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New ways to look at the interchromosomal-domain compartment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Highly reproducible Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra from both single onion (Allium cepa) cell walls and their constituent polymers were obtained under a variety of sampling conditions. The specificity of the chemical extraction sequence used in the preparation of the material was confirmed: pectins only are extracted by cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid and sodium carbonate, whereas xyloglucans are extracted by increasing concentrations of potassium hydroxide. There was very little contamination of the first potassium hydroxide extract with residual pectin. The low abundance of both phenolics and protein was also confirmed. The first sodium carbonate extraction almost completely removes esters remaining in the cell wall. We have demonstrated that FTIR spectroscopy can detect large conformational changes in pectic polymers on removal from the cell wall and on drying. FTIR spectroscopy provides a powerful and rapid assay for wall components and putative cross-links by identifying polymers and functional groups nondestructively in muro. The availability of micro-sampling and data acquisition techniques that permit subtraction of the blanket absorption of water make FTIR spectroscopy particularly suitable for studies of cell wall architecture. The use of polarizers with the microscope accessory permits determination of the orientation of particular functional groups with respect to the direction of cell elongation in carrot suspension cells.  相似文献   

Compositional change in plant cell walls as a result of infection by non-host (putative) endophytes and a host pathogen were studied by quantifying plant cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) produced by these fungi, and by detecting cell wall changes via Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and relative lignin/carbohydrate intensity ratios. Oil palm ramets were first inoculated with homogenized fungal suspension. The treated fungal suspensions were assayed for CWDEs whereas the ramets were powderized for FTIR analysis. Results revealed that putative endophytes and host pathogen expressed all CWDEs, suggesting their probable roles in infection and colonization. Following inoculation, plant cell wall composition showed missing dips in spectra depicting changes to carbohydrate, xylan and lignin constituents. The indistinguishable FTIR spectra for putative endophyte-inoculated and pathogen-inoculated ramets suggest that both endophytes and pathogen have elicited similar responses to plant cell walls. Relative lignin/carbohydrate ratios further demonstrated that the putative endophytes did not breakdown lignin and carbohydrate, further exemplifying the non-pathogenic and asymptomatic infection by the endophytes. This study presents the influence of putative endophytes on plant tissues of oil palm, and how this compared to pathogenic infection.  相似文献   

Young KD 《Cell》2010,143(7):1042-1044
Two papers in this issue of Cell (Paradis-Bleau et?al., 2010 and Typas et?al., 2010) report that the lipoproteins LpoA and LpoB are required for the synthesis of cell walls in Escherichia coli. Attached to the bacterial outer membrane, these new cell wall components regulate penicillin-binding proteins located at the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Summary A new model of rotating fibre components (helicoidal model) is proposed to explain the architecture of some plant cell walls. On the basis of tilting observations under the electron microscope, we establish the validity of this model for the cell wall ofChara vulgaris oospores. We suggest that this model explains the architecture seen in a number of published micrographs from a variety of different plant cell walls. Helicoidal architecture is shown to be distinct from the previously established crossed polylamellate architecture. The diagnostic features of helicoidal architecture are given. Morphogenesis of plant cell walls is discussed, with particular reference to self assembly in cholesteric liquid crystals.  相似文献   

Calmodulin: localization in plant tissues   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Calmodulin was purified from bovine brain by preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The denatured, purified calmodulin was used to immunize rabbits to produce antiserum. This antiserum was used to study the distribution of calmodulin in plant tissues by indirect immunohistochemistry. The root tips from corn seeds, oat seeds, peanuts, spaghetti squash seeds, and the terminal buds of spinach were investigated. A method for plant tissue sectioning and inhibition of endogenous peroxide activity was developed. In the corn root section, reaction product from anti-calmodulin was found mainly in the root cap cells. Lesser but significant amounts of calmodulin were localized in metaxylem elements, in some stele cells surrounding metaxylem elements, in apical initials, and in the cortical cells. Similar findings were also observed in other root tips from oat seeds, peanuts, and spaghetti squash seeds. In the terminal buds of the spinach, calmodulin-stained cells were highly concentrated in the apical meristem and leaf primordium. These findings suggest that the high concentration of calmodulin in the root cap may be important in relation to gravitropism and growth development.  相似文献   

Live-cell microscopy imaging of fluorescent-tagged fusion proteins is an essential tool for cell biologists. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) has joined confocal microscopy as a complementary system for the imaging of cell surface protein dynamics in mammalian and yeast systems because of its high temporal and spatial resolution. Here we present an alternative to TIRFM, termed variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy (VAEM), for the visualization of protein dynamics at or near the plasma membrane of plant epidermal cells and root hairs in whole, intact seedlings that provides high-signal, low-background and near real-time imaging. VAEM uses highly oblique subcritical incident angles to decrease background fluorophore excitation. We discuss the utilities and advantages of VAEM for imaging of fluorescent fusion-tagged marker proteins in studying cortical cytoskeletal and membrane proteins. We believe that the application of VAEM will be an invaluable imaging tool for plant cell biologists.  相似文献   

Designing the deconstruction of plant cell walls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell wall architecture plays a key role in the regulation of plant cell growth and differentiation into specific cell types. Gaining genetic control of the amount, composition, and structure of cell walls in different cell types will impact both the quantity and yield of fermentable sugars from biomass for biofuels production. The recalcitrance of plant biomass to degradation is a function of how polymers crosslink and aggregate within walls. Novel imaging technologies provide an opportunity to probe these higher order structures in their native state. If cell walls are to be efficiently deconstructed enzymatically to release fermentable sugars, then we require a detailed understanding of their structural organization in future bioenergy crops.  相似文献   

Histoautoradiographic localization of calcium in oat plant tissues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Electrical potentials in cell walls (psi(Wall)) and at plasma membrane surfaces (psi(PM)) are determinants of ion activities in these phases. The psi(PM) plays a demonstrated role in ion uptake and intoxication, but a comprehensive electrostatic theory of plant-ion interactions will require further understanding of psi(Wall). psi(Wall) from potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers and wheat (Triticum aestivum) roots was monitored in response to ionic changes by placing glass microelectrodes against cell surfaces. Cations reduced the negativity of psi(Wall) with effectiveness in the order Al(3+) > La(3+) > H(+) > Cu(2+) > Ni(2+) > Ca(2+) > Co(2+) > Cd(2+) > Mg(2+) > Zn(2+) > hexamethonium(2+) > Rb(+) > K(+) > Cs(+) > Na(+). This order resembles substantially the order of plant-root intoxicating effectiveness and indicates a role for both ion charge and size. Our measurements were combined with the few published measurements of psi(Wall), and all were considered in terms of a model composed of Donnan theory and ion binding. Measured and model-computed values for psi(Wall) were in close agreement, usually, and we consider psi(Wall) to be at least proportional to the actual Donnan potentials. psi(Wall) and psi(PM) display similar trends in their responses to ionic solutes, but ions appear to bind more strongly to plasma membrane sites than to readily accessible cell wall sites. psi(Wall) is involved in swelling and extension capabilities of the cell wall lattice and thus may play a role in pectin bonding, texture, and intercellular adhesion.  相似文献   

Wei C  Lintilhac PM 《Plant physiology》2007,145(3):763-772
In this article we investigate aspects of turgor-driven plant cell growth within the framework of a model derived from the Eulerian concept of instability. In particular we explore the relationship between cell geometry and cell turgor pressure by extending loss of stability theory to encompass cylindrical cells. Beginning with an analysis of the three-dimensional stress and strain of a cylindrical pressure vessel, we demonstrate that loss of stability is the inevitable result of gradually increasing internal pressure in a cylindrical cell. The turgor pressure predictions based on this model differ from the more traditional viscoelastic or creep-based models in that they incorporate both cell geometry and wall mechanical properties in a single term. To confirm our predicted working turgor pressures, we obtained wall dimensions, elastic moduli, and turgor pressures of sequential internodal cells of intact Chara corallina plants by direct measurement. The results show that turgor pressure predictions based on loss of stability theory fall within the expected physiological range of turgor pressures for this plant. We also studied the effect of varying wall Poisson's ratio nu on extension growth in living cells, showing that while increasing elastic modulus has an understandably negative effect on wall expansion, increasing Poisson's ratio would be expected to accelerate wall expansion.  相似文献   

Strangers in the matrix: plant cell walls and pathogen susceptibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Early in infection, pathogens encounter the outer wall of plant cells. Because pathogen hydrolases targeting the plant cell wall are well-known components of virulence, it has been assumed that wall disassembly by the plant itself also contributes to susceptibility, and now this has been established experimentally. Understanding how plant morphological and developmental remodeling and pathogen cell wall targeted virulence influence infections provides new perspectives about plant-pathogen interactions. The plant cell wall can be an effective physical barrier to pathogens, but also it is a matrix where many proteins involved in pathogen perception are delivered. By breaching the wall, a pathogen potentially reveals itself to the plant and activates responses, setting off events that might halt or limit its advance.  相似文献   

Wall mannoproteins of the two (yeast and mycelial) cellular forms of Candida albicans were solubilized by different agents. Boiling in 2% (w/v) SDS was the best method, as more than 70% of the total mannoprotein was extracted. Over 40 different bands (from 15 to 80 kDal) were detected on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this material. The residual wall mannoproteins were released after enzymic (Zymolyase and endogenous wall beta-glucanases) degradation of wall glucan, suggesting that they are covalently linked to this structural polymer. Four bands (of 160 kDal, 205 kDal and higher molecular mass) were observed in the material released from yeast walls but only the two smaller components were detected in the material obtained from mycelial walls. Moreover, the mannoproteins of high molecular mass, which are covalently linked in walls of normal cells, were not incorporated into walls of regenerating protoplasts, but non-covalently linked mannoproteins were retained from the beginning of the process.  相似文献   

Exploring the micromechanical design of plant cell walls   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plants are hierarchically organized in a way that their macroscopic properties emerge from their micro- and nanostructural level. Hence, micromechanical investigations, which focus on the mechanical design of plant cell walls, are well suited for elucidating the details of the relationship between plant form and function. However, due to the complex nature of primary and secondary cell walls, micromechanical tests on the entire structure cannot provide exact values for polymer properties but must be targeted at the general mechanisms of cell wall deformation and polymer interaction. The success of micromechanical examinations depends on well-considered specimen selection and/or sample pretreatment as well as appropriate experimental setups. Making use of structural differences by taking advantage of the natural variability in plant tissue and cell structure, adaptation strategies can be analyzed at the micro- and nanoscale. Targeted genetic and enzymatic treatments can be utilized to specifically modify individual polymers without degrading the structural integrity of the cell wall. The mechanical properties of such artificial systems reveal the functional roles of individual polymers for a better understanding of the mechanical interactions within the cell wall assembly. In terms of testing methodology, in situ methods that combine micromechanical testing with structural and chemical analyses are particularly well suited for the study of the basic structure-property relationships in plant design. The micromechanical approaches reviewed here are not exhaustive, but they do provide a reasonably comprehensive overview of the methodology with which the general mechanisms underlying the functionality of plant micro- and nanostructure can be explored without destroying the entire cell wall.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is a chemically complex structure composed mostly of polysaccharides. Detailed analyses of these cell wall polysaccharides are essential for our understanding of plant development and for our use of plant biomass (largely wall material) in the food, agriculture, fabric, timber, biofuel and biocomposite industries. We present analytical techniques not only to define the fine chemical structures of individual cell wall polysaccharides but also to estimate the overall polysaccharide composition of cell wall preparations. The procedure covers the preparation of cell walls, together with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based methods, for both the analysis of monosaccharides as their volatile alditol acetate derivatives and for methylation analysis to determine linkage positions between monosaccharide residues as their volatile partially methylated alditol acetate derivatives. Analysis time will vary depending on both the method used and the tissue type, and ranges from 2 d for a simple neutral sugar composition to 2 weeks for a carboxyl reduction/methylation linkage analysis.  相似文献   

Abbot P 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(22):4587-4589
Nearly 25 years ago, Ellstrand & Roose (1987) reviewed what was known at the time of the genetic structure of clonal plant species. What is the relationship between space and clonal fitness, they asked. What is the best way for a clone to grow within its ecological neighbourhood? The pot had been stirred 10 years previously by Janzen (1977) , who pointed out how little we know about the population biology of clonal organisms like dandelions and aphids. He wondered whether, like good curries, outward appearances masked common ingredients. Because in no small part of the advent of molecular ecology, we know more about clonal life histories today, particularly in plants ( van Dijk 2003 ; Vallejo‐Marín et al. 2010 ). Surprisingly, studies of the spatial architecture of aphid clones have been comparably rare. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Vantaux et al. characterize the fine‐scale distribution of the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) and in so doing, help to fill that gap. They describe a moderate degree of intermingling between aphid clones over a growing season—A. fabae clones are ‘sticky’, but only a bit. By mixing, clones directly compete with each other as well. The results of Vantaux et al. (2011) will help to integrate evolutionary patterns in aphids with the appropriate ecological scales out of which those patterns emerge.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed to measure the degree of pectin methylation in small samples of isolated cell walls from nonlignified plant tissues or pectin solutions. Galacturonic acid was determined colorimetrically with the 3,5-dimethylphenol reagent. Methylation was measured by base hydrolysis of galacturonic acid methyl esters, followed by gas chromatographic determination of released methanol. Estimates of the precision of analysis of pectin and cell wall samples were made. The coefficient of variation for estimates of the pectin esterification in cell walls isolated from 10-g samples of cucumber tissue ranged from 7.7 to 13.2%.  相似文献   

Jung HJ 《Phytochemistry》2003,63(5):543-549
It has been hypothesized that ferulates are only deposited in the primary cell wall of grasses. To test this hypothesis, the fourth elongating, above-ground internode of maize (Zea mays l.) was sampled from three maize hybrids throughout development. Cell wall composition was determined by the Uppsala Dietary Fibre method. Ester- and ether-linked ferulates were determined by HPLC analysis of ferulic acid released from the internodes by low and high temperature alkaline treatments. Internode length increased from 9 to 152 mm over 96 days of growth, with elongation being complete in the first 12 days. More than half of the cell wall material in the maize internodes accumulated after elongation had ended. Deposition of cell wall material appeared to reach its maximum extent 40 days after sampling began, well before physiological maturity of the maize plants. Galactose and arabinose began to accumulate early in cell wall development which was presumed to be associated with primary wall growth during internode elongation. The major secondary wall constituents (analyzed as glucose, xylose, and Klason lignin) did not begin to accumulate rapidly until shortly before internode elongation ended. Ferulate ester deposition began before ferulate ethers were observed in the cell wall, but both forms of ferulate continued to accumulate in secondary cell walls, long after internode elongation had ceased. These data clearly show that contrary to the hypothesis, ferulate deposition was not restricted to the primary wall and that active lignin/polysaccharide cross-linking mediated by ferulates occurs in the secondary wall.  相似文献   

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