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Intake rates by large herbivores are governed by among other things plant traits. We used Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi Matschie) as study animals, testing whether they as very large browsers would follow the Jarman–Bell principle and maximize intake rate while tolerating low forage quality. We worked in Arusha National Park, Tanzania. We investigated how intake rate was determined by bite mass and bite rate, and show that bite mass and bite rate were determined by plant characteristics, governed by inherent plant traits, plant traits acquired from previous years’ browsing, and season. We predicted that; (1) bite mass would be larger in trees without spines than with (2) bite mass would be larger in the wet season than in the dry, (3) bite rate would be higher in spinescent trees than in non-spinescent, (4) bite rate and/or bite mass would increase with previous years’ browsing, (5) bite mass, bite rate or browsing time per tree would be highest for high trees with large, although still available canopies. Visual observations were used to collect data on tree attributes, number of bites taken and time of browsing. Sample size was 132 observed giraffe. We found that bite mass was larger in spineless than in spinescent trees and was larger in the wet season than in the dry. Bite rate, but not bite mass, increased with increasing browsing in previous years and was highest on two to three meter high trees and in spinescent trees. Intake rate followed bite mass more than bite rate and was higher in spineless than in spinescent trees, higher in the wet season than in the dry, and tended to increase with tree height. Giraffe did not prioritize the highest intake rate, but browsed much on Acacias giving a high quality diet but a low intake rate.  相似文献   

The Nofence technology is a GPS-based virtual fencing system designed to keep sheep within predefined borders, without using physical fences. Sheep wearing a Nofence collar receive a sound signal when crossing the virtual border and a weak electric shock if continuing to walk out from the virtual enclosure. Two experiments testing the functionality of the Nofence system and a new learning protocol is described. In Experiment 1, nine ewes with their lambs were divided into groups of three and placed in an experimental enclosure with one Nofence border. During 2 days, there was a physical fence outside the border, during Day 3 the physical fence was removed and on Day 4, the border was moved to the other end of the enclosure. The sheep received between 6 and 20 shocks with an average of 10.9±2.0 (mean±SE) per ewe during all 4 days. The number of shocks decreased from 4.38±0.63 on Day 3 (when the physical fence was removed) to 1.5±0.71 on Day 4 (when the border was moved). The ewes spent on average 3%, 6%, 46% and 9% of their time outside the border on Days 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. In Experiment 2, 32 ewes, with and without lambs, were divided into groups of eight and placed in an experimental enclosure. On Day 1, the enclosure was fenced with three physical fences and one virtual border, which was then increased to two virtual borders on Day 2. To continue to Day 3, when there was supposed to be three virtual borders on the enclosure, at least 50% of the ewes in a group should have received a maximum of four shocks on Day 2. None of the groups reached this learning criterion and the experiment ended after Day 2. The sheep received 4.1±0.32 shocks on Day 1 and 4.7±0.28 shocks on Day 2. In total, 71% of the ewes received the maximum number of five shocks on Day 1 and 77% on Day 2. The individual ewes spent between 0% and 69.5% of Day 1 in the exclusion zone and between 0% and 64% on Day 2. In conclusion, it is too challenging to ensure an efficient learning and hence, animal welfare cannot be secured. There were technical challenges with the collars that may have affected the results. The Nofence prototype was unable to keep the sheep within the intended borders, and thus cannot replace physical fencing for sheep.  相似文献   

Intake rate, the rate in which herbivores can process their food, is presumed to be an important factor in habitat selection down to the scale of the foraging patch. Much attention has been given to the selection of swards of high nutritional quality, but much less has been given to the influences of sward structure on patch selection in small herbivores. In this study we tested the effects of sward density and height on the functional foraging response of barnacle geese, Branta leucopsis. The functional response curve for herbivores describes how intake rate is affected by food availability. We conducted feeding trials to determine intake rate and bite size of barnacle geese on experimentally manipulated swards. Results indicate that intake rate is mainly dependent on sward height and that there is a strong correlation between bite size and intake rate. Sward density does not influence the rate of food consumption; it is, however, a crucial parameter affecting potential total yield. We conclude that bite size is the crucial parameter influencing intake rate. Bite size is explained both by sward height and individual differences in bill morphology. Furthermore, intake rate seems to be dependent on the physical structure of the grass species consumed.  相似文献   

A vaccine containing integral membrane glycoproteins from the intestine of Haemonchus contortus was evaluated in three groups of grazing sheep each containing 13 ewes and their 16 lambs naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Two groups were vaccinated with either 5 or 50 μg of the antigen per immunisation, while the third, the control group, received adjuvant alone. The sheep were immunised six times at 3 week intervals, partly because the vaccine antigens are hidden and thus no immunological boost would be delivered by subsequent infection and partly because the level of Haemonchus spp. challenge was expected to be high. The vaccinated ewes, first immunised approximately 1 month before lambing, showed a circulating antibody response but no signs of reduced anaemia or Haemonchus spp. egg counts, compared with control ewes. Several ewes with severe haemonchosis in all three groups had to be given precautionary treatment with anthelmintic drugs. In contrast, vaccinating their lambs with either 5 or 50 μg of the antigen per immunisation resulted in 10 fold higher antibody titres. In the case of the lower antigen dose this was associated with significantly less anaemia, 72% reduction in the overall number of Haemonchus spp. eggs produced and significantly fewer worms compared with control lambs. It is hypothesised that the heavily pregnant or lactating ewes did not have sufficient physiological reserves to mount a protective response following vaccination in the tropical weather and high challenge conditions that prevailed. Nevertheless, the vaccine could afford useful protection for lambs against H. contortus.  相似文献   

The effect of carazolol on the ease of penetrating the cervix during artificial insemination, lambing rate and litter size was studied using 1.5–4.0-year old Kivircik ewes in an incomplete 3 × 2 × 2 experimental design. All of the ewes in this study were synchronized for oestrus by insertion of a progesterone impregnated vaginal sponge for 12 days and administration of 400 IU PMSG at sponge withdrawal. Three methods of service were compared: natural service, artificial insemination (AI) with fresh semen, or AI with frozen semen. Two times of insemination (fixed time AI versus AI at observed oestrus) were compared on the fresh and frozen AI treatments. The absence (control) or use of carazolol (carazolol; 0.5 mg/ewe i.m. 30 min before mating) was the third factor in the design and penetration of the cervix by the insemination pipette was assessed as shallow (<10 mm), middle (10–20 mm) or deep (>20 mm). Natural service ewes were only mated at observed oestrus. Consequently, the factorial design was incomplete and there were a total of 10 treatments each represented by 30 ewes. Natural service resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) higher lambing rate and litter size (86%; 2.0 ± 0.05 lambs/ewe) than AI using fresh (65%; 1.6 ± 0.1 lambs/ewe) or frozen (40%; 1.4 ± 0.14 lambs/ewe) semen. For AI animals the lambing rate and litter size were not significantly different when service was at a fixed time (50%; 1.5 ± 0.12 lambs/ewe) or at observed oestrus (56%; 1.5 ± 0.12 lambs/ewe). Carazolol did not permit complete cervical penetration in any ewe. Deep penetration of the cervix at AI was achieved in 33% of untreated (control) and 48% of carazolol treated ewes (P < 0.05). However, the proportion of ewes in which penetration of the cervix and semen deposition was greater than shallow was similar for control (82%) and carazolol (85%), and lambing rate and litter size were similar for both treatments. Over the three service methods, the lambing rate was 56% for control and 63% for carazolol (NS) and litter size was similar for both treatments. It was concluded that the carazolol treatment used prior to natural mating or AI in this experiment did not improve lambing rate or litter size in Kivircik ewes.  相似文献   

Invasive species’ success may depend strongly on the genetic resources they maintain through the invasion process. We ask how many introductions have occurred in the North American weed Centaurea stoebe micranthos (Asteraceae), and explore whether genetic diversity and population structure have changed as a result of introduction. We surveyed individuals from 15 European native range sites and 11 North American introduced range sites at six polymorphic microsatellite loci. No significant difference existed in the total number of alleles or in the number of private alleles found in each range. Shannon–Weaver diversity of phenotype frequencies was also not significantly different between the ranges, while expected heterozygosity was significantly higher in the invasive range. Population structure was similar between the native range and the invasive range, and isolation by distance was not significant in either range. Traditional assignment methods did not allocate any North American individuals to the sampled European populations, while Bayesian assignment methods grouped individuals into nine genetic clusters, with three of them shared between North America and Europe. Invasive individuals tended to have genetically admixed profiles, while natives tended to assign more strongly to a single cluster. Many North American individuals share assignment with Romania and Bulgaria, suggesting two separate invasions that have undergone gene flow in North America. Samples from three other invasive range sites were genetically distinct, possibly representing three other unique introductions. Multiple introductions and the maintenance of high genetic diversity through the introduction process may be partially responsible for the invasive success of C. stoebe micranthos.  相似文献   

Herbivores shape plant communities through selective foraging. However, both herbivore selectivity and the plant’s ability to tolerate or resist herbivory may depend on the density of herbivores. In an alpine ecosystem with a long history of grazing, plants are expected to respond to both enhanced and reduced grazing pressures, and the interaction between plant traits and changes in species abundance are expected to differ between the two types of alteration of grazing regime. To understand the mechanisms behind species response, we investigated the relationship between sheep selectivity (measured in situ), plant traits and experimentally derived measures of change in species abundance as a response to the enhancement (from low to high density) or cessation (from low to zero density) of sheep grazing pressure over a six-year time period for 22 abundant herb species in an alpine habitat in south Norway. Sheep selected large, late-flowering herbs with a low leaf C/N ratio. Species that increased in abundance in response to enhanced grazing pressure were generally small and had high root/shoot ratios, thus exhibiting traits that reflect both resistance (through avoidance) and tolerance (through regrowth capacity) strategies. The abundance of selected species remained stable during the study period, and also under the enhanced grazing pressure treatment. There was, however, a tendency for selected species to respond positively to cessation of grazing, although overall responses to cessation of grazing were much less pronounced than responses to enhanced grazing. Avoidance through short stature (probably associated with increased light availability through the removal of tall competitors) as well as a certain amount of regrowth capacity appear to be the main mechanisms behind a positive response to enhanced grazing pressure in this study. The plant trait perspective clearly improves our insight into the mechanisms behind observed changes in species abundance when the disturbance regime is altered. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the pattern of plasma melatonin during the trough and the peak of its daily rhythm. Blood samples from 8 ewes were collected every 3 h for a 48-h period. On the third day, blood samples were collected from 10:00 to 13:00 (trough) and from 20:00 to 23:00 (peak) every 20 min. Our results showed a robust daily rhythm of melatonin in both days of monitoring, with nocturnal acrophase. During the trough, a significant decrease was observed starting from the 10:40 with a progressive decrease about every 40 min. During the peak of the plasma melatonin daily rhythm, an increase was observed starting from the 20:40 with a progressive increase about every 40 min. These data could be taken in consideration to monitor the plasma melatonin variations during the 24 h, and for the administration of melatonin for breeding in ewes.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to determine the competitive interactions between introduced biological control agents that attack the seed heads of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos) and diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa). Two weevils, Bangasternus fausti and Larinus minutus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), were each paired with the previously established fly, Urophora affinis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Each species was released either alone or in pair-wise combinations inside screen cages placed over existing knapweed plants at six field sites in Montana and one in Oregon. Larinus minutus produced almost three times as many progeny on diffuse knapweed as on spotted knapweed. Larinus minutus reproduction was not affected by competition with U. affinis, but U. affinis reproduction was reduced by the presence of L. minutus (by 71% on spotted and 77% on diffuse knapweed). Bangasternus fausti reproduction generally was not affected by competition with U. affinis, nor was U. affinis affected by B. fausti on either host plant. There were extremely few cases of successful production of both weevil and fly in the same capitulum, which was probably because weevil larvae consume the developing flies. Both weevils increased the total proportion of seed heads infested on diffuse knapweed, and B. fausti increased it on spotted knapweed. However, the release of either weevil did not significantly further reduce seed production on either plant. The results and experimental design are discussed in light of the subsequent establishment and impact of these agents.  相似文献   

Climate change may cause ecosystems to become trophically restructured as a result of primary producers and consumers responding differently to increasing CO2 and temperature. This study used an integrative approach using a controlled microcosm experiment to investigate the combined effects of CO2 and temperature on key components of the intertidal system in the UK, biofilms and their consumers (Littorina littorea). In addition, to identify whether pre-exposure to experimental conditions can alter experimental outcomes we explicitly tested for differential effects on L. littorea pre-exposed to experimental conditions for two weeks and five months. In contrast to predictions based on metabolic theory, the combination of elevated temperature and CO2 over a five-week period caused a decrease in the amount of primary productivity consumed by grazers, while the abundance of biofilms increased. However, long-term pre-exposure to experimental conditions (five months) altered this effect, with grazing rates in these animals being greater than in animals exposed only for two weeks. We suggest that the structure of future ecosystems may not be predictable using short-term laboratory experiments alone owing to potentially confounding effects of exposure time and effects of being held in an artificial environment over prolonged time periods. A combination of laboratory (physiology responses) and large, long-term experiments (ecosystem responses) may therefore be necessary to adequately predict the complex and interactive effects of climate change as organisms may acclimate to conditions over the longer term.  相似文献   

Effects of supplementing tree foliage mixtures on voluntary intake, apparent digestibility and N balance was evaluated using Pelibuey sheep fed low quality diets. Five treatments were examined in a 5 × 5 Latin square design, which consisted of a basal diet of grass (Sorghum halepense) hay supplemented with Brosimum alicastrum (B) and Lysiloma latisiliquum (L) at the following rates (g DM/kg diet): B264, L0; B198, L66; B132, L132; B66, L198 and B0, L264. Additionally, an in situ degradability evaluation was completed with two ruminally cannulated cows. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent insoluble N (ADIN), lignin(sa) and total phenols (TP) were higher (P<0.01) in L. latisiliquum versus B. alicastrum. Daily intake (g/kg LW0.75/day) of DM (from 98 to 73) and OM (from 88 to 66) decreased quadratically (P<0.01), whereas CP (from 8.0 to 5.6) and ME (from 7.7 to 5.2, MJ/sheep/day) reduced linearly (P<0.01), as L. latisiliquum increased in the diet. Apparent digestibility of DM (from 0.486 to 0.445), OM (from 0.511 to 0.458) and CP (from 0.417 to 0.198) decreased linearly (P<0.01) and was associated with a low ruminal in situ CP degradability of L. latisiliquum. The decrease in N intake and digestibility induced lower (P<0.01) N retention (from 2.7 to 0.1 g/sheep/day). Although the incremental substitution of B. alicastrum with L. latisiliquum negatively affected intake, rumen degradation, digestibility and N balance, results indicate that this foliage mixture, but with no more than 132 g DM/kg diet of L. latisiliquum, could be used as a supplementation strategy to sheep fed low quality forage without negative effects on voluntary intake.  相似文献   

Abstract Eosinophil numbers in peripheral blood and eosinophil potentiating activity(EPA) and sheep mast cell protease (SMCP) in efferent gastric lymph were monitored in lambs during infections with Ostertagia circumcincta . Worm burdens, eosinophil numbers in bone marrow, abomasal mucosa and gastric lymph node, as well as mast cell numbers and SMCP concentrations in mucosa and mucus, were determined in post mortem samples. In naive lambs, high and relatively uniform worm burdens were present 10 days after primary infection and these were associated with only mild blood and tissue eosinophilia. By day 21 worm burdens were markedly lower and more variable. There was more evidence of eosinophil and mast cell accumulation in mucosa, and numbers in bone marrow were also higher than on day 10. However, neither EPA nor SMCP were detectable in lymph. By contrast, EPA and SMCP were present in substantial amounts in draining lymph within 48 h of challenge (secondary) infection of previously exposed lambs. EPA was inversely related to worm burdens recovered on day 10, as were abomasal mucosal and mucus SMCP concentrations. Elevated eosinophil numbers were also consistently detected in blood, bone marrow, mucosa and gastric lymph node. The results suggest that host immune defence against secondary, but not primary, exposure to O. circumcincta involves a rapidly mobilised local inflammatory component.  相似文献   

Low pasture allowance during gestation affects ewes’ BW at parturition, the bond with their lamb, lamb development, and thus also may affect their responses to weaning. The objectives were to determine if native pasture allowance from before conception until late pregnancy affects ewe–lamb behaviours at lambing, ewes’ milk yield, lambs’ BW, and the behavioural and physiological changes of ewes and lambs at weaning. From 23 days before conception until 122 days of pregnancy, 24 ewes grazed on two different native pasture allowances: high (10 to 12 kg of dry matter (DM)/100 kg of BW per day; HPA treatment; n=12) or low (5 to 8 kg of DM/100 kg of BW per day; LPA treatment; n=12). Thereafter, all ewes grazed on Festuca arundinacea and received rice bran and crude glycerine. Ewes’ body condition score (BCS) and BW were recorded during pregnancy and postpartum periods. Milk yield was determined on days 32, 41 and 54 after lambing. Lambs’ BW was recorded from birth until 72 days after lambing. Latency from parturition until the ewe licked her lamb, maternal behaviour score (a test that evaluates maternal attachment to the lamb) and latency for lamb to stand up and suckle were determined. The behaviour of the lambs and ewes was recorded before and after weaning (at 65 days). The ewes’ serum total protein, albumin and globulin concentrations were measured before and after weaning. The HPA ewes presented greater BW (P<0.005) and BCS (P<0.005) than the LPA ewes during pregnancy and postpartum (P<0.04), and had a greater milk yield than the LPA ewes (P<0.03). Treatments did not influence any behaviour at lambing, lambs’ BW, neither the ewes’ behavioural and physiological changes at weaning. HPA lambs paced and vocalized more than LPA lambs (P<0.0001). The variation of albumin concentration before and after weaning was greater in the HPA lambs than in the LPA lambs (P<0.0001). In conclusion, although ewes’ BW, BCS and milk production were affected by pasture allowance until late pregnancy, this did not affect the behaviours that lead to the establishment of the mother–young bond, nor the ewes’ behavioural responses at weaning. Lambs reared by ewes that grazed on low pasture allowance during pregnancy presented fewer behavioural changes and a lower decrease of albumin concentration after weaning. Lambs’ BW was not affected by the feeding received by their mothers.  相似文献   

1988. The response of young Romney lambs to immunization with Trichostrongylus colubriformis larvae. International Journal for Parasitology 18: 1035–1038. Groups of weaned Romney ewe lambs were immunized with two doses of 28,000, 35,000 or 42,000 (2000 kg−1) infective larvae of Trichostrongylus colubriformis at 8, 12 or 16 weeks of age, respectively. Each group and helminthfree control lambs of similar age were challenged with T. colubriformis at the same dose rate as used for immunization. Faecal egg counts (FEC) and haematological observations were made during the experiment, and at slaughter, 42 days after challenge, worm burdens were determined and small intestinal histology was examined.

Lambs in each immunized group were identified as ‘responders’ or ‘non-responders’ on the basis of both FEC and worm burdens. A significant (P<0.001) decrease in the worm burdens recovered as a proportion of the challenge infections in both unimmunized and immunized lambs with increasing age was observed.

Globule leukocyte numbers increased with the age of lambs. In addition, within each age group globule leukocyte numbers reflected individual responsiveness to immunization, significantly (P<0.01) greater numbers being present in ‘responders’ than ‘non-responders’ or unimmunized lambs. No difference in haematological responses were found in relation to the lambs' responsiveness to immunization.  相似文献   

Abrupt weaning, a usual management in sheep productive systems, may provoke behavioural and physiological responses indicative of stress in ewes and lambs. Progesterone (P4) has anxiolytic and sedative effects through the union of its metabolites that contain 3α-hydroxyl group to the γ-aminobutyricacidA receptor. Our first aim was to determine whether P4 administration reduces the behavioural and physiological responses of ewes to abrupt weaning of lambs. A complementary aim was to determine whether P4 treatment affects the milk yield and composition of ewes, and the BW of their lambs. In experiment 1, seven ewes received P4 treatment for 32 days (group E1-P4), and eight ewes remained as an untreated control group (group E1-C). BW of the lambs was recorded during P4 treatment. Lambs were weaned at 59 days (Day 0 = weaning). The main behaviours of the ewes before and after weaning were recorded using 10 min scan sampling. The ewes’ serum total protein, albumin and globulin concentrations were measured before and after weaning of the lambs. In experiment 2, milk yield and composition were determined in two different groups of six ewes treated with P4 (group E2-P4) for 16 days and in five untreated controls (group E2-C). The BW of lambs increased with time (P = 0.001) in both groups and did not differ. The percentage of observations in which the ewes were seen pacing on Day 0 was greater in the E1-C group than in the E1-P4 group (P = 0.0007). Similarly, the percentage of observations in which the ewes were recorded vocalizing on Day 0 was greater in the E1-C group than in the E1-P4 group (P = 0.04). The percentage of observations in which E1-C ewes were recorded lying did not change from Days 0 to 1; however, it increased in E1-P4 ewes. Total serum protein concentration did not change in E1-P4 ewes from Days 0 to 3, although a decrease was seen in E1-C ewes (P = 0.04). Serum globulin concentration was greater in E1-P4 ewes on Day 3 than in E1-C ewes (P = 0.0008). In experiment 2, there were no differences between E2-P4 and E2-C ewes in terms of milk yield, protein, fat and lactose content. Progesterone administration reduced the behavioural and physiological responses of ewes to abrupt weaning of lambs, and this effect was not mediated by changes in milk yield and composition, or by lambs’ BW.  相似文献   

Grazing by large herbivores, in interplay with environmental productivity, is a key driver of the composition of the vegetation with important consequences on the ecosystem and, consequently, for land management. We tested the predictions of the resource availability – resource–acquisition theory by assessing the extent to which community averages of plant traits, known to be related to plant growth, competitive ability and response to grazing were correlated with resource gradients within local (200 km2) geographical ranges. Second, we assessed the applicability of the same set of plant traits to make inferences on ecological effects of grazing by sheep in alpine ecosystems in Norway, using a data set consisting of 16 sites in central Norway. We estimated grazing intensity by free-ranging sheep based on GPS telemetry, soil properties, plant species composition and species traits i.e. specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf size and plant height. Soil fertility and the interaction between soil fertility and grazing, but not grazing intensity alone, were significantly related to plant species and traits composition. Generally, average SLA showed lower correspondence with soil fertility and grazing than the other traits. Leaf size and plant height were lowest at sites with high grazing intensity and in sites with low fertility, and increased with soil fertility in little and moderately grazed sites, but declined at high fertility sites when grazing was intense. LDMC showed the opposite trend. Grazing intensity was more related to the variability in plant composition and average plant traits when environmental productivity was high. Our results therefore are indicative of a convergence of responses to grazing and nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the variability in the number of ovarian follicles in sheep and to determine if the average number of follicles per day influences the response to superovulation and resulting embryo quality. Ewes (n = 83) were synchronized and the number of follicles (≥2 mm diameter) in the ovaries were counted daily between Days 0 and 4 of the oestrous cycle using transrectal ultrasonography. Fourteen to 21 days later, 47 ewes were randomly chosen from the group and were treated with an intravaginal progestagen pessary for 12 days and superovulated with 1500 IU eCG administered as a single injection 10 days after sponge insertion. Ewes were mated and reproductive tracts were recovered after slaughter on Day 6 of pregnancy. The number of corpora lutea was counted, uterine horns were flushed and the morphology and developmental stage of the recovered oocytes/embryos was assessed. The mean daily number (±S.D.) (≥2 mm diameter) of follicles per ewe was 8.5 ± 2.8 (ranging between 3 and 16). After superovulation animals with few follicles (Low group: <8 follicles/day; n = 21) had fewer (P < 0.005) corpora lutea, total structures (unfertilized oocytes and embryos), good quality and total embryos compared to animals with many follicles (High group: ≥8 follicles/day; n = 23). No difference was found in the proportion of good quality embryos (relative to the total number; Low 0.68 ± 0.11 versus High 0.79 ± 0.08; P = 0.21) between the two groups, or the recovery rate, the number of unfertilized oocytes or the number of poor quality embryos per animal. We conclude that ewes with a higher number of follicles (≥8) during the first follicular wave had a better superovulatory response (in terms of corpora lutea and high quality embryos) 2–3 weeks later; however, there was no relationship between the number of follicles and the proportion of good quality embryos per animal.  相似文献   

Control ovine oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro were transferred to intermediate recipient ewes. After 5 days, 59% of eggs were recovered. Thirty-one (38%) reached morula/blastocyst stage. Twenty-one embryos at the morula or blastocyst stage were transferred to six recipient ewes, resulting in five pregnancies, of which four were maintained. Nine lambs were born (43%). In the experiment, 72 ooctyes matured and fertilized in vitro were cocultured for 5 days with sheep oviductal epithelial cells. Thirty-one eggs (43%) developed to the noncompacted morula stage. Transfer of 26 embryos to 11 recipient ewes resulted in two pregnancies (18%). Two male lambs were born. The result indicates that the coculture of in vitro matured and fertilized ovine eggs with sheep oviductal epithelial cells throughout the preimplantation period is compatible with further development to term.  相似文献   

Abundances and interactions among biological control insects and their effects on target invasive plants were monitored within the flower heads and roots of diffuse knapweed, Centaurea diffusa, and in spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe, along the Colorado Front Range. Flower weevils, (Larinus species) and root-feeders (Cyphocleonus achates and Sphenoptera jugoslavica) were released on knapweed that already supported biological control gall flies (Urophora species). At a single monitoring site, seed production by C. diffusa declined from 4400 seeds m−2 in 1997 to zero seeds m−2 on the monitoring sites in 2006, while the flowering stem density of C. diffusa declined from a peak of almost 30 stems m−2 in 2000 to zero stems m−2 in 2006. The average abundance of Urophora and Larinus in flower heads fluctuated independently during the 2001–2006 interval, while the relative abundance of C. achates and S. jugoslavica in roots exhibited a weak inverse relationship that appeared driven by climate effects. The relative abundance of insects on a population of C. stoebe was monitored for five years as Larinus species and C. achates became established on spotted knapweed that already supported Urophora species. Spotted knapweed seed production on our monitoring site declined from 4600 seeds m−2 in 2003 to zero seeds m−2 in 2006. Unlike C. diffusa, substantial numbers of rosettes of C. stoebe remained present. Larinus consumed almost all Urophora encountered in C. diffusa, and consumed about 40% of the Urophora in co-infested flower heads of C. stoebe (ca. 10–15% of the total Urophora population). No negative correlations between the relative densities of flower head and root-feeding insects were observed. The effects of these insects on target plants have produced results consistent with the ‘cumulative stress hypothesis’ for biological control of Centaurea species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of vegetable oil supplementation of ewe diets on the performance and fatty acid (FA) composition of their suckling lambs. Forty-eight pregnant Churra ewes (mean BW 64.3±0.92 kg) with their 72 newborn lambs (prolificacy=1.5) were assigned to one of four experimental diets, supplemented with 3% of hydrogenated palm (PALM), olive (OLI), soya (SOY) or linseed (LIN) oil. Lambs were nourished exclusively by suckling from their respective mothers. Ewes were milked once daily, and milk samples were taken once a week. When lambs reached 11 kg, they were slaughtered and samples were taken from musculus longissimus dorsi (intramuscular fat) and subcutaneous fat tissue. No changes were observed in milk yield, proximal composition or lamb performance (P>0.10). Milk and lamb subcutaneous and intramuscular fat samples from the PALM diet had the highest saturated fatty acid concentration, whereas those of the OLI, SOY and LIN diets had the lowest (P<0.05). The greatest monounsaturated fatty acid concentration was observed in milk from ewes fed OLI, and the least in milk and in lamb subcutaneous and intramuscular fat samples from LIN and PALM diets. Milk and lamb fat from ewes fed PALM displayed the highest 16:0 proportion and the lowest 18:0 (P<0.05). There were higher concentrations of cis-9 18:1 in OLI samples (P<0.05), more 18:2n-6 in SOY lambs and milk fat (P<0.001) and the highest levels of 18:3n-3 and 20:5n-3 in LIN samples (P<0.01). Milk and lamb subcutaneous and intramuscular samples from SOY and LIN diets contained the most cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid, whereas PALM samples had the least (P<0.01). Sheep diet supplementation with different oils, constituting up to 3% of their diets, resulted in changes in the FA composition of milk and the subcutaneous and intramuscular fat of suckling lambs, but did not affect either milk production or lamb performance.  相似文献   

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