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The organogenetic cycle of main-branch shoots of Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae) was studied. Twelve samples of 52-59 parent shoots were collected from a roadside population between September 1999 and October 2000. Variations over time in the number of nodes of terminal and axillary buds, and the length, diameter and number of leaves of shoots derived from these buds (sibling shoots) were analysed. The number of nodes of buds developed by parent shoots was compared with the number of nodes of buds developed, I year later, by sibling shoots. The length, diameter and number of leaves of sibling shoots increased from October 1999 to February 2000 in those shoots with a terminal bud. However, extension of most sibling shoots, including the first five most distal leaf primordia, ceased before February due to abscission of the shoot apex. Axillary buds located most distally on a shoot had more nodes than both terminal buds and more proximal axillary buds. The longest shoots included a preformed part and a neoformed part. The organogenetic event which initiated the neoformed organs continued until early autumn, giving rise to the following year's preformation. The absence of cataphylls in terminal buds could indicate a low intensity of shoot rest. The naked terminal bud of Nothofagus spp. could be interpreted as a structure less specialized than the scaled bud found in genera of Fagaceae and Betulaceae.  相似文献   

The growth dynamics of annual shoots of Nothofagus antarctica shrubs from northern Patagonia was studied. The pattern of extension of the shoots derived from the three most distal buds of 100 parent shoots was registered. Weekly measurements and observations of extending shoots were carried out during the 1996–1997 growth season. The date of shoot extension initiation was less variable than the date of shoot extension cessation. Extension curves had an asymmetrically sigmoid outline. Most extension took place uninterruptedly between mid-September 1996 and the end of January 1997. Extension rate reached its highest value in the second half of the extension period. Leaf unfolding rate had a peak early in the extension period and fluctuated irregularly later on. The apical meristem of all shoots died by the end of shoot extension. In general terms, shoot length, diameter, leaf number and extension duration decreased from the first to the third position from the parent shoot’s apex, although exceptions to this pattern were found. Shoot extension rate was affected by maximum and minimum daily temperatures but not by the amount of precipitation during the extension period. The size of a bud was not related to the size of the shoot derived from it. The size of shoots in the third position from the apex was related to parent shoot size; this was not the case for more distal shoots. Received: 14 May 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neoformation is the process by which organs not preformed in a bud are developed on a growing shoot, generally after preformation extension. The study of neoformation in trees has been hindered due to methodological reasons. The present report is aimed at assessing the relative importance of preformation and neoformation in the development of shoots of woody species. METHODS: A deconvolution method was applied to estimate the distribution of the number of neoformed organs for eight data sets corresponding to four Nothofagus species and a Juglans hybrid. KEY RESULTS: The number of preformed organs was higher and less variable than the number of neoformed organs. Neoformation contributed more than preformation to explain full-size differences between shoots developed in different positions within the architecture of each tree species. CONCLUSIONS: Differences between the distributions of the numbers of preformed and neoformed organs may be explained by alluding to the duration of differentiation and extension for each of these groups of organs. The deconvolution of distributions is a useful tool for the analysis of neoformation and shoot structure in trees.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Trees with a partial leaf-shedding pattern and other morphological features a priori considered intermediate between those of the deciduous Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forster) Oersted and the evergreen N. dombeyi (Mirb.) Oersted (Nothofagaceae) were found in natural stands. The hybridization between a deciduous and an evergreen species of Nothofagus has not been reported so far in natural communities. METHODS: The putative hybrids and the two presumed parental species were compared using 14 enzyme systems as well as shoot, leaf and reproductive morphology. KEY RESULTS: Six enzyme systems showed good resolution (MDH-B, IDH, SKDH, 6-PGDH, GOT and PGI) and in four of them (PGI, MDH-B, SKDH and 6-PGDH) the putative hybrids showed intermediate zymogram patterns between N. antarctica and N. dombeyi. Both principal coordinates analysis on isozyme data and principal components analysis (PCA) on quantitative morphological traits of shoots and leaves separated both parental species and located the putative hybrids closer to N. antarctica than to N. dombeyi. In the PCA, the number of basal cataphylls and the length : width ratio of leaves were the variables most discriminating among shoots of the three entities. The putative hybrids were intermediate between both species regarding leaf vernation, outline and venation, variation in leaf shape (length/width) with position on the parent shoot and in staminate inflorescence and cupule morphology. For other morphological traits, the putative hybrids resembled one of the parental species or differed from both species (e.g. valve morphology). CONCLUSIONS: Isoenzymatic and morphological data sets support the idea of the hybrid nature (probably F1 generation) of the semi-deciduous trees found. Nothofagus antarctica and N. dombeyi are probably more closely related than previously assumed. The relevance of pollen type in revealing evolutionary relationships between Nothofagus species is supported, and that of leaf-shedding pattern is rejected.  相似文献   

An analysis was carried out on the length, diameter and number of leaves, and the ratios between these variables for current-year growth units (sibling growth units) derived from different nodes of previous-year growth units (parent growth units) of young Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus pumilio trees. Changes in sibling growth unit length, diameter, and number of leaves with position on the parent growth unit were assessed. In both species, sibling-growth unit morphology varied according to both the axis type of the parent growth unit and the position of the sibling growth unit on its parent growth unit. For the largest parent growth units, the length, diameter and number of leaves of their sibling growth units decreased from distal to proximal positions on the parent growth unit. Distal sibling growth units had a more slender stem and longer internodes than proximal sibling growth units. Sibling growth units in equivalent positions tended to have a more slender stem for N. dombeyi than for N. pumilio. Long main-branch growth units of N. pumilio had longer internodes than those of N. dombeyi; the converse was true for shorter growth units. The growth unit diameter/leaf number ratio was consistently higher for N. pumilio than for N. dombeyi. Nothofagus pumilio axes would go through a faster transition from an 'exploring' morphology to an 'exploiting' morphology than N. dombeyi axes. Within- and between-species variations in growth unit morphology should be considered when assessing the adaptive value of the branching pattern of plants.  相似文献   

  Cupule and pistillate inflorescence morphology is described in detail for the first time for a number of species in Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia. The architecture and temporal appearance of prophylls, flowers, and cupule valves is dichasial; the cupule valves are third and higher order shoot systems. Comparative studies demonstrate that the dorsal rows of appendages on the cupule valves have a similar arrangement, and each row exhibits the same temporal pattern of development. This suggests that the cupule valves in all species have a modular construction and consist of rows of homologous appendages. This study clearly demonstrates the uniform groundplan of the pistillate inflorescence in this subgenus. Received March 14, 2002; accepted May 8, 2002 Published online: September 13, 2002  相似文献   

The organogenetic cycle of shoots on main branches of 4-year-old Juglans regia trees was studied. Mono- and bicyclic floriferous and vegetative annual shoots were analysed. Five parent annual shoot types were sampled between October 1992 and August 1993. Organogenesis of summer growth units was monitored between 16 Jun. and 3 Aug. 1993. Variations over time in the number of nodes, cataphylls and embryonic green leaves of terminal buds were studied. The number of nodes of parent shoot buds was compared with the number of nodes of shoots derived from parent shoot buds. The spring growth units of mono- and bicyclic shoots consist exclusively of preformed leaves which were differentiated, respectively, during the spring flush of growth (mid-April until mid-May) or the summer flush of growth (mid-June until early August) in the previous growing season. Thus, winter buds may consist of flower and leaf primordia differentiated in two different periods during annual shoot extension. The summer growth units of bicyclic shoots consist of preformed leaves that were differentiated in spring buds during the spring flush of growth in the current growing season. Bud morphology is compared between spring and summer shoots.  相似文献   

The effect of glaciation on the levels and patterns of genetic variation has been well studied in the Northern Hemisphere. However, although glaciation has undoubtedly shaped the genetic structure of plants in the Southern Hemisphere, fewer studies have characterized the effect, and almost none of them using microsatellites. Particularly, complex patterns of genetic structure might be expected in areas such as the Andes, where both latitudinal and altitudinal glacial advance and retreat have molded modern plant communities. We therefore studied the population genetics of three closely related, hybridizing species of Nothofagus (Nobliqua, N. alpina, and N. glauca, all of subgenus Lophozonia; Nothofagaceae) from Chile. To estimate population genetic parameters and infer the influence of the last ice age on the spatial and genetic distribution of these species, we examined and analyzed genetic variability at seven polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci in 640 individuals from 40 populations covering most of the ranges of these species in Chile. Populations showed no significant inbreeding and exhibited relatively high levels of genetic diversity (HE = 0.502–0.662) and slight, but significant, genetic structure (RST = 8.7–16.0%). However, in N. obliqua, the small amount of genetic structure was spatially organized into three well‐defined latitudinal groups. Our data may also suggest some introgression of N. alpina genes into N. obliqua in the northern populations. These results allowed us to reconstruct the influence of the last ice age on the genetic structure of these species, suggesting several centers of genetic diversity for N. obliqua and N. alpina, in agreement with the multiple refugia hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plants vary widely in their relative growth rate (RGR), be it dependent on environmental conditions or due to their genetic background. In a comparison of the RGR of grasses growing under different environmental conditions, variation in RGR tends to correlate with that in the leaf elongation rate (LER). When different species or genotypes thereof are compared under identical growing conditions, variation in LER may or may not correlate with that in RGR, depending on the comparison. However, since RGR is described by an exponential equation, whereas LER is mainly a linear process, we conclude that any correlation between RGR and LER must be fortuitous. That is, exponential growth must be due to increases with time in plant traits such as 1) leaf dry mass per unit leaf length invested per unit time, and/or 2), i.e., the total LER of all the growing leaves at one point in time. The latter can be achieved as follows: 1) each subsequent leaf has a higher LER than the preceding one; 2) leaves appear at an increasing rate; 3) the duration of the process of leaf elongation increases for subsequent leaves. In this review, we only explore possible factors that account for changes in with time, in different genotypes and under different environmental conditions. Inherent variation in LER of individual leaves and variation due to environmental factors may reflect variation in the rate of cell division and/or in cell elongation.  相似文献   

 We relate nectar sugar composition with floral visitors in samples from two biogeographic regions from Argentina: Chaco (99 spp. from its southern region) and Patagonia (48 spp. from its central region), using our own data published in earlier papers. The variables to be compared were sugar ratio and sucrose percentage. Differences in the sugar composition were observed when comparing both regions. Bee- and butterfly-visited Patagonian species showed lower sucrose percentages and sugar ratios than Chaquean species; i.e., a convergence in sugar composition was not verified. Moth-visited species showed a wide range of sucrose proportions and sugar ratios in both regions with no significant differences between them. As the differences found in sugar ratio between Chaco and Patagonia, according to the predominant pollinator guilds, may have been influenced by the sample size, we searched for similarities in sugar ratios between plants with the same visitor type in a comparative way, comparing our data pooled together against data by Baker and Baker's (1983a). Our data do not agree with theirs, i.e., no trends can be drawn for bees, moths, and butterflies sugar preferences. The exceptions were the hummingbird-visited species that showed a similar pattern in both cases, i.e., there is a convergence among plants offering nectar with a predominance of sucrose. To evaluate whether closely related species within a family have similar nectar composition and flower visitors, regardless of their region, sugar proportions were compared in several families. Hexose nectars were predominant in Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Verbenaceae, while sucrose nectars prevailed in Bromeliaceae and Onagraceae. Nectar composition seems to be a more conservative trait than flower morphology. This may be a reason to explain the absence of a convergence in sugar composition between plants growing in different biogeographical regions that share the same animal visitor guilds. Received August 27, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

 In order to investigate the variability of the polymorphic Capparis spinosa L., a comparative study was carried out in Sicily on subsp. spinosa and subsp. rupestris. Autecology, phenology, quantitative morphology, plant architecture and leaf development of several populations were examined. These data reveal a parapatric distribution of the two subspecies and support their present taxonomic treatment. Subsp. spinosa is widespread on clay soils and shows remarkable intrapopulational variation. It is characterized by shortened reproductive and vegetative periods, high shoot growth rate, winter-desiccating shoot system and stipular thorns. Subsp. rupestris, less variable and linked with carbonatic and volcanic outcrops, shows prolonged phenological patterns, slow growth rate, woody habit and caducous stipules. A noteworthy phenotypic convergence with subsp. rupestris was observed in individuals of subsp. spinosa growing in rocky habitats. The evolutionary trends of Capparis spinosa in the Mediterranean region are discussed. Received March 29, 2000 Accepted April 6, 2001  相似文献   

湖南紫菀属(菊科)一新变种--垂茎三脉紫菀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了湖南紫菀属Aster一新变种——垂茎三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.pendulus W.P.Li&G X.Chen。新变种与宽伞三蔓脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.laticorymbus(Vant.)Hand.-Mazz.最为接近,但以如下特征与之相区别:茎下垂,基生叶和茎下部叶背面常为紫色,茎生叶常条形,叶上面被糙毛,总苞片较宽。新变种因叶常条形和舌状花白色而与小花三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.microanthus Ling相似,但总苞片顶端旱绿色,1.25-1.75mm宽,具明显横走地下茎而不同。  相似文献   

Bauhinia pottsii G. Don, B. subsessilis Craib, B. velutina (Wall. ex Benth.) Baker, B. mollissima (Wall.) Prain, and B. decipiens Craib were recently recognized as five varieties of Bauhinia pottsii G. Don. They grow naturally in southern Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina and the Malay Peninsula. Bauhinia pottsii var. decipiens (Craib) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen is endemic to Thailand and known only from the type collection, so it was omitted from this study. Quantitative and qualitative morphological characters were examined in 200 specimens using multivariate and univariate analyses to determine the taxonomic relationship among the four. Some variation in qualitative characters was found between the varieties which separated them as previously defined in Flora of Thailand. Forty-three quantitative characters were subjected to cluster analysis to allow an objective classification into groups. The groups were subsequently evaluated by a canonical discriminant analysis. It was found that these characters collectively support the four varieties as defined by qualitative characters. However, the close relationship of varieties mollissima (Wall. ex Prain) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen and velutina (Wall. ex Benth.) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen is observed. The linear discriminant function has an overall rate of 98.5% correct classification and is useful for variety classification. Among quantitative characters, petal-claw length and ovarystalk length together with some qualitative characters are useful for key construction to separate the four varieties. Received April 24, 2001 Accepted December 11, 2001  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Shoot architecture variability in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) was analysed using a generic modelling approach based on thermal time developed for annual herbaceous species. The analysis of shoot architecture was based on various levels of shoot organization, including pre-existing and newly formed parts of the stem, and on the modular structure of the stem, which consists of a repeated succession of three phytomers (P0-P1-P2). METHODS: Four experiments were carried out using the cultivar 'Grenache N': two on potted vines (one of which was carried out in a glasshouse) and two on mature vines in a vineyard. These experiments resulted in a broad diversity of environmental conditions, but none of the plants experienced soil water deficit. KEY RESULTS: Development of the main axis was highly dependent on air temperature, being linearly related to thermal time for all stages of leaf development from budbreak to veraison. The stable progression of developmental stages along the main stem resulted in a thermal-time based programme of leaf development. Leaf expansion rate varied with trophic competition (shoot and cluster loads) and environmental conditions (solar radiation, VPD), accounting for differences in final leaf area. Branching pattern was highly variable. Classification of the branches according to ternary modular structure increased the accuracy of the quantitative analysis of branch development. The rate and duration of leaf production were higher for branches derived from P0 phytomers than for branches derived from P1 or P2 phytomers. Rates of leaf production, expressed as a -function of thermal time, were not stable and depended on trophic competition and environmental conditions such as solar radiation or VPD. CONCLUSIONS: The application to grapevine of a generic model developed in annual plants made it possible to identify constants in main stem development and to determine the hierarchical structure of branches with respect to the modular structure of the stem in response to intra- and inter-shoot trophic competition.  相似文献   

Understanding how growth and development of durum wheat cultivars respond to drought could provide a basis to develop crop improvement programmes in drought-affected tropical and subtropical countries. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the responses of five durum wheat cultivars to moisture stress at different developmental phases. Phenology, total dry matter (TDM), relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf weight ratio (LWR), specific leaf area (SLA) and shoot:root ratio were compared. Pre-anthesis moisture stress delayed phenological development, whereas post-anthesis moisture stress accelerated it. TDM accumulation rate was different between drought-resistant and susceptible cultivars. RGR and its components changed with age and moisture availability. Drought-resistant cultivars had a high RGR in favourable periods of the growing season and a low RGR during moisture stress. In contrast, the drought-susceptible cultivar (Po) showed an opposite trend. LAR explained the differences in RGR (r=0.788) best, whereas the relationship between NAR and RGR was not significant. Even though both LWR and SLA were important factors determining the potential growth rate, LWR was of major importance to describe cultivar differences in LAR, and consequently in RGR. The drought-resistant cultivars Omrabi-5 and Boohai showed vigorous root development and/or a low shoot:root ratio. It is concluded that biomass allocation is the major factor explaining variation in RGR among the investigated durum wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

 We studied nectar characteristics during the long flowering period (late June to end of November) in two populations of Linaria vulgaris (L.) Mill. spontaneously growing in the Botanical Gardens of Siena University (Tuscany, central Italy). The two populations were close to each other but they differed in blooming period. Plants of population 1 sprouted in May and flowered from the end of June to the end of September. Population 2 sprouted at the end of August and flowered from September to the end of November. Differences in nectar production and composition were found between and within populations. Flowers of population 1 produced a very small amount of nectar (not collectable) that remained on the nectary surface. The quantity of nectar increased in late September, when each flower produced 2–3 μl of nectar that flowed into the spur. Total sugar concentration was 175.8 mg/ml in young flowers. Flowers of population 2 produced 5–8 μl of nectar with a total sugar concentration of 200.9 mg/ml in the young stage. In bagged senescent flowers nectar volume decreased in both populations and nectar sugar concentration decreased down to 11.6 mg/ml in population 2 and increased up to 289.6 mg/ml in population 1. For both populations, the decrease in nectar volume in bagged flowers may have been due to water loss by evaporation. In population 2, the decrease in sugar concentration may have been due to nectar reabsorption that was never observed in population 1. Nectar variability is discussed in relation to insect visits and seed set. Received August 14, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

 The Chenopodiaceae genus Salsola contains a large number of species with C4 photosynthesis. Along with derivative genera they have a prominent position among the desert vegetation of Asia and Africa. About 130 species from Asia and Africa were investigated to determine the occurrence of C3 versus C4 syndrome in leaves and cotyledons, and to study specific anatomical and biochemical features of photosynthesis in both photosynthetic organs. The species studied belong to all six previously identified sections of the tribe Salsoleae based on morphological characters. Types of photosynthesis were identified using carbon 13C/12C isotope fractionation. The representatives of all systematic groups were investigated for mesophyll anatomy and biochemical subtypes by determination of enzyme activity (RUBPC, PEPC, NAD- and NADP-ME and AAT) and primary photosynthetic products. Two photosynthetic types (C3 and C4) and two biochemical subtypes (NAD- and NADP-ME) were identified in both leaves and cotyledons. Both Kranz and non-Kranz type anatomy were found in leaves and cotyledons, but cotyledons had more diversity in anatomical structure. Strong relationships between anatomical types and biochemical subtypes in leaves and cotyledons were shown. We found convincing evidence for a similar pattern of structural and biochemical features of photosynthesis in leaves and cotyledons within systematic groups, and evaluated their relevance at the evolutionary level. We identified six groups in tribe Salsoleae with respect to photosynthetic types and mesophyll structure in leaves and cotyledons. Two separate lineages of biochemical and anatomical evolution within Salsoleae were demonstrated based on studies of leaves and cotyledons. The sections Caroxylon, Malpighipila, Cardiandra and Belanthera have no C3 species and only the NAD-ME C4 subtype has been found in leaves. We suggest the C4 species in the NADP-ME lineage evolved in Coccosalsola and Salsola sections, and originated in the subsection Arbuscula. Coccosalsola contains many species with C3 and/or C3-C4 intermediate photosynthesis. Within these main evolutionary lineages, species of different taxonomic groups (sections and subsections) had differences in anatomical or/and biochemical features in leaves and cotyledons. We conclude that structural and biochemical changes in the photosynthetic apparatus in species of the tribe Salsoleae were a key factor in their evolution and broad distribution in extreme desert environments. Received January 25, 2001 Accepted July 17, 2001  相似文献   

 Variation at seven microsatellite loci was investigated in three local E. alaskanus populations from Norway and microsatellite variation was compared with allozyme variation. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 81%, the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 5.7 and expected heterozygosity was 0.37. An F-statistic analysis revealed an overall 48% deficit of heterozygotes over Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Gene diversity is mainly explained by the within population component. The averaged between population differentiation coefficient, F st , over 7 loci is only 0.13, which accounts for only 13% of the whole diversity and was contrary to allozyme analysis. The mean genetic distance between populations was 0.12. However, a χ2 -test showed that allele frequencies were different (p < 0.05) among the populations at 5 of the 7 loci. In comparison with the genetic variation detected by allozymes, microsatellite loci showed higher levels of genetic variation. Microsatellite analysis revealed that population H10576 possesses the lowest genetic variation among the tested three populations, which concur with allozyme analysis. The dendrogram generated by microsatellites agreed very well with allozymic data. Our results suggest that natural selection may be an important factor in shaping the genetic diversity in these three local E. alaskanus populations. Possible explanations for deficit heterozygosity and incongruence between microsatellites and allozymes are discussed. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 24, 2002 Published online: November 14, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Genlou Sun (e-mail: Genlou.sun@STMARYS.CA), Biology Department, Saint Mary's University, Halifax. Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3, Canada. B. Salomon, R. von Bothmer, Department of Crop Science, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 44, SE-230 53, Alnarp, Sweden.  相似文献   

 The structure of floral nectaries of Crataegus coccinea and C. crus-galli was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The radial length of the floral nectary, measured from longitudinal sections of flowers, was 30% larger in C. crus-galli than in C. coccinea. For both Crataegus species the glandular tissue thickness was similar – approx. 400 μm. Also, the number of stomata per mm2 of nectary surface in C. crus-galli was much higher (by 43%) than for C. coccinea. Stomata were situated in deep hollows. For both taxa the period of nectar secretion was 4 days. The mean quantity of total sugar in nectar per 10 flowers of C. crus-galli and C. coccinea was 3.87 mg and 0.33 mg, respectively. Received August 28, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

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