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Following an outbreak of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in south-eastern Mauritania during 1998, entomological investigations were conducted for 2 years in the affected parts of Senegal and Mauritania, spanning the Sénégal River basin. A total of 92 787 mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), belonging to 10 genera and 41 species, were captured in light traps. In Senegal, Culex poicilipes (41%) and Mansonia uniformis (39%) were the most abundant species caught, whereas Aedes vexans (77%) and Cx. poicilipes (15%) predominated in Mauritania. RVF virus was isolated from 63 pools of Cx. poicilipes: 36 from Senegal in 1998 and 27 from Mauritania in 1999. These results are the first field evidence of Cx. poicilipes naturally infected with RVFV, and the first isolations of this virus from mosquitoes in Mauritania - the main West African epidemic and epizootic area. Additional arbovirus isolates comprised 25 strains of Bagaza (BAG) from Aedes fowleri, Culex neavei and Cx. poicilipes; 67 Sanar (ArD 66707) from Cx. poicilipes; 51 Wesselsbron (WSL) from Ae. vexans and 30 strains of West Nile (WN) from Ma. uniformis, showing differential specific virus-vector associations in the circulation activity of these five arboviruses.  相似文献   

归化是外来植物越过一系列障碍成为入侵植物的基本前提,对归化植物的种类组成及分布规律进行研究,有助于预防和管控植物入侵.该文基于文献报道和标本记录,对中国西部地区共12省(区)126个地级市的归化植物进行统计(包含所有维管束植物),并分析了这些植物的组成和时空分布特征.结果表明:(1)西部地区共有归化植物826种,分属1...  相似文献   

In mid-September 2000, Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus was diagnosed as the cause of infection in humans and livestock in Jizan Region, Saudi Arabia. This is the first time that this arbovirus has been found outside Africa and Madagascar. Collections of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) were therefore undertaken (from 25 September to 10 October) at eight sites during the epidemic to obtain mosquitoes for attempted RVF virus isolation. Among 23 699 mosquito females tested, six isolations of RVF virus were made from 15 428 Culex (Culex) tritaeniorhynchus Giles and seven from 8091 Aedes (Aedimorphus) vexans arabiensis Patton [corrected]. Minimum mosquito infection rates per 1000 at sites with infected mosquitoes were 0.3-13.8 Cx. tritaeniorhynchus and 1.94-9.03 Ae. v. arabiensis. Viral activity moved northwards as collecting was in progress and collectors 'caught up' with the virus at the two most northerly sites on the last two trapping evenings. Other species occurred in small numbers and were identified but not tested. Both Cx. tritaeniorhynchus and Ae. v. arabiensis were susceptible to RVF virus and transmitted between hamsters, and an additional quantitative test with Cx. tritaeniorhynchus showed that 71-73% of mosquitoes became infected after ingesting 6.9-7.9 log10 FFU/mL of virus; transmission rates were 10% (post-infection day 14) and 26% (post-infection day 20). It was concluded that both species were vectors on grounds of abundance, distribution, preference for humans and sheep, the virus isolations and vector competence tests.  相似文献   

The nematode associations in six Ethiopian rift lakes, one man-made lake, and three crater lakes were studied and related to water conductivity, lake depth and sediment particle size. The lakes investigated lie at moderate altitudes (1200–2000 m), are alkaline and vary in their conductivities. The rift lakes Abijata and Shala and the crater lakes Aranguadi, Kilotes and Chitu are soda lakes (K25 > 6000 μS cm−1), while the remaining five lakes and the man-made Lake Koka are within the freshwater range of conductivity (K25 < 6000 μS cm−1). A total of 16 species were identified including six new species. The nematode associations varied between lakes and were restricted to very few species in each lake. Most nematodes were restricted to non-saline lakes. The most dilute L. Zwai had a higher number of nematode species (12) and abundance than other lakes. The saline lakes Shala and Kilotes had nematode assemblages made up of only a single species (Mesodorylaimus macrospiculum). No nematodes were found in the hypersaline crater L. Chitu. Tobrilus africanus appeared more euryhaline than other nematodes occurring at conductivities as high as 15 000 μ S cm−1 (L. Abijata). Five of the most common species (Dorylaimus sp., Monhystera stagnalis, Aphanolaimus tudoranceai, Tobrilus africanus and Actinolaimus perplexus) were associated with medium grained sand. A monthly variation in density of nematodes in L. Zwai is also shown.  相似文献   

西太湖水生植物时空变化   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
水生植物在浅水湖泊生态系统中具有十分重要的作用。根据中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统研究站1989年以来的常规监测资料,将西太湖(除东太湖以外的湖区)划分为9个区,采用点截法(point intercept method),于2002~2005年对各区水生植物的种类、生物量和空间分布情况进行了6次调查。结果表明:西太湖现有水生植物16种,分属于11科12属;水生植物总面积约10220hm^2,其中沉水植物分布面积约占64.58%;挺水植物约占0.29%;漂浮植物约占38.16%。各个种之间生物量差异显著,马来眼子菜、荇菜、芦苇的生物量在所有水生植物中居前3位。多样性分析表明,水生植物种类4a来未发生明显变化,但种类和生物量季节性差异较大。水生植物呈环状分布在距湖岸5km以内的水域和部分岛屿周围,东岸和南岸为水生植物的主要集中分布区域,分布区连续性好,且水草种类齐全。挺水植物种类单一,仅有芦苇(Phragmites communis)一种,分布区域多限于水深小于1.6m的湖岸;沉水植物共有8种,为水生植物的主要组成部分,马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)的分布频度最高,在西山岛周围水域逐年扩张,成为该区域的先锋种;漂浮植物3种,主要以荇菜(Nymphoides peltata)为主,在七都水域有逐渐扩张的趋势。马来眼子菜、芦苇、荇菜表现出对水环境较强的适应能力,目前为西太湖的3个优势种。20世纪50年代以来,西太湖水生植物种类减少了50种,其中水质下降是导致水生植物种类不断减少甚至消失的一个重要原因。围网养殖和不合理的捕捞方式也对局部水域的植物造成极大的破坏。水生植物生存环境日益严峻,种群单一化趋势日益明显。  相似文献   

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a growing health problem in West Africa. In northern Senegal, the candidate vectors of this arbovirosis are Aedes (Aedimorphus) vexans Meigen and Culex (Culex) poicilipes Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). Domestic ruminants are the reservoirs of the virus. A study was undertaken during the 2002 rainy season to assess spatial and temporal variations in exposure to mosquito bites in sheep herds, and to evaluate the possible consequences on the risk of RVF transmission to sheep. Mosquitoes were collected with sheep-baited traps. The number of Ae. vexans females (the predominant species during the 2002 rainy season) trapped per trap-night was the dependent variable in statistical analyses. The trapping periods were divided into six series of two to five consecutive days, from July to November 2002. Three temporary ponds were selected according to their ecological features: depth, bank slope, size and vegetation cover. Traps were laid on the pond bank and in the nearest available compound, close to the sheep night pen. Data were analysed using mixed-effects Poisson models. The explanatory variables were the trapping period, the pond, and the capture site. The exposure to mosquito bites varied according to the pond type, suggesting that the risk of transmission was spatially heterogeneous. However, there was no obvious trend in transmission risk due to the effect of the distance from the compound to the pond. The period with the highest exposure was in October, i.e. when transhumant herds left the Ferlo to relocate to their dry-season settlement. It is thus hypothesized that transhumance, the seasonal movements of herds, plays a significant role in the dissemination of RVF virus in the region.  相似文献   

Active catches of adult females of Aedes vexans arabiensis Patton, (Diptera: Culicidae) Patton by nets or aspirator, were conducted in 2003 and 2004 in the vegetation at the edge of temporary ponds in Barkedji, Senegalese Ferlo area. Two hundred and forty-one engorged females were captured, dissected and the gut content adsorbed on a Whatman filter paper and analysed using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique to determinate the bloodmeal origin. Results indicated that Ae v. arabiensis fed primarily on mammals, including horses (35.7% of the bloodmeals), but also on birds (10%). Moreover, associations between horses and birds accounted for 42% of the mixed bloodmeals. These results show an opportunistic feeding behaviour and suggest that Ae v. arabiensis is a probable vector bridging the West Nile virus between horses and birds hosts in the Ferlo area.  相似文献   

Floodwater aedine mosquito eggs were recovered from soil samples taken from grassland depressions, called pans, in the Orange Free State Province of South Africa. A sedge, Mariscus congestus (Vahl) C.B.Cl., was a useful indicator of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) juppi McIntosh oviposition areas. No transovarial transmission of virus was demonstrated by Ae.juppi females reared from the eggs and allowed to feed shortly after eclosion on hamsters. No virus was recovered from 557 pools of 5425 adult Ae.juppi that were collected as eggs and reared to the adult stage in the laboratory. Rift Valley fever virus replicated to high titres in experimentally infected Ae.juppi females, but horizontal transmission experiments proved inconclusive.  相似文献   

流沙湾海草床海域浮游植物的时空分布及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2008年2月至11月对广东省流沙湾海草床海域的浮游植物进行了周年的季节调查,结果共检出浮游植物151种:冬季57种、春季66种、夏季73种、秋季66种,其中硅藻门44属123种,占浮游植物种类数的81.4%;甲藻门11属26种,占浮游植物种类数的17.2%;绿藻门和蓝藻门各1属1种,各占浮游植物种类数的0.7%。优势种共有26种,主要为夜光藻Noctiluca scintillans、威氏角毛藻Chaetoceros weissflogii、圆海链藻Thalassiosira rotula、菱形海线藻Thalassionema nitzschioides等,都是链状群体或个体较细长或较大的种类,没有个体较短小的优势种群;各季节间共有种类数在22-43种,Jaccard种类相似性指数范围在0.211-0.448,多样性指数和均匀度平均值分别为2.12和0.35,群落结构较脆弱;细胞丰度在0.24×104-5.72×104 个/L,秋季最高,夏季次之,冬季最低,属季节单峰型变化,与一般亚热带春、秋季出现丰度高峰不一致。相关性分析发现,浮游植物丰度与活性硅酸盐呈极显著的正相关,与盐度呈显著的负相关,与其他因子不存在明显的相关性;叶绿素a浓度与水温呈极显著的负相关,与浮游动物丰度呈显著的负相关。从浮游植物吸收N、P的配比分析,N为四季的营养限制因子,但从N、P的绝对值看,N和P都是全年的营养限制因子,因此其水质营养类型属于亚热带贫营养型。  相似文献   

肉桂双瓣卷蛾Polylopha cassiicola是危害肉桂Cinnamomum cassia和樟树Cinnamomum canphora嫩梢的一种重要钻蛀性害虫,对华南地区肉桂和樟树的发展造成了严重威胁。为了有效地控制该害虫,准确掌握其最适防治时期是非常必要的。2013-2015年采用物候法、期距法和空间分布型分析方法,对肉桂双瓣卷蛾的发生期进行预测和幼虫空间分布型进行了研究。结果表明,肉桂双瓣卷蛾在林间属聚集分布,是害虫本身的生物学特性和樟树林不同样地不同生境共同作用的结果。采用物候法预测樟树林肉桂双瓣卷蛾成虫盛发日,采用期距法预测幼虫发生时间基本吻合,可按照预测的时间进行防治或适当提前进行防治。  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) could be introduced into Germany via migratory birds originating from Africa or southern Europe and subsequently transmitted to indigenous birds, humans, or horses by mosquitoes. Neither the virus itself nor antibodies against WNV have yet to be found in mosquitoes and horses, whereas antibodies have been detected in migrating birds and in humans that were in close contact with birds. At present, the West Nile virus itself has yet to be detected in Germany. This investigation was conducted primarily in major bird breeding, resting, and roosting habitats (hotspots) in the Upper Rhine Valley. Adult mosquitoes were trapped using CO2‐baited Encephalitis Vector Surveillance (EVS)‐traps and were tested for WNV by the VecTest WNV Antigen Assay. In 2007 and 2008, a total of 11,073 host‐seeking adult female mosquitoes (13 species) were tested, and all tests were negative for WNV. Statistical calculations could be performed only where sufficient numbers of mosquitoes were trapped. For these sites, WNV infection among mosquitoes could be ruled out with 80% certainty. For the evaluation of the WNV situation in Germany, the results of this investigation are a further indication that the virus has not yet arrived.  相似文献   

In the late summer of 1998, an outbreak of equine encephalomyelitis due to West Nile virus (WNV) occurred in the Tuscany region of central Italy. The disease was detected in 14 race horses from nine localities in four Provinces: Firenze, Lucca, Pisa and Pistoia. The outbreak area included Fucecchio wetlands (1800 ha), the largest inland marsh in Italy, and the adjacent hilly Cerbaie woodlands with farms breeding horses. To detect potential vectors of WNV, entomological surveys of Fucecchio and Cerbaie were undertaken during 1999-2002 by collecting mosquito larvae from breeding sites and adult mosquitoes by several methods of sampling. Among 6023 mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) collected, 11 species were identified: Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Ae. vexans (Meigen), Anopheles atroparvus Van Thiel, An. maculipennis Meigen s.s., An. plumbeus Stephens, Culex impudicus Ficalbi, Cx. pipiens L., Culiseta longiareolata Macquart), Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas), Oc. detritus (Haliday) and Oc. geniculatus (Olivier). In Fucecchio marshes, Cx. impudicus predominated with seasonal peak densities in spring and autumn: its greatest abundance during early spring coincides with arrival of migratory birds from Africa. In Cerbaie hills, Cx. pipiens predominated with peak population density in late summer. No viruses were isolated from 665 mosquitoes processed. These findings, plus other data on Italian mosquito bionomics, suggest a possible mode of WNV transmission involving the most abundant Culex in the Fucecchio-Cerbaie areas. Culex impudicus, being partly ornithophilic, might transmit WNV from migratory to non-migratory birds during springtime; Cx. pipiens, having a broader host range, would be more likely to transmit WNV from birds to horses and, perhaps, to humans by late summer.  相似文献   

中国Holdridge生命地带平均中心的时空分布及其偏移趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范泽孟  岳天祥  田永中 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1380-1387
在分析目前生态地理模型及其实现方法的基础上 ,提出基于 ARC/ INFO与 VC 综合集成的先插值再运行模型的全新研究方法和技术路线 ,克服了以前模型实现过程中所存在的局限性。利用中国 1 96 2~ 2 0 0 2年 735个站点逐日温度与降水量观测数据 ,通过对 Holdridge生命地带模型和生命地带平均中心模型进行模拟运算后获得中国 Holdridge生命地带类型平均中心时空分布图及 2 0世纪 6 0、70、80与 90年代平均中心偏移趋势图。从生命地带类型平均中心时空分布及其偏移趋势分析研究中发现 ,生命地带类型平均中心的时空分布及其偏移趋势与相关气候因子的变化趋势相对应 ,并能够很好地与我国土地覆被类型实际的空间分布及其变化情况相符 ;各种生命地带类型平均面积的变化规律与相应的气候因子的变化趋势 (尤其是降水量、温度 )存在着一定相关性。另外 ,通过对我国生命地带类型平均面积比例大小进行排序分析发现与我国土地覆被类型的实际情况能够很好吻合  相似文献   

拉缘蝽空间格局测定结果表明,拉缘蝽的1—3龄若虫、4—5龄若虫和成虫等各虫态的空间格局均属于聚集分布,拉缘蝽1—3龄若虫聚集度最高,4—5龄若虫聚集度下降,成虫聚集度更低。在拉缘蝽空间格局的基础上,确定了Kuno风险决策序贯抽样表和1wao—Kuno(1968)理论抽样数。  相似文献   

桃一点斑叶蝉种群消长动态和空间分布型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究探明了桃一点斑叶蝉Erythroneurasudra种群消长动态和空间分布型 ,结果表明 :该虫在桃园全年共出现 3个为害高峰 ,分别发生于 4月下旬、5月下旬和 8月上旬 ;该害虫在桃园中呈聚集型的负二项分布。讨论了适宜取样调查方法。  相似文献   

珠三角河网水域栅藻的时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠三角河网水域是珠江之水流入南海的必经之地,对2012年该水域浮游植物群落中的栅藻种类丰富度和生物量的时空特征及其环境影响因子进行系统阐析。调查期间共发现栅藻24种(包括变种、变型),其中具刺和无刺种类分别为11种和13种。出现率高且生物量贡献率大的物种仅3种,包括被甲栅藻原变种(Scenedesmus armatus var.armatus)、被甲栅藻博格变种双尾变型(S.armatus var.boglariensis f.bicaudatus)和二形栅藻(S.dimorphus),分析认为这3个物种在栅藻种群中的生态优势很可能与其形态特征存在一定的关联。栅藻种类丰富度的季节分布呈现丰水期高于枯水期的特征,空间分布呈现河网中部站位低于外侧站位的特征。此外,种类丰富度的空间分布格局存在季节差异,丰水季节呈现河网中部站位明显低于外侧站位的特征,而枯水季节西江沿线站位种类丰富度明显偏低。分析认为,水温和径流是影响栅藻种类丰富度季节变动的关键因素;同时,径流也是影响总种类丰富度空间分布格局的关键因素,而水温和营养盐是影响不同季节种类丰富度的空间格局的重要因素。栅藻种群生物量的季节分布呈现丰水期高于枯水期的特征,空间分布表现为珠江桥站位的生物量明显高于其它站位。分析认为,径流和水温是决定种群生物量季节变动的关键因素,而营养盐、水体稳定性和盐度是决定生物量空间分布格局的关键因素。栅藻生物量与种类丰富度的关系基本符合单峰模型,且偏重于单峰模型的上升区,丰富了全球多样性模式的分级特征和区域特征。  相似文献   

訾园园  郗敏  孔范龙  李悦  杨玲 《生态学杂志》2016,27(7):2075-2083
在胶州湾选取芦苇、碱蓬、光滩及大米草4种典型滨海湿地类型,分季节和层次采集土壤样品,测定土壤有机碳含量,分析滨海湿地土壤有机碳的时空分布及储量.结果表明: 垂直方向上,除光滩湿地沿剖面呈先减小后稍有上升的趋势外,其他湿地均随土壤深度的增加而减小;水平方向上,湿地土壤有机碳含量表现为大米草湿地>光滩湿地>碱蓬湿地>芦苇湿地;季节上,湿地土壤有机碳含量表现为春季>夏季>秋季>冬季.土壤有机碳含量与土壤含盐量、含水率、TN及C/N呈正相关,与土壤容重、pH值呈负相关.不同类型湿地土壤剖面有机碳密度表现为光滩湿地>芦苇湿地>碱蓬湿地,湿地类型对土壤有机碳含量和有机碳密度分布的影响存在一定差异.因储碳层厚度及储碳层内有机碳密度的差异,光滩湿地单位面积有机碳储量明显高于碱蓬和芦苇湿地,具有较大的储碳潜能,对研究区滨海湿地起到一定的碳汇作用.  相似文献   

王燕  毕润成  许强 《广西植物》2017,37(7):901-911
为探究针阔混交林群落的空间分布特性、种间关系及演替规律,该研究通过点格局分析方法中的Ripley’L函数对山西太岳山南部1 hm~2针阔混交林中主要乔木种群的空间分布格局及空间关联性进行了研究。结果表明:样地内共调查木本植物41科71属76种,以蔷薇科、毛茛科、唇形科、豆科、菊科、百合科为主,科的分布区类型主要以世界广布为主,属的分区类型以北温带为主;辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)、槲树(Quercus dentata)、油松(Pinus tabuliformis)和山杨(Populus davidiana)是该群落的主要树种,样地内的林木总径级结构与主要乔木种群的径级结构相似,呈近似正态分布。辽东栎和槲树的空间分布相似,随尺度增大种群的聚集性减弱并逐渐表现出随机分布的格局特征;油松和山杨在一定尺度范围内呈现聚集分布;主要树种均在一定尺度上表现为两两正相关,且槲树与油松、山杨在整个尺度内都表现为显著正相关。山西太岳山南部针阔混交林中各个乔木种群处于相对稳定的状态。  相似文献   

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