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Ganglioside GM3, one of the sialic acid containing glycosphingolipids, is known to form clusters in lipid microdomains, which serve as platforms for effective signal transduction. In an attempt to clarify the GM3 cluster effect, we enzymatically synthesized GM3 mimetic polymer (GM3-p), with an acrylamide backbone from LacCer mimetic polymer (LacCer-p). Interestingly, GM3-p, but not LacCer-p, reversibly inhibited proliferation of NIH3T3 cells, which are normally resistant to exogenously added GM3. Moreover, we found that the introduction of carbonic acid into the acrylamide chain aided well-oriented cluster formation and enhanced the inhibitory effect of GM3-p. Since sialyllactosyl polymer and GM4 mimetic polymer, but not GM2 mimetic polymer, also inhibited cell proliferation, sialic acid-galactose units must be essential for the biological activity of GM3-p. These results suggest that the formation of sialic acid-galactose clusters is necessary for the suppressive effect of GM3-p. GM3-p treatment did not affect the serum-dependent activation of ERK1/2 or c-fos expression, but caused a reduction in the gene and/or protein expression of cyclin D1, cyclin E, cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)4, and cdk2, which are involved in the cell cycle. Therefore, GM3-p inhibits cell proliferation by reducing cyclin D1-cdk4 and cyclin E-cdk2 complexes without affecting growth factor signaling from serum to c-fos.  相似文献   

A novel analogue of ganglioside GM3, in which sphingosine was replaced with a phytosphingosine moiety, was synthesized by intramolecular glycosylation as a key step. Glucose, a reducing terminal of the saccharide, and phytoceramide were first tethered by succinic acid and the derivative used for the subsequent glycosidic bond formation. The obtained glycosyl phytoceramide was further glycosylated with the sialyl galactose residue to afford a fully protected GM3 derivative, which was converted into the desired, final compound by using conventional deprotection procedures.  相似文献   

GM3 ganglioside interacts specifically with complex-type N-linked glycans having multivalent GlcNAc termini, as shown for (1) and (2) below. (1) Oligosaccharides (OS) isolated from ConA-non-binding N-linked glycans of ovalbumin, whose structures were identified as penta-antennary complex-type with bisecting GlcNAc, having five or six GlcNAc termini (OS B1, B2), or bi-antennary complex-type having two GlcNAc termini (OS I). OS I is a structure not previously described. (2) Multi-antennary complex-type N-linked OS isolated from fetuin, treated by sialidase followed by β-galactosidase, having three or four GlcNAc termini exposed. These OS, conjugated to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), showed clear interaction with 3H-labeled liposomes containing GM3, when various doses of OS-PE conjugate were adhered by drying to multi-well polystyrene plates. Interaction was clearly observed only with liposomes containing GM3, but not LacCer, Gb4, or GalNAcα1-3Gb4 (Forssman antigen). GM3 interaction with PE conjugate of OS B1 or B2 was stronger than that with PE conjugate of OS I. GM3 interacted clearly with PE conjugate of N-linked OS from desialylated and degalactosylated fetuin, but not native fetuin. No binding was observed to cellobiose-PE conjugate, or to OS-PE conjugate lacking GlcNAc terminus. Thus, GM3, but not other GSL liposomes, interacts with various N-linked OS having multiple GlcNAc termini, in general. These findings suggest that the concept of carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate interaction can be extended to interaction of specific types of N-linked glycans with specific GSLs. Natural occurrence of such interaction to define cell biological phenomena is under investigation. All solvent ratios are by volume. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A series of GM2 analogs in which GM2 epitope was coupled to a variety of glycosyl lipids were designed and synthesized to investigate the mechanism of enzymatic hydrolysis of GM2 ganglioside. The coupling of N-Troc-protected sialic acid and p-methoxyphenyl galactoside acceptor gave the crystalline disaccharide, which was further coupled with galactosamine donor to give the desired GM2 epitope trisaccharide. After conversion into the corresponding glycosyl donor, the trisaccharide was coupled with galactose, glucose and artificial ceramide (B30) to give the final compounds. The result on hydrolysis of GM2 analogs indicates that GM2 activator protein requires one spacer sugar between GM2 epitope and the lipid moiety to assist the hydrolysis of the terminal GalNAc residue. Synthetic studies on sialoglycoconjugates, Part 140. For part 139, see Ref [1].  相似文献   

GM2/GD2 synthase gene knockout mice lack all complex gangliosides, which are abundantly expressed in the nervous systems of vertebrates. In turn, they have increased precursor structures GM3 and GD3, probably replacing the roles of the depleted complex gangliosides. In this study, we found that 9-O-acetyl GD3 is also highly expressed as one of the major glycosphingolipids accumulating in the nervous tissues of the mutant mice. The identity of the novel component was confirmed by neuraminidase treatment, thin layer chromatography-immunostaining, two-dimensional thin layer chromatography with base treatment, and mass spectrometry. All candidate factors reported to be possible inducer of 9-O- acetylation, such as bitamine D binding protein, acetyl CoA transporter, or O-acetyl ganglioside synthase were not up-regulated. Tis21 which had been reported to be a 9-O-acetylation inducer was partially down-regulated in the null mutants, suggesting that Tis21 is not involved in the induction of 9-O-acetyl-GD3 and that accumulated high amount of GD3 might be the main factor for the dramatic increase of 9-O-acetyl GD3. The ability to acetylate exogenously added GD3 in the normal mouse astrocytes was examined, showing that the wild-type brain might be able to synthesize very low levels of 9-O-acetyl GD3. Increased 9-O-acetyl GD3, in addition to GM3 and GD3, may play an important role in the compensation for deleted complex gangliosides in the mutant mice.  相似文献   

The solution dynamics of the oligosaccharide moiety of ganglioside GM1 have been determined by use of a combination of 1H rotating frame Overhauser effect measurements and restrained molecular dynamics simulations, It is found that the Galβ1-3 and NeuNAc moieties which are primarily recognized by cholera toxin both exhibit considerable torsional flexibility about their respective glycosidic linkages. A comparison with the bound state conformation of the ganglioside in association with cholera toxin B-pentamer, shows that a low energy conformation of the oligosaccharide, which closely approximates the globel minimum, is selected upon binding.  相似文献   

The ganglioside patterns have been shown to dramatically change during cell proliferation and differentiation and in certain cell-cycle phases, brain development, and cancer malignancy. To investigate the significance of the ganglioside GM3 in cancer malignancy, we established GM3-reconstituted cells by transfecting the cDNA of GM3 synthase into a GM3-deficient subclone of the 3LL Lewis lung carcinoma cell line (Uemura, S. (2003) Glycobiology, 13, 207-216). The GM3-reconstituted cells were resistant to apoptosis induced by etoposide and doxorubicin. There were no changes in the expression levels of topoisomerase IIalpha or P-glycoprotein, or in the uptake of doxorubicin between the GM3-reconstituted cells and the mock-transfected cells. To understand the mechanism of the etoposide-resistant phenotype acquired in the GM3-reconstituted cells, we investigated their apoptotic signaling. Although no difference was observed in the phosphorylation of p53 at serine-15-residue site by etoposide between the GM3-reconstituted cells and mock-transfected cells, the activation of both caspase-3 and caspase-9 was specifically inhibited in the former. We found that the anti-apoptotic protein B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) was increased in the GM3-reconstituted cells. Moreover, wild-type 3LL Lewis lung carcinoma cells, which have an abundance of GM3, exhibited no DNA fragmentation following etoposide treatment and expressed higher levels of the Bcl-2 protein compared with the J5 subclone. Thus, these results support the conclusion that endogenously produced GM3 is involved in malignant phenotypes, including anticancer drug resistance through up-regulating the Bcl-2 protein in this lung cancer cell line.  相似文献   

A first systematic synthesis of the glycan parts of the a-series gangliosides (GT1a, GD1a, and GM1) utilizing the newly developed N-Troc-protected GM3 and galactosaminyl building blocks is described. The key processes, including the assembly of the GM2 sequence and its conversion into the 3-hydroxy acceptor, were facilitated mainly by the high degree of participation and chemoselective cleavability of the Troc group in the galactosaminyl unit. Furthermore, the novel GM2 acceptor served as a good coupling partner during glycosylation with galactosyl, sialyl galactosyl, and disialyl galactosyl donors, successfully producing the GM1, GD1a, and GT1a glycans.  相似文献   

Membrane microdomains (lipid rafts) are now recognized as criticalfor proper compartmentalization of insulin signaling, but theirrole in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance has not beeninvestigated. Detergent-resistant membrane microdomains (DRMs),isolated in the low-density fractions, are highly enriched incholesterol, glycosphingolipids and various signaling molecules.Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) induces insulin resistancein type 2 diabetes, but its mechanism of action is not fullyunderstood. In other studies we have found a selective increasein the acidic glycosphingolipid ganglioside GM3 in 3T3-L1 adipocytestreated with TNF, suggesting a specific function for GM3. Inthe DRMs from TNF-treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes, GM3 levels weredoubled compared with results in normal adipocytes. Additionally,insulin receptor (IR) accumulations in the DRMs were diminished,whereas caveolin and flotillin levels were unchanged. Furthermore,insulin-dependent IR internalization and intracellular movementof the IR substrate 1(IRS-1) were both greatly suppressed inthe treated cells, leading to an uncoupling of IR–IRS-1signaling. GM3 depletion was able to counteract the TNF-inducedinhibitions of IR internalization and accumulation into DRMs.Together, these findings provide compelling evidence that ininsulin resistance the insulin metabolic signaling defect canbe attributed to a loss of IRs in the microdomains due to anaccumulation of GM3.  相似文献   

A new photoactivable, radioactive derivative of ganglioside GM1 has been utilized to assess lipid distribution in the caveolae bilayer, taking advantage of the ability of the glycolipid, endogenous or exogenously added, to concentrate within this membrane compartment and to crosslink neighboring molecules upon illumination. After insertion into A431 plasma membrane and photoactivation, a membrane-enriched and a detergent-resistant fraction, enriched in gangliosides, sphingomyelin and cholesterol, were isolated. While a few radioactive proteins were detected in the membrane-enriched fraction, only radioactive caveolin was detected in the detergent-resistant fraction, indicating at the same time the enrichment of this fraction in caveolae and the presence of ganglioside within this compartment. Among lipids, crosslinked phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol were detected in the membrane-enriched fraction, while only crosslinked sphingomyelin was detected in the detergent-resistant fraction. These results suggest the enrichment in sphingomyelin—along with ganglioside—within the outer leaflet, and the preferential localization of cholesterol within the endoplasmic leaflet, of the caveolae bilayer.  相似文献   

Metabolism, topology, and possible mechanisms for regulation of the ganglioside GM3 content in the cell are reviewed. Under consideration are biological functions of GM3, such as involvement in cell differentiation, proliferation, oncogenesis, and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Diabetes and obesity cause abnormal development of reproductive processes in a variety of species, but the mechanisms that underlie this effect have not been fully elucidated. This study examined the expressional changes of ganglioside GM3 during ovarian maturation, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and early embryonic development in diabetic/obese db/db mice. In high-performance thin-layer chromatography studies, GM3 expression was conspicuously low in the ovaries of db/db mice compared to non-diabetic db/+ mice. Signal detected by anti-GM3 monoclonal antibody was greatly reduced in the primary, secondary and graffian follicles of db/db mice compared to control mice. Results from IVF with ova and sperm from db/db mice showed that GM3 expression during early embryonic development was obviously decreased compared to db/+ mice. This study also elucidated the effects of high glucose (20 and 30 mm) on early embryonic development in ICR strain mice. High glucose caused a decrease in GM3 expression during early embryonic development. Taken together, the results of this study indicate decreased GM3 expression during ovarian maturation and embryonic development of db/db mice, suggesting that alteration of ganglioside expression induced by the diabetic condition may be implicated in the abnormal follicular embryonic development.  相似文献   

The first total synthesis of alpha-(2-->3)/alpha-(2-->6)-disialyl lactotetraosyl (DSLc4) ceramide and alpha-(2-->3)/alpha-(2-->6)-disialyl Lewis A (DSLe(a)) ganglioside as cancer-associated antigens is described. The suitably protected lactotriose (Lc3) derivatives were successively glycosylated with sialic acid, sialyl-alpha-(2-->3)-D-galactose and/or L-fucose donors in a regio- and stereo-selective manner, to give the protected type I hexa- and hepta-saccharides, respectively, which were then converted to the target gangliosides by the introduction of ceramide and subsequent complete deprotection.  相似文献   

Simultaneous fluorescence-topographic nanoscale imaging of cell-surface molecules in the context of membrane ultra-structures has not been reported. Here, near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)-based direct fluorescence-topographic imaging indicated that GM3 rafts/nanodomains (190.0 +/- 49.8 nm ranging 84.5-365.0 nm) were localized predominantly on the peaks of microvillus-like protrusions in the apical membrane of GM3 + Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, whereas GM1 rafts/nanodomains (159.5 +/- 63.8 nm ranging 42-360 nm) were distributed mainly on the slops of protrusions or the valleys between protrusions in the plasma membranes of GM1 + MDCK cells. The data demonstrated that gangliosides polarized not only in a well-known apical-basolateral manner but also in the more microscopic peak-valley manner, implicating unique distribution of GM1 or GM3 in cell-surface fluctuations on the apical membrane of polarized cells. The peak-valley polarities of gangliosides also implicated their different functions relevant to lipid rafts, microvilli, or cellular processes. Importantly, our study demonstrated for the first time that the NSOM-based direct fluorescence-topographic imaging is unique and powerful for elucidating nanoscale distribution of specific cell-surface molecules in membrane fluctuations.  相似文献   

Novel mono-O-acetylated GM3s, one containing 9-O-acetylN-glycolyl neuraminic acid and another containing 6-O-acetyl galactose, were isolated as a mixture from equine erythrocytes, and the structures were characterized by one- and two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). The position of theO-acetyl residue was identified by the downfield shift of the methylene protons at C-9 ofN-glycolyl neuraminic acid (9-O-Ac GM3) and C-6 of galactose (6-O-Ac GM3) in the NMR spectrum, in comparison to the respective non-acetylated counterparts. To confirm the presence of 6-O-Ac GM3, theO-acetylated GM3 mixture was desialylated withArthrobacter neuraminidase, giving 6-O-acetyl galactosyl glucosylceramide, the structure of which was estimated by NMR and FAB-MS, together with non-acetylated lactosylceramide with a ratio of 1:1. Abbreviations: Ac, acetyl; Gc, glycolyl; NeuGc,N-Gc neuraminic acid; GM3 (Gc), GM3 containing NeuGc (II3NeuGc-LacCer); 4-O-Ac GM3 (Gc), GM3 containing 4-O-Ac NeuGc; 9-O-Ac GM3 (Gc), GM3 containing 9-O-Ac NeuGc; 6-O-Ac GM3 (Gc), GM3 containing 6-O-Ac Gal; 1D-NMR, one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry; 2D-COSY, two-dimensional chemical shift-correlated spectrometry; FAB-MS, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry; GLC, gas-layer chromatography; GC-MS, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; TLC, thin-layer chromatography; Ggl, ganglioside; Cer, ceramide; CMH, monohexosylceramide; LacCer, lactosylceramide; 6-O-Ac LacCer, LacCer containing 6-O-Ac Gal; Me2SO-d6,2H6-dimethylsufloxide; CMW, chloroform-methanol-water; Nomenclature and abbreviations of glycosphingolipids follow the system of Svennerholm (J Neurochem [1963]10: 613–23) and those recommended by the IUPAC-IUB Nomenclature Commission (Lipids [1977]12: 455–68).  相似文献   

GM2 ganglioside in the brain increased during ethanol-induced acute apoptotic neurodegeneration in 7-day-old mice. A small but a significant increase observed 2 h after ethanol exposure was followed by a marked increase around 24 h. Subcellular fractionation of the brain 24 h after ethanol treatment indicated that GM2 increased in synaptic and non-synaptic mitochondrial fractions as well as in a lysosome-enriched fraction characteristic to the ethanol-exposed brain. Immunohistochemical staining of GM2 in the ethanol-treated brain showed strong punctate staining mainly in activated microglia, in which it partially overlapped with staining for LAMP1, a late endosomal/lysosomal marker. Also, there was weaker neuronal staining, which partially co-localized with complex IV, a mitochondrial marker, and was augmented in cleaved caspase 3-positive neurons. In contrast, the control brain showed only faint and diffuse GM2 staining in neurons. Incubation of isolated brain mitochondria with GM2 in vitro induced cytochrome c release in a manner similar to that of GD3 ganglioside. Because ethanol is known to trigger mitochondria-mediated apoptosis with cytochrome c release and caspase 3 activation in the 7-day-old mouse brain, the GM2 elevation in mitochondria may be relevant to neuroapoptosis. Subsequently, activated microglia accumulated GM2, indicating a close relationship between GM2 and ethanol-induced neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Preventive immunotherapy is an attractive strategy for patients at a high risk of having cancer. The success of prophylactic cancer vaccines would depend on the selection of target antigens that are essential for tumour growth and progression. The overexpression of GM3 ganglioside in murine and human melanomas and its important role in tumour progression makes this self antigen a potential target for preventive immunotherapy of this neoplasm. We have previously shown that preventive administration of a GM3-based vaccine to C57BL/6 mice elicited the rejection of the GM3 positive-B16 melanoma cells in most of the animals. Despite the crucial role of cellular immune response in tumour protection, the involvement of T cells in anti-tumour immunity of ganglioside vaccines is not described. Here, we examined the mechanisms by which this immunogen confers tumour protection. We have found that induction of anti-GM3 IgG antibodies correlated with tumour protection. Surprisingly, CD8+ T cells, but not NK1.1+ cells, are required in the effector phase of the antitumour immune response. The depletion of CD4+ T cells during immunization phase did not affect the anti-tumour activity. In addition, T cells from surviving-immunized animals secreted IFNγ when were co-cultured with IFNα-treated B16 melanoma cells or DCs pulsed with melanoma extract. Paradoxically, in spite of the glycolipidic nature of this antigen, these findings demonstrate the direct involvement of the cellular immune response in the anti-tumour protection induced by a ganglioside-based vaccine. Grant support: Center of Molecular Immunology, Elea Laboratories and Recombio.  相似文献   

Using steady-state fluorescence and nanosecond time-resolved fluorescence techniques, the Ca 2 -ATPase conformational changes induced by ganglioside GM3 were studied with different quenchers. The results showed that GM3 could significantly increase the lifetime of intrinsic fluorescence of Ca2 -ATPase reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and could also weaken the intrinsic fluorescence quenching by KI or hypocrellin B, HB. Further-more, by using quenching kinetic analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence, in the presence of GM3, the quenching constant (Ksv) and quenching efficiency were significantly lowered. The obtained results suggest that the oligosaccha-ride chain and the ceramide moieties of the GM3 molecule could interact with its counterparts of the Ca2 -ATPase re-spectively, thus change the conformation of the hydrophobic domain of the enzyme, making the tryptophan residues in different regions shift towards the hydrophilic-hydrophobic interface, and hence shorten the distance between the hy  相似文献   

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