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The mechanical stiffness of individual cells is important in tissue homeostasis, cell growth, division and motility, and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the initiation of cancer. In this work, a normal squamous cell line (EPC2) and metaplastic (CP-A) as well as dysplastic (CP-D) Barrett's Esophagus columnar cell lines are studied as a model of pre-neoplastic progression in the human esophagus. We used the combination of an atomic force microscope (AFM) with a scanning confocal fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope to study the mechanical properties of single adherent cells. Sixty four force indentation curves were taken over the nucleus of each cell in an 8 x 8 grid pattern. Analyzing the force indentation curves, indentation depth-dependent Young's moduli were found for all cell lines. Stiffness tomograms demonstrate distinct differences between the mechanical properties of the studied cell lines. Comparing the stiffness for indentation forces of 1 nN, most probable Young's moduli were calculated to 4.7 kPa for EPC2 (n = 18 cells), 3.1 kPa for CP-A (n = 10) and 2.6 kPa for CP-D (n = 19). We also tested the influence of nuclei and nucleoli staining organic dyes on the mechanical properties of the cells. For stained EPC2 cells (n = 5), significant stiffening was found (9.9 kPa), while CP-A cells (n = 5) showed no clear trend (2.9 kPa) and a slight softening was observed (2.1 kPa) in the case of CP-D cells (n = 16). Some force-indentation curves show non-monotonic discontinuities with segments of negative slope, resembling a sawtooth pattern. We found the incidence of these 'breakthrough events' to be highest in the dysplastic CP-D cells, intermediate in the metaplastic CP-A cells and lowest in the normal EPC2 cells. This observation suggests that the microscopic explanation for the increased compliance of cancerous and pre-cancerous cells may lie in their susceptibility to 'crumble and yield' rather than their ability to 'bend and flex'.  相似文献   

Summary The human uterine cervix consists of an endocervical canal lined with a single layer of columnar mucus-secreting cells and an outer ectocervix covered by a stratified squamous epithelium. We report here the culture of human endocervical epithelial cells (HEnE) and human ectocervical epithelial cells (HEcE) in serum-free medium (KGM). Both HEnE and HEcE cultures were composed of keratinocytelike cells which formed desmosomal contacts and stratified in the presence of high concentrations of calcium ions. Cells with a pleomorphic epithelial morphology were observed in HEnE cultures, but not in HEcE cultures. Keratin 18, which is characteristic of endocervix in vivo, was detected by indirect immunofluorescent staining in all HEnE cells but was never detected in cultured HEcE. HEcE expressed keratin 13 which is characteristic of ectocervix in vivo. Although keratin 13 was never detected in primary HEnE cultures, it was expressed in passaged HEnE cultures grown in medium with high concentrations of calcium and in late passage HEnE cultures. HEnE underwent an average of 15.1 population doublings during serial culture. Mean colony-forming efficiency during Passages 2 to 3 was 14.7% and mean population doubling time was 17.8 h. HEcE cultures underwent significantly more population doublings (29.0) than HEnE cultures, whereas colony-forming efficiencies and doubling times were similar to those determined for HEnE. HEnE and HEcE cells may be useful in developing in vitro models of cervical squamous metaplasia and for exploring the interactions between target cell differentiation, carcinogens, and papillomaviruses in the development of cervical neoplasia. This study was supported in part by the Rush University Committee on Research and by the Lester B. and Francis Knight and the S. Charles and Marsha Papageorge research funds.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the expression of cytokeratin polypeptides in subcolumnar reserve cells of the human uterine endocervical mucosa and the other epithelial cells using immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence microscopy as well as by applying two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to microdissected cytoskeletal preparations. Endocervical columnar cells were uniformly positive for antibodies directed against the simple epithelium-type cytokeratins nos. 7, 8, 18, and 19, while a variable proportion of these cells was stained by an antibody against cytokeratin no. 4. Reserve cells were not only positive for cytokeratins nos. 8 (weakly and variably) and 19 but were also decorated by antibody KA 1, which reacts with cytokeratins present in stratified squamous epithelia. This last antibody selectively decorated reserve cells even when they were flat and inconspicuous. Antibody KA 1 uniformly stained the ectocervical squamous epithelium, the basal cells of which were also decorated by antibodies directed against cytokeratins nos. 8 (weakly and variably) and 19. Ectocervical suprabasal cells were positive, to a variable extent, for antibodies against cytokeratins nos. 4, 10/11, and 13. Gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of squamous-type cytokeratins nos. 5 and 17 in reserve cell-rich, but not in reserve cell-free, endocervical mucosa. We also analyzed the distribution pattern of these cells, as revealed by antibody KA 1, in the endocervical mucosa of 26 uteri. In all the specimens examined reserve cells were present, but their numbers exhibited considerable variation. In some cases these cells were confined to small islets localized deep within the cervical canal and lacked any continuity with the squamous epithelium. The expression of cytokeratins nos. 5 and 17 in reserve cells indicates that these cells have undergone a low level of squamous differentiation. The additional expression of cytokeratins nos. 8 and 19 in these cells points to a relationship with simple epithelial cells. The present data would seem to favor the view that reserve cells originate in situ from the columnar epithelium; however, this would imply an acquisition of new differentiation properties.  相似文献   

In the present study, MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) were successfully isolated and identified from hUCC (human uterine cervix cancer) tissues. The morphological appearance, immunophenotype, growth curve, cell cycle, cytogenetic features and differentiation potential of these cells were investigated. Results showed that cells isolated from the uterine cervix cancer tissues displayed fibroblast‐like morphology and grew into colonies. Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry revealed that the isolated cells were positive for CD13, CD29, CD44, CD105 and HLA‐I, while negative for CD10, CD14, CD31, CD34, CD38 and HLA‐DR. The cells kept a normal karyotype by chromosome analysis. At the third passage, the percentages of cells in G0‐/G1‐, 2‐/M‐ and S‐phase were 84.94, 8.36 and 6.71%, respectively. Under appropriate induction conditions, these cells can differentiate into osteogenic, adipogenic cells and hepatocytes. Taken together, MSCs were confirmed to exist in hUCC tissues, which may provide a new target for clinical cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Current experimental models of esophageal epithelium in vitro suffer from either poor differentiation or complicated culture systems. We have established a model to study stratified squamous epithelium in vitro, which is very similar to esophageal epithelium in vivo. A stratified squamous multilayer epithelium was formed by seeding primary normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells onto collagen- and fibronectin-coated trans-well inserts and then cultivating the cells under air-liquid interface (ALI) conditions in the presence of growth factors and low levels of all-trans-retinoic acid. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurements revealed the presence of a tight barrier, previously only achievable with esophageal biopsies mounted in Ussing chambers. Molecular markers for desmosomes, cornified envelope, tight junctions, and mature esophageal epithelium were upregulated in the differentiating culture in parallel with functional properties, such as decreased permeability and acid resistance and restoration. Acid exposure resulted in a decrease in TEER, but following 1-h recovery the TEER values were fully restored. Treatment with all-trans-retinoic acid decreased TEER and inhibited the recovery after acid challenge. PPAR-delta agonist treatment increased TEER, and this temporary increase in TEER was consistent with an increase in involucrin mRNA. Global gene expression analysis showed that ALI-differentiated NHBE cells had expression profiles more similar to epithelial biopsies from the esophageal tissue of healthy volunteers than to any other cell line. With respect to morphology, molecular markers, barrier properties, and acid resistance, this model presents a new way to investigate barrier properties and the possible effects of different agents on human esophagus-like epithelium.  相似文献   

Merkel cells are special neurosecretory cells which, in adult human skin, are usually very scarce. By immunofluorescence microscopy using antibodies to human cytokeratin polypeptide no. 18, we localized distinct non-keratinocyte cells in the glandular ridges of human fetal and adult plantar epidermis. Using electron and immunofluorescence microscopy, these cells were identified as Merkel cells containing typical neurosecretory granules as well as bundles of intermediate-sized filaments and desmosomes. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the cytoskeletal fractions of microdissected epidermal preparations highly enriched in Merkel cells indicated the presence of cytokeratin polypeptides nos. 8, 18 and 19 which are typical of diverse simple epithelia of the human body. Double immunofluorescence microscopy showed that these human Merkel cells contain neither neurofilaments nor vimentin filaments. In human fetuses of 18-24 weeks of age, conspicuously high concentrations of Merkel cells, reaching a density of approximately 1,700 Merkel cells/mm2 skin, were found in the glandular ridges of plantar skin. The concentration decreased considerably at newborn and adult stages. Thin cell processes (up to 20 microns long) were observed in many fetal epidermal Merkel cells. In addition, we detected isolated Merkel cells deeper in the dermis (i.e. at distances of, at most, 100 microns from the epidermis) in fetal and newborn plantar skin. Our results show that Merkel cells are true epithelial cells which, however, differ profoundly from epidermal keratinocytes in their cytokeratin expression. The findings are discussed in relation to the much disputed question of the origin of Merkel cells. The present data speak against the immigration of Merkel cells from the neural crest, but rather suggest that they originate from epithelial cells of the skin, although most probably not from differentiated keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells (LCs) were shown up in normal cervical tissue obtained from 32 women whose age ranged from 25 to 68 years, using immunohistological methods. LCs were detected in metaplastic and native squamous epithelium of the cervix; they were positive to Dako-LC and OKDR antibodies and those located in the basal-suprabasal epithelial layers were also OKT6-positive. The density of the LCs was higher during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. The investigation into the lymphocytes present in the stroma and in the squamous epithelium showed a population of T-lymphocytes identified as predominantly T-cytotoxic/suppressor cells, sometimes in contact with LCs. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The organisation of cytokeratin filaments in mitotic HeLa cells has been analysed by immunofluorescence microscopy using a monoclonal antibody which recognises proteins with apparent subunit molecular weights of 52 kDa and 57 kDa and which binds exclusively to cytokeratin-type filaments. Mitotic cells were prepared for microscopic analysis by hypotonic swelling, centrifugation onto glass slides, brief pre-extraction with 0.1% Triton X-100 and fixation in 80% ethanol. This procedure gave particularly good resolution of intermediate filaments and preservation of chromosome morphology. In prometaphase-metaphase cells the antigen was present in an anastomosing filament network which completely or partially enclosed the chromosomes, in filament fragments and in cytoplasmic aggregates. The epichromosomal filament network was absent from cells in anaphase or later stages of mitosis. In these cells non-filamentous antigen was often located in a narrow band defining the periphery of individual chromosomes and in variable numbers of cytoplasmic filaments or fragments. The results suggest that extensive disaggregation and reformation of cytokeratin filaments occurs during mitosis and that disaggregated cytokeratin proteins are frequently located adjacent to mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Various types of intranuclear particles and intramitochondrial inclusions of possibly viral nature are demonstrated by thin-section electron microscopy of uterine cervix cancer cells, as well as in mast cells infiltrating the tumor stroma, and their significance is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

T51B rat liver cells in the exponential phase of growth were arrested in late G1 by medium calcium deprivation, exposed to mouse monoclonal anti-cytokeratin (Mr = 55,000) by addition of the antibody to the medium, induced to enter the S phase by readdition of 1.5 mM calcium, and incubated for a further 18 h. After fixing and staining with FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG, the cells exhibited an intact intracellular cytokeratin-staining pattern. No effect of antibody was observed on entry of cells into the S phase. These results show that rat liver-derived epithelial cells can actively take up macromolecules like cytokeratin antibodies without microinjection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the retention in culture of the antigens characteristic of the two mammary epithelial subclasses, basal and luminal epithelium. Primary and secondary cultures of normal human mammary-gland cells were used for immunolocalization experiments with monoclonal antibodies to luminal and basal epithelium. In contrast to the in vivo situation, in which reactivity was only seen in basal cells that were negative for the luminal antigen, we found the homogeneous expression of the basal marker by all of the cultured cells at second passage, and the simultaneous expression of the luminal marker by some of these cells. Characterization of the basal antigen expressed in culture using sodium-dodecyl-sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting techniques showed it to be a 51-kilodalton keratin peptide with an isoelectric pH of 5.4, and confirmed its similarity to the antigen expressed in vivo. Our findings thus demonstrated the coordinate expression of the basal and luminal antigens in cells cultured on solid substrates. The availability of monoclonal antibodies to epithelial-subclass-specific markers of the human mammary gland now makes it feasible to search for culture conditions that would allow the maintenance and manipulation of cell differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have reported on the detection of a strong e.s.r. signal in samples of normal human cervix; the signal is much reduced or absent in samples of invasive cancer of the cervix. In order to identify the species responsible for the strong signal, we have used X-, S- and Q-band e.s.r. spectroscopy. The major signal that is detectable in ground-up samples of cervix preserved at -196 degrees C has features consistent with the presence of a peroxy free radical. Good agreement with the experimental findings was obtained by computer simulation, using values for the g-tensor of gx = 2.002, gy = 2.005 and gz = 2.036. The peroxy radical is produced on grinding the normal cervix samples to a powder under liquid N2, and appears to be formed by modification of a pre-existing oxygen-containing complex. Control experiments eliminated the possibility that the strong signals seen in frozen powders prepared from normal cervix were artefacts only of the grinding procedure. Experiments with rats in vivo and with cervix samples in vitro are consistent with the conclusion that the peroxy radical is formed by disturbing the cyclo-oxygenase system that is involved in prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

Metabolically 35S-labeled proteoglycans were isolated from cell-associated matrices and media of confluent cultures of human normal transitional epithelial cells and HCV-29T transitional carcinoma cells. On Sepharose CL-4B columns, the cell-associated proteoglycans synthesized from both cell types separated into three identical size classes, termed CI, CII, and CIII. Normal epithelial cell C-fractions eluted in a 22:34:45 proportion and contained 64%, 64%, and 72% heparan sulfate, whereas corresponding HCV-29T fractions eluted in a 29:11:60 proportion, and contained 91%, 77%, and 70% heparan sulfate, respectively. Medium proteoglycans from normal cells separated into two size classes in a proportion of 6:94 and were composed of 35% and 50% heparan sulfate. HCV-29T medium contained only one size class of proteoglycans consisting of 23% heparan sulfate. The remaining percentages were accounted for by chondroitin/dermatan sulfate. On isopycnic CsCl gradients, proteoglycan fractions from normal cells had buoyant densities that were higher than the corresponding fractions from HCV-29T cells. DEAE-Sephacel chromatography showed that cell and medium associated heparan sulfate from HCV-29T cells was consistently of lower charge density (undersulfated) than that from normal epithelial cells. In contrast, the chondroitin/dermatan sulfate of HCV-29T was of a charge density similar to that of normal cells. These as well as other structural and compositional differences in the proteoglycan may account, at least in part, for the altered behavioral traits of highly invasive carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Spreading and migration of the basal cells neighboring a wound is essential for airway epithelial repair. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms that govern these cellular processes, we asked whether normal human airway epithelial cells can form podosomes, a cellular structure discovered from cancer and mesenchymal cells that controls migration and invasion. Herein, we report that phorbol-12, 13-dibutyrate (PDBu), a protein kinase C activator, induced reorganization of cytoskeletal structure in primary normal human bronchial epithelial cells, and in normal human airway epithelial BEAS2B cells. Z-stack scanning confocal microscopy showed that PDBu-induced podosome-like structures contain actin-rich columns that arise from the ventral surface of the cell, and also revealed the presence of circular ruffles/waves at the dorsal cell surface. The molecular components of these cytoskeletal structures were determined with immunofluorescent staining. Using in situ zymography, we demonstrated that PDBu-induced podosomes were capable of degrading fibronectin-gelatin-sucrose matrix. PDBu also increased epithelial cell invasion across Transwell chamber. Podosomes and circular dorsal ruffles may be important for epithelial cell migration and invasion, thus contributing to respiratory epithelial repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Biliary epithelial cells (BEC) lining the intra-hepatic biliary ducts are the site of damage in several immunologically mediated liver diseases. BEC are difficult to isolate since they represent only 5% of the total cell number in normal liver. In this communication, a novel method for their isolation from normal liver is presented using a monoclonal antibody (HEA125) with specificity for an epithelial cell surface glyco-protein reported to be expressed in liver only by biliary epithelium. By combining differential density centrifugation and immuno-magnetic separation using HEA125 pure BEC (105 cells/g fresh tissue) were prepared routinely. These cells were maintained in culture for up to 4 weeks with significant increases in cell numbers. The ability to prepare BEC from human liver offers an opportunity to develop In Vitro models to investigate the aetiology of diseases in intra-hepatic biliary epithelium. EDITOR’S STATEMENT This is a novel application to purification of specific liver cell types directly from tissue. It is well-suited for rapid communication because of its novelty and potential utility to investigators.  相似文献   

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