the mesencephalic neural crest are indispensable for a normal differentiation of the maxillary, palatal, jugale and quadrato-jugale.  相似文献   

Loss of Twist function in the cranial mesenchyme of the mouse embryo causes failure of closure of the cephalic neural tube and malformation of the branchial arches. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, the expression of molecular markers that signify dorsal forebrain tissues is either absent or reduced, but those associated with ventral tissues display expanded domains of expression. Dorsoventral organization of the mid- and hindbrain and the anterior-posterior pattern of the neural tube are not affected. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, neural crest cells stray from the subectodermal migratory path and the late-migrating subpopulation invades the cell-free zone separating streams of cells going to the first and second branchial arches. Cell transplantation studies reveal that Twist activity is required in the cranial mesenchyme for directing the migration of the neural crest cells, as well as in the neural crest cells within the first branchial arch to achieve correct localization. Twist is also required for the proper differentiation of the first arch tissues into bone, muscle, and teeth.  相似文献   

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