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The responses of canine lingual epithelium to D-glucose weremeasured in an Ussing chamber to determine the possible contributionof the osmotic changes of taste cells to the response of saccharides.With the mucosal solution containing 50 mM NaCl, 2 mM HEPES,pH 7.4 (solution A) and the serosal solution containing Krebs—Henseleit(KH) buffer the addition of up to 0.5 M D-glucose in the mucosalsolution increased the short circuit current (Isc) in a sigmoidalmanner. The D-glucose-stimulated Isc was inhibited by 0.1 mMamiloride or 1 mM ouabain added to either the mucosal or theserosal solution, and partially inhibited by 5 mM BaCl2 addedto the serosal solution. The inhibition by these three compoundswas also observed in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl. Ouabain alsoinhibited transport when added to solution A. These experimentssuggest that in canine lingual epithelium the paracellular pathwaypermits molecules as large as ouabain (mol. wt 586) to diffusefrom the mucosal to the serosal solution and vice versa underall osmotic conditions. These results may explain the phenomenonof intravascular taste. Such is not the case in rat tongue whereouabain only inhibited transport when added to the serosal solution.Increasing the osmolality of the serosal KH buffer by additionof relatively membrane-impermeable saccharides such as sucroseor L-glucose did not significantly alter the Isc, whereas makingthe serosal KH solution hypo-osmotic resulted in a transientdecrease in Isc. These data suggest that the increase in Iscinduced by saccharides, such as D-glucose, is not simply anosmotic response of the epithelium but more likely the consequenceof saccharides binding weakly to receptors. That the responseto both salts by themselves and in the presence of saccharidesexhibits the same cation selectivity, and that both are inhibitedby amiloride, ouabain, BaCl2 and LaCl3 suggest that in caninelingual epithelia, in contrast to rat epithelium, the responsesto hyperosmotic concentrations of salts and saccharides mightoccur via the same transcellular pathways.  相似文献   

The epithelium of mammalian tongue hosts most of the taste buds that transduce gustatory stimuli into neural signals. In the field of taste biology, taste bud cells have been described as arising from "local epithelium", in distinction from many other receptor organs that are derived from neurogenic ectoderm including neural crest (NC). In fact, contribution of NC to both epithelium and mesenchyme in the developing tongue is not fully understood. In the present study we used two independent, well-characterized mouse lines, Wnt1-Cre and P0-Cre that express Cre recombinase in a NC-specific manner, in combination with two Cre reporter mouse lines, R26R and ZEG, and demonstrate a contribution of NC-derived cells to both tongue mesenchyme and epithelium including taste papillae and taste buds. In tongue mesenchyme, distribution of NC-derived cells is in close association with taste papillae. In tongue epithelium, labeled cells are observed in an initial scattered distribution and progress to a clustered pattern between papillae, and within papillae and early taste buds. This provides evidence for a contribution of NC to lingual epithelium. Together with previous reports for the origin of taste bud cells from local epithelium in postnatal mouse, we propose that NC cells migrate into and reside in the epithelium of the tongue primordium at an early embryonic stage, acquire epithelial cell phenotypes, and undergo cell proliferation and differentiation that is involved in the development of taste papillae and taste buds. Our findings lead to a new concept about derivation of taste bud cells that include a NC origin.  相似文献   

There is good evidence indicating that ion-transport pathways in the apical regions of lingual epithelial cells, including taste bud cells, may play a role in salt taste reception. In this article, we present evidence that, in the case of the dog, there also exists a sugar-activated ion-transport pathway that is linked to sugar taste transduction. Evidence was drawn from two parallel lines of experiments: (a) ion-transport studies on the isolated canine lingual epithelium, and (b) recordings from the canine chorda tympani. The results in vitro showed that both mono- and disaccharides in the mucosal bath stimulate a dose-dependent increase in the short-circuit current over the concentration range coincident with mammalian sugar taste responses. Transepithelial current evoked by glucose, fructose, or sucrose in either 30 mM NaCl or in Krebs-Henseleit buffer (K-H) was partially blocked by amiloride. Among current carriers activated by saccharides, the current response was greater with Na than with K. Ion flux measurements in K-H during stimulation with 3-O-methylglucose showed that the sugar-evoked current was due to an increase in the Na influx. Ouabain or amiloride reduced the sugar-evoked Na influx without effect on sugar transport as measured with tritiated 3-O-methylglucose. Amiloride inhibited the canine chorda tympani response to 0.5 M NaCl by 70-80% and the response to 0.5 M KCl by approximately 40%. This agreed with the percent inhibition by amiloride of the short-circuit current supported in vitro by NaCl and KCl. Amiloride also partially inhibited the chorda tympani responses to sucrose and to fructose. The results indicate that in the dog: (a) the ion transporter subserving Na taste also subserves part of the response to K, and (b) a sugar-activated, Na-preferring ion-transport system is one mechanism mediating sugar taste transduction. Results in the literature indicate a similar sweet taste mechanism for humans.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterase activity is estimated in extracts and partially purified preparations from functionally different parts of bovine tongue. The enzyme activity varied from 4.0 to 10.4 nmole/mg of protein/min. Properties of phosphodiesterase from circumvallate papillae are studied, the pH optimum being 8.0--8.5, Km for cAMP--1.5.10(-4) M and for cGMP--6.5.10(-5) M. The enzyme activity did not change after the treatment with trypsin, protamine sulphate (0.01--1.0%), heparin (0.01--1.0) and taste agents: L-leucine (from 1.10(-2) M to 1.10(-5) M), quinine (from 4.10(-3) M to 4.10(-8) M) and D-glucose (from 1.10(-1) M to 1.10(-4) M). The protein inhibitor of the enzyme, isolated from retina external rod-cell segments considerably suppressed phosphodiesterase activity, and the protein activator from brain tissue stimulated it insignificantly. Thermostable protein modulators, which inhibit or activate (depending on experimental conditions) phosphodiesterase activity, are isolated from circumvallate papillae.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings of membrane potentials of mudpuppy lingual cells were made with micropipette electrodes. Three types of cells were distinguished by their responses to chemical stimulation. Surface epithelial (SE) cells outside of taste buds responded with large membrane potential and resistance changes to a variety of stimuli representing the four taste qualities. Salts and acids evoked particularly large potential changes, and MgCl2, acids, and quinine greatly increased the membrane resistance. One type of taste bud cell (TB-1) was characterized by large depolarizations to K salts, and the other type of taste bud cell (TB-2) characteristically hyperpolarized to MgCl2, acid, and sugar solutions. Membrane resistance changes accompanying TB-1 and TB-2 cell responses were relatively small compared to those of SE cells. Electrotonic coupling was observed between pairs of SE and TB-2 cells but not for pairs of TB-1 cells nor cells of different types. After recording cell responses, dye-marking allowed verification of results in situ and histologically. From the identification of cells in section, it is hypothesized the TB-1 and TB- 2 cells correspond to light and dark cells, respectively. Responses of TB-1 cells imply a taste receptive function; wheras TB 2-cell responses suggest secretory, supportive, and (or) receptive functions. Factors affecting cellular characteristics, non-taste bud cell responsiveness, response mechanisms, and function of electrotonic coupling are discussed in relation to taste reception.  相似文献   

Callus and secondary cell cultures originating from embryos are known to have a higher morphogenetic capacity in comparison to others of different origin. A method for isolating embryonic cells in order to establish primary cell cultures has been developed. Carrot embryos were digested with different cell-separating enzymes and after 24 h post-digestion in 0.6 M mannitol they were sheared by using a hypodermic syringe. The resulting cell suspension consisted of morphologically-intact cells. In the procedure to macerate embryos into single cells it was found that embryos were surrounded by a cuticle. Carrot embryo cells when cultured divided and gave rise to callus and to proembryos.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was employed in whole cells to analyze K+ conductances of amphibian colonic cells. Xenopus laevis colonic epithelium was dissected, and single epithelial cells were isolated using Ca2+-free solution and mild enzyme treatment. Vital epithelial cells had a round shape, and a distinction between apical and basolateral poles was no longer possible. Their epithelial origin was, however, verified by antibodies against keratin. The average resting potential of the colonocytes was −37.6 ± 1 mV (n = 220) and the resulting membrane current was strongly potassium selective. Further characterization of this conductance was achieved by current-voltage relationship in the presence and absence of various K+ channel blockers. Barium and cesium showed pronounced voltage-dependent blockage, with interaction at about 35% inside the pores. Lidocain, as well as quinine and quinidine also blocked, but with different kinetics and binding characteristics. Both TEA and verapamil were ineffective. We also explored the effects of extra- (pHo) and intracellular pH (pHi) on the K+ conductance. An increase of pHo, as well as pHi, caused membrane hyperpolarization, and the shift of the current-voltage relationship indicates a stimulation of K+ channels by decreasing external and/or internal H+ concentration. The results provide the first whole-cell measurements on isolated amphibian colonic epithelial cells and demonstrate the presence of various K+ channel types in this preparation. Accepted: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

The total plasmalogen content of lingual and other tissues was analyzed using the iodine-addition (Method 1), the p-nitrophenylhydrazone (Method 2), and the two-dimensional thin layer chromatography procedure (Method 3). Methods 1 and 2 were simple, rapid and reproducible, yielding values usually in close agreement with each other, and values higher than those of Method 3. Method 3 exhibited poor reproducibility. All three methods were of comparable sensitivity (less than 20 nmol of total plasmalogen per sample). According to Methods 1 and 2, there was more total plasmalogen in lingual epithelium containing taste buds compared with lingual epithelium devoid of taste buds. Plasmalogen content of bovine and rat brain, heart and liver agreed with literature values.  相似文献   

The electrical response of the taste cells of the frog fungiform papillae to four fundamental taste solutions (NaCl, acetic acid, quinine-HCl and sucrose) was studied by using the intracellular recording technique. The average value of resting membrane potential was 22.5 mV, inside negative. Each of the four taste solutions applied to the tongue produced a slow depolarizing potential, the receptor potential, on which no spike potential was superimposed. The amplitude of the receptor potentials increased linearly as a function of the logarithm of the concentration of the stimulus. Amplitudes of depolarizations to a given taste stimulation varied from one cell to another even within a single taste bud. Most of the cells responded to more than two of the four basic taste solutions. Sensitivity patterns in terms of the number of effective solutions and the relative effectiveness of different kinds of solutions were variable among cells. Statistical analysis suggests that at the receptor membranes of the taste cells, the sensitivities for the four basic stimuli are independent and random.  相似文献   

Changes in the lingual epithelium during ontogenesis and after induced metamorphosis in Ambystoma mexicanum are described as observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The epithelium of the tongue is always multilayered in the larva as well as in the adult. It consists of a stratum germinativum with little differentiated basal cells and a stratum superficiale (superficial layer) with specialized superficial cells and goblet cells. Usually, there are more than two layers because of a stratum intermedium consisting of replacement cells. The apical cell membrane of the superficial cells is perforated by fine pores. Its most typical feature are microridges. Maturing superficial cells possess microvilli. Goblet cells occur in early larvae primarily in the centre of the tongue. They spread throughout the dorsal face of the tongue as their numbers increase during ontogenesis. The small apices of the goblet cells are intercalated in the wedges between the superficial cells. Leydig cells are not found on the larval tongue but on that of adults. Due to metamorphosis, the epithelium of the tongue changes. It is furrowed in its anterior part. The furrows house the openings of the lingual glands. The surface is further modulated by ridges which are densely coated by microvilli and which bear the taste buds. The villi of the tongue which lack extrusion pores show cilia and microvilli but lack microridges. The Leydig cells disappear during metamorphosis. In addition to the two types of goblet cells found in different regions of the glandular tubules, goblet cells occur in the caudal part. They secrete directly into the cavity of the mouth. The posterior part is characterised by a dense coat of cilia.  相似文献   

When epidermal tissue from several regions of the steer tonguewas incubated in buffer solutions, high percentages of freefatty acids were found. The presence of the verified phospholipaseinhibitor, lidocaine, prevented the accumulation of these freefatty acids. Using [14C]tripalmitin and [14C]phosphatidyl cholineas substrates for presumed lipases present in the tongue, weobserved that lidocaine inhibited this activity. Experimentscomparing homogenized and intact pieces of epidermal tissuesuggested that the lipase activity is of both serous gland andlysosomal origin. Highest levels of lipase activity in non-homogenizedtissues appeared in epidermis (taste containing) and dermisof the circumvallate papilla, reflecting the fact that the lingualserous glands which secrete a known lipase are located in andaround this structure. When integrity of the lipid species presentin mammalian lingual tissues needs to be preserved during biochemicalexperiments, it is suggested that lipase inhibitors such aslidocaine be present.  相似文献   

Purkinje cells were isolated from both ventricles of young adult domestic pigs and examined by transmitted light or laser scanning confocal microscopy. Purkinje cells in free running Purkinje fibres were organised in multicellular strands where individual cells were tightly connected end-to-end and closely side-to-side. After isolation, single cells gradually lost the elongated appearance and became more rounded, but the cell membrane remained smooth and undamaged. The contractile material was not very dense and was seen most clearly in the submembraneous area. Staining of the cell membrane with the lipophilic fluorescent (lye di-8-ANNEPS, and visualization with confocal microscopy, confirmed that the cell surface membrane was smooth without blebs. This staining also showed that Purkinje cells had no transversal tubules. We reconstructed the three-dimensional geometry of the Purkinje cells and determined the cell size. The average values were 62 +/- 9 microm for length, 32 +/- 3 microm for width, and 41 +/- 4 microm for depth (n = 7). Calculated cross-section area and volume were 1047 +/- 167 microm2 and 47 +/- 14 pl. Compared to ventricular cells, the morphology of the Purkinje cells reflects their specific role in impulse conduction.  相似文献   

Isolation of the sugar-binding protein from rat taste buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Y Hiji  M Sato 《Nature: New biology》1973,244(133):91-93

The single isolated heart cell has recently emerged as a model for the study of the structure and function of cardiac cells. Heart muscle cells of adult animals of various species have been successfully isolated by enzymatic digestion of intact cardiac tissue. In this paper a dissociation method that yields living cells from atrial and ventricular tissue of young and adult humans is detailed. The cells retain the morphologic features of cells in intact cardiac tissue, and they generate action potentials and contractions in response to electrical stimulation. The study of isolated human heart cells should make a valuable contribution to knowledge of the normal and diseased heart.  相似文献   

Summary A low molecular weight (LMW) protein was isolated from bovine tongue epithelium and an antiserum to this protein elicited in rabbits. The indirect peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique was used to localize LMW protein in several tissues from six mammalian species: cow, rat, mouse, squirrel, rabbit, and man. Immunoreactivity was demonstrable in stratified squamous epithelia from skin, tongue, cheek, esophagus, vagina, and palate. Epidermal derivatives, such as hair follicles, sebaceous glands and ducts of certain glands were also positively stained. Cornea exhibited weak immunoreactivity as did rabbit bladder. Other types of epithelia including those seen in kidney, thyroid, intestine, trachea, liver, submandibular gland, pancreas and uterus, were not immunoreactive when tested with antiserum to LMW protein. The antiserum was rendered unreactive after absorption with LMW protein but, when absorbed with a keratin polypeptide, most of the immunoreactivity was preserved. It is concluded that the distribution of the soluble LMW protein is similar to that of the insoluble keratin proteins in stratified squamous epithelia but the former is not demonstrable in many simple epithelia that contain keratinsSupported by Grant # DE-03934 from the National Institutes of Health  相似文献   

In applying the enzymatic cell isolation technique to the fish heart about 40% of the dispersed myocytes maintained their spindle-shaped morphology, and about half of them tolerated physiological concentration of Ca2+ and excluded the vital dye, Evans blue. The length of spindle-shaped myocytes was on average 133 +/- 3 micron and the maximum width was 4.2 +/- 0.1 micron. The mean length of the sarcomeres was 2.1 +/- 0.1 micron. The sizes of the myocytes did not vary significantly with the weights of the fish. Electron microscopic examinations showed typical fish myocardial cell structure; absence of transverse tubule system, a sparse network of sarcoplasmic reticulum and from a few up to eight or more myofibrils. The cells were mononuclear. Most of the Ca2+-tolerant myocytes were quiescent, but the contraction in them could be induced by electric field stimulation. Both the spontaneous and electrically triggered contractions were of twitch type. The slowly propagating contraction waves, so-called phasic contractions common in isolated mammalian cardiac myocytes, could not be seen at all.  相似文献   

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