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The influence of different sporulation temperatures (30, 37, 44 and 52°C) upon heat resistance of Bacillus subtilis was investigated.
Heat resistance was greater after higher sporulation temperatures. Relation of heat resistance and temperature of sporulation was not linear over all the range of temperatures tested. Heat resistance increased about tenfold in the range of 30–44°C. Sporulation at 52°C did not show any further increase in heat resistance.
This effect was constant over all the range of heating temperatures tested (100–120°C). z value remained constant ( z = 9°C).
Greater heat resistances at higher temperatures of sporulation were not due to selection of more heat resistant cells by a higher sporulation temperature. Spores obtained from cells incubated at 32 or 52°C always possessed heat resistances that corresponded to the sporulation temperature regardless of the incubation temperature of their vegetative cells.  相似文献   

The influence of different sporulation temperatures (30, 37, 44 and 52 degrees C) upon heat resistance of Bacillus subtilis was investigated. Heat resistance was greater after higher sporulation temperatures. Relation of heat resistance and temperature of sporulation was not linear over all the range of temperatures tested. Heat resistance increased about tenfold in the range of 30-44 degrees C. Sporulation at 52 degrees C did not show any further increase in heat resistance. This effect was constant over all the range of heating temperatures tested (100-120 degrees C). z value remained constant (z = 9 degrees C). Greater heat resistances at higher temperatures of sporulation were not due to selection of more heat resistant cells by a higher sporulation temperature. Spores obtained from cells incubated at 32 or 52 degrees C always possessed heat resistances that corresponded to the sporulation temperature regardless of the incubation temperature of their vegetative cells.  相似文献   

H. H. Ho 《Mycopathologia》1987,98(1):17-20
The effect of hymexazol (3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole or HMI) on growth and reproduction of low temperature Phytophthora species with growth maxima under 30 °C, was studied on clarified V-8 juice agar medium at 50 g/ml and 5 g/ml. HMI severely inhibited growth of P. infestons, P. phaseoli, P. porri and P. syringae, retarded the growth of P. hibernalis and P. lateralis but enhanced the growth of P. fragariae and P. ilicis. Phytophthora cactorum and P. pseudotsugae with a maximal temperature of 30 °C were moderately inhibited.HMI reduced or prevented sporangial production on agar medium by P. cactorum, P. hibernalis, P. ilicis, P. infestons, P. lateralis, P. phaseoli, P. porri and P. primulae, and suppressed chlamydospore formation in P. porri and to a lesser extent, P. lateralis. The production of sex organs was prevented by HMI in P. phaseoli, P. porri, and P. syringae, reduced in P. hibernalis and P. ilicis but unaffected in P. cactorum, P. primulae and P. psuedotsugae.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum, recently found in the US, is causing concern for hardwood forests and the nursery industry. In an effort to identify some of the environmental limitations to growth and sporulation we undertook a laboratory study of four US and three European (EU) isolates. On V8 media, isolates grew when incubated at 2-28 C and produced chlamydospores at 8-28 C. Sporangia were produced at all temperatures tested: 10-30 C for US isolates and 6-26 C for EU isolates. Optimal temperatures were 16-26 C for growth, 14-26 C for chlamydospore production and 16-22 C for sporangia production. US isolates grew less and produced fewer spores when exposed to increasing doses of near-UV radiation (50-300 microW/cm(2)) and visible radiation (250-1500 microW/cm(2)). EU isolates were exposed to 300 microW/cm(2) near-UV only, which significantly reduced growth of one of three isolates and had no significant effect on spore production. In our studies P. ramorum tolerated a broad range of temperature and light conditions, which suggests that it is capable of establishment in a wide geographic area.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with some detailed pathological investigations with two species ofPhytophthora, viz.,Phytophthora palmivora andP. parasitica var.macrospora causing severe fruit rots ofAchras sapota andAnona squamosa respectively. Both the isolates were found pathogenic to a variety of fruits including papaya, tomato, chillis, banana, fig, apple, cucumber, guava, orange, onion bulb and potato tuber. They were, however, non-pathogenic to carrot, zinger, turmeric andColocasia corms. In the seedling inoculation experiment they showed pathogenic nature to castor bean, brinjal, cotton, sesamum, pea, French bean,Cactus sp. andBryophyllum leaves. It is interesting to note that only the Isolate S caused infection to the plants ofVinca rosea L., whereas the Isolate C failed to do so.This work frames up a part of Senior author's M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, approved by the University of Poona, India.Respectively, Ex-Junior Research Fellow (1958–60), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi; Principal and Professor of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Junagad, (Gujarat) and Mycologist, Wheat Rust Research Station, Mahabaleshwar (Satara Dist.) India.  相似文献   

Summary Fresh, single-spore isolates ofAlternaria nyctanthi spec. nov. andAlternaria tropaeoli Deshpande &N. R. Rajderkar from the infected leaves varied widely in response when cultured on Coon's, PDA, Richard's and Czapek's medium. Some isolates did not produce macroscopically visible colonies, although the spores germinated. A few isolates grew poorly without sporulating; most of the others grew well and sporulated abundantly on PDA and Czapek-Dox medium.Cultures that had been inhibited from sporulating by irradiation at 26° C sporulated when subsequently placed in a 22° C incubator, even though nitrogen availability was varied by adding solutions of NaNO3, with or without sucrose.  相似文献   

The growth of Bacillus thuringiensis was studied as a function of temperature and aeration. The vegetative growth, the yield of viable spores and their thermoresistance did not depend, for all practical purposes, on the rate of aeration within the range of 25 to 60 mg O2 per litre per minute. A rise of temperature from 20 to 35 degrees C doubled the titre of spores and increased their thermoresistance. When the temperature of cultivation was increased to 40 degrees C, the process of spore formation was inhibited.  相似文献   

Rajashekhar  M.  Kaveriappa  K.M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):149-153
Nine isolates of the aquatic hyphomycetes Dactylella aquatica, Flagellospora penicillioides, Flagellospora saccata, Helicomyces sp., Lunulospora curvula, Phalangispora constricta, Tetracladium setigerum, Vermispora cauveriana and Wiesneriomyces laurinus were incubated at different temperatures (5–35 °C) to study their growth on MEA medium. Maximum growth was observed between 20 and 30 °C. Growth rate was highest in Vermispora cauveriana and lowest in Tetracladium setigerum. Colonies on submerged leaves showed maximum spore production at 25 °C. Light was confirmed as a stimulus to sporulation.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum has been found in waterways outside infested nurseries, but little is known about its behavior in water. This study examined the effect of salinity on survival, growth, sporulation, and infection. P. ramorum survival and growth was negatively correlated with salt concentration (range of 0–45 g l−1), but showed a level of tolerance even at 45 g l−1. No sporangia were observed in cultures with higher than 20 g l−1 of salt and zoospores were not released from sporangia above 14 g l−1. Water sources with different salinity were used to understand the environment where P. ramorum can survive and infect host material. Water from natural bodies and water amended with different salt concentrations were added to P. ramorum-infested sand and baited with rhododendron leaf disks. Infection decreased with increasing salt concentration and increased with higher initial concentration of P. ramorum. This research helps to better understand the effects of water quality on survival and infectivity of P. ramorum, expanding the potential survey range.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of carbon originating from different sources on the growth ofP. citrophthora, a modified Christie's formula was used as the basic nutrient medium. Carbon in various forms was then substituted for glucose in equivalent amounts. The fungus grew to a limited extent on glucose as the carbon source, but grew quite well on a maltose medium and less extensively on a sucrose medium. Fungus growth was most profuse on soluble starch, even more so than on potato dextrose and oatmeal medium. No sporangia were found in any of the media.  相似文献   

Bulk samples of 30 surface soils characterized in the National Cooperative Soil Survey of Louisiana were collected at the original sites and planted with sorghum-sudangrass in the greenhouse. The native K was exhausted by a total of four croppings. The available soil K was extracted with 1N NH4OAc 7.0 and 0.1N HCl while the difficultly available-K was extracted by 0.3N NaTPB (sodium tetraphenylboron). In addition, the mica content was estimated by differential dissolution. All soils except Dundee produced the greatest dry matter yield in the first crop with steadily decreasing production in the succeeding crops. The same pattern was shown in the K uptake. It appears that the first crop removed a large portion of the exchangeable K. There was a high degree of relationship between plant uptake of K and exchangeable K in the soils (r2=0.89**). Uptake by the subsequent crops was generally controlled by the K in the micaceous minerals (r2=0.89**). Since there was a high coefficient of determination between mica-K and difficulty available-K (r2=0.91**) one also finds that uptake of K by crops 2, 3 and 4 was also well correlated to difficultly available K (R2=0.94**). The uptake of K that was not originally in the exchangeable form was also highly related to difficultly available-K (R2=0.51**). Contribution from the Department of Agronomy, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge. Part of the M.S. theses of the senior authors. Former Graduate Students and Prof. of Agronomy, respectively.  相似文献   

Hansen EM  Reeser PW  Sutton W 《Mycologia》2012,104(5):1133-1142
Phytophthora borealis and Phytophthora riparia, identified in recent Phytophthora surveys of forest streams in Oregon, California and Alaska, are described as new species in Phytophthora ITS Clade 6. They are similar in growth form and morphology to P. gonapodyides and are predominantly sterile. They present unique DNA sequences, however, and differ in temperature/growth relations and geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Summary Alternaria solani andA. nyctanthi, these pathogens causing leafspot disease were able to metabolize a variety of nitrogen compounds when grown on different culture media. The amount of growth varied with the nitrogen source. Peptone produced the best zonation when added in definite proportion to the yeast extract medium. Ammonium compounds were found to be moderately effective for growth but poor for sporulation. The effect of adding succinic acid in media containing ammonium sources and the role of pH in the utilization of nitrite nitrogen was investigated.The fungus gave more vegetative growth on a mixture of aminoacids than in culture media in which the same amino acids were supplied singly to study the effect produced on growth and sporulation.  相似文献   

I examined the activity of fungi associated with yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and white oak (Quercus alba) leaves in two streams that differed in pH and alkalinity (a hard water stream [pH 8.0] and a soft water stream [pH 6.7]) and contained low concentrations of dissolved nitrogen (<35 microg liter(-1)) and phosphorus (<3 microg liter(-1)). The leaves of each species decomposed faster in the hard water stream (decomposition rates, 0.010 and 0.007 day(-1) for yellow poplar and oak, respectively) than in the soft water stream (decomposition rates, 0.005 and 0.004 day(-1) for yellow poplar and oak, respectively). However, within each stream, the rates of decomposition of the leaves of the two species were not significantly different. During the decomposition of leaves, the fungal biomasses determined from ergosterol concentrations, the production rates determined from rates of incorporation of [(14)C]acetate into ergosterol, and the sporulation rates associated with leaves were dynamic, typically increasing to maxima and then declining. The maximum rates of fungal production and sporulation associated with yellow poplar leaves were greater than the corresponding rates associated with white oak leaves in the hard water stream but not in the soft water stream. The maximum rates of fungal production associated with the leaves of the two species were higher in the hard water stream (5.8 mg g(-1) day(-1) on yellow poplar leaves and 3.1 mg g(-1) day(-1) on oak leaves) than in the soft water stream (1.6 mg g(-1) day(-1) on yellow poplar leaves and 0.9 mg g(-1) day(-1) on oak leaves), suggesting that effects of water chemistry other than the N and P concentrations, such as pH or alkalinity, may be important in regulating fungal activity in streams. In contrast, the amount of fungal biomass (as determined from ergosterol concentrations) on yellow poplar leaves was greater in the soft water stream (12.8% of detrital mass) than in the hard water stream (9.6% of detrital mass). This appeared to be due to the decreased amount of fungal biomass that was converted to conidia and released from the leaf detritus in the soft water stream.  相似文献   

Relationships between the growth of certain fungi isolated from city waste and pH and temperature were examined by two methods. The tested isolates showed their maximum growth and sporulation at different pHs while temperature requirements were the same (28°C), except forHumicola grisea (43°C).Cladosporium herbarum andH. grisea showed double pH optima. The ranges of pH and temperature for sporulation were more limited than those for the vegetative growth. Although all the tested isolates showed wide tolerances to pH and temperature, the degree of tolerance varied with the isolates. A considerable change from the initial pH of the liquid medium was noted at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi was investigated for two fir species endemic to the Republic of Turkey. Open-pollinated families of seedlings of Trojan fir (Abies equi-trojani) and Turkish fir (Abies bornmuelleriana) were grown from seed in a greenhouse for approximately 15 months, inoculated with rice grains colonized with P. cinnamomi, and subsequent mortality assessed biweekly for 16 weeks. Final seedling mortality was higher in Trojan fir (56.4 %) compared to Turkish fir (32.9 %). Mortality in both species varied by geographic origin, decreasing from west (59.8 %, ) to east (21.4 %, Karabük). As mortality increased following inoculation, both narrow-sense individual-tree $ \left( {h_i^2} \right) $ and family mean $ ( {h_f^2} ) $ heritabilities increased, plateauing at 0.62?±?0.162 and 0.97?±?0.011 for Trojan fir and 0.50?±?0.102 and 0.96?±?0.01 for Turkish fir, respectively. Terminal and lateral branch bud break assessed under greenhouse conditions were also under strong genetic control. For terminal bud break, individual-tree heritabilities for Trojan and Turkish fir were 0.49?±?0.146 and 0.45?±?0.099, respectively, while family mean heritabilities were 0.88?±?0.035 and 0.88?±?0.027, respectively. The family mean correlation between bud break and final disease mortality was not significant for lateral buds but positive and significant for terminal buds (r?=?0.32) suggesting that selection for resistance would either not alter, or slightly reduce, early bud break. These are encouraging results for ongoing tree improvement efforts in North America and Europe to develop planting stock for the Christmas tree industry.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对2种珍贵速生树种种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1/2Hoagland营养液为基础培养液,研究了在0.1%、0.2%、0.4%和0.6%NaCl胁迫条件下,毛红椿〔Toona ciliata Roem. var. pubescens(Franch.)Hand.-Mazz.〕和水松〔Glyptostrobus pensilis(Staunt.ex D.Don)K.Koch〕的种子萌发和幼苗生长情况。结果表明,随着NaCl浓度的增加,2个树种的种子萌发率和简化苗木活力指数均明显下降,在0.1%、0.2%、0.4%和0.6%NaCl胁迫条件下,毛红椿和水松种子的最终萌发率分别为89.3%、87.3%、62.7%、32.0%和26.0%、16.7%、6.0%、3.3%,简化苗木活力指数分别为1.39~0.08和1.52~0.07,且毛红椿的种子萌发率和简化苗木活力指数均明显高于水松。萌发恢复实验结果表明,高浓度NaCl处理后的种子具有较高的萌发恢复率。根据实验结果初步判定毛红椿种子具有较强的耐盐性。  相似文献   

Cdc14 proteins are important regulators of mitosis and the cell cycle. These phosphatases have been studied previously only in yeasts and metazoans, which grow by fission or budding. Here we describe a homologue (piCdc14) from the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, a primitive eukaryote lacking a classical cell cycle. PiCdc14 complements a cdc14ts mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and may function like other Cdc14 proteins, but displays a strikingly different pattern of expression. Whereas previously studied Cdc14 genes are constitutively transcribed, piCdc14 is not expressed during normal growth but instead only during asexual sporulation. In transformants of P. infestans expressing a fusion between the piCdc14 promoter and the -glucuronidase reporter, expression was first detected in sporangiophore initials, persisted in sporangiophores bearing immature sporangia, and later became restricted to mature sporangia. After germination, expression ended a few hours before the resumption of mitosis in hyphae emerged from the spores. Homology-dependent silencing experiments supported an essential role of piCdc14 in sporulation. It is proposed that the function of piCdc14 may be to synchronise nuclear behaviour during sporulation and maintain dormancy in spores until germination. These results help illuminate the process of sporulation in oomycetes and the evolution of the cell cycle in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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