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Changes in the dynamic of expression of polypeptides following the differentiation from infective trypomastigotes to multiplicative amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were mapped by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and quantitatively analyzed by laser densitometry. Following the differentiation from trypomastigotes to amastigotes the expression of the polypeptides 212, 183, 176, 149, 50-55, 43, 39, 34 and 28 kDa is turned off in multiplicative amastigotes, whereas the expression of the polypeptides 80, 66 (p.Is. 6.75-7.50), 42 and 38 kDa is turned on. After complete differentiation from trypomastigotes to amastigotes the expression of the polypeptides 43, 42, 33, 32, 29 and 23 kDa is up-regulated in amastigotes, whereas the expression of the acidic polypeptides 66 (p.Is. 6.27-6.64), 45-48 and 41-43 kDa is down-regulated.  相似文献   

Attempts to recreate all the developmental stages of Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro have thus far been met with partial success. It is possible, for instance, to produce trypomastigotes in tissue culture and to obtain metacyclic trypomastigotes in axenic conditions. Even though T. cruzi amastigotes are known to differentiate from trypomastigotes and metacyclic trypomastigotes, it has only been possible to generate amastigotes in vitro from the tissue-culture-derived trypomastigotes. The factors and culture conditions required to trigger the transformation of metacyclic trypomastigotes into amastigotes are as yet undetermined. We show here that pre-incubation of metacyclic trypomastigotes in culture (MEMTAU) medium at 37 degrees C for 48 h is sufficient to commit the parasites to the transformation process. After 72 h of incubation in fresh MEMTAU medium, 90% of the metacyclic parasites differentiate into forms that are morphologically indistinguishable from normal amastigotes. SDS-PAGE, Western blot and PAABS analyses indicate that the transformation of axenic metacyclic trypomastigotes to amastigotes is associated with protein, glycoprotein and antigenic modifications. These data suggest that (a) T. cruzi amastigotes can be obtained axenically in large amounts from metacyclic trypomastigotes, and (b) the amastigotes thus obtained are morphological, biological and antigenically similar to intracellular amastigotes. Consequently, this experimental system may facilitate a direct, in vitro assessment of the mechanisms that enable T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes to transform into amastigotes in the cells of mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

Bloodstream Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes isolated from infected mice undergo reduction of motility and structural damages after 5 to 45 min exposure to gossypol at concentrations ranging from 5 to 50 microM. When 1% serum albumin is added to the incubation medium, no alterations of parasites are observed, even with 100 microM gossypol. Intracellular T. cruzi amastigotes in infected Vero cell cultures exposed to 5 microM gossypol for 2 h do not show changes. Incubation with 5 microM gossypol for 48 h produces complete disruption of host cells; however, the amastigotes they contain show only minor alterations. The observations indicate that, in protein-rich media, gossypol is complexed into associations which have no activity on the different forms of the T. cruzi biological cycle.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation and purification of trypomastigotes and amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi from cell cultures. L-A9, a transformed fibroblast cell line, and J774G8, a macrophage-like cell line of tumor origin, were used. Both cell lines were infected with bloodstream trypomastigotes of T. cruzi, which once within host cells transform into dividing amastigotes. After 6--8 days infection the host cells ruptured, spontaneously liberating parasites into the culture medium. L-A9 cells liberated mainly trypomastigotes while J774G8 cells liberated amastigotes. The parasites were collected and purified by centrifugation in a gradient of metrizamide. The purity of the preparation as well as the morphology of the parasites and the host cells were analysed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is an important component of the inositol phosphate/diacylglycerol signaling pathway. A newly discovered Trypanosoma cruzi PI-PLC (TcPI-PLC) is lipid modified in its N terminus, targeted to its plasma membrane, and believed to play a role in differentiation of the parasite because its expression increases during the differentiation of trypomastigote to amastigote stages. To determine whether TcPI-PLC is involved in this differentiation step, antisense inhibition using phosphorothioate-modified oligonucleotides, and overexpression of the gene were performed. Antisense oligonucleotide-treated parasites showed a reduced rate of differentiation in comparison to controls, as well as accumulation of intermediate forms. Overexpression of TcPI-PLC led to a faster differentiation rate. In contrast, overexpression of a mutant TcPI-PLC that lacked the lipid modification at its N terminus did not affect the differentiation rate. Therefore, TcPI-PLC is involved, when expressed in the plasma membrane, in the differentiation of trypomastigotes to amastigotes, an essential step for the intracellular replication of these parasites.  相似文献   

The participation of ADP-ribosyltransferase in Trypanosoma cruzi differentiation to the metacyclic stage was evaluated by analyzing morphogenesis blockage by specific enzyme inhibitors: benzamide, 3-aminobenzamide, theophylline, and nicotinamide. In vitro assays showed a statistically significant reduction in the number of metacyclic forms only when any one of the four inhibitors was added during the period of interaction between epimastigote and Triatoma infestans intestinal homogenate or when present throughout the subsequent culture period in Grace's medium. When nicotinamide or benzamide was present during both interaction and culture period, morphogenesis was virtually abolished (less than or equal to 2%). In the in vivo assays, mice inoculated with parasites obtained from the insect vectors fed with trypomastigote-infected blood containing one of the four enzyme inhibitors developed lower parasitemias and showed longer survival in every case, compared with the respective controls. These findings suggest ADP-ribosyltransferase participation in T. cruzi differentiation both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes represent the infective forms of the etiological agent of Chagas' disease. However, the invasive capacity of amastigotes and their ability to sustain a complete infective cycle in mammalian cultured cells and hosts has been recently demonstrated. In order to compare the process of cell invasion by these different infective forms, I examined the interactions of trypomastigotes and amastigotes with HeLa cells using a new and simple method that improves parasite-cell interactions and significantly reduces incubation periods. T. cruzi forms were centrifuged onto HeLa cells grown on coverslips and parasite-cell interactions were examined by fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. As expected, it was observed that all parasite forms attach and eventually enter the cells. However, whereas trypomastigotes preferentially invade HeLa cells at the edges, as has recently been demonstrated for other cell types, the initial steps of amastigote-HeLa cell interaction involve binding and entangling of the parasite to surface microvilli. Thus, different T. cruzi infective forms interact with different cell surface structures that could express different receptors at the HeLa cell membrane.  相似文献   

The amastigogenesis primary of T. cruzi occurs naturally when metacyclic trypomastigotes transform into amastigotes within the cells of the mammalian host. The in vitro study of the macromolecular changes that occur over several days during the transformation process should provide significant indications of how the parasite adapts to the mammalian host environment. We show here that metacyclic trypomastigotes pre-incubated at 37 degrees C in a protein-rich medium reach a high degree of transformation to amastigotes when re-incubated in the fresh medium. Giemsa-stained smears show that during the pre-incubation phase, the metacyclic trypomastigotes undergo lengthening at the posterior end and a thinning out of the entire body. SDS-PAGE analysis of polypeptides and glycopeptides or Western blot with stage-specific antisera analyses indicate that the in vitro primary amastigogenesis is associated with abrupt changes in protein, glycoprotein, and stage-specific antigens that occur simultaneously during the first 24 hours of pre-incubation. Since the differentiating system consists of a rich media at 37 degrees C, temperature and medium constitution must trigger a macromolecular differentiation to amastigotes that precedes the morphological transformation by several days. This transformation is associated with the rearrangement of stage-specific antigens and takes place when the culture medium is changed.  相似文献   

Antibodies that lyse trypomastigotes in a complement-mediated reaction are believed to be the main participants in the protection against virulent Trypanosoma cruzi. Antibodies with a specificity for alpha-galactosyl-containing determinants--generally called antiGal--were studied to determine their role in the lysis of trypomastigote forms. The titers of antiGal markedly increase in Chagas's disease. In the present study we demonstrate binding of this antibody to T. cruzi and the complement-mediated lysis of trypomastigotes by antiGal. Lysis of metacyclic trypomastigotes by whole Chagasic (Ch) serum or isolated antiGal fractions was equally inhibited by alpha- but not by beta-galactosides. Most of the lytic power of the Ch antiGal as well as of the whole Ch serum was removed by absorption on Synsorb-linked Gal alpha 1, 3Gal beta 1, 4GlcNAc followed by rabbit erythrocyte absorption. The Ch antiGal had a lower affinity for melibiose bound to agarose than for the trisaccharide linked to Synsorb, and was several times more effective in the immunolysis of trypomastigotes than the corresponding antiGal from normal human serum. Lytic antibodies were partly absorbed by Serratia marcescens but not by Escherichia coli O111. A human volunteer immunized with an S. marcescens vaccine elicited a specific antiGal response that was lytic to trypomastigotes (70% lysis). We suggest that in vivo high-affinity antiGal antibody clones, as occur in Ch patients, may significantly contribute to the destruction of the parasite, whereas low-affinity antiGal clones are much less effective in the protection against T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

The binding of synthetic peptides modeled from the sequence of the cell attachment site of fibronectin to T. cruzi trypomastigote surface receptors was investigated by fluorescence-activated cell-sorting analysis using fluorescein-labeled peptides. Peptides with the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser bound to the parasite surface. A low percentage of fresh parasites recently liberated from infected fibroblasts had the capacity to bind the peptide. In contrast, these parasites showed a time-dependent several-fold increase in their ability to bind the Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-containing peptides during extracellular incubation. From these observations, it appears that the expression of surface receptors on a particular, mature stage of the parasite parallels its ability to adhere to and infect host cells.  相似文献   

Fibroblast-derived trypomastigotes (FDTs) of Trypanosoma cruzi that had been in culture for extended periods of time were found to differ in their ability to proliferate in culture when compared to blood-form trypomastigotes (BFTs) and FDTs that had been recently established from blood-forms. "Old" FDTs transform into amastigotes/spheromastigotes and epimastigotes and readily incorporate [3H]thymidine in medium alone or in the presence of mouse spleen cells, whereas "new" FDTs and BFTs did not incorporate [3H]thymidine although they did transform in culture. These differences should be considered when FDTs are used for physiologic and immunologic studies of T. cruzi.  相似文献   

We have used glutaraldehyde-fixed target cells to study the attachment phase of cell invasion by live trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, and determined that attachment is polarized and receptor-mediated. T. cruzi trypomastigotes bind much less efficiently to confluent epithelial cells, which are polarized, than to sparse epithelial cells. When the tight junctions of confluent epithelial cells are disrupted by removing Ca2+ from the incubation medium before glutaraldehyde fixation, binding of T. cruzi increases. T. cruzi also shows preference for attachment underneath cells or to the edges of cells. The binding occurs within a few minutes, is saturable, and is influenced by the parasite developmental stage. Fab fragment derived from monoclonal antibodies that immunoprecipitate a 160-kDa molecule present only on the surface of trypomastigotes inhibit adhesion to fixed and live cells. Future characterization of the target cell receptors for this molecule and the use of fixed target cells should facilitate studies of the mechanisms involved in the initial interaction of T. cruzi with its host cells.  相似文献   

Binding of the complement components C3 and C5 to epimastigote and trypomastigote stages of the Brazil strain of Trypanosoma cruzi was examined using radioligand binding and flow cytometric assays. Fibroblast-derived trypomastigotes bound approximately 40% fewer molecules of [125I]C3 per parasite than did epimastigotes. The predominant molecular species of C3 deposited on fibroblast-derived trypomastigotes was the inactive form iC3b. Addition of parasite-specific antisera failed to enhance the number of molecules of [125I]C3 per parasite or the proportion of active to inactive C3b. Flow cytometric studies revealed that only 50% of trypomastigotes (fibroblast-derived or blood-form) bound C3. In contrast to results of the [125I]C3 binding studies, flow cytometric analysis showed that the percentage of trypomastigotes binding C3 actually increased upon incubation with parasite-specific antisera. C5 was found also to bind to only a percentage of trypomastigotes.  相似文献   

Trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were metabolically labeled with [14C]-ethanolamine and [3H]-palmitic acid. Lipids shed to the culture medium were analyzed and compared with the parasite components. Phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine accounted for 53% of the total incorporated precursor. Interestingly, phosphatidylethanolamine and its lyso derivative lysophosphatidylethanolamine, although present in significant amounts in the parasites, could not be detected in the shed material. Shed lipids were highly enriched in the desaturated fatty acids C16:1 and C18:1 when compared to the total fatty acid pool isolated from the parasites.  相似文献   

The effects of methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), on Trypanosoma cruzi bloodstream trypomastigotes (Tulahuen strain, Tul 2 stock) were studied. It was observed that 150microM of methoprene in in vitro experiments cause cellular death of T. cruzi.In contrast, methoprene was not able to clear bloodstream trypomastigotes in in vivo experiments, but it was observed a decrease of parasitemia levels of infected mice treated with 200microg of methoprene/mouse/day during 5 days. According to these results and the low toxicity of methoprene, we suggest that this compound will serve as an effective agent to sterilize blood for transfusions.  相似文献   

A rabbit antibody to the neuraminidase of the infective form of Trypanosoma cruzi identifies a subpopulation of trypomastigotes that expresses neuraminidase. Complement-mediated lysis by the antibody selectively destroys 30 to 40% of the trypomastigotes, supporting the conclusion that the immune antibody binds to a subset of parasites. The trypomastigotes that react with the immune antibody are the only ones expressing neuraminidase because the trypomastigotes that survive complement-mediated lysis are depleted of neuraminidase activity. The enzyme seems to negatively modulate infection in vitro, since infection of host cells by trypomastigotes is enhanced when neuraminidase activity is blocked by antineuraminidase antibody; infection is also enhanced when the infecting trypomastigotes have been depleted of parasites that express neuraminidase. Addition of exogenous neuraminidase (from Vibrio cholerae) to trypomastigotes treated with immune antibody, reverts the enhancement observed when infection takes place in the presence of antibody to T. cruzi neuraminidase only. Addition of V. cholerae neuraminidase in the absence of immune antibodies has no effect on infection. These results show that T. cruzi neuraminidase depresses infection and also suggest that sialic acid is involved in the parasite-host cell interaction. The antibody to T. cruzi neuraminidase recognizes on the surface of live trypomastigotes a set of proteins with high m.w. (165,000 to 200,000) and also two antigens of 79,000 to 82,000. The high m.w. proteins appear to be associated with neuraminidase activity as shown by renaturation experiments of released enzyme fractionated on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel.  相似文献   

To disseminate and colonise tissues in the mammalian host, Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastogotes should cross several biological barriers. How this process occurs or its impact in the outcome of the disease is largely speculative. We examined the in vitro transmigration of trypomastigotes through three‐dimensional cultures (spheroids) to understand the tissular dissemination of different T. cruzi strains. Virulent strains were highly invasive: trypomastigotes deeply transmigrate up to 50 μm inside spheroids and were evenly distributed at the spheroid surface. Parasites inside spheroids were systematically observed in the space between cells suggesting a paracellular route of transmigration. On the contrary, poorly virulent strains presented a weak migratory capacity and remained in the external layers of spheroids with a patch‐like distribution pattern. The invasiveness—understood as the ability to transmigrate deep into spheroids—was not a transferable feature between strains, neither by soluble or secreted factors nor by co‐cultivation of trypomastigotes from invasive and non‐invasive strains. Besides, we demonstrated that T. cruzi isolates from children that were born congenitally infected presented a highly migrant phenotype while an isolate from an infected mother (that never transmitted the infection to any of her children) presented significantly less migration. In brief, we demonstrated that in a 3D microenvironment each strain presents a characteristic migration pattern that can be associated to their in vivo behaviour. Altogether, data presented here repositionate spheroids as a valuable tool to study host–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Thirty-one Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from Chile, Peru, and Bolivia were studied in their capacity to differentiate in vitro from epimastigotes to metacyclic trypomastigotes on TAU-3AAG medium. Zymodeme 1 parasites displayed the best level of differentiation, which ranges from 60 to 90% depending on the isolate. Zymodeme 2 parasites exhibited highly heterogenous differentiation rates. This differentiation method permits the obtention of large amounts of metacyclic trypomastigotes from zymodeme 1 parasites. Metacyclic trypomastigotes obtained in vitro were infective to nude Balb/c hybrid mice. Zymodeme 1 parasites produced high parasitemias in this murine model; in contrast, zymodeme 2 parasites displayed lower parasitemias. Of a total of 27 T. cruzi isolates, 20 proved to be infective to mice, 12 gave enough parasites for further studies, and 8 of these were used for biological characterization. Results are compared with the infective clone Dm28 and Tulahuén strains maintained since 1954 in mice.  相似文献   

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