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The unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) found in a male rat liver is a sex dependent protein which differs from other known receptor and transport proteins by the high lability of its complexes with estradiol (E2) and also the unique specificity of affinity for hormones. In this work values of relative binding affinity (RBA) of the UEBP for 57 steroids and their analogs were determined. The affinity of steroids was characterised by the amount of the unlabeled compound needed for 50% inhibition of [3H]-E2 binding with the UEBP. A number of derivatives of estrane and androstane possess an ability to interact with this protein, in contrast to the derivatives of pregnane, stilbene and triphenylethane. Characterized by RBA values, natural steroids are found to have the following order: estriol larger than or equal to E2 greater than 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone = 2 alpha-hydroxytestosterone greater than 16-epiestriol greater than or equal to estetrol greater than or equal to 17-epiestriol greater than or equal to 2-methoxyestradiol greater than or equal to 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol greater than or equal to estrone greater than testosterone greater than or equal to 2 beta-hydroxytestosterone greater than 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Affinity of estrogens and androgens for the UEBP diminishes abruptly after removal of 3- and 17-hydroxy groups, masking of these by ether bonds or changing of 17 beta-hydroxyl to 17 alpha. All the investigated 17 oxo-C19-steroids, 5 beta-derivatives of testosterone, its 6 beta- and 16 alpha-hydroxy metabolites as well as 5 alpha-androstane-3 beta,17 beta-diol and 19-nortestosterone exhibit no essential affinity for the protein. On the basis of the results obtained it is suggested that the binding sites for estrogens and androgens in the UEBP molecule overlap but do not completely coincide.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of a highly purified preparation of an unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) of rat liver on 3H-estradiol (3H-E2) and 3H-testosterone (3H-T) metabolism by female rat liver homogenates. The UEBP decreased the rate of metabolic conversions of 3H-E2 and 3H-T in a dose-dependent and specific manner. The effectiveness of the inhibitory action of the UEBP declined with increase of metabolic activities of homogenate enzymes. The effects of the UEBP were reduced fully or partly by the ligands specifically binding to the UEBP, estrone (E1), and estriol (E3) respectively. The latter fact was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the endogenous male rat liver homogenate UEBP in the control of 3H-E2 metabolism. The UEBP did not exhibit any oxidoreductase activity on the use of 3H-E1, 3H-E2, 3H-E2, 3H-T and 3H-androstenedione with NAD+, NADH, NADP+, and NADPH as cofactors. These data present the first direct experimental evidence of the regulatory function of the UEBP in the time course of changes in sex steroids.  相似文献   

The effects of androgens (A), estrogens (E) and hypophysectomy on the content of an unusual rat liver estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) were studied by the differential quantitative method of the UEBP content measurement. The UEBP content was shown to increase during maturation of male rats. After A injections the UEBP content was high only in the liver of prepubertal but not of mature or immature males. Castration or hypophysectomy of mature males equally caused a decrease in the UEBP content in mature males whereas subsequent administration of A made it completely return to normal. Hypophysectomy of castrated males did not alter the UEBP content. A single injection of E provoked an appreciable reduction in the UEBP level after several days. Administration of A interfered with the inhibitory action of E after simultaneous injection of A and E and recovered the E-induced lowering of the UEBP content upon administration of A following E. Hypophysectomy of castrated males did not affect significantly the UEBP level. The UEBP content was insensitive to the direct action of pituitary factors. The pituitary is necessary for the realization of the effects of E alone but not A. It is suggested that the regulatory role of A consists in the maintenance of the constant optimal UEBP level in rat liver.  相似文献   

The possibility that an unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) of rat liver possess the oxidoreductase activity (ORA) has been explored. Estrane, androstane, and pregnane steroid derivates (all together 31) were used as a potential substrates. The expression of ORA was referred to as changes in fluorescence of NAD(P)H, which appearance or disappearance follows the steroid oxidation or reduction in a presence of cofactors and highly purified UEBP preparation. In the set conditions the protein didn't show the ORA. The results achieved confirm the conception on the steromodulin function of UEBP which is realized by reversible interaction of the protein with it's steroidal ligands.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that on the rat liver, testosterone (T) induced differentiated functions and enhanced unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) content through mechanisms dependent on cell activation by androgens, the presence of growth hormone (GH) and the hormonal status of the animal. To determine whether liver cells are a target for androgens, we measured T effects on UEBP in gonadectomized adult male and female rats in vivo and in vitro. In ovariectomized rats, T increased 8- to 9-fold UEBP levels that remained constant during 10 days. Also in vitro, using hepatocytes from ovariectomized rats, T alone increased UEBP levels 3-fold in a dose-response pattern. Combining a fixed low dose of GH with different concentrations of T increased UEBP 2-fold above T alone. Whereas GH alone had no effects in ovariectomized rats, hepatocytes were responsive to GH, in a dose dependent pattern that was abolished when T was used together with GH. On the other hand, T alone had no effect in hypophysectomized-ovariectomized animals. The latter group was rendered T responsive after the simultaneous injection of GH with T that increased UEBP content 6.6-fold in vivo. Castrated males revealed a marked responsiveness to T and GH in vivo and in vitro, when added separately or in combination. The results obtained suggest a complex regulatory system and we conclude that T acts directly on rat liver as: (1) an inducer of sex differentiation; and (2) a regulator of UEBP production in males. In addition, liver regeneration studies in castrated-hypophysectomized males revealed the UEBP phenotype in daughter cells in the absence of treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The localization of an unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) was studied in the rat liver using indirect immunoperoxidase reaction in intact rats and after different hormonal influences. The distribution of the UEBR in normal males displays a form of a gradient with the maximum near the central veins. The gradient is absent in normal females. Castration or hypophysectomy of males, or their injection with estradiol or triiodyronine leads to a decrease in the UEBP concentration, though the gradient character of its distribution is persisting. There is a stable increase in the UEBP concentration in the first two layers of cells adjacent to the central veins in the female rat liver after ovariectomy and especially in combination with androgen injections. The revealed changes in the intensity of immunoperoxidase reaction after different hormonal influences correlate with the UEBP concentration in liver studies performed by the radioligand assay.  相似文献   

Many liver processes are sexually dimorphic. In particular, the microsomal content of specific enzymes and the synthesis of specific proteins are under sex steroid hormone control. Because the liver of male rats is strikingly androgen responsive, we sought evidence for an androgen receptor in this tissue. We detected and characterized both cytosolic and nuclear androgen-binding proteins. Both forms bind [3H]R1881 (methyltrienolone, 17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-4,9,11-estratriene-3-one) with the high affinity, low capacity, and specificity for androgens and antiandrogens characteristic of androgen receptors. No high-affinity binding of [3H]DHT could be detected in unfractionated cytosol because of the rapid metabolism of this ligand; however, binding of a DHT metabolite to the high-capacity male-specific estrogen binder (MEB) of cytosol was observed. Both gel filtration and heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography separate the cytosolic androgen receptor from MEB. Incubation of cytosol in the absence of sodium molybdate resulted in androgen-binding activity which was retained by DNA-cellulose. Castration of male rats results in a time-dependent loss of both cytosolic and nuclear androgen binding, as well as a loss in MEB activity. Androgen-binding activity is low in livers from female rats, but can be induced by testosterone treatment. An intact pituitary is necessary for maintenance of androgen-binding activity, as hypophysectomy results in complete loss of activity.  相似文献   

With the exception of 3beta-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase all the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases of adult male and female rat kidney show significant sex differences in their activities. Interference with the organisms endocrine balance (gonadectomy on day 25 of life, hypophysectomy on day 50, a combination of both these operations, administration of testosterone or oestradiol) demonstrates that the sexually differentiated enzyme activities may be classified as androgen or oestrogen dependent, the respective sex hormone acting either in an inductive or repressive manner. The criteria for androgen dependency (microsomal 3alpha- and 20beta-, cytoplasmic 17beta- and 20alpha- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) are the feminization of the enzyme activity in male animals after castration and the masculinization of the activity in male and female castrates as well as in normal female animals after administration of testosterone. This latter effect on normal females cannot be a testosterone mediated inhibition of ovarian function since ovariectomy has no effect. For 3alpha-, 20alpha-, and 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase the effects of hypophysectomy parallel those of gonadectomy. However, after hypophysectomy the activity of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase falls significantly below the gonadectomized level. The androgen effect on 3alpha and 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is independent of the hypophysis, whereas that of 17beta- and 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is mediated by the hypophysis.  相似文献   

The accumulation of [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes by liver nuclei after preliminary incubation of the hormone with rat liver cytosol was studied. It was demonstrated that addition to female rat liver cytosol of a purified preparation of the unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) from male rat liver causes a dose-dependent inhibition of subsequent accumulation of specifically bound [3H]estradiol in the nuclei. Addition to male rat liver cytosol of 1.5 microM 2 alpha-hydroxytestosterone, testosterone, 1-dehydrotestosterone, 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, i. e. compounds possessing marked affinity for UEBP, resulted in a 2-5-fold increase of the subsequent nuclear accumulation of estrogen-receptor complexes. The use of UEBP-deficient female rat liver cytosol revealed that the afore-mentioned steroids are ineffective with respect to estrogen reception. It is concluded that UEBP of male rat liver is capable of modulating estrogen reception.  相似文献   

In vitro translation of total rat hepatic mRNAs has identified a 31 kilodalton senescence marker protein (SMP-2) which is present in higher amounts in prepubertal and senescent males than in the post-pubertal adult male (more than 10-fold). SMP-2 is an androgen-repressible protein. The negative regulation of the SMP-2 gene activity by androgen accounts for its increased expression during the androgen insensitive states of the prepubertal and senescent livers, and its constitutive expression in the female liver. A combination of separation procedures including salt fractionation, chromatofocusing, ion-exchange chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis have led to the purification of SMP-2 to apparent homogeneity. The purified protein showed the same electrophoretic mobility as the sex- and age-specific in vitro translation product of hepatic mRNAs. The polyclonal antibody to SMP-2 was produced in the rabbit. The antibody selectively reacted with the 31 kDa sex- and age-specific translation product of hepatic mRNAs. Western blot analysis of the liver cytosol confirms monospecificity of the antiserum, as well as age- and sex-dependent changes in the tissue level of SMP-2. Histochemical staining of liver sections with the antiserum reveals a preferential periportal localization of SMP-2 in the hepatocytes. This finding is in marked contrast to the androgen-inducible alpha 2u globulin which is preferentially synthesized and localized in the pericentral hepatocytes. Thus, the zonal distribution of SMP-2 correlates with polarized androgen sensitivity of the hepatocytes within the liver lobule.  相似文献   

The increases in the activity of hepatic thymidylate synthetase and thymidine kinase, which catalyzes the formation of thymidylate via the de novo and salvage pathways, respectively, were significantly suppressed 24 h after 70% partial hepatectomy in female rats administered either alpha- or beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists. The injection of beta-antagonist to male or ovariectomized female rats had no effect on the activities of these enzymes. Only alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist depressed these enzymatic activities of 24-h-regenerating liver in male and ovariectomized female rats. The decrease of the activities of thymidylate synthetase and thymidine kinase was accompanied by a concomitant reduction of DNA content in 24-h-regenerating liver. It is concluded that catecholamine regulates the female rat liver regeneration through both alpha- and beta-adrenergic pathways by the inductions of thymidylate synthase and thymidine kinase, while in adult male and ovariectomized female rats, only the alpha-mediated pathway is involved.  相似文献   

Summary Four radioautographic methods for soluble substances were compared to each other. When using the wire-loop method of Miller et al. (1964) difficulties were met because detachment of emulsion from the object slide. Severe chemographic artifacts in the radioautograms hampered the results when using the method of Appleton (1964). The freeze-drying and paraffin embedding method of Hammarström et al. (1965) resulted an extensive diffusion of radioactivity. Therefore, a simple dry-fixation method for steroid radioautography was developed.Among the female hypothalamic nuclei the preoptic area, the anterior hypothalamic area, the nucleus ventromedialis, paraventricularis and arcuatus showed the highest labelling index after injection of tritiated estradiol intravenously. In addition, high labelling index was seen in the hippocampus. Almost all radioactivity was seen in the nuclei of the neurons. Radioactivity in the uterus was localized in the nuclei of the epithelial and stromal cells. Estradiol in the male rats localized in the nucleus paraventricularis, ventromedialis, dorsomedialis and amygdalae. Only very few of the prostatic cells were labelled.Tritiated testosterone was localized in both sexes in the hippocampus, in the nucleus arcuatus and ventromedialis. Some radioactivity was seen in the anterior hypothalmic area. The nuclei of the epithelial and stromal cells in the accessory sex organs (ventral prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymis) concentrated radioactivity very effectively.Tritiated dihydrotestosterone was localized in the epithelial and stromal cells of male accessory sex glands as testosterone.  相似文献   

Flavopiridol (FLAP) is a novel anticancer agent that is extensively glucuronidated in patients. Biliary excretion is the main elimination pathway of FLAP conjugates responsible for enterohepatic recirculation and for the main side effect diarrhea. To investigate the hepatic transport system for FLAP glucuronides, livers of Wistar and Mrp2-deficient TR- rats were perfused with FLAP (30 microM) in a single pass system. Biliary excretion and efflux into perfusate during a 60 min period greatly differ in TR- rats. While cumulative biliary excretion of M1 and M2 was significantly reduced to 4.3% and 5.4% efflux into perfusate was increased by 1.5 and 4.2-fold. This indicates that in control rats, M1 and M2 are almost exclusively eliminated into bile by Mrp2. Cumulative FLAP secretion into bile and perfusate, however, was non-significantly reduced by 36.7% and 43.2% in the mutant rat strain, suggesting that besides Mrp2, other transporters might also be involved in FLAP elimination. FLAP stimulates bile flow up to 24% in control rats, but secretion is nearly absent in TR- rats further supporting an efficient transport of FLAP glucuronides by Mrp2. FLAP (30 microM) also reversibly inhibited the Mrp2-mediated biliary elimination of bilirubin and bromsulphthalein in Wistar rats by 54% and 51%, respectively, indicating a competition with the elimination of Mrp2-specific substrates. In summary, we found that FLAP glucuronides are substrates of Mrp2 effectively inhibiting the biliary excretion of bilirubin. This may explain the increased serum bilirubin levels observed in cancer patients during FLAP therapy.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether the gonadal and hypophyseal modes of regulation recently reported for the microsomal enzymes of hepatic steroid metabolism are also valid for cytoplasmic enzymes, three enzymes whose activities exhibit sex differences (male:female activity ratio shown in brackets), 5beta-reductase(1.7:1), 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(5 : 1) and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (4:1), as well as one enzyme whose activity shows no sex difference, 3beta-hydroxy-delta5-steroid dehydrogenase, were investigated after various interferences with the endocrine balance (gonadectomy, hypophysectomy, combination of both operations, administration of testosterone or oestradiol). From the results of this and a previous study the following statements can be made about the endocrine control of hepatic enzyme activities. Those enzymes whose activities show sex differences are either androgen or oestrogen dependent; the sex hormone acts in either an inductive or repressive manner. 1) Criteria for androgen dependency are the feminization of enzyme activity after testectomy or inhibition of testicular function by administration of oestradiol; masculinization of the enzyme activity after administration of testosterone to male or female castrates. Using these criteria the following enzymes investigated in this laboratory fall into this category: all microsomal enzymes which show sex differences in their activity (3alpha-, 3beta-, delta4-3beta, 20-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; cortisone alpha-reductase; steroid hydroxylases and 16alpha-hydroxylase) as well as the cytoplasmic 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Apart from the single exception of 20alpha-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase the presence of the hypophysis is obligatory for the androgen to be effective. The hypophysis does not only work in a permissive manner, but participates in establishing the sex specific activity levels in a manner which is antagonistic to the androgen action. 2) Criteria for oestrogen dependency are that the female animal reacts to gonadectomy, as well as to the inhibition of ovarian function after testosterone administration, by a masculinization of the enzyme activities. After administration of oestradiol, but not gonadectomy, the male animal exhibits typical female activity. Using these criteria the cytoplasmic 5beta-reductase and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase are oestrogen dependent. The repressive oestrogen effect observed on 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is antagonistic to hypophyseal action, whereas in the case of 5beta-reductase it is synergistic. 3) The activities of cytoplasmic 3beta-hydroxy-delta5-steroid dehydrogenase and microsomal 7alpha-hydroxylase show no sex differences and are not influenced by any interference with the endocrine balance.  相似文献   

A major underlying cause for aging of the immune system is the structural and functional atrophy of the thymus, and associated decline in T cell genesis. This loss of na?ve T cells reduces adaptive immunity to new stimuli and precipitates a peripheral bias to memory cells against prior antigens. Whilst multiple mechanisms may contribute to this process, the temporal alliance of thymic decline with puberty has implicated a causative role for sex steroids. Accordingly ablation of sex steroids induces profound thymic rejuvenation. Although the thymus retains some, albeit highly limited, function in healthy adults, this is insufficient for resurrecting the T cell pool following cytoablative treatments such as chemo- and radiation-therapy and AIDS. Increased risk of opportunistic infections and cancer relapse or appearance, are a direct consequence. Temporary sex steroid ablation may thus provide a clinically effective means to regenerate the thymus and immune system in immunodeficiency states.  相似文献   

Anion-exchange h.p.l.c. analysis of [3H]inositol phosphates derived from glucose-stimulated isolated pancreatic islets that had been prelabelled with myo-[3H]inositol revealed that the predominant inositol trisphosphate was the 1,3,4-isomer [Ins(1,3,4)P3]. The 1,4,5-isomer [Ins(1,4,5)P3] was also detectable, as was a more polar inositol phosphate with the chromatographic properties of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,3,4,5)P4]. Glucose-induced accumulation of Ins(1,3,4)P3 was augmented by Li+ and occurred after maximal accumulation of Ins(1,4,5)P3. These findings suggest a possible role for Ins(1,3,4)P3 or its probable precursor Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 in stimulus-secretion coupling in pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

The effects of rabbit polyclonal antibodies (AB) against an unusual estrogen-binding protein (UEBP) isolated from rat liver by immunoadsorption on the interaction of [3H]estradiol with UEBP, estrogen receptors of uterus and other tissues, of [3H]dihydroxytestosterone with prostate androgen receptors, of [3H]progesterone with uterine progesterone receptors and of [3H]dexamethazone with rat thymus glucocorticoid receptors were investigated. It was shown that preincubation of cytosol of the above tissues with AB decreases the ability of UEBP, estrogen and androgen receptors to bind the corresponding ligands. The hormone-binding activity of progesterone and glucocorticoid receptors in the presence of AB remains thereby unchanged. The binding activity of UEBP in the presence of ABUEBP diminishes due to the decrease in the concentration of protein binding sites, whereas that of estrogen and androgen receptors decreases due to the diminution of affinity for their ligands which, in turn, is the result of reduction of the association rate constant. A cross influence of AB on the activity of uterine estrogen receptors of rabbit, guinea pig and mouse was observed. It was assumed that the structure of UEBP and sex steroid receptors has some similar elements.  相似文献   

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