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Mammals have independently evolved a wide variety of morphological adaptations for use in avoiding death by predation, including spines, quills, dermal plates, and noxious sprays. Although these traits appear to protect their bearer from predatory attack, it is less obvious why some species evolved them and others have not. We investigated the ecological correlates favoring the evolution of specialized defenses in mammals, focusing on conspicuousness to predators due to body size and openness of habitat. We scored species for the degree to which they are protected by spines, quills, dermal plating, and sprays and used phylogenetic comparative analyses to study the morphological and ecological factors that may favor their evolution. We show that medium‐sized insectivorous mammals (~800 g to 9 kg) that live in open habitats are more likely to possess one of these defensive traits to reduce predation. Smaller species (<200 g) and those in closed habitats can typically rely on crypsis to avoid predators, and larger species (>10 kg) are less susceptible to predation by most small‐ to medium‐sized predators. We discuss how diet, metabolic rate, and defensive strategy evolve in concert to allow species to exploit this ecomorphological “danger zone” niche.  相似文献   

表型可塑性与外来植物的入侵能力   总被引:54,自引:4,他引:50  
外来植物的入侵能力与其性状之间的关系是入侵生态学中的基本问题之一。成功的入侵种常常能占据多样化的生境,并以广幅的环境耐受性为特征。遗传分化(包括生态型分化)和表型可塑性是广布性物种适应变化、异质性生境的两种不同但并不矛盾和排斥的策略。越来越多的实验证据表明,表型可塑性具有确定的遗传基础,本身是一种可以独立进化的性状。许多入侵种遗传多样性比较低,但同时又占据了广阔的地理分布区和多样化的生境,表型可塑性可能在这些物种的入侵成功和随后的扩散中起到了关键作用。本文首先介绍表型可塑性的含义,简述表型可塑性和生物适应的关系,然后从理论分析和实验证据两个方面论述了表型可塑性与外来植物入侵能力的相关性,最后针对进一步的研究工作进行了讨论。当然,并非所有入侵种的成功都能归因于表型可塑性,作者认为对于那些遗传多样性比较低同时又占据多样化生境的入侵种,表型可塑性和入侵能力的正相关可能是一条普遍法则,而非特例。  相似文献   

The evolution of ecological specialization has been a central topic in ecology because specialized adaptations to divergent environments can result in reproductive isolation and facilitate speciation. However, the order in which different aspects of habitat adaptation and habitat preference evolve is unclear. Timema walking-stick insects feed and mate on the host plants on which they rest. Previous studies of T. cristinae ecotypes have documented divergent, host-specific selection from visual predators and the evolution of divergent host and mate preferences between populations using different host-plant species (Ceanothus or Adenostoma). Here we present new data that show that T. podura, a nonsister species of T. cristinae, has also formed ecotypes on these host genera and that in both species these ecotypes exhibit adaptive divergence in color-pattern and host preference. Color-pattern morphs exhibit survival trade-offs on different hosts due to differential predation. In contrast, fecundity trade-offs on different hosts do not occur in either species. Thus, host preference in both species has evolved before divergent physiological adaptation but in concert with morphological adaptations. Our results shed light onto which traits are involved in the initial stages of ecological specialization and ecologically based reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Species traits have been hypothesized by one of us (Ponge, 2013) to evolve in a correlated manner as species colonize stable, undisturbed habitats, shifting from “ancestral” to “derived” strategies. We predicted that generalism, r‐selection, sexual monomorphism, and migration/gregariousness are the ancestral states (collectively called strategy A) and evolved correlatively toward specialism, K‐selection, sexual dimorphism, and residence/territoriality as habitat stabilized (collectively called B strategy). We analyzed the correlated evolution of four syndromes, summarizing the covariation between 53 traits, respectively, involved in ecological specialization, r‐K gradient, sexual selection, and dispersal/social behaviors in 81 species representative of Fringillidae, a bird family with available natural history information and that shows variability for all these traits. The ancestrality of strategy A was supported for three of the four syndromes, the ancestrality of generalism having a weaker support, except for the core group Carduelinae (69 species). It appeared that two different B‐strategies evolved from the ancestral state A, both associated with highly predictable environments: one in poorly seasonal environments, called B1, with species living permanently in lowland tropics, with “slow pace of life” and weak sexual dimorphism, and one in highly seasonal environments, called B2, with species breeding out‐of‐the‐tropics, migratory, with a “fast pace of life” and high sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

The spread of invasive plants is one of the most challenging ecological problems in the 21st Century, causing a $35 billion loss per year to the economy in the United States alone. More than 50% of all invasive plants and 85% of invasive woody species were introduced originally for ornamental and landscape use. Because many nonnative plants are commercially important and widely utilized for various purposes, completely banning their use and prohibiting their imports are unpractical solutions for control. On the other hand, the methods currently used to control the spread of nonnative plants are ineffective, expensive, or environmentally problematic. Recent advances in plant biotechnology may enable us to create sterile cultivars of these nonnative ornamental crops of commercial value. The use of sterile cultivars should reduce or eliminate the undesirable spread of some nonnative invasive plants into natural areas.  相似文献   

Cost of host radiation in an RNA virus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Turner PE  Elena SF 《Genetics》2000,156(4):1465-1470
Although host radiation allows a parasite to expand its ecological niche, traits governing the infection of multiple host types can decrease fitness in the original or alternate host environments. Reasons for this reduction in fitness include slower replication due to added genetic material or modifications, fitness trade-offs across host environments, and weaker selection resulting from simultaneous adaptation to multiple habitats. We examined the consequences of host radiation using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and mammalian host cells in tissue culture. Replicate populations of VSV were allowed to evolve for 100 generations on the original host (BHK cells), on either of two novel hosts (HeLa and MDCK cells), or in environments where the availability of novel hosts fluctuated in a predictable or random way. As expected, each experimental population showed a substantial fitness gain in its own environment, but those evolved on new hosts (constant or fluctuating) suffered reduced competitiveness on the original host. However, whereas evolution on one novel host negatively correlated with performance on the unselected novel host, adaptation in fluctuating environments led to fitness improvements in both novel habitats.  相似文献   

Carnivorous plants may benefit from animal-derived nutrients to supplement minerals from the soil. Therefore, the role and importance of their roots is a matter of debate. Aquatic carnivorous species lack roots completely, and many hygrophytic and epiphytic carnivorous species only have a weakly devel-oped root system. In xerophytes, however, large, extended and/or deep-reaching roots and sub-soil shoots develop. Roots develop also in carnivorous plants in other habitats that are hostile, due to flood-ing, salinity or heavy metal occurance. Information about the structure and functioning of roots of car- nivorous plants is limited, but this knowledge is essential for a sound understanding of the plants’ physiology and ecology. Here we compile and summarise available information on: (1) The morphology of the roots. (2) The root functions that are taken over by stems and leaves in species without roots or with poorly developed root systems; anchoring and storage occur by specialized chlorophyll-less stems; water and nutrients are taken up by the trap leaves. (3) The contribution of the roots to the nutrient supply of the plants; this varies considerably amongst the few investigated species. We compare nutrient uptake by the roots with the acquisition of nutri-ents via the traps. (4) The ability of the roots of some carnivorous species to tolerate stressful conditions in their habitats; e.g., lack of oxygen, saline conditions, heavy metals in the soil, heat during bushfires, drought, and flooding  相似文献   

地下结实和地上/下两型结实是被子植物两类独特的结实方式, 多发生在陆生和草本植物中, 主要生长在缺少水分或光照、土壤扰动频繁及环境波动较为剧烈的生境中。两种结实方式不仅是植物适应性进化的重要方面, 也是选择性进化的产物。其中, 地下结实对于植物在母株附近适宜微环境中保存后代、在极端环境下保持种子活力、逃避地面动物取食和火灾伤害以及延长果实发育时间等方面, 地上/下两型结实对于减少同胞子代及种群内竞争、维持和扩大种群以及提高物种的适应力和进化可塑性等方面, 都具有重要的生态适应意义, 是植物抵御不利生物与非生物环境的两类重要防御策略。但两种结实方式同时也存在着限制果实与种子扩散、影响基因传递与种群遗传结构、加大种群隔离以及提高繁殖代价等进化限制, 对物种的分布、种群增长、迁移、适合度和生活史进化等具有重要影响。目前, 地下和地上/下两型结实现象分别在大约24科57属和13科34属中进行了报道, 其中在菊科、十字花科、豆科和玄参科等类群中两种结实现象同时存在。从系统发育看, 地下结实在木兰分支、单子叶植物分支及双子叶植物分支中均存在, 而地上/下两型结实仅出现在单子叶植物分支和双子叶植物分支中, 在被子植物基部类群(ANITA类群)中两种结实方式均不存在。该文对植物地下和地上/下两型结实的类型、系统进化、繁殖特性和扩散对策进行了介绍, 并对其生态适应意义进行了总结, 以期为深入研究植物结实的进化策略提供参考。  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies are presumed to evolve by individual selection from an evolutionary compromise between intraspecific competition for resources and for mates. The hypothesis is put forward that when competition in “stable” habitats leads to “niche breadth,” a species is preadapted to life in heterogeneous environments and the consequent selection for fecundity. Status patterns are viewed as systems of signals communicating differential tendencies among individuals to attack or retreat, and a simple graphical model is presented which relates the costs or benefits to fitness of aggressive or appeasement behavior and interindividual distance. Primate societies are classified on the basis of their dominance hierarchies, and the ecological correlates of these patterns are discussed. Based on hypotheses presented in the paper, topics for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Conservation ecology is a new paradigm of ecology that aims at scientific contributions to maintaining earth's biodiversity and is committed to ecosystem management indispensable to intergenerational long-term sustainability. Population ecology plays a central role in conservation ecology. Persistence of the metapopulation rather than that of each local population should be pursued in species conservation management. Biological interactions essential to reproduction and soil seed bank components of the population should be investigated and applied to planning for the conservation of a plant population. Gravelly floodplains and moist tall grasslands are among typical riparian habitats containing many threatened plants in Japan. These riparian habitats are now subjected not only to heavy fragmentation but also to intensive invasion of highly competitive alien (nonnative) plants. Extreme habitat isolation may result in reproductive failure or fertility selection in a plant population without pollinators, as exemplified by a nature reserve population of Primula sieboldii. Biological invasions, which are facilitated by extensive changes in the river environment including decreased seasonal flooding, abandonment of traditional vegetation management, eutrophication, and extensive clearing of the land for recreational use, threaten endemic riparian species. To preserve safe sites and growing conditions for threatened plants such as Aster kantoensis, active management to suppress the dominance of alien invader plants is necessary. Population management and habitat restoration should be based on sound information on the population ecology of both threatened and alien invader plants, designed as an ecological experiment to clarify effective ways for management. Received: September 18, 1998 / Revised: October 22, 2001 / Accepted: October 23, 2001  相似文献   

Evolution can occur on ecological time-scales, affecting community and ecosystem processes. However, the importance of evolutionary change relative to ecological processes remains largely unknown. Here, we analyse data from a long-term experiment in which we allowed plant populations to evolve for three generations in dry or wet soils and used a reciprocal transplant to compare the ecological effect of drought and the effect of plant evolutionary responses to drought on soil microbial communities and nutrient availability. Plants that evolved under drought tended to support higher bacterial and fungal richness, and increased fungal : bacterial ratios in the soil. Overall, the magnitudes of ecological and evolutionary effects on microbial communities were similar; however, the strength and direction of these effects depended on the context in which they were measured. For example, plants that evolved in dry environments increased bacterial abundance in dry contemporary environments, but decreased bacterial abundance in wet contemporary environments. Our results suggest that interactions between recent evolutionary history and ecological context affect both the direction and magnitude of plant effects on soil microbes. Consequently, an eco-evolutionary perspective is required to fully understand plant–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Aims One critical challenge for plants is to maintain an adequate nutrient supply under fluctuating environmental conditions. This is particularly true for epiphytic species that have limited or no access to the pedosphere and often live in harsh climates. Bromeliads have evolved key innovations such as epiphytism, water-absorbing leaf trichomes, tank habit and Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis that enable them to survive under various environmental conditions. Bromeliads encompass diverse ecological types that live on different substrates (they can be terrestrial, epilithic or epiphytic) and vary in their ability to retain water (they can be tank-forming or tankless) and photosynthetic pathway (i.e. C3 or CAM). In this review, we outline the nutritional modes and specializations that enable bromeliads to thrive in a wide range of nutrient-poor (mostly nitrogen-depleted) environments.Important findings Bromeliads have evolved a great diversity of morphologies and functional adaptations leading to the existence of numerous nutritional modes. Focusing on species that have absorptive foliar trichomes, we review evidence that bromeliads have evolved multi-faceted nutritional strategies to respond to fluctuations in the supply of natural nitrogen (N). These plants have developed mutualistic associations with many different and functionally diverse terrestrial and aquatic microorganisms and metazoans that contribute substantially to their mineral nutrition and, thus, their fitness and survival. Bacterial and fungal microbiota-assisted N provisioning, protocarnivory, digestive mutualisms and myrmecotrophic pathways are the main strategies used by bromeliads to acquire nitrogen. The combination of different nutritional pathways in bromeliads represents an important adaptation enabling them to exploit nutrient-poor habitats. Nonetheless, as has been shown for several other vascular plants, multiple partners are involved in nutrient acquisition indicating that there have been convergent adaptations to nutrient scarcity. Finally, we point out some gaps in the current knowledge of bromeliad nutrition that offer fascinating research opportunities.  相似文献   

The extant embryo-bearing plants (mosses, ferns and seed plants) have an aquatic ancestor or ancestors. Today they dominate the terrestrial vegetation of the world. Embryo-bearing plants which now live in water have, for a second or even third time, re-invaded water. Aquatic species are found in 440 genera from 103 families of embryo-bearing plants. This survey attempts to find out how often the Event of evolving from land back to water has taken place among the living plants of today. Analysing the morphological and phylogenetic affinities of all aquatics at taxonomic levels from divisio to varieties of species indicate the Event has taken place, at least 222 times but it could have happened 271 or even more times (bryophytes 10–19 times, ferns seven times, seed plants 205–245 times). Aquatic plants have evolved from often very different genetic and ecological backgrounds. Also, they have evolved at different times; some old ones are aquatic at the level of order or family, while others, more recent, are isolated species in otherwise terrestrial genera or races within species. It is, nevertheless, wonderful that such a large variety of plants have evolved solutions to the single problem of remastering life in water.  相似文献   

In extreme cases leaves in male plants of the dioecious genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae) are up to an order of magnitude smaller than female leaves. This secondary sexual dimorphism (SSD) in leaf size has previously been suggested to be due to intra-male sexual selection, leading to an increase in male allocation to reproduction in dimorphic species. After critically evaluating previous data provided to support this hypothesis, I suggest on both theoretical grounds and on re-analysis that this argument is unlikely and unsupported. Leaf size dimorphism could theoretically evolve directly due to disruptive ecological selection between genders, leading to niche dimorphism either within or between habitats. I test this ecological causation hypothesis by providing data on specific leaf area (sla) and water use efficiency (δ 13C) of leaves from males and females of several Leucadendron species. Results confirm the expectation of minimal gender differences. I argue that leaf dimorphism is a consequence of selection on flower size and architecture.  相似文献   

Wetlands support unique biota and provide important ecosystem services. These services are highly threatened due to the rate of loss and relative rarity of wetlands in most landscapes, an issue that is exacerbated in highly modified urban environments. Despite this, critical ecological knowledge is currently lacking for many wetland‐dependent taxa, such as insectivorous bats, which can persist in urban areas if their habitats are managed appropriately. Here, we use a novel paired landscape approach to investigate the role of wetlands in urban bat conservation and examine local and landscape factors driving bat species richness and activity. We acoustically monitored bat activity at 58 urban wetlands and 35 nonwetland sites (ecologically similar sites without free‐standing water) in the greater Melbourne area, southeastern Australia. We analyzed bat species richness and activity patterns using generalized linear mixed‐effects models. We found that the presence of water in urban Melbourne was an important driver of bat species richness and activity at a landscape scale. Increasing distance to bushland and increasing levels of heavy metal pollution within the waterbody also negatively influenced bat richness and individual species activity. Areas with high levels of artificial night light had reduced bat species richness, and reduced activity for all species except those adapted to urban areas, such as the White‐striped free‐tailed bat (Austronomus australis). Increased surrounding tree cover and wetland size had a positive effect on bat species richness. Our findings indicate that wetlands form critical habitats for insectivorous bats in urban environments. Large, unlit, and unpolluted wetlands flanked by high tree cover in close proximity to bushland contribute most to the richness of the bat community. Our findings clarify the role of wetlands for insectivorous bats in urban areas and will also allow for the preservation, construction, and management of wetlands that maximize conservation outcomes for urban bats and possibly other wetland‐dependent and nocturnal fauna.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition in natural plant communities is highly dependent on nutrient availability. At high levels of nutrient availability, competition is mainly for light. As light is a unidirectional resource, high nutrient habitats are dominated by fast-growing perennials with a tall stature and a rather uniform vertical distribution of leaf area. Moreover, these species have high turnover rates of leaves and roots and a high morphological plasticity during the differentiation of leaves. There is less consensus, however, about the importance and intensity of interspecific competition in nutrient-poor environments. It is argued that selection in nutrient-poor habitats is not necessarily on a high competitive ability for nutrients and a high growth rate, but rather on traits which reduce nutrient losses (low tissue nutrient concentrations, slow tissue turnover rates, high nutrient resorption efficiency). Due to evolutionary trade-offs plants can not maximize both growth rate and nutrient retention. Thus, the low growth rate of species from nutrient-poor habitats should be considered as the consequence of nutrient retention rather than as a feature on which direct selection takes place. The contrasting traits of species from nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich habitats mutually exclude them from each others' habitats. Moreover, these traits have severe consequences for litter decomposability and thereby also for nutrient cycling. This leads both in nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich habitats to a positive feedback between plant species dominance and nutrient availability, thereby promoting ecosystem stability.  相似文献   

长江三峡库区及其邻近地区的残存稀有濒危植物群落   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江三峡库区及其邻近地区的残存稀有濒危植物群落属于中亚热带绿落叶阔叶混交林。群落所处自然环境少生境独特;群落中有数种至十余种稀有濒危植物群聚生长,且以其中的部分稀有濒危植物为优势种。独特的生增昨良好的群落结构被认为是该类群落得以保存的主要原因,应加强对该类群落的就地保护研究。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Insectivorous plants frequently display their flowers on the ends of long racemes. Conventional wisdom is that long racemes in insectivorous plants have evolved to provide spatial separation between flowers and traps, which consequently prevents pollinators from being captured. However, it is also possible that long racemes evolved for better seed dispersal or to make flowers more visible to pollinators.


Two sympatric insectivorous plants with identical pollinators were studied: Drosera cistiflora, with an upright growth form but a short raceme; and Drosera pauciflora, with a basal rosette of traps and a very long raceme. If long racemes evolved to protect their pollinators then D. cistiflora should capture more pollinators than D. pauciflora. However, if long racemes evolved to attract pollinators then taller flowers should receive more pollination visits than shorter flowers.

Key Results

Examination of D. pauciflora and D. cistiflora traps revealed that no pollinators were captured by either species, suggesting that long racemes did not evolve to protect pollinators from being captured. Experimental manipulations of flower height in D. cistiflora showed that experimentally shortened plants received significantly fewer pollination visits than plants which were taller in stature.


Long scapes in Drosera and non-insectivorous plants probably evolved due to similar selective pressures such as pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Restriction-modification (R-M) was discovered because it provides bacteria with immunity to phage infection. But, is phage-mediated selection the sole mechanism responsible for the evolution and maintenance of these ubiquitous and multiply evolved systems? In an effort to answer this question, we have performed experiments with laboratory populations of E. coli and phage and computer simulations. We consider two ecological situations whereby phage-mediated selection could favor R-M immunity; i) when bacteria with a novel R-M system invade communities of phage-sensitive bacteria in which there are one or more species of phage, and ii) when bacteria colonize bacterial-free habitats in which phage are present. The results of our experiments indicate that in established communities of bacteria and phage, the advantage R-M provides an invading population of bacteria is ephemeral. Within short order, mutants resistant (refractory) to the phage evolve in the dominant population and subsequently in the invading population. The outcome of competition then depends on the relative fitness of the resistant states of these bacterial clones, rather than R-M. As a consequence of sequential selection for independent mutants, this rapid evolution of resistance occurs even when two and three species of phage are present. While in our experiments resistance also evolved when bacteria colonized new habitats in which phage were present, a novel R-M system greatly augmented the likelihood of their becoming established. We interpret the results of this study as support for the hypothesis that the latter, colonization selection, may play an important role in the evolution and maintenance of restriction-modification. However, we also see these results and other observations we discuss as questioning whether protection against phage is the unique biological role of restriction-modification.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual display traits or preferences for them in response to divergent natural selection will alter sexual selection within populations, yet the role of sexual selection in ecological speciation has received little empirical attention. We evolved 12 populations of Drosophila serrata in a two‐way factorial design to investigate the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of female mate preferences for male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Mate preferences weakened in populations evolving under natural selection alone, implying a cost in the absence of their expression. Comparison of the vectors of linear sexual selection revealed that the populations diverged in the combination of male CHCs that females found most attractive, although this was not significant using a mixed modelling approach. Changes in preference direction tended to evolve when natural and sexual selection were unconstrained, suggesting that both processes may be the key to initial stages of ecological speciation. Determining the generality of this result will require data from various species across a range of novel environments.  相似文献   

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